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How to determine the size of the knee pad of the media company. Buy a knee pad. What information is needed? The main qualities of fixators

To reduce the load on the legs and prevent the development of varicose veins during the period of bearing a child, doctors are increasingly recommending wearing compression stockings for pregnant women - knitwear with a therapeutic effect. They negate the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases of the lower extremities, not only for 9 months, but even during and after childbirth. For those who suffer from dilated veins, asterisks, cramps and pain in the legs, such underwear is a real salvation.

Before acquiring this jersey, amazing in its effect on the legs, it is better to first find out why pregnant women need compression stockings and whether they are needed specifically in this or that case. Since this is medical underwear, it has a number of indications:

  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • fatigue in the legs;
  • swelling at the end of the day;
  • pain sensations;
  • cramps in the calf muscles;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombosis;
  • venous, eczema;
  • spider veins on the legs.

If any of these problems exist or are at least assumed when carrying a child, compression stockings for pregnant women or stockings are simply necessary for the expectant mother to feel normal and for a successful delivery. Their therapeutic effect is obvious:

  • veins are protected from expansion;
  • constant pressure is exerted on the surface of the leg, which causes the blood to actively circulate;
  • the supply of tissues with oxygen and nutrients improves;
  • the appearance of thrombosis and convulsions is prevented;
  • the ability of vessels to absorb extracellular fluid increases, which leads to the prevention and elimination of edema.

The benefits of such underwear when carrying a child are obvious. It is recommended to wear it even during childbirth, so that the veins do not burst from the stress experienced by the woman at this moment. Here it is very important to choose the right compression stockings for pregnant women so that they are as comfortable and useful as possible. They are divided into several classes.


You need to be able to determine the compression class of compression stockings for pregnant women, necessary for a particular situation. If prophylactic underwear can be purchased by any woman in a pharmacy in the public domain, then medical underwear, which includes 4 classes, can only be prescribed by a phlebologist. Accordingly, you can buy it only in a specialized salon exclusively by prescription. What is the difference between these types of knitwear?

  1. Class 1. The compression created by these stockings (tights) on the legs is up to 23 mm. rt. Art. They are recommended for pregnant women with the appearance of spider veins and pain by the end of the day, with an increase in veins.
  2. Class 2. The pressure distributed by this underwear on the legs does not exceed 33 mm. rt. Art. It is used for the treatment of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins in pregnant women.
  3. Class 3. Compression on the legs - no higher than 45 mm. rt. Art. Pantyhose (stockings) of this type are prescribed by a phlebologist for severe venous insufficiency, which is characterized by a violation of trophism.
  4. Class 4. The pressure exceeds 50 mm. rt. Art. Underwear of this class eliminates violations of the lymph flow, eliminates severe edema caused by this disease.

In addition to the above classes, there are also preventive compression stockings for pregnant women that can be worn by all expectant mothers to prevent such problems with blood vessels, veins and capillaries in the legs. If a woman is at risk, the observing gynecologist will definitely advise wearing such underwear. The question is what is better - compression stockings or tights for pregnant women, and what is their fundamental difference.


Depending on the individual preferences of a woman, she can opt for various types of compression underwear - tights, stockings or golfs. There is also an elastic bandage with the same effect. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Compression stockings for pregnant women are used if pain, cramps and varicose veins affect only the calf, without rising higher to the hips. The inconvenience of this type of underwear is that knee-highs do not always look aesthetically pleasing under short dresses and skirts. Although they are perfect for wearing under pants.
  2. Compression stockings- one of the most popular options for this underwear for pregnant women. They look aesthetically and beautifully on the leg, do not cause inconvenience if you need to go to the toilet (which occurs quite often in this position), do not put pressure on the stomach. The only negative, which, however, is very significant, is that they do not hold well on the leg and often slide down, which violates the uniformity of the pressure exerted by them.
  3. Compression tights for pregnant women are an excellent alternative to stockings. Their advantages are that they definitely will not slip off the leg and they do not need to be constantly tightened. The downside is the pressure they put on the stomach. Although manufacturers are actively struggling with this minus and reduce it to almost nothing.
  4. Compression elastic bandage for pregnant women it is useful only if there are any local problems with the veins in the legs. Phlebologists recommend it extremely rarely to women in position.

In addition, you need to know how to choose compression stockings for pregnant women in accordance with not only the class and type of underwear, but also its size. This affects the correct distribution of pressure on the legs.


To choose the size of maternity compression stockings, before buying a house, you need to take the following leg measurements:

For stockings:

  1. Circumference of the lower leg above the ankle (in cm);
  2. Circumference of the upper leg under the knee joint (in cm).
  3. Thigh circumference at a distance of 25 cm from the knee (with a woman's height up to 180 cm). If the height is higher, the measurement should be taken at a height of 30 cm from the knee joint.
  4. The length of the leg to the point where the measurement of the circumference of the thigh was taken.

For tights:

  1. All sizes removed for selection of compression stockings.
  2. Waist and hip circumference.
  3. The length of the leg from the foot to the groin.

After the dimensions are taken, the obtained data must be compared with the dimensions given in the tables. When buying underwear in a specialized salon, show your measurements to the sales assistant, and he will select the compression stockings or tights of the required size for you.

Size chart for women's stockings:

Now you know which compression stockings are best for pregnant women and how to choose them correctly in order to get the maximum benefit and comfort from them. It remains only to learn how to use them, which is not difficult at all.

Terms of use

There are several nuances that will help to achieve greater effectiveness from compression underwear for pregnant women:

  • first you need to take a consultation with a phlebologist, who prescribes the use of compression stockings during pregnancy and after childbirth;
  • underwear should be selected only for the individual sizes of a woman;
  • high-quality compression knitwear goes under the RAL sign - its presence on the package indicates a European certificate for the product;
  • the warranty period for compression underwear for pregnant women is no more than 10 months.

If you follow these recommendations and use the above tips for choosing compression stockings and tights for pregnant women, they will bring maximum comfort and benefit. Protect your legs from excessive loads and varicose expansion for all 9 months. This will allow you to regain your former harmony and beautiful forms after childbirth.

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When diagnosing various disorders in the venous system of the lower extremities, for example when, all patients are advised to wear compression underwear. This is an excellent tool that allows you to make additional corrections in the treatment of pathological processes, changing the patient's condition in the direction of improvement.

The essence of the therapeutic effect

Compression therapy for vein diseases has been used at all times. Description of methods for the treatment of trophic ulcers on the legs with bandages and pressure bandages is in the writings of the founders of medical science. The principle of action of compression underwear is that it creates pressure of different strengths on different parts of the lower limb. In this case, the maximum compression (100%) falls on the lower part of the leg (above the ankle). This is due to the fact that more effort is required to raise the blood up from this area. As the blood flow moves up, the load on the veins decreases. On the upper part of the lower leg is 70% of the pressure embedded in the linen, and on the thigh - only 40%. Underwear compresses the veins, pushing out stagnant blood, forcing it to move.

The patient's leg without the use of compression stockings (left) and with its use (right)

Due to this distribution of the load, the blood flow directed to the heart is normalized. Built-in compression resembles the load created by the work of the muscles during movement . In people who use compression underwear, by the end of the working day, the legs are less tired and do not swell. Compression knitwear for varicose veins is stockings and sleeves, leotards and tights, stockings and bandages. It has practically no contraindications. And you can wear it all the time instead of regular underwear.

The effect achieved by wearing medical underwear

  1. The underwear exerts constant pressure on the surface of the leg.
  2. Protects veins from expansion.
  3. Wearing compression stockings (tights, stockings or golf) normalizes blood flow in the lower extremities, helping to improve the supply of tissues with nutrients and oxygen.
  4. The use of compression underwear warns.

Material for the manufacture of compression underwear

Compression knitwear is made from elastic cotton and nylon fibers, microfiber and lycra. Therefore, it has the same aesthetic appearance as usual. It has no seams. This is the most attractive remedy. In addition, it is hypoallergenic, pleasantly caresses the skin and lets air through. Compression properties are created and distributed by special processing of linen using the latest computer technology. Subject to the rules of care, medicinal properties are preserved for 6 months.

Types of underwear for compression

Compression underwear can be preventive (the compression it creates is the smallest), therapeutic (to be worn during an exacerbation of venous disease) and hospital (for use in hospitals after surgery).

It is recommended to wear preventive underwear at the first appearance on the legs, with the appearance of pain and swelling in the legs at the end of the working day. Such stockings exert a pressure of no more than 18 mm Hg on the surface of the leg. Art. (2.7x10³ Pa), which is designed to balance the increased blood pressure in the lower parts of the vein. Due to this, the elastic stocking does not allow fluid to accumulate in the ankle area, thereby eliminating the cause of edema. In order to prevent compression underwear can be worn by healthy people at risk on the occurrence of diseases of the venous vessels of the lower extremities. It is useful for teachers and salespeople, hairdressers and drivers, as well as representatives of other professions whose work is associated with a long stay in one static position (standing or sitting). It can be purchased freely in pharmacies. A prescription is not required for this. Since compression underwear is represented by different types, we will consider each of them.

Pantyhose and stockings

Compression tights are the most popular type of medical underwear. In addition, there are special models for pregnant women. Tights, properly sized, should fit tightly around the legs, and end strictly at the waist. If the underwear is too small or, conversely, too large, the distribution of compression is disturbed and the therapeutic effect is lost. According to the majority of patients, tights are the most comfortable type of compression stockings that are easy to remove, but some effort is required when putting them on, as they should be evenly distributed over the leg. But then they will securely fix on the naked and will not slip during movement, which contributes to the precise distribution of the compression embedded in them and the achievement of the desired results. Wearing compression underwear can be combined with the use of cosmetics for the legs and medicinal preparations in the form of ointments and creams. But it is better if they are applied before going to bed, after the medical underwear is removed. If the skin requires constant hydration, it is recommended to use fast-absorbing creams that have a light structure. This will protect the linen from the destruction of the integrity of the fibers and the loss of its healing properties.

Knee socks

Stockings and pantyhose are more suitable for the treatment of diseased veins in women. But in the world and many men suffer from varicose veins. How to be it? Constantly bandage your legs with elastic bandages? No. Doctors have a solution to the problem for men as well. They can use compression stockings, the choice of which is quite wide today. Special golfs have been created for travelers and people leading an active lifestyle, for preventive and for constant wear for therapeutic purposes. Although why shouldn't men wear tights under their trousers? All the same, you can’t see it, but what a luxury for your feet! A wide range of compression stockings of various brands are presented, both for men and women. It is believed that all people can wear them, as they do not have side effects. However, there are several contraindications. Golfs cannot be worn if a person has such diseases of the blood vessels as aortoarteritis, as well as in the presence of open wounds or with purulent inflammation, necrosis or eczema.

Elastic bandage

As an additional remedy for varicose veins, an elastic bandage is still used. Compared to compression stockings, it is less effective. In addition, it is inconvenient and long to impose on diseased areas. The degree of compression in this case is created manually, by tightening the bandages, and is controlled intuitively. But the biggest drawback is that the bandages are constantly slipping. However, many people are forced to use them, as this is the cheapest type of knitwear used to prevent venous disease. Therefore, you should know how to properly bandage your legs with varicose veins.

Rules for applying an elastic bandage

It should be remembered that it is necessary to apply an elastic bandage in the morning, immediately after waking up, until fluid begins to accumulate in the ankle area, leading to swelling. The procedure is performed in the “lying” position, the leg is raised up, at an angle of 90 °. Doing it yourself is inconvenient. Yes, it's hard to get the right tension. Therefore, it is better to ask someone from the household to help carry out this procedure.

  1. Leg binding starts from the narrowest area (ankles), gradually moving to a wider one (thigh).
  2. When bandaging the ankle, a kind of “lock” should be made by applying coils around the heel. This will prevent the bandage from slipping off while moving.
  3. Tighten the bandage when applying turns should be evenly, make sure that wrinkles do not form.
  4. A roll of bandage is untwisted little by little, closer to the leg, trying not to stretch it. This will avoid excessive tissue compression.
  5. During the application of the bandage, it is necessary to ensure that its coils are applied with a slight overlap, without the formation of gaps.
  6. In the ankle area, the bandage should be pulled tighter. As you move up, each coil is superimposed weaker.
  7. The dressing begins at least 20 cm from the diseased area. It should also end in an area with healthy vessels, at least 15 cm long.

The correctness of the dressing can be checked by the appearance of the fingers. If done correctly, they look blue at first. But in just a couple of minutes, their normal color returns. In the area of ​​​​the knee and elbow joints, the bandage should not be too tight so as not to disturb the blood circulation in this area. A sign of improper bandaging (too tight) is numbness in the fingers and pain. At the same time, a pulsation of blood is felt under the bandage. In this case, you need to lie down, release the leg from the bandage, massage it a little, let the blood flow normalize. And then re-bandage.

Therapeutic effect and classification of knitwear

To achieve the desired therapeutic effect in the treatment of varicose veins and a number of other vein diseases, drug therapy alone is not enough. Medical knitwear plays an important role in eliminating edema, relieving pain and other symptoms. Thanks to wearing it, patients have the following beneficial effects:

  • The diameter of the veins decreases, which normalizes the operation of the valve mechanism. Viscosity in the blood decreases, the rate of venous recurrent blood flow increases. Due to this, the likelihood of blood clots is significantly reduced.
  • The ability of the venous-muscular pump to push blood increases due to squeezing of the veins located in the muscle tissue.
  • The ability of capillaries to absorb extracellular fluid increases. And this leads to the elimination of edema.

In all classes, compression is distributed from 100% at the ankle to 40% at the thigh

Unlike preventive compression underwear, therapeutic underwear cannot be bought on the open market. It is sold by prescription. And it is recommended to purchase it in specialized salons that sell orthopedic products. According to the degree of pressure created, medical medical knitwear has the following compression classes:

  • Class 1. The created compression does not exceed 23 mm Hg. Art. (2.7x10³ Pa). Wearing underwear of this class is recommended for patients in the stage of the appearance of spider veins on the legs, enlargement of the saphenous veins, with the appearance of pain in the legs at the end of the working day.
  • Class 2 The distributed pressure is not more than 33 mm Hg. (4.25x10³ Pa). Used in the treatment of moderate varicose veins.
  • Class 3. Compression not higher than 45 mm Hg. (6.1x10³ Pa). Tights (and other products) are used in severe cases, characterized by a violation of trophism.
  • Class 4. Compression exceeds 50 mm Hg (6.5x10³ Pa). It is used to eliminate and eliminate edema caused by this disease.

Preventive underwear and knitwear of the 1st class can be selected independently. And buying tights or stockings included in compression classes 2 and 3 is allowed only after prior consultation with a phlebologist. He will give recommendations on the mode of wearing; She will tell you how to properly use and care for your underwear.

All types of compression underwear have a different price, but it most often depends on the promotion of the brand, the material from which the socks are made (stockings or tights). The distribution of compression over the areas of tights (stockings or golf), and then the legs, does not affect the price. The pressure is the same in all models.

How to choose medical underwear?

The choice of medical jersey is quite wide. Therefore, many are wondering: what type of knitwear for varicose veins is better? To answer it, let's start with the fact that therapeutic compression stockings of any kind are designed to stop the development of varicose veins, eliminate blood stasis in the limbs and remove in the ankle area. And tights, stockings and stockings do an excellent job with this task. The difference between them is only in their length: the maximum golf length is up to the knee, the stockings end at the top of the thigh, and the tights end at the waist. The choice of a product on this basis is carried out depending on the localization of the main signs of the disease. If the pattern of dilated veins is limited to the lower leg, then for anti-varicose effects it is enough to purchase knee-highs. If they have spread higher, then you should take care of stockings or pantyhose. Here the choice depends only on your own preferences. Women's medical stockings and tights can be both transparent and with patterns applied to them. Therapeutic underwear for men is made like a regular jersey to remain inconspicuous.
In pharmacies and specialized salons, therapeutic compression stockings from different manufacturers are offered. Compression in underwear of any brand is calculated with maximum accuracy. Therefore, stockings and tights of all companies have the same therapeutic effect. They differ mainly in design, duration of wear, and cost.

Pantyhose and stockings Relaxsan

Compression underwear from an Italian manufacturer attracts many Russian patients of phlebological clinics with relatively low prices. Their maximum cost does not exceed 1200 rubles. Models of various designs and all compression classes are offered. Their disadvantages are fragility (compression lasts no more than a month), slight discomfort in wearing and rapid wear.

Linen from varicose veins Intex

The Russian company Intex is a worthy competitor to foreign companies, supplying high-quality underwear for varicose veins at a relatively low cost. It creates the necessary compression, has a fairly high wear resistance. For an amount from 800 to 1300 rubles, you can buy tights, stockings or stockings made of excellent fabric, with high-quality seams and at the same time get the necessary therapeutic effect.

Compression underwear ORTO

Pantyhose, stockings and stockings from the Spanish company ORTO are medium-priced goods. The minimum amount that will have to be paid for the simplest medical pair varies from 400 to 700 rubles. All products are of good quality. The compression lasts up to 4 months, but they wear out quickly on the toes and foot.

Therapeutic jersey Venotex

Compression underwear VenoteksTherapy (USA) is one of the most popular. It is represented by a wide range of models. All products of this brand are certified and comply with Russian State Standards. Stockings, tights and stockings have an average degree of wear resistance. All models presented by Venoteks are relatively inexpensive:

  • from 650 rubles for stockings for prevention;
  • from 1600 rubles and more for models of the 3rd compression class.

Anti-varicose knitwear Medi and Bauerfeind

For those who prefer higher quality knitwear, it is better to purchase goods from one of the German companies Medi or Bauerfeind. The prices for the products of these companies are much higher (from 1300 rubles), but they fully correspond to the quality of the products. All products are comfortable to wear, easy to care for, and have a high degree of wear resistance. Stockings, stockings and tights have a great design. The lineup of these companies includes underwear for travel and sports. To put on underwear with compression above class 2, you need to buy a special device from medi.

Therapeutic tights, stockings and stockings Sigvaris

Elite medical underwear from the Swiss company Sigvaris is the most expensive of all the presented types. It features minimal wear, high quality workmanship and great design. These are the main properties for which Russian customers must shell out from their wallet an amount from 2500 to 4500 rubles and more for one pair. Since the compression, which is embedded in underwear, and the therapeutic effect of wearing it, do not differ from the pressure created by knitwear from other manufacturers.

When choosing compression underwear, many make the mistake of not knowing how it is labeled. Especially when buying it from hand, in the markets, etc., trying to save money on the purchase. On the packaging with any type of therapeutic knitwear, the class of compression created is indicated, indicating the pressure in mm Hg. Art. (or Pa). On ordinary tights, stockings or stockings, the density of the fabric is shown in dens (den). Therefore, you should refuse to buy if tights in the nth amount of den are offered as compression underwear. Hoping for a healing effect from wearing them, you can worsen the condition of the veins.

How to choose the size of compression underwear?

After the company and model of the product have been selected, a recipe has been received indicating the compression class, it is necessary to determine the size of tights (stockings and golf). To do this, the following measurements of the legs are made at home; For golf:

  1. Calf girth in the lower part above the ankle (cm);
  2. Calf circumference in the upper (wide) part, under the knee joint (cm).
  3. Length from foot to knee.

For stockings:

  • To the first two measurements for golf, you must add the circumference of the thigh at a height of 25 cm from the knee joint (standard figure). For a tall person, the measurement is taken at a distance of 30 cm from the knee.
  • It is also necessary to measure the length of the leg to the point where the measurement of the circumference of the thigh (or to the groin) is taken.

for tights, in addition to the measurements listed above, you will also need to measure the circumference of the waist and hips, as well as the length of the leg from the foot to the groin. To select stockings (and other underwear) of the right size, the data obtained are compared with those given in special size charts, which may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. When buying compression underwear in an orthopedic salon, it is enough to show your measurements to a consultant, and he will select a model of the required size. High-quality compression underwear is quite expensive. But sometimes it happens that it causes discomfort while wearing. Even theoretically correctly selected underwear can adversely affect the condition of the veins during use. Therefore, it is recommended that you first purchase a cheaper model, get used to the sensations that arise when wearing compression underwear. And only after that you can buy expensive anti-varicose tights or stockings for constant wear.

Compression garment size chart with numerical designation

Compression underwear for pregnant women

Compression garments are recommended for ALL pregnant women.. In the first trimester, even if there are no obvious signs of varicose veins, it is recommended to use preventive knitwear. At later stages, you should use the recommendations of the treating medical specialists. Compression knitwear for pregnant women has significant differences from other types of medical underwear. Firstly, an elastic bandage is made in the upper part of the tights, the main function of which is to support the stomach without squeezing it. And secondly, fabrics with increased breathability are used for their manufacture. Many women during pregnancy prefer to wear compression stockings. This is due to the fact that the enlarged belly does not fit into the leg part of the tights (it cannot be stretched indefinitely). And in special tights for pregnant women, not every expectant mother feels comfortable. And stockings can be chosen taking into account physiological characteristics and your own preferences. They are offered in the following types:

  1. classic model;
  2. On an elastic band made of silicone;
  3. On a special corset belt with Velcro;
  4. With open toe.

Video: how to prevent varicose veins during pregnancy?

When else should you wear compression stockings?

In creating targeted pressure on the surface of the legs, in order to normalize blood flow, people need not only diseases of the venous vessels, such as varicose veins. It can be used for weight loss to remove excess fluid, smooth out fat deposits in the form of folds. At the same time, thanks to the compression created, the muscles and skin are massaged and toned. Special compression underwear is recommended to be worn in the first month of the postpartum period. It helps to prevent many serious complications, such as prolapse of the walls of the vagina, prolapse of the uterus, etc. In addition, it supports the abdominal muscles, which were weakened during pregnancy. Compression underwear for sports allows you to achieve great results with less consumption of the body's energy reserves. It increases endurance, a person gets less tired, which means that he can perform more strength exercises.

How to wear compression underwear?

Unlike conventional tights, there are certain rules for putting on compression stockings.

  • Any kind of compression underwear (tights, stockings, stockings) is put on immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed.
  • This is done carefully, without excessive stretching and twisting.
  • First, the upper part is assembled into an accordion.
  • Inserting the palms inside the tights (stockings), carefully put on the foot, taking into account the location of the heel.
  • Gradually straightening, pull on the lower leg.
  • On the hips, tights are also worn lying down, lifting the torso when approaching the waist.

Compression stockings for varicose veins are worn in the same way.
To make the procedure of putting on anti-varicose tights and stockings as easy as possible, you can purchase one of the special devices, for example medi Butler. They are available for different categories of patients:

  1. For people with large dimensions, the device of the Big series is intended;
  2. For people with limited mobility - the Longo series;
  3. With a collapsible design, for travel - Travel Butler;
  4. Hospitalbutler - with a sliding mechanism.

This company also offers a device that helps to remove medical underwear - medi Butler Off.

If there is no device for putting on anti-varicose tights (stockings), then when performing this procedure, manufacturers recommend using latex gloves so that the elastic fibers are not damaged by nails. All toenails should also be trimmed short and buffed. The surface of corns and dry calluses should be smoothed.

Video: how to put on a compression stocking?

When a person is given compression therapy for the first time, questions may arise related to the use of therapeutic stockings. For example, the patient bought knee-highs, and varicose vein was just above the gum. Doubt arises. Do I need to wear the purchased item? - In this case, the affected vessel will be indirectly affected, due to the normalization of blood flow in the lower part of the leg, and therefore the purchased product can be used. But it is highly recommended to try to purchase a product of a suitable size. Many questions arise about Is it possible to wear stockings against varicose veins on swollen legs. In this case, phlebologists agree that it is not only possible, but also necessary. But this is quite difficult to do, because due to edema, the size of the legs is greatly increased. The question often arises: Why do you need to take off your stockings (knee socks) at night? - It is recommended to do this so that the skin of the legs can rest, breathe. When a person is in a horizontal position (with the 1st and 2nd degree of venous insufficiency), the linen does not work, that is, compression is not created. Therefore, leaving it on the body is useless. However, if a person accidentally fell asleep in underwear, there is no great harm. The most common question is, What underwear to wear on hot summer days. – Compression should continue in the summer. Moreover, high temperatures are provocateurs of additional vasodilation. On particularly hot days, you can use lighter underwear, 1st class or preventive. Reducing compression in this case is preferable to its complete absence.

Caring for your compression stockings

Any type of compression underwear requires proper care in order to maintain its healing properties for a long time.

  • Compression garments are recommended to be washed daily by hand, without twisting or wringing.
  • Water should be moderately warm (not higher than 40 °).
  • Use liquid soap or shampoo for washing, as well as any other product for the care of delicate fabrics.
  • Do not use washing powders and bleaches, dry cleaning, hot drying and hanging in the sun.
  • Silicone elastic on stockings must be protected from any significant contact with water. Otherwise, it will lose its fixing qualities. Fat from the silicone strip is removed with a cotton pad soaked in any alcohol-containing liquid.

If you listen to the opinion of those who already have experience in using compression underwear, then it is better to purchase two pairs at once (for reliability and ease of care for them).

Video: phlebologist about compression underwear

A special place in the treatment and prevention of varicose veins is occupied by compression underwear. It is also recommended for pregnant women and people who have undergone lower limb surgery. Previously, experts advised the use of elastic bandages. However, according to their characteristics, orthopedic stockings win. They do not slip, quickly put on painful places and create the necessary level of contraction.

When buying stockings, it is necessary to take into account the stage of varicose veins. It depends on which compression class you need to choose:

  • Class 1 is recommended as a prevention of varicose veins, suitable for edema, leg fatigue, pregnancy;
  • Class 2 does not allow the formation of knots in the vessels, it is recommended for thrombophlebitis;
  • Classes 3 and 4 can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor, as they have a strong compressive effect and are designed to stop a progressive disease.

When choosing medical knitwear, you should pay attention to other parameters:

  • appearance (selected based on clothing and taste preferences);
  • material (hypoallergenicity and compliance with safety standards are important here);
  • fabric density (if, apart from this parameter, nothing is said about the compression class - the stockings are fake);
  • place of purchase (it is better to choose specialized stores).
  • consumer reviews;
  • expert advice;
  • value for money;
  • efficiency;
  • comfort;
  • wear resistance;
  • presented assortment.

Best Compression Stocking Companies

It can be difficult to choose the most effective and high-quality stockings based on reviews alone. The rating of the best firms with the description of models comes to the rescue.

5 Intex

Best price
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.6

The Russian manufacturer of compression underwear differs from the rest in a lower price. However, in terms of quality and accessibility, it is in no way inferior to foreign firms. Intex products are made of high quality elastane. The average period of use is 6 months. Anti-varicose stockings of a Russian manufacturer comply with the international standard RAL-GZ 387.

Many buyers believe that this is the best choice, because a comfortable and maximum effect is achieved at a very reasonable cost. Buyers note that it is easiest to put on products of the 1st compression class. The assortment includes white, nude, black, beige stockings. The price starts from 1500 rubles.

4 Ofa Bamberg

Durable and comfortable
Country: Germany
Rating (2019): 4.6

Phlebologists recommend periodically changing the brand of compression stockings used. Many experts advise replacing the Medi and Sigvaris brands with Bamberg. The German manufacturer guarantees the preservation of compression for six months. The offered products are put on easily without assistance and are selected based on the individual needs of the buyer. Ladies choose the products of this company for their aesthetic and stylish appearance. Comfort is given by optimal temperature and humidity under the knitwear.

The Lastofa line is especially popular, where stockings of 1 and 2 compression classes are presented. Buyers note the absence of problems with the distribution of pressure, strong adhesion to the leg thanks to silicone pimples. Models cost about 5 thousand rubles.

3 Bauerfeind

Wide selection
Country: Germany
Rating (2019): 4.7

Among the best compression stockings, one cannot fail to mention the Venotrain knitwear from the German company Bauerfeind. The company is one of the leaders in the production of health products. Decades of experience and the use of innovative technologies make it possible to create high-quality stockings against varicose veins. A different therapeutic effect is achieved due to the presence in the product range of 1, 2 and 3 compression classes.

Based on customer reviews, the most popular lines can be distinguished: Venotrain micro matte stockings, Venotrain micro balance with vitamin E against dry skin, Venotrain Business men's collection, Venotrain discretion prophylactic stockings made of thin fabric, Venotrain soft - stockings with a special attachment at the waist.

2 Sigvaris

Best Design
Country: Switzerland
Rating (2019): 4.8

The Swiss company produces high-quality anti-varicose underwear of original design. This is one of the best companies whose products have a GOST certificate of conformity. Products differ in length and density. The range includes models with a belt-fastener at the waist. It is recommended to wear stockings with rubber gloves so as not to break the thread.

According to reviews, the advantages of this brand's stockings are excellent tailoring and a long period of wear. During pregnancy or after surgery, the legs need special care, and varicose veins are a serious disease. Therefore, buyers believe that the high price is justified by the effectiveness of knitwear. Particularly popular models Sigvaris Trombo, Sigvaris cotton and Sigvaris traditionai.

1 Medi Bayreuth

High quality
Country: Germany
Rating (2019): 4.9

The German brand Medi Bayreuth produces therapeutic compression stockings for daily wear. The company has a certificate that gives the right to produce and supply anti-varicose underwear with the RAL quality mark. All products are made without seams using a unique technology and checked by hand. Stockings of 1, 2 and 3 classes are suitable for almost all buyers. The range includes up to 7 standard sizes of products in white and beige colors. There is a choice of toe - closed or open. The company produces models for both men and women.

At all stages of varicose veins, compression stockings can be a real salvation. Anti-varicose stockings can completely replace the elastic bandages that were previously used to create pressure on superficial veins. It is no longer necessary to show everyone that you have problems with your legs. visually do not differ from ordinary ones, but perfectly perform the function assigned to them.

Who prescribes compression stockings?

Many are accustomed to prescribing their own treatment, guided by the advice of neighbors or intrusive television advertising. This is fundamentally the wrong approach to your health! Only a qualified doctor, and not a neighbor or the seller of the nearest pharmacy, can correctly assess the patient's condition and select a set of medical procedures for him.

If you have pain and heaviness in the legs, swelling, burning or a feeling of a warm wave along the course of the veins, darkening or thickening of the skin on the lower leg, then you should consult a phlebologist. It is this specialist who deals with the treatment and prevention of venous diseases. On your own, without an appointment, you can buy stockings or stockings, the compression ratio of which is less than 18 mm Hg. Art. Such underwear has only a preventive purpose.

Compression stockings: types

Anti-varicose stockings are not chosen for beauty, color and shape, although no one claims that this does not matter. The main indicator when choosing is the degree of elasticity and compression. Stocking height and compression class should be appropriate for the stage of varicose veins. Compression underwear can be of particular benefit in the early stages of the disease.

Stockings can be of different heights: up to (upper part of the thigh), up to the waist. The height depends on the localization of varicose veins and the neglect of the disease. In addition, compression underwear is divided into men's and women's. The stocking itself can be with a solid toe-heel part or have an open toe and heel.

For men, anti-varicose stockings are available in the form of tight knee-length and waist-length leggings, in the form of tights for both legs or one leg with a wide elastic band.

points of sale

You should not look for medical underwear in ordinary retail outlets. Compression stockings should be sold in specialized stores or drugstores. In this case, the manufacturer can guarantee an individual approach to the selection of medical underwear and compliance with the parameters stated on the package.


Anti-varicose stockings have a different compression class:

  • 1 class- impact up to 21 mm Hg. Art. They are prescribed for the initial manifestations of the disease, which are expressed in the appearance of capillary "asterisks", pain and heaviness.
  • For 2 classes squeezing of the leg from 22 to 32 mm Hg is acceptable. Art. Anti-varicose stockings (compression class 2) are prescribed for moderate varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.
  • Stockings 3rd class compress the limb with a force of up to 46 mm Hg. Art. Such underwear is prescribed for severe forms of varicose veins, venous insufficiency, circulatory disorders due to damage to peripheral nerves.
  • 4th grade is the maximum. The force in this case is over 50 mm Hg. Art. Such stockings are not often prescribed, mainly for severe varicose veins and impaired lymph flow.

Product pricing varies by brand, material usage and compression class.

Ergoform brand

Stockings anti-varicose Ergoforma - one of the best brands on the market today. All products are of high quality, attractive appearance and pronounced medical effect. They allow you to pay enough attention to the health of the legs without compromising the appearance. Stockings are available in black and beige.

If your choice is the Ergoform manufacturer, anti-varicose stockings will meet European quality requirements. Products for women are made of combined synthetic materials. It is a mixture of polyamide and elastane. Openwork elastic band for fixing on the upper part of the thigh - silicone. The toe part is closed so that the product can be worn with shoes.

The canvas for models is honeycomb (cellular). This allows you to qualitatively maintain the required compression class. Thanks to a special method of weaving and dyeing, the products do not differ in appearance from standard stockings, and have an extended service life.


Compression stockings do not correspond to the unified sizes of ordinary underwear. Special measurements must be taken prior to purchase. It should be borne in mind that each manufacturer has its own dimensional grid.

Most often you need to know:

  • your shoe size;
  • girth of the circumference of the lower leg above the bone;
  • circumference at the widest part of the leg;
  • girth of the circumference in the widest part of the thigh;
  • height from hip to heel.

The brand "Ergoform", for example, produces anti-varicose which are indicated by numbers from 1 to 6.

Proper care

In order for the products to perform healing functions and serve for a long time, they must be properly looked after. Compression stockings are washed daily and always by hand. Machine wash is not allowed for these items.

Gentle detergents are used for washing. The water temperature is not higher than 30 °C. Bleaches and conditioners for compression underwear should not be used.

After washing, anti-varicose stockings do not twist out, but are slightly wrung out. Next, the laundry is laid out on a flat, hard surface away from direct sunlight and electric heaters.

It is not recommended to wet silicone gum during washing; it is wiped with a weak alcohol solution as it gets dirty.

Compression stockings, prescribed by a phlebologist for medical reasons, are worn daily for several months. So that they have time to dry after washing, you need to buy 2 or more pairs.

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