Home Useful properties of fruits Lip reduction is a new trend. Lip reduction is a new Hollywood trend. Stages and features of lip suturing surgery - will there be a scar

Lip reduction is a new trend. Lip reduction is a new Hollywood trend. Stages and features of lip suturing surgery - will there be a scar

Plump lips have been considered the standard of beauty for several years. The fairer sex used injections, cosmetics and lipsticks, special devices to add volume to their lips.

Photos of girls with pouting lips on social networks have long surprised no one, even little girls have learned to depict plump lips. But fashion tends to change. Not so long ago, a new trend began to spread from Asia to the world - lip reduction or suturing.

The thin and curved line of the upper lip in Asian women is considered the standard of beauty. The lip reduction surgery is performed under local anesthesia and takes an average of 30 minutes.

To change the size and shape of the lips, the plastic surgeon makes special sutures, which are subsequently absorbed or removed manually. The recovery process takes no more than 7 days. After restoration, the sutures dissolve and become invisible. During this period, the patient is advised to consume liquid food.

The average cost of a lip augmentation injection is $ 1,500, and suturing can cost a patient up to $ 3,000. The lip reduction procedure does not require renewal; injection procedures for lip enlargement must be repeated periodically.

Time will tell whether lip suturing will become a more popular procedure compared to augmentation.

According to experts, since the appearance of the possibility of reducing and changing the shape of the lips, the popularity of the procedure for creating plump lips has declined. It remains to be seen whether the new trend will become as popular as plump lips, or whether natural beauty will return to fashion.

For many years, girls, barely reaching adulthood, go to cosmetologists and plastic surgeons to correct "flaws" in their appearance with their help. More precisely, what seems to them a flaw. They enlarge their lips or breasts, make high cheekbones, in order to get closer to the standard of beauty, which no one has ever established.

It so happened that the breasts, if beautiful, are big, sexy lips - plump, cheekbones - the higher the better. If the nose is perfect, then as thin as possible and always with an aristocratic upturned tip.

And the eyes, of course, should be huge, brightly colored and with thick eyelashes, like that cow from grandmother's village.

As a result, all the girls become suspiciously similar to each other, and the time will soon come when you can distinguish your girlfriends under the club lighting only by the color of their mini-skirts. And if you can't be like these “ideal” Instagram divas, you have to go through the second circle: plus the size of the chest, even higher than the cheekbones, and the lips are just a little deflated. This is how girls become addicted, and it is extremely difficult to convince them that after so many beauty injections they are (already) ugly.

A terrible dream for a girl addicted to plastic is the moment when fillers for lip and cheekbones will go out of fashion. Of course, now you can get rid of them, but it is painful and expensive.

Last year, this dream came true for girls from Thailand and other Asian countries: thin lips came into fashion. However, this trend still did not become an achievement of fighters for natural beauty, since lips should not only be thin, but with a special curvature. They call it differently: for some it is Cupid's sensual bow, while others see an ordinary beak in such lips.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia: an incision is made on the lower part of the upper lip, from where part of the tissue is removed. After the operation, the girls who decide to do this have to walk for a whole week with frightening stitches.

This is just a temporary trend that has only spread across Asia. However, not so long ago, the world famous model Kylie Jenner got rid of her famous plump lips, making a fortune on them. The model founded her own cosmetics brand, which initially specialized exclusively in liquid matte lipsticks and lip pencils.

If you compare the fresh pictures of Kylie Jenner and those that she did a month or two ago, the difference is clearly visible: her lips have become smaller.

This was noticed by many fans, so Kylie did not hide the truth and answered directly in the comments of one of the subscribers: "I got rid of all fillers." Now the star really looks more natural, which is why her fans cannot help but shower her with new compliments in the comments.

In wide practice, rejection of fillers is not yet an attempt to follow the trend set by Kylie Jenner, but a necessity. Since the 80s, polyacrylamide gel has been used as fillers, the toxicity of which was revealed only two decades later, and in 2001 it was banned. Some patients still turn to surgeons to remove it, since it does not dissolve either on its own or with the help of drugs.

Surgical intervention is also required after the introduction of the biopolymer gel. It is a synthetic high molecular weight compound that is foreign to the body and does not dissolve over time.

It is cheaper than modern drugs, so you can run into a biopolymer gel even now if you get to scammers. It is he who contributes to the formation of lumps and chambers, which lead to aesthetic and articulatory defects. It can migrate to the cheeks and chin, disrupting the contour of the face and interfering with the work of facial muscles.

In order not to run into unsuitable materials, it is worth contacting cosmetology centers, avoiding suspicious actions and unverified cosmetologists at home, and also not agreeing to the procedure until you are sure which particular drug the cosmetologist is going to use. But even if everything is in order with this, problems may arise due to the inexperience of the cosmetologist: if the gel is introduced superficially, the lips will become bulging and swollen, and the substance itself can shine through the skin in blue and migrate beyond the contour.

But not all girls come to reduce their lips only when they become distorted and crooked. Some people just don't like it anymore and get bored. And fortunately, it is much easier to get rid of modern gels - it is enough to inject a special preparation, but this procedure is very painful. Therefore, it is worth remembering that it is easier not to overdo it.

If you have been planning to enlarge your lips with the help of fillers for a long time, but did not dare - do not rush to make an appointment with a beautician for an injection. Several celebrities set a new trend at once: only natural contours, only moderation.

Actress Megan Fox

The era and Kim Kardashian with their hyper-pumped mouths is coming to an end: natural lip lines are returning to fashion. And if in the era of zero all glamorous lionesses wanted plump "dumplings" for themselves, then after 17 years the addictions have changed.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the request for lip correction doubled from 2000 to 2016. But if a couple of years ago, girls enlarged their lips, now they reduce them.

By the way, the trend did not originate in Los Angeles, but in Asia, where thin facial features speak of the nobility of origin. And the actresses of the first echelon in the face, Megan Fox and Natalie Portman happily picked it up, and now the tabloids have a new entertainment: to publish photos of stars "before" with full lips and "after" - with strictly pursed lips.

Actress Jennifer Aniston

If you are going to follow their example, keep in mind: lip reduction surgery, or reduction cheiloplasty, takes place under anesthesia and lasts about 30 minutes. First, the skin is removed from the lips and sutured to create a new line. The incision is made along the border separating the outer lip and the mucous membrane.

There are no traces of surgical intervention, and the lips look thinner and more natural. For recovery, lay off from 2 to 7 days, for costs - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

Actress Angelina Jolie

“First of all, surgical cheiloplasty allows us to deal with congenital and acquired defects that cannot be eliminated with the help of cosmetic procedures. For example, disproportionate or overly plump lips that change facial expression, as well as the consequences of burns, injuries and scars, ”says plastic surgeon Maksim Nesterenko. He also notes that with cheiloplasty, a second procedure is required: over time, the outlines of the lips may change slightly.

“One hundred percent result can be achieved only with the help of surgical intervention,” Nesterenko believes. - Therefore, if you have long wanted to change the shape of your lips, you should try it. But if this is just a tribute to fashion, it is better to wait until the trends change. "

According to Maria Merekina, it is much easier to eliminate the consequences of using a drug based on hyaluronic acid than a biopolymer gel, because it does not require surgical intervention - it is enough to inject a hyaluronidase drug and split the filler. Keep this in mind when you look at the updated tuning of celebrities living on the other side of the ocean and decide: I want to look the same!

Famous actresses have a new fashion: pouting lips-dumplings are slowly but surely transforming ... into strict narrow ones.

Where did the trend come from and how to get rid of excess volumes in the mouth, experts say.

If you have been planning to enlarge your lips with the help of fillers for a long time, but did not dare - do not rush to make an appointment with a beautician for an injection. Several celebrities set a new trend at once: only natural contours, only moderation.

Actress Megan Fox

The era of Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian with their hyper-pumped mouths is coming to an end: natural lips are back in fashion. And if in the era of zero all glamorous lionesses wanted plump "dumplings" for themselves, then after 17 years the addictions have changed.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the request for lip correction doubled from 2000 to 2016. But if a couple of years ago, girls enlarged their lips, now they reduce them.
By the way, the trend did not originate in Los Angeles, but in Asia, where thin facial features speak of the nobility of origin. And the actresses of the first echelon in the person of Jennifer Aniston, Megan Fox and Natalie Portman happily picked it up, and now the tabloids have a new entertainment: to publish photos of stars "before" with full lips and "after" - with strictly pursed lips.

Actress Jennifer Aniston

If you are going to follow their example, keep in mind: lip reduction surgery, or reduction cheiloplasty, takes place under anesthesia and lasts about 30 minutes. First, the skin is removed from the lips and sutured to create a new line. The incision is made along the border separating the outer lip and the mucous membrane.
There are no traces of surgical intervention, and the lips look thinner and more natural. For recovery, lay off from 2 to 7 days, for costs - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

Actress Angelina Jolie

“First of all, surgical cheiloplasty allows us to deal with congenital and acquired defects that cannot be eliminated with the help of cosmetic procedures. For example, disproportionate or overly plump lips that change facial expression, as well as the consequences of burns, injuries and scars, ”says plastic surgeon Maksim Nesterenko. He also notes that with cheiloplasty, a second procedure is required: over time, the outlines of the lips may change slightly.
“One hundred percent result can be achieved only with the help of surgical intervention,” Nesterenko believes. - Therefore, if you have long wanted to change the shape of your lips, you should try it. But if this is just a tribute to fashion, it is better to wait until the trends change. "

Actress Scarlett Johansson

Not so long ago, the trend reached Russia. “Indeed, in recent years, patients have been increasingly asking to reduce the volume of their lips, which is understandable after many years of fashion for their increase,” says Maria Merekina, dermatocosmetologist at the Clinic of Modern Cosmetology of Yulia Shcherbatova. “Sometimes you have to deal with the consequences of unsuccessful procedures - asymmetry, edema, changes in sensitivity and the feeling of dense" lumps "in the lips, even the migration of the gel to other parts of the face."

According to Maria Merekina, it is much easier to eliminate the consequences of using a drug based on hyaluronic acid than a biopolymer gel, because it does not require surgical intervention - it is enough to inject a hyaluronidase drug and split the filler. Keep this in mind when you look at the updated tuning of celebrities living on the other side of the ocean and decide: I want to look the same!

Looking at modern youth, you might think that everyone is only dreaming of how to make their lips bigger.

Full lips are all the rage. Someone makes silicone injections, someone uses matte lipstick, and someone just sticks them out on countless selfies ...

But fashion is changing.

For example, in Asia, the latest surgical trend is lip reduction. Yes, reduction!

This may seem strange to lovers of "voluminous" lip gloss, but young Asians now appreciate a thin upper lip, arched in the shape of a bow (small, not onion).

To do this, an operation is performed, during which part of the skin along the mucous line is removed from the lip, a new contour is created with the help of sutures, and then the lip is pulled inward to reduce its size.

The operation is performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia. One lip takes 15 to 30 minutes.

Then the patient has to wear stitches for a week, which either dissolve themselves or are removed manually. Common side effects are pain, swelling, bruising, and redness.

Oh yes, but all this pleasure costs from 2,000 to 11,500 dollars.

It is not cheap for some to strive to follow the latest squeak of fashion!

Like plump lips or silicone breasts, this is another reminder that our ideas about beauty are not objective and constant.

Fashion comes and goes. What is considered posh today is considered ludicrous at another time and in another place.

Think about this before you spend money on any permanent change in your appearance. How would you not have to regret your decision in a couple of years!

And one more thing: learn how to use a lip liner.

What do you think of this fashion? Let us know in the comments!

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