Home Useful properties of fruits Yandex browser takes up a lot of space android. Yandex.Browser has received a Memory Saver mode. The need for data cleansing

Yandex browser takes up a lot of space android. Yandex.Browser has received a Memory Saver mode. The need for data cleansing

The new option "Optimize images to save RAM" is available in Yandex.Browser 17.9.0 Beta for Windows and macOS in Settings > Show advanced settings > System. It is enabled by default.

In this mode, a technology works that optimizes the rendering of images on websites in such a way as to achieve maximum savings in RAM. As the developers note, in comparison with the previous version of the browser, the enabled option allows you to save 10% of memory on regular sites and up to 25% on pages with a large number of images.

The Tableau received further improvements. Now site widgets in Tableau have a fixed size, which does not depend on their number. For owners of monitors with high resolution on the border of 1600 pixels of the width of the browser window, automatic switching to a larger size is provided. This can also be done manually through the settings in the context menu.

In addition, a visual update notification has been added. Yandex.Browser is updated automatically, however, to install a new version, you must restart the browser. Since many users rarely do this, the developers have added a rather noticeable notification to the updated indicator on the menu button to restart the application.

Finally, the windowed video mode now allows you to resize the HTML5 video window while maintaining the original aspect ratio.

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Not all users know how to clear the Yandex browser cache, especially when it comes to people who are still taking their first steps in learning about a computer and the Internet. Often they do not try to figure out a particular problem themselves, for fear of damaging the device.

Of course, this is the right decision when it comes to carrying out some complex operation or fixing a serious malfunction. It is better to entrust such work to a specialist. However, if you need to perform the standard procedure - clear the cache in Yandex, then you can easily cope with this task yourself, and the material in this article will help you with this. So, first things first.

What is cached?

Interested in how to clear the cache of the Yandex browser, many users do not even try to understand why it is needed at all, what functions it performs. Of course, we can say that it is not necessary for beginners to have such information. However, there is one “but” here: a user who knows the purpose of the cache is unlikely to mindlessly delete all data from it. Why? Now you will know.

The fact is that the cache stores information about previously visited resources. Various site settings, styling, photos and other files are placed here.

The next time you open this resource, all data will be provided by the cache, which will affect the page loading speed (for the better). In other words, the cache acts as an intermediary between the server hosting the site and the browser.

Where is the Yandex browser cache?

You may want to know where the Yandex.Browser cache is located. It's actually not that hard to find it. But first, you will need to access hidden files and folders.

So, go to the "Control Panel" section and then refer to the "Folder Options" section. Switch to the "View" tab and uncheck the box that checks the "Hide protected system files" option. In addition, you will need to check the box "Show hidden files".

Now, when you see the system folders, open "My Computer", then select the "C" drive where the OS is installed. Browse to the "Users" folder, and then select the folder with the username you want.

The further path will be as follows: AppData - Local - Yandex folder - YandexBrowser - User Data - Default. The last step is the Cache folder. This is where information about the pages you view on the Internet is stored. If you wish, you can delete all files or individual ones.

Why clear the cache?

Sometimes the information that is located in the cache can have a negative impact on the operation of a web browser - affect the speed of loading web pages, the correct display of certain elements of the site. Cache files take up space on the hard drive, and in some cases their volume can be quite impressive. In addition, you may not see the changed design of a resource you visit regularly, as old data will be loaded from the cache.

In any case, you must periodically delete files from this repository. Maybe not all, but at least some. Read on to learn how to clear the Yandex browser cache.

Clearing the cache

In order to remove information from the cache, you will need to go through a few simple steps. The whole procedure will take no more than a minute.

After launching the browser, open its menu (the button with horizontal stripes). You are interested in the "History" section and the "History Manager" subsection. A page will open where you should pay attention to the "Clear history" button. By checking the checkbox "Files saved in the cache", select the period for which you want to delete the data. The last step is to click the "Clear History" button.

By the way, the combination of Shift + Delete + Ctrl buttons will help you quickly open the window with the desired option.


So, now you know the Yandex browser, which means you can perform this operation yourself. If you notice that the web browser starts to slow down or freeze, then immediately delete the information that is located in the cache.

I'm a bit conservative by nature. When a crowd runs past shouting "how cool it is!" - it's time to drink a cup of tea and lazily track the trajectory of movement.

Therefore, at one time I sat on the Opera browser for a long time - what was later called Classic. The fond memories of the browser from the times of the slow unstable Internet are still alive, when Opera was able to “show only cached graphics”, and also made it easy to disable and enable Flash.

Farewell to Opera Classic began when “opera” mouse gestures appeared in Yandex.Browser. It was Chrome, but Chrome is cute, his own, dear, fluffy.

Not always happily ever after. Say, an idiotic idea to include an antivirus in the browser. “We will drive humanity to happiness with an iron fist” and a wonderful answer from technical support “you can turn it off.” Well, yes, I can. However, who will remember the old ... And who will forget the old ...

On the other hand, quite nice things are implemented. The implementation of the rendered video is like in Opera, but better. The ability to install extensions from the Opera store without unnecessary gestures. Gestures - yes, gestures! The translator is not without oddities, but it works.

It was only in recent months that I began to notice that the browser was interfering with work. The most unpleasant thing began if the browser was closed - then it began to interfere for real, in severe cases, terrorizing the hard drive for several minutes. The disk monitor offhand showed that the browser was heavily sawing the History. Since this always happens at the most unnecessary moment, my curiosity was not enough for further observations.

After a couple of months of such disgusting, I was frankly tired.

All applications that actively exploit the hard drive without my permission are generally annoying.

At one time, I had to spend time cutting out all kinds of Microsoft tasks from the scheduler (regularly sending "telemetry" at the height of the working day), not only is the software repository of the operating system regularly updated with an extensive cut of the hard drive, the antivirus gets in with its scan without asking - so now also the browser is self-willed.

People say that in the Chromium browser you can disable the disk cache with the --disk-cache-dir=nul command line key, but this did not encourage - all the more, it could not solve the problem of “pop And la" History.

I decided to shake the old days and remember the times of the UKSC - to seek salvation in the RAM-disk.

I used ImDisk, set up mounting an image of a RAM disk (1 GB in size) at login and regularly saving the contents of the disk to the image (once every two hours was enough).
I registered the browser.exe command line key --user-data-dir="RAMdrive:\User Data" in the launch shortcut.

Everything would be fine, but when opening hyperlinks from external applications, the browser launched with default settings, detected the absence of a profile - and joyfully created a profile in the user's directory.

Okay, let's go through the registry and write the --user-data-dir key. You will have to register not in one or three places - for Yandex.Browser there are definitely more such places. More than Chrome. Tired of sorting out, he prescribed it wherever he found it - in twenty places.

But after the next update of the Browser, the installer will overwrite the default values.

So, what do we have in common for Yandex.Browser and Google Chrome:

1. You cannot select the installation path.
2. User profile location cannot be configured in preferences.
3. There is no documented option to disable the disk cache.

This drags on year after year - and it seems that the developers are not going to meet the rare screams. Eat what they give you.

What is the worst difference between Yandex.Browser and Google Chrome in my limited experience? Works more intensively with the hard drive. True, I use Chrome much less often, on fewer sites. But I never noticed hidden processes behind Chrome doing something after the program was closed.

As a result of the manipulations, living with Yandex.Browser has become better and more fun.

But how sad it is that a browser for the masses of working people, a program that any dummies can install to run smoothly on an average computer, requires magical passes with a RAM disk and settings.

Gentlemen, this is not popular.

And tell me, what are you doing there after closing the Browser, and why exactly this launch moment was chosen as the most appropriate?

Tags: yandex.browser, ramdisk, google chrome

Each of us stores a lot of files on our computer. Some users need them for work, and others for entertainment. And over time, we are faced with such a nuisance as the lack of free space on the hard drive.

There is a way out - this is the use of Yandex Disk cloud storage.

Its advantage is that it works through the WEBDAV protocol.

That is, cloud storage provides the ability to store your files on your server, and also saves copies of them on your computer, but at the same time they do not take up space on your hard drive, and you can do whatever you want with them.

Benefits of Yandex Disk over the WebDav protocol

All files hosted on the service will be available from any device with the Internet;

Folders and files stored on Yandex Disk can be easily transferred to other users;

The flash drive and hard drive may break, which will lead to the loss of information, and the files stored on the remote service will not go anywhere, even if you reinstall the operating system.

So, how to connect a Yandex disk using the WebDav protocol?

To work with cloud storage, we do not need to download the program. It is enough to perform the following functions:
1. Press the "Start" button. In the left panel, select "Computer" and click on it with the right mouse button.

From the context menu list, select the "map a network drive" option.

2. In the window that opens, in the "Folder" field, enter the address: https://webdav.yandex.ru and check the box next to "restore at login" and click "Finish".

3. Then we enter the password and login from the account on Yandex Disk. Click "Ok", and then select "map folders as a network drive". If you go to "My Computer", you will immediately see a network drive folder.

You can open it, and there you will find the files that you uploaded to Yandex. Disk. At the same time, you can edit, open, save, delete unnecessary ones and add new ones. However, they will not take up space on your computer.

Mapping a network drive in Windows 8

1. We go into the explorer. Select "computer" and click on the computer tab at the top.
2. Click on the "Map network drive" tab that opens.

For the operation of any modern browser, including me from the Yandex developer, cache-memory is used. This technology allows you to reduce Internet traffic consumption, increase browser performance, and improve user experience. The most significant feature of the cache is the ability to watch videos and listen to music online. This article describes where the browser cache from Yandex.

Cleaning through the browser interface

Due to cache problems, the web browser starts to work slowly. It may also stop showing videos or playing music altogether. Such an unpleasant problem is solved quite simply - cleaning.

In order to clear the cache, users do not need to know where it is located. This can be done quickly using standard Internet browser tools. Follow a few simple steps described in the instructions:

Thus, all cache problems will be eliminated. The rest of the article describes where to find the local file where all data from the internet is saved.

cache folder

If for some reason you need the cache files themselves, you can find them in the service directory of the Yandex browser. This directory is located in the AppData system directory, which is hidden from view by default. This means that without first configuring Windows Explorer, users will not be able to open and work with this folder.

No complex changes to the operation of a personal computer will be required. Just follow the provided instructions:

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