Home Trees and shrubs Analysis of the use of the book fund of the library. Statistical analysis of the library fund of the MU "Kemskaya MRB" for the year. Topics of term papers

Analysis of the use of the book fund of the library. Statistical analysis of the library fund of the MU "Kemskaya MRB" for the year. Topics of term papers

The control work is aimed at testing the student's knowledge of the statistical method of studying the library fund; the ability to analyze the activities of the library in terms of acquisition and use of the fund and make the right decisions aimed at improving its composition and use.

Perform the work in the following sequence.

1. Brief characteristics of the library: type, type, structure, economic and cultural profile of the served area, contingent of subscribers.

2. Direct study of the library fund using the statistical method. General information about the fund: volume; sectoral, type-species, language composition. A detailed analysis of a specific sectoral section of the fund (socio-political, natural sciences, technical, fiction, art, local history, etc. - at the choice of the student): the total number of books in this industry, the number of titles, the literature of which years of publication is mainly presented in fund.

The movement of the fund in general and the sectoral department in particular over the past 2-3 years (the number of annual receipts, disposals of documents from the fund).

Studying the use of the fund in general and the sectoral department in particular (indicators of book loans for the last 2-3 years). The number of refusals for literature on this section of the fund. Study of trends in the development of the book fund, the number of readers-users, book lending (indicators of dynamics - absolute growth, growth rate, growth rate). Fund renewal. Characteristics of a single set of indicators: negotiability, readability, availability of books. Analysis of the indicators of the structure (staffing ratio, utilization ratio of the sectoral departments of the fund). Which fund departments are well and/or poorly staffed? Calculation of the coefficient of compliance for the sectoral departments of the fund, conclusions about the intensity of their use. Actively and passively used funds. Identification of the reasons for the formation of the passive part of the fund. Making a decision on the secondary selection.

3. Summarizing the data obtained and evaluating the work of the library in terms of acquisition and use of the fund.

a) Does this sectoral department of the fund require a quantitative increase (or decrease)?

b) is it necessary to change the composition of the fund by types and species?

e) other proposals.

Conventions and formulas:

F - fund; F opl, F s.-x. ... - funds of industry departments.

A is the number of readers; K - book supply; B - lending; In opl, In s.-x. ... – issuance of branch departments of the fund.

About - fund's negotiability; H - readability; O - fund renewal; Ap - absolute growth; Тр – growth rate; Tg is the growth rate.

F \u003d K x A; B \u003d A x H; K = F/A; About \u003d V / F; About \u003d H / K;

O \u003d Fnov - Fvyb / F x100%;

Ap \u003d Y1 - Y o; (U o - initial level, U1 - current level)

Tr \u003d Y1 / Y 0 x 100%;

Tpr \u003d Ar / Y 0 x 100%;

Cook \u003d Fopl / F x100%; (staffing ratio)

Kisp \u003d Vopl / V x 100%; (utilization rate)

Kc = Kisp / Cook (correspondence coefficient)


1. GOST R7.0.20-2014. Library statistics: indicators and units of calculation [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http:/www.docs.cntd. en/document/1200113790

2. The procedure for accounting for documents included in the library fund: approved. by order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of October 8. 2012 No. 1077 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http:/www.rg.ru/2013/05/22/fond-dok.html

3. Moreva, O.N. Documentary funds of libraries and information services: textbook. allowance / O.N. Moreva. - St. Petersburg, 2010. - S. 270-285. - (Ser. "Library").

4. Moreva, O.N. Organization of the library fund: studies.-pract. allowance / O.N. Moreva. - St. Petersburg, 2012. - S. 105–120. - (ABC of the library profession).


5. Bocharov, B.P. Algorithms for calculating the availability of books / B.P. Bocharov // B-ki studies. establishments. - 2009. - No. 2. - P. 49–72.

6. Matsneva, N.G. Half a textbook per student. Organizational and legal problems of university library acquisition / N.G. Matsneva, E.V. Sazanova // Library business. - 2009. - No. 6. - P. 13–15.

7. Reference book of the librarian / scientific. ed. A.N. Vaneev. – 4th ed., revised. and additional - St. Petersburg, 2011. - S. 79–89.

8. Stolyarov, Yu.N. Library fund: textbook. for students of the Bible. fak.

Institute of Culture, ped. Universities and Universities / Yu.N. Stolyarov. - M., 1991. - S. 221-225.

Topics of term papers:

1. The composition and use of the library fund (on the example of a library of various types and types).

The value of the library fund (BF) is determined by its quality, i.e.

in such a composition that corresponds to the tasks of the library and the information needs of users. Therefore, librarians should be well versed in the methods of studying and analyzing the collection. On the example of a specific library (of any type and kind), its fund is analyzed: size, composition, use. The final result of the study is the development of recommendations to help optimize the composition and enhance the use of library collections.

The paper highlights the theoretical knowledge of the topic and work experience

libraries in this area. Different types of library fund models (verbal, structural, mathematical, bibliographic) are described. The practical part of the study is the development of a methodology for compiling a specific model (at the student's choice) of the library fund; a fragment of the model is drawn up (on the example of national and local history literature or any branch section) of the book core of the public library collection.

In recent years, the problem of library

serving a multinational population. Libraries, and above all public ones, are called upon to provide readers with literature in their native language. The paper studies the theoretical and organizational foundations for the acquisition of library collections in national languages; characterizes the current state of the funds of national literature and their use. Based on the results of the study, specific recommendations are being developed in order to optimize recruitment in multinational areas.

The paper reveals the importance of preserving the collections of libraries on

modern stage. Due to the complexity of the problem of preserving the library fund (ensuring the safety and security of the library fund (BL); conservation of documents; social protection of the LF; safety of valuable and rare documents; creation of an insurance fund of library documents; staffing for the preservation of the LF), using the example of a particular library, one or more two of the above. Based on the results of the study, recommendations are made to optimize the activities of libraries in this area.

In ensuring the safety of documents of the library fund (BF) and

the preservation of the fund an important role belongs to the librarian, as well as to users - in the process of using the CF.

The paper highlights the responsibility of librarians for the safety of the BF.

Another aspect of the social protection of the BF is the upbringing of a careful attitude of readers to the documents of the BF. The work highlights the experience of a particular library in organizing the social protection of the Charity Fund. The results of the study are summarized, conclusions are drawn.

Topics of final qualifying works in the discipline "Library Fund":

  1. The composition and use of the library fund (on the example of a library of various types and types).

2. Modeling of the library fund (on the example of libraries of various types and types).

3. Acquisition of library collections in national languages ​​(on the example of libraries of various types and types).

4. Preservation of the library fund.

5. Social factor of preservation of the library fund.

6. The composition and use of the library fund (on the example of a library of various types and types).

7. Modeling of the library fund (on the example of libraries of various types and types).

8. Acquiring collections of libraries in national languages ​​(on the example of libraries of various types and types).

9. Preservation of the library fund.

10. Social factor of preservation of the library fund.

Requirements for the final qualifying work:

Full and correct disclosure of the topic;

Theoretical understanding of concepts, views of individual researchers on the topic under study;

The ability to express their point of view on the subject under study;

Mastering the methodology and methodology of scientific (librarianship) research;

Conducting and summarizing the results of a specific study;


Registration of the work in accordance with the requirements (the volume of the main part is 60-70 pages, the correct compilation of bibliographic descriptions of the literature used, the availability of applications, etc.);

Presentation of the work.


The library fund includes literature on various branches of knowledge, fiction, reference and educational. In addition to traditional sources of information, the fund contains electronic educational publications on various subjects. The collection contains books of various years of publication, from 1950 to 1950. until 2012 Most of the books were published in the 70-90s of the last century. Modern literature is present in the fund. Fund renewal is average.

^ Receipt of literature for 2012-2013 academic year. year.



dropped out

It became

Main literature




Electronic editions


15 copies


15 copies


38 copies


38 copies

The number of periodicals has decreased. In the last academic year, 16 titles of newspapers and magazines were issued: for pupils - 11, for teachers and administration - 4 copies, for library science - 1 copy. This academic year, due to the reduction in funding, 10 titles of newspapers and magazines were issued in the second half of the year. Including for pupils - 7, for teachers - 2, library science - 1.

Encyclopedias, reference books, dictionaries number more than two hundred copies. These are modern encyclopedias of the Avanta+ series, school encyclopedias in all subjects, and many others. Children mainly work with reference literature in the library on a subscription basis, and are partially issued for work in groups.

^ The quantitative composition of the fund:

Socio-political literature

139 copies

Natural science, mathematics and medicine

143 copies


41 copies

Arts and sports

69 copies


543 copies

Literature for younger readers

180 copies

Methodical literature

159 copies

Reference literature

206 copies

Non-traditional media

250 copies


1730 copies

Typological composition of the fund:

  • book fund

  • Methodical Fund

  • reference fund

  • Electronic Media Foundation

  • Foundation of periodicals

  • local history
The fund of local history literature includes:

  • Reference publications

  • Publications in various fields of knowledge

  • Fiction

  • Periodicals ("Khabarovsk News", "Pacific Star", "Khabarovsk Week")
A small part of this is old literature. Recently, new books have appeared: "The Book of Memory" in 4 volumes, "Black Tulip", "The Bear on the Coat of Arms of the Khabarovsk Territory", "Khabarovsk is the Valor of Countrymen", "We are Building the City We Live in" (Khabarovsk - 150 ), “Khabarovsk is the capital of the Far Eastern Federal District”, etc.

^ To ensure accounting when working with the fund, the following documentation is maintained :

The book of the total accounting of the library fund;

Inventory books (2 pieces);

Folder "Acts for write-off" (2 pieces);

Alphabetical catalog of the main fund;

Reading Forms.

Entries in documents are made in a timely and accurate manner.

The fund is arranged according to the LBC tables. The main part of the fund is open for free access. The main part of the fund is technically processed.

^ Reader Service

The library systematically maintains a “Diary of work”, which takes into account information about the number and composition of readers, the volume of issued publications and their distribution by library classification departments; additionally, columns were introduced into the diary that characterize the volume of issued non-traditional media, visits and lending.

Book lending

  1. Socio-political literature - 296 units.

  2. Natural science, mathematics, medicine - 197 units.

  3. Technique - 42 units.

  4. Arts and sports - 55 units.

  5. Fiction - 869 units.

  6. Children's literature - 1095 units.

  7. Non-traditional media - 72 units.

  8. Other literature - 1070 units.

  9. Periodicals - 1295 units.
How do our children read? According to my observations, younger readers (2.3 groups) read more than older students - they go to the library not only for program literature, but also take books on their own initiative for leisure reading. Younger schoolchildren are very fond of the periodicals Murzilka, Children's Encyclopedia, Children's Newspaper, Why and Why?, Svirelka, Prostokvashino, Marusya, etc. Recently, there has been a decline in reader activity, especially among older children. This is explained by the fact that recently the library has not been replenished with fiction for children, and the one that exists is outdated and does not meet the demand of readers, while children want to read new, interesting, bright books. High school students simply have very little time for leisure reading. And when possible, they prefer to use a computer.

The demand for literature on pedagogy has decreased. This is understandable: in recent years, the fund has not been updated, teachers purchase literature at their own expense, and they also actively use Internet resources.

The demand for periodicals by teachers in pedagogical activity is noted: newspaper periodicals, “Head teacher”, “Education of a schoolchild”, “Pedagogical Council”, “Children's home”, “Home encyclopedia”, “Boys and girls”, “We read, study, play”, “ Education and training for children with developmental disabilities, etc. (Gorshkova E.P., senior teacher of additional education, Paramonova S.V., teacher-speech therapist, teachers of the Service: Plotnikova E.V., Popova V.S. ., administration of the institution: Perelyakina N.L., director, Zholobova E.V., deputy director for water resources management, Bychkova N.I., educator).

Book lending shows that the most requested literature:

  • natural sciences, including periodicals

  • fiction

  • children's literature

  • the question is literature on history and social science, information on non-traditional media.
In the library, the folders “Local Documents of the Library” are designed, where the following are located: “Regulations on the library”, “Rules for using the library”. This allows users to properly exercise their rights and be aware of the penalties for violating the rules for using library resources.

library service

Basic forms of individual service:

  • conversation when registering in the library,

  • conversation during the issuance of documents,

  • conversation about reading;

  • analysis of reader forms,

  • private reading hour

  • diagnostic questionnaire, etc.
Conversations about the books read are held systematically at the subscription, attention is paid to children who do not read well and from the risk group, with newly arrived pupils. Recommendations are also held when choosing a book, mainly for younger pupils, to help in choosing an interesting book (depending on the age of the reader, reading technique, interest, etc.). After such conversations, the children read with interest and ask for help in choosing books. During an individual hour of reading, reading work with the reader is organized (practiced with children from groups 2.3, taking into account their interests and desires). It is possible to note such students from among the active users of the library: Yakimov V., Teploukhova K., Dzhailov A., Zdelnikov I., Zabolotsky I., Shmuksta A., Kazenets R. (enrolled in the library in the summer), Oderikhina V., (an active reader of periodicals), etc.

Basic forms of group and queuing:

  • book exhibitions,

  • open screenings of new literature,

  • thematic folders,

  • bibliographic lists,

  • competitions (“Test of the pen”, “Readers”, presentation competition, etc.),

  • book reviews,

  • literary meetings as holidays of communication "(Book Week", "BiblioNoch"),

  • quizzes, etc.

  • participation in the general activities of the orphanage,

  • in the works of the Moscow Region, teachers' councils, etc.
This academic year, 14 exhibitions and thematic collections were arranged in the library, such as:

  • "Peace Day". The exhibition was designed for readers on a subscription (September).

  • "75 years of the Khabarovsk Territory". The exhibition is dedicated to the anniversary of our region, its culture and literature. (permanent exhibition).

  • "Creativity of S. Marshak" (November). For younger readers.

  • "Your favorite magazines" (January). The exhibition is dedicated to the Press Day (January).

  • What does it mean to defend the motherland? By the Defender of the Fatherland Day, at the subscription (February).

  • About feat, about valor, about glory. For pupils of group 5, an educational hour (at the request of the teacher Lisakovskaya N.G.)

  • Cosmonautics Day (April). On a subscription.

  • And the saved world remembers. The exhibition is dedicated to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The exhibition is issued on a subscription (May).
Additionally, exhibitions of reproductions and information material for the exhibitions were arranged: “Library Day”, “New Year Walks the Planet”, “Press Day”, “Birds Day”, “Peace, Labor, May”, “Great Victory”, “Great Battles of the Second World War " and etc..

The library constantly has thematic folders, booklets are designed that help in choosing literature, when working on a computer: “Annotated and recommendatory lists” (for different groups of readers), “Good advice”, “Advice from a psychologist”, “How to prepare a retelling of a literary work ”, “Tips for the reader”, “Tips for working on a computer”, “How to prepare a presentation”, etc.

^ Education of the information culture of the individual students through library lessons. As well as thematic collections: “The book and its creators”, “How to choose a book in the library”, “About ancient libraries”, “How to prepare a retelling”, “How to write a review”, “Your first encyclopedias”, etc.

^ Forms of work of the library for the dissemination of KBZ and the development of a culture of reading:

  • individual consultations on bibliographic research and methods of working with literature.

  • group consultations, talks about the information system of the library.

  • tour of the library.

  • conducting practical individual Internet hours on the use of traditional and electronic information resources (including the Internet).
Forms and methods of teaching become more complicated and improved. Naturally, in connection with this, the role and importance of the library increases. It becomes the center of information support and development of the intellectual potential of pupils, and the librarian becomes a partner of teachers in solving this most important pedagogical task. Our library, preserving traditions, is looking for new, modern forms of working with books to help the educational process of the orphanage. The library opens to the child an ever wider field for various types of active activities (video films, electronic resources, new information technologies), but the central place is occupied by reading a book.

The library organizes public events aimed at attracting students to reading, broadening their horizons: library hours, Book Week, "BiblioNight", etc. are held.

The information environment of our orphanage begins to take shape with a subscription to periodicals. Thanks to periodicals, book exhibitions are arranged in the library, thematic selections of literature for educational and library hours are made, information and recommendation lists of literature are compiled for teachers' councils and MO. Only it is a pity that less and less funds are allocated for periodicals every year.

Additional indicators

There are other indicators that allow you to analyze the work of the library.

Po \u003d A: H x 100.

In mass libraries, coverage of 70-80% in relation to the number of inhabitants (or child population) is considered an ideal value for a small city and almost unrealistic for a metropolitan area.

In the libraries of educational institutions - 100% is a very real figure.

It is possible to identify the relationship between the acquisition of the fund (or a separate part) and its use. As an analytical tool in this case, use utilization factor(Ki) of book collections (sometimes it is called the coefficient of matching the fund and book lending). Interestingly, this indicator usually corresponds to the indicator of sectoral negotiability.

Ki is calculated as follows:

first, the share (ie, share in percentage) of various branches of literature in the book fund and in the composition of book lending is calculated, and then the second indicator is divided by the first.

For example:

fund socio-political literature (SPL) is 18.2% of the total fund;

lending for the OPL this year amounted to 15.2%.

We consider: 15 * 2%: 18.2% \u003d 0.83. This is the coefficient of use of socio-political literature.

The normative coefficient is "1", which means that the volume of this section of the fund is in full compliance with the intensity of its use.

Economic performance of the library

Economic indicators - these are numerical values ​​that characterize the productivity of the librarian, his workload, cash costs per unit of work. They are needed when planning the budget of the library and when controversial issues related to the financing of individual projects, and when writing a grant application.

Formulas for calculating the cost of the main types of library work

Librarian workload indicator(H) is calculated in two ways:

By dividing the number of readers (A) registered in a year by the number of library workers (B):

By dividing the number of loans per year (C) by the number of library workers (B):

Cost per reader per year
(Ca) is calculated by dividing the amount of all types of expenses for the year (P) according to the library estimate (excluding the purchase of equipment and repairs) by the number of readers registered for the year (A):

Cost Per Visit(Cp) is calculated by dividing the sum of all types of expenses for the year (P) according to the library estimate (excluding the purchase of equipment and repairs) by the number of visits per year (P):

Expenditure per book loan(Cv) is calculated by dividing the sum of all types of expenses for the year (P) according to the library estimate by the number of book loans for the year (B):

Time indicators

To plan the work of the school library, it is also useful to know such data as typical norms of time for the type of work and the norms of the library's working hours.

For example, according to the norms of the mode of operation, the library should be open to readers:

  • with a staff of 1-2 people - at least 5 hours a day;
  • with a staff of 3 people - at least 6 hours a day;
  • with a staff of 4 people - at least 8 hours a day;
  • reading room with 2 employees - about 10 hours a day.
Standard time standards were published in the development of GNPB them. K.D. Ushinsky. According to them, the standard load per employee and the time spent on the work performed are calculated (this is sometimes necessary for reports and load analysis).

It is on the basis of the standard norms of time, the amount of work laid down in the regulation on the library of this educational institution, and the reports on the work of the library that one can prove the need to introduce additional rates or reduce the required amount of work.
7. A minimum of library technology in mass libraries: instructions and accounting forms. - M., 1973. - 70 p.

8. Motulsky R. And again about statistics / R. Motulsky // Librarian - 1991. - No. 6l P. 27-30; No. 12. - S. 2-5.

9. Organization of work of the centralized library system: instructions and accounting forms / ed. R.Z. Zotova - M., 1985. - 192 p.

10. Librarian's reference book / comp. S.G. Antonova, G.A. Semenov. - M., 1985.-302 p.

11. Reference book of the librarian / scientific. ed. A.N. Vaneev, V.A. Minki-na.-SPb., 2001. -448s.

12. Standards for librarianship: collection / comp. T.V. Zakharchuk and others - St. Petersburg, 2001. - 512 p.

13. Stelmakh V. From the “paper shaft” to reasonable indicators / V. Stelmakh, G. Lepilina // Library. - 1997. - No. 5. - S. 49-51; No. 6. -S. 23-25.

14. Suslova I.M. Library statistics - the current state of the problem: lecture / I.M. Suslova. - M., 1996. - 35 s.

15. Suslova I.M. "Talking figures" / I.M. Suslova // Library. - 2000. - No. 2. - S. 49-52.

16. Suslova I.M. Fundamentals of library management / I.M. Suslova. - M., 2000. - [S. 177-190].

17. Technology of the school library: instructive method. materials and accounting forms - M., 1993. -74 s.

18. Uvarova T. Statistics knows everything. What is it for? / T. Uvarova // Independent library lawyer. - 2004. - No. 2. - S. 14-22.

19. Frumin I.M. Librarianship: organization and management / YM Frumin. - M., 1980. - [S.97 - 131].

20. Yuryeva T. How to evaluate the quality of the work of the CLS / T. Yuryeva // Library. - 1999. - No. 9. - S. 17-20.

The methodological manual will acquaint its readers with the methods of studying the library fund, as well as various types of analysis on this topic, and teach how to correctly compose and conduct questionnaires and surveys. The publication covers a variety of issues...

The methodological manual will acquaint its readers with the methods of studying the library fund, as well as various types of analysis on this topic, and teach how to correctly compose and conduct questionnaires and surveys. The publication reveals a variety of preservation issues: document storage, accounting, conservation, cataloging, etc. The manual contains a list of recommended literature, which will help you navigate in professional publications studying this topic. The methodological guide is aimed at librarians.

1 State institution “Centralized library system of Osakarovskiy district of Karaganda region STUDY AND PRESERVATION OF THE LIBRARY FUND  methods of studying the library fund  preservation of the library fund  analysis of documentation Osakarovka, 2015 (methodological guide)

2 LBC 78.36 I39 Study and preservation of the library fund [Text]: methodological manual / State institution “Centralized library system of the Osakarovsky district of the Karaganda region”, acquisition; comp. S.V.Rapsh.-Osakarovka, 2015. The methodological guide will acquaint its readers with the methods of studying the library fund, as well as various types of analysis on this topic, and teach how to correctly compose and conduct questionnaires and surveys. The publication reveals a variety of preservation issues: document storage, accounting, conservation, cataloging, etc. The manual contains a list of recommended literature, which will help you navigate in professional publications studying this topic. The methodological guide is aimed at librarians. © State Institution "Centralized Library System of Osakarovskiy District of Karaganda Region"

3 CONTENTS Introduction 4 Chapter 1. Methods for studying the library fund 5 § 1. Everyday observation 6 § 2. Statistical method 7 § 3. Bibliographic method 10 § 4. Analytical method 11 § 5. Sociological methods 12 § 6. Suggestions for improving the study of library fund 19 Chapter 2. Analysis of documentation 20 § 1. Analysis of reader forms 20 § 2. Analysis of sheets of reader requirements 22 § 3. Analysis of book forms 22 § 4. Analysis of library statistics materials 23 § 5. Analysis of materials of library reference and bibliographic work 24 Chapter 3. Preservation of library stock 24 § 1. The role and importance of preservation 24 § 2. Factors affecting preservation 25 § 3. Social factors 25 § 4. Physical and chemical factors 29 § 5. Biological factors 32 § 6. Restoration and conservation of publications 33 § 7. Fire safety of the library fund 34 § 8. Hygiene of the fund 36 § 9. Administrative and legal responsibility for the safety of the library fund 37 § 10. Storage conditions C D-ROM and DVD-ROM 38 Chapter 4. From the experience of the State Institution "Centralized Library System of the Osakarovsky District of the Karaganda Region" 39 Conclusion 43 List of used literature 44 List of recommended literature 44 Appendix 46 Questionnaire 53

4 Introduction “There may not be universities, institutes, scientific institutions, but if there are libraries and they do not burn, books are not flooded with water ... culture will not perish in such a country” D. S. Likhachev Acquaintance with the contents of the fund, with the individual members of it works of the press - is called the study of the library collection. When studying the fund, it turns out whether its composition meets the tasks of the library and the needs of readers, whether its volume corresponds to the objective possibilities of mastering it by readers, which specific departments of the fund satisfy reader demand and which do not. At the same time, when studying the library fund, the process of clearing the fund of obsolete, unnecessary (doublet) literature, dilapidated, as well as the discovery of books that are not in demand, takes place. Analysis and study of the use of the library fund should be included annually in the work plan of the CLS. It outlines the timing and approximate scope of work, the structural divisions of the Central Bank, branches, the names of the departments and subsections of the fund that will be analyzed, and defines the responsibilities between them.

5 Chapter 1. Methods of studying the library fund The whole essence of studying the library fund lies in the good orientation of the librarian in the literature reflected in the fund, knowledge of the readers' requests. The better a librarian knows his collection, the more purposefully he completes it, the more actively readers will use it. The study of the fund requires constant attention from the librarian, because, in accordance with the property of dynamism, the fund is constantly in motion. Every year, a statistical study of the library fund is carried out on the basis of district, regional and republican libraries, where the control indicators of the composition, development and use of the library fund are summarized. However, this is not enough. It is necessary to apply the methods of everyday study of the library fund: when arranging documents on the shelves, when organizing exhibitions, when conducting conversations and bibliographic reviews, when receiving new receipts. And for a complete and in-depth study of the library fund, it is necessary to resort to special methods of study, the number of which increases from year to year. Usage data (readability, document issuance, number of unfulfilled requests, etc.) is analyzed independently or in relation to the parameters of the library collection, in each case receiving answers to the most diverse questions of quality, library policy, etc. About negotiability, readability, document support the fund as a whole or part of it is judged by the Statement of the library fund, the Library Diary and similar accounting and reporting documentation. These data provide evidence of trends in the needs of library users, allow comparison of the work of this library with the work of its sister libraries. Before studying the composition and use of the book fund, preparatory work is carried out, including: - checking the correctness of filling out accounting documentation, materials on refusals; - checking the correct placement of the book fund; - preparation of fund analysis tables; - selection of bibliographic aids and compilation of lists of references to identify gaps in the fund; - briefing of librarians (familiarization with the methodological recommendations and the calendar plan of work). One of the most important aspects of managing activities for the formation of a documentary fund is the problem of ensuring the quality of a documentary fund as its final result. In library practice, the analysis of the quality of the document fund has been carried out for a long time. It is called "the study of the library stock".

6 In the course of studying the fund, information is collected and analyzed about its condition and use, and on this basis an assessment is made of the optimal composition of the document fund, deviations are made and decisions are made on their regulation. There is a whole range of methods for studying the library fund, which allows you to study the fund, or a certain section of the fund, quite deeply:  daily observation when working with the fund;  statistical analysis;  analytical analysis:  sociological analysis;  Bibliographic analysis. § 1. Everyday observation The least expensive method of studying the library stock is everyday observation. It is carried out by employees who work with the fund in different technological areas - in the divisions for the acquisition and processing of literature, in storage facilities for user service. The method assumes: - quick familiarization with the content of the document when processing receipts, preparing exhibitions, before issuing and when placing documents. This allows the employee to better know the composition of the fund, freely navigate the fund, quickly find a document on request, recommend documents from the fund in response to an indefinite user request. On the basis of such familiarization, many operational decisions are made to adjust the placement and to promote the document to the user; - monitoring the intensity of demand for various topics, for certain types of document, as well as for departments of the document. Thanks to this, it is possible to identify documents of increased demand, insufficient or excessive copies of documents, little-sought and undeservedly forgotten publications in order to regulate the processes of replenishment of the fund, secondary selection or redistribution of funds. In addition, employees who issue documents from the fund can personalize the demand for individual documents, track which user groups are interested in one or another part of the document fund. All this provides important information for adjusting the composition of the fund; - observation of refusals for various reasons (issued, not in place, not in the fund, etc.). Daily monitoring helps to track various situations that lead to failures, identify typical failures and errors at various stages of fund formation, leading to failures for individual documents, as well as promptly correct them, diagnose and remove user dissatisfaction in a timely manner;

7 - monitoring the state of the material basis of individual documents, which allows timely acceptance of the restoration of dilapidated or damaged documents, the replacement of documents that have become unusable. In addition, it helps to quickly identify emerging problems with the safety of documents in the fund in order to prevent the actions of malicious factors. The method of everyday observation is simple and effective, because at low costs of labor, time and material resources it makes it possible to identify and correct various shortcomings and errors made in the formation of the fund. However, its indispensable condition is the desire of employees to carry out observations and adjustments, to strive to improve the quality of the document fund. Therefore, the effectiveness of this method directly depends on the professionalism and motivation of employees. Its disadvantage is the subjectivity of the information received about the fund and its relevance. To reduce subjectivity, it is necessary to simultaneously apply other methods for assessing the quality of the fund. § 2. Statistical method The method of statistical analysis, which is based on quantitative data on the state and use of the document fund, collected as a result of complete accounting and the factors of its use, has a significantly greater objectivity. With this method, with the help of quantitative calculations, the librarian receives a general summary, expressed in numbers, of: - the library fund itself (the total number of books in the entire fund and in each of its sections); - on the use of the library fund by readers (the total number of loans from the fund as a whole and from each of its sections). This information makes it possible to draw conclusions about the qualitative state of the book fund as a whole and its individual parts. Statistical study of the fund, for example, new acquisitions, disposals - in comparison with the lending, the number of users, helps to identify its growth rate, compliance with user requests and contributes to making the right management decisions on working with the fund. Studying the renewal of the fund, comparing it with readability, availability of books, negotiability, allows us to draw conclusions about its quality and make a decision on the formation and increase in the efficiency of using the fund. The study of the sectoral structure of the fund and lending helps to identify the most actively requested and passive funds and make a decision on completing or clearing the ballast.

8 For the convenience of conducting a statistical study of the library fund, it is advisable to assign the appropriate designations to the indicators and give formulas for calculating individual indicators: Ф - the value of the document fund; P is the volume of new receipts; H - updateability; N is the standard value of shortage; B - lending; A is the number of users; OB - convertibility; OBOPT - optimal negotiability; K - book supply; KOPT - book availability is optimal; H - readability; TR is the growth rate. The volume of the library fund is calculated in accordance with the following book supply standards (K): - in cities - from 5 to 7 copies. per 1 inhabitant; - in rural settlements - from 7 to 9 copies. per 1 inhabitant. To determine exemplarity, one must be guided by the relevance of the topic, the number of possible requests, the structure of the library (number of users, etc.), financial capabilities, the chronological depth of document storage, and the availability of copying equipment. Practice has established that books (meaning special literature) lose their relevance after 2-3 years. You should not purchase new editions of the same type if there are similar ones from later years, creating the so-called hidden doublet. One copy can be purchased for the fund if there are 8-9 users who need it. The library fund can be considered optimally staffed both in terms of composition and size if it satisfies about 75% of the total number of requirements for the profile of the fund of this library. The turnover is calculated according to the formula: OB Shows the intensity of the use of the library fund. From this formula, you can derive the dependence of OBot H and K. Since V \u003d A * H, and F \u003d K * A, then ABOUT Depending on the readability, the indicators of OBiOBOPT vary. But in any case, circulation below the lower limit (2) indicates insufficient use of the library fund, which may be due to the lack of information about books, poor quality

9 acquisition and study of the fund, non-systematic secondary selection and exclusion of documents from the fund. If OB is higher than the upper optimal limit (3), this is evidence of either an insufficient margin of fund reliability, or inaccuracies in accounting for data on the library fund or book supply. Negotiability above the upper limit is allowed only for the overactively requested part of the fund. The inevitable result of the overactive use of the fund is the premature deterioration of documents. Thus, the most requested part of the educational literature in the reading rooms becomes unusable 1-3 years after the start of its use. Especially these terms are reduced today due to the small number of copies and the release of printed materials in paperbacks. ABOUT OPT -2-3 Renewability (N) for a certain period (t) reflects the ratio of the volume of receipts (P) to the volume of the fund at the end of the study period in percent. H(t)= *100% Reliability of the fund can only be ensured if there is a strong tendency for the volume of input of publications to predominate over the volume of output. The reduction of new arrivals, of course, cannot contribute to the satisfaction of readers' needs. This is an extremely undesirable phenomenon. According to IFLA's recommendation, the public library fund should be updated within 10 years and it should contain 10% of books published in the last 2 years, 30-40% of books published in the last 5 years. Thus, it is desirable that at least 5% of publications of the current year fall into the fund every year. The renewal of the book fund is based on the number of residents registered in the territory served by the library. Information for statistical analysis is obtained from the book of the total account of the library fund (library fund record sheet), from the library work diary, in which the lending of books is taken into account daily, and from the library reports. For analysis, it is necessary to calculate indicators of average values ​​and relative values: percentages, book supply, readability and negotiability, which are entered in a certain table (see Table 1.). Indicators The size of the fund (copy) The main departments of the library fund General political. Natural science of vennoscience. Technical esc. Rural farming vein. Art, physical. and sports Art Abs. Abs: % Abs: % Abs: % Abs: % Abs: % Abs: % Total Books

10 Book lending Availability of books Readability Negotiability The percentage of sectoral sections makes it possible to judge the thematic structure of the fund and its compliance with the profile of the region. It is necessary to compare the indicators of circulation and readability, as this will help the librarian to determine how the size of the collection corresponds to the number of readers and their requests. So, with high readability, the low circulation of the fund will indicate that the size of the fund exceeds the possibilities for its development by readers, therefore, it is necessary to reduce the availability of books (by reducing the number of copies of publications, exemption from unused ones). High negotiability with low readability indicates an insufficient volume of the fund. Based on the data in the table, it is possible to calculate not only general relative indicators, but also for each sectoral department of the fund. This will identify the departments of the fund, actively or underused by readers. Statistical analysis data are the basis for deciding how to further collect the fund, what books to purchase, statistical analysis does not provide. This is possible only as a result of the use of other methods of studying the fund, with the help of which problems in the fund are identified and specific books are outlined that are necessary for purchase in the library. § 3. Bibliographic method The study of the fund by content is of great importance for improving the quality of acquisition. For this, the bibliographic method is used. It is carried out by comparing each section of the systematic catalog with recommended bibliographic manuals. With the help of this method, the scientific and aesthetic value of the library fund, its completeness is determined, and the problems in it are identified. Only by comparing the disclosure in the systematic catalog of sections of the book fund with the corresponding bibliographic manuals, it is possible to find out whether important, topical topics, individual authors and books are missed in a particular section.

11 It is important to consider whether the fund is sufficiently staffed with socially significant publications, to check to what extent they correspond to the economic profile of the region, meet its current level. The results of checking the fund with one or another bibliographic index will show that the fund has many books that are not mentioned in the bibliographic indexes, and on the other hand, some of the books listed in it are not in the library. It is not necessary that all the books recommended by the index be in the collection. It is important that there are books needed for a given region. Based on the results of the reconciliation, a decision is made on which issues and topics and which publications should be purchased for the fund or excluded from it. § 4. Analytical method Analytical method - allows you to study the use of the fund by readers and determine the quality of the fund, the degree of compliance of the printed works collected in it with the requests of readers. This method is more efficient and allows you to determine the negotiability of each individual book that is part of any section of the collection of a given library. An important place here is given to a continuous review of books on the shelves, by the method of individual selection of each edition. The analysis is carried out on the basis of marks on the sheets for the return of the book, on book forms, by which it is possible to establish how many times each book was issued for the period under study. In the process of studying, the librarian must look through each book, familiarize himself with its content, readership, compare the number of loans with the year of publication of the book and enter all the data in the table: Department of the fund Number of books Number of viewing. Used % 1-2 times 3-5 times 6-10 times Asked in total The table is filled in as books are viewed. After filling in the table, you can make calculations. For comparison, it is necessary to calculate what percentage of literature from the total number of books of the corresponding department of the fund was issued 1-2 times, 3-5 times, etc. Based on these calculations, a conclusion is made about how this department of the fund was used by readers, which literature was actively issued, and which was weak. When studying, it is especially important to pay attention to the unused part of the fund, to carefully understand why this or that

12 another book did not reach readers, to establish the reason for not claiming each book. Further work with the unused part of the fund: - obsolete and dilapidated publications are removed from the shelves and included in the write-off acts; - non-core and redundant (doublet) copies are selected from the fund and prepared for transfer to other libraries; - noteworthy literature is actively promoted. In the process of analytical study, an analysis is made of the section of the fund by year of publication in order to establish how much the fund is equipped with new, modern books, as well as by types and types of publications - textbooks, manuals, reference books, etc. § 5. Sociological methods Sociological methods give an idea of ​​the actual use of funds, the information needs of readers, their relationship to the publications collected in the library. Sociological methods allow you to look at the fund through the eyes of readers. They are carried out through questionnaires, interviews, conversations, analysis of readers' forms, etc. Special library methods: A survey is a method of collecting primary verbal (verbal) information for studying such mass (mainly socio-psychological) phenomena as the public opinion of readers about certain books or periodicals, reader ratings, the attitude of readers to library work, in general or to certain types of it, to individual events, the attitude of readers to each other and to librarians, etc. The types of demand used to study readers can be reduced to other main ones: a questionnaire survey that involves self-completion by respondents (the person being interviewed is a librarian or reader) of a special questionnaire; interviewing is a face-to-face oral survey conducted by the interviewer according to a special plan. Questioning. They are used, as a rule, to collect oriented material, the processing of which makes it possible to establish certain statistical facts, to identify typical phenomena (for example, public opinion, interests, etc.). Thus, with the help of questionnaires it is possible to obtain data on the content of the interests of different reader groups, but it is impossible to deeply study the sources of these interests, the reasons for their occurrence and the history of development.

13 Questionnaires are mostly anonymous, but they always include questions about age, profession, education, etc. Otherwise, it is impossible to systematize and process the material according to group characteristics. When questioning, it is usually assumed that the statements of the respondent fully or at least approximately correspond to the truth. At the same time, the researcher should always take into account the possibility of distortion, strive to create such a system of interrelated questions that would help to find out the true opinion of the respondent. The social pattern, manifesting itself in individual specific facts, is of a statistical nature, and therefore, when processing the completed questionnaires, the researcher always observes a certain scatter in the questionnaires. In each questionnaire, the statement of the 1st respondent is recorded, and only the summary judgment of all respondents can serve as the 1st indicator. So that false answers do not affect objectivity, the law of large numbers must be taken into account: the survey must be large enough and cover the required number of people from the survey groups. Interviewing. Here, the interaction between the interviewer and the respondent is decisive. Success largely depends on whether the interviewer manages to create a friendly atmosphere. The advantage of an interview over a questionnaire is the possibility of direct observation. For library science, this method is of particular value, since it is very close to individual work with readers. Interviewing is equally effective when studying highly or poorly qualified groups of readers (while questionnaires for the latter may be too difficult). Questionnaires and interviews are usually organized by scientific and methodological centers to study reader interests, demand for literature, etc. a number of libraries. In a separate library, they are held only occasionally: for example, to take into account the wishes of readers about the acquisition of funds as a service in the library, to collect feedback on a mass event or information about topics of interest to readers. If the questionnaires are nominal, then the information contained in them, after statistical processing, is sometimes used in individual work with readers. In cases where librarians are interested in the relationship of readers to a particular book or a particular author, the analysis of readers' forms is combined with the analysis of return sheets or book forms. This method is very objective, since it captures the real picture of the reader's demand for a book, it is able to reveal readers' preferences, the life of books in the reader's environment, and its popularity. It is most expedient to record the interest of readers with the help of a special file of interests. Library practice confirms it

14 reality. The headings of the card index are topics, questions, genres of literature identified as reader interests. According to the headings of the card index, one can judge the predominance of certain interests, the birth of new genres in connection with changes in public life and, accordingly, with the reader's orientation, the fall of interest in some problem, issue, genre. In a number of research methods that allow penetrating into the minds and psyches of people, the survey is one of the main ones, and is usually carried out in two forms: oral (or face-to-face) - interviews and written (or correspondence) - questionnaires. Both forms are based on a certain set of questions on the topic under study, i.e. questionnaire, questionnaire, questionnaire, with its help, information is collected. This is a kind of script for a conversation with the respondent, regardless of whether it is a face-to-face or correspondence conversation. A questionnaire survey is one of the two main types of survey methods used to obtain empirical information regarding objective facts, knowledge, opinions, assessments, and behavior. The questionnaire is the main survey tool and is a sociological document containing a structurally organized set of questions, each of which is related to the objectives of the study. This relationship is expressed in the need to obtain information that reflects the characteristics of the object under study. Each questionnaire has a certain structure, the important elements of which are: the introductory part, the "passport", the main part. Introductory part. Any design of the questionnaire begins with an introductory part, where it is mandatory to design a title page with the name of the questionnaire, reflecting the topic or problem of the survey, the place and year of issue of the questionnaire, as well as the name of the organization conducting the survey. For example: State Institution "Centralized Library System of the Osakarovskaya District of the Karaganda Region" QUESTIONNAIRE "Study and use of the library fund of the Osakarovskaya Central Library Library" Osakarovka, 2015.

15 Also, in the introductory part, the goals and objectives of the survey, its significance and prospects for researching the results are usually briefly explained. It also explains the rules for filling out the questionnaire, the anonymity of the survey must be indicated. Introductory example: Hello! We ask you to take part in the discussion of the problems of studying and using the library fund of the Osakarovskaya Central Library Library. We appeal to you, because no one can convey deeper and more accurately how this happens. We also hope to receive answers to similar questions from representatives of the various population groups covered by the services of our library system. Your sincere answers will contribute to solving problems related to this topic. Attention! To fill out the questionnaire, you need to choose the answer option that corresponds to your opinion and circle the number that indicates this option. You can also add your answer on the line provided for this. It is not necessary to sign the form. We thank you in advance for your cooperation! Some rules for filling out and registering answers can be placed separately, in the text itself, consisting of separate questions of the main part of the questionnaire. For example, it could be an indication of how many answers can be selected in a particular question ("Please select one answer" or "Check all that apply"). The main part of the questionnaire consists of questions related to the goals and objectives of the study, as well as the procedure for filling out the questionnaire itself. Of great importance is the order of questions, their wording, graphic design. Questions and answer options, as a rule, are proposed to be highlighted in font, number, frames. The text of the aket is usually adapted. It includes the actual questions, in the sequence of which the content of the topic under study is revealed. This is the largest part in volume and the most difficult in content. A good questionnaire requires attention, painstaking work, knowledge of the types of questions, the ability to accurately formulate them and arrange them in a certain sequence. Certain rules also apply here. So, in order to be understood, you need to speak in the language of the respondent: try not to use foreign words, avoid fanciful verbal phrases and expressions. Everything must be translated from the language of the researcher into the language of the interviewees (respondents). The procedure for constructing a questionnaire is, first of all, operating with concepts and their specific logical relationship. Developed by one researcher, the questionnaire obeys his logic and to some extent sets the logic of the respondent's reasoning. In principle, it is possible to construct an absolutely neutral questionnaire in which the influence of the researcher would be completely excluded.

16 Questionnaire questions should be clear and concise. Understandable to all respondents without exception. You should be especially careful and careful when choosing initial questions, among which there should not be too difficult or scrupulous. More complex questions requiring analysis, reflection, memory activation are placed in the middle of the questionnaire. By the end of it, the difficulty of the questions should decrease. All questions are combined into blocks according to thematic and problematic principles. Moreover, the transition from one semantic segment to another should be carried out smoothly. For example, in order for the respondent to be able to more fully and better answer the question about making changes to the work of the library, he is preceded by a question on imagining himself as a “library manager”. In this case, he will think more seriously about specific proposals for changing the work of the library. According to the content, the questions in the questionnaire are divided into two groups: the main ones - those that directly work to collect material for the hypothesis, and auxiliary - confirming the reliability of the answers. Questions can be closed, open or semi-closed. Closed questions. The main questions in the questionnaire work on the hypothesis; they have a strictly defined set of alternatives. From which the respondent is asked how to choose the right one. By asking such a question, the researcher takes the initiative to prompt the respondent with answers. It is assumed that the compiler of the questionnaire is more competent in the topic under study. Such questions set out the brevity of the answer. The most common type of closed question is the yes-no answer. For example:  Do you have a home library? 1) Yes, 2) No;  Are you enrolled in the library? 1) Yes, 2) No. In addition, sociologists often use alternative closed questions:  How often did you turn to a book, magazine? 1) Daily, 2) Several times a week, 3) About once a week, 4) About once a month or less. Here the set of answers is strictly defined, and only one of the options must be chosen. Another type of closed question is the menu question.

17 A feature of it is the ability to select multiple answers. For example:  Do you think the reading room is...? 1) A place to study in the library, 2) A call center, 3) A place to watch newspapers and magazines, 4) A place to listen to sound recordings. Such questions are indicated in brackets or in smaller print: “Please tick one or more items”. Closed questions, unlike others, provide more accurate and premeditated information. Open questions. They present a wide story to the user, give scope to the reader's imagination. Usually they start with the words: “Who”, “What”, “Where”, “When”, “Why”, etc. The respondent in this case is looking for a more detailed and accurate answer, formulated without the prompts of the questionnaire (interviewer). It is recommended to ask them when it is important to have the interlocutor's judgments and conclusions, stimulate him to talk, get an original answer, avoid suggestions and initiatives to take everything into your own hands. Asking an open question, the researcher, as it were, relieves himself of the controlling function, for example: “Tell me, please, what could you suggest for organizing the work of your library?”. Resist the temptation to turn an open question into a closed one by sketching out possible answers. Semi-closed questions - differ from closed ones in that in the alternative answers offered to the respondent, the position is introduced: “Other _________”, “Your dissenting opinion _________”. In some cases, if “in your opinion” the respondent may not answer the question of the questionnaire for any reason, or not everything is indicated in the alternative, then it is necessary to include the item “I find it difficult to answer”. When formulating the questions of the questionnaire, one must remember that it is impossible to put the answer you need in the first place in the alternatives. Phrases of alternatives should be approximately the same in length, duration. In addition, when compiling a questionnaire, it is necessary to choose either direct or indirect forms of questions. For example, replace the question “Have you read such and such a book?” to “Are you going to read…?” etc. Use filter questions in the questionnaire:  Are you enrolled in the library? 1) Yes, 2) No, then go to question number... Include control questions to check the veracity of the answers:  Please tell me what kind of books do you like to read?  Please name the book you are reading.

18 present? As well as situational and figurative questions, which describe a certain situation, approximate examples from life are given. Such questions are easily perceived and do not present much difficulty in understanding the meaning of the question and answer, most often begin with the words: "Imagine ...". But in their formation, one should try to avoid verbosity, and the described situation should be typical, familiar to all respondents. A good questionnaire includes all types of questions. Their skillful selection and combination allows increasing the accuracy, completeness and reliability of the information received. Questionnaire questions are like links in one chain - each of them must be connected with the previous and subsequent ones, this is a special whole with its own properties. "Passportichka" - the final part of the questionnaire, consists of questions relating to the socio-demographic and other characteristics of the respondent. As a rule, it is placed either at the beginning of the questionnaire or at its end, and in the latter case ends with an expression of gratitude to the respondent for participating in the survey. Some researchers believe that the “passport” at the very beginning of the questionnaire can cause distrust in the sociologist and doubt the actual anonymity of the survey and, accordingly, affect the sincerity of the answers. At the same time, the location of the “passport” at the beginning of the questionnaire is justified psychologically, since it allows you to gradually increase the complexity of the questions. Usually "passport" begins with the words:  And now some information about yourself; or,  And now a little about yourself… It can include such factors as: geographical: region, country, administrative divisions, population, city, suburb, climate; demographic (basic): age, gender, family size, marital status, income level, profession, education level, religion, race, nationality; psychographic: social stratum, lifestyle, personal qualities. The questionnaire ends with the words: “Thank you”, “Thank you for your help!”. The graphic design of the questionnaire must meet such requirements as: a clear font, sufficient space for recording free answers, the mandatory location of the entire list of possible answers on one page. The questionnaire should be as short and concise as possible. The number of questions in it cannot be infinite. Practice shows that large questionnaires, which take more than 40 minutes in time, tire the respondents. As a result, the effectiveness of the survey decreases: the activity of the respondents decreases, their interest in the work, and as a result, we get a poorly filled questionnaire.

19 Ways of distribution. There are several ways to distribute questionnaires: 1. Press (publication in print); 2. Postal (sending by mail); 3. Handout (delivery personally into the hands of the respondent - can be carried out right on the spot or with filling at home with their subsequent return on time) Most often, the handout method is used. Optimally, one questionnaire works with a group of 15-20 people. At the same time, ensuring 100% return of questionnaires and the questionnaire can control the quality of their filling. § 6. Proposals for improving the study of the library fund 1. Strengthened propaganda of undeservedly forgotten publications (at exhibitions, reviews, individual conversations, etc.). Organization of the study of the fund by librarians, constant bibliographic reviews for library staff. 2.Regular edition of the fund, its assessment by specialists in the industry, the timeliness of the withdrawal of publications. 3. Studying the profile of the fund, the needs of readers, the return of unordered publications. 4. Binding, restoration of publications. If the publication is not accepted for binding, it will be written off. Organization of a set of events to promote respect for the book. Resupply. 5. Strengthen the propaganda of publications. With significant duplication, transfer of some publications to other libraries. Science-based pre-order exemplar definition. 6.Transfer of publications to another level of storage. The library can conduct a study of those books that have not found their reader by placing these publications on exhibitions, for example, with the following titles: “These books are exhibited in the library for the last time” or “Your opinion, reader, about these books.” In this case, readers are offered a feedback card with the following evaluation criteria: 1. There was no information about the book 2. The book was undeservedly forgotten 3. The book was of limited demand 4. The topic of the book did not arouse interest 5. The topic is important, but the material is presented primitively, uninteresting 6. The topic has lost its relevance 7. The publication is outdated in content

20 8. The book did not attract attention due to poor printing design 9. It contains complex, difficult to understand material. Analysis of feedback cards with rating numbers noted by readers will allow you to make informed decisions about the future fate of the book in the library. Chapter 2. Documentation analysis. Library research makes extensive use of document analysis techniques to study readers. When properly formulated, this method allows one to obtain objective information about the composition of readers, about library mass events, about the dynamics of lending in general, about the significance of certain books, etc., as well as about manifestations of public opinion among readers. Documentation analysis methods are diverse. Old methods are constantly improved, new methods appear. This process is caused by practical needs, features of documents, directions and goals of the study. All methods of studying documentation can be divided into two large groups: traditional and formalized, quantitative. Differing from each other, they do not exclude, but complement each other. Traditional methods are divided into general (understanding, instruction, comprehension) and special (source study, psychological, legal, etc.). This also includes library science methods of document analysis used to study readers. Of the general methods for analyzing documentation in library research of readers, the analysis of readers' autobiographies (biographies) and reviews is used. § 1. Analysis of readers' forms It is a special library method for studying readers. Although in the vast majority of libraries forms are the main means of recording information about work with readers, such records are not always made in them. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of their analysis as a method of studying readers largely depends on this. The issued literature is registered in the reader's form and information about the content of the reading is accumulated. But of course they are limited. The form does not reflect the unsatisfied survey of the reader and the literature that he uses outside of this library (takes it from other libraries or from acquaintances, etc.). According to the notes, it is impossible to establish which literature the reader requested and which he took on the recommendation.

21 librarians, or from a book fair, whether his demand is satisfied, whether the books taken are read. Information about the form only partially reflects the content of reading and does not at all reflect the motives for demand, the goals and results of reading, and attitudes towards the books read. To overcome this limitation, the record of books issued is sometimes accompanied by conventional signs, indicating the reason for the demand (for example, underlining the inventory number of a book taken by the reader on the recommendation of a librarian, or putting the letter “P”). In some mass libraries, additional columns are introduced into the forms of readers of a certain group. Here, conventional signs indicate the reasons that led to the choice of a particular book, the motives of demand, the reader's reaction to the books read. Sometimes special, analytical forms are also used, in which records of issued literature are grouped by branches of knowledge or by leading topics, characteristic requests, refusals are noted on separate pages, the results of conversations with readers, observations on them, individual reading plans are recorded. But maintaining forms takes a lot of time. Analysis of reader forms can be focused and in-depth; the first is an integral part of serving readers (for example, viewing the form during a reader's visit to the library or statistical processing of a number of forms). In-depth analysis is carried out periodically or episodically. It is individual and group. An individual analysis of the forms of individual readers is carried out annually or once every six months. Looking through the entries in the form, it is established how many books there are, for which departments of knowledge, types of literature, which books, in what order the reader took during the analyzed period, how many books he took on average during a month or a year. This allows you to judge the direction of the content of reading, its system, character. But the records of books issued cannot serve as the only basis for a serious judgment about the reader. As stated, the information in the form is limited. They need to be analyzed simultaneously with records of observations and with other materials about the reader (reviews of books, statements taken into account during public events, etc.). As a result of comparing the content of reading with its motives, conclusions are drawn about the range of reader interests, their content, development and sustainability, and a plan for further guidance on reading is outlined. It is recorded on a card that is inserted into the form, and sometimes in the librarian's personal diary. Group analysis of forms is carried out in different ways. To identify the readability of literature on a particular topic, they calculate according to the forms how many people in the group took one book on this topic for six months or a year, how many - two, three, and so on.

22 In some large scientific libraries, instead of reader forms, registration questionnaires on cards (and recently on reuter cards, on punched cards) are used. They record information about readers, but do not register issued publications. Statistical analysis of registration questionnaires makes it possible to identify the leading reader groups, clarify the goals of reading and the main directions in which readers conduct scientific and self-educational work. § 2. Analysis of sheets of reader requirements This is a special technique for observing reader demand. It is used as a standalone method in large libraries where requirement sheets are required. Distinguish between the analysis of satisfied requirements and the analysis of failures on the required literature. They complement each other and are aimed at identifying the needs of readers in literature: the first allows you to determine which literature is most in demand among certain reader groups; the second one supplements information about readers' requests and, in addition, shows gaps in the acquisition. § 3. Analysis of book forms A special library method for studying the circulation of books among readers. The book form is usually used to record the issuance of a given book. Sometimes in a number of libraries it is introduced specifically for research purposes. The combination of the analysis of the forms of some books with the analysis of reader reviews about them helps to find out the social value of a particular book: the high or low circulation of a book among a certain group of readers is explained in reader ratings and public opinion about it. The reliability of these conclusions is achieved only by comparison with other materials characterizing the reader's interest and the effectiveness of the promotion of these books in the library and beyond. It is almost impossible to study the negotiability of each work, and librarians use a selective analysis of book forms. Having picked up the forms of all copies of the work, the time of purchase of the books is determined by the inventory numbers. Knowing the acquisition of books, the number of copies and the total number of books issued, determine its negotiability for a certain period of time (for example, for a year).

23 To clarify the circulation of books among different groups of readers, book forms are analyzed together with reader forms. According to the reader's written down in the book form. They select readers' forms and count how many times the book was given out to one or another group. The information contained in the analysis cards helps to judge the requests of readers, the results of book promotion. They also provide fund acquisition planning. § 4. Analysis of library statistics materials It can serve as a special method for studying readers, since statistical accounting of work and library reporting serve as ways of fixing, accumulating and systematizing quantitative data about readers and literature issued to them. The library diary and annual reports record information about the number and composition of readers by main group, by the volume of this literature and its distribution by library classification departments. This information characterizes in general terms the contingent and requests of readers. The analysis of library statistics materials should be comparative: it is necessary to compare data on the composition of readers, lending, circulation of funds by divisions of classification for different periods of time. The longer the period of time is taken for storage, the more the time analysis is taken for comparison, the more the analysis of quantitative data is able to show the qualitative changes that are taking place. This is the reason for the widespread use of the analysis of library statistics materials in methodological centers. Comparison of the statistical reports of libraries for long periods of time makes it possible to judge the results of the work of these libraries, the trends in their development. In other respects, the analysis of quantitative data is also useful when comparing indicators over short periods of time, especially when, in order to subordinate this analysis to the specific tasks of studying readers (to organize differentiated services, the correct acquisition of funds, etc.), they resort to additional statistical accounting. Librarians expand the minimum information provided in the library diary by introducing additional columns; it is more convenient to group the composition of readers and issued books; take into account the issuance of individual works; keep a separate statistical record of issuance by reader groups and by subject matter of literature. Methodological centers combine the analysis of library statistics materials and library information reports.

24 § 5. Analysis of materials of library reference and bibliographic work Analysis of materials of reference and bibliographic work can serve as a special library method of studying readers, since bibliographic requests reflect the needs of readers in literature, reveal readers' interests and goals of reading. The volume of reference and bibliographic work and the means of their accounting are different. In mass libraries, bibliographic requests are recorded in the diary, and in the bibliographic departments and reading rooms of large libraries - on registration forms. Particular emphasis is placed on the analysis of thematic queries. Mass libraries usually analyze the content and design of each bibliographic request. In science, statistical analysis of materials is more often used. Here it is one of the leading methods of studying readers, on the basis of which bibliographic information is organized. Chapter 3. Preservation of the Library Fund § 1. The Role and Importance of Preservation Library funds are of exceptional spiritual and material value. Therefore, one of the main functions of the library is to ensure the long-term storage of book wealth accumulated by society. The completeness of satisfying readers' requests, reducing the number of failures, reducing unproductive costs for premature repair, binding and restoration of publications, as well as for repeating their acquisition, largely depend on the safety of the fund formed by the library. The preservation of book wealth is of great social and cultural significance for all peoples of the world. An intergovernmental conference, convened at the initiative of UNESCO in 1954 in The Hague, adopted the Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property. According to this Convention, library collections, along with other cultural property, are subject to international protection in case of threat of destruction or misappropriation in any form. The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) in its long-term program and Memorandum notes that ensuring the safety of library collections is one of the important problems in the activities of national library centers. The safety of funds is achieved by their protection, proper storage and elimination of damage factors. Protection is understood as a system of measures to ensure the prevention and protection of the library fund

25 against encroachments on its integrity. Proper storage is the maintenance of the fund in a specially equipped room under conditions of optimal physico-chemical and biological conditions. Since the funds are public and state property, their comprehensive protection has been and remains one of the important tasks of the country. The constitution of each country obliges every citizen to protect and strengthen state property, to take care of the preservation of cultural values. Persons encroaching on state and public property are punished by law. Library funds in our country are protected by the norms of various branches of law - labor, administrative, civil, financial, criminal. In 1962, the "Instruction on the Preservation of Book Collections" obligatory for all libraries was adopted. Nevertheless, the problem of the safety of funds is still very far from being solved. Knowledge of the rules for long-term savings of funds is of particular importance. § 2. Factors Affecting Preservation Long-term preservation of a library collection presupposes at the same time the mechanical strength, biological stability of the materials from which books and other documents are made, and their protection from theft and destruction. To do this, the library provides: - educating librarians and readers of a sense of responsibility for the safety of the library fund; - the correct microclimatic mode of storage; - timely accounting and control over the receipt, issuance and return of literature; - constant supervision over the correct operation of engineering equipment (electrical installations, heating, ventilation, water supply and sewerage systems, etc.) and fire safety; - biological protection of the fund from insects, rodents and other pests of the book. In other words, the safety of the library fund is influenced by social, physico-chemical and biological factors. § 3. Social factors At present, the role of the social factor is very large. Only a conscious, responsible attitude of readers to library collections as public property can create a reliable guarantee of the safety of printed works, keeping them in good physical condition. As a result, there is a need for ongoing and in-depth

26 educational work among readers of all ages and socio-demographic groups. The duty of a librarian is to instill in each reader an understanding of the social significance of library collections, to explain the rules for using the library and books, to convince of the need to follow these rules, to cultivate a personal interest in the safety of the library book, to help master the appropriate skills, abilities and habits of careful handling of the book. A beautifully published book also keeps readers from mishandling it, so it is very important to monitor the external condition of each book and the collection as a whole. The librarian must educate the reader's respect for the book continuously, gradually complicating the tasks and methods of this process. At the same time, the pedagogical expediency of the chosen means, forms and methods is important: they must correspond to the specific characteristics of the reader groups, the position and situations, they must be maximally differentiated and individualized. In conditions of wide access to funds, their safety is impossible without a high moral consciousness of people. This consciousness is made up of a deep conviction of readers in the enormous role of libraries and their funds for the development of society, as well as their awareness of their role in preserving spiritual wealth for present and future generations. However, there may be a gap between consciousness and human behavior. It is necessary that readers' conscious understanding of respect for library books manifest themselves in correct behavior. It is important to remember that if indifferent or incorrect attitudes towards library books are not overcome at an early age, over time it can become ingrained and become a bad habit. In this case, the librarian has to deal with re-education, and this is more difficult than correct education from the very beginning of the reader's life. The eradication of bad habits and skills is possible only with continuous active influence on the reader. The upbringing of a careful attitude to the book is laid in preschool and primary school age. The child must be aware that each book is the result of a great collective work and this work must be protected. One of the effective examples of persuading this is to show the child the process of “birth” of a book, to demonstrate how much work and care has been invested in it. It is very important that they learn about the measures that the state is taking to ensure the safety of library books, and that they themselves take part in their repair and restoration. Emotions play an important role at this age. Thus, drawing an analogy between careless handling of books and immoral acts, or showing books loved but spoiled by children, causes

27 other readers outraged. This emotion helps to form a conscious understanding of the harm that can be caused to the fund due to careless handling of it. With age, the importance of elementary teachings gradually decreases. In middle and senior school age, another ethical and pedagogical aspect is intensified - the demands on readers. Of particular importance is the education of a sense of duty, responsibility to other readers, a deeper understanding of the social significance of books at the present stage of development of society. In order for the consciousness of the importance of caring for library books to be transformed in the reader into the appropriate behavior, the librarian develops the necessary skills and habits in him. The earlier this process is started, the greater the effect it gives. Each reader is obliged to know the rules for using the library. In his reader's form, he signs that he is familiar with them and undertakes to fulfill them. Therefore, the entry into the library should not be a formal act. The rules for using the library and the rules for the careful handling of books are best placed at the entrance to the library in the most visible place. The basic rules for the careful handling of library books are aimed at preventing their deterioration and wear. They come down to the following: do not bend the book, do not make any notes and underlining in it, carefully take it and put it in its place, make sure that it does not get dirty, do not put “bookmarks” from various kinds of objects in the book, correctly (for the upper right corner with dry fingers) turn the pages. In educating an adult reader, the librarian focuses on the moral and legal aspect of careful attitude to library funds, emphasizes the responsibility of library books, and, if necessary, helps him overcome the contradiction between his own selfish interests and the interests of society. The result of pedagogical efforts depends on the right tone in the relationship between the librarian and the reader. The best way is soft but persistent demands. Positive success in the education of readers is achieved when the educational process takes place not only within the walls of the library, but merges with the efforts of the family, kindergarten, school, university, production team. In all spheres of its work, the library relies heavily on the reader's asset. Improper handling of books that make up the library fund most often leads to damage to them, untimely return to the library, non-return (loss, misappropriation, transfer to other persons) and theft. Legislative acts stipulate that the perpetrators bear both moral and material liability, and in the most dangerous cases, criminal liability for damage caused to library funds.

28 To combat damage, the reader and librarian must have a culture of handling the book. When receiving a used book from a reader, the librarian checks the external condition of the pages, the presence of graphs, drawings, photographs and illustrations. The reader is obliged to replace the spoiled book with an equivalent one or pay five times (or more) its cost. Measures to combat the untimely return of books taken for reading come down mainly to verbal or written reminders (demands) to debtor readers about the need to urgently return books to the library. According to the rules of using the library, a double reminder is allowed. If it does not have due attention, the book belonging to the library is collected through the notary's office. Depending on the reasons for the late return, the library may apply more stringent measures: contacting public organizations at the place of work or residence, calling the reader to discuss his behavior on the library's asset, using the press, radio and television. In case of loss of the book, the reader is obliged to return to the library an identical or equivalent edition, or pay five times its cost according to the used inscription of the notary's office. The reasons for the theft of books lie, on the one hand, in the low consciousness of individual readers, on the other hand, in the shortcomings of the work of some libraries: accounting errors, improper placement of funds (especially with open access), weak control over the safety of books. Books are most often lost in those libraries where there is no climate of intolerance towards abuse committed by readers. Negatively affect the overcoming of private property views are cases when readers who have appropriated a library book - public property, remain unpunished. As a rule, petty theft is committed in libraries by unconscious readers, and much less often by librarians. The fight against petty theft is mainly within the competence of the public. In especially serious cases, those who committed theft are punished in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. However, the main direction in the fight against theft of printed works belonging to the library is educational work with readers, the creation of an atmosphere of public intolerance around encroachments on the library fund, a detailed analysis of the causes and conditions conducive to theft, and the education of a responsible attitude to the protection of state property.

29 § 4. Physical and chemical factors Important for the preservation of funds is the timely elimination of the causes that cause the material base (hereinafter referred to as the information carrier) of publications concentrated in the fund to lose mechanical, optical and chemical properties, for example, fragility, fragility, warping, yellowing , gelatin hydrolysis, emulsion peeling, etc. The mechanical strength of the materials from which the books contained in the collection are made is achieved by their careful handling during use and transportation. It is especially important to monitor the transportation of books in mechanized and automated systems, when there is a high risk of mechanical damage to the publication, ingress of lubricating oil, etc. The information carrier serves the more, the stronger its components are. So, many old books made of rag paper parchment have survived in good condition to our time. At the same time, modern newsprint turns yellow and becomes brittle after a very short time, as it contains wood pulp and glue, which decompose extremely quickly under the influence of light. At present, a search is underway to create high-strength paper. The necessary strength of the materials that make up the library fund is achieved by providing them with protective coatings. The role of such coatings is usually performed by hardcover, cover, super-cover, folder, box, case, transparent films pressed to the cover (laminating1), impregnation of pages with reinforcing compositions (impregnation2), as well as containers in which books are transported. The normal physical condition of publications is maintained by the correct method of storage. The vast majority of types of publications are stored in an upright position, with an air gap between them. If there is free space on the shelf of the rack, holders of various designs are used. Storage of publications in a horizontal position is allowed only for folios, newspapers and other large format materials, as well as for documents such as leaflets. The latter are usually put into boxes or stored in folders. The longevity of funds is determined by a number of factors; the most important of them is the natural and artificially created conditions of the environment in which the library fund is located. The main indicator of the external environment is air with its physical properties (temperature, humidity, movement), constant chemical composition of parts and impregnation of wood, fabric, etc. materials with special solutions or emulsions in order to impart certain properties: anti-rottenness, impermeability, etc.

30 foreign gases, mechanical impurities (dust, smoke, soot) and microflora (the presence of bacterial contamination). The optimal parameters of these properties in relation to the safety of funds are as follows. The best temperature is 16-18o C+/-2o C. Its sharp fluctuations have an adverse effect on the physicochemical properties of information carriers. Too high temperature causes their deformation, brittleness, brittleness, loss of elasticity, etc.; low air temperature is always associated with an increase in its relative humidity, which predisposes to the intensive development of mold fungi both on the material basis of the funds and on the wooden parts of the equipment. The required temperature is set mainly by heating devices. They must evenly heat the room, provide air frequency, fire safety. For all types of publications, the most favorable humidity is 50-60% + / 5%. Air humidity is measured with a hygrometer or an electric moisture meter. In libraries, the August psychometer is most often used to determine the relative humidity of the air. Humidifiers of various designs are used to increase humidity, as well as green spaces both inside and outside the storage facility. Plants not only humidify the air, but also purify it of dust and increase the concentration of oxygen. An important factor in the air environment surrounding the funds is the degree of air mobility between the premises and the external environment. Air must circulate evenly throughout the storage facility. The air of storage facilities can be polluted with chemical and mechanical substances harmful to the fund. In the air, the most common gases are: sulfuric, hydrogen sulfide, carbon disulfide, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and chlorine; vapors of sulfuric, hydrochloric and nitric acid, as well as resinous substances. Mechanical air pollution includes dust and fumes near located industrial enterprises and boiler houses. All this negatively affects the safety of the library fund. The reduction of the level of gas contamination of the premises is achieved by filtering the air entering them, which is best provided by air conditioning. To exclude internal sources of gas pollution, special attention is paid to the health of the solid fuel heating system located in the library building. General dedusting of the entire fund is carried out with a vacuum cleaner and manually 2-3 times a year. In addition, dust is removed monthly, during sanitary days. In projects of large and largest libraries, automatic dust removal. The degree of destruction of funds is also in direct proportion to the strength and duration of the action of the light flux on it. Therefore, lighting should: function only at a time when in

31 depositories are people; be directed to the part of the fund that is currently being used; have a level no higher than necessary to perform specific operations with the fund; be dispersed and fire-safe. There are two types of lighting in the storage facility: natural and artificial. Natural lighting - sunlight or diffused daylight. The fund must be protected as far as possible from direct sunlight, which, carrying light and solar radiation, cause irreversible optical, mechanical and chemical changes in the material basis of information carriers, reduce their strength: the paper turns yellow, the photolayer of micro-, dia-, films is destroyed. The intensity of the photochemical effect of light energy on the fund depends on a number of factors: the light climate of the area, the orientation of the light openings of the outer walls to the cardinal points, as well as their dimensions and structures, from darkening the windows (buildings, trees), lighting sources, the size of the fund storage area, the color of the color internal walls, ceiling, floor and equipment, light protection products. The access of light entering the storage facility through windows may be limited by sun protection devices. These include external (canopies, vertical ribs, cellular sun protection, blinds, curtains, shutters and light-diffusing blocks), inter-pane and internal ways to limit the degree of intensity of sunlight. A similar, but less powerful effect is exerted by radiant energy emitted by sources of artificial lighting - fluorescent3 lamps, incandescent lamps, etc. Incandescent lamps are used in rooms where paper-based funds are stored, and in art libraries - fluorescent fluorescent lamps that correctly convey color. Taking into account the negative impact of the light flux on the fund and one of the essential hygiene requirements for librarians - to see the fund steadily and clearly, diffused light fixtures are installed in the repository, located taking into account the lighting of the places where the fund is stored and common passages. The simplest and most radical means of protecting the fund from harmful rays of light is the use of compact mobile racks for its placement, the constructive use of which helps to limit the penetration of the light flux to the fund to a minimum. Back in the 1920s. Soviet scientists substantiated the advantages of dark vaults (i.e., completely devoid of natural light). Such storages not only provide reliable protection of the fund from solar radiation, they are extremely economical and convenient in construction and operation. Since the 1930s has become widespread in the world 3 Fluorescent lamp - a gas-discharge light source in which an electric discharge in mercury vapor creates ultraviolet radiation, which is converted into visible light using a phosphor - for example, a mixture of calcium halophosphate with other elements.

32 building practice for the largest and largest dark vault libraries. In connection with the increase in the share of information sources on non-traditional media in the funds, their electromagnetic protection became necessary, which guarantees against accidental or deliberate erasure of the information recorded on them. For these purposes, non-traditional storage media are stored in metal safes. For the same reasons, it is not allowed to use electromechanical devices for storing or transporting non-traditional storage media. Readers are given not the originals of single copies, but their copies. § 5. Biological factors Biological factors of resolution include damage to the fund by microorganisms (bacteria, mold fungi), insects, rodents. The biostability of the fund is ensured by the creation of such an environment that completely eliminates or significantly reduces their destructive impact. Material carriers of information in terms of their chemical composition are most often of organic origin. Therefore, they may be susceptible to microbiological degradation. Bacteria and fungi settle in the paper and binding materials of the book, destroying the structure and chemically changing the substances that make them up. Prevention of the harmful effect of microorganisms on the safety of the fund is achieved by maintaining a normal sanitary condition and climatic regime in the fund depository. If necessary, librarians apply to the local sanitary and epidemiological station with a request to carry out disinfection (destruction of bacteria and fungi) in the storage facility. This requires: the complete destruction of the infectious principle, the harmlessness of the methods used for people and the material basis of publications, the efficiency of the disinfection operation. The most effective disinfection of funds with ethylene oxide gas. It can be used for any funds, as it not only blocks the development of microbial spores (like all methods known for this), but completely destroys them. The most common of more than a hundred species of insects that damage prints are grinders, pretenders, leather beetles, silverfish, house moths, and book lice. Sometimes temporary pests appear in libraries: barbel beetles and peduncle caterpillars. Insects enter the fund from the outside. However, their rapid development occurs only when there are deviations from the optimal storage conditions for the funds, especially with sharp fluctuations in temperature, inconvenience of the premises (the presence of dust, debris, cracks in them), when the fund is too densely arranged or when it is stored in piles. Yes, at

Moisture-loving insects appear with an increase in relative humidity of the air, cold-resistant species, etc. in a cold room. Therefore, maintaining cleanliness and the correct meteorological regime of storage facilities is doubly important - to prevent negative physical-chemical and biological factors. The following mouse-like rodents are found in libraries: house (or domestic) mouse and gray rat (pasyuk). Mice and rats enter the library room mainly through passages nailed into the walls of the building for sewer, water, gas pipes, through ventilation ducts, as well as through openings in the cracks in the floors, especially at the points of contact between the walls and the floor. Rodent control is very difficult and requires special attention and perseverance. Measures to combat rodents must be absolutely reliable and radical, because it is enough to stay alive at least one pair of rats, so that in a few months a new large colony of rodents will form. In no case should you create conditions favorable for their life and reproduction (in particular, bring food products into the storage facility). In the event of the appearance of rodents, the library also immediately seeks help from the local sanitary and epidemiological station. As an auxiliary measure, various kinds of traps, traps and similar mechanical devices are used. Good results are obtained by the chemical method of exterminating rodents - the use of poisoned baits. In science, chemical and bacteriological means of exterminating rodents (rats and mice) are usually called deratization4. § 6. Restoration and conservation of publications Over time, under the influence of air and light, material carriers of information undergo physical and chemical changes. This process is called natural aging. In addition, as the publications are used, they lose their mechanical strength, and parts of the text may be lost. Books can be damaged by insects, soprophytes5 and rodents. To restore the properties lost by the publication, they are immediately repaired and restored. Minor repairs - correction and elimination of damage - are usually carried out by community members under the guidance of a librarian. Restoration (from Latin conservatio - preservation) of the most valuable publications - primarily those intended for eternal storage. To this end, the observance of the regime of storage and protection is observed especially strictly, publications for use are issued as rarely as possible or not issued at all. If you still need 4 Deratization (fr. dératisation - literally "destruction of rats") - comprehensive measures for the destruction of rodents (rats, mice, voles, etc.). 5 Saprophytes - heterotrophic organisms that do not directly depend on other organisms, but need ready-made organic compounds.

34 original, the reader is admitted directly to the depository. Works of unique value are stored in safes with automatic maintenance of the set temperature and humidity. § 7. Fire safety of the library fund The above measures to ensure the long-term preservation of funds may be ineffective if the library does not ensure the fire safety of the fund. A fire in a library not only leads to the destruction of material and spiritual values, sometimes of enduring importance, but also poses a threat to the lives of people in it. The library fund is a constant source of increased fire danger. The presence of a combustible substance, an oxidizing agent and an ignition source contributes to the occurrence of a fire. A combustible substance in a library can be floors, ceilings, furniture, paper, photo cardboard, film, etc. An oxidizing agent - atmospheric oxygen - is available anywhere in the room. Sources of ignition - faulty electrical wiring, improper use of the heating system, smoking in the storage facility, etc. Since a fire is much easier to prevent than to extinguish, fire protection includes, first of all, the necessary preventive measures. These include: proper design and construction of library buildings and premises, compliance with the fire regime by library staff and readers. The fire safety of libraries largely depends on the correct placement and operation of electrical lines. The larger the library, the more electricity it consumes and, therefore, the more important the reliability of the insulation and the correct use of electric current. When designing electric power lines, it is important to keep in mind the trend of a constant increase in the electric capacity of libraries of all types and types, which is due to the ever-expanding use of technical means (from office equipment to computers inclusive). Electrical cables must therefore be designed for a multiple increase in load. Electrical wiring is carried out in a hidden way, and lighting fixtures, switchboards and switchgears are used in a closed type. In libraries, it is obligatory to install electric fuses (preferably automatic action), knife switches to fully ensure electrical equipment during non-working hours. It is strictly forbidden to use open flames, various types of electric heaters, portable current receivers, temporary electrical wiring, etc. in storage facilities. Rechargeable batteries are installed in the library to power emergency lighting. When the working lighting is switched off, the emergency lighting shall be switched on automatically in the whole building at the same time.

35 Gas heating can form explosive mixtures. When the library is heated with wood, coal, peat and other solid combustible materials, the most common causes of fires are cracks in the chimneys, faulty oven doors, chimneys passing through the building's wooden instructions without the necessary insulation, and irregular cleaning of chimneys from soot. Heating stoves can only be used in libraries up to two floors high, with reading buildings up to 100 seats. It is impossible to arrange furnace openings in the storage rooms, as well as to place book funds closer than 1.5 m from the stoves. Of the electric heating systems in the storage facility, it is permissible to use only hermetically sealed heating devices with automatic maintenance of the set temperature. Central heating systems (steam, water, air) have moderate temperatures of heat-releasing surfaces and are therefore the safest in terms of fire. The fire safety of libraries also depends on compliance with fire safety requirements for technological equipment. Racks for storage of funds are made of fireproof materials. In cases where wooden racks are used, they should be subjected to fire retardant treatment. It is advisable to divide the storage facility into compartments with fireproof curtains, partitions, etc. Rare books and other particularly valuable publications are placed in removable non-combustible shelves-boxes that can be easily evacuated from a burning building. Repositories of rare books and manuscripts, the area of ​​which exceeds 450 m2, are divided into compartments by fireproof walls. The availability of fire alarms in the library is of great importance, because it is easier to put out a fire, the earlier the fight against fire is started and the more effective the means used in this case. Fire alarms are designed to quickly report a fire that has arisen in a particular room of the library. Electrical fire alarm systems can be automatic or manual. Depending on the sensors that notify of a fire, they are divided into thermal (regulating an increase in the temperature in the room), smoke (reacting to the appearance of smoke), light (reacting to the appearance of a flame) and combined. The most effective means of extinguishing a fire is the use of non-combustible gases - carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Water used for this purpose can cause damage to books and equipment in automated libraries. Storage facilities with a volume of more than 1.2 million accounting units are recommended to be equipped with volumetric automatic extinguishing installations. In the storage facility, it is necessary to have primary means of extinguishing fires that can be used by any person who finds himself in the place

36 fire or fire. Among such primary means are internal fire hydrants, felt mats (coarse wool or asbestos), sand. The storage facility must be equipped with manual carbon dioxide (OU-2, OU-5, OU-8) and carbon dioxide-bromoethyl fire extinguishers (ОУБ-3, ОУБ-7). The latter have a number of advantages over carbon dioxide ones: their charge is four times more efficient; the weight of a fire extinguisher without charges is three times less than carbon dioxide. Responsibility for the fire-fighting condition rests with the head of the library, who by order appoints responsible persons for the good condition of automatic fire detection and extinguishing equipment, water supply networks, smoke hatches and other fire-fighting equipment. For the maintenance of automatic systems, an agreement can be concluded with a specialized organization. Responsibility for the fire-prevention condition of the structural divisions of the library is their heads. Good knowledge of fire safety rules by all library workers, their conscious and active participation in fire prevention activities is a reliable guarantee of fire prevention and success in fighting fire. The first duty of those responsible for fire safety is to conduct an initial briefing for all employees without exception. In the largest libraries and giant libraries, paramilitary fire departments are allocated to ensure the fire protection of buildings, premises and equipment. In libraries of all types and inputs with a staff of 15 or more people, voluntary fire brigades (VFS) can be created from the library staff. The numerical composition of the DPD is determined by the head of the library. § 8. Fund Hygiene When caring for the safety of the fund, one should not forget about the working conditions of the fund custodian, especially since the unfavorable microclimatic environment sharply worsens its productivity. Violation of the physico-chemical and biological regime of storage of funds can become a source of occupational diseases for a librarian. The presence of dust in the storage facility, lack of light, high and low humidity, and the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the microflora adversely affect health. Therefore, the state provides for sanitary and hygienic measures aimed at improving working conditions and improving the health of fund custodians. Norms of illumination, temperature and humidity of the storage facility take into account the physiological needs of a person. In order to preserve the health of people whose work is associated with staying in storage facilities located in the basement or underground premises, the sanitary and hygienic rules establish the time of their work in these

37 rooms - no more than four hours. Employees who have to deal with harmful substances - phenolic and mercury-containing antiseptics, nitric, sulfuric, phosphoric acids, acetone, toluene, etc. (most often this applies to specialists in the restoration and conservation of funds) receive free milk, which neutralizes the effects of toxic substances . The Foundation's hygiene contributes to the preservation of people's health. Pathogenic bacteria do not harm books, but for humans they can serve as a source of the spread of infectious diseases. The librarian cannot ignore this information. He must take measures to prevent the spread of pathogenic bacteria of domestic insects through the book. Sources of information that were in use (or obtained from book exchange funds, according to the IBA, etc.) are disinfected. In addition, it is necessary to carefully monitor the sanitary and hygienic condition of the library fund, i. regularly remove dust, prevent the presence of birds (especially pigeons) near the depositories and reading rooms of the library, systematically carry out disinfection, disinfestation, and, if necessary, deratization of the premises in which the library fund is located. The control of stock hygiene is especially important in libraries serving children, as well as in libraries of medical institutions. § 9. Administrative and legal responsibility for the safety of the library fund The obligatory professional quality of the librarian-custodian must be exceptional honesty, a high level of consciousness and conscientious use of all the conditions on which the safety of the fund depends. The librarian constantly instills in readers a sense of respect for the library book, competently plans the room with open access, trying not only to ensure the intensive use of the fund, but also to control the behavior of readers at the shelves and exhibitions. Store storage should not be passable; not only readers, but also employees of other structural divisions of the library are not allowed to enter it. At the end of the working day, the depository is sealed. The high trust given to the librarian also implies his responsibility for the fund. The shortage in the fund entrusted to the librarian entails disciplinary liability or liability to public organizations. It applies to all employees with access to the funds, unless the specific culprit is known. According to Article 165 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the cost of

38 shortage, but in an amount not exceeding a third of his monthly salary, and not in a judicial, but in an administrative manner. Under current legislation, a librarian cannot conclude an agreement on full liability for the fund - such an agreement has no legal force. Knowledge of their rights and obligations is especially important for employees of departmental libraries, where, as practice shows, the greatest number of violations of the rights of librarians occur. If the fact of theft of books belonging to the library by a librarian is established (This shameful phenomenon is becoming less common, but it still happens in libraries), he is criminally liable under article 380-1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and may be imprisoned for a period of five to ten years. The same measures are applied to persons who, without participating in the theft themselves, created by their actions (or inaction) the conditions for its accomplishment. The librarian is also subject to sanctions for damage or destruction of the library fund, which occurred as a result of his inaction or dishonest attitude to his duties. The duty of a librarian is to resolutely suppress all attempts to steal books, by his example to cultivate a careful attitude towards library books, to actively conduct educational work with readers, making it as effective as possible. § 10. Storage conditions for CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Optical CDs as a material medium are not very critical to thermal and humidity storage conditions, however, there are the most optimal conditions for their preservation - dust-free, cool room (below 29 C), dry (relative humidity 40%) room. It is believed that warmer and more humid air can cause oxidation of the reflective metal, degradation of the polymer base and coating. Do not leave discs in direct sunlight or near heaters. Much more dangerous for optical CDs is exposure to dust and dirt, including greasy fingerprints on the work surface. Librarians should teach their readers how to properly remove a disc from a box. Holding it in your right hand, open the lid with your left hand, take the disc by the edges at the slots on the box with the thumb and middle fingers of your right hand, press the plastic holder in the middle of the package with your index finger and easily pull the disc up. When returning the disc to the package, you have to lightly press on its upper surface near the hole. Optical media is inherently unstable and easily damaged. The biggest danger is bending and scratching on its working side. As a result of physical damage, notches are erased, and reading becomes impossible.

39 information from entire sections of the disc. Even pressure with a ballpoint pen can cause compression of the base polycarbonate and the metallic reflective layer. Moreover, not any complete fragment is lost (like a torn page from a book), but due to the fact that the information on the CDROM is recorded spirally, almost everything is damaged. Disks should not be left in the drive after you have finished working with them. Immediately after use, they must be placed in a case to avoid damage, dust and deformation. With active use, the disk will still have to be cleaned over time, but not with soap, not with some other cleaning solutions, including alcohol. A thin layer of dust or dirt can be gently wiped away with a soft optical lens tissue. Wiping an optical CD should be done with light movements from the center to the outer edge along the radius, and not along the circumference. When caring about the safety of a CD-ROM, one should not forget that it largely depends on the state of the drive. Which must also be kept clean at all times. Optical CDs are stored in special standard plastic boxes. Discs without cases cannot be stacked on top of each other. Do not place heavy objects on them. Chapter 4. From the experience of work on the preservation of the library fund of the State Institution "Centralized Library System of the Osakarovsky District of the Karaganda Region" The issue of the preservation of the library fund in the State Institution "The Centralized Library System of the Osakarovskiy District of the Karaganda Region" has always been given due attention. Work plans are drawn up annually to ensure the safety of the fund in the process of its formation, storage and use. In many large libraries, acquisition departments develop programs for the preservation of the library fund, but in our library, due to the absence of an acquisition department, each library employee ensures the preservation of the fund. In terms of the preservation of the library fund, the Osakarovka Central Library Library is guided not only by the documents of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but also by a number of documents developed in our library (“Instructions for the Preservation and Use of the Library Fund”). The main document regulating the entire range of issues related to the library fund - the composition and structure, formation, accounting, storage and use - is the "Regulations on the Fund of the State Institution" Centralized Library System of the Osakarovsky District of the Karaganda Region ".

40 The completeness of meeting readers' requests, reducing the number of refusals, reducing the cost of repairs and binding of publications largely depends on the preservation of the fund formed by the library. The main reasons for the loss of library collections are:  natural physical aging;  intensity of use;  inaccuracy of readers;  Unauthorized removal of publications. In the reader services department, more than in any other, the problem is finding a reasonable balance between the preservation of documents and their availability to the reader. Due to underfunding for several decades, the library did not receive enough literature. As a result, the value of the publications available in the library, despite their dilapidation and obsolescence, has increased. Compensation for losses in the fund requires serious financial costs and, as a result, the demands on the reader to preserve the publications received in the library increase. The central regional library of the village of Osakarovka provides methodological guidance on the accounting and preservation of the CLS fund. These issues are constantly discussed at seminars, the administration and employees of the Central District Hospital regularly travel to the libraries of the system with the provision of methodological and practical assistance. In order to ensure the safety of the library funds of the Central Library Library, traditional work is carried out to combat debtors, in particular, visits are organized to collect books from readers, calls are made to remind library debtors. A strict record of debtors is maintained, compensation for material losses caused in case of loss or damage to library documents by an equivalent replacement. Minor repairs of the most requested books are being carried out. As a preventive measure, new paperback editions with weak adhesive binding are stitched by librarians. It is very important to monitor the external condition of each book and the fund as a whole, because a beautifully published book in good condition keeps the reader from mishandling it. The librarian's confidence that the reader was given a book or magazine in good condition allows for increased requirements for the type of literature upon admission. If the defect is small, employees often ask the reader to repair the book or magazine on their own, explaining to him how to do it more efficiently and efficiently. If the documents are significantly damaged, then the reader is obliged to replace them with equivalent ones. When registering readers in the library and annually when re-registering readers, explanatory and preventive conversations are held to prevent violations of the procedure for working with library documents. First of all, the new reader will get acquainted with the "Rules

41 Library Uses". Particular attention is paid to the points where obligations are prescribed, including in relation to the fund, and the user's responsibility for the damage caused. In the service department, the "Rules for Using the Library" are posted on a stand near the service department. In a conversation with a new reader, the librarian necessarily stipulates the conditions for issuing literature, the timeliness of the return, and careful attitude to the book. Employees of the Osakarovskaya Central Library Library instill in the reader a careful attitude towards library documentary funds and consider this work as a single continuous process. Unfortunately, most of the fund of the Osakarovskaya CBS is in the public domain for readers, which does not exclude the facts of theft. Having an on-duty librarian nearby is not enough, but funds for modern theft prevention technologies are not allocated either. All measures to provide documents in the process of servicing are implemented through one or another restriction of the reader's rights or are associated with certain inconveniences for him. The rules for using the library state that the reader is given no more than 5 copies of books per reader's form. The period of use of literature is limited to 10 days, with the right to extend, but not more than two terms at the discretion of the librarian. The issuance of valuable or actively requested literature in the "Rules for using the library" is limited to 7 days. The fulfillment by the reader of the deadline for returning the book is an important condition for ensuring its safety. Gifts and donations from readers help to replenish and maintain the funds. All receipts are divided into several areas:  those publications that are in demand are made out as donations (gifts) and transferred to acquisition for processing;  part of the gifts is used to replace identical publications; in the personal libraries of readers there are many classics, popular publications of the 70-80s;  the part that does not correspond to the above directions is handed over to waste paper. The former forms of work are being restored - this is cooperation with the administrations of educational institutions. Letters are sent with a request to include the library in the bypass lists of graduates. The protection of the fund is ensured by its regular inspection. Fund inspections are carried out on a scheduled basis - once every five years. In addition, it is mandatory to check the fund when changing a library worker. In addition, the fund of the Osakarovskaya Central Library Library is annually cleared of old and outdated literature. The library regularly conducts wet cleaning of the premises, cleaning of books from dust, and a sanitary day is held monthly.

42 The Osakarovka central library has developed and implemented a system of measures to save funds in case of emergencies: there are instructions, an evacuation plan, fire extinguishers, the room is equipped with an automatic fire warning system. The Central District Hospital of Osakarovka is equipped with modern fire safety equipment, classes are regularly held for employees. The librarian faces a difficult task - to provide the modern reader with the most comfortable conditions for using documents, while maintaining the fund for future generations of users.

43 Conclusion The considered methods of studying the library fund in this methodological manual solve a wider range of tasks, in addition to assessing the quality of the fund. Their effectiveness is enhanced if, in addition to performing a controlling function, they are also focused on timely corrective actions. However, the limitations inherent in each of the methods necessitate their use in combination, and the relative nature of the quality of the fund requires a systematic approach to their solution. In conclusion, it should be emphasized that the task of preserving the library fund at all times is relevant and does not always require large investments. Compliance with the optimal conditions for the storage of the library fund will serve as a guarantee of the library's effective performance of its social functions. Full-fledged measures to protect library collections will reduce the likelihood of theft and damage.

44 List of used literature 1. Stolyarov, Yu.N. Library stock: textbook / Yu.N. Stolyarov. - M.: Prince. chamber, 1991. - 271s. 2. Reference book of the librarian / scientific. ed. A.N. Vaneev, V.A. Minkin. - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2004. - 448 p. - (Series "Library"). 3. Library fund a / ed. Yu.N. Stolyarov and E.P. Arefieva.-M.: "Book", 1979.-295 p. 4. Moreva O.N., Organization of the library fund: a training manual, O. Moreva, St. Petersburg: Profession, 2012, 128 pp. - (ABC of the library profession). List of recommended literature 1. Kislovskaya, G. A stock of ageless documents. Fund: preservation problems // Library. - 2006. - No. 3. - P.46. 2. Laptev, G.G. New in ensuring the safety of library funds and catalogues. Biblioteka. - 2005. -№1. - S.29-32. 3. Logvinenko, N. International exchange fund and its actualization // Library light. - 2011.- №1. - S. 18-19. 4. Motulsky. R. The Library Fund of the Republic as a National Value: Problems of Formation and Use // Library Light. 2002. - No. 4. - S. 20-25. 5. Rastsvetaeva, N. Maintaining the connection of times…: preservation of funds // Library. - 2008. - No. 1. - P.24-25. 6. Stolyarov, Yu. Intellectual memory of mankind: problems of preservation of the book fund // Library. - 2006. - No. 5. - S. 43. 7. Stolyarov, Yu.N. How to save library collections / Yu.N. Stolyarov. - M.: Liberia, 1995. - 128s. 8. Strelnikova, L. How vaults die: problems of preservation of book stocks // Library. - 2006. - No. 6. - P.25.

45 9. Eidemiller, I. Sphere of Special Attention: About Priorities, Quality and Actual Problems of Formation of Funds // Library. - 2010. - No. 4. P.14. 10. Grikhanov Yu. On the problem of studying book stocks with the help of mathematical methods / Yu. Grikhanov // Library science and bibliography abroad. - M., 1972. - Issue. 41. - P. 80–95. 11. Instructions on the accounting of the library fund // Library and law: a reference book. - M., 1998. - Issue. 5. - S. 242-265. 12. Kovalenko N. I. Fund renewal. Methods of evaluation and calculation / N. I. Kovalenko // Nauch. and tech. b-ki. - 2002. - No. 5. - S. 17–25. 13. Lokhvitskaya S. L. Formation of the library fund: study guide / S. L. Lokhvitskaya, G. V. Tarachenko. - L., 1989. - S. 16–25. 14. Tereshin V. I. Library fund: textbook / V. I. Tereshin. - 2nd ed., Spanish. and additional - M., 2003. - S. 46–47. 15. Petrova T. A. Library fund: teaching aid / T. A. Petrova. - M., Liberea-Bibinform, 2007. - S. 30–35. 16. Shilov V. V. Methodological and mathematical aspects in measuring the completeness of the library fund / V. V. Shilov // Nauch. and tech. b-ki. - 2001. - No. 8. - P. 17–27. 17. Shilov VV Accounting and revaluation of library funds. Shortage rationing // Library and Law: Ref. - M., 2000. - Issue. 8. - S. 203-205.

46 Annex 1 Statistical analysis of the fund * branch No. _______ for 20____. Book fund Total By industry By type By language Regional studies OPL Est. Tech. Agricultural lawsuit, sports Lit.ved. Artistic Books Brochures Rus. Kaz. In. copy. % copies % copies % copies % copies % copies % copies % Amounted at the beginning of the year Received throughout the year Dropped out during the year Amounts at the end of the year Published during the year Book availability Readability Based on the findings of this analysis, further work is planned to study the use of the book fund.

47 Annex 2 Book stock turnover by field of knowledge * Branch No. _______ for 20_____ Total OPL Est.scient. Tech. Agricultural Claim., Sports Lit.Ved. Artistic litera Rus. Kazakh language Foreign language. Book lending Book fund Applicability Head of branch No. _____ _____________________________ (full name) Date * This analysis is carried out annually and allows you to identify departments of the book fund that should be studied. Based on the findings of this analysis, further work is planned to study the use of the book fund.

48 Appendix 3 Flowchart for Writing a Book Research Analysis 1. Identify the book collection department or topic of the analysis. 2. Determine the purpose of this analysis. 3. Determine the methods for studying the fund. 4. Make a table(s). 5. Analyze. 6. Draw conclusions. 7. Outline a work plan based on the results of the analysis.

49 Appendix 4 Study on the use of individual books No. p.p. Code Author, title Year of publication Number of copies. Number of times issued Causes Comment Obsolete Non-core Large number of copies. Lack of copies

50 Appendix 5 Analysis of the intensity of use of the book fund __3_ department of subdivision 32.97 "Computer Engineering" Year of publication Total books Never issued 1 - 3 p. Up to 5 p. Up to 10 p. Over 10 r. Until 1995 7 - 1 5 - 1 1995-2005 70 12 17 18 4 19 2006-2010 5 - - 1 - 4 Total 82 12 (14.6%) 18 (22%) 24 (29.3%) 4 (4.9) %) 24 (29.3%)

51 Appendix 6 Study of the Book Fund Department by Content Analysis No. p.p. Name of the department and topics Total in the catalog Types of publications By language Use of official scientific popular science educational reference books Russian Ukrainian Crimean Tatar viewed on the shelves never issued 1-2 times 3-5 times 6-10 times more than 10 times

52 Appendix 7 Analysis of the reasons for the formation of an unused part of the book fund of the subdepartment _______ "_________________________________" Total books viewed Little used For reasons non-core doublet obsolete undeservedly forgotten

53 Dear readers! We ask you to take part in the discussion of the problems of studying and using the library fund of the Osakarovskaya Central Library Library. We appeal to you, because no one can convey deeper and more accurately how this happens. We also hope to receive answers to similar questions from representatives of the various population groups covered by the services of our library system. Your sincere answers will contribute to solving problems related to this topic. Attention! To fill out the questionnaire, you need to choose the answer option that corresponds to your opinion and circle the number that indicates this option. You can also add your answer on the line provided for this. It is not necessary to sign the form. We thank you in advance for your cooperation! Questionnaire 1. How often do you visit the library? a) every week B) every month B) several times a year D) in exceptional cases. 2. How much time do you usually spend in the library? A) less than 30 minutes; b) about an hour C) more than one hour, but less than 3 hours; D) more than 3 hours. 3. For what purpose do you apply to the library? A) raising the level of education and qualifications; B) expanding horizons; C) to help the learning process; D) recreation, entertainment. 4. Do you find the information you need in the library? A) yes; B) no; B) partially; 5. In what form do you prefer to read books? A) traditional (paper); B) electronic. 6. With what area of ​​knowledge are your reader's requests mainly related? A) natural sciences; B) literature and art; B) medicine; D) technology; D) social and economic sciences. 7. Does the library stock meet your needs? A) yes; B) no;

^ Study of the state and use of the library fund
In the reporting year, work continued to study the state and use of their funds in order to identify little-used, outdated literature that clogs the fund. The Central and Novotulskaya rural libraries did a good job in this regard, they cleared their funds of old and outdated literature. In addition, the Central Library conducted an analysis of its collection of arts and sports. A comparative analysis showed that there are more books on art than on sports, at the same time, based on chronological indicators, books on sports are newer, because. they quickly lose their relevance and are written off earlier. The sports department lacks publications on modern sports achievements, the Olympic Games, the history of a particular sport. Although the art department is better staffed, there is still a lack of literature on individual museums, design and designers, and so on.

In general, the analysis of the literature showed that the fund does not meet the needs of readers, there is little literature, and the composition of the available books requires additional completion (especially literature on sports). I would like to note the Lipovskaya Library - conducted an analysis of the fund on technology and agriculture, the Abashev Library - investigated its fund on natural science.

To eliminate the gaps in the fund allows the constant work with a file of refusals, which is maintained in all libraries and allows you to clarify the subject of acquisition, to satisfy the needs of readers. The analysis of failures showed that the largest number of failures falls on educational and fiction literature. There is still a lack of literature on local history, sports, and professions. From fiction, these are K. Bulychev, V. Astafiev, M. Weller, A. Tolstoy.
^ Writing off literature








by content

Not about-


















It is possible to ensure the qualitative composition of the fund only if the volume of new acquisitions predominates over the volume of retired publications. In our case, the reverse trend prevails: disposal due to dilapidation and obsolescence prevails by 399 copies.

This year, 3,173 copies were written off from the library fund, which amounted to 2.3% of the total fund. Basically, the write-off took place according to dilapidation - 25.7%, 12.6% - obsolete literature. But this amount of written-off literature is not enough. A lot of outdated, little-sought literature remains in the funds.
^ Preservation of book funds
The problem of preservation of the book fund remains the most important task. One of the conditions that ensure the safety of book collections are scheduled inspections of the fund. This year, scheduled inspections were held in the Central Bank, Vladimirovskaya and Chuvichi rural libraries. In all these libraries, the shortage does not exceed the established norms (2% of the annual lending). Departure to the Maslennikovskaya, Abashevskaya and Vladimirovskaya rural libraries was made on the issues of the preservation of the book fund.

^ Working with directories
In 2013, the Electronic Catalog was replenished with 3447 entries. And it is 19510 records. The EC for new receipts has been conducted since 1996 - it amounts to 15046 entries. Ek electronic resources is 572 records - replenished by 6 records. The retrospective database - 3892 records - was replenished with 3892 records. Approximately 1,000 entries were edited during the reporting year.

^ Methodological and practical assistance to libraries

One of the activities of the acquisition and processing sector is the provision of methodological and practical activities to libraries. Firstly, it is a help to novice librarians. For the librarians of the M-Lebyazhskaya, Chagrinskaya and Studenetskaya libraries, a school for a novice librarian was held, where they studied how to maintain accounting forms of documents, draw up debit acts, maintain and design catalogs. At the seminar “Planning work for the year”, consultations were given on planning work with the fund, studying the fund and its sections, and compiling reports. Secondly, these are trips with practical help. Novokurovskaya library was visited with the aim of practical assistance in organizing and arranging the reading room fund. Visits were also made to the Chagrinskaya, Elanskaya, Maslennikovskaya rural libraries, where practical and methodological advice was provided.

Analyzing the problems of library collections and their formation, I would like to hope that even with the minimum amount of literature that our libraries currently receive, they would be preserved as centers of cultural and spiritual activity.

    1. Informatization and automation of library processes

In 2013, there was an increase in the number of PCs by 3 units at the expense of the Regional Target Program "Development of the Information and Telecommunications Infrastructure of the Samara Region" for 2012-2015.

The central library uses a laptop in its work, with its help slide presentations, video viewings at public events are held.

The Central Children's Library has an e-book that it uses in its work, and access to the device is open.

Number of libraries with PCs: 17, including 9 in the central library,

in the central children's library - 4, in the Novotulskaya rural library - 2, Progressskaya rural library - 1, Novokurovskaya rural library-1.

3 libraries m.r. Khvorostyansky have copiers and office equipment: 5 printers, 1 fax, 1 copier, 1 MFP, 1 scanner - in the central library, 1 MFP - in the central children's library, 1 printer - in the Novotulskaya rural library.

4 computers in the Public Access Center of the central library are located in the local area network, there is no server.

In the Khvorostyansk inter-settlement central library, the following processes are automated: processing of new literature, analytical painting of the SCS, electronic local history catalog, subscription of periodicals, using the AIBS MARK 4.5 program.

14.4% of the book fund is reflected in the Electronic catalog by inventory numbers.

Archival copies are stored on flash drives and floppy disks.


Internet provider in the libraries of m.r. Hvorostyansky is Megafon, the type of Internet connection is fiber optic, the speed of the Internet channel is: receiving - 2.01 Mbps, transmission - 2.07 Mbps.

5 libraries of the district have e-mail: central library, children's library, Novotulskaya rural library, Novokurovskaya rural library, Progressskaya rural library.

Blocking access to prohibited sites when communicating with them from the library PC is performed by the provider.

^ Automated maintenance

There is no open access to the electronic catalogue.

5 libraries m.r. Khvorostyansky: Intersettlement Central Library, Central Children's Library, Novotulskaya Rural Library, Novokurovskaya Rural Library, Progress Rural Library provide library users with PCs for independent work, incl. for independent work on the Internet.

^ Virtual environment

Address: http://vk.com/id229084834

Of the paid services provided by the library, the most popular are: photocopying, independent work on a computer, printing documents from a user's flash drive.

The most requested services by users using computer equipment : scanning a document, printing a document on a printer, copying information to a flash drive, photocopying, making information booklets, invitation cards.

List of activities from the library informatization plan for 2014 :

1.Creation of the website of the Khvorostyanskaya inter-settlement central library.

2. Installation of computer equipment in Maslennikovskaya village library.

3.Modernization of user workstations in the CCD.

4. Creation of a virtual reference service "Ask the librarian".

Insufficient funding of libraries is a deterrent to library informatization.
5.3 Partnerships
The culture of partnerships has become an important part of the library's activities. The need for a more holistic view of the needs of the area's population increasingly suggests that libraries need to work together with other institutions and local authorities, as well as with their cultural partners. The library today can act as a useful partner for other organizations as a public information center, a center of cultural life, communication and leisure. And also, the successful work of libraries largely depends on what partnerships it develops with those organizations with which it cooperates.

For many years, the central library has been successfully cooperating on a contractual basis with such organizations as the Assembly of Representatives of the Khvorostyansky District, the Department of Family, Motherhood and Childhood, the School, the State Technical School named after Yu. Inter-settlement cultural and leisure center with Khvorostyanka. Rural libraries work in close contact with the administrations of settlements, KFOR, and schools. Such partnerships allow the formation of a single cultural and information space, the creation of the library's image as a concentration of information opportunities for organizing and holding joint events.

    1. PR , advertising, marketing activities, library and media

In order to maintain a positive image of libraries, to form a reliable reputation among the population of the region, real and potential readers were informed about the activities of libraries. The priority areas in the marketing strategy in 2013 were:

Development and promotion of quality library services,

Development and use of technologies to attract new readers
- creation of conditions for promoting the information resources of the library within the framework of the Year of the Environment.

The following groups of users are in the service area of ​​the libraries of our district: schoolchildren, students of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, workers, pensioners and the intelligentsia. In this regard, in order to create and develop a full-fledged information structure and satisfy the needs of all categories of library users, they tried to use all forms and methods of library work, revealing library funds, and talking about the services provided. Successfully carried out advertising helps to attract readers to the library and increase its prestige. The success of the past year also includes the intensification of advertising activities of libraries, which contributes to the formation of their positive image among the population and partner organizations. Not only books, but also the whole variety of services, new technologies, cultural and educational activities require promotion. This is especially true for computer services, Internet technologies, information services. In the minds of many people, there is a stereotype of the library as a repository of only printed materials. In order to break this stereotype, libraries strive for advertising to be bright, memorable, with a variety of forms: small printed matter - booklets, leaflets, bookmarks; posting information about library services, ongoing events. In libraries, it has become traditional to conduct excursions, during which there is an acquaintance with the library, its departments. The interaction of the library and the media is an effective mechanism for attracting reader interest in the book, creating a positive image of the library. The Central Library can proudly talk about long-term cooperation with the regional newspaper "Chagrinsky Dawns", which publishes reports on ongoing events and articles by librarians on its pages. In 2013, 15 notes about the work of libraries were printed on the pages of the newspaper. For example, “Ecology is the new trend of the decade”, “Bibliobus is fast and convenient”, “Free time and leisure culture”, etc. It should also be said about cooperation with the local television channel “Spektr”, which is also a frequent guest of many library events. On television were shown reports from the district poetry competition, the regional action "Biblionoch", "Call of White Cranes, reviews of new books.

    1. Organizational and methodological activities

^ Table of methodological activities of specialists m.r. Khvorostyansky


Number of events

Number of participants





Number of workshops for

district librarians






Including for specialists of the Central Bank





Number of internships, workshops






Including for specialists without library education





The number of visits of the Central Bank specialists to the libraries of the district






Including in the libraries as part of the KDU





Number of methodical consultations











Number of published teaching materials



Organizational methodological activity of municipal libraries of the district in 2013 was carried out in the following areas:

Analytical, aimed at analyzing the state and development of both individual libraries and the library network as a whole and making methodological decisions on this basis to improve the work of libraries;

Consulting and methodological assistance, which aims to provide consulting and practical assistance to librarians;

Innovative activity, including the search and evaluation of existing innovations and their adaptation to the conditions of a particular library;

Publishing activity.

One of the forms of methodical activity is analytical. The purpose of the analysis is to show the main, new, advanced in the work of the libraries of the region, to reveal the causes of shortcomings, to indicate ways to eliminate them. The sector of innovative and methodological work during the year carried out a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the statistical data of rural libraries, characterizing the multilateral activities of the library. Statistical reports on the activities of libraries were compiled quarterly.The results of analytical activities were communicated to libraries orally (at meetings, seminars, group consultations).
The analysis of the activities of the libraries made it possible to determine the dynamics of the development of the district's libraries, to identify the existing achievements, to reveal the causes of shortcomings, to outline specific measures to eliminate them.

In connection with the receipt by the library at the beginning of the year of the status of a legal

Persons, during January, the sector of innovation-methodical

work, documents were prepared regulating

activities of libraries in the new conditions: Regulations on the library,

Regulations on the departments of the MCB and CSD, Rules for using the library,

job responsibilities of each employee Libraries are increasingly introducing innovative

processes. One of the main ways of effective and innovative activity of libraries is project activity. The implementation of projects contributes to the improvement of certain areas and directions of library activities, consolidation with partner organizations and, ultimately, increasing the prestige of the library in society. Within the framework of the Year of Environmental Protection in February 2013, the sector of innovative and methodological work announced a regional competition of projects “Live, Earth!”. The purpose of the competition is to organize purposeful work of libraries on environmental education of the population. Each library drew up its own project, events were held with various categories of the population, work on projects was widely covered in the media. The results of the regional competition of projects will be summed up at the final meeting in February 2014.

In order to declare oneself, such a form of work as an action is successfully mastered. From year to year, more and more actively, the libraries of the district are involved in international, regional and regional actions. During April-June, the following actions were held in libraries: "Biblionoch" (MCB, Maslennikovskaya s / b), "Biblio Twilight" (TsDB, Abashevskaya, Vladimirovskaya, Novotulskaya, Novokurovskaya, Elanskaya, Progressskaya s / b). On May 7, libraries hosted the International Campaign “Reading to Children about the War”, in which 1011 children and adolescents took part. On May 16, the “Pink Giraffe” campaign was held in the Central Children's Library for the International Reading Day. The children heard the story of Curious George and its authors. Then there was a discussion of what was read. In October, 6 libraries of the district, more than 300 students took part in the regional patriotic action "White Cranes Day". In rural libraries, within the framework of the Year of Environmental Protection, environmental campaigns “Let's save the nature of our native village” (Novokurovskaya, Chagrinskaya, Elanskaya rural libraries), “Save water, save land!”: An action to clean up the banks of the Chagra River (Novotulskaya, Vladimirovskaya rural libraries. More than 100 people took part in actions to protect the nature of their native land, which helped to increase the number of library users and raise the prestige of libraries in society.

In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the problems of the public space of libraries, their new existence in society. Modern libraries strive to become attractive to a wider and more diverse audience, are actively involved in socio-cultural processes, becoming part of a large public space. The sector of innovative and methodological work for the library specialists of the district prepared a report on the integration of libraries into the rural space, which manifests itself in various aspects. It is proposed to hold activities for children outside the walls of the library. Why do we “leave” the library? The development of new sites, holding events outside the walls of the library - all this is done in order to attract new readers, draw public attention to the problems of reading, and raise the prestige of reading. Both libraries (to be seen) and readers (an opportunity to express themselves) need this.

The Central Children's Library in the kindergarten "Kolosok" in the village of Khvorostyanka organized the work of the library platform "Literary Sandbox" in July-August. Children participated in fun competitions and games, each participant had the opportunity to get acquainted with the books and magazines they liked from the exhibition, and those who wished could take them home for family reading. 15 children were involved in reading.

The Romanovskaya rural library organized a “Summer Reading Room for Children” on the playground, where one could not only ride a swing, but also read books, leaf through magazines, and take part in literary quizzes.

The Novotulskaya rural library in the summer worked under the Living Book program. Activities with children within the framework of the program were held in nature: during trips to the river, on the playground. The topics of the events were the most diverse: it was the riddle contest “Green outfit of the planet”, and the quiz “Guess the fairy-tale hero”, and loud reading followed by a discussion of literary works. Based on the results of the activities of libraries in this direction, a booklet "Rainbow of library excellence: the experience of the libraries of Mr. Khvorostyansky" was published.

Seminars are still an effective form of advanced training. In April, a seminar "Modern trends in servicing library users" was held. Librarians were given a set of knowledge on the organization of the public space of the library, on innovative forms of servicing library users.

Currently, there is an acute issue of protecting children from information that is harmful to their health and development. For librarians of the district a workshop "Acute issues of the implementation of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation" On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development "was held, which addressed the issues of labeling the collection of children's literature.

“Promotional activities of libraries - a step towards the Open Library” - this was the name of the seminar, during which the organization of the promotional activities of libraries was discussed. The librarians shared their experience in holding public events held in open areas, in kindergartens and schools. They were presented with a video presentation of the experience of the libraries of the Ulyanovsk, Penza and Orenburg regions, prepared by the director of MBU "MCB" based on the results of the Summer School of Directors. In addition, the heading "Name in Literature", which introduced the modern literary process in Russia, became an integral part of the seminars. In 2013, librarians got acquainted with the work of P. Sanaev, D. Rubina, V. Tokareva, G. Shcherbakova. The seminar of library specialists on planning the work of libraries for 2014 was rich and interesting. The following issues were on the agenda: planning priorities for 2014, significant and memorable dates for 2014, a calendar of local history dates, planning work with children and youth, work with socially vulnerable groups. Recommendations were given on the design and structure of the plan, its main content and sections.

Seminars organized by specialists from regional libraries turned out to be extremely useful. June 5, 2013 . On the basis of the inter-settlement central library, a zonal workshop "Halls of electronic resources - technologies and forms of activity" was held, organized by employees of the Samara Regional Children's Library for librarians of the Khvorostyansky, Privolzhsky and Pestravsky districts. Library specialists got acquainted with the technology of the Electronic Resources Halls, gained experience in creating book trailers. A report about the seminar was shown in one of the broadcasts of the Spektr TV channel. In October, SOYUB specialists held a regional creative laboratory named after. N.V. Myasnikova on the topic "Modern models of mass work in the children's library." The librarians were given a master class on the creation of the Museum of living a single work, as well as a wide range of information about new forms and methods of mass work in the library. In addition to traditional seminars, workshops were practiced throughout the year. For beginner librarians, workshops were held on statistical accounting of library work, on the methodology of holding public events. For librarians who have a computer with Internet access, a workshop was organized on working with the portal of the libraries of the Samara region and a workshop on advertising their library in Contact and Odnoklassniki. In connection with the development of new information technologies by librarians, active workshops will continue in 2014. The methodological role was also manifested in the provision of advisory assistance. During the reporting year, methodological consultations were provided to the employees of the central library: on the use of the Word text editor, the calculation of the working time budget, and the organization of the library space. To librarians of rural libraries within the framework of the regional weekly monitoring of the municipal libraries of the Samara region (October-December 2013) on the use of e-mail, on the implementation of monitoring tasks. Significant methodological assistance was provided to the Novotulskaya rural library for participation in the regional competition for financial incentives for the best municipal cultural institutions of the Samara region.

Total - 16 individual methodological consultations.

Group methodical consultations , were held according to a predetermined plan, on topics that were of interest to all librarians. Group consultations were timed to coincide with meetings and seminars. They were held in those cases when it was necessary to urgently give explanations to librarians on a particular issue. Their topics are varied: socio-cultural activities of the library, adaptation of new employees, planning and reporting, organization and holding of actions, organization of the public space of the library, etc. Total - 8 group methodical consultations.

Publishing activity is another direction of work of the sector of innovative and methodological work. For library specialists, in accordance with the topics of seminars, methodological recommendations have been prepared: “Organization of clubs and circles in the library”, “How to prepare and hold a “Book Premiere”, “Working with periodicals in the library”, “Golden age”: information materials on Day of the elderly. A number of booklets have been published: "Rainbow of Library Excellence" (Mr Khvorostyansky's experience in libraries), "Modern Trends in Servicing Library Users", "Light of Orthodoxy", "Living Book" (experience of the Belgorod Regional Scientific Library), "Firmed library style. For librarians, Internet users, booklets "Reliable assistant - social network", "Internet to help the librarian: the best library blogs" have been prepared. A total of 20 editions have been prepared. Each library received a publishing package at the end of the year to further improve its library user experience.

The effectiveness of methodological activities largely depends on the completeness of information about the structural subdivisions of the library network. This information is contained in documents of various nature: accounting, planning and reporting, information, etc. But the importance of visiting libraries and providing methodological assistance in the field continues to be of great importance. Due to the lack of own transport, trips to rural libraries are a big problem. Over the past year, 9 trips to district libraries were made. Methodological assistance was provided in the organization of the library space, in the conduct of statistical accounting of the library, in editing book collections and catalogs.

Summing up the results of organizational and methodological activities, it should be noted that 2013 was a successful year in terms of constructive development, innovative and methodological work has not lost its significance and relevance, and contributes to the implementation of the social purpose of libraries.

The main problem is that not always interesting innovative approaches to the organization of library services, voiced in methodological recommendations, expert consultations, find fertile ground for further development directly in libraries. Inertia, lack of creativity, unwillingness to receive and perceive new professional information are a serious obstacle to the development of libraries.

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