Home Trees and shrubs Begonia is gaining color and falling off what to do. Begonia care at home. Optimal temperature for begonias

Begonia is gaining color and falling off what to do. Begonia care at home. Optimal temperature for begonias

Why do begonias drop buds and how to solve the problem Wrong conditions of detention are the most common reason why begonias dry and fall off buds. The natural habitat of this plant is tropical rainforests and subtropics, and home air is too dry. So that the begonia does not get sick and pleases with flowers all year round, it must be moistened, and this is a whole science.

Water should not be allowed to fall on the leaves, growing point, and even more so flowers. You can humidify the air only by spraying water near the flower. Also, do not allow stagnation of water in the pan - this can rot the roots. Begonia should be watered often, but without fanaticism, pouring water along the edge of the pot so that the root does not rot, as is often the case with tuberous begonia. As for heat and lighting, begonias are contraindicated in direct sunlight. From exposure to the sun on the foliage, a burn and redness may appear. The best place for the plant is the southeast and southwest window sills, and then in hot weather they should be shaded. Comfortable temperature is 20–22 °C, in winter - 16–18 °C. In hotter conditions, the begonia flowers dry, the leaves wither, and their color turns red. Lack of minerals

Indoor begonia grows rapidly and eventually begins to experience a lack of nutrients. The ideal soil for this plant is a mixture consisting of the same parts of sod, coniferous and leafy soil with the addition of sand and peat. Such a substrate promotes good flowering. If the flower has become weak, the leaves have brightened, and the buds are falling off, this is a sign that the soil is depleted. You can correct the situation by applying complex mineral fertilizers, such as Kemira Lux. During the flowering period, fertilizers are applied 1 time in 2 weeks, in winter - 1 time in 1-2 months. It is desirable to alternate mineral mixtures with organic matter (biohumus, mullein). In order for flowering to be plentiful, nitrogen fertilizers should be avoided, as they contribute to the growth of foliage and inhibit the formation of buds. Flowering begonias need more phosphorus, potassium and trace elements.

Begonia is a beautiful flower that delights lovers with a riot of colors. This plant has a lot and it is grown both in the apartment, as indoor, and in the garden. Few people know that for the amazing shape of the leaves, the begonia is called the elephant or bear's ear. Like any plant, begonia requires attention, care, love and proper care. Often flower growers themselves cannot solve the problems that arise in the process of growing a flower. The bush is naughty, withers, does not want to grow, the leaves curl, dry along the edge and fall off, the flowers turn black. Let's try to figure out why this happens.

Reasons for indoor plants

  1. Plant finds himself in an unfamiliar environment. For example, with the onset of spring, vents and windows are opened in the apartments, a draft arises in the apartment, which the begonia does not like very much. Or, knowing that begonia is light-loving, they put it on the balcony, wanting to please the sun and warmth. And they get the opposite result. A plant that has received stress begins to rebel, the leaves dry up and wither. Solution: Return the flower pot to the usual conditions - to a lighted warm window sill.
  2. If leaves dry and turn yellow in winter, the begonia's love for a humid environment is to blame. Usually at room conditions they are grown on window sills, under which steam heating radiators are located. The air in the apartment is dry. Solution: Put the flower pot in another place. If this is not possible, you can place a cup of water nearby. Regular spraying with water will also help.

    Humidify by spraying the air, trying not to get on the plant, especially on the buds.

  3. Micronutrient deficiencies. Solution: Pamper with regular top dressing with complex fertilizers. Or use potassium nitrate.

When choosing a complex fertilizer, pay attention to the nitrogen content. It should be as small as possible.

Reasons for garden plants

  1. Hot and dry weather insufficient irrigation.What to do: adjust the water supply. But there is a small nuance here. The roots do not like constant dampness, so you need to make sure that the earth is moist, but well ventilated and not constantly wet.


To prevent any disease, you need to follow a few rules:

  • Plant pots should stay away from each other.
  • Place for begonias should be bright, sunny, warm and without drafts.
  • The air around the begonia should be moist.
  • Observe watering regime. The ground should always be slightly damp, but not wet.
  • Timely feeding.
    Symptoms: Gray watery spots appear on the leaves. Flowers and stems gradually become slippery and slimy, the leaves dry up and begin to fall off. The reason is excessive moisture.

    Treatment: Spray with a 1% Bordeaux mixture or a copper-soap solution (a little tar soap, 20 g of copper per liter of water). Treat with benomyl.

  1. Powdery mildew - white bloom Symptoms: spots with a white coating appear on the leaves. If no action is taken, they increase in size and gradually cover the entire leaf completely, gradually the leaves turn brown, curl and dry out.

    Treatment: Spray the plant with either 0.05% morestan, or 0.05-0.1% foundationazole. For prevention, spraying with a soap-copper liquid or a solution of colloidal sulfur is suitable.

  2. Symptoms: yellow-green spots or concentric lines appear on the leaves, they grow and turn into bronze spots. The cause is the so-called tomato virus, which is carried by sucking insects such as thrips or aphids.

    Prevention: Watch out for pests.

    Treatment: it is better to destroy the flower, as the treatment does not work.

  3. Spotting bacterial - brown spots Symptoms: small glassy watery spots form on the underside of the leaf. Gradually, they become brown and capture stems and buds.

    Prevention: Spray every two weeks with a 0.5% copper oxychloride solution.

    Treatment: It is not subject to treatment, the flower must be destroyed so as not to spread the infection, the pot must be thoroughly disinfected, it is better to throw the earth away and replace it with another one.

Darken (flowers turn black)

  1. Water gets on the flowers during watering.
    Solution: water under the root, avoiding drops on the buds and on the edges of the leaves.
  2. Lack of moisture for foliage and flowers, for example, in hot and dry summers or in winter on a warm windowsill. Solution:
    1. Set the flowerpot with a flower on wet expanded clay.
    2. With a sprayer humidify the air around the plant trying not to get water on the buds.

The flower does not develop the root system, fades

There are two types of begonia - root begonia and tuber begonia.

For both species, wilting of the root system occurs due to over watering. If water stagnates in the ground, and the roots and tubers begin to rot, the plant withers, the leaves fall off, in this case it is necessary to limit the amount of moisture supplied.

The second reason is the infection of the flower nematodes. Since this is a viral disease, the plant dies.

And the third reason is that there are types of begonias that bloom only in summer, and in winter they need rest. In this case, there is no need to be afraid of drying. Just need cut off all leaves, stems and flowers, and place the tubers in a closed container with dry sand or soil and store in the cellar or on the loggia at a temperature of plus five to plus ten degrees.

Falling buds

Begonia - very tough plant. Buds can fall off for a variety of reasons:

  • Insufficient watering.
  • Excessive watering.
  • Dry air around the plant.
  • The buds got water.
  • Overfeeding.
  • Insufficient nutrition.
  • Moving a flower pot from place to place. Even turning a few degrees can cause the buds to drop.

Solution: Observing the plant, identify the cause, adjust watering and top dressing. In no case do not change the location of the flower. Flowers may not exist at all if you unknowingly acquired a plant that does not bloom.

stem rot

The reason again in the wrong watering. Excessive moisture and getting it on the outlet provokes stem rot.

It is necessary to cut the stem, remove the rotten part and place the stem for several days in water with Kornevin.

Begonia pests

There are two ways to deal with pests. Large pests - slugs, caterpillars - harvested by hand. small sprayed with insecticides or infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs.

leaf nematode

These are worms up to 1 mm in size. When a begonia is affected by a nematode, the leaves appear light green spots, the tops develop incorrectly, the plant gradually dies. For prevention, a solution of heterophos (0.005)% is used. If the lesion is extensive, the plant cannot be saved, it is better to destroy it.

Thrips greenhouse

Terrible in itself and as a pathogen, 1.5 mm long, develop well at high humidity and a temperature of about 30 degrees. The adult insect is dark brown in color, the young are orange. Plant stops growing, discolored, the leaves turn yellow.

For destruction regularly, every two weeks you need to spray with infusion of celandine or tobacco.

Greenhouse aphids

A tiny insect, 2 mm in size, which settles on the lower part of the leaf, covering it with sugary secretions.

They die at temperatures below zero or at high summer temperatures and drought. Sucks the sap from the plant, so the leaves curl and dry out.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the plant. If aphids are found, spray with an infusion of tobacco (100 g per liter of water) or green soap. Of the chemicals, benzophosphate (0.1%), actelik (0.1%), selecron (0.05), kroneton (0.05-0.1%) are suitable

Summing up, we will formulate simple rules, following which, you can successfully grow begonias and constantly admire wonderful flowers.

  • The place for begonias should be bright and sunny.
  • Pots should not be very close to each other.
  • Begonia loves a humid environment around it, but does not like it when moisture gets on the buds and leaves.
  • The soil in the pot should be slightly damp, but not wet.
  • Regular inspection of the leaves, especially from the inside, will help to identify pests and destroy them in time.

Good luck, dear flower growers.

Improper conditions of detention are the most common reason why begonias dry and fall buds. The natural habitat of this plant is tropical rainforests and subtropics, and home air is too dry. So that the begonia does not get sick and pleases with flowers all year round, it must be moistened, and this is a whole science.

Water should not be allowed to fall on the leaves, growing point, and even more so flowers. You can humidify the air only by spraying water near the flower. Also, do not allow stagnation of water in the pan - this can rot the roots. Begonia should be watered often, but without fanaticism, pouring water along the edge of the pot so that the root does not rot, as is often the case with tuberous begonia.

As for heat and lighting, begonias are contraindicated in direct sunlight. From exposure to the sun on the foliage, a burn and redness may appear. The best place for the plant is the southeast and southwest window sills, and then in hot weather they should be shaded. Comfortable temperature is 20–22 °C, in winter - 16–18 °C. In hotter conditions, the begonia flowers dry, the leaves wither, and their color turns red.

Lack of minerals

Indoor begonia grows rapidly and eventually begins to experience a lack of nutrients. The ideal soil for this plant is a mixture consisting of the same parts of sod, coniferous and leafy soil with the addition of sand and peat. Such a substrate promotes good flowering. If the flower has become weak, the leaves have brightened, and the buds are falling off, this is a sign that the soil is depleted.

You can correct the situation by applying complex mineral fertilizers, such as Kemira Lux. During the flowering period, fertilizers are applied 1 time in 2 weeks, in winter - 1 time in 1-2 months. It is desirable to alternate mineral mixtures with organic matter (biohumus, mullein). In order for flowering to be plentiful, nitrogen fertilizers should be avoided, as they contribute to the growth of foliage and inhibit the formation of buds. Flowering begonias need more phosphorus, potassium and trace elements.

The most common diseases leading to dropping flowers are gray rot and powdery mildew.

The rot appears as light watery spots on the tops of the shoots, leaves and buds. Against the background of a general weakening of the plant, flower stalks are the first to fall off at the points of attachment to the branch. If only the inflorescences break off, and the pedicels remain, then, most likely, the begonia is sick with powdery mildew. This can be judged by the condition of the lower leaves - it is there that a characteristic plaque begins to appear.

Timely treatment of begonias with a copper-containing fungicide (Bordeaux mixture) or a solution consisting of copper sulfate (2 g) and laundry soap (20 g) dissolved in 1 liter of water helps to stop this process. If the disease progresses, the plant is sprayed with a 1% solution of "Fundazol".

Begonia is one of the most beautiful plants that adorns our squares, parks, gardens and apartments. The flower belongs to the huge Begoniev family. To date, this genus has about 900 full-fledged and 2000 hybrid species. For the first time, begonia was described back in 1690 by Michel Begon, and they began to use it for decorative purposes only 200 years ago.

From the history

The history of begonia began in the Antilles, where Michel Begon first described it. Subsequently, this flower was named after him. A few decades later, an ever-flowering begonia native to Brazil was described, even later, a royal begonia from the Hindustan Peninsula and a tuberous subspecies from South America. It is from them that all modern varieties originated. After the widespread use of this flower for decorative purposes, begonia became incredibly popular: at first it was only a greenhouse flower, and then there were those that perfectly tolerate the surprises of the climate.

Today, there are a huge number of hybrid forms and varieties of cultivated begonia around the world.

All types of begonias are divided into groups according to their decorative qualities:

  • Decorative flowering;
  • Decorative and deciduous.

The most popular species is the tuberous begonia. She boasts incredibly bright colors and, most importantly, they are very unpretentious in care.

The place of growth of begonias can be called the tropics and subtropics. They prefer shady and humid places, but are also found on steep seashores at an altitude of 4000 meters, in the mountains and on arid slopes.

A variety of forms and types of begonias

Begonia is diverse not only in shape, but also in size and color. It can be like a herbaceous plant, the length of which is 3 cm, and maybe a rather large shrub. Begonias are stemless, there are - with only one leaf. The leaves themselves have a color of any shade of green, the reverse side of the leaf is either plain or covered with multi-colored spots and patterns. Begonia flowers have a wide range of colors, mostly warm colors.

begonias- These are indoor plants that can bloom not only in summer, but also in winter. Decorative flowering species are plants with large bright flowers, and decorative deciduous species have beautiful rich foliage, but their flowers are less attractive. The leaves themselves are covered with bright pubescence.


For begonias, it is very important that the light is bright. Flowering specimens are especially in need of this. In summer, it is best to shade the begonia from direct light, otherwise sunburn may occur. Decorative leafy begonias are suitable for diffused light; they are best placed on eastern or western windows.

Temperature regime

The most optimal temperature for this flower is 21-23 degrees in summer, and not lower than 15-18 in winter.

Air humidity

Because of its origin, begonia loves high humidity, but it is not recommended to spray it. This is due to the fact that, getting on the leaves, water provokes the appearance of brown spots. In order for the plant not to suffer from excessive dryness of the air, you need to put the plant on an inverted tray, and after that the whole structure must be placed in an even larger tray. Expanded clay should be poured around the circumference, which needs to be moistened periodically. Evaporating, the water will maintain the moisture balance necessary for the begonia.


On hot summer days, begonias need to be watered very abundantly, but water should not be allowed to stagnate in the pan, and even more so in a pot. It should be watered with settled water when 1-1.5 cm of the earth has already dried up after the previous watering. Reduce watering in winter. Pay special attention to tuberous species: they hibernate for the winter, so they need to be placed in peat and watering should be completely excluded.

top dressing

You need to start feeding begonia 1 time in 2 weeks from the moment of flowering. Fertilizers with nitrogen should only be used for deciduous varieties, as they inhibit flowering, but improve leaf growth.

There are no special requirements for the soil for begonias. It can be purchased at a special store, or you can easily make it yourself. If you decide to prepare the soil yourself, then you need to fill half the pot with leafy soil, and then add a mixture of peat and black soil in equal proportions. Don't forget to put some regular sand in the bottom of the pot. If you properly prepare the soil for begonia, then it will delight you with its active growth for a long time.

This plant should be repotted as needed. Time passes from the previous transplant, and now the grown roots cannot fit in the old pot. That is why the plant needs to be placed in a more spacious pot. It is best to transplant in the very beginning of spring. The plant must be carefully removed from the pot, and the roots must be cleaned of old peat. After that, it is best to place the plant in water with potassium permanganate for a while. After the roots are cleared of sand, it will be necessary to cut off the rotten parts.

It is very important not to pour a full pot of earth when transplanting begonias. It is best to wait until the roots are completely dry, and then add some earth. A plant that has recently been transplanted needs to be watered very often. Also, begonias should not be placed immediately in the sun. Remember, now for a while you need to take care of the begonia more diligently. Usually the time of acclimation in a new place is about 1 month.

Reproduction of this wonderful plant can be done in three ways:

  • Leaf cuttings;
  • stems;
  • The division of the bush.

Each type of begonia has its own reproduction characteristics, and if you ignore them, the plant is not something that will not bloom, it will not take root.

To propagate tuberous begonias, you must have seeds or tubers.

Reproduction by tubers should be carried out as follows:

  • In the fall, get the tubers from the ground;
  • Trim begonia leaves;
  • Clear the roots from the ground;
  • Place peeled tubers in peat. You need to make sure that it does not dry out;
  • The temperature regime should be within 9-11 degrees.

In order for tuberous begonia to grow well after transplantation, it must be carried out between February and May. In order for begonias to germinate, they must be planted in pots filled with sandy soil and watered sparingly.

It is very important to remember that tuberous begonia germinates very slowly. The fact that the germination process has already begun, you will be informed by the roots and shoots that have appeared.

Begonia blooms very plentifully, and most importantly brightly. Luxurious flowers in their form resemble roses, camellias, carnations, daffodils. The main advantage of such flowers is that they are able to bring the atmosphere of a holiday even to the darkest places. A variety of elegant flowers adorn summer gardens from early June until September, and in apartments they can please the eye from late spring until late autumn.

Diseases and pests of begonias

  • Quite often, the leaves and petioles of begonias are exposed to fungal diseases, most often - powdery mildew. For the most part, it is caused by an excess of moisture. Carefully monitor the condition of the core of the bush, as well as the lower leaves, in order to consider the problem in time. It is these places that are the place where rot and powdery mildew appear. If, nevertheless, you have diagnosed this problem on your plant, you need to get rid of the damaged leaves, and then reduce watering. In this way, you will be able to avoid the reproduction of the fungus throughout the plant.
  • The most common begonia pests are red spider mites and aphids. To rid your plant of them, you need to abundantly spray the leaves with a solution of insecticides: Fitoverm, Intavir or Karbofos. After this treatment, you need to place the plant in a wet plastic bag to enhance the effect of the procedure. However, if you take good care of the begonia, you should not worry that such a problem will overtake you.

Why is the begonia not blooming?

Perhaps your begonia does not have enough light, the room has low humidity, the temperature is not suitable, it is located in a draft, or you just overdo it with fertilizers. Try to change something in her usual life: move it to another window, or to a room where the temperature is different from where your begonia is now. If, despite all your efforts, the begonia will wither, root a few roots. Perhaps she is going to say goodbye to you.

Why do begonias drop buds immediately after they appear?

There can be a huge number of reasons for this. The fault may be improper watering or even the location relative to the light. It is possible that the begonia lacks minerals, so it needs to be fed.

Why do begonia leaves turn yellow?

It is possible that the begonia leaves begin to turn yellow due to lack of moisture or soil depletion. It is possible that pests have bred in the soil that affect the root system of begonias. Therefore, we advise you to replace the soil, having previously cleaned the roots of sand and washed them in water with potassium permanganate.

Begonia care video at home

As you can see, begonia is a beautiful, rather unpretentious plant. Therefore, in order for her to please the eye, you need to provide her with proper care, which is quite possible if you follow the recommendations written above.

Begonia is a beautiful flower that delights lovers with a riot of colors. This plant has many species and is grown both in the apartment, as indoor, and in the garden. Few people know that for the amazing shape of the leaves, the begonia is called the elephant or bear's ear. Like any plant, begonia requires attention, care, love and proper care. Often flower growers themselves cannot solve the problems that arise in the process of growing a flower. The bush is naughty, withers, does not want to grow, the leaves curl, dry along the edge and fall off, the flowers turn black. Let's try to figure out why this happens.

Leaves turn yellow and dry and curl around the edges

Reasons for indoor plants

  1. Plant finds himself in an unfamiliar environment. For example, with the onset of spring, vents and windows are opened in the apartments, a draft arises in the apartment, which the begonia does not like very much. Or, knowing that begonia is light-loving, they put it on the balcony, wanting to please the sun and warmth. And they get the opposite result. A plant that has received stress begins to rebel, the leaves dry up and wither. Solution: Return the flower pot to the usual conditions - to a lighted warm window sill.
  2. If leaves dry and turn yellow in winter, the begonia's love for a humid environment is to blame. Usually at room conditions they are grown on window sills, under which steam heating radiators are located. The air in the apartment is dry. Solution: Put the flower pot in another place. If this is not possible, you can place a cup of water nearby. Regular spraying with water will also help.

Humidify by spraying the air, trying not to get on the plant, especially on the buds.

  • Micronutrient deficiencies. Solution: Pamper with regular top dressing with complex fertilizers. Or use potassium nitrate.
  • Reasons for garden plants

  • Hot and dry weather insufficient irrigation.What to do: adjust the water supply. But there is a small nuance here. The roots do not like constant dampness, so you need to make sure that the earth is moist, but well ventilated and not constantly wet.
  • To prevent any disease, you need to follow a few rules:

  • Plant pots should stay away from each other.
  • Place for begonias should be bright, sunny, warm and without drafts.
  • The air around the begonia should be moist.
  • Observe watering regime. The ground should always be slightly damp, but not wet.
  • Timely feeding.
  • Gray rot. Symptoms: Gray watery spots appear on the leaves. Flowers and stems gradually become slippery and slimy, the leaves dry up and begin to fall off. The reason is excessive moisture.
  • Treatment: Spray with a one percent Bordeaux mixture or a copper-soap solution (a little tar soap, 20 g of copper per liter of water). Treat with benomyl.

  • Powdery mildew - white bloom Symptoms: spots with a white coating appear on the leaves. If no action is taken, they increase in size and gradually cover the entire leaf completely, gradually the leaves turn brown, curl and dry out.

    Treatment: Spray the plant with either 0.05% morestan, or 0.05-0.1% foundationazole. For prevention, spraying with a soap-copper liquid or a solution of colloidal sulfur is suitable.

  • Ring spot. Symptoms: yellow-green spots or concentric lines appear on the leaves, they grow and turn into bronze spots. The cause is the so-called tomato virus, which is carried by sucking insects such as thrips or aphids.

    Prevention: Watch out for pests.

    Treatment: it is better to destroy the flower, as the treatment does not work.

  • Spotting bacterial - brown spots Symptoms: small glassy watery spots form on the underside of the leaf. Gradually, they become brown and capture stems and buds.

    Prevention: Spray every two weeks with a 0.5% copper oxychloride solution.

    Treatment: It is not subject to treatment, the flower must be destroyed so as not to spread the infection, the pot must be thoroughly disinfected, it is better to throw the earth away and replace it with another one.

  • Darken (flowers turn black)

    1. Water gets on the flowers during watering.
      Solution: water under the root, avoiding drops on the buds and on the edges of the leaves.
    2. Lack of moisture for foliage and flowers, for example, in hot and dry summers or in winter on a warm windowsill. Solution:
      1. Set the flowerpot with a flower on wet expanded clay.
      2. With a sprayer humidify the air around the plant trying not to get water on the buds.
    3. The flower does not develop the root system, fades

      There are two types of begonia - root begonia and tuber begonia.

      For both species, wilting of the root system occurs due to over watering. If water stagnates in the ground, and the roots and tubers begin to rot, the plant withers, the leaves fall off, in this case it is necessary to limit the amount of moisture supplied.

      The second reason is the infection of the flower nematodes. Since this is a viral disease, the plant dies.

      And the third reason is that there are types of begonias that bloom only in summer, and in winter they need rest. In this case, there is no need to be afraid of drying. Just need cut off all leaves, stems and flowers, and place the tubers in a closed container with dry sand or soil and store in the cellar or on the loggia at a temperature of plus five to plus ten degrees.

      Falling buds

      Begonia - very tough plant. Buds can fall off for a variety of reasons:

    • Insufficient watering.
    • Excessive watering.
    • Dry air around the plant.
    • The buds got water.
    • Overfeeding.
    • Insufficient nutrition.
    • Moving a flower pot from place to place. Even turning a few degrees can cause the buds to drop.

    Solution: Observing the plant, identify the cause, adjust watering and top dressing. In no case do not change the location of the flower. Flowers may not exist at all if you unknowingly acquired a plant that does not bloom.

    Falling begonia buds

    stem rot

    The reason again in the wrong watering. Excessive moisture and getting it on the outlet provokes stem rot.

    Begonia pests

    There are two ways to deal with pests. Large pests - slugs, caterpillars - harvested by hand. small sprayed with insecticides or infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs.

    leaf nematode

    These are worms up to 1 mm in size. When a begonia is affected by a nematode, the leaves appear light green spots, the tops develop incorrectly, the plant gradually dies. For prevention, a solution of heterophos (0.005)% is used. If the lesion is extensive, the plant cannot be saved, it is better to destroy it.

    Thrips greenhouse

    Terrible in itself and as a pathogen, 1.5 mm long, develop well at high humidity and a temperature of about 30 degrees. The adult insect is dark brown in color, the young are orange. Plant stops growing, discolored, the leaves turn yellow.

    Greenhouse aphids

    A tiny insect, 2 mm in size, which settles on the lower part of the leaf, covering it with sugary secretions.

    They die at temperatures below zero or at high summer temperatures and drought. Sucks the sap from the plant, so the leaves curl and dry out.

    It is necessary to constantly monitor the plant. If aphids are found, spray with an infusion of tobacco (100 g per liter of water) or green soap. Of the chemicals, benzophosphate (0.1%), actelik (0.1%), selecron (0.05), kroneton (0.05-0.1%) are suitable

    Summing up, we will formulate simple rules, following which, you can successfully grow begonias and constantly admire wonderful flowers.

  • The place for begonias should be bright and sunny.
  • Pots should not be very close to each other.
  • Begonia loves a humid environment around it, but does not like it when moisture gets on the buds and leaves.
  • The soil in the pot should be slightly damp, but not wet.
  • Regular inspection of the leaves, especially from the inside, will help to identify pests and destroy them in time.
  • Good luck, dear flower growers.

    Why do begonias drop buds and how to solve the problem

    Inappropriate microclimate

    Improper conditions of detention are the most common reason why begonias dry and fall buds. The natural habitat of this plant is tropical rainforests and subtropics, and home air is too dry. So that the begonia does not get sick and pleases with flowers all year round, it must be moistened, and this is a whole science.

    Water should not be allowed to fall on the leaves, growing point, and even more so flowers. You can humidify the air only by spraying water near the flower. Also, do not allow stagnation of water in the pan - this can rot the roots. Begonia should be watered often, but without fanaticism, pouring water along the edge of the pot so that the root does not rot, as is often the case with tuberous begonia.

    As for heat and lighting, begonias are contraindicated in direct sunlight. From exposure to the sun on the foliage, a burn and redness may appear. The best place for the plant is the southeast and southwest window sills, and then in hot weather they should be shaded. Comfortable temperature is 20–22 °C, in winter - 16–18 °C. In hotter conditions, the begonia flowers dry, the leaves wither, and their color turns red.

    Lack of minerals

    Indoor begonia grows rapidly and eventually begins to experience a lack of nutrients. The ideal soil for this plant is a mixture consisting of the same parts of sod, coniferous and leafy soil with the addition of sand and peat. Such a substrate promotes good flowering. If the flower has become weak, the leaves have brightened, and the buds are falling off, this is a sign that the soil is depleted.

    You can correct the situation by applying complex mineral fertilizers, such as Kemira Lux. During the flowering period, fertilizers are applied 1 time in 2 weeks, in winter - 1 time in 1-2 months. It is desirable to alternate mineral mixtures with organic matter (biohumus, mullein). In order for flowering to be plentiful, nitrogen fertilizers should be avoided, as they contribute to the growth of foliage and inhibit the formation of buds. Flowering begonias need more phosphorus, potassium and trace elements.

    The most common diseases leading to dropping flowers are gray rot and powdery mildew.

    The rot appears as light watery spots on the tops of the shoots, leaves and buds. Against the background of a general weakening of the plant, flower stalks are the first to fall off at the points of attachment to the branch. If only the inflorescences break off, and the pedicels remain, then, most likely, the begonia is sick with powdery mildew. This can be judged by the condition of the lower leaves - it is there that a characteristic plaque begins to appear.

    Timely treatment of begonias with a copper-containing fungicide (Bordeaux mixture) or a solution consisting of copper sulfate (2 g) and laundry soap (20 g) dissolved in 1 liter of water helps to stop this process. If the disease progresses, the plant is sprayed with a 1% solution of "Fundazol".

    Video "The buds fall at the begonia"

    From this video you will learn what to do if the buds fall off the begonia.

    Begonia why the buds fall

    Why do buds and flowers fall?

    Very often we ask the question: “Why do buds or flowers fall”? Falling buds or flowers can be caused by dry air, poor lighting, excess nitrogen, or moving the plant from one place to another. Most often it can be a consequence of a lack of light and moisture, as well as exposure to cold air. Most houseplants are cold tolerant but not frost tolerant. A sudden drop in temperature in a warm room or dry cold causes many problems.

    Consider the reasons for the fall of buds and flowers according to the most famous and common indoor flowers:

    – Azalea – during the period of flowering and budding, the plant cannot be moved from place to place, rotated (even the slightest change in the refraction of rays can lead to falling buds). Drafts and very high air temperatures in the summer also affect the fall of the buds.

    — Adenium — buds can be dropped due to the presence of pests on it, turning the plant during flowering relative to light, irregular watering. With a lack of lighting, it can drop flowers without opening them.

    — Ahimenes — with the appearance of the first buds, you need to apply mineral fertilizer once every 2 weeks. And you also need an annual spring transplant into nutrient soil.

    - Balsam - dropping buds, it reacts, most likely, to a short-term overdrying of the substrate. This can also be from a lack of nutrition, from temperature changes, from too many buds - the plant cannot feed all of them and sheds some of them - this is called self-regulation, and from many other reasons. If the buds do not bloom, there may be several reasons: lack of light, lack of nutrition, excess nutrition, too low temperature, drying out of the soil, dry air or transplant.

    — Begonia — falling buds can be caused by water ingress, dry air or insufficient watering.

    — Gardenia — during the formation of buds and flowers, the plant does not tolerate temperature fluctuations. Irregular watering causes dropping of buds. Sometimes there is a massive fall of the buds, which depends on the dryness of the air, the drying of the soil clod in the pot, and the temperature drop is less than 16 degrees. Buds may not open during long periods of cloudy weather. During the period of budding and flowering, it is undesirable to turn the plant.

    – Hibiscus (Chinese rose) – during budding and flowering, the hibiscus is not rearranged, moved or rotated, as this will cause the buds or flowers to fall off.

    - Gloxinia (sinninginia) -
    There can be several reasons for dropping buds. When the tuber is healthy, good large leaves, the buds fall off from lack of nutrition for them. Give a complex mineral supplement containing trace elements (“Flower”, Sudarushka or others). Spray around the air with water, but not flowers and leaves. Do not allow the earthen clod to dry out and drafts. Hybrid Gloxinia are more demanding on the temperature regime (it should not be below 17 ° C).

    Zygocactus (Decembrist, Schlumbergera) - the plant sheds buds or parts of segments on the leaves when the temperature is too low, insufficient watering, rearranging to a new place, excess fertilizer, pest or disease damage, and it is also necessary to check the roots.

    - Camellia - at high temperatures there is a risk of falling buds. And also, when plants in the budding phase are moved to another place (a change in the light regime affects).

    — Medinilla — With a lack of light, the medinilla may not bloom or shed flowers. During flowering or budding, you can not turn or rearrange the pot.

    — Orchid —
    sometimes sheds buds. There can be many reasons for this behavior. Check: have you flooded or dried out the roots? Are you getting too carried away with fertilizers? Did the room smoke? Was there a sharp change in temperature, cold air from somewhere? Is it hot in the room?

    — Roses — they do not tolerate dry air and high temperatures, especially in winter, because of this the leaves become smaller, dry and crumble, buds do not form or flowering is short-lived.

    – Fuchsia – violation of the watering regime, insufficient lighting, too warm air or moving the flowerpot.

    If you find the above symptoms of a plant feeling unwell, you can heal it by eliminating the causes that caused them.

    Begonia care at home - difficulties

    Begonia- a very popular indoor flower, and this has its own explanation: begonias have beautiful leaves and flowers, which is probably why the people call it "girl's beauty." For those who appreciate beauty in indoor plants, I advise you to definitely get a begonia. And I will try to tell you about the most common problems that arise when growing a beautiful begonia, and how to solve them. For if you are informed, then you are ready to deal with the problem.

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    Begonia - home care

    What to do if the begonia leaves curl? If only the lower leaves of the plant dry and curl, then this may be a natural process of dying off old leaves, but if the leaves darken and dry throughout the begonia, you should start to worry.

    Watering should be moderate: do not overdo it with moisture, but do not let the soil in the begonia pot dry out. Curling leaves on a begonia can be a sign of a nutrient deficient soil, which means it's time to feed the plant.

    How often to spray begonias? Begonia loves moist air, but reacts sharply to excessive moisture in the ground in a pot. Varieties of begonias with smooth leaves can be subjected to water procedures, and varieties with "fluffy" leaves are better not to spray, but to spray water around the flower, moistening the air.

    Where to place a pot of begonia? Begonias feel great on windowsills, the windows of which face the southwest and southeast.

    What to do if dark spots and holes appear on a begonia leaf? Very often, with improper watering, begonia leaves become stained from cold or hard water. And holes can be a trace of a burn formed by a drop of water and a sunbeam.

    Why do double begonias have non-double flowers? This mysterious phenomenon is quite understandable: female (pistil) flowers of a simple form and male (staminate) flowers develop on terry begonia. Male flowers are terry. Male and female buds open at different times. If desired, female non-double flowers can be removed, this will save the plant strength, and it will bloom profusely with double flowers.

    When should the first flowers appear on begonias? Not earlier than the main stem will have 5-6 knees. In rare cases, begonia at home blooms earlier.

    What to do if flowers darken and fall on begonias? The reason may be the ingress of water on the begonia buds.

    What to do if mealy spots appear on the leaves? It could be powdery mildew or gray mold. Remove diseased leaves, treat the plant with a fungicide. Ventilate the room more often.

    Why do begonias drop leaves and flowers? There are several possible reasons: water got on the plant, the air in the room is too dry, or insufficient watering is to blame.

    Begonia pests. Most often at home, begonias are harmed by insects such as aphids and spider mites.

    When should begonias be transplanted? Spring is the best time to transplant begonias.

    What is the best soil for begonias? The ideal mixture for begonias: turf, leafy, coniferous soil, peat and ordinary river sand.

    Why do begonias drop buds? There are many reasons: waterlogging or vice versa - insufficient watering, drafts, and even a change in the position of the flowerpot relative to the light source by several degrees, not to mention the movement of the flower from one room to another.

    Why is the begonia not blooming? Maybe your begonia doesn't get enough light, the room has low humidity, it's too hot or too cold, or maybe you put it in a draft or overfed it with fertilizer.

    If, despite all your efforts, the begonia will wilt, just in case, root the branch, perhaps your begonia is saying goodbye to you.

    Diseases of room begonia

    In addition to powdery mildew, tuberous begonia is affected by diseases such as gray rot, ring and bacterial spot.

    Gray rot

    causes the fungus botrytis, which exists everywhere, but is activated in humid warm weather, forming white watery spots with a gray coating on leaves, flowers and apical shoots, which eventually become weeping rot spots. As a result, the stems break, the leaves turn black and curl up, the flowers and buds become covered with mucus. When the first signs of gray rot appear, the plant is sprayed with a one percent solution of Bordeaux liquid or a soapy-copper solution of 2 g of copper sulfate and 20 g of laundry soap per 1 liter of water. If the disease progresses, you will have to spray the begonia with a 1% solution of foundationol.

    Bacterial spotting

    manifests itself as small watery glassy spots on the lower surface of the leaves. It is useless to fight the disease, so the affected specimens are destroyed, and the soil in which they grew is disinfected. For the purpose of prevention, the plant is sprayed twice with an interval of two weeks with a five percent suspension of copper oxychloride.

    ring spot

    caused by a tomato virus and appears as yellow-green concentric lines on the leaves, turning into bronze spots and necrosis. Sick plants should be destroyed, and as a preventive measure, prevent aphids, thrips and other sucking insects that carry the virus from appearing on plants, and also remove weeds in a timely manner.

    Reasons why begonias drop buds. Useful tips for disease control and prevention methods

    Begonia is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful indoor plants. She is loved for her bright color and splendor, a variety of shapes and colors.

    At the same time, experienced flower growers recognize begonia as almost the most difficult flower to grow. The plant requires constant supervision and attention, as well as competent care.

    If the begonia is not properly cared for, then the buds can easily fall off the flower, without having time to bloom. At the same time, newly emerging buds will fall off. What to do and how to make the begonia bloom again?


    Begonia is an annual or perennial plant. Begonia grows in the form of tall, upright shrubs, semi-shrubs, or grasses creeping along the ground. The begonia leaf is asymmetrical, solid or dissected with wavy or serrated edges. Its lower part is colored either red or brown or dark purple, and the upper part often has a geometric pattern, various inclusions and sometimes covered with villi.

    To date there are many species of this flower (about 1600 species). They are conditionally divided into:

  • decorative leafy;
  • shrubby;
  • tuberous;
  • beautifully flowering.
  • There are odorless begonias. Others have an indescribable aroma. Some types of begonias have a medicinal aroma: they cleanse the bronchi and are an excellent natural filter for people with nicotine addiction.

    This the plant loves water, but does not tolerate moisture on the leaves therefore, the air around the begonia should be moistened, and not the flower itself.

    Features of flowering

    Begonia blooms in summer and autumn, and indoor begonia does not fall until December. Inflorescences consist of several small, medium or large flowers. Begonia is rich in an abundance of colors: red, yellow, pink, orange, white.

    In addition to monochromatic colors, there are flowers with a border of various shades. along the edges of the petals. The begonia inflorescence consists of male and female flowers, over which, after pollination, a fruit is formed - a trihedral box, with small seeds inside.

    The flowers resemble rose, peony or carnation buds and consist of 2 to 5 petals, some have up to 6 to 8 petals.

    Collected in racemose axillary inflorescences, the buds are formed at the very tops of the shoots. Begonia blooms brightly and profusely, and the flowers themselves delight with their diversity.

    The plant drops buds: reasons

    Begonia is a very hardy plant., and often flower growers are faced with such a problem when the buds begin to fall off the plant. Why does this happen in plants? There may be several reasons, and not all of them can be easily identified.

    The main causes of falling buds in begonias:

  • water has entered the plant;
  • the air in the room is too dry;
  • drafts;
  • waterlogging or insufficient watering;
  • exposure to direct sunlight;
  • soil depletion;
  • diseases and pests;
  • moving a flower from one room to another.
  • Ways to fight

    If the begonia began to fall off the buds, then first of all it is necessary to change the conditions of its maintenance. Try changing the watering schedule. In summer, begonias need to be watered abundantly, but water should not be allowed to stagnate in the pan. In winter, the flower is watered less. Completely exclude watering in the winter of tuberous begonia, which falls into hibernation at this time.

    Comfortable temperature for begonias: 20 - 22? C, and in winter - 16 - 18? C. At temperatures below the buds of the plant fall off, and the leaves acquire a bright red hue.

    Not the last role for begonias is played by lighting in the room. It should be bright enough. In winter, it is better to exclude the best direct light from entering the plant, to provide the flower with diffused lighting, otherwise sunburn may occur.

    The flower is not too picky about the choice of soil, so you can buy absolutely any in a regular flower shop. If you select the soil yourself, then the best option for a flower would be a mixture of turf, needles and leafy soil with the addition of sand and peat in equal proportions.

    If the flower is weakening, then you can try to apply mineral fertilizers. During the flowering period, fertilizers are applied once every two weeks. and in winter - once every two months.

    If the buds fall off the flower, then the plant may have pests. Then urgent measures must be taken to save the plant, otherwise the begonia may wither completely and eventually die.

    The most common diseases in begonias:

  • Gray rot. Light brown spots appear on the leaves, a fluffy coating appears on the flowers and buds.
  • Powdery mildew. The appearance of a gray-white bloom or dark brown balls on the stems and young shoots.
  • Bacterial spotting. The appearance of small watery glassy spots on the underside of the leaf.
  • Ring spot. The appearance of a flower of yellow-green concentric lines on the leaves. Subsequently, they turn into bronze spots and necrosis.
  • Aphids and red spider mites.
  • You can save a flower during rot or powdery mildew by removing infected leaves and reducing watering. The room must be constantly ventilated. In case of complications, timely treatment is carried out with a copper-containing fungicide (Bordeaux mixture) or a solution of copper sulfate (2 g) and laundry soap (20 g), which are mixed in one liter of water.

    With bacterial and ring spot, the affected plants are destroyed, contaminated soil is disinfected.

    If the plant disappears from aphids and spider mites, then insecticide treatment can help begonias.


    To avoid falling off the buds of begonias, it is enough to constantly ventilate the room, prevent too low temperatures, monitor the frequency of watering, prevent thrips and aphids on the plant, and also spray the plant from time to time with excipients such as a five percent suspension of copper oxychloride.

    For a good grower, a plant is not just a decoration of a garden or a room. A flower is a friend of man, as well as a dog and a cat. A flower is a pet, and, like any pet, it needs proper care. Timely watering, providing light, protection from pests - all this is important. Only with proper care will the flower grow healthy and delight the eye.

    Begonia care at home

    We care for begonias correctly

    How to care for begonia at home

    Begonia is one of the most beautiful plants that adorns our squares, parks, gardens and apartments. The flower belongs to the huge Begoniev family. To date, this genus has about 900 full-fledged and 2000 hybrid species. For the first time, begonia was described back in 1690 by Michel Begon, and they began to use it for decorative purposes only 200 years ago.

    From the history

    The history of begonia began in the Antilles, where Michel Begon first described it. Subsequently, this flower was named after him. A few decades later, an ever-flowering begonia native to Brazil was described, even later, a royal begonia from the Hindustan Peninsula and a tuberous subspecies from South America. It is from them that all modern varieties originated. After the widespread use of this flower for decorative purposes, begonia became incredibly popular: at first it was only a greenhouse flower, and then there were those that perfectly tolerate the surprises of the climate.

    Today, there are a huge number of hybrid forms and varieties of cultivated begonia around the world.

    All types of begonias are divided into groups according to their decorative qualities:

    A variety of forms and types of begonias

    Begonia is diverse not only in shape, but also in size and color. It can be like a herbaceous plant, the length of which is 3 cm, and maybe a rather large shrub. Begonias are stemless, there are - with only one leaf. The leaves themselves have a color of any shade of green, the reverse side of the leaf is either plain or covered with multi-colored spots and patterns. Begonia flowers have a wide range of colors, mostly warm colors.

    begonias - These are indoor plants that can bloom not only in summer, but also in winter. Decorative flowering species are plants with large bright flowers, and decorative deciduous species have beautiful rich foliage, but their flowers are less attractive. The leaves themselves are covered with bright pubescence.

    For begonias, it is very important that the light is bright. Flowering specimens are especially in need of this. In summer, it is best to shade the begonia from direct light, otherwise sunburn may occur. Decorative leafy begonias are suitable for diffused light; they are best placed on eastern or western windows.

    Temperature regime

    The most optimal temperature for this flower is 21-23 degrees in summer, and not lower than 15-18 in winter.

    Air humidity

    Because of its origin, begonia loves high humidity, but it is not recommended to spray it. This is due to the fact that, getting on the leaves, water provokes the appearance of brown spots. In order for the plant not to suffer from excessive dryness of the air, you need to put the plant on an inverted tray, and after that the whole structure must be placed in an even larger tray. Expanded clay should be poured around the circumference, which needs to be moistened periodically. Evaporating, the water will maintain the moisture balance necessary for the begonia.

    On hot summer days, begonias need to be watered very abundantly, but water should not be allowed to stagnate in the pan, and even more so in a pot. It should be watered with settled water when 1-1.5 cm of the earth has already dried up after the previous watering. Reduce watering in winter. Pay special attention to tuberous species: they hibernate for the winter, so they need to be placed in peat and watering should be completely excluded.

    You need to start feeding begonia 1 time in 2 weeks from the moment of flowering. Fertilizers with nitrogen should only be used for deciduous varieties, as they inhibit flowering, but improve leaf growth.

    Begonia transplant

    There are no special requirements for the soil for begonias. It can be purchased at a special store, or you can easily make it yourself. If you decide to prepare the soil yourself, then you need to fill half the pot with leafy soil, and then add a mixture of peat and black soil in equal proportions. Don't forget to put some regular sand in the bottom of the pot. If you properly prepare the soil for begonia, then it will delight you with its active growth for a long time.

    This plant should be repotted as needed. Time passes from the previous transplant, and now the grown roots cannot fit in the old pot. That is why the plant needs to be placed in a more spacious pot. It is best to transplant in the very beginning of spring. The plant must be carefully removed from the pot, and the roots must be cleaned of old peat. After that, it is best to place the plant in water with potassium permanganate for a while. After the roots are cleared of sand, it will be necessary to cut off the rotten parts.

    It is very important not to pour a full pot of earth when transplanting begonias. It is best to wait until the roots are completely dry, and then add some earth. A plant that has recently been transplanted needs to be watered very often. Also, begonias should not be placed immediately in the sun. Remember, now for a while you need to take care of the begonia more diligently. Usually the time of acclimation in a new place is about 1 month.

    Reproduction of begonia

    Reproduction of this wonderful plant can be done in three ways:

    Each type of begonia has its own reproduction characteristics, and if you ignore them, the plant is not something that will not bloom, it will not take root.

    To propagate tuberous begonias, you must have seeds or tubers.

    Reproduction by tubers should be carried out as follows:

  • In the fall, get the tubers from the ground;
  • Trim begonia leaves;
  • Clear the roots from the ground;
  • Place peeled tubers in peat. You need to make sure that it does not dry out;
  • The temperature regime should be within 9-11 degrees.
  • In order for tuberous begonia to grow well after transplantation, it must be carried out between February and May. In order for begonias to germinate, they must be planted in pots filled with sandy soil and watered sparingly.

    flowering begonia

    Begonia blooms very plentifully, and most importantly brightly. Luxurious flowers in their form resemble roses, camellias, carnations, daffodils. The main advantage of such flowers is that they are able to bring the atmosphere of a holiday even to the darkest places. A variety of elegant flowers adorn summer gardens from early June until September, and in apartments they can please the eye from late spring until late autumn.

    Diseases and pests of begonias

    • Quite often, the leaves and petioles of begonias are exposed to fungal diseases, most often - powdery mildew. For the most part, it is caused by an excess of moisture. Carefully monitor the condition of the core of the bush, as well as the lower leaves, in order to consider the problem in time. It is these places that are the place where rot and powdery mildew appear. If, nevertheless, you have diagnosed this problem on your plant, you need to get rid of the damaged leaves, and then reduce watering. In this way, you will be able to avoid the reproduction of the fungus throughout the plant.
    • The most common begonia pests are red spider mites and aphids. To rid your plant of them, you need to abundantly spray the leaves with a solution of insecticides: Fitoverm, Intavir or Karbofos. After this treatment, you need to place the plant in a wet plastic bag to enhance the effect of the procedure. However, if you take good care of the begonia, you should not worry that such a problem will overtake you.
    • FAQ:

      Why is the begonia not blooming?

      Perhaps your begonia does not have enough light, the room has low humidity, the temperature is not suitable, it is located in a draft, or you just overdo it with fertilizers. Try to change something in her usual life: move it to another window, or to a room where the temperature is different from where your begonia is now. If, despite all your efforts, the begonia will wither, root a few roots. Perhaps she is going to say goodbye to you.

      Why do begonias drop buds immediately after they appear?

      There can be a huge number of reasons for this. The fault may be improper watering or even the location relative to the light. It is possible that the begonia lacks minerals, so it needs to be fed.

      Why do begonia leaves turn yellow?

      It is possible that the begonia leaves begin to turn yellow due to lack of moisture or soil depletion. It is possible that pests have bred in the soil that affect the root system of begonias. Therefore, we advise you to replace the soil, having previously cleaned the roots of sand and washed them in water with potassium permanganate.

      Begonia care video at home

      As you can see, begonia is a beautiful, rather unpretentious plant. Therefore, in order for her to please the eye, you need to provide her with proper care, which is quite possible if you follow the recommendations written above.

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