Home Trees and shrubs Summary of a lesson on application in the second junior group on the topic: “Spring. Abstract of GCD on application in the second junior group of kindergarten on the topic: Spring 2nd junior group open lesson spring applique

Summary of a lesson on application in the second junior group on the topic: “Spring. Abstract of GCD on application in the second junior group of kindergarten on the topic: Spring 2nd junior group open lesson spring applique

Goal: to introduce children to a new flower - snowdrop.


  • Expand knowledge about spring;
  • introduce to the art of appliqué;
  • learn to lay out finished parts on a piece of cardboard, correctly build a composition in accordance with the sample;
  • learn to use a brush and glue, to do the work carefully

Equipment: parts (petals, trunk, leaf, grass), cotton wool, glue, brushes, cardboard; illustration of a snowdrop.

Today our main guest will be an amazing flower. I think you can easily guess its name when you hear the riddle:

A sprout is breaking through,

Amazing flower.

It grows out from under the snow,

Welcomes spring before everyone else.

Listen to what the snowdrop could tell us if it could speak: (reading the poem “Snowdrop” by Anzelmas Matutis)

I was born!

I was born!

The snow has broken through

He came into the world!

Wow, what a prickly snow you are,

You are cold, snowy, and feisty.

You're dreaming about frost in vain,

Very soon you will melt,

You will float into the river

And you won’t say a word!

Looking at an illustration of a snowdrop.

The snowdrop has only two narrow leaves near the stem, large white petals.

Let's try to figure out why the snowdrop got such a name. Listen - “snowdrop”. Why do you think this particular flower was called “snowdrop”?

Children: - Because it grows from - under the snow

That's right, this little plant can withstand even a big frost.

Snowdrop is a forest flower. But at the end of winter and at the beginning of spring, when it blooms, we do not go to the forest. Many flower lovers plant snowdrops near their homes.

Dynamic pause “Snowdrop”:

Nature and a ray of sunshine woke up

I used a broom to disperse the hated clouds.

(children squatted)

A sprout emerged from the gray earth -

Behind him is a light snowdrop flower.

(children rise, turn their heads right - left)

Little by little at first

He put out his green leg

(hands on the belt, legs alternately put forward)

Then he stretched with all his strength

(children stretch, stand on tiptoes, hands up)

And quietly asked:

“I see: the weather is warm and clear.

Tell me, is it true that it’s spring?”

(children raise their hands, clap and say “yes - yes - yes”)

Today we will make a gift for mothers for the holiday of March 8th. This gift is the most wonderful first flower. And after the holiday, our snowdrops will not wither, but will delight you with their fragile beauty for a long time and remind you of the arrival of the long-awaited spring.

(The teacher shows a sample of the composition; explains the algorithm for performing the work. In front of the children is a piece of cardboard, component parts and glue. The students lay out the parts on the cardboard in a certain sequence; then glue the parts into place.)

Now you know what kind of flower the snowdrop is. This is a forest flower and is listed in the Red Book. Snowdrops are the first to bloom, so people pick them, sparingly, some for themselves, some for sale. They pick in armfuls, pulling them out along with the bulbs, trampling the densely growing flowers.

But you and I are friends of Nature

We won't pick flowers

- These are drops of beauty!

Let them grow, bloom,

They bring us joy!

Abstract of the GCD on artistic creativity for the second junior group. Collective application “Spring is red”

Abstract of GCD on artistic creativity (Application) for the second junior group.

Goal: to introduce children to the signs of spring; develop coherent speech, attention, memory; develop fine motor skills and eye; exercise the ability to work collectively; instill in children an interest in creativity.

Materials: Whatman paper with “Red Spring” pasted on it, colored paper flowers for each child, paste, brushes, napkins (for each child), audio recording “Sounds of Spring”.

GCD move:

1 Organizational moment.

Children enter the group, sit in a semicircle, the teacher reads a poem:

"Spring came"

The forests are rustling, the earth is blooming,

The stream sings and rings:

"Spring has come, spring has come -

In clothes made of rays! »

Children's hearts rejoice,

Striving into the expanse of meadows:

"Spring has come, spring has come

In a garland of flowers! »

V-l: Guys, what is this poem about? (about spring).

Vs: That's right, about spring.

Guys, look carefully at the picture (points to whatman paper)

With “Red Spring” pasted on.

2 Conversation with children.

V-l: Guys, name the signs of spring.

Children: The snow is melting, streams are ringing, the sun is shining brighter, migratory birds are flying in, a warm wind is blowing, people have changed from warm winter clothes to light spring clothes, buds are swelling on the trees, the first flowers are appearing.

3. The didactic game “Collect a flower” is held

The teacher gives each child an envelope containing a cut-out picture. The children lay out their flower on the carpet. Then the teacher asks each child what kind of flower he got.

Vl: Guys, now we will show you how flowers grow.

4. Finger gymnastics “Flower”

A tall flower grew in a clearing. (Show the flower with your hands).

On a spring morning I opened the petals. (Spread your fingers).

Beauty and nutrition to all petals (Move your fingers together and apart).

Together they grow roots underground. (Palms down, back side).

Vl: Guys, you told the signs of spring, showed how a flower grows, remembered the names of spring flowers, collected pictures, and now I propose to depict a clearing with flowers next to our “Spring-Red”.

Children perform collective work “Spring has come” (help from a teacher if necessary)

The audio recording “Sounds of Spring” is playing

Results: -What did we do today?

What did you like most?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Lesson in the 2nd junior group. Application. Theme "Spring. Spring flowers." Program content: 1. To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about the characteristic signs of spring. Learn to find these signs in nature. 2.Continue to teach children to answer the teacher’s questions coherently. 3.To form children’s knowledge about the first spring flowers. 4. Improve the ability to understand the meaning of riddles and find the answer. 5.Continue to teach children to work carefully with a brush, paper and glue. 6. Cultivate perseverance and listening skills. Preliminary work: 1.View illustrations of spring flowers. 2. Compilation of a short descriptive story about spring using pictures. 3. Observation of changes in nature. 4.Prepare demonstration material. 5.Make flowers for the applique. 6.Prepare envelopes with riddles. Demonstration material: 1.Illustrations depicting spring flowers and spring. Handouts: 1.Flowers to decorate the basket. 2.Glue, glue brushes, napkins. 3. A piece of paper with a picture of a basket. Progress of the lesson: Knock on the door. Educator: Guys, who is coming to us? A girl enters with a large basket of flowers and a bundle in her hand. Educator: Girl, what is your name? Girl: My name is Vesna. Nature is awakening. She has no time for sleep today. The time of year called spring is coming. Educator: Children, tell me what time of year it is now? Children: Spring Educator: What signs of spring do you know? Children: The sun is shining brightly, it is getting warm, the snow is melting, the birds are singing, buds are appearing on the trees, the first flowers are appearing. The girl Vesna gives her basket to the teacher. The teacher shows the children flowers. Together they look at them: how beautiful they are, how colorful they are, how they have a stem, petals and a center. The teacher explains that if there are many flowers, then it is called a bouquet. Girl (Spring): And I also brought you a picture, it depicts a basket and flowers. Educator: Guys, let's take a look? The teacher unfolds it. The picture shows a basket with stems, but without flower buds. Girl (Spring): While I was rushing to you, I lost all the flowers on the way, but to find the flowers you will have to guess riddles about spring. Take envelopes with riddles; in each envelope, along with the riddles, there is the correct answer in the form of an illustration. If the children answer correctly, each envelope contains flowers, which will then need to be glued into the basket. 1. The snow has melted, the sun is warming, the grass is turning green everywhere, nature is smiling. What is the time of year? (spring) 2. At night it will hide. It will become dark in the yard. In the morning, the joyful (sun) is beating at our window again. 3. It blooms from under the snow, welcoming spring before everyone else (snowdrop). 4. A flower grows through the snow, towards the sun's rays, small and delicate, a white snowdrop. Educator: Well done, you guessed all the riddles, for this we received all the lost flowers from the basket and now we can return them to their place, we will glue them together with you. But before we start decorating our basket, you and I will relax and play a little. Finger game "Flower". Our scarlet flowers open their petals. The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway. Our scarlet flowers cover their petals. They fall asleep quietly. After the game, together with the children, start appliqué and decorate the basket with flowers. Educator: Guys, look how beautiful our baskets with flowers turned out to be! The girl (Spring) thanks the children for their help. Says goodbye.
Ivenina Irina Nikolaevna

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 2 “Umka””

GCD summary for the second junior group on the topic “Dandelions in the grass”

Educator: Maksimova A.A.

Miass 2016

Goals: continue to teach how to create a composition from applique parts, continue to learn how to use a glue stick to glue the applique.


Educational: continue to teach how to make a composition from parts according to a model, learn to glue the details of a composition using a glue stick onto the base of the applique, enrich speech with new nouns;

Educational: to cultivate a love of nature, to cultivate the ability to enjoy one’s creativity;

Developmental: develop aesthetic perception and creative imagination, expand imaginative thinking.

Materials and equipment: applique parts, green cardboard (meadow), glue, napkins, presentation.

Preliminary work: learning the poem “Dandelion” by E. Serova, looking at illustrations and plot pictures on this topic, talking about the signs of the onset of spring.

Progress of the lesson

Children sit in a semicircle on chairs.

Educator: Mother Spring is coming, open the gates (slide 1)

Through valleys, forests and lawns.

Awakening nature from sleep.

Not as a guest, but as a hostess.

Spring is coming young.

Q: Guys, how did you understand what time of year it is outside now?

Q: How did you determine this?

D: It became warm, the snow melted, grass appeared. (Slide 2)

Q: Who knows what the first flowers bloom with the arrival of spring?

D: mother and stepmother, snowdrops, lights, adonis, dandelions.

Q: Correct. And today we will talk about one of them. (slide 3)

Now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you guess what kind of flower it is.

Sun drops early in the morning

They appeared in the clearing.

This is in a yellow sundress

Dressed up…..(dandelion) (slide 4)

Q: Come out, my assistant Polina, tell me a poem about a dandelion.

(Wears a dandelion - a yellow sundress,

when he grows up he'll dress up

in a white dress

light, airy, obedient to the breeze.)

Q: Guys, do you want me to teach you how to create such beautiful dandelions?

But first we need to get ready for work.

Physical exercise.(slide 5)

IN: Come on, guys, to the tables, I will teach you how to create beautiful, bright, airy dandelions!

Finger gymnastics"Sun and Rain"

Sunny (raise your hands up with your fingers spread and turn your hands left and right). Rain (put your hands down and move your fingers).

Fingers are ready!

Q: What do you have on your tables?

D: glue, leaves, flowers, napkins.

Q: The first thing is to create a composition without glue.

Second, apply glue to the stems and glue, then the flower heads, then the leaves.

Show on the board by the teacher, children on their own sheets.

Q: What beautiful dandelions you got. And now we will make a large meadow with dandelions.

Children lay out their work on the carpet

The colors suddenly became like flowers,

Lighted up everything around!

In a new yellow sundress

Dandelion meadow.

And you and I turn into bees that fly in this meadow

Children “fly” in the meadow, buzz, and sit down near the flowers.

Q: Thank you, guys, for such a beautiful meadow, we helped spring in its difficult work.

Reflection :

Guys, what flower did we depict on the applique?

When does a dandelion grow?

Did you guys like it?

And to me, thank you for your attention.

Spring crafts for kindergarten

Master class "Spring sun".

Intended: for children from 2 years old, for joint crafts between parents and children.
Bezzubov Kirill, student of MBDOU No. 22 "Orlyonok", 2nd year. 5 months, g. Karpinsk.
Supervisor: Gergert Lyudmila Valerievna, teacher of MBDOU No. 22 "Orlyonok", Karpinsk.
Purpose: group design, exhibition of children's works on the theme “Spring”.
Target: master the technique of working with napkins; master an unconventional technique of drawing with palms.

development of fine motor skills, color perception, tactile perception, imagination. Developing interest in the application.
Material. A3 sheet of Whatman paper, gouache, yellow napkins, scissors.

I cut the napkins into 5x5 cm squares.

Kirill rolls balls from napkins.

I draw a circle on a piece of Whatman paper.

We draw the rays of the sun. I apply red gouache to Kirill with a brush on one palm, and yellow gouache on the other. Kirill leaves handprints on the outside of the circle. The results are wonderful rays.

Then Kirill begins to glue napkin balls into the middle of the circle.

It turned out to be a sun with red and yellow rays.

I cut out the sun.

The craft Kirill and I made will serve as a good gift for mom. This wonderful sun can be placed in the “Nature Corner” above the weather calendar. Our sun will remind all the children of the coming of spring.
Behind the warm spring sun
Look out the window quickly
And put your palms up
To catch the rabbits basket.
Midges sleep on a blade of grass
And the snail warms its horns,
From under the leaves of a bug
Faces are drawn to the sun.
The spider loves the sun
Worm, bug, cricket,
Flowers love the sun,
Learn to love too!

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