Home Trees and shrubs Underwater massage. Underwater shower massage: indications and contraindications How often can you do underwater massage

Underwater massage. Underwater shower massage: indications and contraindications How often can you do underwater massage

Today, many types of massage are practiced for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Underwater massage is on the list of the most demanded procedures in hydrotherapy. It maintains youthfulness of the skin, removes excess weight.

What are the benefits of underwater massage

Where are these procedures carried out? Health-improving institutions, balneological health resorts, as well as beauty salons present a wide range of water procedures.

Course reception of underwater massage:

  • activates metabolism;
  • improves blood circulation, lymph flow;
  • enhances immunity;
  • reduces pain syndrome, restores the nervous system;
  • normalizes hormones;
  • increases blood pressure, muscle tone when using hot water;
  • enhances the hypotensive effect when using cool water;
  • improves tissue regeneration processes, skin muscle tone, body skin becomes firm, elastic;
  • reduces leg swelling;
  • removes toxins from the body
  • restores sleep, improves the body's resistance to stress.

Despite the positive effect, underwater massage has its own indications and contraindications.

Who can take hydromassage

The underwater massage shower has indications for the following diseases:

  • rehabilitation after surgical interventions and injuries, with osteochondrosis, painful joint lesions, gout, radiculitis, ankylosing spondylitis;
  • diseases of the heart, respiratory system, peripheral nervous system;
  • condition after poliomyelitis with muscle paresis;
  • painful menopause, menstrual irregularities, vascular dystonia, stage 1 hypertension;
  • with metabolic disorders, cellulite, large body weight;
  • with insomnia, stressful situations, chronic fatigue syndrome, nervous overload;
  • with sexual dysfunctions;
  • recovery after operations;
  • when correcting a figure to restore skin turgor.

Who is contraindicated in hydrotherapy?

The main contraindications are diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension in stages 2 and 3.

Do not prescribe water procedures for persons with pronounced symptoms of varicose veins of the legs, with impaired blood circulation in the brain, patients with urolithiasis. The underwater procedure should not be prescribed to cancer patients, persons with skin diseases, as well as people with mental disorders. For what other category of persons is underwater massage a contraindication? Pregnant women, children and adolescents, the elderly.

Underwater procedure

The use of aquamassage was noted in Germany in the last century. How is hydromassage done? Classic manual underwater massage is carried out using the following movements: stroking, rubbing, vibration and kneading. The massager is a stream of water supplied through a special nozzle. The intensity of the action of the water depends on the goal and the diameter of the nozzle.

An underwater hydromassage shower can be general (a person is completely immersed in a container of water) or local (lowers a part of the body). In terms of thermal effects, it can be warm (water temperature 37-39 ° C), hot (temperature 40 ° C). The addition of herbal infusions, vegetable oils and salt improves the therapeutic effect.

Carrying out the procedure

The patient is placed in a hydromassage pool. The water jet is directed towards the patient under pressure. The nozzles have different thicknesses and shapes, allowing you to change the intensity of the water supply and the angle of inclination.

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Training. The patient plunges into the hydromassage pool, relaxes for 5 minutes.
  2. Carrying out the procedure according to the planned program.

The procedure is carried out according to the classic massage rules.

With the maximum pressure of water, only the lower and upper limbs can be massaged. The rest of the body requires minimal exposure at a distance of 15-20 cm from the skin. The 90 ° water jet has the most powerful effect on fabrics. The abdominal area is massaged clockwise only. The strength of the water is regulated by the thickness of the tip and the angle of delivery.

An important contraindication is not to direct the water stream to the chest, genitals.

The doctor prescribes an underwater massage based on the indications for use and the diagnosis. The duration of the water procedure varies from 10 to 30 minutes, it is carried out according to the doctor's prescription every day or every other day.

As a rule, to obtain a healing effect, the patient must take at least 15-30 water sessions. Underwater massage shower is contraindicated on days when other water and thermal prescriptions of the doctor, as well as ultraviolet exposure, are carried out.

During the procedure, warm water relaxes the muscle tissue, the jets of water massage the tissue painlessly. In this state, a deeper underwater massage can be performed, which enhances blood circulation, lymphostasis, as a result, increases metabolism in cells, leading to a decrease in inflammation processes.


  • Stroking.

This technique has a mild effect on the skin. Water supply angle 35-45 °, water pressure from 1 to 1.5 atmospheres. The masseur, folding one hand in a gutter, slowly advances the tip at a distance of 1 to 10 cm from the skin. This manipulation helps to regulate the pressure of the water flow, resulting in a soft glide over the body.

  • The most powerful technique for an underwater shower-massage is rubbing. The jet is directed perpendicular to the skin. Water pressure from 2 to 4 atm. Actions: circular movements along the massage lines. The jet intensity is adjusted with the left hand.
  • Kneading.

In terms of technique and influence on muscles, this is the most powerful technique. Actions: grab muscle tissue with a hand, lift it above the skin and apply a stream of water to it. The movements are circular vertically and horizontally. The intensity of the water pressure is directly related to the massaging area of ​​the skin. The distance of the nozzle from the skin is from 5 to 10 cm.

Rhythmic changes in the distance from the masseur's hand to the patient's body with an interval of 10 to 60 cm form vibrational movements. This technique has a powerful effect on the patient's nervous system.

Indications for the use of local underwater massage

The procedure is prescribed by a doctor based on the established diagnosis and the patient's condition. In this case, the diseased part of the body (legs, arms, lumbar part) is massaged with a water shower.

Treatment results

After undergoing a course of treatment with the use of hydromassage, the patient's general well-being improves. The nervous system is strengthened, full sleep is restored. Decreases headache, bone-joint pain. Patients are less tired from stress (mental and physical). Swelling in the legs is reduced. There are cosmetic changes. Postoperative scars become less visible. The skin gains elasticity, smoothness, becomes silky. Cellulite phenomena disappear, body weight decreases from 2 to 5 kg. Strengthening metabolic processes in the body reduces blood cholesterol levels.


Underwater shower massage is the most pleasant and beneficial procedure for the human body.

However, there are a number of diseases and conditions when its use is harmful. Therefore, the procedure is recommended to be carried out according to the doctor's prescription.

In the 30s of the last century, a new revolutionary method of treatment was tested in Germany, which stunned with its results. The participants in the experiment were people who had suffered from injuries of varying severity for a long time and had already completely lost hope of recovery. They were placed in pools of water, where air was pumped with a compressor. The formed jets influenced the diseased bodies with force. Imagine the general surprise when, after a while, the wounds of most patients began to heal, the swelling disappeared, and broken bones healed. Since then, the technique called underwater shower massage has changed and improved, but it still remains one of the most beloved and popular in all balneological resorts in the world.

This technique is considered universal, as it combines the healing properties of classic massage, water, light, heat and hardening procedures, and sometimes aromatherapy.

A person who has just plunged into a warm bath has a slight rise in blood pressure. The heart begins to beat faster, causing the blood and lymph to move faster. But after a while, the body gets used to the new environment and completely relaxes, the vessels expand, the pulse and pressure normalize, the muscles stretch and become more elastic, the clamps, spasms, and pain disappear with them. If at this moment a stream of water is directed to the surface of the skin at a certain angle and pressure, then nothing will prevent it from acting even on the deepest organs, tissues and structures, without causing pain and discomfort. As a result:

  • the tone of blood vessels and muscle corset increases;
  • metabolic processes are activated;
  • tissues are saturated with nutrients and oxygen;
  • slags and toxins are removed from the body;
  • the formation of cholesterol plaques stops;
  • increased synthesis of endorphins begins - substances that reduce pain;
  • tissues and joints get rid of excess fluid that causes swelling and inflammation and restore their mobility;
  • pores open, keratinized scales of the upper layer of the epidermis are exfoliated, as a result the skin is leveled, getting rid of the manifestations of cellulite, scars and adhesions, acquires elasticity and an even healthy color;
  • fatty deposits are broken, the figure becomes slim and fit. There are cases when patients lost up to 5 kg of weight during the course of a shower-massage.

The alternation of high and low temperatures allows this type of massage to be classified as a hardening procedure. As a result, the immune defense is strengthened, the resistance and general tone of the body increase. A few drops of essential oils added to water or sea salt, which saturates the body with iodine and mineral components, will enhance the effect.


The combination with chromotherapy - the therapeutic effect of color and light - is especially popular today. Moreover, each shade of the spectrum performs a specific function: red - improves blood circulation, yellow - fights against the manifestations of cellulite, and green and blue - perfectly treat inflamed and irritated skin.

Indications for appointment

A warm bath with a massage shower is the best way to relax and unwind after a long day at work. This useful procedure brings a burst of strength and energy, and sometimes even becomes an indispensable therapeutic tool that helps fight diseases:

  • musculoskeletal system: arthrosis, osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine, paresis and deforming spondylosis;
  • skin: deprive, increased cell division with hyperkeratosis, neurodermatitis;
  • digestive system: colitis, gastritis, intestinal functional disorders;
  • vessels: hypertension and low blood pressure in the initial stage of development, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis;
  • urogenital area: inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, prostatitis;
  • peripheral nervous system: neuritis, plexitis, myositis;
  • metabolism: gout, obesity, cellulite.

Loose nerves, depression and chronic fatigue syndrome are direct indications for the use of this hydrotherapy method.


Hydromassage is a fairly safe procedure, but this type of therapy can harm health and significantly worsen the condition when:

  • heart rhythm disorders;
  • angina pectoris, especially in its severe manifestations;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • hypertension of the 3rd degree;
  • recent stroke or myocardial infarction;
  • epilepsy;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy;
  • uterine and menstrual bleeding;
  • any infectious and inflammatory diseases in the acute stage;
  • recent injuries and fractures;
  • fever and fever;
  • urolithiasis;
  • the presence of blood clots and a tendency to form them;
  • pustular rashes on the skin.

The age of the patient is also a contraindication: in order to avoid undesirable consequences, this type of massage is not recommended for children under 5 and adults over 70 years old without first consulting a doctor.

Necessary equipment

For the procedure, special large-volume baths with a capacity of up to 600 liters are used. The streamlined shape of the bed is equipped with a comfortable headrest and multi-level footrests, allowing the patient to sit comfortably during the massage. Today, in spas and health centers, fiberglass equipment is preferred, as it is durable and resistant to aggressive fillers, for example, highly mineralized water. The presence of a special anti-slip step, as in the photo, is welcomed, allowing you to easily get out of the bath.

Such a device is equipped with a flexible hose with which the specialist performs massage, and a convenient control panel that allows you to control the temperature and pressure of the water. The intensity of the impact and the type of jet are also regulated using nozzles of different shapes included in the kit:

  • jet - with round holes - are used for local massage;
  • rainwater - with many small holes - are intended for the initial preparatory treatment of the whole body, as well as for exposure to the abdomen and joints;
  • slotted - used to massage the spine, arms and legs.

The price of such a procedure in the salon is from 700 to 3000 rubles. You can save money by arranging a hydromassage at home.

  • The easiest option is to use a regular shower hose, after removing the watering can from it. Adjust the water pressure and local distribution by hand.
  • You can purchase special Alekseev massage attachments. They are equipped with replaceable nets with 13, 19 and 61 holes and are designed for powerful acupressure, soothing or gentle massage. Based on many positive reviews, these attachments are simple and effective to use. Crafted from lightweight, quality plastic, they have a universal fit and slide easily over any household shower hose. Before using the attachments, it is advisable to watch the training video or carefully read the attached instructions.
  • The most expensive option is an automatic hydromassage shower cubicle or bathtub with built-in nozzles, from which water-air jets escape under programmed pressure, acting on the human body.

Technique of the procedure

The session begins with filling the bath. The water should not be too hot: 36–37 ° C will be enough. To enhance the healing effect, it is useful to use all kinds of additives: sea salt, essential oils, medicinal decoctions. Herbaden Spa has gained particular popularity - a mix containing Dead Sea salts with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects and extracts of the six most famous medicinal herbs: chamomile, mint, nettle, lavender, willow bark and hop cones.

Then the patient is immersed in a bath and just lies in warm water for 5-7 minutes, getting used to it and relaxing the muscles. After that, the masseur takes a hose in his hands and begins to treat the human body with a stream of water coming out under pressure up to 4 atmospheres, constantly changing the angle of inclination, nozzles and methods of influence. It can be:

The procedure lasts up to half an hour, after which you need to lie down in warm water for another 5–7 minutes. During the session, the specialist must constantly monitor the patient's condition. At the first signs of his poor health - heart palpitations, nausea, dizziness, tinnitus - you should immediately interrupt the massage. Redness of the skin after manipulations is not an alarming signal, it is just a consequence of increased blood circulation and heat exposure.

The competent implementation of underwater therapy will reduce all existing risks to zero and will give you the opportunity to enjoy life without pain, problems and worries.

Feature articles

A procedure that really saves from cellulite, helps to lose weight and improves well-being - underwater shower massage. Indications and contraindications for its implementation are quite diverse. It is believed that this is a very painful event. Is it really? Who will benefit and who will be harmed by high pressure massage?

Underwater shower massage - what is it and how is it better than usual?

Underwater hydromassage refers to hydrotherapy procedures that are carried out in sanatoriums, beauty salons by specially trained employees. The essence of this treatment is that the client's body is massaged under water with a stream of water (it is supplied through a hose under high pressure and has a temperature of 30 to 37 degrees).

First, the patient gently plunges into the bath and rests in it for about 2-3 minutes to relax and take the necessary position. Then the nurse, holding the hose in her hand, sprays the patient's body, while not touching the heart, chest and genitals.

Here, the same technologies are used as with standard contact treatment of the body - stroking, kneading, vibration. But this procedure, unlike conventional manual massage, has a triple effect. Mechanical irritation of the skin is complemented by heat and the hydrostatic effect of the bath.

Since a person is in warm water, the density of his tissues decreases. This allows you to influence not only the surface layers of the skin, but also deeply located. However, this effect is more delicate than with manual massage. In the water, the muscles involuntarily relax, which reduces pain and makes it possible to massage vigorously and intensely. The effect of such treatment is much higher than that of the usual sessions.

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To whom, when and why to do underwater massage: indications and contraindications

The underwater shower massage procedure should be prescribed taking into account the person's condition and the presence of chronic diseases. The indications for such treatment are:

  • edema after injury and caused by impaired lymph flow and venous stasis (conditions in which there is a feeling of "tired legs");
  • insufficient microcirculation;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • obesity;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • disturbances in the work of the intestines;
  • insomnia;
  • menopause;
  • skin that has lost its elasticity, cellulite;
  • cosmetic problems (the procedure can be prescribed for the purpose of modeling the body and skin elasticity);
  • intoxication of the body.

In addition, shower massage is prescribed to prevent microcirculation disorders and maintain normal age-related circulation. The procedure gives good results in muscle hypertension, recovery from injuries (in athletes) and to shorten the rehabilitation period after plastic surgery.

Underwater massage is prohibited for pregnant women. This hydrotherapy also has other contraindications. These include:

  • any illness in the acute stage;
  • high temperature;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
  • inflammation of the skin;
  • severe hypertension;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • heart attack;
  • acute heart failure;
  • neoplasms (including benign ones);
  • violation of cerebral circulation.

Are underwater shower massage prescribed for children?

In the presence of special indications: cerebral palsy, pain syndrome, impaired stool, problems in the functioning of the ODA, neurological diseases, muscle hyper- and hypotonia, the procedure of underwater shower-massage can be prescribed for children. This can only be done by a pediatrician, and without consulting him, it is strictly forbidden to carry out such treatment.

Contraindications to the procedure are diseases in the acute stage, problems in the work of the heart, liver or kidneys, jaundice, the presence of tumors, trauma to the skin.

Is discomfort possible during hydromassage: reviews

How painful is an underwater massage shower? Reviews indicate that at first the impact of the jets seems rather unusual. Since the bathtub is large enough, especially in comparison with a standard home bath (its dimensions are 2 m by 1 m), some have to apply effort and strain to keep the body in the water at the required level and not change the given position.

The muscles should be relaxed as much as possible so that the procedure does not cause discomfort. This will avoid pain and improve the quality of the massage. If the muscles are tense, then all the healing and health effects of the procedure can be leveled.

Although, according to experts, a shower massage should not cause pain, reviews show that it does happen. If during the procedure the patient has to endure severe pain (or great discomfort), then it is not carried out correctly. Simply put, an unqualified or inexperienced specialist was caught.

Regarding the effectiveness of the procedure, the patients note that if the shower massage is carried out for the purpose of losing weight, then, subject to proper nutrition, it will allow you to lose 3-4 kg per course of 12-14 sessions. At the same time, unlike Charcot's shower, there are no large bruises on the body. If bruises do appear, then they are small and soon disappear.

The healing effect of the shower massage is felt 1-2 weeks after the treatment. The patient feels alert and active.

Underwater shower massage is an effective procedure that strengthens health, helps to gain a slim figure and forget about the hated bumps of cellulite on the skin. Unfortunately, such treatment is now offered by non-specialized paid clinics and beauty salons, where it is carried out to everyone in a row without taking into account contraindications.

After the innovative invention of the Jacuzzi brothers at the beginning of the last century hydromassage procedures entered the top of the most popular methods of treatment and prevention of diseases of the spine.

Principle of operation The hot tub was borrowed from nature. Humanity has long known about the healing properties of geyser springs and actively used this blessing of Mother Earth.

In their likeness were constructed therapeutic bath- in the form of a reservoir with built-in sprays, which point-by-point, under pressure, direct a stream of water onto the body.

To enhance the healing effect, jets of air are added to the water flow. Water massage is divided into two types - bubble and jet.

The former is often practiced for cosmetic purposes, while jet massage is used primarily for medical purposes. There is also "Pearl" variety using ozone.

Standard The whirlpool tub includes two foot jets, two for the abdomen and thighs and one for the back. The pressure of the water pressure is regulated depending on the sensitivity of the patient and the characteristics of the area being massaged.

Indications and contraindications for the use of massage underwater shower

Due to its versatility, this type of massage is suitable for the treatment of many diseases. Warm water, immersion in a state close to zero gravity, allow the body to relax as much as possible. In such a "softened" state therapeutic effect the most productive from the massage.

The hydromassage procedure is shown usually for people with the following conditions:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • violation of fat metabolism;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • joint pain;
  • gastritis;
  • headache;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • radiculitis;
  • healing period after fractures.

Advice. Always take a hot tub before a spinal traction session. It will allow you to competently prepare the body for this procedure.

Despite such an impressive track record, a number of contraindications the application still has:

  • tumors;
  • myocardial ischemia in a pronounced form;
  • allergic diseases;
  • skin rashes;
  • purulent processes;
  • increased body temperature;
  • chronic osteomyelitis.

The benefits of hydromassage

With regular use the body begins to wake up and activate its defense mechanisms:

  • the elasticity of the vessel walls is restored;
  • blood circulation is normalized;
  • metabolism improves;
  • the functions of the musculoskeletal system are restored;
  • the possibility of spasms decreases;
  • the accumulated puffiness is removed;
  • the work of the lymphatic system is activated;
  • the work of the heart improves;
  • slags and toxins are removed;
  • the bath has an analgesic effect;
  • hematomas resolve;
  • diuresis improves;
  • trophic functions are activated;
  • muscle tone is normalized;
  • fatigue and the effects of stress go away.

Duration of the procedure

Average duration procedure is 30 minutes. For beginners, the duration of the first session is reduced to 15 minutes. The course, as a rule, is 15 procedures with a frequency of two to three times a week.

Hydromassage in many cases can be an excellent alternative to the classic manual massage, which is sometimes so painful. Remember, hurting doesn't always mean helpful. Sedative effect from this procedure will help the body to independently start the healing processes in the body.

Watch the video of the underwater shower massage procedure:

Underwater shower massage is a very effective method of physiotherapy, which is used in cosmetology and in classical medicine.

Underwater shower massage: features of the procedure

Underwater shower massage- a type of hydromassage - a very effective and very popular balneological procedure, performed by a strong pressure of water directed at the human body.

The underwater shower massage procedure provides complex impact on the body:

  • beneficial effects of warm water;
  • hydrostatic and mechanical stimulation of the skin with powerful jets.

This combination makes it possible to benefit from this spa process with the greatest effect. Warm water helps to relieve muscle tension, relieve pain, which significantly improves the mechanical effect on the body and helps water currents to exert a stronger effect on tissues, providing a multi-level massage.

To achieve the best result for the body, underwater shower-massage sessions are often used both in medical medicine and in cosmetology.

The essence underwater shower massage boils down to the fact that it simultaneously consists of various effective balneological procedures: a warm therapeutic bath, water of different temperatures in the bath and in directed shower jets (if necessary), the effect of powerful streams of water on the body, intensive oxygen enrichment, which reproduces the effect of a pearl bath.

As a result of this multifaceted action, underwater massage shower has become a very common balneological method of body care, showing both medical and cosmetic results.

Effectively underwater shower massage:

  • regulates metabolism;
  • tones up;
  • soothes;
  • affects the blood vessels;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • pain relieves.

Several underwater shower massage sessions and patients feel much better. The emotional state of patients is normalized, endurance (physical and mental) increases, infections are bypassed, and complaints of pain of various genesis become less.

Such a procedure as an underwater shower massage has shown itself very well in the fight against cellulite: the skin is smoothed, lost firmness and elasticity appear, swelling of the legs disappears, skin scars and adhesions in the abdomen become softer. The level of harmful cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood is reduced. A number of patients lose from three to five kilograms of excess weight.

Underwater shower massage: indications for use

The positive effect of underwater shower-massage as a type of hydrotherapy consists in a general relaxing effect on the patient's body, especially on his muscles. In case of metabolic disorders, the work of the circulatory system, lymph outflow, or if the body requires recovery after exhausting physical exertion, an underwater shower massage will become an indispensable tool in the fight against these troubles.

Powerful jets of water directed at the patient's body during an underwater shower-massage session have a beneficial effect on the body, manifested in:

  • improving blood and lymph flow;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • increasing immunity;
  • improving the tone of blood vessels and muscular system, hot water can also increase blood pressure;
  • lowering blood pressure due to the use of cool water, the work of local immunity in the skin becomes more intense;
  • improving the supply of internal organs with nutrients through the use of a contrast shower, which leads to the stimulation of the functions of the thyroid gland;
  • reduction of pain syndrome and excessive excitability of the nervous system due to the alternation of cool and warm streams when taking a bath of an underwater massage shower.

Doctors have long identified a list of ailments that underwater massage shower effectively fights against.

  1. Sleep dysfunctions, asthenia, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, stress and nervous overload.
  2. Cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the respiratory, peripheral and central nervous systems, vegetative-vascular dystonia, grade I hypertension.
  3. Ankylosing spondylitis.
  4. Cerebral palsy.
  5. Metabolic disorders, cellulite, obesity, gout.
  6. Osteochondrosis, arthralgia, arthritis, arthrosis, myalgia, sciatica, motor disorders, recovery from injuries and other deficiencies of the musculoskeletal system.
  7. Muscle paresis as a consequence of poliomyelitis.
  8. Varicose veins, chronic trophic ulcers, excluding thrombophlebitis.
  9. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  10. Overwork of the body as a result of great physical and sports activities.
  11. Weakened immunity.
  12. Problems in the work of the lymph and blood circulation systems.
  13. Sexual dysfunctions, diseases of the genitourinary system.
  14. Recovery after plastic surgery, detoxification.
  15. Overweight problems, loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin.

The main types of procedure "underwater shower massage"

Depending on the contents of the bath during the underwater shower-massage session, such it is distinguished kinds:

With sea water. Due to the presence of sea salt in the bath, the underwater massage shower removes excess fluid from the body, which makes the puffiness go away. In addition, adipose tissue is exposed to biological activators contained in seawater.

With mineral water. This type of underwater shower massage is used for mineral imbalance of body tissues. Taking into account the fact that the result of such a violation is the appearance of cellulite, the underwater shower massage with mineral water has an anti-cellulite effect.

Using essential oils (lemon, lime, mint, grapefruit, rosemary and others). Taking a bath with an underwater massage shower, we give the essential oils the opportunity to pass through the pores of the skin, which allows us to fight extra pounds and cellulite. And this kind of shower is also able to calm and relieve fatigue, since the effect of aromatherapy is created.

Equipment for the "underwater shower-massage" procedure

To perform underwater shower massage procedures, you need bath.

This should be a container (pool or bath) with a volume of 400-600 liters, equipped with a device for creating a water pressure of 0.5-3.5 atmospheres, without which it is impossible to carry out an underwater shower-massage procedure. Powerful jets of water, with a temperature of 37-38 degrees Celsius, target the body in the bath and gently massage it.

The material used in the manufacture of underwater massage bathtubs is usually acrylic.

The design of such a bath assumes the presence of leg supports and pockets for the patient to be comfortable.

The presence of handrails helps patients when immersed in a bath for an underwater massage shower, and the staff - when performing various manipulations during a session.

V set baths include:

  • mixer for filling the bath;
  • shower mixers for underwater massage shower;
  • valve with the ability to regulate pressure;
  • thermometer and pressure gauge;
  • mechanism for aeration (oxygenation) of water;
  • massage attachments and additional nozzles.

Additional accessories of the bathtub for underwater massage shower are possible. This can be a device for the receipt of an antiseptic, a special board for taking a Charcot shower during an underwater massage.

A compressor for an underwater massage shower can also be installed separately, spraying an air-gas mixture to create a bubble bath and other devices of a similar effect.

For underwater shower-massage sessions to be beneficial, a doctor's prescription and the availability of qualified specialists are necessary. An important condition is strict adherence to the appointment, the correct dosage of the underwater shower-massage in terms of duration and power. Only by following the rules can you be sure of the positive effects of hydrotherapy.

Which bath to choose for an underwater massage shower

TR -320 MC (RMS, USA)

The bathtub is designed for a manual underwater massage shower, equipped with an elastic hose with point nozzles for combining types of hydrotherapy. This includes a framed bathtub called the Ocean Yacht. Has a volume of 501 liters with automatic filling. The very large Jumbo baths (214x92x68 cm) are intended for use by tall and large people.


The bathtub is designed for a manual underwater massage shower, equipped with an elastic hose with point nozzles for combining types of hydrotherapy. This includes a framed bathtub called the Ocean Yacht. Has a volume of 501 liters with automatic filling. The very large Jumbo baths (294x109x97cm) are intended for use by tall and large people.


The bathtub is designed for a manual underwater massage shower, equipped with an elastic hose with point nozzles for combining types of hydrotherapy. This includes a framed bathtub called the Ocean Yacht. Has a volume of 501 liters with automatic filling. The very large Jumbo baths (254х107х110cm) are intended for use by tall and large people.

BTL-3000 KAPPA 20 SEA (Czech Republic)

Bath for medical procedures, equipped with a device for underwater shower-massage, hydromassage, with a monitor and a thermometer; you can use salt or mineral water.

AQ-29 (Aquator)

Bath type designed for such procedures as hydro and air massage, underwater shower massage, chromotherapy, mineral, hyperthermal, silicon thermal, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, radon, iodine bromine, boron, with the addition of aromatic oils, salts, etc. Volume - 350 liters.

CO2-UWM-EL Steam Drygas bath (Germany)

Universal bathtub for manual underwater massage shower, electrogalvanic and dry carbonic procedures. The volume is 810 liters.

CO2-UWM Steam Drygas bath (Germany)

The balneological bath is intended for medical procedures, including an underwater shower-massage and dry carbonic procedures. Volume - 610 liters.

Kombi UWA-EL-200 1 "ST Beka Hospitec (Germany)

Universal bath with manual control underwater massage shower and electroplating treatments. The volume is 810 liters.

Kombi UWA-EL-100 1 "ST (Germany)

Multifunctional bathtub for manual control of underwater massage shower and electrogalvanic procedures. Volume - 610 liters.

1.5-5 (Unbescheiden, Germany)

A therapeutic bath, created in the shape of a butterfly (Gubart), equipped with a special device in order to carry out manual underwater and automatic air bubble shower massage, as well as restorative gymnastics, which is done under water. Such a device is a closed mechanism.

Aquadelicia VIII (MEDEXIM, Slovakia)

A hydromassage bathtub for a therapeutic session of body massage with controlled water jets using a tube for underwater massage shower and a three-stage hydromassage design, which includes eight hydromassage jets and twenty-three small jets for back, legs and arms hydromassage. The design of the bath allows you to enrich the water with oxygen.

OCEAN de Luxe PC (Slovakia)

A bath for complex procedures of the latest generation. Such a bath is fully automated - from the moment of filling with water and controlling the temperature regime to draining the water. Includes 174 hydromassage jets with aeration function, divided into five massage zones, built-in computer with a touch-screen LCD, with 30 programs stored in its memory. There is a built-in water softener and a device that determines the effectiveness of the massage. Cleaning of the pump and all systems also occurs automatically.

Ocean Forte (Slovakia)

Acrylic bathtub for combining therapeutic massage sessions. It is necessary for an underwater massage shower with manual control of water flows, with the function of aeration and whirlpool hydromassage. The set includes 40 nozzles with the possibility of supplying warm air that follow the contours of the body during a whirlpool massage session. There are also two independent circuits available. It is regulated by digital control, there is a memory, a display.

Hubbard (Slovakia)

The bath is intended for underwater shower-massage, it is used for therapeutic massage of the whole body or its parts with directed powerful jets of water in its thickness using a massage tip or eight hydromassage jets. Works on three massage zones.

Equipment of the premises for the procedure "underwater shower-massage"

Cosmetology salons can offer an underwater shower-massage as one of the services provided that their premises are equipped with hydro-massage baths and trained specialists are available.

The bathroom for underwater massage shower sessions must comply with building codes.

A bath with a volume of 400-600 liters should be positioned in such a way that it is easy to approach it from any of the three sides.

The device for an underwater massage shower must be placed from the end of the bath where the legs are located, while all electrical safety standards must be observed: the electromagnetic starter of the equipment must be sealed and grounded, the device body also needs to be grounded.

Specialist in the "underwater shower-massage" procedure: rights and obligations

Carrying out a high-quality underwater shower-massage procedure can only be entrusted to a massage therapist who is a qualified specialist with the appropriate level of knowledge and skills.

Functional duties of a masseur

Implementation of measures to control the compliance of the specialist's workplace with sanitary and hygienic requirements that apply to the activities of the massage room.

Preparing patients for a massage session, monitoring their condition during the entire procedure.

Knowledge and skills required for various types of massage: therapeutic (classical), segmental, acupressure, sports, hygienic, cosmetic, hardware, underwater shower-massage.

The use of individual massage methods for diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, central and peripheral nervous system, internal organs, metabolic disorders, infections of the genitourinary system, skin after surgery, during the rehabilitation period in surgery.

Knowledge and application of special methods of massage and physiotherapy exercises for young children.

Compliance with the rules for combining massage and physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy sessions, traction, manual therapy.

Compliance with labor protection conditions, safety rules, labor hygiene, fire safety during the operation of premises, equipment and instruments that are used in the practice of therapeutic massage.

Ensuring the infection safety of patients and medical staff, compliance with the rules of infection control in the massage room.

Timely and correct execution of medical documents.

Compliance with moral, ethical and legal norms of professional communication, compliance with the rules of labor discipline.

Health education activities.

The masseur's rights

Gaining the knowledge you need to excel in your professional duties.

Making proposals to the management on improving the quality of medical care for the population, improving the organization of the labor process.

Issuance of instructions to junior medical staff of the massage room, control of their work, as well as the work of a specialist in the maintenance and repair of equipment.

Participation in scientific activities during meetings, conferences, "round tables" dedicated to the discussion of professional issues.

Further training, submission of documents for the next qualification category.

The responsibility of the massage therapist

The masseur can be held liable for:

  • poor and untimely performance of their official duties provided for by the job description - within the framework of the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • causing material damage - within the framework determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • violation of the law that occurs during the period of professional activity - within the framework determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Technique of the procedure "underwater shower-massage"

A stream of water forms swirls in the water column due to the use of a special device for supplying water under pressure and a certain temperature, which are also capable of regulating a variety of nozzles. The intensity of the water supply depends on the diameter of the nozzle: the smaller the nozzle, the stronger the water pressure. It can also be adjusted by changing the distance to the human body and the angle of direction of the water. If the water is directed at a right angle, the flow will be very powerful.

The patient needs free space, so the bathtub needs a rather large size. Such a bath should hold at least 1.6 cubic meters of water, and its dimensions should be at least 200x100x80 cm.For general massage, the pressure of the water flow reaches two or three atmospheres, but for massage of the abdominal wall, the pressure should be no more than one atmosphere.

Pressure must be selected individually in each case. During the underwater shower-massage procedure, the water temperature should be at least 34 and not higher than 38 ° C, for the treatment of spastic paralysis - 35-36 ° C at a pressure of two atmospheres, flaccid paralysis - 36-38 ° C at a pressure of three four atmospheres.

The underwater shower massage is carried out using the methods of classic manual massage, which includes four steps. But we must not forget that there are areas of the human body that massage is prohibited, - this is the area of ​​the heart, mammary glands and genitals.

  1. First reception- stroking, in which a stream of water slowly flows along the massage lines at an angle of 30-45 ° C. The masseur, using his left hand folded in a groove, moves it from above along the body, as if pressing the water flow to the patient's body. To adjust the water supply power, the gap between the masseur's hand and the patient's body is alternately from one to ten centimeters. Moreover, the gap between the nozzle, from which water flows, and the patient's skin is constant and is about one and a half centimeters.
  2. Second reception- rubbing, in which a stream of water pours at an angle of 90 degrees to the body in a circle. Moreover, the masseur's left hand works in the same way as in the first appointment.
  3. Third reception- kneading, in which the masseur moves the nozzle with pouring water in a circle, pouring the skin with muscles pulled out with the other hand, while the direction of movement changes from vertical to horizontal.
  4. Fourth reception- vibration, in which the specialist's left hand constantly rises and falls, and the temperature of the water also changes. It is like a contrasting hydromassage.

The underwater shower-massage procedure is either general, when water flows affect the whole body, or local, in which one area of ​​the body is massaged, for example, the lumbar region. Naturally, the entire course of treatment is selected for each patient separately, but usually it is 15-20 sessions. During the course of underwater shower-massage, other procedures with water and heat, as well as ultraviolet light are contraindicated.

Contraindications to the use of the "underwater shower-massage" procedure

There are cases when an underwater shower massage can harm your health. Contraindications for underwater shower massage are listed below:

  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • children under 5 years of age and old age from 65 years and older;
  • acute infectious diseases, accompanied by or without fever;
  • various diseases that are not caused by infections, but characterized by high body temperature, for example, systemic diseases of the connective tissue in an active state;
  • recent injuries, no longer than ten days, and injuries that require immobility;
  • pustular skin diseases;
  • cerebral circulation disorders in the acute and chronic phase;
  • postponed myocardial infarction;
  • hypertension II-III degree;
  • ischemic heart disease in the second or third stage;
  • arrhythmia of the heart muscle;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diseases associated with the possibility of blood clots;
  • diseases that increase the risk of bleeding;
  • malignant tumors;
  • benign formations prone to growth.

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