Home Trees and shrubs Why do they charge one for electricity? Electricity according to ODN: calculation and savings. How to install common house electricity meters to save electricity

Why do they charge one for electricity? Electricity according to ODN: calculation and savings. How to install common house electricity meters to save electricity

Electricity consumption for general household needs was previously described in the receipt as a separate line “ONE”, but due to changes in the calculation of utility bills dated January 1, 2017, this column was removed from the bills. However, the amounts suddenly increased sharply, with which the Russians absolutely do not agree.

Over the past month, the Energonadzor hotline has received many calls from indignant residents living in an apartment building - as a result, in January, payments for ODN in relation to electricity consumption increased by 4, or even 6 times. The differences in payment are significant, in one region there is more, in another less, and this is understandable - the standards are set by the regional administration of each individual subject of the Russian Federation.

How to figure out whether the electricity supply costs of one company are calculated correctly in 2019 and what standards exist in different regions of the country - we’ll talk about this right now.

What is ODN for electricity?

General house electricity needs are part of the resource that is spent on maintaining and providing lighting to a high-rise building, outside the share of electricity that the owner uses within his residential property. That is, the cost of electricity includes the following list of costs:

  • lighting of staircases, vestibules, entrances;
  • electricity necessary for uninterrupted operation of intercoms;
  • electricity consumed by elevator cabins;
  • electricity for video cameras, if they are installed in the house;
  • technological losses recorded in intra-house networks.

Experts say that, according to decree number 354, the amount of payment for one electricity supply in 2019 largely depends on whether a meter is installed on the house, which will significantly save money for residents. If it is not there, Energonadzor calculates the energy consumption of a high-rise building according to the standard established back in 2012.

Therefore, today it is necessary to be able to correctly calculate the one-time charge, so as not to end up on the list of losers who pay for extra kilowatts.

How is ODN calculated in a high-rise building with a meter?

If an electricity consumption meter is installed in a high-rise building, the general building needs are determined by Energonadzor employees together with a representative of the building chosen at a meeting of residents. The basis is the difference between the indicators of the general building meter and the total values ​​of the meters installed in each apartment of the high-rise building, this also includes residential square meters that are not equipped with sensors.

The resulting value is distributed to all apartment owners without exception, taking into account the occupied space. That is, the larger the apartment, the more the owner pays for electricity in 2019.

The formula that determines the size of one electricity supply unit, if a meter is installed on a high-rise building, looks like this:

Electricity by ODN = (Values ​​recorded on the electric meter - The total amount of electricity consumed in non-residential square meters that do not belong to common property - The total amount of resource in all residential apartments where meters are installed - The volume of electricity used in apartments where there are no meters) × Apartment area × The area of ​​all apartments in a multi-storey building.

If there is no communal meter

If a high-rise building does not have a meter installed for metering consumed electricity, the standard set by the regional administration is taken as the unit of payment. You can get acquainted with its size by going to the official website of the region. The standard is a limit value, but if residents do not fit into this value, they can decide at the meeting to pay even more, of their own free will. As you understand, such cases have never occurred in real life.

The formula for calculating one electricity charge for a high-rise building without a meter looks like this:

Volume of one unit = Standard electricity consumption × Square footage of premises that are described as part of the common property × Area of ​​the apartment / Area of ​​apartments in a multi-storey building.

ODN standard for electricity

There is no single standard for electricity consumption across the country for high-rise buildings, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the individual standards in force for different administrative entities of the country:

  1. In the Novosibirsk region, from January 1, 2017, an updated standard for electricity consumption was recorded for one square meter per square meter. m for 3-storey apartment buildings with a value of 0.907 kW/h per month, for 5-storey buildings 2,210 kW/h, 12-storey buildings 4,411 kW/h, 13-storey buildings depending on the availability of an individual heating point - from 6,128 to 7,014 kW/h .
  2. In the Rostov region, if a high-rise building is equipped only with light bulbs, you will have to pay 0.6 kW/h per month for one light bulb. If there is an elevator, the standard for electricity consumption increases to 1.7 kW/h. Pumping equipment in the house requires payment based on light consumption plus 0.9 kW/h.
  3. In Saratov, residents of an apartment building with 2 floors pay for resource consumption with lighting fixtures in the entrances of 0.59 kW/h per month, the number of floors on 4 floors increases the size to 0.84 kW/h, and with a pumping device the standard reaches 0.97 kW /h. In a 9-story building, the ODN standard for light in 2017 is 1.82 kW/h at a minimum, there is an elevator - pay 2.4 kW/h, a pump - 2.10 kW/h, power plants - 2.72 kW/h .

How to reduce your electricity bill

  1. The ODN standard for electricity consumption on average across the country in 2017 increased by 7.3%. Therefore, it makes sense to raise funds and install a common house electric meter - installation and purchase of equipment will pay for itself in just a few months.
  2. Failure to submit meter readings in apartments on time is a reason for utilities to calculate ODN expenses according to standards. If residents transmit information later than the due date (after the 26th of the current month), specialists calculate the average annual consumption, and later switch to the regional standard.
  3. It is advisable that the readings of the light consumption meter be recorded in the presence of a responsible person chosen at a meeting of the house. Ideally, this is monitored by the management company, if, of course, it services a high-rise building. Some Russians are still reluctant to cooperate with such organizations, and therefore the state, studying citizens’ complaints, every year increases the rights of residents of apartment buildings and limits the claims of management companies. For example, if in 2019 the light consumption according to ODN exceeds the standard, then the entire excess amount falls on the shoulders of the management company; it is considered that it failed to cope with its responsibilities and was unable to effectively organize the operation of the energy systems at home.
  4. If you have any doubts about unauthorized connections on the part of entrepreneurs renting the lower floors of the building, please contact the management company to monitor the situation. The application must be written in writing, especially since the management company is interested in exposing thieves, and not paying money from its own budget instead.
  5. Another way to save money on electricity bills in 2019 is to replace the old wiring with a new one; practice shows that electricity losses can be reduced to nothing.

Electricity has always been one of the most expensive types of utility resources, and its accurate accounting is often associated with many difficulties due to regular losses in networks and the inability to quickly identify sources of losses. That is why today, both for management companies and for residents of apartment buildings, the question of how the one-hour charge for electricity is calculated is especially relevant.

What is ODN for electricity?

Every day a house that is connected to the power grid receives a certain amount of electricity from a resource organization. Part of the electricity is consumed by the residents of the house, this is called individual consumption. The other part of it is spent on servicing common building areas, which are not equipped with the same individual metering devices as apartments, and therefore are recorded only by a common building meter. This type of consumption is called general consumption.

ODN is an abbreviation for the term “common house needs”. This is the amount of resource that is consumed to service the common areas of the house.

What is included in the ODN for electricity?

Many residents, seeing the line ONE for electricity in their monthly payment receipts, think that this is payment for light bulbs in the entrances. In fact, the scope of application of electricity for general household needs is much wider.

In an apartment building, electricity is used both to maintain the entrances and to service the remaining areas associated with the building.

  • operation of elevators;
  • operation of intercoms;
  • CCTV;
  • lighting in the entrance and near the house;
  • maintaining fire protection systems and other alarm systems.

At the same time, common areas include not only the internal spaces of the building, but also the external territory, where a parking barrier, an electronic gate, as well as security buildings can be located.

Payment for one electricity supply

Payment for electricity is made by the owners of the residential building. This payment procedure is prescribed in Government Decree No. 354.

The consumer of utilities in an apartment building, regardless of the chosen method of managing the apartment building, as part of the payment for utility services, separately pays for utilities provided to the consumer in residential or non-residential premises, and for utilities consumed during the use of common property in an apartment building home (hereinafter referred to as utilities provided for general house needs). “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354

As follows from the Resolution, payments by owners for common building needs are made regardless of what form of management was chosen in the apartment building. Therefore, on a monthly basis, management companies of apartment buildings calculate the amount of resource that was spent on general building needs and include the corresponding column in the residents’ receipts.

How to calculate one rate for electricity

ODN for electricity is calculated in accordance with tariffs and standards approved by the regional government for each region. However, despite the difference in tariffs, the formula for calculating the one-time tariff for electricity is currently the same for everyone.

1. First of all, to calculate ODN, readings from the common house meter are taken. The house-wide meter records how much electricity was supplied to the house during the reporting period.

For example, let’s imagine that a common house meter showed that the house consumed 5,500 kWh during the current billing period. This is the total amount of consumption, which includes both individual consumption by residents and consumption for general household needs.

2. After the readings of the common house meter are taken, they are compared with the readings of individual metering devices. To do this, all the testimony that was given by the residents of the house is summed up. Typically, the period for collecting electricity readings is from the 23rd to the 25th of each month. Restrictions on the dates for taking readings are necessary to ensure that readings are taken as simultaneously as possible, which reduces discrepancies when balancing the balance of the house.

Let’s assume that the sum of all IPUs is 4,500 kWh. This is the amount of electricity that was consumed by apartment residents for personal purposes.

It is worth noting that today the collection of testimony from residents is becoming increasingly rare as a result of its extreme inefficiency and the inability to exclude the “human factor”. Judge for yourself:

  • Residents do not always give evidence. Someone forgets, and someone goes on vacation or a business trip and does not physically have access to the meter. As a result, it is simply impossible to collect testimony from 100% of residents.
  • The readings are transmitted with errors. Some people have problems with their eyesight, others with their attentiveness, and others with simply illegible handwriting. Therefore, when collecting testimony from residents, part of the testimony on the basis of which the calculation of payment for one-time tax is made is always erroneous. Not to mention the fact that unscrupulous residents may deliberately underestimate the readings of their metering devices.
  • It takes hours, or even days, to process all the testimony received from residents, depending on how many houses and apartments the management company serves. In light of the number of cases that require the attention of management companies, such time spent on processing evidence is simply irrational.

In continuation of the article.

Our portal receives a lot of questions from residents of apartment buildings related to the procedure for calculating, charging and paying for electrical energy consumed for the general needs of an apartment building (the so-called electricity of one apartment building). Electricity calculations for ODN began to be carried out from the moment the “Rules for the provision of utility services to citizens”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006, came into force. It is immediately worth noting that instead of these Rules, the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/06/2011 No. 354, came into force on 01.09.2012. You can download these resolutions in the "Regulatory Documents" section.

So, what is ODN? Stands for general house needs. After all, it’s no secret that any apartment building receives more utility resources (electricity, water or heat) than is consumed by residents in their apartments due to the fact that in any building part of their utility resources is spent on the general needs of the house. At the same time, in accordance with the above rules, the owners of premises in such an apartment building are obliged to pay both for the consumption of electricity in their premises (apartment or store) and to pay the share of one-room tax (for electricity, water or heat).

The procedure for calculating ODN for electricity depends on the presence or absence of a common house electricity meter, an individual electricity meter and the area of ​​residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building.

Let's look at charging electricity for one unit in order and using simple examples.

1. The most common case: an apartment building is equipped with a common building metering device and its premises (both apartments and non-residential premises) are partially equipped with individual metering devices. Those. In such an apartment building, the premises are partially equipped with individual metering devices.

In this case, the formula for calculating ODN for each room will look like this:

ODN for apartment No. 1 = (Total volume of consumption of the house - Amount of consumption of apartments (both with and without individual metering devices) - Amount of consumption in non-residential premises) X Area of ​​​​apartment No. 1 / Total area of ​​the house.

In other words, the volume of general house electricity needs per specific apartment No. 1 (or non-residential premises) is determined in proportion to the area of ​​apartment No. 11 to the total area of ​​the house and to the balance of “unpaid” electricity consumption in the house.

This procedure for calculating electricity on one-unit supply for residential or non-residential premises is given in formula 13 of Appendix 2 to the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354.

2. How is OTC calculated for electricity if there is no communal electricity meter? The answer can be found in formula 17 of the same appendix 2 to the rules.

In this case, the calculation is made using standards for electricity consumption for general house needs in an apartment building. The formula takes the form:

ODN for apartment No. 1 = (Standard ODN x Total area of ​​premises included in the common property of residents (stairwells, basements)) x Area of ​​apartment No. 1 / Total area of ​​the house.

After calculating the share of electrical energy consumed for general house needs per residential or non-residential premises, it is added to the electricity consumption in such premises, determined by an individual meter or according to a standard, and is presented for payment to the owner of the premises.

In turn, the owner of the premises is obliged to pay the ODN for electricity as part of the total payment for electrical energy.

IMPORTANT: Since July 1, 2016, changes have been made to the current legislation, in accordance with which the owners of premises in an apartment building do not have to pay the amount of one-room tax exceeding the one determined according to the standards for the consumption of utility services for electricity supply for general house needs. The entire amount of excess of the actual ODN over the standard must be paid by the utility provider.

And from January 1, 2017, even more serious changes are expected: from January 1, electricity will be paid for by citizens only using individual metering devices. General household needs will be paid by citizens to the provider of utility services as part of the provision of housing services by ICU (that is, as part of the fee for the maintenance and repair of residential premises). At the same time, when approving this fee, utility consumption standards for electricity supply for general house needs must also be used.

Consequently, from July 1, 2016, the burden of paying for the “excessive” ODN falls on the providers of public services

General house needs (hereinafter referred to as GDN) are electricity consumed for lighting entrances, basements, attics, operating fire-fighting automatics, access lamps, antenna amplifiers, intercoms, pumps pumping water to the upper floors of the house, and other electrical equipment necessary to create comfortable living conditions in house and is the common property of all residents. In addition, technological losses in intra-household networks are also paid for as general household consumption.

What are power losses?

Electricity is a resource that does not use additional resources to move it over a distance - it consumes part of itself. When transmitting electricity through an electrical network, technological energy consumption is inevitable in its elements, due to the active resistance of the circuit.

Losses in networks arise due to theft of electricity, due to deterioration of electrical wiring, as well as errors in taking readings of individual meters or deliberate distortions of records.

In old housing stock, where intra-house electrical networks are characterized by a high level of wear and tear, the electrical wiring has not been replaced, and the level of electricity losses is usually quite high. Therefore, it is primarily the residents of the building who are interested in upgrading power lines in order to adapt them to modern network load levels.

Why should I pay for household consumption?

The owner of an apartment in an apartment building, along with the apartment, also owns a share of the common property of the house, which is proportional to the size of the total area of ​​the apartment.

Therefore, the owner (tenant) of an apartment is obliged to pay not only for individual electricity consumption, but also for electricity consumption for general house needs.

Where is the common house meter installed and who takes readings from it?

Common house metering devices (CDMU), as a rule, are installed at the border of electrical networks included in a residential building. If there are several such inputs into the house, then they are all equipped with separate common house metering devices, the volume of supply for which is summed up in further calculations. You can find out about the specific location of a common house appliance from the management company.

ODPU readings are taken monthly by employees of the network organization or management company.

How is the volume of ODN in an apartment building determined?

If there is a common house (collective) metering device From the electricity consumption on the collective (general house) meter installed at the entrance to the house, the electricity consumption on individual (apartment) meters and the amount of electricity consumed by citizens who do not have meters, determined by standards, are subtracted. If there are non-residential premises in a multi-apartment residential building (shops, pharmacies, etc.), their volume of consumption is also deducted from the consumption of a common building meter.

Step 1 - readings of the common house meter are taken on the last day of the month. Let’s say the volume of electricity determined by a common house meter was 36,120 kWh.

Step 2 - the readings of all apartment meters in the house are taken and summed up, the volume according to the standard in apartments where metering devices are not installed, as well as the consumption volumes of legal entities, which are counted from the input meter. Let's assume this volume is 24,573 kWh.

Step 3 - the expenses for the needs of the house are established. This is the difference between the volume of electricity according to the general house meter and the volume of consumption of all residential and non-residential premises (36,120 kWh - 24,573 kWh = 11,547 kWh)

Step 4 - the difference (11,547 kWh) is divided by the area of ​​​​all residential and non-residential premises in the house. Let's say the area is 9,822.39 m2. The result of the calculations is 1.175 kWh/m2

Step 5 - multiply the resulting figure by the area of ​​a specific apartment (for example, 37 m2) and the current tariff (3.14 rubles in houses with gas stoves). Result: owners of an apartment with an area of ​​37 m2 will pay for electricity consumption for the needs of the entire house 37 m2 * 1.175 kWh/m2 * 3.14 rubles/kWh = 136.51 rubles.

In the absence of a common house (collective) metering device the volume of ODN is determined according to the standards established from January 1, 2013 By order of the Commission for State Regulation of Prices and Tariffs in the Belgorod Region No. 17/28 dated 08.30.12 Apartment buildings not equipped with an elevator - 0.37 kWh per 1 m 2 of the total area of ​​premises included in the common property in an apartment building.

Apartment buildings equipped with an elevator - 0.51 kWh per 1 m 2 of the total area of ​​the premises included in the common property in the apartment building.

Before installing such advertising, the management company must obtain the consent of the owners, and then agree on a separate connection point with the electricity supplier. Then the costs of illuminated advertising will not fall into the overall balance of energy consumption at home.

What influences the value of ODN?

If there is no collective metering device in an apartment building and the consumption of the apartment building is determined according to the consumption standard, the value of ODN depends on:

¾ on the reliability of information about the total area of ​​premises included in the common property of an apartment building;

¾ of the reliability of information about the total area of ​​each residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building.

If there is a collective metering device in an apartment building, the value of ODN is affected by:

¾ reliability of the readings of the individual meter for each apartment and for each non-residential premises on the last day of the current month;

¾ condition of the instrument stock of individual metering devices in residential premises (apartments). At the moment, most of the metering devices used by citizens to pay for individual consumption have an expired calibration interval;

¾ cases of unauthorized connections to common building electrical networks of commercial objects - for example, car parks, stalls, sheds located next to an apartment building, or the presence of non-residential premises on the first floors of houses, the owners of which have not concluded an energy supply agreement with either the management company or the guaranteeing supplier ;

¾ dilapidated electrical networks of an apartment building.

How to reduce the value of ODN?

1. Owners of residential premises should replace metering devices with expired verification intervals, and install meters for those who do not have them. It should be remembered that electricity consumption standards are averaged, and with readings taken from the apartment meter, the shares of ODN will be distributed more accurately. Moreover, according to Federal Law No. 261, citizens were obliged even before July 1, 2012, at their own expense, to install apartment meters that meet certain technical requirements. With a mass approach, such measures will reduce payments for electricity consumed for general household needs by up to 10%.

2. The general meeting of the house must make a decision to empower persons from among the owners of apartments in the house (the head of the house or the entrance or members of the house council), who will take readings in each apartment every month from the 28th to the 31st of the current month and provide this information to the subscriber point of OJSC Belgorodenergosbyt no later than the 2nd day of the month following the billing month. Accurate accounting will allow you to reduce the value of ODN to 15%.

3. Carry out a wiring audit (energy audit) and, together with the company servicing intra-house networks, identify unscrupulous consumers of electricity connected to the network bypassing meters. For example, with the participation of representatives of the management company, who, if not themselves, then by attracting a specialized company with appropriate personnel certified to work in electrical networks, will carry out all this work.

4. In order to increase the energy efficiency of housing, install lighting devices above the entrances that are connected through automatic lighting sensors, replace incandescent lamps everywhere with energy-saving ones, and install motion sensors on staircase landings.

I heard that citizens do not have the right to charge more than the standard for communal electricity. Who pays for the balance?

In accordance with clause 44 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011. No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” from 06/01/2013. the volume of utility services consumed at one public service station cannot exceed the volume of utility services calculated based on consumption standards. The exception is the adoption by the owners of the premises at a general meeting of a decision on the distribution of the volume of utilities that exceeds the standard consumption on one unit among all owners in proportion to the occupied area.

If such a decision is not made by the owners, the management company pays the difference between the volume of utility services determined based on the readings of the collective (common house) meter and the volume calculated based on utility consumption standards at its own expense. In this regard, for example, there was a need to adjust the existing settlement scheme between OJSC Belgorodenergosbyt and management companies of the Stary Oskol urban district.

The possibility of a repetition of such a situation should encourage the management company to deal with the problems of minimizing electricity losses inside an apartment building.

In the case of a direct form of house management, an unselected method of management or non-contractual consumption, as well as in the event that the general meeting of owners makes a corresponding decision, the entire volume of electricity supplied to the house is distributed in proportion to the size of the total area of ​​each residential and non-residential premises. In this case, the residents of the house are interested in energy saving measures. Although in the option with a management company, the owners are also primarily interested in energy saving, because The costs of management companies for paying for excess energy consumption can ultimately still be passed on to residents as part of the housing maintenance tariff.

Do the owners of non-residential premises in an apartment building (shops, cafes, hairdressers, etc.) pay for electricity at the single-apartment building?

The owner of non-residential premises in an apartment building is obliged to make payments for electricity consumed for general house needs.

In this case, the volume of electricity for general house consumption is determined in proportion to the occupied area of ​​​​premises in an apartment building, and the cost of electricity is calculated based on the tariffs established for the corresponding group of consumers.

I suspect there is a shoe shop connected to our house. What to do?

Contact your management company or OJSC Belgorodenergosbyt with a free-form application (don’t forget to leave your contact details), and together with the management company and representatives of the residents, the legality of connecting the shoe shop will be checked. If unauthorized connections are detected, the payment for one-way service will be recalculated for both residents and legal entities located in the apartment building, depending on the connection scheme.

Before installing such advertising, the management company must obtain the consent of the owners, and then agree on a separate connection point with the electricity supplier. Then the costs of illuminated advertising will not be taken into account in the overall balance of energy consumption at home.

Are neighbors' debts taken into account when allocating household electricity consumption to respectable citizens?

No. Each citizen pays for consumption according to his individual metering device installed in his apartment, and his share in general household consumption, determined in accordance with the Rules for the provision of utility services.

All legal measures of influence are personally applied to each debtor: restriction of electricity supply and collection of debt in court.

What happens if a citizen pays for electricity using his apartment meter, but does not pay for one?

Federal legislation provides for the same liability for refusal to pay for general household needs as for refusal to pay for energy consumed in an apartment. Both payment for ODN and payment for intra-apartment electricity consumption relate equally to the energy supply service.

Will they recalculate my one-time allowance for the period of temporary absence from the apartment?

In such cases, the amount of payment for electricity consumed for general house needs is not subject to recalculation.

Should a social renter pay for electricity for common building needs?

Yes. Resolution No. 354 says “... owner (tenant) …”

Do benefits apply to the payment of single-payer expenses?

According to federal legislation, benefits are monetized, and charges for intra-apartment consumption and for one-time tax credits are billed to all consumers in full. Accordingly, citizens who have benefits for paying for energy supply services receive monetary compensation in the amount of the established standard, depending on the category of benefit. The local social security authority is responsible for calculating benefits.

Is it possible to save money on lighting the local area and common areas? For example, turn off the lights at night when everyone is sleeping?

Requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises, including the illumination of the local area and common areas, are approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Inspector of the Russian Federation dated June 10, 2010 N 64 “On approval of SanPiN”. Introducing lighting restrictions in violation of these standards will be contrary to current legislation.
In addition, the Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170 “On approval of the Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock” defines the requirements for the condition of staircases. Including their mandatory lighting (clause 4.8.14).
According to clause 5.6.17. According to this decree, switches with a time delay for switching off are allowed to be used in houses to turn on work lighting lamps in common premises.

When using the specified switches, the lighting in the entrance hall (on the first floor near the stairs) must remain on during the entire dark time of the day, and in case of insufficient natural light, also near the elevators. When using switches with a time delay to turn off, they must be installed on each floor, ensuring the possibility of prompt switching on to a constant operating mode while cleaning the staircase, moving furniture, etc.
Based on the foregoing, the introduction of restrictions on lighting in the local area and public places is contrary to current legislation, since it may cause harm to the life and health of citizens. But, for example, a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, in order to reduce energy consumption, may decide to install and use energy-saving equipment.

When preparing the material, information was used from the website www.vscenergo.ru

Date of publication: 02/04/2014

This includes not only the light that is on in the entrance, as some residents think. We are talking about the amount of electricity required for the operation of elevator facilities, installed alarm systems, intercoms, etc. Since each residential building has certain technological losses associated with the existing domestic appliances for common use, the bill in each case will be individual, but has general rules and formulas.

Everyone has always paid for such general household needs, only in the old law, which was in force until September 1, 2012, payment could be made in proportion to how much was indicated for individual consumption, which did not suit many and became the reason for changes to the law.

The law on one-time tax for electricity in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 provides for payment based on the square footage of housing used by the owner.

Calculation of one tax for electricity formula. How is it calculated and how to calculate

The calculation methodology presented in this article and is based on the government decree of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011, number 354.

To begin with, each consumer reading received, taken between the 23rd and 25th of each month, is added up. Note that it is better to have individual devices in order to pay less for light. The resulting consumption value is summed up with the standard that was consumed for the billing period according to the standard that is available for an apartment that does not have a meter. Next, the value of all the electricity that came to the apartment building is taken, which is indicated on special common building meters.

One value is subtracted from the other and the value of electricity consumed for the entire house is obtained. When the volume of ODN is determined, and it does not exceed the readings on the meter, and there are no complaints about the distribution, distribution is made to each of the personal accounts in the house, including to non-residential premises, for example, offices. All that remains is to multiply by the established tariff the value obtained after distribution among the owners of the premises of the house and there will be a figure indicated on the receipt.

General house needs for light how to control

Although the question is relevant, answers to it are difficult to find. In most cases, it is recommended to keep under control the process of reading readings on all metering devices, for which residents should create an initiative group that, together with the management company, will take readings from meters and check the values ​​obtained, which prevents the issuance of inflated bills.

Should I pay for general household needs or not?

Whether it is necessary to pay and what is the judicial practice regarding bills that are clearly inflated can be found out from lawyers, but it is also clear that to pay or not to pay is an inappropriate question, because everyone has paid and is paying, it’s just that nowadays it is possible to see specific numbers and then where this or that amount is sent, but previously everything was included in one account and it was not possible to obtain any detailed information.

Electricity consumption standard without an ODN meter

Standards for ODN for electricity of the Russian Federation in the Moscow region, Ivanovo, Bashkortostan, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Chelyabinsk, Volgograd region and others, this is the value established by the city administration in the relevant resolution or region. It is noteworthy that it will work in any home, including in a situation where a common meter was not installed on the house.

To find out the exact value, you need to contact by e-mail, send a letter by regular mail or call the Elektrosbyt phone number in a specific city to find out electricity tariffs from January 1, 2016 for beneficiaries, disabled people and the general population group.

How to pay one tax for light and electricity

Payment is made according to a standard receipt. If there is no meter, you will still have to pay, but the payment will not exceed the standard available for the region. If this happens, you must file a complaint with Elektrosbyt and receive a recalculation.


    Where and how to find out what the standard is for the region, or rather for the city of Pechora, Komi River. An apartment building without an elevator without a common house meter. Individual metering devices are installed in all apartments. There are no other rooms in our house, there is only a basement, which is used by almost all the residents of our house.

    I live in a two-entrance, two-story, eight-apartment building. The ODN column indicates the amount of 400 rubles. From the one-room building we only have four light bulbs for two entrances. One apartment doesn’t pay the bill at all, drunkards. Their bills are spread among others. Tell me, what should we do?

    The ODN electricity bill accrues the same amount every month. How can it be?

    If you have the same amount in your receipts, it means that your apartment building is not equipped with an administrative control system, and in this case, charges are made according to current standards.

    A lot of things are not clear, there was one manager there, and they brought in a coefficient from O.7 to 1.0 for different months! This company brought receipts for 13 kW of light 10 kW one???

    We have the same problem. The house is a two-story building with 12 apartments. There is no light in the attic and there never was, there is no basement either. The bill for ONE is more than the amount of fire in my apartment in a month, how is that possible? The meter is new, how to achieve justice? and not overpay 900 rubles for light?

    ODN is stated in two receipts (for electricity - 47 rubles and for an apartment - 16 rubles). Why are the numbers for the same service different? What receipt should I pay with? Or both?


    Hello. Tell me what to do. I pay about 800 rubles on the meter. per month plus monthly communal light 700 rub. Some neighbors do not have meters and they pay 200 or 250 rubles. Not fair! I called the energy sales office, where they told me “you deal with your neighbors yourself.” WHAT SHOULD I DO?

    Tell me, please, is the accrual of one-month tax for electricity made a month later? Those. for December 2016, ODN was accrued in receipts for January 2017, which I received and must pay in February? I received receipts for January with ODN el.en for December 2017 and KR El.en for January 2017. The HOA convinces that this is how it should be.

    PLEASE TELL THE O.D N FOR THE WORLD THEY WERE ACCRUED 3.19 multiplied by the square footage of the apartment. Is this legal?

    It’s necessary now, no matter what they calculate, everything will be based on the area of ​​the owner’s apartment, why not on the number of residents and registered residents, because this is for people and not for the area, for example, one person lives in a three-room room, and in one room there are three lamps on the train and the elevator works the same for everyone so why will everyone have to pay differently? It should be distributed equally for everyone since it is for common areas

    I received a court decision, which says that I must pay a tax payment of almost 8,000 rubles. I am shocked. I pay monthly according to the meter. Now I have to pay from July 2011 to September 2015, and yet in the decision there is not a single word about one-time tax, they simply write that I am a debtor. What to do? All residents of our house received this court decision.

    For the utility service electricity supply (ind) the fee in March 2017 was 187.58 rubles, and for a “light bulb” in the entrance, without an elevator - 278.79 rubles (ODN).

    Food for thought?

    We went to complain to one of the electricity departments and they answered: you choose the government yourself and it comes up with such regulations, so you pay for the light bulb in the entrance from the area of ​​your apartment...

    many questions...not a single answer from the authorities...

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