Home Trees and shrubs Make an envelope for money with your own hands. Beautiful envelopes with your own hands step by step. How to make an envelope out of paper

Make an envelope for money with your own hands. Beautiful envelopes with your own hands step by step. How to make an envelope out of paper

Have you noticed how much handmade envelopes cost in stores? Their cost is much higher than ordinary ones, all because in each of them lies the soul of a craftswoman. This is a unique creation, often made in a single copy. Today, the craftswomen of the editorial team will tell you how to make an envelope from an A4 sheet with your own hands and how to decorate it in an original way. Believe me, the recipient will appreciate the efforts, because they are always held in high esteem.

For work, first of all, you should select paper. This can be a regular white sheet or special paper for scrapbooking; thick packaging paper is also suitable. Satin ribbons, vintage stamps, lace or beads are used as additional decoration.

Simple square envelope

Even a child can make a small envelope with his own hands, and in just a few minutes. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Cut a square from a sheet of white or colored paper.
  2. Mark a diagonal fold line.
  3. Fold the bottom edge towards the center.
  4. Bend the side corners as shown in the figure and glue the bottom edges with a glue stick.
  5. Bend the top corner so that it overlaps the side.
  6. To prevent the top corner from opening, you can glue a decorative ribbon or tie it with twine.

Advice! To glue the sides and decorative elements, you can use double-sided tape instead of glue.

Simple diamond envelope

The next method is also quite simple. It will additionally require a ruler and a pencil.

The operating procedure is as follows:

Envelope for February 14

The holiday is approaching - Valentine's Day. There is no better congratulations for your other half than a handmade gift. We suggest making a heart-shaped envelope. It will require decorative paper and additional decorations.

The operating algorithm is as follows:

Master classes on making your own money envelopes

Often money is given as a gift so that the recipient can buy something at his own discretion. But simply handing over banknotes is not entirely pleasant; a great option is to prepare an elegant envelope for them, so the gift will look much more interesting. You can use any of the previous options. We suggest making more complex crafts. To make them, you need to select decorative paper.

Envelope for money using origami technique

From A4 paper measuring 210x297 mm you will get an envelope measuring 92x135 mm. You need to check whether it is suitable for banknotes. If necessary, the size of the original sheet can be proportionally increased or the money can be placed folded.

Let's get to work.

Illustration Description of action

Fold a sheet of A4 paper in half along the long side, turn the fold towards you, fold one side towards it, and carefully straighten the fold.

Fold the edge of the paper to the fold line, fix it and turn it back.

Fold the bottom edge to the line as shown in the picture.

Fold the edge up one more turn.

Fold the corners on the left and right sides inward.

Fold the workpiece on the left and right sides at the end of the corners.

Unfold the workpiece, including the corners, turn the fold up, fold the inside of the sheet on the left and right sides, lift the corner up.

Lower the middle fold down.

Lower the top edge of the paper to the bottom edge of the fold, form a fold line and unfold the workpiece.

Place a fold on the left and right sides, carefully smooth the fold.

Fold the left and right sides inward along the fold lines, lower the fold down.

Fold the outer walls on the left and right sides, straighten the corners.

Tuck the corners inward at the fold.

Along the fold line, tuck the triangles in from the top on the right and left sides.

Lower the top of the envelope and tuck it inside.

For a more detailed master class on making an envelope using the origami technique, watch the video:

A simple envelope for banknotes of different sizes

Not everyone likes to fold money that won't fit in a custom envelope. In this case, the following template will come to the rescue: to make the base, you just need to take a banknote, outline it and, to form a fold line, increase the workpiece by 5 mm on each side.

Envelope for money as a gift for a student or schoolchild

The original envelope can be made as a gift to a student. To make it you will need:

  • thick and colored paper;
  • pencil, glue and scissors.

The operating procedure is as follows:

  1. Cut out a blank from thick A4 paper.
  2. Cut out a pencil tip and strips from colored paper and glue them to the base.

Options for making original paper envelopes

You can move away from the usual rectangular shape and make original envelopes by following our step-by-step instructions.

Envelope made from paper circles

For work we will need:

  • 4 circles of the same size: 2 dark green and 2 light green;
  • 1 yellow circle, smaller in size for the middle;
  • glue stick;
  • green satin ribbon.

Let's get to work.

Illustration Description of action

Fold all the large circles in half.

Grease the green circle in the corner and glue the light green piece to it perpendicularly.

Glue all the blanks in the same way. The shape should be square.

After the glue has completely dried, glue a yellow circle in the center.

Fold the blank and decorate it with a decorative ribbon.

The entire process of making an envelope from circles can be seen in the video:

Envelope with congratulations for a man

Original handmade gifts always cause admiration. Any man will like an unusual voluminous envelope in the form of a shirt, especially if you choose your favorite shades or make an imitation of the tie he has. It’s quite simple to make, just cut out the blank according to the diagram and fold it as shown in the figure.

Envelope with hearts

An unusual, and at the same time, simple envelope can be made in just a few minutes. If you decorate it with hearts, you can put a Valentine's Day greeting in it. For work we will need colored A4 paper.

Detailed master class.

Illustration Description of action

Fold the sheet in half along the long side, unfold it and tuck the right corner to the fold.

Fold the opposite side from below to the fold.

Fold the free lower right and upper left edge inward to the paper line.

Fold the right corner to the vertical line. Then, bend the upper left corner to it.

Open the workpiece, creating pockets on both sides.

Fold the workpiece, tucking the corners into the pockets.

Additionally decorate the front side with hearts. You can put a note inside or write a congratulation in the center.

You can watch the whole process in more detail in the video:

Gift Envelope Decoration Ideas

Even the most ordinary envelope made of A4 paper can be beautifully decorated with scrap materials. Today we will tell you what is best suited for this, and show examples of how to make exquisite packaging.

Drawings with paints, pencils and felt-tip pens

The simplest solution is to use paints and markers for decoration. A simple pencil or pen will also work.

Step-by-step instructions for decorating an envelope in the style of vintage typography with openwork handwritten text:

  1. Select a picture on the Internet and print it at a suitable scale.
  2. Cut the template along the contour.
  3. Use a pencil to transfer the template to the front of the envelope. To do this, you can put a lamp under the glass, put a template on it, and an envelope on top. The second option is to transfer the drawing into the daytime through the window glass.
  4. Sign the envelope: write your address in the upper left corner.
  5. You can make a congratulatory inscription with a felt-tip pen.
  6. In a vintage style, add the recipient's name.
  7. Trace the lines with markers and pen.
  8. Larger patterns can be decorated with paints.

Advice! If you know how to draw, you can skip the template step and draw the sketch you like on paper with your own hands.

The given master class is one of many ideas for non-standard envelope decoration. We invite you to look at a few more design options.

Delicate decorations with beads, ribbons and buttons

Envelopes decorated with beads and rhinestones look very gentle. Such crafts are suitable for invitations to parties, lovely ladies can put money in them, and also for birthday cards. As an addition, use satin ribbons, lace, colored

If you need to send a letter or congratulate a friend on a holiday, but don’t have an envelope at hand, make one yourself. After looking at photos of unusual envelopes, you can create your own original version. You will be sure that there is no second such instance. The person to whom the message is intended will definitely appreciate your efforts.

Materials and tools

Envelopes can be simple, gift, or with complex decoration. First of all, you need to decide what you can make an envelope from with your own hands. To make them, take plain paper, cardboard, pieces of wallpaper or felt. Decorations include buttons, beads, lace, and ribbons.

You can make a beautiful applique. Letters are also decorated with drawings. To do this, you can use paints, markers or pencils. You will also need glue, scissors, a ruler, and a simple pencil.

Simple envelope

Sometimes an ordinary envelope is urgently needed, but it is not available at home. Instructions on how to make envelopes correctly will help you cope with the task yourself. It will take a minimum of time.

Place a sheet of A4 paper horizontally on the table. Using a pencil and ruler, measure 7.2 cm from the upper right corner. Repeat the operation with the lower left corner. Draw lines and cut off the resulting triangles.

The resulting product is unfolded so that it has a diamond shape. Now all corners should be bent towards the middle. The envelope is then glued together, leaving the top section so it can be easily opened.

Gift option

You can make the envelope beautiful and original using various additional materials. If you involve children in this activity, they will be delighted. Drawings, appliqués, paper flowers, etc. are used for decoration.

You are interested in the question of how to make a beautiful envelope with your own hands. Use two types of colored paper to make it. The outside and inside will look different. You can draw the template yourself or use ready-made options.

Simply by adding a ribbon to a piece of colored cardboard, you get an envelope for a greeting card, money or invitations to a celebration.

If the card is for a loved one, make the envelope in the shape of a heart. Inside you can place several bright pieces of paper on which you can write your wishes.

Envelope for money

If you decide to give money to the hero of the occasion, then place it in the original packaging. It is beautifully decorated and signed like a postcard. Choose the best handmade envelope ideas to make an interesting option.

Money products are made in an elongated shape so that bills can easily fit into them. Money can be placed inside in different ways. We choose a bright and original postcard, and glue an envelope inside.

Another option would be a postcard with satin ribbons attached to the inside. They will hold the bills.

The envelope book will be needed by those people who want to learn how to save money. To do this, it is enough to make a few ordinary products.

We sign each envelope indicating what the funds inside will be used for. Then we glue them together. The book is ready.

To place each bill separately, we take several envelopes of different colors. Then carefully glue them together in the form of an accordion. Attach a bright ribbon and tie a cute bow.


Congratulations to young parents

The birth of a baby is an important event in the life of every family. To congratulate parents, they often give money. You can make attractive packaging for them yourself.

We make an envelope that resembles a newborn discharge kit. We tie it with a pink or blue ribbon, you can choose a different color. For decoration, use delicate lace, ribbons, flowers.

Disc sleeve

CDs require careful handling. For this purpose, special cases, boxes, and albums are used. You can use the master class on how to make an envelope yourself. Paper packaging will protect the disc from damage.

Take a sheet of A4 paper and place a disc at the bottom of it. Fold the sides of the sheet in straight lines. Then the disk along with the paper is folded upward and the upper part is folded.

We take out the contents of the envelope and glue the internal parts. It turns out to be a pocket for a disc. The corners of the lid are folded inward, and it is then inserted into the pocket.



People use envelopes as packaging for letters and papers. There are many options for decorating envelopes with your own hands. It all depends on your imagination and the materials at hand.

Cute envelopes will be needed in the house to store various small items. Bright and festive products will be an excellent packaging for money or a greeting card.

Photos of envelopes with your own hands


I needed an envelope here for one thing (I wanted to convey my congratulations sealed), and since the card was of a non-standard size, I had to quickly make an envelope with my own hands (fortunately, I have enough paper at home). And then everything was as usual - I showed it to my friends, and now I’m already making invitation envelopes for one, and the other is asking for a template for an envelope for money to present her husband’s parents with a large sum for their golden wedding.

I decided, without further ado, to simply write a short instruction on how to make envelopes. Yes, it seems to me that this is obvious, and everyone can guess how to fold a piece of paper and glue it to make an envelope, but as practice shows, many people find it easier to work according to instructions, especially when it comes to needlework.

For what? My husband asked me this question when he saw me burying myself in my scrapbooks. He seems to understand the purpose of postcards, but envelopes turned out to be something beyond our reach. So, what are envelopes for?

  • as packaging for letters (yes, some people write paper letters and send postcards);
  • for packing cards - printing an envelope is much more exciting than just opening a greeting card;
  • handmade money envelopes will come in handy when you want to give someone a certain amount of money;
  • for romantic notes and secrets.
Of course, with the exception of mail, all these reasons are not a necessity, but rather a whim. But here I am more categorical than ever - sometimes you need to allow yourself joy and whim just for pleasure, otherwise life will become boring and gray. And handmade gifts are perfect for this.

Different ways

There are many ways to pack a postcard, money or letter so that strangers cannot look into them, and, perhaps, talking about all the ways is a bad idea, the post will turn out to be too long and a rare bird will fly to its end. Therefore, we will do the following - I will tell you about the main ways to make an envelope for money with your own hands, and at the same time I will show you the works that inspire me. Using basic techniques and templates, you can make an envelope for any occasion with your own hands.

By the way, about templates: I advise you to save the templates you like, so you can be sure that you always have them at hand. I created a regular folder on my desktop where I put the pictures I like in Word files. However, I will talk about using word further.

Simple option

Sometimes you have to make a regular postal envelope for a letter or postcard yourself - either the nearest store doesn’t have it, or the format is inappropriate. I usually use a sample for this - I take an existing envelope (for example, from a postcard), measure it with a ruler and make the same paper envelope. But you can go the other way and learn how to make an envelope from A4 paper.

And in order for you to get an ordinary rectangular envelope, you need to mark a pattern on it, as in the diagram.

The two large parts are the walls of the envelope, it also has a long turn-down flap, and the sides that need to be glued. It is best to glue it inside, so that there are no seams on the outside. Make a mark on your piece of paper, cut out the piece with sharp scissors, and then glue the sides.

Or you can make this simple and cute option:

And from 4 circles you can get the following envelope:

The video shows how to assemble it:

How to decorate such an envelope from A4 sheet:

  1. Use watercolor paper on which you can create colorful splashes and streaks.
  2. Make beautiful stickers - you can use ready-made ones, or you can download any picture from the Internet and print it.
  3. You can tie it up.

Manufacturing method without glue

Gluing an envelope is not difficult, but simply folding it out of paper is a little more difficult. Of course, the post office is unlikely to accept such an envelope, but for an accompanying card for a gift it would be perfect - the congratulations will look cute and touching.

How to make an envelope without glue: you need to look through the origami templates and choose the one you like; make a pattern; cut the workpiece; fold and iron well. Or you can fold the paper as in the video below: no scissors or glue is needed, just an A4 sheet.

At first glance, everything is easy, right? The second one is also easy, but I advise you to still try to make the beautiful envelopes you like with your own hands, first from plain paper, and only then from scrapbooking paper. Of course, you can immediately practice on scrap paper, but it’s not a fact that the envelope will turn out neat the first time, and creases made on thick scrap paper will be much more difficult to correct.

How to decorate an envelope folded from paper without glue:

  • punch several holes with a hole punch and tie a beautiful ribbon on the envelope;
  • use a figured hole punch to decorate the edges and corners of the envelope;
  • make an applique from contrasting paper or special cutting.


I admit honestly, origami is a dark forest for me, but I have made several such envelopes (although, of course, I prefer scrapbooking money envelopes). So, what does it take to make an origami envelope for money?
  1. Square sheet of paper.
  2. Ruler for straight bends.
  3. Rolling needle (if you are folding origami from thick paper).

By the way, you can make an origami envelope out of paper without glue, which is also sometimes very convenient, but such envelopes are not suitable for mail. However, they are very, very beautiful, and it seems to me that if you use such an envelope for money for a birthday, the birthday person will feel all your care and attention.

Complex options

I’ll tell you a little about how to make scrap envelopes not according to a lesson, but simply using master classes for inspiration.

Scrapbooking is good because it allows you to make envelopes, postcards, albums and other amenities from literally nothing. Yes, now you can buy a variety of scrapbooking kits, but if you think about it, this technique came to us from the past, when women simply decorated their personal diaries and albums with lace, cutouts, and stamping. All these techniques can be used now.

If you are into scrapbooking (or, like me, you just periodically buy materials and can’t pass them by), then you have certain supplies - lay them out on the table and try to combine one with the other. For example, choose a couple of sheets of paper, match them with cuttings, decorative tape, and ribbons.

If you don’t have all this stuff, don’t be upset, and you don’t have to run to the store. Because you probably have something. And from this something you can most likely make a gift envelope. What may be useful:

  • scraps of cardboard, beautiful colored paper;
  • felt and decorative fabrics;
  • unnecessary postcards and photographs;
  • printouts with any patterns;
  • paper of different quality and purpose (even pieces of wallpaper will do);
  • ribbons, bows, laces;
  • buttons (by the way, a very fashionable trend in scrapbooking);
  • miniature figures;
  • trimmings of lace and thin fabrics;
  • nail polishes, decorative glitter and even unnecessary shadows (they are used to make pseudo-craquelure).
I think you already understand - almost anything can be used to make an envelope!

I will give a step-by-step video lesson that I liked - I have nothing to add here, except that a DIY wedding envelope or an envelope for a gift card using this MK will be very, very beautiful.

General templates and some more lessons and examples

I think now you more or less understand how to make an envelope out of paper with your own hands, and my other examples of how to make an envelope for money are just inspirational speeches and various life hacks in this regard, because you got the main idea.

If the envelope for money for a wedding with your own hands is not very neat, wrap it with lace - it will hide the flaws and at the same time give the product a finished and festive look. A small envelope can be wrapped entirely, but a large envelope is better draped gracefully. By the way, a wedding card is usually large so that the toast can fit in it. If you just want to attach a card to a gift, or a certain amount of money, then it is better to use a small congratulatory envelope.

If you are making an envelope from paper without glue, then support this idea in the design - for example, fold several origami figures with your own hands and decorate an envelope for money with them on your birthday - for example, you can fold a flower, a heart or a crane, which represents a wish for happiness .

Don't want to sign the envelope manually? See how to make an envelope out of paper for money using word templates. You can download the money envelope template below. Choose your favorite templates.

There is another way - first you print wishes or an address on a printer, and then watch a master class on how to make an envelope from a sheet of the required format.

How to make a chic origami envelope out of paper? Take three or four sheets of paper for practice, and try to make your own beautiful envelope using this master class.

In general, do not hesitate to use Word to print diagrams - it is much easier than cutting them out. Word will also help you make a beautiful inscription for congratulations (and we don’t write too smoothly). If you use self-adhesive paper to print a Word file, you don’t even have to decorate a regular paper envelope with anything - you can download the simplest template and decorate it with stickers.

If you need a lot of envelopes for a holiday (for example, for wedding invitations), then it is better to use folded envelopes - this category of products looks very presentable, they are made quickly, and if you do not use glue, then the likelihood of spoiling something is much less.

Don’t forget that any master class needs to be watched and completed step by step - first watch it in full, and then repeat what the master does - first print it, then fold it, then glue it. This way you can get the same result as shown in the photo.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

How sometimes you need a paper envelope, but you don’t have it at hand! Or you are planning a holiday with your friends soon, and you want to send them a congratulatory message, but you don’t know how to make an envelope from A4 sheet - don’t worry, HomeMyHome will be happy to help you with this simple task.

A few hint diagrams, and the envelope is in your hands!

The process requires a standard set of tools: usually the paper itself, sharp scissors, PVA glue. For accuracy, you may need a ruler; to draw lines, a simple pencil. And let's not forget, just in case, an eraser. We let go of worries and perform simple manipulations, as a result of which you will have an even and neat envelope.

The most common assembly option

We place the A4 sheet horizontally on the table and measure 72 mm from two opposite corners.

The resulting triangles are not needed, we cut them off, and unfold the figure more conveniently: there should be a rhombus in front of you. We bend the sides in the center. You need to bend the top and bottom elements to the middle.

When gluing the envelope, we leave a tag in order to open and close the lid.

Another simple scheme

The A4 sheet must be folded along the line, exactly as in the diagram. Then we bend the sides and unfold the sheet.

We also bend the side elements. The envelope can be folded and glued on the sides. The label will help close the resulting product.

Third simple option

Consistently fold the sheet vertically and horizontally, then you need to bend 2 corners towards the center.

If you don’t want to spoil the product with folds, you can first draw lines along a ruler and bend only those that form the skeleton of the envelope.

Advice! It’s better to immediately take colored paper or scrapbooking paper.

Square envelope

First, you need to cut a square from an A4 sheet. To do this, place the sheet vertically. Pull the right corner towards the left edge of the sheet, bending the paper. It turns out to be a triangle, from which you need to cut off the remaining unbent part.

Now we bend and unbend the sides towards the middle, apply glue to the edges and glue both elements to the central part. We close the resulting small envelope with a lid.

How to make an envelope for money with your own hands: several ways

They often prefer to give money in beautifully decorated envelopes: it looks interesting, intriguing and fits within the strict framework of etiquette. Let's try to assemble suitable envelopes with our own hands.

First way

An interesting origami-style assembly is made quite simply from a rectangular sheet. First, we do it as if we were assembling an airplane: we bend both upper corners towards the center until they touch exactly.

Without lifting the object from the table, turn it 180º and repeat all the steps. After repeating the manipulations, bend both edges of the product towards the center until the folds touch.

If we turn the envelope over in a bent state, we will see a rectangle. We bend both sides of the strip towards us along the wide side - if the product is face up, then we can see a rectangle with one cut along which we will fold it and open the cut.

The result is an envelope with two sections: if we take out a corner from one part, it will help us close such a product. This wallet can be given to children along with a cash gift inside.

Envelopes according to templates

We bring to your attention templates that are very easy and simple to work with. The steps are the same: print out the template you like, cut it out and put it on scrap paper, or leave it as is and assemble it.

Small wallet

An interesting way to make a small envelope-wallet from a square: first we “extract” a square from A4 format, and only then work with the resulting figure. You don’t have to do any unnecessary actions and immediately use the help of a ruler, pencil and scissors.

In the center of the A4 sheet we draw a square (taking into account the size of the folded banknotes), and along each edge, using a compass or a suitable size mug, we draw a semicircle. Cut out the product and bend the edges in order.

Methods for making original and funny envelopes from A4 paper

You can use creative tips for assembling beautiful envelopes, and, by modernizing them, make your own unique gift.


Let's work more actively with our hands: we act according to the proposed schemes and get an excellent model.


Not the easiest option for those who don’t know how to draw, but you can use a trick and just download any heart template on the Internet.

Openwork model

Openwork paper napkins make an excellent insert for an A4 envelope of any design.


This model is made according to the rules of geometry - the corners exactly repeat the corners of the rectangle, as if we drew two diagonals and took one quarter of the resulting parts.

Video: how to assemble an envelope with your own hands

How to decorate a gift envelope: many opportunities to be creative

You need to devote time to decoration and approach this matter with soul. What can you use? The decor is selected depending on who the envelope is being given to and what type of event design is intended.

If you have scrapbooking equipment in your home, it will most likely be difficult to get by with decorating just one model. You can get so excited and inspired that you want to make several beautiful products at once.

The best envelopes are made not from plain paper, but from scrapbooking material with sufficient density. If you plan to use an envelope to decorate with paints or felt-tip pens, you should consider purchasing a tablet for watercolors: watercolor paper is thick and ribbed, and crafts made from it look noble and aesthetically pleasing.

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When it is necessary to give someone a small flat gift in a beautiful package, a person thinks about how to make an envelope from paper. After all, it is the packaging that creates some kind of mysterious atmosphere around what is inside and gives the gift a mystery. Of course, you can simply buy an envelope in a store. But it is much nicer to present a gift in an envelope of your own making. Moreover, in stores the envelopes are quite monotonous. You can make original and cute gift packaging yourself. And making envelopes is actually not that difficult. The main thing is to have patience, imagination and paper.

To make an envelope out of paper, you may need different materials. Depends on how complex or simple you are creating the craft. Anything can come in handy: plain A4 paper, colored cardboard, felt, wrapping paper and the like. But in this master class we will look at simple envelopes, for the manufacture of which you only need paper and scissors. True, some of them also use tape or glue. For most envelopes, you will need a simple square piece of paper.

Step-by-step lessons for making envelopes

For beginners and children, it is advisable to start by creating lightweight envelopes. And only then move on to more complex ones. You should prepare a well-lit and comfortable workplace, and place all the necessary materials nearby so that they are at hand. Remember that the envelope can be made of any size, it depends on the size of the paper itself.

Small square envelope

This envelope's shape is perfect as packaging for a disc with music or a movie. Even a person who is not at all comfortable with hands can cope with its creation.

This is the square paper envelope we made.

Envelope made from a full sheet of A4 paper

The most standard envelope made from A4 sheet. You can put money, a postcard or a letter in it.

Paper envelope with lock

To create this envelope we don't need any glue or tape. Only paper.

Simple envelope

This envelope option is also considered one of the lightest.

How to make a heart envelope

A heart envelope can be a gift in itself. The point is that the envelope itself looks ordinary, but if you unfold it, it will be in the shape of a heart. And on this heart there can be, for example, written a love confession or “heartfelt” gratitude to the parents, just some pleasant words. But you can also put something in the envelope, say, a small piece of jewelry in the form of a ring, bracelet, brooch, beads or earrings.

The heart-shaped envelope is ready. Of course, it is better to make it from colored paper, red or pink. Or just decorate it with high quality later.

Other step-by-step diagrams and cutting templates

There are also other step-by-step paper envelope designs. In fact, these products are very diverse, and there are incredibly many original ways to create them. There are even envelopes in the shape of cats, dogs, fish and various figures. Below are some of these schemes.
Envelope with a heart:
Envelope in the shape of a fish:
There are also simple envelope templates. They can be printed or redrawn and cut out.

How to decorate envelopes

When the envelopes are made, you can decorate them, thus giving the mood to the gift itself. To decorate our crafts, you may need the following materials: pencils, felt-tip pens or paints, beads, rhinestones, beads, ribbons and bows, glue. In other words, anything that can make the envelope beautiful will do. Children, for example, love to color envelopes with pencils. If this is a New Year's gift, you can draw a winter landscape, snowmen and a Christmas tree, and Christmas deer on it. If it's a birthday - cake, candles and balloons. And, of course, you can depict something that the recipient loves or is passionate about. Animals, space or nature.

Another option is to simply glue some ribbons, beads and flowers and create an applique. For example, cut out some figures from cardboard or felt and glue them to the envelope. You can also cut out several dozen circles from multi-colored paper and make an envelope with polka dots. Although it is done simply and does not require any originality, it is very beautiful.

What to give in an envelope

Traditionally, envelopes are used to give money, cards or letters. But in reality there are a lot of options. Here you should proceed from the interests of the person to whom you are giving the gift. For collectors, a gift in the form of stamps or a refrigerator magnet, a rare coin or a very old photograph is suitable. Those who love creativity and art will enjoy a drawing, a ticket to a concert, ballet or theater.

Those who are interested in electronics will like a disk or memory card. For women, you can give jewelry, a gift certificate, or poetry. If you want to make an exciting game out of a gift or add mystery, put a secret message or a map in the envelope, which indicates where the real gift is.

How to use envelopes

Envelopes are used not only as a gift, but also for yourself. They can serve as a place to store money, important notes or photographs, gift cards. There are also quite unusual ways. You can, for example, insert an envelope into a book or album, as if emphasizing the importance of the document or special photograph inside. Sometimes envelopes are even used for decoration, to decorate some kind of craft. At the same time, you can no longer put anything in them, they simply give a certain style to the work.

And for children there is a special option with a game. The kids need to create several envelopes, someone should stand higher, on a balcony or tree, and the rest are below. The one on top sends a message in an envelope down the rope to the one below, and then vice versa. This is the kind of “air” mail that comes out. Or you can simply make a toy mailbox out of a cardboard box and exchange letters with friends that way.
Now you know how to make an envelope out of paper with your own hands, how to decorate it and what to use it for. When creating any crafts in general, it is very important to have patience and perseverance. Then the work will no longer seem as difficult as it seemed at first.

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