Home Trees and shrubs Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser. Zahn Timothy. Dark Host (Star Wars)

Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser. Zahn Timothy. Dark Host (Star Wars)

Catana traces its history back to 1984, when in the town Cogolin at Saint Tropez two travelers Thierry Goard And Jean Pierre Prade built the first catamaran designed by an Australian designer Lock Crowther- Catana 40. The project was good (under the Phisa brand, these catamarans are still produced), but the Catana 40 was not successful. Only 11 buildings were built. But the quality of construction, together with the distinctive features of the project, already then laid the foundation for the future success of the Catana catamarans.

In the 1990s, Catana continues to look for new solutions based on the experience of many travelers. C40 Diabolo Christophe Barro going to the arctic Bruno Nicoletti circumnavigates the southern latitudes on 40 and 47 models, and the founders of the shipyard themselves travel a lot.

Paradoxically, the Catana is more popular abroad than in France.

The 471 was the US Yacht of the Year in 1999. By the early 2000s, the shipyard had a turnover of 16 million francs.

But the future of Catana turned out to be connected with an experienced manager and shipbuilder. Olivier Ponchin. After a decade of owning and designing yachts, Olivier Ponchin creates Poncin Yachts in 2001, which includes single hull Harmony, motor white shark and Catana catamarans. In this form, the company exists until 2012, when it gets rid of Harmony and White Shark in order to fully concentrate on the construction of catamarans.

In 2014, Poncin Yachts reorganized into the Catana Group and launches the Bali Catamarans line, focused on building 40-50ft for private ownership and charter.


Consisting of four divisions, the Catana Group has two production sites in France. This is a shipyard in Canet en Roussillon and in Maran (La Rochelle). About 300 people work at the enterprises.

The lineup

Catana offers sailing catamarans from 42 to 70 feet. All models appeared at different times, and most have already gained popularity among demanding and wealthy travelers. In addition, there are many previous Catana offerings on the market that are highly valued. Catana 92, the flagship of the shipyard, which was produced from 2006 to 2011 to order, attracts attention in this category.

Today, more than 500 Catana catamarans ply the world's oceans. Over 80% of the boats built are sold outside of France.


The shipyard's commitment to innovation and quality was rooted in Locke Crowther's designs.

Small-scale production with a high degree of individualization of the project distinguishes Catana from the rest.

Catana impresses with speed, reliability, safety and convenience.

A distinctive feature of the Catana, among other things, is the presence of lifting daggerboards and asymmetric, "beveled" inside the hull. The construction uses carbon fiber, Kevlar, vacuum infusion using SCRIMP technology and ultra-light Twaron material. And in the interiors - only valuable and high-quality materials.

It happened a long time ago,” Sena began. - Even before the various resistance units that fought against the Empire united in the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Are you familiar with this period of history?

Within the limits of the State Archives,” Solo confessed. - Mon Mothma and Bail Organa of Alderaan convinced the three largest resistance groups to unite and form the Alliance. And then everything rolled like a snowball. Seems.

Have you ever heard the name of this agreement?

Of course, "Corellian Convention," Han began proudly and stuttered. Corellian Convention?

Yes, Sena nodded. “It was Senator Bel Iblis, not Mon Mothma, who persuaded the faction representatives to meet. And even more than that, it was he who acted as a guarantor of the safety of the participants.

For a while, the silence was broken only by the sound of repulsor engines.

And what happened? - finally asked Lando, breaking away from the contemplation of the surroundings.

Roughly speaking, Mon Mothma began to seize the initiative, said Sena. “Senator Bel Iblis was far more versed in tactics and strategy than she was, and even than most Alliance generals and admirals in those days. But she had the gift of inspiration, she knew how to inspire representatives of different groups and races and make them work together. She tried to be and was in the foreground. Gradually, Mon Mothma became the banner of the Alliance, and Organa and the senator eventually faded into the shadows.

It must have been difficult for a man like Senator Bel Iblis to endure this.

That's right, Sena admitted. - But you must understand that when he refused to support the Alliance, it was not only wounded pride that moved him. One of the few people Mon Mothma respected enough to consider was Bail Organa. He held her back in many ways. After his death during the destruction of Alderaan by the Death Star, there was no one left who could hold her. She began to gain more and more influence in the Alliance, and the senator had justified fears that she only wanted to overthrow the Emperor in order to take his place herself.

And so he pulled you out of the Alliance and started his own war with the Empire,” Lando summed up. "Hyung, have you heard of this?"

Not a sound.” He shook his head.

And no wonder,” Sena said. “Would you publicize the apostasy of a man with such a reputation?” Especially in the midst of a war?

Probably not, Solo admitted. - The only thing that surprises me is that the rest did not follow your example. Mon Mothma is a great persuasive when he wants to be.

It's as clear as who exactly was in power during the war, Lando added. - I once witnessed how she forced Admiral Akbar and General Madina to abandon their favorite project, only because she decided that she did not really like the plan.

Han glanced at Sena, and a thought suddenly came to his mind.

So that's why you stopped raiding the Empire? To be fully armed and oppose Mon Mothma if she turns the New Republic into a New Dictatorship?

Exactly, Sena confirmed. “We settled here at Pilgrim's Refuge three years ago, suspended all but supply operations, and began developing tactical contingency plans. And they continued to wait for the senator to be rehabilitated, and he would triumphantly return to the ranks of his comrades-in-arms, - her voice cracked again. - We are still waiting.

Han looked out the window at the camp they were driving through, and a dull sense of loss took over. The legendary senator Bel Iblis... awaits a return to power that will never happen.

Nothing will change,” he said quietly to Seine.

I know, - she hesitated. - We sit and wait for the Hutt to whistle.

Unless the senator manages to temper his pride and come to bow to Mon Mothma himself,” Solo nodded. - He asked you to talk about it with us...

The senator has nothing to do with this,” Sena interrupted him sharply. He doesn't even know that I'm talking to you right now. I met with you solely at my own peril and risk.

Of course, Han agreed quickly. No problem, I got it.

Sena shook her head.

I'm sorry, she apologized. - I don't mean to be rude.

It's all right," Solo repeated.

He understood her well now. Even if she had all the logic of the galaxy on her side and had the best intentions, she still felt like a traitor. The flash brought back the look on Luke's face long ago, just before the Battle of Yavin, with the first Death Star, when he thought Solo was going to fly off and abandon them all...

Han…” Lando called softly.

Solo shook his head, clearing the memory, and looked up at his friend. He raised his eyebrows expressively.

Sena, we offer you a deal, - Heng spoke, turning back to his companion. - We'll talk to Mon Mothma about the senator. And you tell us about the Catan fleet.

Sena's face immediately turned into a frozen mask.

Fleet Katana?

The one where your six dreadnoughts came from,” Lando prompted. You don't have to deny it - I took a good look at the back panel of the wall screen, back in the headquarters bar.

She sighed resignedly.

No. I can't tell you anything about it.

Why? Calrissian didn't hesitate. - We agreed that we are now allies, remember?

Goosebumps ran down Han's back.

Unless, - he said, turning cold, - you did not have time to promise the fleet of the Fey "leah ...

We didn’t promise anything to Fei “leah,” Sena said in a flat voice. “But this does not mean that he did not ask.

Solo winced.

And, so, he needs a win-win tactical move!

Not really.” Sena shook her head. - Fei "lia would not know what to do with a tactical advantage in a war, even if you presented him with a fleet on a silver platter. Understand, nerds do not talk in terms of military power, they think in terms of political and personal influence. Dream any nerd is to proudly walk through life and so that with every step more and more people would look into his mouth. Fey "lea believes that if he returns Senator Bel Iblis to the bosom of the New Republic, he will seriously move in this direction.

Especially if Akbar does not get in the way under his feet? Han chuckled. Sena nodded.

Yes. Unfortunately, this move is also typical for nerds. As soon as the leader of the nerds stumble, his rivals will immediately trample him. In the distant past, they literally trampled - usually to death. Now they prefer to morally destroy those who prevent them from climbing up. In my opinion, there is some progress.

Akbar is not a nerd, Lando reminded him.

I'm afraid the nerds don't think about it,” Solo growled. - Good guys we picked up as allies. So, did they just stand on the lookout or cut too?

Do you mean bank transfer? Sena shook her head. - I doubt that this is the work of Fey "lea. As a rule, nerds do not stoop to personally intrigue. In their habits they use the achievements of others.

More like scavengers than predators,” Han muttered sullenly. - So what do we do with it?

Sena shrugged.

All that is required is to clear Akbar of suspicion. As soon as his position changes, Fey "leah will be forced to retreat.

Gorgeous, Han muttered. “The problem is that as long as the Grand Admiral is in charge of the Empire, we are running out of time.

And you practically don’t have it either, ”Lando added. - The senator would be better off forgetting about the wounded pride and face the truth. You are just a small detachment that has received the Catan fleet at its disposal, and new warships are vital for the Empire. Once it gets to the Grand Admiral that you've got this sweetie stashed, he'll set the entire imperial fleet on you before you can unfold the candy wrapper. Bring the Catan fleet now to the New Republic and you are heroes; but if you delay, you risk losing everything.

Lando looked at him like he was crazy... and suddenly a smile slowly spread on his dark face.
- Right... Right. This is the Catan fleet. And we're aboard the Katana itself...
- It's finally here, - Han grinned and, crossing his fingers for good luck, switched the power to the engines.
Of course, the dreadnought did not budge. But after all, the reason why the Dark Host was lost at one time was ...
"There's one," Calrissian called from the display, "on course forty-three point twelve."
- Only one? - disappointedly held out Solo.
"Only one," Lando confirmed. - And rejoice, lucky one, that at least one trough has not fallen apart from old age.
"And let's hope they don't fall apart right now," Han muttered. - Give me an interception vector for the second "destroyer".
“Uh…” Lando chimed in, his expression now clearly irritated (“Why are these officers, even former ones, in the firm belief that everyone else can also calculate the course, not looking up from the morning news and a cup of cafe? ") "Turn around fifteen degrees to the left and take it down a little bit," he finally said.
- Yeah.
Solo carefully carried out even such vague instructions. He couldn't get rid of the strange feeling. He had never had to deal with a cluster connection of ships before. The head refused to believe, sensations deceived.
- Now how? he asked.
"Sounds acceptable," Calrissian replied, looking dubiously at the screen. - A little more power, maybe?
“Fire control is not working,” Skywalker reported as he ran up. "And I don't know how you're going to aim accurately without it."
"And I don't know," the Corellian shoved him away. - Think about it aside. Landau?
"Take it a little more to the left," Calrissian got a taste for it. - More ... more ... well done, that's enough. He turned his head to Solo.
- You're doing great. You are looking straight at him.
"Yeah," Han licked his lips. - Started.
And pushed the lever all the way forward.
The only way a Star Destroyer could fail to notice a dreadnought approaching it at cruising speed was if all the officers on the bridge had gone blind and deaf on it, or left for dinner at the same time. Or if all the electronic and control systems were out of order due to Bel Iblis ion cannon salvos. The doomed ship saw perfectly the dreadnought approaching it. But he couldn't get away.
The Katana was far away from the scene of action, but even on it the spectacle of the collision and explosion looked very impressive. Han watched the cloud of hot gases dissipate, then turned to Skywalker. Luke stood with his mouth open in amazement.
"Okay," the Corellian said. "Now we're out of the fight."
* * *
Captain Brandei stared dumbfounded at the Executor's external view screen. Not believing his own eyes, he watched the terrible death of "Dogmata". No - it couldn't be. It just couldn't be. Not an Imperial-class Star Destroyer. Just not the most powerful ship in the entire fleet of the Empire.
Deaf blows - it was the deflectors of the bridge that repelled another shot, brought him out of shock.
“Report the situation,” he demanded.
- One of the enemy's dreadnoughts was damaged by the explosion of the Dogmata, - the senior assistant replied. The other two are heading towards us.
To help those three who are now pouring fire from ion cannons on them. Brandei studied the tactical monitor, but it was no use. He already knew perfectly well which course to take.
"Withdraw all remaining fighters," he ordered. "We'll make a light-speed jump as soon as they're on board."
- Yes, sir.
When the team began to carry out the order, Brandei allowed himself a slight smile. Yes, they lost here. But that was just one battle, not the whole war. Soon, very soon, they will return... and when they do, they will have the Dark Host with them and Grand Admiral Thrawn as their leader.
Well, let's let the Alliance rejoice in their small victory. Perhaps they rejoice for the last time ...
The repairmen from the Kuenfis patched up the holes in record time. The ship ordered by Skywalker was already waiting for him on the flight deck, and in less than an hour, Luke was in space.
Finding a small ejection seat in a non-working state among a pile of free-floating debris is a hopeless task. For Karrde's subordinates.
For a Jedi - just spit.
When Mara was found, she was unconscious: from acute oxygen starvation and mild concussion. Aves lifted the girl aboard the "Wild Karrde" and from all nozzles, at the risk of catching a stray fragment, rushed to the star cruiser, which, in the end, deigned to arrive at the place of the completed battle. Luke looked at how they were safely taken to the flying target, and headed towards the Katana. He wanted to return to Coruscant in the company in which he got here.
An attack of acute complacency was hampered by the question: why was it so important to him to save Mara?
Skywalker did not know this. He came up with a thousand reasonable and coherent explanations - from simple gratitude for help in battle to the magnificent theory that it is only natural for a Jedi to save anyone in all possible situations. Moreover, it is their (Jedi's) direct duty... sort of. None of the explanations worked. For sure, he knew only one thing: he had to save Mara.
Maybe the Great Power demanded so? It's strange, before she was not so persistent ... Maybe this is the last surge of childish idealism and naivety? Luke liked to think of himself as a serious and mature man, but common sense told him he was exaggerating a little.
Skywalker looked at his reflection in the cockpit hood. A light bang protruded from under the helmet, a bulbous nose, and bulging eyes. M-yes, the only smell of a mature man was from a flight suit, and parting with childhood was definitely dragging on.
A comlink signal pulled him out of his sad thoughts.
- Small?
- Yes, Han, what's the matter?
"Go back to the Katana," the Corellian said in a strange voice. Immediately.
Skywalker glanced at the dark mass of the ship hanging ahead. Goosebumps raced up his back. Solo's voice sounded like his owner was walking through a dug-out graveyard.
- What's wrong?
“A nuisance, what else,” Han replied. - I know what the Empire intends to do in the near future. And this is not a charity market.
Luke swallowed.
- I'm on my way...
* * *
“So,” Grand Admiral Thrawn said in a voice that did not bode well for anyone or anything. - Due to the fact that you constantly distract me, the "Dogma" perished. I think you are satisfied.
The grey-haired old man sitting across from him was hard to confuse.
- Do not blame me for the incompetence of your half-educated, - coldly replied the master; there was no less ice in his voice than Thrawn's. - Although, perhaps, it's not their inability, but the talents of the rebels. But if the Chimera had gone instead of the Dogma, you'd be dead by now.
Thrawn's face took on an ultramarine hue. Pellaeon moved half a step behind the Grand Admiral and closer to the center of the defensive sphere. At the moment, he burned with a simply inescapable love for the ysalamiri, and even wondered why he had not filled all the holds of the Chimera with these cute little animals. Let them smell. Let them shit. He will personally offer his own cap for this case. Ysalamiri, nestled comfortably on the back of the admiral's chair, lifted her fluffy muzzle and sniffed the sleeve of the captain's tunic.
Pellaeon stroked her with one finger and braced himself for a burst of anger.
But Thrawn knew how to control himself.
- Why are you here? - he asked. K"baot smiled.
“Since you first appeared on Wayland, you have made many promises, Grand Admiral Thrawn.” The old man paused, looking at the holographic sculptures. - I'm here to make sure you follow through.
“And how are you going to do it, dare I ask?”
- Reminding me that you need me, although, let's say, you constantly forget about it. In the meantime, I can let you know that I'm going back to Wayland... and maybe I'll take part in the Mount Tantiss project.
Pellaeon felt his throat constrict with hatred. How sweet it would be to take a lousy old man by the beard, drag him to the nearest airlock and give a good kick outside the Chimera.
- Project "Mount Tantiss"? Thrawn asked with cool curiosity.
- Yes, - K "baoth winked at Pellaeon. - Oh, captain, I know a lot! And about the project too, despite your childish attempts to hide the truth from me.
"We wanted to keep you from worrying too much," Thrawn assured the Master before Pellaeon could open his mouth. - Bad memories, for example.
K'baot chewed on his beard for so long that Pellaeon suspected that something edible had been stuck in it since the last meal.
"Maybe so," he finally agreed with a fair amount of sarcasm. - And if you're telling the truth, I'm very grateful to you. But the time for mutual courtesy has passed. Since I left Wayland, Grand Admiral Thrawn, my powers have increased. No more need to worry about my feelings.
He drew himself up to his full height, even his voice changed. Instead of an old man's rattling, a powerful baritone rolled through the cabin, echoing from the bulkheads.
- I am K "baot, a knight of the Order and a master. The power that binds the world together obeys me.
Thrawn slowly rose to his feet. Now he towered over the old man.
“And you,” the Grand Admiral remarked in passing, “serve me in turn.
K'baot shook his head.
No more, Grand Admiral Thrawn. The circle is closed. The Jedi will once again rule the galaxy.
- Be careful in terms, K "baoth," Thrawn warned. "You can imagine anything. But do not forget that the Jedi could not resist the Empire.
The old man raised his bushy eyebrows... and the smile that distorted his face made Pellaeon, who silently watched the conversation, go cold. He remembered that smile from Weyland.
Then he was finally convinced that the master was insane.
“On the contrary,” the old man said softly, almost affectionately. “I am everything that the Empire is powerless over.
He raised his eyes to the ceiling and to the holographic scattering of stars on it.
“Let’s,” proclaimed K “baoth, “we will discuss the new structure of our Empire.
Luke looked at the bodies of the paratroopers who had died from decompression. Now, at least, it was clear what was so strange about their minds.
- Doubts, of course, can not be? he heard his own voice.
Han shrugged.
- Leia is now engaged in genetic analysis. But it seems to me that this is no longer necessary.
Skywalker nodded, looking at the faces of the dead on the floor. Or, more precisely, one face, repeated over and over again.
"So that's the point," he said quietly. “The Imperials found the cloning cylinders somewhere. And we were able to make them work.
'Which means they won't need years to recruit, train and train the crews of their new dreadnoughts,' Solo said dully. - Maybe a few months. Maybe even less.
Luke took a deep breath.
“I have a bad feeling about this, Han.
- Yeah. Welcome to our club.
Star Wars Encyclopedia
Imperial Heir
The encyclopedia is based on materials
courtesy of Bob Vitas
Aban is an Imperial naval officer in the service of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Commander of the Militant.
Abregado-ray is the main planet in the Abregado system in the Outer Territories. Inhabited by the Gado race. After the fall of the Empire, it gradually began to civilize, however, smugglers still prefer to arrange their transshipment bases on it. A day lasts 23 standard hours, the year has 349 local days.
Ackbar is a member of the Mon Caldmari race, admiral of the New Republic fleet, and later commander-in-chief. When the Empire occupied his planet Calamari, Ackbar was captured and given to Grand Moff Tarkin as a personal slave. Taking advantage of his position, he followed Tarkin everywhere to gather as much information as possible about the Empire's war machine, in the hope of making an escape and passing this information to the rebels. During Tarkin's assignment to the Death Star, Ackbar took the opportunity to flee. He commanded the combined forces of the Alliance at the Battle of Endor. When the New Republic was formed, Akbar entered the government as a military adviser and served the Republic until his old antagonist Borek Fey "lea, who had long tried to discredit the admiral, was chosen as the head of the Republic. After this event, Akbar decided to resign.
Alderaan is a planet in the central sector. The people who lived on Alderaan were considered among the most peaceful inhabitants of the galaxy. Living in harmony with the surrounding world, they built their cities on the tops of precipitous cliffs or on stilts in the shallow sea, so that their cities would not crush the grass and destroy the sea. Alderaan was a staunch supporter of the Old Republic, and many of its natives served in the military. The home planet of the Organa family played an important role in galactic politics; and in the last years of the Old Republic, the Organa family resisted the desire of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to concentrate all the levers of power in his hands.
After the establishment of the New Order, Alderaan was among the first to support the newly formed Alliance to Restore the Republic. Hidden dissatisfaction with Palpatine's rule led to the destruction of the planet. Grand Moff Tarkin, having captured the Fleet IV of the Organa family in the Tatooine system, interrogated Princess Leia with passion, but did not break her. When he tried to find out about the location of the Alliance base under the threat of destroying the planet, the princess lied to him. Tarkin nevertheless gave the order for destruction. The Death Star's new weapons reduced Alderaan to countless wreckage shortly before the Battle of Yavin.
The Alliance to Restore the Republic is a group of planets united in the fight against Palpatine's New Order. Usually it is called simply - the Alliance, and the imperials call the peoples included in it, the rebels. In the initial stages, the New Order resistance movement was supported by Mon Mothma and Bail Organa. After the Imperial attack on Mantooine and Gorman, the Alliance began to grow rapidly. The leaders of the Alliance clearly understood that the Empire had an advantage in forces and means, and therefore at first they relied more on secrecy and cunning, gaining small victories and undermining the Empire ideologically. After the destruction of the Death Star, the Alliance became a recognized threat to the existence of the Empire, which was clearly understood by Palpatine. Therefore, he threw almost all the power of his war machine in search of Alliance bases.
LMP is a light infantry vehicle that has not received distribution. Similar to the ACT self-propelled gun, but smaller. Armament: dual laser cannon and grenade launcher.
Ando is a planet in the Ando system inhabited by the Akualish. There is not much habitable land on the planet, so the local population lives on sailing ships and small islands. Once on a neighboring planet there was also life, but after the Akualish discovered space travel, they waged devastating wars on it, destroying almost all life.
Anti-gravity engine - a planetary installation of a spacecraft, which allows you to overcome gravity, so that the ship is able to take off and fly in the atmosphere. They are also called repulsion drives and are used for intra-system flight so that the effects of hyperdrive do not affect the inhabitants of the planets.
Antilles Wedge - A native of the planet Corellia, he spent his childhood on the orbital complex Gus Treta. His parents Jagged and Xena owned a gas station there. Wedge, having received, in addition to a large amount of money, good training in piloting ships of various types, was preparing to enter the Academy. It was then that the pirate ship "Buzzzer", under the command of Loki Husk, began to take off, escaping from the arriving ships of the Corellian Security Service. Unfortunately, the refueling hoses were not disconnected, the spilled fuel caught fire, and Wedge's parents were forced to eject the refueling complex to save the main station. Wedge's parents died, Wedge himself, along with Booster Terrik, went after the pirates on the ship 3-95 "Headhunter". They managed to destroy the pirate ship. Prior to joining the Alliance, Wedge was engaged in various jobs, up to transporting contraband. With the rebels, he demonstrated excellent qualities as a fighter pilot and performed various tasks, such as escorting transports and reconnaissance flights, later enlisted in the T-65 flight during the Battle of Yavin. Subsequently - commander of the elite Rogue Squadron, general of the New Republic (twice refused promotion until he was forced to accept it) and a member of the fleet headquarters.
The Asp is a reconnaissance droid created by the Arakid Company to develop Darth Vader. Equipped with a self-destruct system, various sensors, a high-frequency coded transmitter and a blaster.
The ACT is a light self-propelled gun designed as a bipedal version of the ATV tank. Hull height - 8.8 m. Crew - 2 people. Can carry up to 400 kg of cargo. Armed with a twin laser cannon and grenade launcher. Used for reconnaissance and infantry fire support
The ATV is a heavy imperial "walking" tank designed and built by Kuat Drive. Case height - 15m. Crew - 3 people. It can carry up to forty troops and 4000 kg of cargo. Armed with a heavy twin laser cannon and four light blasters. Despite many miscalculations in the design, the tank, better known as the "treadmill", was widely used by the Empire to intimidate the civilian population.
Af "El is a large planet orbiting the supergiant Ka" Dedus. It is distinguished by increased gravity and the absence of an ozone layer in the atmosphere. All the inhabitants of Af "El, including the race of intelligent beings, defeles, have the ability to see in the ultraviolet range. Once upon a time, the shipyards of Kuat mined various minerals at Af" El, now the main import is melienium metal.
Barab is a red dwarf.
Barab I is a planet in the system of the star Barab, 125 million kilometers away from it. High solar radiation and temperature force the inhabitants of the planet to settle in caves. Interestingly, on Barab I, all life forms are cold-blooded. A day lasts approximately 60 standard hours.
Barabel are sentient, bipedal, black-scaled reptiles with heavy jaws and sharp teeth. Known for their hunting and tracking talents. They live in small groups led by leaders. Aggressive and at the same time extremely devoted to parents and spouses.
The Fugitive is an infantry fighting vehicle manufactured by the Kelliac military factories. Armament: two laser cannons on rotating platforms. Length 14.6 meters. Crew - 4 people.
Bel Iblis Garm is the legendary representative of Corellia in the Senate of the Old Republic. During the establishment of the Empire, assassins sent by Palpatine sought out Bel Iblis and his family on Anchoron. The whole family died, only the senator himself managed to escape. Bel Iblis contacted Mon Mothma and Bail Organa, and the three conspirators signed the so-called Corellian Treaty, which marked the beginning of the Alliance. However, it seemed to Iblis that Mon Mothma intended to oust him, the former senator left the Alliance to fight the Empire on his own. He managed to rally around him a group of fighters who struck from secret bases. After the Alliance's victory at Endor, Bel Iblis continued his guerrilla activities, as his prejudice against Mon Mothma told him that she would try to turn the New Republic into a dictatorship. They later settled their differences, and Garm Bel Iblis became part of the government of the New Republic.
Borek Fey "leah - a nerd, a native of the Botanic colony of Kotlis, joined the Alliance shortly after the battle of Yavin. He led the mission to obtain the plans of the Death Star, which earned him a place among the leadership of the Alliance, and later a seat on the Council of the New Republic. Fey" leah cunningly set up some advisers against others in order to gain as much political weight and power as possible. One of his main moves was to introduce the idea of ​​taking Coruscant to the Council.
Bothawui is the home planet of the nerd race, a cosmopolitan world in which almost everything is subordinated to the receipt and dissemination of information. The nerd intelligence network is considered one of the best in the galaxy. They say that if information is not on Bothawui, then it is not available anywhere.
Bothans are a race of bipedal, fur-covered creatures from the planet Bothawui. Politicians by nature, consummate masters of information trading. They maintain a spy network that surpasses any such formation that the Empire or the Old Republic could ever create. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the Bothans joined the Alliance.
Brandei is an Imperial Navy officer who served on the Executor as a flight deck maintenance officer. Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, he was transferred to the Executor, eventually becoming its captain. A native of Mantooine, he was brought up in the tradition of xenophobia, so he had some problems with admission to the Academy.
Bfassh is a double planet orbiting a star of the same name; located in the Sluis sector. Due to the unusual configuration, the day may have a different length.
Virgilio Sarin - captain of the New Republic, a native of the planet Masterra, commander of the frigate "Kuenfis", part of the fleet of Coruscant. Supported bothan opposition in the Alliance since serving as third mate on a corvette that was sent to pick up a group of scouts with plans for a second Death Star. After a skirmish with Borek Fey "leah during the incident with the Catan fleet, he changed his mind about bothans, although he remained a supporter of the New Republic.
The Verpins are an insectoid race known for their talents in repairing and upgrading any kind of machinery and aircraft. They live on the asteroids Roche, although the location of the planet they come from is not known to anyone. They live in swarms of up to a hundred individuals. Verpins have an organ in their bodies that they can use to emit radio waves and thus communicate with each other over long distances.
The Spinner is a fast, repulsion-driven machine manufactured by the Mekkun Factory. Often used to quickly clear the area. Speed ​​and maneuverability, combined with powerful armor, sensitive scanners and strong weapons make the "turntable" a highly effective combat vehicle. Armament: heavy laser cannon, light laser cannon, grenade launcher.
The Executor is an Imperial-1 class Star Destroyer commanded by Captain Brandei. He was part of Grand Admiral Thrawn's unit.
The Militant was an Imperial-1 class Star Destroyer that was part of Grand Admiral Thrawn's fleet. Participated in the Taanab operation, was later sent to Ando to withdraw the forces of the Republic from Yukio.
Vornskr is a predatory inhabitant of the planet Myrkr. Dog-like, with long, sharp fangs and a whip-like tail. The blow of the spike on the tail causes mild poisoning.
Wookiees are tall, furry anthropoids from the planet Kashyyyk. Known throughout the galaxy for their ferocity in battle. They live high in the trees, away from the predatory plants of the lower levels of their forests. Their paws are equipped with sharp long claws, with which the Wookiees climb. Viviparous mammals, female Wookiees have six nipples, with which they feed their young. The Wookiee race was enslaved by the Empire, and therefore the Wookiees are not very well disposed towards humans. Obi-Wan Kenobi once suggested that the Wookiees have a powerful connection to the Force, but no one has been able to prove this.
Wookiees live in large cities located in trees, this saves them from predators that live in the lower tier of the forest.
Wookiees believe that their forests are divided into seven levels, and life on each depends on the amount of light that penetrates through the foliage. At the lower levels - respectively, the first, second and third - phosphorescent plants grow, providing these levels with their own light. Wookiees never went below level four.
G-2RD is a security robot used in New Republic prisons. Height - 1.2 meters. Equipped with a repulsion engine, video-audio sensors, a vocoder, a transmitter and two types of weapons, to kill and paralyze.
Garral is a bipedal predator that lives in the forests of Wayland. Amenable to training, used for protection. They were brought to Wayland from an unknown planet, and only later it turned out that they were bred in the biological laboratories of the Empire by the scientist Lutos Garral. They grow up to two meters in length, are covered with gray fur, the tip of the short tail is white.
Ghent is a native of the planet Baroli, a member of the Karrde group, and a very talented computer cracker.
Gergliks are intelligent bipedal inhabitants of the planet Gizhu, who originate from aquatic mammals and have retained blowholes in the process of evolution. Mostly merchants, Rogue Traders, and explorers known for their excessive gambling habits.
Hyperdrive - the engine of a spaceship and all its modules that allow the ship to develop superluminal speed and jump through hyperspace. Most hyperdrives require a fusion generator. According to rumors, the hyperdrive was invented by an unknown race from somewhere beyond the galaxy. Aliens first appeared in the Corellian system. The Corellians learned the secret of hyperdrive and built their own engine. Some time later, they sold the idea of ​​traveling through space to other planets. Communication between the worlds became immeasurably easier, which gave birth to a huge community known as the Old Republic.
The Hound is a dreadnought once part of the Catan fleet, now the flagship of Garm Bel Iblis's personal armada.
Lady Luck is Lando Calrissian's personal ship, a modified SoroSuub PLY-3000 pleasure yacht. Once belonged to the princess of the royal house Ortellin.
Grand Admiral is the highest naval rank in the imperial army. At the time of the Battle of Endor, there were only twelve officers of this rank in the entire Empire.
Defel are intelligent beings from the planet Af "El, otherwise called spirits. Their skin and skin absorb almost all wavelengths, so that under normal lighting they seem to be an indistinct shadow, and they can only be seen in ultraviolet light. Short, muscular wolf-like humanoids covered with thick They live in underground caves on their home planet and can see well in any light.
Deflector field - a force field that absorbs or reflects any kind of energy. Placed on ships to protect against shots. The terms "deflector shield" and "deflector" are sometimes used.
Divto is a long, three-headed snake that lives on the moons of Endor. Very poisonous.
The TIE fighter is one of the first ships of this series, developed by the Seinar System company. The body length is 6.3 meters, the sublight maximum speed is 100 NGSS, the speed in the atmosphere is up to 1200 km/h.
- guidance system "Seinar Systems T-s8";
- ion generator "Seinar Systems I-a2b";
- navigation module "Seinar Systems N-s6";
- dual ion engines "Seinar Systems P-s4";
- control system "Seinar Systems F-s3.2";
- two ion thrusters "Seinar Systems P-w401";
- two laser guns "Seinar Systems L-s1";
- reinforced solar panels
The Wild Karrde is a Corellian Action V transporter owned by Talon Karrde. The ship was once scrapped, then bought by Karrde and modified. In particular, combat armor, three turbolaser installations, new sensor equipment and an invisibility system were put on it. Part of the hold has been converted into housing for the vornscrows.
The Dogmata was an Imperial-1 class Star Destroyer that was part of Grand Admiral Thrawn's fleet. Killed in battle for the Catan fleet.
Dodonna/Blissex The RZ-1 "Ashka" is a single-seat long-range fighter-interceptor with pointed delta wings, designed by Ian Dodonna and Walex Blissex after the loss of the Alliance bases on Hoth. Due to lack of funding, many RZ-1s were built at private shipyards. A unique feature of the fighter is the ability to turn the lasers mounted on the wings 60 degrees up and down. Length - 9 meters, sublight maximum speed - 120 NGSS, speed in the atmosphere 1300 km / h. The disadvantage is the low power of the navigation computer, which allows you to calculate only two jumps, after which calibration is required.
Systems used in ship design:
- fusion reactor MPS Vrg-99;
- twin engines "Novaldeks J-77";
- control system "Torplex Rq9. Z";
- navigation computer "Mikroaksial LpL-449";
- hyperdrive motivator "Inkom GBk-785";
- long-range tachyon antenna RA-9g;
- short range analyzer PG-7u;
- guidance system "Fabritek ANq 3. 6";
- 2 laser guns "Borstel RG-9";
- rocket launcher "DaymekNM-6";
- protective field generator "Sirplex Z-9";
- sensors "Fabritek ANs-7e";
- holographic sight IN-3444-B.
Dorya is a senior officer in the Imperial Navy and commander of the cruiser Restless. Comes from a family of naval officers from the planet Coruscant. Received a ship just before the Battle of Endor. Considered a good captain, despite a cautious command style often challenged by other senior officers. After the defeat at Endor, Dorya agreed to Pellaeon's offer to withdraw the ships and even stayed with him, although he did not like that Pellaeon took command of the fleet. Lack of initiative put Dorya in a minor position in Thrawn's fleet as well, which didn't improve relations between the two captains. However, Doria did not dare to desert in the hope that his day would come. He survived Thrawn and several defeats by the New Republic and remained one of the thirteen senior officers still in command of the Star Destroyers ten years after the death of the Emperor.

Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser

Manufacturer: Star Machines of Rendili.
Class: heavy cruiser (Old Republic classification)
Length: 600m.
Width: 120 m
Height: 123 m
Cargo capacity: 9000 metric tons.
Hyperdrive: 4th class (on imperial modified - 2nd class).
Sublight Engines: 6 ion engines.
Speed: 12 NGSS
Shield power: 2560 SBD.
Hull strength: 1216 EN.

  • 10 Turbolaser cannons (5 left, 5 right)
  • 20 Quad Turbolaser Cannons (6 front, 7 left, 7 right)
  • 10 Turbolaser batteries (5 front, 5 rear)
Crew: about 16,000 people (in the Katana fleet - 2200 people)
Landing: 3000 people.
Autonomy: 2 years.
Sensors: Kom-Scan
Hangar:(only in Imperial, except for the fleet of Catan):
  • 1 Lambda class shuttle
  • 12 TIE Fighters (1 squadron)
A masterpiece of the Rendili Star Drive corporation, the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser was a longtime mainstay of the Old Republic, long before the creation of the VAR and the advent of the Herald-class assault transports and the Hunter-class SAR. Although the ships of this class were already quite obsolete by the beginning of the Clone Wars, they were still used in those dark times for the Galaxy and served as a tool in the hands of both the forces of the Republic and the forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems (Rendili's defense fleet at the beginning of the Battle of Rendili). Dreadnoughts participated in the Battle of Duro, the Battle of Rendili, and the Second Battle of Coruscant.

After the Clone Wars, the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser was used by both sides of the Galactic Civil War and also served in the Corporate Sector. The dreadnought in the service of the empire received a number of modifications, and the main novelty of this model is the presence of a hangar for 1 squadron of LEDs (on some cruisers, as a result of modifications, the hangar could accommodate 2 squadrons)

But it should also be noted that the Katana fleet, which was created even before the Clone Wars with a number of differences from other dreadnoughts. I will note the main difference between the ships of this fleet: the creation of these ships was carried out according to the latest (at that time) automation technology, which made it possible to reduce the crew to 2200 people. But no one could predict the tragedy that happened to this fleet: a virus got on board, which infected all the crew members. But the main feature of the virus was that all those infected lost their minds before they died. And when the virus reached the flagship, the infected crew members in a frenzy used a remote access panel to all the ships of the fleet. And two hundred black as the night of the ship, having made a jump into hyperspace, disappeared into the unknown. After decades of the fleet being considered lost, Grand Admiral Thrawn was able to find and acquire almost all of the fleet's ships and use them as weapons of war against the New Republic. After the death of the Grand Strategist, the Remnant of the Empire continued to use the ships of this fleet for themselves.

This six hundred meter ship was named the "heavy cruiser" class during the Old Republic, however, with the advent of larger ships, this class still remained with the Dreadnought. Despite its impressive firepower at the time, the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser was full of shortcomings: slow speed, weak ventilation system and constant system errors, weak shields, but the main drawback was the human resource requirements. The minimum number of crew members must be at least 9000 people, but the optimal configuration for normal operation requires at least 16000 people!

But a large number of shortcomings was no excuse for the Law Enforcement Forces and the Old Republic as a whole, which needed ships - and the dreadnought began its march through the Galaxy, which continues to this day. The Dreadnought is a ship that has stood the test of time, and I have deep respect for it and, to be honest, this ship really deserves the title of Ship-Warrior.

Thrawn was not limited to military maneuvers: manipulating financial records and banking transactions, he manipulated the data and planted such misinformation that the authorities of the New Republic accused the commander-in-chief of their fleet, Admiral Ackbar, of treason. At the urging of Bothan Councilor Borsk Fey, Leah, Admiral Akbar was placed under house arrest pending clarification.

Han Solo and Lando Calrissian decided to investigate the case on their own. They traveled to the jungle planet of New Cove, but there their ship was attacked by an Imperial Star Destroyer. However, 3 ancient Clone Wars-era dreadnoughts mysteriously appeared on the battlefield, covered Solo and Calrissian with barrage fire, and then escorted them to their secret base, a military command center run by General Garm Bel Iblis. In the 9 years since the legendary Corellian Senator left the Rebel Alliance, he has built up an impressive personal army. His sorties against the Empire were always victorious, but their scope was limited. The general's stubborn pride and his still-smoldering anger at Mon Mothma kept him from joining the New Republic.

Dreadnoughts of Bel Iblis were originally part of the Katana fleet. Two hundred Katana dreadnoughts were for several generations a "lost treasure", the subject of a relentless search. However, now that both sides of the Galactic Civil War were in desperate need of warships, acquiring the lost armada would tip the scales. Bel Iblis himself did not know exactly where the Katana was, but his contact, Captain Hoffner, had this information. Unfortunately, Solo and Calrissian did not have time to meet with Hoffner, who was captured by Grand Admiral Thrawn.

The smuggler leader Talon Karrd also knew the location of the Katana fleet. Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade have just rescued Karrd from his prison cell aboard the Chimera. This evened the score - now both the Empire and the New Republic knew how to get to the lost armada. The New Republic hastily assembled a force and dispatched them to a desolate region of space where derelict dreadnoughts had been drifting for decades. Thrawn's troops arrived seconds later and a furious space battle ensued, while Skywalker and Solo infiltrated the Katana's flagship. Unexpected reinforcements - General Bel Iblis and his dreadnoughts and smugglers from Talon Karrd's organization - helped to tip the balance in favor of the New Republic for a time, but the Empire called in its own reserves.

Aboard the Katana, Skywalker and Solo fought off an attack by Imperial stormtroopers. Solo managed to remember that the ships of the Katana fleet were in a slave-master relationship with each other. He found a slave control panel in the captain's cabin and managed to activate one of the dreadnoughts hovering in space and send it directly into the forehead of the Peremptory Star Destroyer. Both ships perished in the resulting cloud of flame. The Imperials, suddenly outnumbered, left the battlefield.

The New Republic's victory was overshadowed by two sobering pieces of news. First, of the 200 Katana dreadnoughts, the new Republicans got only 15, the rest of the Empire had already managed to get their hands on. Secondly, when examining the bodies of the dead attack aircraft on board the flagship, a chilling fact was discovered - all the corpses had one face.

The news that the Grand Admiral had revived the forbidden cloning technique horrified the New Republic and proved to be a very powerful weapon in the psychological war that Thrawn waged against his opponents. Mon Mothma and other politicians foreshadowed a new round of clone wars, and their first priority was the discovery of the clone factory of Grand Admiral Thrawn.

Luckily, Admiral Ackbar was given back his powers as Commander-in-Chief of the Fleet, as it was proven that the financial scandal surrounding him was fabricated by the Empire. Calrissian returned to Nkllon, the mines of Nomad City, but Thrawn again raided the planet and left the city in ruins.

On Coruscant, Leia Organa Solo gave birth to twins, a girl and a boy, Jaina and Jacen. They were to become the next generation of Jedi Knights.

Mara Jade was back in the service of the New Republic, but because she had once been the Emperor's Hand, she was viewed with suspicion. However, Leia Organa Solo did not judge Jade for her past. As the Hand of the Emperor, Jade was privy to many of Palpatine's secrets, including the location of the clone factory in Mount Tantiss on Wayland. Jade, Skywalker, Solo, Chewbacca, Calrissian and their droids traveled to Wayland to destroy Thrawn's ready-to-soldier factory.

Upon reaching Mount Tantiss, everyone except Skywalker and Jade began exploring the room where the clones were grown, while Skywalker and Jade went to the Emperor's throne room in search of the factory's self-destruct mechanism. On the throne, like a spider in the center of the web, Joruus K "baoth was waiting for them.

The mad Jedi Master easily overpowered both Skywalker and Jade. At first he was just having fun with them, but then he presented a terrifying surprise: it turned out that K "baoth secretly raised a clone from the genetic material of Skywalker himself - from his hand, which he had once lost in Cloud City. The mindless golem Luyuk Skywalker was an exact copy of Luke.

In his hand, the clone held Luke's own lightsaber, a blue-bladed sword that had once belonged to Anakin Skywalker. Obi-Wan Kenobi gave the sword to Luke, and after the tragic events in Cloud City, it was considered lost. The twins clashed in a furious duel. Mara Jade, often expressing her desire to kill the man who indirectly caused the Emperor's death, ended the duel by killing the Luyuk clone. K "baot, overcome with rage, tried to bring down the ceiling of the hall, but Jade pierced his chest through and through.

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