Home Trees and shrubs Rider of Cups tarot combination. Knight of Cups. General state of finances and trends

Rider of Cups tarot combination. Knight of Cups. General state of finances and trends

The value of the knight of cups (bowls) in the upright position

New plans, desires, aspirations, fantasies, inspiration, lightness. So far, all this is only in the head and requires implementation in the physical world.

An unexpected and pleasant meeting. The Knight of Cups (Cups) Tarot most often personifies a quick meeting with true love.

  • sensual, romantic man, the card may also indicate some new opportunities
  • an honest and reasonable young man, friendly towards the Questioner
  • brother, friend or lover, messenger, invitation
  • good advice, news, guest or invitation, creativity
  • true love, mutual love, marriage proposal
  • emotionality, dreaminess, kindness

The Knight of Cups (Cups) Tarot is a sensitive young man, an idealist and a romantic. He is characterized by originality and ingenuity, but his passive nature allows the people around him or strange fantasies to distract him from his goals. Another interpretation of the Knight of Cups indicates new initiatives involving the Client. They probably affect his personal life and are somehow connected with the person represented by the card, or relate to artistic and creative pursuits.

The meaning of the knight of cups (chalices) in an inverted position

False friend, deceit, loss. The scammer will get his way. A heartbreaking event. The advice is to take a realistic look at the state of affairs, take off the rose-colored glasses. Cancel the wrong decision, change your attitude to the matter.

  • a capricious and lazy person, not keeping his word, prone to deceit
  • treacherous and deceitful young man, deceit, insincerity
  • tricks, swindle, fraud, lies, betrayed trust
  • heartbreak, emotional damage to the Questioner
  • duplicity, emotional immaturity, escape from reality, wrong decision

Deception is the main aspect of the reversed card. The Knight of Cups (Cups) Tarot, at first glance, is so attractive, but has a bad character and fame. The client should be careful in personal affairs and in business due to hidden problems due to possible betrayal.

inner meaning. Given to understand the direct position of the map

A young man with the same qualities as his symbolic parents. If the tarot card of the Knight of Cups personifies a certain person, then a person who shows brotherly interest in the Questioner. He is reasonable, honest, ready to help you with all his might - a true and reliable friend or even lover.

If the cards indicate that he is a lover, then you can safely trust his love; even if the relationship breaks down in the future, he will do his best not to offend you.

If he is not a lover, then a person who will give you advice about the true nature of the person you are interested in.

Like the Queen, the Knight of Cups (Cups) Tarot can be a dreamer. In this case, he is not a soothsayer, but an imaginative person, and this allows him to understand people's feelings as his own.

If the Knight of Cups does not represent a certain person, then expect news or an invitation; both will be positive and the situation can be trusted.


Venus/Moon as a symbol of sincerity and good mood.

Direct position:

The Knight of Cups symbolizes the culmination of feelings, the embodiment of ideas. A new opportunity, an invitation, a profitable offer may be associated with it. It embodies attractiveness and progressiveness.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: a vague foresight, an incomprehensible feeling, the need for clarification. A person prone to fraud and window dressing, capable of betraying and deceiving.

Knight of Cups

Characteristics: Air Water. Fish.

Fair-haired handsome young man. Very charming, affectionate, caring. He helps, sympathizes

Events: arrival of a nice person, courtship, marriage proposal, social entertainment, very pleasant but not very reliable company

Meeting with the Knight of Cups.

Business: well established, money average

Occupation: show business, modeling business, psychology, music, dancing, philosophy

Health: fast recovery

Relationships: love, a lot of romance, fantasy, feelings, beauty

Tip: accept the offer

Warning: do not make noble gestures if they lead nowhere

And then". A new acquaintance will appear, a seductive offer

Flipped over.

Characteristics: Cynical, flattering. He cannot be trusted. Feels people very well. Very strong magical charm (for him in + for opponents in -). Propensity for sexual perversion.

Events: false sentences, general wrong decision, judgment. Emotional dependence. Sometimes delays in arrival

Encounter with the reversed Knight of Cups.

Business: not bad, empty promises, lies, non-cooperation

Occupation: -

Health: the danger of sexually transmitted diseases

Relationships: complex, emotional dependency

Advice: either refuse the offer, or use your charm yourself

Warning: you can get into a situation from which it is difficult to free yourself

Outcome: "No." Dubious offers, experienced seducer /

General meaning:

The Knight of Cups means a kind, friendly atmosphere, good mood and a wise smile. This is a time of meditation, a sense of harmony, romantic dreams and a willingness to fall in love. Where strife and conflict reigned, this card heralds reconciliation and peace. This is also just hours of relaxation, a time when we give free rein to our imagination, rejoice at the beauty of life, enjoy art, especially music.


A good climate in the team, the work is calm, without rush work, which is why we have a good mood, and things are going "easily". When changing jobs, the Knight of Cups shows that we intend to give preference to the creative, artistic side of our nature. Whether we really decide on such a change of work can only be judged by the whole scenario as a whole. The Knight of Cups, on the other hand, indicates mainly our attitude to the work, but practically says nothing about its content.


Here, this card indicates that we follow our feelings, creating for ourselves an illusory picture of the world. Having experienced a number of pleasant sensations, we were filled with delight and now look at the world through rose-colored glasses. The card can also mean an interest in the world of images, in fairy tales, myths and dreams. However, in any case, our view remains superficial. Only the cards of the Priestess or the Moon lead into the depths.

Personal relationships:

The main meaning of the Knight of Cups lies precisely in this area. Here it means a period of joy, falling in love, affection, comfort, in a word - "spring", the beginning of a partnership. Or reconciliation, when partners begin to understand each other better, when they no longer need words.

Knight of Cups combined with other tarot cards

With the Jester card - offer something with an open heart.

With the card "Magician" - a job offer.

With the card "High Priestess" - offer information.

With the card "Empress" - to offer something worthwhile.

With the "Emperor" card - a proposal to create a family or project.

With the Hierophant card - a merger proposal.

With the card "Lovers" - a marriage proposal.

With the card "Chariot" - a proposal to move.

With the card "Strength" - the desire to make peace.

With the Hermit card - a rejected offer.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - bring change.

With the "Justice" card - throw a white flag.

With the Hanged Man card, intentions will remain only intentions.

With the card "Death" - bring consolation.

With the card "Moderation" - understanding.

With the "Devil" card - a dubious offer.

With the "Tower" card - a proposal for the dissolution of marriage; dismissal.

With the Star card - hope for reconciliation.

With the card "Moon" - a dark offer.

With the card "Sun" - consent to the proposal.

With the card "Court" - ask for help from the Angel.

With the card "World" - a gift of fate.


With the card "Ace of Wands" - love.

With the card "Two of Wands" - moving.

With the card "Three of Wands" - fruitful cooperation.

With the Four of Wands card - a marriage proposal.

With the Five of Wands card - criticism; discontent.

With the card "Six of Wands" - successful promotion of the offer; acceptance of the terms.

With the card "Seven of Wands" - obstacles; barriers.

With the "Eight of Wands" card - good news; the arrival of a loved one.

With the card "Nine of Wands" - a dubious offer.

With the Ten of Wands card, attempts at reconciliation are doomed to failure.

With the Page of Wands card - a love message.

With the card "Knight of Wands" - an impulsive, but short-lived impulse.

With the card "Queen of Wands" - an offer of a hand; declaration of love.

With the "King of Wands" card - creative inspiration; petition.

Knight of Cups - Intuitive-ethical extrovert (Huxley)

Other names for the card: Intuitive-Ethical Extrovert (IEE), Huxley, Journalist, Counselor, Communicator.


Direct map:

height from medium to high, thin, "bony" (asthenic). At first glance, the face is not attractive in any way, but with a smile, it all lights up and becomes charming.

Reversed card:

not just tall, but rather big, large. Round face, round eyes. The fullness is soft, somewhat loose.

And regardless of the inversion of the card - an interesting gait, especially for men. They walk without straightening their knees to the end, as if half-bent.

The Knight of Cups is a real "clairvoyant" in terms of human abilities and capabilities. One gets the impression that to see their talents in people, to open their own possibilities to them - this is the main mission of the Knight of Cups on this planet. Moreover, for this he has the widest range of methods, from compliments and praises to outright blackmail.

The Knight of Cups has a superbly developed fantasy. From early childhood, he comes up with exciting stories, describing them so realistically that sometimes he even begins to believe himself, not to mention the audience. Cheerful himself, he knows how to ignite others, although, unlike the Knight of Staves, his emotions are by no means tragic. And both men and women have a wonderful gift to create an atmosphere of warmth and friendliness, which is especially valuable because it is created in the chamber. Not for everyone around, but for you personally. The Knight of Cups, perfectly understanding, feeling people, easily establishes the necessary relations for himself with any person, provided that he is interesting for the Knight. He is attracted by the secret of personality, uncertainty, intrigue, a promise postponed until later. And at the same time, fearing to lose his independence (or rather, acquire responsibility?), the Knight of Cups does not like attachments, and even more so - the obligations associated with them.

By nature, he is light, changeable and cannot stand rigid frames and structures. A kind of minion of fate. It seems that he does not have to make as much effort as necessary to get a good grade, work, and generally a result. Yes, in many ways the Knight of Cups leaves, thanks to his charm, cheerful disposition, well-suspended tongue. But! This calms him down noticeably. Accustomed to the fact that much can be obtained for free, the Knight of Cups does not strive to make an effort. And then, as if by order, he comes across those people (or that system) where charm does not work, but completely different values ​​are in use. And here the discrepancy between the subtypes is noticeable. The straight card is looking for other ways, rightly believing that in this case the world has not converged like a wedge, and the inverted card is looking for ways to solve this problem. At the same time, he either agrees that someone will work with him to obtain the necessary information, qualities, etc. Or he will agree that someone will do it instead of him.

Some believe that the Knight of Cups is a soft and weak-willed type, others that he is aggressive and unrestrained. But here it's more of a different matter. Black sensory, including as willpower, manifests itself in the Knight of Cups sporadically. He can give a serious rebuff to pressure from the outside, but he is unlikely to put pressure on himself.

Rather, make a scandal or throw a tantrum. This, of course, is also pressure, but not power.

Yes, he can mobilize in an extreme situation and act firmly and decisively, but it is not typical for him to constantly stay in such a state. He doesn't like anything permanent at all. Monotony and repetition, no matter how attractive it may seem at first, causes boredom in him, languor of the spirit, and then petty tricks. Often afraid of spoiling the relationship, he does not refuse directly, but behaves in such a provocative way that after some time the other party herself refuses his services. And making a dejected mine, befitting the seriousness of the situation, the Knight of Cups with a light heart leaves the boring place.

This is a resident of big cities, a lover of parties, looking for how to see others and show himself, what kind of pleasure to get. A connoisseur of beauty, a professional in refined flirting and compliments, he is very grateful to those who can help (or even create it himself - a freebie, sir!?) to organize a comfortable environment. Possessing a refined taste himself, he welcomes and helps to develop the taste of others. And very generously shares himself, his optimism and ease in the perception of life, in exchange for comfort, care and unobtrusiveness.

The Knight of Cups is inclined to remain a child for a long time, shifting the responsibility for his future to others. Being stubborn enough, he can be content with little, but not "harness" and not carry himself.

He tends to dress according to fashion, he chooses more often youth-sporty style. He does not like formal suits, preferring sweaters and jeans to them, but any clothes look appropriate on him. Young ladies are happy to wear both trousers and skirts, often having a myriad of them in their wardrobe. Cosmetics are used sparingly, skillfully emphasizing their attractiveness.

This sweet word is a freebie!

Balloon - entertainer

And pleasures must be expensive.

What a shame it's finally over!


1. "Bitter Moon" - Angel

2 Cruel Intentions - Sebastian

3. "Me and my shadow" - the father of one of the twins

4. "Taxi" - the girl of the taxi driver - racer (straight map)

5. "History of the Crime" - Monsieur Ingel

6. "Young Catherine" - Count Orlov

7. "Lolita" - Lolita's mother

8. "City of Angels" - Dr. Maggie Rice (straight map)

9. Romeo and Juliet - Romeo

10. "Titanic" - DiCaprio

11. "Muzzle" - the main character (D. Kharatyan) (straight card)

12. "The Fifth Element" - the priest (straight card)

13. Skeletons - Sadie

14. "Commandos" - stewardess (direct card)

15. "Water World" - a woman and a girl on board the main character

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The Knight of Cups is a symbol of sincerity, high spirits, the ability to convince, prove one's talents and abilities. His interpretation is that for a fortuneteller, a period of flowering of feelings and enjoyment of art begins, a willingness to fall in love has formed. New people will enter life, but whether they turn out to be friends will become known as a result of the alignment. A number of pleasant sensations create an illusory picture of the world, and only by turning to the depths of consciousness, to their own wisdom, as well as the advice of the Tarot, the questioner will be able to recognize the true meaning of what is happening.

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      General value

      In the Tarot deck, the Knight of Cups (Cups) is considered a positive lasso. It symbolizes nobility, courage, brilliance, romanticism. The map marks:

        • inspiration;
        • new plans;
        • kindness
        • piety;
        • intentions and events at the mental level that require effort to translate into reality.

        Other meanings:

        • an early meeting with true love;
        • An offer of marriage;
        • invitation;
        • a pleasant surprise.

        If the Knight of Cups does not mean a specific person, then good news, positive events should be expected.

        Direct position

        Arcanum in the upright position means:

        • the culmination of feelings;
        • implementation of ideas;
        • enthusiasm;
        • optimism;
        • dreams of a bright future;
        • work for sustainable results.

        The questioner will experience peace, tranquility, harmony, he is provided with the solution of all problems. Music and art will have a good influence on the fortuneteller.

        Reversed position

        The main meaning of the Knight of Cups reversed is deception. A situation or person that is attractive at first glance has a bad hidden side, a bad reputation, a character.

        There may be betrayal in business and love, falling into dependence or the position of a victim. The event requires clarification, shrouded in vague foresight.


        The map is identified with:

        • a sensitive or religious man under 40;
        • impulsive and romantic suitor;
        • brother;
        • friend;
        • a true business partner;
        • a diplomat;
        • messenger;
        • initiator.

        The task of this person is the fulfillment of a high mission. Qualities:

        • justice;
        • gallantry;
        • honesty;
        • adherence to principles;
        • independence from the opinions of others;
        • ability to mobilize in an emergency.

        This man is a dreamer, a dreamer, a minion of fate. He:

        • has charm, a cheerful disposition and a well-suspended tongue;
        • is a creative person, idealist, inventor;
        • interested in mystical phenomena and dreams;
        • has a tendency to constant learning;
        • does not tolerate rigid restrictions and structures.

        He has a great ability to inspire people with his competence. His passivity is the reason that others are able to distract him from his goals.

        If the card describes a lover, then he can be trusted, regardless of the circumstances, he will not offend the questioner. If the Horseman falls on another person, then it is she who will indicate the character of the person of interest.

        Reversed, the Knight of Cups means:

        • lying friend;
        • fraudster;
        • gossip;
        • losses;
        • emotional damage and disappointment in connection with it;
        • escape from reality;
        • hiding important information.

        This is a weak-willed, lazy, capricious, not keeping promises, treacherous, hypocritical person. He gets his way in dirty ways.

        Love and relationships

        Interpretation of the lasso in the upright position:

        • new acquaintance;
        • love;
        • tender feelings;
        • harmony in relationships;
        • riot of fantasy;
        • the beauty;
        • secret admirer.

        If the question is asked about the situation in personal life, the card means an idyll in partnership and absolute mutual understanding. For a married couple - an extremely favorable period of relationship. For lonely people, the Knight of Cups symbolizes:

        • change;
        • meeting;
        • relationship readiness;
        • love;
        • offer;
        • wedding.

        Card advice in love: accept the offer. Avoid noble gestures if they do not lead to the development of relationships.

        Reversed interpretation:

        • betrayal, disappointment;
        • manipulation;
        • disagreement, separation, quarrel.

        At the initial stage of the relationship, the fortuneteller should be careful in connection with a new acquaintance.

        business, work

        In a career, the direct position of the Rider promises good prospects. For professional growth, the card advises to actively gain experience and new knowledge, use creative thinking, which will allow you to succeed. In a general sense, in relation to the business sphere, this is an average income, an increase in profits, an upsurge and success.

        Occupation: music, dancing, psychology, philosophy, show business, modeling business. At work - a friendly favorable atmosphere, lack of urgency and anxiety, advice to strengthen positions instead of changing positions.

        The inverted Knight portends problems due to inattention, loss of interest in activities, irresponsibility, indicates the possibility of unreasonable and risky decisions. Advice - to be vigilant in financial matters, carefully reflect on each proposal.

        In a situation of choosing a new job, the direct position of the Horseman recommends testing himself in the field of creativity. The reversed card gives the opposite advice. If the question concerned the authorities, colleagues, the lasso speaks of gossip and unfair rivalry.


        Interpretations of the direct position of the card:

        • cold;
        • anemia;
        • nervous fatigue;
        • depression, mental trauma.

        The inverted position of the lasso warns of:

        • problems with alcohol, drugs;
        • the likelihood of poisoning, overdose;
        • bad habits that will negatively affect health;
        • risk of sexually transmitted diseases.

        Regarding the recovery process, the card means a significant improvement in the condition.

        Map of the day

        In fortune-telling "Card of the Day", the direct position of the Horseman indicates excellent prospects in the situation, gives a positive answer. Everything is going according to plan, but efforts must be made.

        The inverted position of the lasso speaks of instability, problems due to betrayal, dependence on circumstances, and obstacles to a sober assessment of the situation.

        Card tip of the day:

        • give freedom of action, creative impulse, desire;
        • allow yourself to stand out;
        • do not withdraw into yourself, do not be cautious;
        • solve problems in a good mood;
        • indulge in small pranks or pleasures.

        Card combination

        The Knight of Cups reveals the situation in more detail in combination with other cards.

        The meaning of the Rider with the major arcana:

    1. 1. Jester - frivolity, frivolity in business, refusal.
    2. 2. Magician - a profitable business proposal.
    3. 3. Priestess - extracting valuable information.
    4. 4. Empress - innovations, something worthwhile, contacts with like-minded people.
    5. 5. Emperor - a proposal to create a project or family.
    6. 6. Hierophant - merging, joining efforts, marriage.
    7. 7. Lovers - wedding, marriage proposal.
    8. 8. Chariot - moving to a new place of residence.
    9. 9. Strength - the intention of a person to make peace after a quarrel.
    10. 10. Hermit - helplessness, rejection of the proposal.
    11. 11. Wheel of Fortune - fateful changes.
    12. 12. Justice - reconciliation, concessions, surrender.
    13. 13. Hanged Man - inaction, illusory plans.
    14. 14. Death - someone's sadness, the need for consolation from a fortuneteller.
    15. 15. Moderation - support for loved ones.
    16. 16. The devil is a flawed proposal.
    17. 17. Tower - the collapse of plans, parting, dismissal, refusal to cooperate.
    18. 18. Star - a chance to correct mistakes.
    19. 19. Moon - destructive, impure intentions.
    20. 20. Sun - approval, agreement with the proposal.
    21. 21. Judgment - misunderstanding of others, hope for higher powers.
    22. 22. Peace - unexpected luck.


    1. 1. Deuce - moving, long trip.
    2. 2. Troika - cooperation in a team of like-minded people.
    3. 3. Four - a romantic date, matchmaking.
    4. 4. Five - dissatisfaction with the state of affairs.
    5. 5. Six - development of the situation, an alternative solution.
    6. 6. Seven is a test.
    7. 7. Eight - a joyful meeting, news.
    8. 8. Nine - ambiguity.
    9. 9. Ten - the failure of reconciliation.
    10. 10. Page - good news.
    11. 11. Knight - impulse, unreasonable action.
    12. 12. Queen - love confession.
    13. 13. King - request.
    14. 14. Ace - reciprocity of feelings.


    1. 1. Two - antagonism, conflicts.
    2. 2. Troika - a frank conversation.
    3. 3. Four - the need for proof.
    4. 4. Five - a trip in connection with business.
    5. 5. Six - difficulties in business.
    6. 6. Seven is the easy way.
    7. 7. Eight - guilt for the past.
    8. 8. Nine - control over fears.
    9. 9. Ten - a manifestation of whims.
    10. 10. Page - rumors, unpleasant conversations.
    11. 11. Knight - competition.
    12. 12. Queen - the influence of a powerful woman.
    13. 13. The king is an authoritative patron.
    14. 14. Ace - a secret admirer, good news from afar.


    1. 1. Two - actions to achieve financial independence.
    2. 2. Troika - training, prospects.
    3. 3. Four - fundamental conditions.
    4. 4. Five - deterioration of the financial situation.
    5. 5. Six - duty.
    6. 6. Seven - expectation of better opportunities.
    7. 7. Eight - efforts will determine success.
    8. 8. Nine - self-doubt.
    9. 9. Ten - perseverance.
    10. 10. Page - lack of experience.
    11. 11. Knight - procrastination, problems in business.
    12. 12. Queen - inexperience, expenses.
    13. 13. King - the desire for security.
    14. 14. Ace - a good offer, income growth.


    1. 1. Two - a meeting.
    2. 2. Three - intentions in favor of stability.

      In the Thoth Tarot deck, the Knight of Cups is a symbol of:

      • talent
      • enlightenment;
      • inspiration;
      • imagination;
      • sensitivity;
      • thirst for communication with like-minded people;
      • finding a suitable partner for marriage;
      • hidden intention.

      The lasso is presented in the form of a horseman hovering above the ground with huge wings and on a white horse. A crab or a crustacean mollusk is hidden inside his goblet - as a symbol of the element of water and an image of family relationships. The peacock present on the map indicates vanity, narcissism, which can manifest itself in the process of developing the situation. Green armor is a sign of a creative nature, the ability to persuade.


      The direct position of the lasso clearly describes the situation of interest, also warning about the possible hidden meaning of outwardly beautiful manifestations. In any position of the card, the question is not devoid of illusory nature, which is worth paying attention to.

      When an inverted Knight of Cups appears in a scenario, the fortuneteller is advised to determine the true essence of things, cancel the planned business, and reconsider the decision. The card gives advice to be careful in dealing with people, and depending on the circumstances, hide intentions even in front of loved ones.


Knight of Cups combined with other tarot cards

With the Jester card - offer something with an open heart.
With the card "Magician" - a job offer.
With the card "High Priestess" - offer information.
With the card "Empress" - to offer something worthwhile.
With the "Emperor" card - a proposal to create a family or project.
With the Hierophant card - a merger proposal.
With the card "Lovers" - a marriage proposal.
With the card "Chariot" - a proposal to move.
With the card "Strength" - the desire to make peace.
With the Hermit card - a rejected offer.
With the Wheel of Fortune card - bring change.
With the "Justice" card - throw a white flag.
With the Hanged Man card, intentions will remain only intentions.
With the card "Death" - bring consolation.
With the card "Moderation" - understanding.
With the "Devil" card - a dubious offer.
With the "Tower" card - a proposal for the dissolution of marriage; dismissal.
With the Star card - hope for reconciliation.
With the card "Moon" - a dark offer.
With the card "Sun" - consent to the proposal.
With the card "Court" - ask for help from the Angel.
With the card "World" - a gift of fate.

With the card "Ace of Wands" - love.
With the card "Two of Wands" - moving.
With the card "Three of Wands" - fruitful cooperation.
With the Four of Wands card - a marriage proposal.
With the Five of Wands card - criticism; discontent.
With the card "Six of Wands" - successful promotion of the offer; acceptance of the terms.
With the card "Seven of Wands" - obstacles; barriers.
With the "Eight of Wands" card - good news; the arrival of a loved one.
With the card "Nine of Wands" - a dubious offer.
With the Ten of Wands card, attempts at reconciliation are doomed to failure.
With the Page of Wands card - a love message.
With the card "Knight of Wands" - an impulsive, but short-lived impulse.
With the card "Queen of Wands" - an offer of a hand; declaration of love.
With the "King of Wands" card - creative inspiration; petition.

According to other sources:
V. Sklyarova "The Great Book of Combinations".

Knight of Cups (Bowls) upright with Major Arcana

Magician pr and lane - Cunning "luring" into a trap, beware of networks
Priestess - Cleansing the dwelling with holy water
Empress - Noble Claimant
Emperor - Getting a big bonus
Priest - Teacher, guru, centaur Chiron
Lovers - Get ready for reconciliation
Chariot - Soldier on leave, on vacation
Justice - Approaching Trouble
Hermit pr and lane - A look inward, restraint of impulses, help
Wheel of Fortune - Form dominates content
Strength - An insistent invitation. Persistent offer
Hanged Man - Professional mistakes, danger of losing everything
Death - Discomfort, pilgrimage, sobering is needed
Moderation - Benefit, demand, supply
Devil - Fall into spirituality, disastrous passions, impulses
Tower - Excessive fear-mongering, exacerbations
Star - "Romeo" without Juliet
Moon - Deceptive offer
Sun - Visit of a military man in middle ranks, captain
Court - A partnership programmed from above
World - Illusory world. Illusions
Jester - A soulmate will help in trouble

Knight of Cups (Bowls) upright with the Minor Arcana

7 of Pentacles - Profitable visit
10 of Pentacles - Homecoming

Direct position

The general interpretations of this Arcana are as follows: enthusiasm, romanticism, cordiality, tenderness. When the Knight of Cups falls out in the layout as a description of a person’s character, then he denotes a faithful, chivalrous nature, believing in high ideals. As a rule, such an Arkan indicates that you have a diplomat in the best sense of the word, that is, a tactful and pleasant person.

In addition, as a court card, the Knight of Cups designates a man no older than 40 years. It may even be a completely young man, but having a well-defined system of values. It is very likely that this man was born under one of the "water" zodiac constellations. However, on the other hand, here we can simply talk about a creative person who knows how to indulge in his beloved work passionately and disinterestedly.

In combination with other cards, the Knight of Cups sometimes gives quite specific interpretations. For example, with the Wheel of Fortune, he talks about significant changes in life, with the World - that what was conceived is a true gift of fate, with the Court - that it's time to turn to higher powers for help.

Reversed position

In the case of an inverted Knight of Cups, you are dealing with insincerity or with your own bias, which is expressed in a hovering in the clouds and a willingness to take everything for granted. If such a Knight fell out in a scenario for a certain offer, then he suggests that his prospects will not be bright. Well, what is the essence of the problem, neighboring cards should tell. So, in a pair with the Devil, such a card warns of ambiguity, with the Moon - that someone is silent about important information, with the Hanged Man - that things will not go beyond intentions at all.

Love and relationships

Direct position

For the sphere of personal relationships, the Knight of Cups means charm, a strong attraction to a partner, rapprochement and a willingness to give oneself to loved ones. This Arcana is a map of halftones, it describes situations similar to the one when, for example, a person learns about someone's love from hints and actions, but not from direct recognition.

At the event level, the Knight of Cups is interpreted as the love of a young man for a woman, perhaps even somewhat younger than her. If the Arkan fell out to a man, then this indicates the need to determine for oneself in a relationship that balance that will allow one to love and be loved without harming oneself and the danger of being branded an egoist in the eyes of a partner.

Indicative in the layouts of the relationship of the pair "Knight of Cups - Strength", as well as "Knight of Cups - Death". The first of them indicates the partner’s readiness for reconciliation, the second is the great consolation that a relationship with a partner they are guessing will bring to a person.

Reversed position

Reversed, the Knight of Cups usually indicates significant relationship problems. It can be a game on the feelings of another person for the purpose of some personal gain, as well as narcissism or a penchant for polygamy. When fortune-telling for the future of an already established relationship, the card speaks of disappointment that will occur due to the fact that everything turns out completely differently than it was thought at first. If we are talking about a new acquaintance or acquaintance, then this Arcana should be taken as a warning that a person clearly wants to seem better than he really is.

Together with the Tower, the inverted Knight of Cups unequivocally warns of a divorce, and with the Jester, of the frivolity of intentions.


Direct position

In terms of career, the Knight of Cups speaks of love for his work, willingness to help colleagues and the desire to have a job that is useful to society, and not just profitable in a material sense. A person who has such an Arcana in the layout of the professional sphere is ready to constantly improve his skills, learn and expand the field of knowledge. Often the card indicates people of creative professions.

If a person is looking for a new job, then the combination of the Knight of Cups with the Magician will definitely indicate a successful outcome of his search. The combination of this Arcana with the Empress indicates that the proposal made to the fortuneteller is definitely worthwhile, promising, and there is no need to doubt it.

Reversed position

The Knight of Cups in an inverted form is a lack of attention to detail, unwillingness or unwillingness to delve into all the subtleties of the matter, the desire to certainly grab the "pie in the sky", despite the hopelessness of such attempts.

If such an Arcana fell to a person holding a leadership position, then he means the insincerity of his colleagues towards him. When they are guessing at a new project, this card warns of the likelihood of fraud. And to the question of whether to hire this or that applicant, the inverted Knight of Cups answers categorically “no”.

Always pay attention to the Arcana adjacent to the inverted Knight of Cups. This can be very important. So, if a Priestess fell nearby, it means that a person is unlikely to be able to fully understand the circumstances and nuances of what was planned. And together with the Tower, such a Knight almost certainly indicates dismissal.

Do not burden your mind and heart with unnecessary problems. With a light soul, it is much easier to cope with life's difficulties. In your case, this condition is especially important. And don't try to keep yourself too conventional. I want to speak out - do it, there is a desire to please yourself - do not refuse it ...

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