Home Trees and shrubs DIY winter crafts for kindergarten. DIY ice balls How to make colored ice figures

DIY winter crafts for kindergarten. DIY ice balls How to make colored ice figures

At first glance, such a craft as colored ice may seem absolutely unremarkable. However, it is not. Try making bright ice cubes with your children and you will see how much delight they cause. Make your own ice Even kids can do it, so this type of craft is ideal for kindergarten. Winter crafts– these are not only snowballs and snowmen, but also original ice cubes of different colors that can be hung on a tree during a walk.

DIY winter crafts for kindergarten

Here's what the toys will look like:

If you have a suitable shape, then you can even make ice candlesticks. Show your imagination and you can make any shape, even without special forms. For example, a candlestick can be made by connecting two glasses of different diameters, while it is advisable to grease the smaller one so that it can be removed after the water has hardened.

Making colored ice is very interesting. If you use natural or food coloring, then such pieces of ice will decorate your cocktail or ordinary mineral water. Dear educators, diversify winter crafts in kindergarten and try making ice figures.

Multi-colored ice balls can serve as an excellent material for any art object. You can simply scatter them in the garden or yard, around the territory of the kindergarten, or you can build or decorate some kind of structure, make snowmen (especially if you freeze water while wearing rubber gloves), etc. We settled on building a multi-colored pyramid of 400 ice balls.

This is my second and I hope not my last post in this community. In the fall, with volunteers from the city of Glazov (Udmurtia), we added bright colors to the gray everyday life of the city, and now we’ve taken on winter street art.

We chose a city park as the location for our winter art object. Firstly, there are more children here, and secondly, there is a Sports House nearby where you can get water for the balloons. We talked with the heads of the organizations - they happily agreed to help us.
Where did the idea come from? Surely, many have more than once come across a guide to making ice balls with the addition of food coloring.

According to the “recipe” everything turns out easy and simple. In reality it turned out to be much more complicated. But as always. Firstly, it is not indicated anywhere how long it takes for the ball to freeze? How much water should I pour, what is better to tint? It turned out, no matter how funny and banal it may sound, but the balloon is filled with water only under pressure - you won’t be able to go outside with a funnel and a “one and a half”. All that remains is a tap or hose with water. Well, a whole series of subtleties that we encountered in the process.

For example, the size - it’s impossible to freeze a large-volume ball (3-4 liters). At t -20, only a layer of 5-6 centimeters freezes overnight. There is water inside. It also begins to freeze, but later, and the ice “shell” bursts open - the ball cracks. It was also a mistake to bury the ball under the snow - in such a “house” it almost does not freeze.
Here is an example of a 3-liter ball that spent the whole night under the snow. In principle, the hemispheres turned out to be very “working” - you can use them as a vase for Christmas tree branches, or turn them upside down and place a lamp under it - it will be beautiful.

Through trial and error, we decided to settle on balls measuring 10*10 - 15*15 centimeters. These froze overnight in the freezer.
So, we are sharing our method of making ice balls.
1. First of all, we prepared a concentrate from gouache - 1 jar per 1.5 liters.

2. Pour the concentrate into the ball “to the brim” through a funnel. You can use food coloring in case there is a high chance that someone will decide to taste the giant candies. We took ordinary balls. You can freeze balls in the shape of Mickey Mouse, various animals, or rubber gloves (I personally froze a glove from a package of hair dye - it turned out to be a funny hand that can be attached to a snowman in wet snow).

3. Then we put it on the tap and “inflate”. It’s more convenient for two people: one holds the ball to the tap, the second turns the water on/off. They tied the ball without ropes and other things - with a loop from the neck itself (or whatever it’s called)

4. At first we wanted to fill the balloons directly on the street, connecting to the tap of the Sports House and leading the hose outside - but the hose froze, we steamed it for an hour and a half, then we decided to fill it directly in the toilet and transport it to the place with a wheelbarrow. It’s more economical in terms of water consumption, and it’s also more comfortable in the warmth than in the cold of -25.

6. Therefore, we froze them right in the park, placing the balls in the snow. We tried not to deepen it too much and place it so that the balls did not touch each other.

7. It took two hours to fill the balloons. During this time, the first batch became crusty. Left for another 2 hours. When they arrived, they discovered that the balls froze perfectly on top, but below, where they came into contact with the snow, there was water. Conclusion - in order for the balls to freeze faster and better, they need to be turned over after a couple of hours, and even better, reduce the area of ​​contact with the snow as much as possible.
Having turned all the balls over, we decided to leave them overnight, covering them with snow from the kids.

However, this did not help - several young vandals remembered where they saw a multi-colored carpet during the day and, having unearthed the balls, began throwing them. Fortunately, the park workers drove them away in time.

8. Most of the balls still survived. The next day they began to dig them out and, after holding them a little longer in the cold, took off their “clothes.” The rubber can be removed very easily - just tear it with a knife, keys or a stick. Some balls never froze completely - they just took off their “clothes” and water poured out of them.

9. You can do whatever you want with the resulting balls. These are both wonderful self-sufficient decorations and an excellent building material. Our choice fell on the construction of a pyramid.
We secure the first level with snow so that it does not move apart.

We water each level with water - otherwise the structure will move apart due to the unevenness of the balls.

It’s a pity that we didn’t have a normal camera at hand - we filmed it on a phone. But not every camera, or rather photographer, will convey the magical play of reflections of lanterns and garlands on the edges of ice balls. And what a beauty it is during the day.

It was only later that the idea dawned on us that the frame of the pyramid could be made of snow, only by placing balls on the outside. So the pyramid would be 5 times larger. Well, that's for next year.

There is still a week until the New Year, followed by the Christmas holidays - we hope you will take into account our experience and our mistakes, adding your own ideas!
Happy creativity!

Western countries have long been practicing decorating for the New Year not only the interiors of houses, but also the streets, paying special attention to the decor of the garden area. For example, ice Christmas decorations for the street are very popular among them, but such decor is quite suitable for our latitudes. Moreover, making street decorations from ice is very easy, as well as fun, entertaining and completely inexpensive. Essentially, to make ice outdoor decorations you will need water, a couple of decorative elements (we will talk about this in more detail below), a suitable shape, and a spacious freezer or severe frost outside.

How to make outdoor decorations from ice.

How to make an ice wreath.

Festive wreaths can be used to decorate the branches of trees or shrubs.

Method No. 1. Take a prepared pudding mold with a vertical insert in the center. Place bright berries and green twigs (spruce, fir or thuja) along the bottom of the mold and fill the mold with water. Place the mold with water in the freezer until the water completely hardens. After the water turns into ice, pour hot water into a basin and immerse the mold with ice in it; with a sudden change in temperature, the ice inside the mold will melt at the edges, and you can easily pull out the wreath. It's retarded just to hang the wreath on a satin ribbon.

Method number 2. We take ready-made small molds for puddings, put a composition of berries and thuja branches on the bottom, fill each mold with cold water and put it in the freezer. After the water turns into ice, you can immerse the mold in hot water for literally one minute, take out the miniature wreaths and hang them on the trees using ribbons.

Method No. 3. Place a glass or jar in the center of a deep round shape, lay out twigs, berries, leaves, citrus peels around it, and pour in water. To prevent the jar in the center from floating, you can pour water or sprinkle stones into it. All that remains is to expose the mold to the cold, wait for the ice to harden, take out the wreath and hang it on a ribbon.

Method number 4. Place acrylic snowflakes and Christmas tree balls into a baking dish with a vertical insert in the center, pour in a little water, and place the product in the freezer. When the first layer of water freezes, lay out a few more balls in a circle, add water again and put them in the freezer, after freezing, add more balls and put the mold in the freezer for the last time, take out the wreath, tie a ribbon and hang the product on a street tree.

Photo of ice wreaths.

How to make ice balls.

Method No. 1. We prepare the required number of balloons, pour water into them and pour out food coloring, mix the water inside by shaking the balloons. We tie the balls and put them in the freezer or in the cold outside. When the water inside the balls hardens, cut the shell with a knife and take out the colored ice balls.

Method number 2. You will need a special form for making ice balls (for drinks), you can put berries or spruce branches on the bottom of this form, and also put in strings of pendants, pour in water and put it in the freezer until it hardens completely.

How to make an ice candle holder.

Method No. 1. Place a glass of stones in the center of the food container (for weighting). Pour in water and lay spruce or thuja sprigs on top, and also add viburnum, lingonberry or dogwood berries. Place the mold in the freezer, after the water has hardened, take out the candlestick and place a lit candle in the center.

Method number 2. We take two bottles of different sizes with a volume of 1.5 liters and 0.5 liters, cut each bottle in half, put the smaller bottle into the larger one, secure them with tape, put berries, leaves and tree branches between the walls, pour in water, and send the product into the freezer. After turning the water into ice, remove the future candlestick from the mold and place a lit candle inside.

Photos of various ice candle holders.

Ice tree pendants.

Round flat pendants are made as follows: various berries, twigs or flowers are laid out on the bottom of a flat round plate, everything is filled with water, a thread pendant is placed on top, the composition is placed in the freezer, then pulled out, separated from the plate and hung on trees.

Ice stars.

  1. To make stars, you can use star-shaped ice molds or baking molds; to create regular stars, the molds should be filled with water and frozen in the freezer.
  2. To create colored stars, you must first add food coloring to the water.
  3. For bright compositions, you can put berries, various twigs, leaves in the molds, or add sparkles.

Ice cubes.

Place various flowers or fruit slices in square ice molds, pour in water and freeze. Then we take out the ice cubes and decorate street flowerpots, tree branches and other yard elements with them.

Ice shards.

We paint the water blue, pour it into a rectangular mold in a thin layer, put the mold in the freezer, after hardening, hit the ice surface with a kitchen hammer, select beautiful fragments and place them somewhere outside.

Frozen heart.

Method No. 1. Place heart-shaped pebbles on the bottom of a round plate, fill with water and place in the freezer, then take out the product and place it edge-on on a flat surface.

Method number 2. We put berries and pine needles into a heart-shaped baking dish, put the mold in the freezer, then remove the product from the mold and place it somewhere in a visible place in the yard.

How to make garlands from ice.

In a mold for ice, lay out a thick woolen thread in a circle, pour in water, and put the mold in the freezer. After the water has hardened, carefully pull the tip of the string, followed by all the pieces of ice that should pop out of the mold. To obtain a colored garland, the water must first be tinted with food coloring.

Instead of an ice tray, you can use the base of a box of chocolates.

How to effectively decorate your home for the New Year:

New Year's ice decorations will help you quickly, easily and inexpensively decorate your area for the upcoming holiday. If you have not yet tried to create street decorations from ice, then we recommend urgently rectifying the situation; we assure you that you will definitely enjoy this pastime.

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Dear readers and visitors of the blog We develop children ourselves, during the New Year’s competition I could not show you how my grandson Emir and I prepared for it and promised to do it later. So today I am keeping my promise and continuing to introduce you to our crafts. This time we will tell and show how Emir and I made colored pieces of ice that we used to decorate the New Year tree in the courtyard of a multi-story building and what and how children should be told about the properties of water in early childhood.

Preschoolers begin to explore the world around them early, show joy and surprise, delight and genuine interest in everyday life. Children are always attracted to water; they know very well that it can be liquid, flow and spill. But they should be taught to connect the transition of water from one state to another with a change in temperature during the game and during everyday life.

When you craft with your children, pay attention that in the cold the water turns into ice and you can already pick up solid water. But it begins to melt in your hands, because they are warm. This is how water changes from one state to another right before your eyes. This can be very clearly demonstrated by the example of boiling a kettle, which is available in every family.

You can make colored ice all year round. In the summer they can be frozen in the freezer, and in the winter right on the street or on the balcony, which is what we did.

To do this, Emir filled sand molds with water, which he plays with outside in the sandbox in the summer. And then he took jars of gouache and began to paint the water in the molds with a brush.

At first, he only watched how the gouache dissolved in water, dipping the brush into the paint and then into the water in turn.

And then he began experimenting with paints, mixing them, getting unusual colors. I tried to point out to him that when you mix red and yellow, you get a new color, orange. And what beautiful colored pieces of ice we can get.

But Emir was not at all interested in this, but he was completely absorbed in the process of constantly changing the color scheme in one mold.

Until I added gouache with a golden tint, which turned out to be thicker than the rest (it was from another set) and did not completely transfer into the water, but was located on top like a film. This is how he first realized that not all paints dissolve completely in water. And I learned that greasy drops of paint float on the surface of water because they are lighter than it.

Then Emir’s mother prepared woolen threads, made loops out of them and gave them to her son so that he could lower them into each of the molds.

We put all the molds with multi-colored water on a small tray and took them out to the balcony overnight. The colored pieces of ice froze well during this time, and during the day on a walk, I shook the ice out of the molds onto the snow so that I could see them well in daylight.

When working with children, try asking them the question: does water have a shape? I think that many children will answer correctly, because they so often pour water from one container to another and see that the liquid occupies the entire container and takes the shape of the container being filled. By showing colored pieces of ice, even small children can not be told about the properties of water, but can be visually demonstrated how water in the form of ice takes the shape of the container in which it is frozen.

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Topic: “Colored pieces of ice”

Target : to develop the ability for experimental activities in children of primary preschool age.

Program tasks:


1. Introduce children to the properties of ice(hard, cold, slippery, melts in heat, turns to water).

2. To form knowledge about natural phenomena.

3. Activate children's vocabulary.


1. Develop attention, mental activity, and the ability to draw simple conclusions.

2. Develop skills for safe behavior on slippery surfaces(ice slide, skating rink).


1. Cultivate in children curiosity, respect for their health, and friendly relations with peers.

Methodical techniques: surprise moment, game, questions, artistic expression, examination of objects (ice cubes, simple experiments, teacher’s story.

Vocabulary work: Dictionary activation(icy, made of ice, piece of ice).

Equipment : snowman, glass bowl, snowball (dummy, ice cubes, trays, napkins (according to the number of children,colored shaped pieces of ice.

Problem solving is carried out through the integration of such educational regions : Cognitive development, social communicative - development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development.

Progress of the Lesson:

1. Organizational moment

Good morning! I'm telling you.

Good morning! I love you all.

I wish you to do well.

Listen carefully and gain your mind!

Rise-tel : Hello guys, we have guests today, let's say hello to them and give them our radiant smiles. And a snowman came to visit us! Let's say hello to him.

2. Updating knowledge students:

Rise-tel : He wants to meet you. He took the snowman with him"magic snowball". Whoever gets his hands on it will call his name.

"Dating game". Children stand in a semicircle, the teacher passes"magic snowball"(snowball replica) each child asks to say his name.

He also prepared a riddle for you, and you try to guess it:

Snowman : He bound the big river, smooth, smooth, beautiful!

It will help a person to do without a bridge.

And during the holidays, in winter, on these glorious days

Invites you and me to quickly put on our skates.(Ice)

3. Practical work.

The teacher brings ice

Rise-tel : Let’s remember what ice is?(this is frozen water) .

What properties does ice have? (cold, hard, transparent, heavy,color - colorless).

The teacher invites the children to touch the ice.

Vos-l : Guys, show me your palms, they are probably frozen, let's warm them up.

Finger gymnastics is performed"Let's warm our fingers".

Collected snow by hand

(Energy clench and unclench the fingers of both hands)

Our fingers are tired

We will rub them

(vigorously rub palm against palm)

We will keep them warm.

Educator : Guys, the snowman doesn’t believe that this is frozen water, let’s prove to him that this is so. You have glasses of water on your tables, how do you think we will do this?(children offer options on how to turn water into ice) .

After listening to the children’s versions, the teacher identifies an algorithm of actions, which is discussed with the children.(pour water into a mold and freeze it) .

Rise-tel : Guys, let's make a snowman together colored pieces of ice.

What do you think can be done colored ice? (Color the water).

Magical colors lie before us. They will help us color the water for ourmulti-colored ice floes.

Rise-tel : Now we’ll put the strings in molds and pour colored water in molds or candy boxes.

Carefully pour water into the cells. The main thing is not to overfill the water so that when painting, water does not get from one cell to another.

4. Independent work of children. Individual assistance for children.

Rise-tel : What do we do next?(Freeze the pieces of ice).

I'll take ours pieces of ice on the site, on the street our water will turn into what?(into the ice) . And now you close your eyes, our snowman will “do magic” a little, then play with you, and molds with ready-made ice will appear on the table (the teacher puts the filled molds outside, from there he takes the pre-filled molds)

Snowman : Spun, spun(spin in place)

White snowflakes.

They flew up in a white flock(raise your hands)

Light fluff. (spin on your toes)

The evil blizzard has calmed down a little -(put your hands down, stand up straight)

They settled down everywhere.(sit down, hands to the floor)

They sparkled like pearls(stand up, hands forward)

Everyone marvels at the miracle.(spread your arms to the sides)

They sparkled and sparkled (perform the movement with your hands"scissors" )

White girlfriends.

Let's go for a walk(steps in place)

Children and old ladies.

Children look at colored pieces of ice.

Tell me guys, can you lick the ice? Why?(you might catch a cold).

5. Analysis.

Rise-tel : Guys, tell me, what did we do today?

How did we manage to do it? pieces of ice?

Why did the water turn into ice?

What properties does ice have? what is he like?

Educator :Let's admire our beautifulmulti-colored ice floes.

But unfortunately, if we leavepieces of ice in a group, then they will melt.

What do you think you can do with them?(decorate the area).Let's thank our snowman and say goodbye to him. And so that the snowman does not get bored on the site when we are not there, we will give him our beautiful pieces of ice . The snowman will decorate the area and admire them.

Children give ice cubes ,say goodbye to the snowman and guests.

Snowman : Goodbye, guys. You did a good job today, gave me wonderful gifts, so I prepared gifts for you too.

The teacher also thanks the children and guests.

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