Home Useful tips The book “What Men Think About Apart from Sex” consists of two hundred blank pages. The book “What do men think about besides sex” consists of two hundred blank pages? What do all men think about besides sex?

The book “What Men Think About Apart from Sex” consists of two hundred blank pages. The book “What do men think about besides sex” consists of two hundred blank pages? What do all men think about besides sex?

Briton Sheridan Simov released a book called “What Every Man Thinks About Apart From Sex”, which did not contain a single page of text - the publication consists of 200 blank sheets under a cardboard cover. Despite the lack of text, the book became a bestseller in the UK.

“What All Men Think About Apart from Sex” is especially popular among students, as the book is convenient to use as a notepad for recording lectures. “I gave the book to my friend to make fun of him, and he started using it as a notebook. It seems that now all students have such a book,” said a student at the University of Nottingham.

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Hello ladies! Another letter came to me on Facebook (www.facebook.com/iCherski) from a reader:
“Tell me, Igor, are men capable of thinking about anything besides sex? Best regards, Dina"

It’s touching, of course, that with respect. Further in the letter there is a detailed story about how Dina met the wonderful Oleg, and everything began right away, without candy-bouquet preludes. I don’t see anything wrong with this - if people have a mutual passion, then they will have time to go to the theater later. You can, of course, try now, but it will be difficult for them to sit calmly in a dimly lit room for all three hours. And if they can’t stand it, then the audience will have difficulty watching the performance. In general, they don’t need to go to the theater yet. Let the novel develop in other settings and better without spectators, although some find it interesting with spectators.

So what doesn’t Dina like? And the fact that their passion has been going on for six months, but it’s still just pure sex and no cultural program. And Dina believes that if they have love, then they should be not only in bed, but somewhere else. But Oleg doesn’t think so, so I have to answer Dina’s question - are we capable of thinking about something else besides sex. Moreover, for this I need to try to think about something else myself in order to tell Dina what else we are capable of thinking about, and this is not very easy. Moreover, I’m also trying to put myself in Oleg’s place in order to understand the situation, and the thoughts that arise are not at all what Dina expects from me. What is she like, this Dina, if Oleg has such a strong reaction? But in general, I agree with Oleg. I am the same anxious animal as he is. And if for once you manage to meet mutual passion, then why do anything else with her other than passion?

Once the feelings fade a little - okay, then she can go to the theater, to the museum, and even to the concert of her favorite singer. But not all women are able to understand this. You immediately begin to feel anxious about the fact that he only needs you for sex, and is not at all interested in you as a person. Although, you are right - sometimes it is. It happens that people meet, passion flares up, and when there’s a smoke break, there’s nothing even to talk about. But there is nothing to worry about here either - such purely passionate unions are not particularly durable. And what is most surprising is that when the passion passes and the lovers part, no one even experiences much disappointment. Well, that is, we men don’t experience it and it’s more convenient for us to assume that you don’t either.

In fact, if such a romance is over, there really is no point in being sad. There was nothing there besides passion - but you need to find someone with whom other thoughts and feelings coincide. Then there is a chance to truly create happy union. The more things in the world besides sex that you like to do together, the stronger the confidence that you will not separate even after sex is not the most important activity in your life. By the way, you women understand this subconsciously. That's why you worry when your relationship starts out all about sex. And here it is important to find out what your man really feels for you: only passion (let’s call it C) or passion combined with other feelings and mutual interests (let’s call it C+). By what signs can this be understood? Does he turn to the wall after sex and go straight to sleep? This is not a sign, this is normal. The man gave it his all and now he needs rest to quickly regain his strength. So how can you check what a man is interested in besides sex?

1. Music

Do you like what he listens to? Let us suppose. Now it’s important to find out whether he likes what you like to listen to. Try to include your idols for him sometimes. If he exclaims: “Oh, this is a live Queens concert in Budapest in 1986!” - everything is great. But if at the very first sounds he grimaces and says: “Do you really like THIS?” - everything is sad. The fact is that very often a discrepancy in musical tastes is a sign of a lack of common cultural values. And without this, harmony will not work. Of course, your tastes may be slightly different, but if they are diametrically opposed, the marriage is doomed.

2. Booze

Besides sex and music, a normal guy is usually interested in good booze. (An abnormal person is interested in anyone, as a result he becomes an alcoholic and is not suitable for a husband). It’s just that after a hard day, sometimes you want to drink a glass of some good whiskey, cognac, high-quality port, wine, etc. It is believed that most of all a man likes to drink with friends. I guess, yes. But if your beloved woman also appreciates a good drink, then it’s more pleasant to sit over a glass with her than with a drunken group of drinking buddies. Of course, this is also much better for the woman: after all, this way they will spend the evening just the two of them, and the beloved will not then go with his friends to look for other women. The good news is, unlike music, you don't have to like the same drinks as your man. The most important thing is that you do not have a negative attitude towards drinking. Yes, there are women who don’t drink anything at all. Well what can I say? It's boring with them. Although they are probably devilishly interesting for men who also don’t drink.

3. Talk

In addition to sex - music - drinking, a man also sometimes needs to talk to someone. Again, it is believed that it is better with friends. Especially those men who have never had a normal, understanding woman think this way. In fact, if you not only love each other, but also feel and think the same, talking to each other is a rare happiness. But if the conversation doesn’t work out, no general topics, and you both dream of quickly running away to your computers, I cannot promise longevity to your relationship.

Of course, that's not all we men think about except sex. There is also football, and a favorite car, and ghoul politicians, and fishing, and many other interests. But I have listed the main ones. If you have complete harmony and coincidence regarding them, then I am sincerely happy for your union.

What do all men think about besides sex?

What do men think about besides sex?

Sheridan Simov

Original language:

« What do men think about besides sex?"(English) What Every Man Thinks About Apart From Sex ) is a book published by a British man named Sheridan Simov. There is not a single page with text, only 200 blank sheets under a cardboard cover. Despite the lack of text, the book became a bestseller in the UK.


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