Home Helpful Hints What kind of analysis. What tests to take to check the kidneys. Emotional state and quality of sleep

What kind of analysis. What tests to take to check the kidneys. Emotional state and quality of sleep

Early diagnosis is extremely important for the treatment of malignant neoplasms, at the initial stage, cancer is not a sentence.

Meanwhile, oncological processes are causing the death of a huge number of people, among whom middle-aged people and even those who are under 30 are increasingly appearing.

The main problem is that many malignant neoplasms are able to “disguise themselves”, the disease almost does not manifest itself with symptoms that can cause anxiety.

Fatigue, fatigue, headaches and other pains of moderate intensity, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea often chalk it up to stress and unhealthy lifestyle, acute respiratory infections and viral infections, not rushing to the doctors for help. And when the symptoms become apparent, the work of the affected organ is disrupted, the tissues around the tumor are destroyed, the treatment is ineffective.

According to the accepted classification, there are 4 stages of development of neoplasms. positive outlook doctors confidently do at stage 1, when the tumor has not yet reached 2 cm in size and has not begun to “sprout” into organs, the lymphatic system, and even at stage 2, when metastasis is observed. Much, of course, depends on the process itself, the place of its localization.

Difficult to treat Stage 3, on the 4th, only the elimination of symptoms is very often shown, the prognosis of physicians is disappointing, because the tumor has already given many metastases, destroys all nearby organs.

That is why cancer prevention, regular examinations, taking into account all risks, remain extremely important.

At risk are:

  • patients with a hereditary predisposition, that is, those whose blood relatives were diagnosed with cancer;
  • exposed to radiation, poisoning by chemical carcinogens;
  • suffering from nicotine addiction;
  • patients with immunodeficiency;
  • women after 35 years of age who have not given birth or not breast-fed, it was noted that breast and ovarian cancer is often associated with early onset of menstruation or menopause that began after 55 years.

anxiety symptoms should become:

  • wounds that do not heal for a very long time;
  • problems swallowing food and water;
  • the appearance of interspersed blood in the stool;
  • unusual discharge from the genitals, mammary glands;
  • moles that have changed shape or have begun to grow in size;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • the appearance of swelling, seals, deformation of the neck, face, mammary glands, genital organs;
  • dry cough for several weeks, hoarseness, shortness of breath.

Even general blood analysis contains a lot of useful information, so it is recommended to take it at least once a year. If necessary, the hospital will advise you to undergo additional studies, which will also prevent the likelihood of developing irreversible consequences.

What tests detect cancer?

You can't tell if a person has cancer by a drop of blood, but see deviations able is quite likely. For a good diagnostician, it will not be difficult to suspect a neoplasm if there are deviations in the leukocyte formula, the number of platelets is clearly reduced, and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is more than 30 for a long time.

Deviation in any direction total protein content may speak of a neoplasm that accelerates decay, inhibits the formation of proteins, which often occurs with malignant plasmacytoma. The growth of creatinine and urea is evidence of a malfunction of the kidneys, poisoning of the body with substances from cancer cells, while the growth of only urea can be evidence tumor decomposition.

An increase in alkaline phosphatase can indicate malignant processes. If cholesterol in the blood falls below the lower limit, this is considered one of the signs of liver cancer.

If you suspect for cancerous processes in the stomach, fibroesophagastroduodenoscopy is considered the most accurate, with the collection of material for research, in the rectum - colonoscopy, in the lungs - bronchoscopy, sputum examination, in the cervix - cytological examination of the smear. Specific studies are carried out when checking neoplasms in the genitals, intestines, pancreas and thyroid glands.

But any deviations in analyzes, this is a reason not to despair, but to start an urgent examination, because the indicators of the level of a particular substance cannot serve as an accurate confirmation of the diagnosis of cancer.

Doctors will carry out many additional procedures to identify the nature of the abnormalities, they will definitely check the cells taken from the suspicious area, only after that we can talk about the presence of malignant tumors.

In recent years, it has become very popular immunological diagnostics. Blood is examined for the content of antigens in it, which are also called tumor markers. In a normal healthy body, most of these substances, if present, are in minimal amounts. Growth also indicates the development of the tumor process.

Today, medicine releases more than 300 proteins, enzymes, hormones and other substances that can confirm the presence of malignant processes in the body. However, each of these markers reacts either to a certain type of tumor (primary), or is not very sensitive, that is, it is useless for early diagnosis, but together with the main one confirms suspicions (secondary), or it responds to many types of neoplasms, that is, it is not able to indicate where exactly is the problem.

  • Diagnose prostate cancer PSA antigen (prostate-specific) helps. However, its concentration may increase in the elderly, as well as during special procedures, some infections.
  • colon cancer, as well as the lungs, the mammary gland is able to increase the concentration of the CEA antigen, which is called cancer embryonic.
  • Cancer of the liver, ovaries, testicles the AFP protein (alpha-fetoprotein), which is practically not detected in an adult body, enters the body; a person needs it during embryonic development, that is, in the womb. The acquisition of the properties of embryonic cells by the neoplasm provokes the release of this protein.
  • ovarian cancer HE4 protein can also confirm, especially if, along with it, an increased content of CA 125 protein is detected.
  • Melanoma issues protein S-100.
  • Damage to the pancreas accompanied by an increase in CA 19-9 protein.
  • Cancers of the stomach, lungs, breast increase the amount of CA 72 - 4.
  • Thyroid in oncology produces a large amount of calcitonin.
  • Antigens there are also small cell and non-small cell lung cancer, carcinomas, squamous cell tumors, leukemias, leukemias.

But none of the tumor markers is not accurate, 100% true confirmation of the cancer process. Therefore, diagnosis for the desired antigen is carried out in the presence of symptoms, confirmed by other methods. Most often, tumor markers are needed in order to monitor the development of the process, check the effectiveness of treatment, and prevent relapses.

In addition, blood testing for the presence of antigens to tumors of various nature - the procedure is complex and expensive, they usually do it in private clinics, and therefore they do such tests only with the most serious suspicions of malignant neoplasms. Can't count they are completely reliable, because our body is complex, many of its characteristics are individual, a benign disease, infection or taking any drugs can provoke the growth of a substance. That is why only the doctor decides which tests should be taken by the patient in order to identify his pathology.

How is cancer diagnosed?

There are actually quite a few methods to identify a terrible disease. Radiation diagnostics, ultrasound, complete blood count and biochemistry studies of the body, endoscopy of organs, as well as a mandatory biopsy to confirm the malignancy of the formation are necessary on any suspicion on cancer processes.

In no case should you neglect the recommendations of doctors, especially if a scheduled visit to a highly specialized specialist is recommended once every 6 or 12 months, because many benign neoplasms under certain conditions, they are able to regenerate, give metastases and grow very quickly and aggressively, penetrating into organs and destroying them.

Contact the paid sphere of medical services, they are not interested in disclosing the results, because everything is paid for, and this is the main thing.

A few days before donating blood, and even more so on the day of donation, limit the consumption of fatty foods. Eat everything that is low in calories and free of fat. Don't eat sweets either. If there are high levels of glucose, fats and cholesterol in the blood, the result may be false positive.

On the appointed day, calmly go to donate blood for HIV infection. But now be patient a little, you will know the result no earlier than in a few days or even in two weeks. This is due to the process of blood testing, which cannot be accelerated.

The scary word AIDS'causes terror in the hearts of the people. Particularly impressive fall into a panic and begin to self-medicate by any means they know. But AIDS not such a common disease, and before suffering and preparing for imminent death (although this is not so), it is worth taking tests and, in case of a positive result, starting treatment.


Choose any clinic that suits you, it can be either a public hospital or any paid medical office. The anonymity of the results is guaranteed, but secrets are kept under seven seals in private institutions and are disclosed much less frequently. In the clinic, information may inadvertently leak out to the masses and there is a possibility of publicity. But you choose. If this is not a secret, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

According to the World Health Organization, in 2008 there were more than forty million HIV carriers worldwide. More than 60 percent of them are North Africans. HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus that causes the disease - HIV infection. The final stage of HIV infection is AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. HIV infection is transmitted in only three ways. These are unprotected sexual contacts with a carrier of HIV infection, the use of contaminated syringes, needles, scissors and other tools, and HIV can be transmitted from a sick mother to a newborn child in the womb or while breastfeeding. There are no other ways to get infected.

You will need

  • AIDS Center visit, HIV blood test or HIV test (this requires your urine or saliva).


First of all, calm down. Perhaps your concern is unfounded. And if you have a reason to worry, now it remains only to wait. If there is reason to believe that you are infected with HIV, be prudent and protect other people from becoming infected.


Follow the necessary safety and protection measures and you will not get infected with HIV.

Don't worry too much in advance. This won't help you.

Tip 4: What tests to take to check your health

Healthy lifestyle is in fashion. More and more people pay attention to the prevention of diseases, not waiting for the disease to manifest itself. In order to check the state of health, it is recommended to regularly take basic tests, with the help of which it is possible to identify a violation of the work of a particular organ at an early stage.


In the absence of any complaints, it is recommended to take general blood and urine tests annually. This is the easiest and cheapest method to detect the early signs of many dangerous diseases. A complete blood count shows the level of hemoglobin, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, platelets and other blood components. Based on the results, the therapist may prescribe an additional examination. Under the condition of proper collection, a general urine test is also quite informative. With its help, it is possible to diagnose disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and, in general, to identify early signs of diabetes and some pathologies of the hematopoietic system.

An analysis to determine the level of cholesterol and lipid profile should be taken 1 time in 5 years at the age of 35 to 45 years, 1 time in 3 years at the age of 45 to 50 years and annually over the age of 50 years. This analysis allows you to identify lipid metabolism disorders, that is, the development of atherosclerosis. Timely carrying out of this analysis can prevent a possible heart attack, stroke and vascular thrombosis.

The so-called blood test for sugar is not very informative, so it is preferable to do an analysis to determine glycated hemoglobin. This analysis allows you to determine fluctuations in blood sugar not only at the time of blood sampling, but within 1.5-2 months before it. It is recommended to donate blood for glycated hemoglobin once every 5 years at the age of 30-40 years, once every 2 years at the age of 40-45 years, and after 45 years - annually.

Many people know about the need for a diagnostic colonoscopy after the age of 40. But this procedure is quite expensive and frightening with its complexity. An alternative to the study is the analysis of feces for occult blood. If the test result is positive, a visit to the doctor is required.

A biochemical blood test, at least minimal (bilirubin, ALT, AST, creatinine, urea, total protein, uric acid), allows you to create an objective picture of the liver, kidneys and metabolism. Unless otherwise recommended, a blood biochemistry test should be taken once a year.

A blood test to determine the level of TSH - thyroid-stimulating hormone - will show if thyroid function is reduced. In recent years, hypothyroidism has become widespread, so this analysis should be included in the list of planned ones.

A blood test to determine the level of homocysteine ​​is a specific highly informative test. According to its results, one can judge the possible formation of blood clots in the arteries.

The scourge of the 21st century is hepatitis and AIDS. These diseases are the most common infectious diseases. They are dangerous because they do not manifest themselves for a long period of time, therefore it is recommended to take a blood test annually for the presence of antibodies to hepatitis B and C and HIV infection.

A correct blood test is a guarantee that the doctor will receive more than eighty percent of the information of interest to him. Often, it is prescribed not to understand what is happening with the patient, but to confirm the overall clinical picture - in fact, the study becomes a piece in the general puzzle, which helps to put the picture together.

The problem is that an analysis that is passed incorrectly creates a false picture, coupled with general symptoms. In the case of specificity of other symptoms and the experience of the doctor, the analysis is usually redone, but if the incorrect analysis falls under the clinical picture of the disease, the wrong treatment may simply be prescribed. Therefore, a blood test requires careful preparation on the part of the patient.

How to take a blood test?

1. Often, many tests are taken on an empty stomach. What is meant by this? That before the last meal and testing should take at least eight hours, sometimes twelve. It is worth being patient, and not drinking coffee, tea, or any other drinks other than water - this is also considered food. After eight hours of fasting, tests are given for serology and biochemistry, as well as for hormone levels.

2. Fasting twelve hours is necessary for a blood test for lipid levels.

3. A complete blood count does not require such heroic behavior - it is enough not to eat an hour before the procedure, while you can drink tea (not sweet), as well as porridge without sugar and an apple.


Oncoscreening is a new method of accurate digital diagnostics, which surpasses many methods of early diagnostics in accuracy. The advantages of oncoscreening consist in a quick, simultaneous and safe (with respect to radiation exposure) procedure for detecting the smallest changes in the tissues of the whole body, which implies the possibility of detecting not only tumors, indurations, but also early metastases. The oncoscreening procedure is available in modern oncology clinics and can replace many separate routine regular examinations.

Sooner or later, people feel the justice of the doctors' joke that there are no healthy people, but there are unexamined ones, on themselves. Previously, the examination was carried out at professional examinations, but today people are often forced to prescribe examinations themselves, and at their own expense.

Of course, the ideal option would be annual consultations of several specialist doctors, a general practitioner, laboratory and radiation diagnostics. But such a preventive examination is very expensive.

Budget, but enough an effective way to control your health - laboratory diagnostics on personal initiative. Many people, unexpectedly for themselves, when receiving test results, move from the category of “healthy” to the category of “not examined”. Fortunately, there are those who begin to take care of themselves a little earlier than the doctors send them to be examined. Basically, people are checked for hepatitis and sexually transmitted diseases, as well as biochemical and general blood tests. If something is wrong - the level of cholesterol, sugar or something else - they immediately go to the doctor. Most come to the laboratory already with a doctor's referral.

What tests and how often do you need to take?

No one said that it is not necessary to visit a doctor for prophylaxis - it is necessary! But in the city polyclinic, often after the dialogue: “Are there any complaints?” - "No!", the doctor says - "Next." Unfortunately, preventive examinations are carried out more on paper. The annual examination "full circle" and "paid doctor" is great, but expensive. Therefore, if there is a desire to take care of health and a little money, you can go straight to the laboratory.

Usually there is a consultant doctor who can correct list of necessary tests for a person. Patients themselves often want to take a blood test “for everything at once”, which is almost never necessary and leads to unnecessary costs.

Most often detected with such a preventive diagnosis is very. For example, herpes virus infections, viral hepatitis, toxoplasmosis. These diseases give fatigue, make you feel worse, but they do not manifest themselves in any way. According to biochemical analyzes, signs of diseases of the kidneys, liver, cancer, diabetes and many others are revealed.

Minimum set of analyzes- sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, hepatitis, syphilis, biochemical and general tests will cost a little more than 2 thousand rubles.

May be required depending on age, gender additional tests- for example, hormonal status for women, prostate-specific antigen for men, perinatal screening for pregnant women, but the whole "kit" fits into 120-150 dollars. Once every 3-5 years, it is worth doing a tomography. For an MRI of a joint, prices will differ depending on the clinic, a survey tomography will “pull” 2-3 thousand rubles.

How to detect cancer at an early stage?

Plain tomography can detect even a very small cancerous tumor that has not yet manifested itself. It is clear that analyzes are many times cheaper than tomography, but are they so informative? What is the best way to get tested for cancer?

Such tests, in general, should be done as prescribed by the doctor. And you can see the manifestations of cancer in the initial stages not even by a specific marker, but by looking at a regular biochemical blood test. Some changes compared to the previous "biochemistry" - especially in blood proteins - call for further examination. If the diagnosis is confirmed, such cancer can be cured without consequences in most cases.

Published: 04.12.2012

Usually, patients think about primary tests when certain symptoms come to them, the disease does not go away for a long time, or the general condition of the body worsens. Then the doctor, in any case, first of all sends the patient to take tests, after which it is already possible to say whether cancer is possible or not. We will try to explain to you as briefly and clearly as possible about each blood test for oncology.

Can blood test detect cancer?

Unfortunately, a blood test for cancer does not allow 100% to see cancer cells, but there is a certain degree of probability to identify a diseased organ. Blood is exactly the liquid that interacts with all tissues and cells in the human body, and it is understandable that by a change in the chemical or biochemical composition, one can determine what is wrong with a person.

The analysis gives a signal to the doctor that the processes in the body are not proceeding correctly. And then he sends the patient for additional diagnostics of certain organs. By blood, it is possible to identify in which organ the tumor can live, at what stage and what size. True, if a person additionally suffers from any diseases, then the accuracy of this study will be lower.

What blood tests show cancer?

  • General (clinical)- shows the total number of red blood cells, platelets, white blood cells and other cells in the blood. Deviations from the general indicator may also indicate a malignant tumor.
  • Biochemistry - usually shows the chemical composition of the blood. This analysis can more accurately determine in which place and in which organ a person develops cancer.
  • Analysis for tumor markers- one of the most accurate analyzes for oncologists. When a tumor develops in the body and cells in a certain place begin to mutate, then this thing itself releases certain proteins or tumor markers into the blood. For the body, this protein is foreign, which is why the immune system immediately begins to try to fight it. Tumor markers for each of the tumors are different and they can be used to determine in which organ the enemy has settled.

Complete blood count and cancer

What is the expediency of this event, our expert will help us figure it out - the head of the treatment and diagnostic department of the multidisciplinary clinic CELT, Candidate of Medical Sciences German Kizyavka.

"Our Father"

There is a set of tests that we have to take, and a set of studies that we have to take once a year to capture diseases at an early stage, when they do not yet bother us with their symptoms. At this time, they can be easily dealt with.

So what do we need to do every year:

● General clinical blood test - from a finger. First, it will show if you have anemia and blood diseases. Secondly, the indicators of leukocytes and ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) will allow the doctor to judge if there is an inflammatory process in the body. And, thirdly, according to a general blood test, one can judge the state of the patient's immunity and even whether his body is currently predisposed to certain physiotherapy procedures, to laser therapy or magnetic therapy, for example.

● Blood test for sugar - on an empty stomach, from a finger. Elevated blood sugar leads to the development of diabetes. In the initial stages of the disease, it is enough to change the lifestyle and diet. The disease in the advanced stage gives terrible complications - blindness, foot gangrene, etc., with which nothing can be done.

●  General clinical analysis of urine. It can be used to judge the state of the human genitourinary system. Depending on how high the level of leukocytes is, the doctor can even guess what disease the patient develops: urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis ... The density of urine indicates how the kidneys work. Sugar in the urine or even acetone already - about the neglect of diabetes.

● Electrocardiogram - to find out how the heart works.

● Fluorographic study - it allows you to identify pulmonary tuberculosis, tumor and disease of the pleura - the tissue that covers the lungs.

In addition, once a year everyone needs to visit an ophthalmologist - check visual acuity and see if the development of cataracts and glaucoma has begun. Women - be sure to see a gynecologist, men - a urologist.

We must know the main preventive studies by heart, like “Our Father”.

after forty five

If you are over 45 years old, the list of studies should be expanded. For example, check the level of cholesterol in the blood. "Bad" cholesterol forms plaques that settle on the inner walls of blood vessels, narrow, and sometimes clog them. If blood flow to vital organs is cut off, a stroke or heart attack occurs.

A biochemical blood test will show how the liver, kidneys, bile ducts work.

Men need to donate blood for a prostate tumor marker, women - for two tumor markers: breast and ovaries.

Mammography - a picture of the breast - women should do every two years.

Also, once every 2 years, both women and men need to do a colonoscopy - an examination of the colon and gastroscopy - an examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. Even if nothing bothers and there are no signs of illness.

In addition to the usual electrocardiogram, it is necessary to pass an exercise test - this is a cardiogram taken while the patient is pedaling on an exercise bike or running on a treadmill. If he tolerates the load well and there are no indicators of poor blood supply to the heart on the cardiogram, there are no arrhythmias, this study can be stopped. But often tests with loads show that there are problems, that a person is in a pre-infarction state or even suffered a microinfarction on his legs. Then you need to do a detailed study of the heart and blood vessels.

There are many areas in Russia with natural iodine deficiency. One of these is Moscow. People living in these areas are prone to thyroid disorders. It is useful for all of them to do an ultrasound of this organ once a year and donate blood for thyroid hormones.

unexpected find

The need for preventive research for apparently healthy people can be confirmed by the following facts: there are diseases that develop without symptoms, without pain, slowly. For example, type 2 diabetes. It is sad, but the diagnosis is often made only 15 years after the onset of the disease, when it is no longer possible to cure a person.

During preventive medical examination, type 2 diabetes mellitus is detected in every 10th patient.

And colon cancer at the preclinical stage, when there are still no manifestations, there is no blood in the feces, was detected in 10 months of this year in our expert's clinic alone in three patients. If not for medical examination, these people would never have known about their illness at its earliest stage. And if they had waited for symptoms - pain, blood, and so on, this would mean that the tumor had already sprouted into the intestinal wall, metastases had begun, and only very serious treatment could help them - chemotherapy, radiation therapy ... If it could.

Our expert recently had such cases. A 48-year-old patient was offered to undergo a gastroscopy during a standard medical examination. The man did not feel any symptoms of the disease, so he refused the procedure. Convinced. And they saw several large polyps in the stomach. If nothing is done with such formations, after some time they degenerate into cancerous tumors. The man removed the polyps in time. And there were 15 such patients with large polyps in the colon this year.

... A woman who had a carotid artery checked a year ago and everything was fine with her came to the next medical examination. In just a year, due to elevated blood cholesterol levels and the formation of fatty plaques, the lumen in the artery narrowed by 65%. To avoid a stroke, the patient agreed to the installation of a stent that expands the vessel. The problem was solved.

... A well-known lady who felt great, led a healthy lifestyle and ran for an hour every morning, came to the planned annual medical examination. They put her on a treadmill and did an electrocardiogram under stress. During the run, the lady went through such arrhythmic changes that it became clear that her runs in the morning could be fatal. She underwent coronary angiography - a study of the vessels of the heart, identified the problem and eliminated it. A simple electrocardiogram would not show these problems.

Of course, you don’t want to spend several days in the clinic, stand in lines, but a healthy long life is worth making some effort to achieve it. Although there are already clinics that save our time and nerves - they conduct medical examinations in one day.

By the way

The average life expectancy for men in Russia is about 60 years. The average life span of members of the highest command of the Russian army is 87 years. The obligatory annual medical examination, which all officers of the army undergo, makes it possible to detect diseases at an early stage, when they are well treated, and this simple preventive measure prolongs the life of officers.

Personal opinion

Oleg Gazmanov:

Clinical examination is a necessary thing, but due to the busy schedule of life, I do not have time for it. The last time I went through this procedure was when I needed to get a license for a weapon. Fortunately, I rarely get sick, only seasonal viruses can “knock down” my health.

The best way to avoid serious and costly treatment is regular check-ups. You can get a free medical examination in any public hospital, or you can do a paid examination in a private clinic. The main thing is to decide which tests to take in order to get a complete picture of the state of your health.

General blood analysis

This is the most accessible and most common analysis, without which no diagnosis can do. It gives information about inflammation in the body and the state of the blood.

By indicators such as hemoglobin, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and ESR, you can determine the presence of infection, hidden internal bleeding, anemia and other diseases.

Blood chemistry

A biochemical blood test allows you to find out more. The doctor must evaluate its results, since there is no fixed set of indicators in the biochemical analysis. Experts generally do not recommend self-medication and advise you to definitely contact a therapist for referrals for tests.

As part of a biochemical analysis, liver enzymes, glucose, total blood protein, cholesterol, creatinine and others are determined. According to its results, the doctor can evaluate the work of the kidneys and liver and determine the metabolic rate.

General urine analysis

Thanks to the general clinical analysis of urine, the state of the human genitourinary system is determined. By the level of leukocytes, a specialist can tell about the presence of inflammation in the body and determine which organ is affected. Such an analysis reveals cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, as well as early signs of diabetes.

Blood test for markers of hepatitis and HIV

Hepatitis and AIDS are dangerous primarily because they may not manifest themselves for a long time. According to the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), at the beginning of this year, Russia ranked third in the world in terms of the number of new HIV infections.

More than half of HIV transmission occurs sexually, and not through the use of a contaminated needle, as was the case in the past. Doctors note that more and more often ordinary people of working age, people from prosperous families, rather than outcasts and drug addicts, catch hepatitis and HIV.

You can get tested for the presence of the immunodeficiency virus in the body free of charge and anonymously from the age of 16.

Blood test for glycated hemoglobin

This analysis indicates fluctuations in blood sugar not only at the time of blood sampling, but also within a month and a half before it. The higher the level of glycated hemoglobin, the higher was the glycemia and, accordingly, the greater the risk of developing complications of diabetes mellitus.

And if in the early stages it is possible to avoid the development of the disease, and then in a neglected state, serious consequences are possible: gangrene and blindness.

For people over forty-five years old, it is recommended to check blood for glycated hemoglobin once a year.

Blood test for thyroid hormones

Thyroid hormones perform several important functions. First, they contribute to the growth and development of the organism as a whole. And secondly, they regulate all metabolic processes and the activity of the immune, nervous, musculoskeletal, reproductive, cardiovascular, and digestive systems.

Lack of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism) is a disease of the inhabitants of modern megacities. With hypothyroidism, the level of thyroid hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine) decreases, and the level of TSH (pituitary hormone) increases.

As a result, working capacity decreases sharply, depression appears, and a sharp weight gain occurs. For women, hypothyroidism can cause a violation of the synthesis of sex hormones, and this leads to infertility, early menopause, irregular cycles and other serious problems.

A blood test to determine the level of TSH shows whether the function of the thyroid gland is reduced. It is recommended to conduct such an analysis annually for people after thirty years.

Other annual surveys

In addition to these important tests, after thirty years, it is worth doing an electrocardiogram every year, which analyzes the work of the heart. And in order not to miss the onset of hypertension, you need to measure blood pressure.

Fluorography once a year will help detect tuberculosis and lung cancer in the early stages.

After thirty-five years, women should also visit a mammologist every year and do an ultrasound of the mammary glands. This will not take much time, but will allow you to notice a possible neoplasm in time.

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