Home Useful Tips Garden vegetable garden farmstead best advice May. Useful advice for gardeners. Buying vegetable and flower seeds in online stores

Garden vegetable garden farmstead best advice May. Useful advice for gardeners. Buying vegetable and flower seeds in online stores

Dacha, garden, garden with your own hands - you can watch video lessons about gardening online here. Are you one of those who, after a hard working week, go to the country house and spend the whole weekend digging between the beds? Want to have a beautifully landscaped garden and learn the secrets of pest control? Do you dream of properly decorating a summer cottage with your own hands?
On our website there is a huge selection of various videos collected specifically to help summer residents and gardeners, we invite you to watch an online video about a garden and a vegetable garden and learn new methods of tillage or harvesting.
Free YouTube videos about gardening and horticulture will help you make your vegetable garden or garden a real green park. How to plant a tree? Which flowers are best to plant in autumn and which ones in spring? How to properly care for cucumbers in a greenhouse? You will find answers to these many other summer cottage questions in our videos without registration.
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If you decide to plant a garden of fruit trees or make crafts on your site, then our site will be the best assistant. On it you will learn how to plant a plant so that in a few years it will bear fruit and delight you with delicious fruits.
Progress does not stand still, this statement is also true for the garden, vegetable garden. Agronomists are developing new smart methods of planting crops familiar to everyone, thanks to their tips, you will be able to harvest large yields of tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes, spending much less effort and, most importantly, time on planting, harvesting and growing them. We offer you to watch free advice from experienced gardeners and gardeners from YouTube, who share their secrets and author's techniques.
Not all people make a solid vegetable garden out of their plots, in which they involuntarily then spend most of their free time. Many summer residents, and especially their female part, love to plant a variety of flowers on their land, which delight the eye and bring aesthetic pleasure throughout the season.
Vegetable garden in winter, spring, summer and autumn - important video lessons for caring for a garden and a summer cottage. Russian video lessons about gardening and horticulture watch online for free. A vegetable garden without hassle. In fact, planting flowers is a whole science that requires a special approach. One flower must be planted in late autumn, and another in early spring, one loves the sun, and the second feels better in the shade, find out if these nuances will help online instructions and useful tips for a beautiful and well-groomed summer cottage located on our resource.

There are a huge number of landscape styles that hardworking summer residents are trying to recreate on their plots. Walking through such a country garden, you can see both French, and even beloved by the Japanese. Of course, on 5-15 acres it is difficult to reproduce such an exotic beauty, and even to many gardeners it seems alien, unusual for the Russian way of thinking.

Therefore, in recent years, the style of the Russian estate has gained popularity, as a reflection of the national character. What is the secret of its charm, why is it so popular with our summer residents?

A little about the history of the Russian estate

Peter the Great, known for his love for everything foreign, introduced a foreign fashion for landscaping estates. This is how the first gardens in the Dutch and Italian style appeared. The territory of the estates expanded due to buildings for various purposes: household buildings, recreation pavilions and others. A sharp surge in the construction of estates was due to the manifesto of Peter III, with which he freed many noblemen from military service. Left out of work, they began to improve and expand their estates. The Russian estate of the 18th century absorbed the features of various European styles: Baroque, Classicism, Renaissance.

The peak of popularity of "noble nests" fell just in the 18th - early 19th centuries. Special attention was paid to the landscape gardening of the estate. Unfortunately, many southern plants did not want to take root on Russian soil. This problem was partly solved by A.T. Bolotov, who adapted European and southern plants to our climate and even developed varieties that replace them.

Time passed, and not always peaceful. Gone are the "dark alleys" and "houses with a mezzanine" and "cherry orchards". They were replaced by a six-hundred garden-comradely type. What used to be called a manor became known as a dacha.

But is it really impossible today to create your own Russian garden, albeit small, only on six acres, but a real one, saturated with the smoke of a samovar with pine cones and the spirit of romantic walks in the shade of linden alleys ?! It is possible and even necessary! - this is the answer of modern landscape designers.

As you know, everything new is well forgotten old. The appearance of Russian estates is being revived from oblivion, of course, in a modified form, corresponding to the realities of modern life. Created according to the formula: classic base + current features = original solution, the style of the Russian garden will look organically on a plot of any size and make it the place where you want to return at any time of the year.

The main trends in the landscape design of the Russian garden

The Russian garden is, first of all, ease and naturalness. Beauty is skillfully combined with practicality: blooming side by side with small. This is what distinguishes the design of the Russian garden from others. It should be slightly "disheveled", "unkempt", not as clearly planned down to the smallest hemp as German or Dutch. This should not be taken as a command: there is no need to take care of the garden, let it grow itself. On the contrary, the effect of slight neglect is much more difficult to create than a "licked" garden with exotic plants at every turn.

Russian gardenit is, first of all, ease and naturalness

So, the Russian garden does not accept any exotic, complex compositions, multi-level and bizarre stones. Nevertheless, every tree, every flower or decorative element must be carefully thought out and take its place.

The next feature is the abundance of wooden buildings. In addition to the central element of the site - houses, there should be outbuildings, furniture for recreation, and places for receiving guests. More on this will be written a little further.

The Russian garden is a living garden. Therefore, when designing it, it is necessary to immediately allocate space for flower beds and, trees and shrubs.

The following articles will help you get acquainted with other styles of garden design:

Territory formation. We divide the site into zones

Historically, the formation of the territory of the estate began with the house - the central element. Alleys, paths and paths diverged from it in different directions. Through the entire front part of the park, a road was laid to the front porch. Fountains, sculptures and flower beds were located along it.

For those who decided to create a Russian estate on their site, modern landscape designers suggest dividing the site into zones.

It is worth experimenting on a theme that was always present in every Russian estate. You can plant medicinal plants along with your favorite vegetables, or you can arrange separate beds. You should not take more than 10-15 species: they are not stored for long, why then grow too much? An excellent and useful ensemble will comprise:

  • and many herbs.

It houses a barn - purely economic buildings, and a bathhouse. Considering that, more precisely, a hike in it, it is necessary to pay special attention to the design of the territory adjacent to it.

As a rule, there are two small benches and a table near the bathhouse. Plants are planted with a spicy invigorating aroma. Most often it is -, balsam fir,; or the well-known fragrant plants - mint, and others. Outbuildings and a bathhouse must be made of the same material as the house.


You cannot tell about it in a nutshell, so let's take a closer look at all aspects of its creation.

The look of the Russian garden

The colors in the territory of such a garden are light, calm: sand, a shade of fresh wood, white, blue, the whole spectrum of green, delicate apricot. Flowers in flower beds or shrubs will become bright accents. Garden pastel shades favorably emphasize the juicy green foliage.

As mentioned above, the Russian estate never existed without a garden. It will not work to recreate the grandeur and scope of the gardens described in the works of the classics in a small summer cottage. But you can try and do so that the modest elegant garden with elements of the manor style delights the eye and soul. For a garden in the Russian style, there is naturally a reasonable combination of beauty and practicality, so you can safely put next to it. But it is still more logical to divide the garden into several parts, the location of which will depend on the taste of the gardener and on the size of the site. Each part will be populated with certain plants and decorated differently from the others.

Flower beds make them as bright and colorful as possible. Do not decorate them with decorative fences or. It is enough just to plant a scattering of flowers. When they bloom, the multi-colored "hat" will hide all design flaws, if they were in the process of planting. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the period of flowering plants, it should be approximately the same to create the same "hat".

From annual plants, the advantage is given: Perennials will also look good in a flower bed: Lovers of bulbous plants should not worry - their favorites will not be ignored. and, and - there is enough space for everyone.

Making out flower beds in the style of a Russian estate, do not forget about, and decorative (winged). These plants have long been familiar to almost every gardener and do not require special skills in growing and caring. Perfect for beginners who decide to create a Russian garden at their dacha.

It should be noted that flower beds do not need to select plants according to color and height. Not only that, landscape designers are both in favor.

A free-form flower garden on which plants of different heights, flowering periods and species coexist peacefully. A well-groomed and well-planted mixborder will bring a fresh note to the look of a Russian garden.

It is appropriate to use wildflowers, as well as plants with a strong aroma - this is water, (thyme) and. It is better to plant them not in flower beds, but along the paths so that you can enjoy the spicy aroma while walking along them.

A small rose garden can be built in well-lit and most conspicuous places. Tall bright ones planted with peculiar islands will also look organic.


A typical Russian flavor is conveyed by fragrant shrubs:,.

Typical Russian flavor is conveyed by fragrant shrubs: jasmine, lilac

Not only pleasing to the eye, but also the bushes will yield crops,. Every gardener already has them, so if you decide to remake an existing garden, there will be no problems with the acquisition.

You can supplement already growing shrubs and.

An original shrub - European with a dense spreading crown with a height of 1.5 to 3 m - will help to introduce a drop of brightness. A very interesting plant that blooms profusely in May and June. The flowers are small, yellowish-green, unfortunately, almost invisible. But with the onset of autumn, euonymus will decorate the garden with bizarre pink-red fruit boxes.

If the family has children, it is not worth planting euonymus, since its bright fruits are poisonous (they have a strong laxative and emetic effect).

It is safe and unpretentious, but no less lush and bright is the viburnum. The color of its foliage depends on the variety and is yellow, dark green, purple or dark red. The application in the Russian garden can be diversified: it can be planted singly on a lawn, placed under a canopy of trees or even in a flower garden, or attached to large conifers: or. An interesting experiment would be planting it next to smaller deciduous shrubs and herbaceous perennials. The choice of a place and neighbors for the vesicle gives room for imagination and personal preferences for the gardener.

The Russian garden cannot do with flowers and shrubs alone; it needs to be planted with trees as well. Deciduous, coniferous, but most often fruit, since they are both beautiful and useful, and they do not take up a lot of space (given the area of ​​the site).

The queens of Russian noble estates - lindens are suitable for disembarkation

Decor elements of the Russian garden

The first thing that catches your eye on any site is its fence. . If you start to create a piece of the Russian estate at your dacha, then you cannot do without one that meets all the requirements of the style. What should it be?

It is ideal to use a regular log as a material. The height varies, but as a rule, it is better to stick to the golden mean - 1.5 m. A very comfortable height of the fence, which creates a sense of personal space (this corresponds to the elegiac mood of Russian estates), but does not make you feel locked in a box. Such a fence, of course, looks simple compared to a wrought-iron fence or a fence made of natural stone.

Shrubs planted along it (chubushnik, lilac) or flowers (lilies, chrysanthemums, chamomile, small flower beds with roses) will help add sophistication to a simple log fence. Another option for an amateur is a sharp palisade, which is also characteristic of the style of a Russian estate. In any case, the general view of the fence should be a subtle hint of what is behind it. Everything should look harmonious.

Furniture for gazebos is chosen from wood or wicker. In the shade of the trees, there are several graceful ones.

The so-called "fun" in the old days (slides, greenhouses, entertainment pavilions) can be adapted to modern realities. There are few daredevils who want to build a poultry yard or a rabbit farm in the country (as it was in the noble estates). But if there are children in the family, wooden, low-rise children's benches will become "fun".

You can limit the playing area using flower beds. Children will also like the corner with (heroes of fairy tales, birds, animals and many others). It will become both an element of decor and a source of joy for small summer residents.

Water ... There must be a water component in a Russian garden. Self-made has two functions: utilitarian (fish farming) and decorative.

What beauty can be created by planting flowering annuals along the banks of a small pond! It is only necessary to reinforce the slopes with special geogrids and roll out a rolled lawn on top of them.

Artistic element
design can be any thing that suits the spirit of the Russian style. If you want a wooden one across the pond - good, hang or - great, use an old wooden wheel as a garden decoration - will work too!

The main thing is that everything should be made of appropriate materials and be combined as organically as possible with the general style of the garden.

Particular attention should be paid. Luminaires should not be conspicuous. The site in the style of a Russian garden is in partial shade at any time of the day. During the day, trees and shrubs hide it from the sunlight, and in the evening and at night, the lanterns are responsible for the halo of mystery. It is better to put them so that the crowns of the trees slightly obstruct the light so that it falls on the paths in a diffused form.

A few good tips will help you set up your garden.

  1. Imported trees cannot be purchased. No matter how strong the desire is to see your territory as soon as possible. If trees have been growing for several years in a different climate and on a different soil, they are difficult to take root, require more care, and are more often damaged by pests.
  2. So that domestic seedlings take root better,.
  3. To decorate the paths, you can use a saw cut of a log. This is one of the latest fashion trends, but, unfortunately, this option is short-lived and requires constant updating.
  4. The use of sandstone is actual. In the gap between the stones, you can fill the earth with seeds of shade-loving grass.
  5. If the site has just been purchased and there is a forest on it, there is no need to rush to cut down all the trees. They can form a beautiful landscape part of the garden.
  6. If the size of the garden is more than the standard six acres, the type of space should be alternated - open meadows with closed parts of coniferous or deciduous trees.
  7. Choosing the style of the Russian estate for the garden, it is better to choose the classic style for the house.
  8. The vegetable garden is located behind the house or on the sides of it. The important thing is that it should not interfere with the perception of the garden itself.
  9. The basis of the color scheme of the garden is the play of light and shadow. For example, light garden elements against a background of dark greenery.
Thus, it is very clearly seen that the landscape design in the style of the Russian estate and its main element - the garden, combine practicality and simple beauty. And even if the creation of this style requires a considerable investment of effort and money, the result is worth it!

In this section, dear readers, you will find answers to many questions that interest you. And we hope that each of you will receive new knowledge.

Buying vegetable and flower seeds in online stores

As the season approaches, summer residents face the question of choosing good seeds for seedlings. Many gardeners buy planting material online, saving their time.

The difference between high and low peat for seedlings

Garden peat

Peat is a fossil material used in many similar fields. Its combustibility makes it an excellent fuel, and its unique properties for mulching soil prove indispensable in agriculture, horticulture and floriculture.

Peat deposits are most often bogs, where for thousands of years it has been formed from organic remains, cotton grass, sphagnum moss and conifers. All these components make it an incomparable fertilizer for the soil, without which no self-respecting farmer can do. According to the methods of extraction and the properties of the fossil material, peat is divided into two groups - high-moor and low-lying.

To grow a beautiful garden on your site, you need to follow some rules. The tips below will help you properly prepare your garden and plot for the summer. It is best to start all work in the spring - then in the summer it will be possible to collect a rich harvest. Let's see what the gardener should remember when the summer season begins:

Picking is an agricultural technique that is used when growing vegetable and flower crops by seedlings. When transplanting seedlings, the tip of the stem root is removed for better branching and subsequently better rooting. This word is sometimes used to name the process of transplanting seedlings from one container to another. But this is wrong. When diving, the main stem root is shortened by one third of its entire length. This stimulates the growth of lateral, adventitious roots. Such a root will be able to obtain more nutrients from the soil, develop a vegetative mass and, accordingly, bloom more abundantly.

Pleasure on the backyard

The chosen direction in agriculture - growing plants in a greenhouse, must have a competent and thorough approach so that the work is not wasted. And it doesn't matter whether you do it for the soul or professionally.

The richest experience in agriculture, as well as scientific knowledge, could not fail to receive modern cutting in the form of modernized inventions and technologies, which are aimed at 100% success for people who did not even have much experience. Today, polycarbonate greenhouses are available for sale, one of the latest ergonomic solutions. By following the instructions step by step and following the recommendations, you can immediately organize a full-fledged ergonomic complex:

The mole is a harmless insectivorous animal, causing a lot of damage to gardeners and gardeners with its digging activity. This digger is unmatched in tirelessness and speed of digging tunnels: on average, about 20 m of new tunnels per day. In search of food (worms, bear, beetle larvae and other insects), the mole digs up the ground shallowly from the surface, simultaneously damaging the roots of the plants cultivated on the site. Multi-meter passages also interfere with the irrigation of plantings, diverting water in incredible quantities from the right place through underground burrows.

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