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Cologne Cathedral architecture. Cologne Cathedral, Germany: description, photo, location on the map, how to get there. Cologne Cathedral: a long history of construction

The purpose of our small research will be (Kyrgyzstan). Rest in these places has not yet been sufficiently explored by tourists from far abroad, but it has been very mastered by Russians, Kazakhs and, naturally, Kyrgyz. To begin with, we will give a few figures: this water area is the largest alpine water area in the world. It is second only to the Caspian in size, and only to Baikal in terms of water transparency. Issyk-Kul rests at an altitude of 1609 meters. It is 180 kilometers long and 70 kilometers wide. It is large enough to be visible from space. Astronauts claim that from there the lake looks like a blue human eye. And one more feature: even in the most severe winters, the water in Issyk-Kul does not freeze. Therefore, the Kyrgyz name of this miracle of nature is translated as "hot lake". The average depth of this reservoir is 300 meters, and the maximum depth is 668 m. The salinity of the water is 5.9 ppm.

Where is Issyk-Kul Lake located?

The lake surface of Issyk-Kul stretches in a very picturesque place. Tourists claim that they did not even expect such unearthly beauty. The mirror surface among snowfields and glaciers, surrounded by mountain peaks, changes its color from pale azure to dark blue depending on the lighting. The Russian traveler Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky, the first of the Europeans who visited Issyk-Kul, wrote that it overshadows Lake Geneva with its beauty. The same association with the Alps arose among the explorer of Central Asia, Przhevalsky. He wrote about Issyk-Kul that local beauties are similar to Switzerland, only much better. For a long time, none of the Europeans (except for the two mentioned travelers) came to these places. The road was too long and difficult. After all, the largest lake in Central Asia is located in the very heart of the Tien Shan, between the Terskey Ala-Toi and Kungei Ala-Too ranges.

How to get to Issyk-Kul

To get to the intermountain hollow, you need to overcome the famous and inaccessible Boom Gorge. The way from Bishkek is not a short one. If you study old reviews, you get the impression that the main adversity and problem of travelers is the road. However, the reward for the difficulties endured will be a wonderful view of Lake Issyk-Kul, a photo of which is immediately taken by exhausted tourists. But now most of the problems are in the past. There are two airports in the intermountain valley. If you are flying from overseas, you can be hosted by the Tamchy International Hub. In 2003, it was converted from an air force base for the needs of civil aviation. On the northern coast of the lake there is the resort town of Cholpon-Ata. There is also an airport near it, but it only accepts domestic flights.

Climatic characteristics

Lake Issyk-Kul rests in a deep intermountain valley, so a microclimate has formed around it, which meteorologists call subtropical temperate sea. This means that the winters are mild here, and the summers are not sultry at all. Reviews of tourists claim that acclimatization is not required here. The coldest months of the year are January and February. The air at this time is cooled to a temperature of -5 to + 5 degrees. Spring starts in late March and summer begins in mid-May. Until the end of September, the weather is mild and warm with minimal precipitation. In the hottest month - July - the mountain air warms up to 16-17 °, although there are also indicators of 32-33 °. Tourists do not complain about the vagaries of the weather, because, according to the calculations of meteorologists, it is sunny in the valley for about 300 days a year. Even in the heat, the lake does not get stuffy - the altitudinal zonation affects. In summer, the water warms up to + 18-20 °, which is quite suitable for swimming.

When to arrive

Thanks to such climatic characteristics, Lake Issyk-Kul, the reviews of which speak for themselves, is ready to receive guests all year round. However, the peak season falls on two months - July and August. The "Pearl of Kyrgyzstan" (as the inhabitants of the country call their lake) attracts winter tourists as well. Near the town of Karakol there is a ski complex of the same name. For winter holidays, reviews of tourists are advised to choose only the resorts of the northern coast, since the south is oriented towards beachgoers. It is best to come for trekking in autumn - it is dry, warm and calm. However, it should be borne in mind that fine days give way to very cold nights, so you need to take care of the appropriate equipment. With regards to summer vacations, you need to know that the lion's share of tourist centers, resorts and hotels is concentrated in the region of the northern coast. And the southern end is chosen by lovers of romance, bonfires and tents.

Where to stay

Like Crimea, Lake Issyk-Kul is covered with a network of resorts. Among them, Cholpon-Ata stands out - a kind of Yalta of the local Riviera. Rest houses work here. Reviews of tourists still recommend choosing the private sector for living, and even better - small mini-hotels. A lot of them have appeared recently. They have only 4-10 rooms, the atmosphere in them is the most welcoming, family-like, sometimes you can negotiate with the owners about homemade meals. There is especially a lot of such service in the village of Tamchi. Most tourists who come here for radon baths prefer to stay in private mini-hotels.

Active tourism on Issyk-Kul lake

Statistics say that about a million people rest in these parts every year. The tourists themselves say that the lion's share of these people are Kyrgyz, Kazakhs and citizens of the Russian Federation. There are only 35 thousand tourists from far abroad, but their number is growing from year to year, thanks to the developing infrastructure and service. Yes, it still leaves much to be desired, and the comparison with Switzerland concerns only the beauties of nature, but not the service. However, here you can have a good rest, and most importantly, improve your health. Moreover, the prices here are much lower than in Switzerland. Trekking enthusiasts will find marked routes along Kungey Ala-Tau and Teskey Ala-Too. Tourists leave positive memories of hiking in the Semyonovka and Grigorievka valleys to the north, as well as Barskoon to the south. And how beautiful are the mountains that ring the place where Lake Issyk-Kul has spread its expanses! Reviews also highly recommend visiting the city of Karakol. In addition to the picturesque valley, there is a museum and the grave of Przewalski.

Issyk-Kul lake: relaxation on the beach

The most popular resorts - Tamchi, Chon-Sary-Oy, Sary-Oy, Bosteri, Cholpon-Ata - are located on the northern coast. Young people like to rest in them, who will find here a lot of entertainment, including water ones. Fans of "intimate rest" prefer the resorts in the south - Tamga and Kadzhi-Sai. More than half of the six-hundred-kilometer beach area is leveled or embankments with small or medium pebbles. Boulders, rocks and stones are very rare. But there are also 120 kilometers of natural sandy beaches. Reviews mention paid services. An umbrella with a sunbed costs one hundred soms a day. And the entrance to the beach, if you are "savage", may not be free. The comments of tourists reveal a little trick: in Cholpon-Ata (next to the Rukh-Ordo city park) there is a free sandy beach, and even with healing mud.

Recreation in Issyk-Kul

The drainless lake has not only a valuable sulphate-chloride-sodium composition of water, but also deposits of medicinal mud. Just 200 meters from Issyk-Kul, there is an analogue of the Israeli super-salty "sea" - Local resorts effectively treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, skin and endocrine ailments, lesions of the musculoskeletal system. Since the times of the Soviet Union, many health resorts have glorified Lake Issyk-Kul. The sanatoriums, where mud, galvanic and radon baths are practiced, are mainly located on the northern coast. These are Dordoi Ak-Zhol in Koshkol, Solnyshko and Vityaz in Chok-Tal, the Altyn-Kum boarding house in Chon-Sary-Oy. In the village of Sary-Oy there are children's health resorts and camps.


About 80 rivers and rivulets flow into Lake Issyk-Kul, but none of them carries water from this closed water area. As a result, all minerals and salts are accumulated in depth. The water is not suitable for drinking by humans and animals, but it is surprisingly clean and transparent. On clear days, a keen eye can see from the side of a boat the ruins of an ancient civilization resting on the bottom. According to the research of the archaeological expedition that worked here in 2006, it existed two and a half thousand years ago. The purity of the water and its mineralization have created excellent conditions for certain types of fish. A dozen of endemic varieties are found here: chebak, marinka, osman and others. In the old days, one could enjoy a very tasty chebachk fish. But recently such voracious predators as rainbow, Sevan and Amu Darya trout have acclimatized in the lake. Therefore, chebachok is a rather rare prey now.

One of the symbols of Kyrgyzstan is the legendary Issyk-Kul Lake. This huge lake, located high in the mountains, has crystal clear water. Its transparent blue surface stretches for many kilometers. Issyk-Kul replaces the sea for all inhabitants of Central Asia. Kyrgyz, Kazakhs, Uzbeks come here.

General information about Issyk-Kul lake

To find out where Lake Issyk-Kul is located, you can use the Google map, which can even determine the coordinates of the reservoir. They are 42. 26. 00 s. sh. 77. 11.00 a.m. e. The length of Lake Issyk-Kul is 182 km, and the width reaches 58-60 km, its area is 6330 square meters. km. The maximum depth of the reservoir reaches 702 meters, its height above sea level is 1608 meters.

Due to the fact that more than 50 rivers flow into the lake, and not a single one comes out of it, a lot of mineral substances are concentrated in it and the water here is salty like in the sea. Salinity in ppm reaches almost 6. In winter, the lake does not freeze due to the great depth and high concentration of mineral salts, the water temperature during this period does not drop below 2-3 degrees Celsius. Only in some places of the bays during particularly cold winters can the water be covered with a crust of ice.

A wide variety of fish are found in the reservoir. In Soviet times, several fish hatcheries operated here, which supported the population of rare and expensive fish varieties: trout, pike perch, bream and many others. But even now fishing attracts numerous tourists to this region.

Leisure and attractions

The reservoir has a unique pristine nature. On its banks, ancient settlements and cities alternate with a rich history and culture, as well as abounding in unusual sights. There are sanatoriums, children's camps, camp sites and various complexes designed for recreation and health restoration.

North coast

Issyk-Kul Lake is famous for its beauty, however, there is still a lot of interesting things in its vicinity. For example, on the northern side there is an unusual Rukh-Ordo complex (spiritual center), the main purpose of which is to prove that God is one. At the entrance to it, 5 almost identical white chapels, museum exhibits, symbolizing the main world religions are immediately striking:

  • Islam;
  • orthodoxy;
  • Buddhism;
  • Catholicism;
  • Judaism.

In the cities known as popular resorts, Cholpon-Ata and Bosteri, located five kilometers from each other, vacationers are provided with all the conditions necessary for good rest and entertainment. For example, in the city of Boster there is a huge Ferris wheel, which allows you to easily see the entire coast of Issyk-Kul. There is also a water park and many different attractions. Cholpon-Ata is famous for its unique museums, numerous restaurants and cafes.

Not far from these cities there are mineral springs equipped with comfortable outdoor pools. There are also beautiful unique gorges, where tourists go in crowds every summer, where they take interesting photos, admire the surrounding landscapes and forever take with them their love for the Issyk-Kul region.

On the northern shore of the lake, the climate for recreation is more favorable, and the swimming season lasts longer than on the opposite southern coast. There are a lot of sanatoriums, as well as private boarding houses and small hotels. The beaches are sandy, sometimes there are pebbles in places, or are completely covered with clean fine sand, so relaxation and swimming in the lake are more convenient here.

In the upcoming season of 2017, Lake Issyk-Kul is waiting for its admirers for a summer vacation. There is no sweltering heat here, as in the Black Sea, but the lake warms up quite well - up to 24 degrees. Water is second only to Baikal in terms of its unique composition, purity and transparency. No wonder this region is called the second Switzerland.

South coast

On the southern side, the natural landscape is richer and striking in diversity, the shores are rocky and inconvenient for swimming, but the water is much cleaner and clearer. There are fewer vacationers, mini-hotels and boarding houses. The most visited places are Tamga and Kaji-Sai. There is a military sanatorium in the village of Tamga.

Few travelers know that on the southern side of the lake there is the Kyrgyz Dead Sea - Salt Lake. So it is called because of the mineral composition of the water. The dimensions of the lake are about three hundred meters wide and five hundred meters long. The bottom is 2-3 meters deep on average. The water is saturated with trace elements.

Plunging into the lake, vacationers experience a feeling of weightlessness, like in the Dead Sea. It is impossible to drown in such water, it literally pushes you to the surface. The properties of the water of the Salt Lake are in no way inferior to the healing water of the Dead Sea in Israel. Here you can improve your health in just a few days.

The southern side of the lake is famous for its beautiful landscapes. The most beautiful gorge is located here, not only on the Issyk-Kul coast, but also in the whole of Central Asia. It is called the Fairy Valley. Wind and water have created truly amazing and unusual landscapes here, the description of which is impossible with simple human words. These are one of the most ancient mountains of Kyrgyzstan, which have been forming for thousands of years. The mountain folds are like pictures of whimsical castles built of white clay. The shells found remind us that there was once an ancient sea here.

The southern shore of Lake Issyk-Kul is more suitable for those who know how to appreciate the beauty of pristine nature. There are almost no sandy beaches, in most cases these are small pebbles, turning into large boulders. But the southern coast is very picturesque, the very nature of Issyk-Kul has become its main attraction. Here you can take wonderful photos that will keep the memory of an amazing adventure for a long time.

Secrets and history of Issyk-Kul lake

The waters of Issyk-Kul are fraught with many unsolved mysteries. For many centuries and millennia, the surface of the lake has repeatedly subsided and then rose again. When once again Lake Issyk-Kul went out of its borders, its waters were absorbed on its way by all the cities and settlements that were located in its vicinity. So at the bottom there were many villages of ancient people. And in them, researchers discover household items that belong not only to different periods of time, but also to different cultures.

Historians explain this by the fact that trade caravans passed through this place in ancient times and in the Middle Ages. Due to the fact that the Silk Road ran there, at the bottom of the lake and in its vicinity, during archaeological research, there are signs of almost all of humanity. In total, at the bottom of Issyk-Kul, there are up to a hundred local objects, large and small, that can be identified as a settlement.

Lake legend

Kyrgyzstan keeps many legends about the amazing and wonderful Issyk-Kul Lake. Here is one of them that explains the origin of the reservoir. A long time ago, on the very place where the waves of Lake Issyk-Kul are splashing, there was a huge beautiful city with magnificent palaces and numerous streets and houses where ordinary people huddled. But suddenly the earth began to emit tremors, and an earthquake of unprecedented strength began, which did not spare either people or buildings. Everything was destroyed, and the earth itself sank, and in this place a depression was formed, which was filled with water. So a deep lake appeared on the site of the city.

Several girls from this city early in the morning, shortly before the earthquake, went high into the mountains for brushwood, and only therefore survived. They began to mourn their dead relatives and friends, who were buried at the bottom of the lake. Every day they came to the shore and shed hot tears there, which flowed in streams into the Issyk-Kul Lake. There were so many of them that the water in it became as bitter and salty as the tears of girls.

Lake Verkhneye, located in the Grigorievsky Gorge, about 30 kilometers north of Lake Issyk-Kul and the Kyrgyz city of Cholpon-Atay, is one of the three high-mountainous lakes in the gorge.

Lake Superior is considered the most beautiful lake and the largest among the three lakes located in the gorge - Lower, Middle and Upper. Directly behind Lake Verkhny, at an altitude of about 3500 meters, beautiful views of the forests open up, turning into alpine meadows. You can get to it only on foot, having overcome about 27 kilometers along the gorge, and then ascended from an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level to an altitude of 3200 meters.

Boom gorge

Boo "Mskoye Uzhche" league is located 112 km from the city of Bishkek and is located in the middle reaches of the Chu River, separating the ridges of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too and Kungei Ala-Too. The length of the gorge is about 30 kilometers. Boom Gorge is a kind of visiting card on the way to Issyk-Kul Lake. A railway line, built in 1948, connecting Bishkek and Balykchi passes through the Boom Gorge.

The first Boom Gorge, in 1850, was crossed by the Russian explorer and traveler of the 19th century, Semyonov Pyotr. After that it got its name - Boom, which means "Evil Spirit". Semyon wrote the following about him in his notes: "This gorge is a deadly and dangerous trap. We made our way with difficulty." At the entrance to the Boom Gorge, there is a source - a local landmark, which serves as a stopover for travelers before a difficult climb. The gorge itself is a truly breathtaking sight. Nature plays in it with all the colors of the rainbow. The bright, flashy colors of the mountains, extending into the endless blue sky from one side. And on the other hand, the whole power of the Chu river flow, the gentle forms of which gradually pass into the canyon. Coniferous greenery envelops the motley orange smooth surface of the majestic mountains.

On the way, you can see statues of deer, leopards, golden eagles. Also, you can often see here and wild birds - for example, a hawk, rapidly overtaking prey. The Boom Gorge has become very popular among fans of rafting. Various cafes along the way will give you the opportunity to take a pleasant break from the road.

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Grigorievskoe gorge

Grigorievskoe gorge (Chon Ak-Suu gorge) is located 60 km from the center of the coast of the city of Cholpon-Ata. It is one of the most picturesque and beautiful places in Issyk-Kul. The valley of the gorge stretches along the Kungei Ala-Too ridge and runs parallel to the coastline of the small Issyk-Kul lake. A crystal clear deep river flows along the bottom of Chon Ak-Suu. The most beautiful Tien Shan spruces in the world grow here. The mountain slopes of the Grigorievsky Gorge are covered with bright red mountain poppies, spreading along the valley with a magnificent carpet. Here tourists will be able to admire the unique pristine nature, over which neither time nor people can control.

In Chon Ak-Suu there are three high-mountainous lakes, behind which the forests turn into magnificent alpine meadows. Tourists are offered many activities here, the most popular of which are horseback riding and wonderful hiking. Also in the Grigorievskoe gorge you can drink kumis - a national healing drink, listen to amazing folk music and take an active part in the installation of a yurt. This place is perfect for outdoor activities with family and friends.

On the northern shore of Lake Issyk-Kul, 40 km from the Cholpon-Ata resort, there is the Semenov Gorge - one of the most beautiful places in the Issyk-Kul region. Its length is about 35 km. Ak-Suu, a turbulent mountain river with clear glacial water, flows along the bottom of the gorge, and the majestic Tien Shan spruces rise on its slopes. In summer and spring, the local clean air is filled with aromas of alpine herbs.

The Semyonov Gorge is one of the main attractions of Kyrgyzstan; it is one of the must-see excursions for those who rest on Issyk-Kul. In summer, yurts are often installed here, where everyone can taste delicious dishes of the Kyrgyz national cuisine - kumis and beshbarmak. For lovers of outdoor activities, horseback riding along the gorge is organized here.

At present, the abandoned health center "Chernobyltsy" is located in the Semenovsky Gorge. Sometimes athletes who come to Kyrgyzstan for training camps stop here for several days to train and live in more harsh conditions (thin air and mountainous terrain).

Issyk-Kul lake

Lake Issyk-Kul is the largest lake in Kyrgyzstan and one of the deepest lakes in the world. Issyk-Kul is located in the north-east of the country, between the Tien Shan mountain ranges, at an altitude of 1609 meters above sea level.

The name "Issyk-Kul" in translation from Kyrgyz means "hot lake". The lake is so nicknamed due to its properties not to freeze even in the most severe winters. The water here is brackish, and over the summer, the water column accumulates enough heat to prevent ice formation.

The size of the lake is impressive - its total area is 6236 square kilometers, and the depth in some places exceeds 700 meters. In terms of transparency and purity of water, Issyk-Kul ranks second in the world after Lake Baikal.

In addition, Lake Issyk-Kul is the main tourist attraction in Kyrgyzstan. Transparent water, the purest mountain air, picturesque views and a huge number of undeveloped places attract many eco-tourists and other lovers of relaxation in the bosom of nature here.


Dead Lake Kara-Kul is located on the southern coast of Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan. It was discovered by accident in 2001. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the salinity of the water is 132 grams per liter of water, which is more than 70%. The lake is located at an altitude of 1604 meters and is a very popular “healing tour”.

Here you can just relax lying on the water and reading a newspaper. Due to the high concentration of salt in the Kara-Kul Lake, it is impossible to drown. The composition of the local water contributes to the treatment of skin and gynecological diseases, as well as problems of the musculoskeletal system. On the shores of the lake, you can find therapeutic mud, with the help of which it rejuvenates the skin and maintains the tone of the body.

The road to the dead lake is rather winding and unpaved, passing through a wonderful grand canyon. Its length is approximately 13 kilometers. If you climb the highest point connecting the dead lake and Lake Issyk-Kul, you will see a wonderful landscape of the area that resembles a huge volcano crater. By visiting this place, you can not only improve your health, but also get a lot of pleasant impressions.

Mountain plateau Kumtor

The Kumtor mountain plateau is located between the Tien Shan ridges, 90 kilometers from the Issyk-Kul Lake. The plateau is surrounded by snowy peaks about 7000 meters above sea level, and due to the melting of glaciers, there are many streams and lakes throughout the Kumtor area. The climate here is quite changeable: it may rain or suddenly snow and even hail, while on the shores of Issyk-Kul there is a heat of 30 degrees.

Tourists on Kumtor are offered to go horseback riding or fish in streams for osman - a fish that lives in the highlands. And also in clear weather you can watch with binoculars the Marco Polo sheep grazing in the mountain meadows.

Jety-Oguz gorge

Jety-Oguz is the name of a number of natural tourist sites. First of all, it is an amazingly beautiful rock ensemble on the shore of Issyk-Kul.

The literal translation of the name from the Kyrgyz language means “seven bulls”. However, the softness of the rocks and the erosive effects of winds have led to the fact that there are more than seven large conglomerates. Now it is already ten, and according to some eyewitnesses, even eleven "bulls".

The rocks are especially beautiful on sunny days. Red stones directly burn against the background of the surrounding greenery - it is here that the Tien Shan spruces grow sometimes more than sixty meters high. Most of the trees are over a hundred years old.

The entire Jet-Oguz canyon is often referred to under the same name. The gorge starts 28 kilometers west of the city of Karakol as a beautiful green alpine valley and ends with a high-mountain plateau.

The most popular attractions in Issyk-Kul with descriptions and photos for every taste. Choose the best places to visit the famous places of Issyk-Kul on our website.

More sights of Issyk-Kul

Returning from the hike, on the same day we went to Lake Issyk-Kul. Here we spent a few more days, relaxing and swimming.

Back in Bishkek, the hostess of the guest house where we stayed advised us to her acquaintances in Cholpon-Ata that they would be able to receive us.

The family Viktor and Svetlana Kadyrov turned out to be very hospitable.
They are not involved in the hotel business, but they often host guests and acquaintances, so it was not difficult for them to host a group of 10 people.

2. The tent in the yard is not ours, we lived in houses :)

Viktor Vagapovich - director of the local publishing house "Raritet". He himself writes novels, short stories and essays, as well as studies local history and archeology, instilling in people an interest in these beautiful historical places.

3. As he later told us, these shards were found at the site of a settlement of ancient people, once flooded by the waters of Issyk-Kul.

4. "But where is the photo of Lake Issyk-Kul?" - you ask. Well, I won't drag it out for long.

Frankly, this is a real sea, in any case, the impression is created just like that. The opposite bank is not visible, the color of the water is appropriate, and even a little salty.

If, but still it looks more like a lake, then here we are dealing with a lake that looks more like the sea.



7. Fatigued after the hike, but with a sense of a job well done, on a well-deserved rest.

8. The water is warm, you can swim in it for a long time.

A little later, on our way back, we walked a little along the beach.
- Where are you from? They are somehow not dressed for the beach, - the workers of the boat station asked us with interest.
I, like most of my comrades, did not take any shorts, white T-shirts, or flip-flops with me on a hike, so now we wore what to wear, some in hiking pants rolled up to the knee, some in trekking boots.
We told our interlocutors that we had a hike in the mountains. True, the places that we named, apparently, they did not talk about anything, since during our story they several times turned from the shore of Issyk-Kul towards the mountains and asked - "did they come from there?"


10. Locals, especially children, love to be photographed.

11. The city of Cholpon-Ata itself from the coast looks like this:

12. There are not many attractions of interest. We could look into the Historical and Cultural Museum of the Reserve, see the rock paintings - petroglyphs, but we did not get there. But, looking ahead, I will say that we did look at the petroglyphs.


14. Bishkek Petroleum, what did you think?


16. In the evening of the same day, the heat subsided a little. The lake is warm and pleasant, a light breeze is blowing. Beauty!

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