Home Vegetables Atopic dermatitis on the chin in adults treatment. Symptoms and treatment of dermatitis localized around the mouth. Key manifestations are

Atopic dermatitis on the chin in adults treatment. Symptoms and treatment of dermatitis localized around the mouth. Key manifestations are

Rashes in the mouth that are inflammatory in nature are often referred to as perioral dermatitis. The disease proceeds for a long time and is fraught with relapses, so it is important to recognize the disease in time and begin the correct treatment.

Rosacea-like dermatitis is common in women

In medical practice, this disease is called oral, perioral or rosacea-like dermatitis. This skin disease is characterized by a long course and is often diagnosed in women. It is the female population that often uses cosmetics. Often such rashes are observed in children, and in some cases in men.

Medications and cosmetics with corticosteroids, which destroy natural collagen and elastin, and also affect the vascular system, can provoke the development of the disease. As a result, erythema, microcracks on the skin, and vascular networks appear.

How to recognize the disease

With perioral dermatitis on the cheeks, under the nose, on the chin, sometimes on the lips there is reddening of the skin and characteristic rashes in the form of small pimples and papules, which tend to grow and merge into large plaques. In addition to aesthetic unsightliness, dermatitis causes a feeling of discomfort and worsens the quality of life.

You can recognize oral dermatitis by certain symptoms:

  1. Itching, pain and burning of the skin in the mouth, chin and cheeks. The skin turns red, small pimples are visualized, a feeling of tightness appears.
  2. Over time, pimples fill with serous fluid - papules and abscesses form, which merge into large formations.
  3. When the papules are opened, the serous fluid spreads over the skin, forming a crust, which eventually begins to peel off and fall off in small thin scales.
  4. Due to the expansion of capillaries (telangiectasia), a vascular network appears on the skin of the face - rosacea, which is not easy to get rid of.

The disease also has its own peculiarity - a narrow strip of skin (about two millimeters) around the mouth is not affected by a rash and has a healthy color. This is what distinguishes this disease from similar diseases:

  • diffuse neurodermatitis;
  • allergic contact dermatitis;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • rosacea and steroid acne.

Due to a cosmetic defect in the skin of the face, many patients, especially women, girls and boys, are diagnosed with neurotic disorders, which are characterized by isolation, refusal to communicate, conflict and irritability, and in severe forms, people quit their jobs and become hermits. In this case, you need to resort to the help of a good psychologist.

In most patients, along with dermatitis, diseases of the digestive organs, chronic infectious processes in the upper respiratory tract are diagnosed; diseases in gynecology are often detected in women.

If no measures are taken, then dermatitis will progress for several months or years, then fading, then aggravating. Without a staged development, the rash appears rapidly and uncontrollably. By nature, dermatitis can be attributed to monotonous ailments with outbreaks of unpredictable exacerbations. Only in a small proportion of patients the disease can go away on its own.

Itching and redness around the mouth are the main symptoms of the disease.

Causes of the development of oral dermatitis

Dermatitis on the cheeks, chin and around the mouth often develops due to a weakening of the protective barrier of the skin. It is difficult to name a single cause of the problem, but over the years of practice, factors have been identified that have a direct impact on the appearance of inflammation, among which are:

  • natural: high humidity, active sun, wind, frost;
  • a sharp change in climate;
  • decreased immunity;
  • hypersensitivity to allergens;
  • predisposition to allergies;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin of the face;
  • the use of cosmetics: nourishing, moisturizing, foundation creams, tonics, lotions, soaps;

Carrying out cosmetic procedures in which the upper layers of the epidermis are injured:

  • chemical and mechanical peelings and scrubs;
  • use of fluoride toothpaste and prophylactic mouthwash;
  • the use of hormonal ointments, inhalations and aerosols based on corticosteroids, which irritate the skin and provoke the development of dermatitis;
  • prolonged use of hormonal drugs, including birth control pills;
  • malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis;
  • damage by fungi and bacteria to hair follicles
  • hormonal and endocrine imbalances.

In newborns up to one month old, the appearance of perioral dermatitis may be associated with hormonal changes in the body. Such dermatitis does not require medical treatment and after a while passes on its own.

Often rashes in children appear in windy and frosty weather, especially if there is excessive salivation.

Often, oral dermatitis develops after treatment with glucocorticosteroids. Such compounds disrupt the hormonal balance and have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, therefore, after the abolition of such drugs, the disease develops rapidly.

If the composition of the product used contains the presence of paraffin, petroleum jelly, sodium lauryl sulfate, isopropyl myristate, cinnamon flavors, then the risk of developing perioral dermatitis increases.

According to statistics, oral dermatitis is more often diagnosed in women under 35 years old, the male population and children are less likely to get this disease.

Cosmetics are often the cause of dermatitis

How oral dermatitis develops in children

Manifestations of oral dermatitis in childhood differ from the "adult" rash. Papules vary in color from pale pink to yellowish brown. With abundant rashes, scraping and sowing of papular fluid is recommended - this will help to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

The main causes of the manifestation of the disease in childhood are the use of inhalers, sprays, shampoos and other products that contain hormones and can cause allergic reactions.

Oral dermatitis in children is painless, but sometimes there is a burning sensation of the affected area, which causes concern to the child. The rash can spread to the periorbital area, which will require special care in the treatment.

Children's dermatitis around the mouth is quite easy to treat and does not cause much concern among doctors. But if there is no treatment, then the disease progresses and, in addition to unpleasant sensations, it can leave scars and scars from frequent relapses.

Dermatitis around the mouth during pregnancy

The manifestation of oral dermatitis during pregnancy is usually associated with hormonal changes in the body and a sharp weakening of the immune system. Often the disease develops in the first trimester, which requires special attention, since during this period the woman and the unborn baby are especially vulnerable.

It should be borne in mind that many drugs in this state are not recommended or even prohibited. Therefore, consultations with a dermatologist and a full range of examinations are mandatory.

The rash can be pale pink or purplish red in color and often leaves dark patches behind.

Dermatitis around the mouth often develops in the first trimester

Diagnosis of the disease

In oral dermatitis, a culture test is often ordered to detect rosacea-like dermatitis. When diagnosing, fungi from the genus candida are often found on the skin, which are responsible for the development of candidiasis (thrush) in the oral cavity. But direct agents of infection that provokes oral dermatitis have not yet been identified.

In an acute disease with pronounced external signs, laboratory tests are prescribed to show deviations from the norm:

  1. Sometimes slightly overestimated ESR values ​​are recorded, which indicates an inflammatory process in the body due to chronic infections.
  2. T-lymphocytes and immunoglobulins often show excessive activity, which is a sign of the presence of a concomitant autoimmune process.
  3. Intradermal allergy tests show sensitization (altered susceptibility) to streptococcus and staphylococcus pathogens.
  4. Hormonal changes associated with dysfunction of the adrenal glands. This may be the result of prolonged use of hormonal preparations for external use (ointments, balms, creams).

In washings and scrapings from the skin of the face and hands, a greater number of pathogenic microflora is often detected than in a healthy person. And these figures are overestimated several times.

After deciphering the results of the tests and making the correct diagnosis, the attending physician prescribes the appropriate treatment. But a positive result can only be achieved with systematic therapy aimed at suppressing chronic foci of infection. If only external symptoms are treated, then the disease will soon return and declare itself with renewed vigor.

In parallel with therapeutic measures, it is necessary to restore the normal functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, as well as the work of the gastrointestinal tract. If necessary, medications are prescribed to restore and strengthen the immune system, vitamin and mineral complexes, including folic acid, a standard cocktail of vitamins A, C and group B.

It should be remembered that ultraviolet stimulates the development of the disease and dermatitis can spread throughout the face and even appear on the lips, so treatment involves a ban on the abuse of tanning when taking natural sunbathing or visiting a solarium.

But cryomassage will help to significantly speed up the recovery time.

Prevention will help reduce the risk of developing the disease, namely the timely treatment of infectious and chronic diseases, as well as not using hormone-containing drugs haphazardly and without consulting a doctor. It is important to remember that a correct diagnosis plays an essential role in effective treatment. Therefore, you do not need to delay a visit to the doctor and treat the disease yourself.

Skin diseases are considered a very important problem of modern medicine. It is the epithelium that protects the body from the outside world. It is a barrier between important systems, organs and harmful agents of the environment. Under the influence of external aggression, various dermatological diseases occur.

One of these diseases is oral dermatitis on the face, treatment and reviews, the causes of which we will consider in this article.

Features of the disease

He, oral dermatitis, is a pathological process in which the epidermis is damaged in the form of papular-spotted rashes in such areas of the body:

  • chin;
  • around the mouth;
  • adjacent areas of the face.

According to statistics, the disease is quite rare. It affects only 1% of the population. At risk are the fair sex aged 20-40 years.

The patient feels physical, aesthetic, psychological discomfort due to redness on the skin, growing irritation, small papules covering large areas of the epithelium.

Of the 1 percent of those suffering from oral dermatitis, only 5-7% are children, the remaining 93-95% are women. Children get sick less often for the reason that they do not use cosmetics, hormonal ointments.

The causes of this pathology in children are:

  • the development of pustular lesions of the epithelium, in which parents use hormonal ointments for therapeutic purposes;
  • the presence of an immune imbalance within a growing organism;
  • hormonal changes within the body, in which there are violations of the structure of the dermis, its functioning;
  • the presence of hypovitaminosis, which occurs as a result of a lack of nutrients.

Causes of oral dermatitis

This type of dermatitis occurs most often in women. They intensively use moisturizing, emollient, nourishing creams, drugs, which contain fluorinated corticosteroids. Under their influence, the structure of collagen and elastin fibers is destroyed, and blood vessels are damaged. The result of these processes is the thinning of the epithelium, the formation of erythema, telangiectasia.

On a healthy dermis of each person there are opportunistic pathogens. There are a lot of them, but they are not dangerous. The increased growth of pathogenic flora begins with a decrease in immunity. The inflammatory process on the epidermis begins due to a decrease in its protective functions.

Common causes of oral dermatitis are:

  • hormonal crisis;
  • the use of improperly selected cosmetics;
  • the presence of chronic foci of infection;
  • violations in the functioning of such systems: endocrine;
  • increased sensitivity of the epidermis to the components of the cosmetics used;
  • use of toothpastes (fluoride);
  • decrease in the bactericidal properties of the epithelium;
  • predisposition to allergies;
  • decreased immunity;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In more detail about what oral dermatitis is, the doctor will tell in this video:


The considered type of dermatitis develops gradually. It can be hidden for weeks, months. After this period, erythema (normal redness) appears on the epithelium. Then papules appear, some can reach the size of a millet grain. With the development of the disease, the formed papules form large foci, which are called plaques. New papules form around these plaques.

These processes are accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • dryness of the epithelium;
  • peeling;
  • the formation of crusts;
  • the appearance of a clear border between the lips and the circumlabial affected area.

Rashes, which are the main symptom of this disease, extend to the nasolabial triangle, chin. They are characterized by polymorphism, i.e. are made up of many elements. Papules arising on redness have a whitish tint. Their diameter is approximately 2-3 mm.


To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out bakposev of scrapings, the contents of the rash. These tests are given in order to isolate the microflora from the affected area, to determine the pathogen.

Only a dermatologist can clarify the diagnosis. It is necessary to conduct a differentiated diagnosis to distinguish the disease from such inflammatory processes:

  • diffuse neurodermatitis;
  • steroid, rosacea;

About what and how to treat oral dermatitis on the face and other parts of the body, the next section will tell.



In order for the treatment of this disease to bring a quick, desired effect, it should be carried out in a complex manner. The duration of therapy is 1.5-2 months. It depends on the severity of the disease. Treatment of oral dermatitis involves the following actions:

  1. For the period of exacerbation of the process, you should stop using cosmetics. This event is necessary in order for the epidermis to rest, to acquire a new structure.
  2. You should categorically refuse to use various hormone-containing ointments. If the patient uses such facial products, it is forbidden to abruptly stop using them. This can exacerbate the disease. Reducing the frequency of use of such funds should be done gradually.
  3. It is recommended to use antihistamines ("", "", "L-cet"). They reduce puffiness.
  4. You should follow a diet for oral dermatitis on the face, which consists in proper nutrition. It is necessary to exclude spices, smoked meats, spicy, fried foods. The food should contain a large amount of vitamins. Boiled vegetable food is recommended. It is recommended to limit the use of foods that provoke the development of allergies (mushrooms, carrots, eggs, fish, caviar, soy products).
  5. The use of antibacterial drugs is shown. The most effective drug was "". The duration of therapy with this antibiotic is several weeks.
  6. It is necessary to treat the epithelium with antiseptic solutions ("Dekasan", "Chlorhexidine"). This event is necessary if there is a possibility of secondary infections.
  7. It is necessary to carry out local therapy with ointments, including metronidazole. It is undesirable to use glucocorticoids for local therapy. An exception is the exacerbation of this type of dermatitis with the manifestation of sudden withdrawal syndrome.

It is an integrated approach that guarantees a complete cure for the disease in a short time.

The doctor will tell about ointments and other remedies for oral dermatitis in the video below:


For external use, the following agents are considered effective:

  • cream "Skinoren".
  • milk "Protopic" (for the face use 0.03%, for the body - 0.1%);
  • ointments with metronidazole.

The most effective antibiotics are:

  • "Doxycycline".
  • "Minocycline".
  • "Tetracycline".

To eliminate severe itching, burning, use such antihistamines:

  • "Tsetrin".
  • "Clemastin".

Effective in the treatment of oral dermatitis are also:

  • physiotherapy. It involves an ice massage with liquid nitrogen;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • the use of sedatives (with emotional instability).

Read about the treatment of oral dermatitis on the face and other parts of the body with folk remedies with positive reviews below.

Folk methods

Folk methods, this disease is treated quite successfully. If the dermatitis is severe, medication is mandatory. Using folk recipes as medicines, you should monitor the reaction of the body, the epithelium. If allergic manifestations are found, stop using the product.

In the fight against oral dermatitis, the most effective are such means:

  1. Aloe / Kalanchoe juice.
  2. Infusion of birch buds, which is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. kidneys and a glass of water. They drink this remedy, wipe the lesions with dermatitis.
  3. A strong infusion of such herbs: chamomile, calendula, plantain, string. It is used to wipe the epithelium.
  4. Decoction of oak bark. It is used for compresses, lotions.
  5. Pumpkin pulp with juice.
  6. A solution of baking soda, which is prepared from 1 tsp. soda and a glass of water.
  7. Sea, thermal water is used for frequent irrigation of the dermis.
  8. Ointments prepared on the basis of tar, sulfur.
  9. Propolis (20 gr.) with oil (80 gr.). The mass is dissolved in the oven, used to lubricate the skin.

Now you know how to cure oral dermatitis on the face and other parts of the body, let's talk about the prevention of the disease.


Prevention measures include:

  • prohibition of the use of corticosteroid ointments, creams;
  • dieting;
  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • limiting the use of cosmetics containing allergic components;
  • use of cosmetics with high SPF all year round;
  • limiting the use of fluoride-containing toothpastes.


In cases where the disease becomes aggressive, the following complications may occur:

  • the formation of weeping;
  • irritation of the epithelium.


With this disease, the prognosis is conditionally favorable. This pathology has no effect on the patient's ability to work. This problem has only a purely psychological side.

The video below will tell you how to distinguish oral dermatitis from rosacea:

In this article, we will tell you about oral dermatitis (perioral rash) and the causes of its occurrence. You will find out why such rashes most often appear in women. What drugs can not be used for their treatment. How to eat to control the course of this chronic disease. After reading the information, you will be able to distinguish oral dermatitis from other skin diseases with similar symptoms, this will allow you to play it safe and make sure that the treatment is in the right direction.

What is oral dermatitis?

Oral (perioral, perioral, steroid) dermatitis - Refers to chronic skin diseases. The pathology manifests itself as a red nodular rash around the mouth, which, without treatment, can spread down to the chin and rise up to the wings of the nose. In advanced cases, such rashes can also appear near the eyes on the eyelids.

Most often, perioral rash affects the skin of women aged 16 to 45 years. A little less often, this form of dermatitis disturbs men. This is due to the fact that they do not use decorative cosmetics. Often, oral dermatitis is observed in young children. Let's see what factors usually provoke the appearance of a rash around the mouth in people of different sex and age.

Causes of rashes

There is no exact cause of oral dermatitis. As dermatological practice shows, the skin around the mouth lends itself to characteristic pathological changes in the cases described below.

Hormonal medications

Treatment of the body with drugs (creams, ointments, tablets, nasal drops, inhalation sprays) containing corticosteroid hormones in its composition, in some cases provokes the appearance of oral dermatitis. Here, an example is Fluticasone anti-cold spray, Prednisolone tablets with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, and Sinaflan ointment, which is usually prescribed for herpes.

A red nodular rash around the mouth can appear even as a result of short-term skin contact with a hormonal medicine. Therefore, it must be taken into account that after using the ointment on any part of the body, a small amount of it remains on the fingers. And if you do not wash your hands thoroughly, then accidentally touching your fingers to the skin of your face can provoke dermatitis.

Note! Some people mistake oral dermatitis (OD) caused by corticosteroid drugs for an allergy. They begin to treat the rash with hormonal ointment, as a result, acne disappears, and after a while they return, but with renewed vigor. Therefore, self-medication should never be done.

Cosmetics and cosmetic procedures

Often, oral dermatitis in women is caused by caring and decorative cosmetics (creams, makeup removers, lipstick, powder, etc.). Especially this condition provokes foundation, which clogs the pores of the skin and thereby disrupts the function of its barrier layer. Initially, the skin becomes dry and begins to peel off, then papular rashes appear on it, characteristic of oral dermatitis.

Note. This form of pathology usually affects the skin of theater and film actors, due to the frequent application of makeup on the face.

Cosmetic procedures such as deep chemical or mechanical cleaning of the skin (peeling) can also provoke the appearance of oral dermatitis. This is due to the fact that in the process of cleaning the skin (especially the dry type) receives microtrauma, as a result, irritation and small pimples appear on it.

Important! The danger of fluorides (fluorine ions), which are part of toothpastes, is that when they get on healthy skin, they cause irritation and slight redness, and with a very sensitive type, they can provoke a condition similar to a first-degree burn.

Oral contraceptives

Contraceptives containing hormones can cause a side effect in the form of a perioral rash.

The oral cavity is a place where there are a lot of bacteria, so you should take good care of this area. Jams may also appear at the corners of the mouth.

Therefore, at the first symptoms of the appearance of dermatitis, it is better to stop taking the hormonal drug and go for a consultation with a dermatologist and gynecologist.

What causes rashes in children?

Usually, the appearance of PD in newborns (breastfeeding), pediatricians explain the increased level of hormones in the mother's blood, which accumulated throughout her pregnancy. Such a rash does not require treatment and passes quickly.

Another common cause of rashes around the mouth in a small child is associated with chapping of the skin, which occurs if the baby sucks on a pacifier outside in cold weather. Other factors for the appearance of oral dermatitis in children:

  • Climate change and weather patterns.
  • Weakened immune system.
  • Prolonged exposure to the skin of sunlight.
  • Violation of the intestinal microflora.

In these cases, the symptoms of oral dermatitis in children may disappear as soon as the general health of the body is restored or it adapts to new weather conditions.


The main symptom of the disease is a rash, which has its own peculiarity in this form of dermatitis:

  • Place of localization. The rash appears around the mouth, in most cases the elements of the rash are separated from the lips by a strip of healthy skin. In addition to the perioral zone, the rash can spread down to the chin, up to the nostrils (nasolabial triangle), capture the corners of the lips.
  • Amount of elements. At the beginning of the disease, separate pink papules (pimples) appear on the skin. In the absence of treatment, the disease progresses: papules begin to form simultaneously on all indicated areas of the skin, forming pathological islands.
  • The nature of the rash. A polymorphic (consisting of different elements) perioral rash is another sign that oral dermatitis has arisen on the skin. The rash is: pimples protruding above the surface of the skin, the tops of some are filled with a small amount of clear liquid, others are drying and scaly papules.
  • Pimple size and color. Papules are 2-3 mm in size and have a whitish tint, which is very noticeable, since they are located on red spots that do not have clear contours and appear on the skin in the form of stripes.

If, during oral dermatitis, pustules form on the skin, weeping and noticeable inflammatory changes appear, then this indicates either improper treatment or a too aggressive course of the disease. In this case, you can not do without the help of a specialist.

Note! A maculopapular rash is able to change its shade under the influence of external factors (air temperature). If you look closely at the areas of skin affected by dermatitis at room temperature, you can see a network of dilated capillaries. In the cold, the capillaries constrict, as a result, the inflamed skin turns pale and acquires a healthier shade. But as soon as the patient enters a warm room, the spots again become red-brown.

Differential diagnosis (how to distinguish oral dermatitis)

A simple diagnosis of perioral dermatitis is based on the patient's medical history, the characteristics of the elements of the rash, and the features of its spread over the skin. If the patient's body does not respond to the current treatment, and the dermatologist suspects that the patient has another disease with similar characteristics, then differential diagnosis is prescribed.

The process involves separating PD symptoms from the following inflammatory pathologies:

  1. Seborrheic dermatitis. This form of skin pathology, unlike perioral, is more common in men. The rash is localized not only in the area of ​​the beard, mustache, nasolabial folds, but also on the scalp. Peeling scales are yellow and have a greasy sheen.
  2. Atopic dermatitis. The disease differs from the oral form by pronounced itching, the appearance of a rash not only on the skin of the face, but also on the folds of the limbs. It is difficult to separate the symptoms of both pathologies when a patient develops perioral dermatitis against the background of atopic, due to the use of hormonal ointments in his treatment.
  3. Rosacea (rosacea). This pathology, unlike oral, develops gradually (in the absence of treatment): reddening of the skin - papules (dense red pimples) - pustules with pus - tumor-like abscesses.
  4. Contact allergic dermatitis. It differs from the oral one by severe reddening of the skin and the presence of severe itching in the affected areas.

Note! An accurate diagnosis of a skin disease is a guarantee that the process of recovering a patient after an exacerbation will not last for several years.

Medical treatment

Treatment of oral dermatitis is usually started by eliminating the patient's contact with the means that contributed to the onset of the disease (fluoridated toothpaste, hormonal ointment or cosmetics). And if during the day the perioral rash does not begin to disappear, then the patient is prescribed a local treatment:

  • Antibiotics - help reduce inflammation.
  • Antimicrobials - prevent infection of wounds.
  • Keratolytics - prescribed to exfoliate dead skin cells.
  • Antihistamines - to relieve itching and swelling.

Important! With oral dermatitis, dermatologists do not recommend the use of hormonal ointments. Such drugs during the withdrawal period only worsen the condition of the skin. As a result, PD has to be treated for years.


Usually, with oral dermatitis, in order to stop the progression of the disease, patients are prescribed:

    • Gel / cream "Metronidazole" 0.75% or gel "Erythromycin" 2%. To use: Treat inflamed skin in the morning and evening daily until the rash stops reappearing.

  • Minocycline tablets are an antibiotic of the tetracycline group (prescribed if the pathology has affected the deep structures of the skin or is characterized as extensive). The dosage is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the severity of the disease. The drug is taken until the rash disappears.

Note. During the period of antibiotic treatment, the condition of the affected skin may worsen (it thickens), but after 2-3 weeks after the drug is discontinued, its condition returns to normal.

Antimicrobial and keratolytic drugs

As an antimicrobial agent, patients with oral dermatitis are prescribed benzoyl peroxide gel and lotion (Baziron AS, Baziron Control).

The drug inhibits the growth of pathogens by an oxidation reaction and promotes exfoliation of dead cells.

How to apply:

    • Gel "Baziron AS" 5% and 10% - apply 5% to the skin affected by dermatitis 1 time per day for 2 to 3 weeks. Then start using 10% of the drug until the body is completely healed.
    • Lotion "Baziron Control" - wash the inflamed skin in the morning and evening until the rash disappears.

Result: with regular use of these antimicrobial agents, visible improvements occur 4 weeks after the start of treatment. After that, you can switch to a prophylactic regimen of using a gel or lotion (2-3 times in 7 days).

Note! Do not immediately use the highest concentration of benzoyl peroxide (available in 2.5%, 5% and 10%). This will only cause more skin irritation.

Drugs for complication of demodicosis

In the treatment of oral dermatitis complicated by demodicosis (opportunistic subcutaneous mite), the following are simultaneously used:

    • Sulfur ointment 33% - the course of treatment lasts 20 days, the agent is applied to the diseased skin in the morning and evening after washing with soap.
    • Purified sulfur - take orally 0.5 g 3 times a day for 20 days.


The following drugs can relieve itching, swelling and burning sensation in complicated perioral dermatitis:

  • "Suprastin" - suitable for patients of different ages (adults: 1 tab. 3-4 times a day; children: ½ tab. 2-3 times a day).
  • "Zirtek" (drops, tablets) - recommended for adult patients for the first 2 days, ½ tablet or 10 drops of the drug per day. Then, if the symptoms of oral dermatitis do not subside, the dose of the drug is doubled (i.e. 1 tab. or 20 drops per day).

Important! Antihistamines should be taken no more than 7 days. The exact course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the history of the disease and the age of the patient, the degree of complexity of the disease.

You can get acquainted with the rules of drug treatment of oral dermatitis and learn about possible side effects by watching the following video:

Folk recipes

An oral rash can be cured within 3-4 weeks with folk remedies, making decoctions and infusions from natural ingredients (medicinal herbs, oak bark, aloe juice, propolis, etc.). The main thing is that the home remedy does not cause you an allergy, especially this factor applies to bee products. You can check the body's reaction to the medicine as follows:

  • moisten the swab with the prepared composition (even if it is intended for oral administration) and apply it for 5-10 minutes to the inside of the elbow bend, if during this time a rash, redness appears on the skin, you feel itching or burning, then the medicine is not suitable for you.

Note! It is not necessary to treat complicated oral dermatitis (infectious) only with folk remedies. Without medication, the healing process will stand still.

herbal infusion


  1. Sage.
  2. Calendula.
  3. Plantain.
  4. St. John's wort.
  5. Elecampane.
  6. Chamomile.
  7. Horsetail.

How to cook: take the first 5 ingredients 15 g each, chamomile and horsetail 10 g each (all herbs are sold at the pharmacy). Put the collection in an enameled container, pour 1 liter of boiling water, cover, let the composition brew for 3 hours. Strain the medicine through cheesecloth and pour into a glass bottle.

How to apply: take the composition 3 times a day, 70 ml (after meals), until recovery occurs.

Result: herbal collection includes herbs with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. The first improvement in the condition of the skin can be observed after 5 days.

Ointment from propolis


  1. Propolis - 20 g.
  2. Sunflower oil - 80 ml.

How to cook: put the crushed (after the refrigerator it crumbles easily) propolis into the oil and hold the components in the oven until the propolis dissolves.

How to apply: Apply the cooled ointment to the areas of skin affected by dermatitis 3 times a day.

Result: if the skin disease is not running, then it will be possible to get rid of it within 4 weeks.

Honey linen compress


  1. Flaxseed oil - 2 tbsp.
  2. Natural honey - 2 tbsp.
  3. Onion juice - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: combine all the ingredients and boil them in a steam bath for 2-3 minutes.

How to apply: make a compress of gauze and the prepared composition, hold it on the sore skin for 15 - 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out daily at night until the onset of recovery.

Result: this mixture will speed up the healing of the skin if used as an adjunct to medical treatment.

Question answer

How to exclude the appearance of oral dermatitis?

Since there are many causes of the onset of the disease, and the exact one has not been established, in this case it is best to follow the general rules:

  1. Do not use hormonal ointments unless prescribed by a dermatologist.
  2. Refuse the regular use of heavy cosmetics (foundation, powder).
  3. Moisturize the skin with petroleum jelly, it does not clog pores (you can use pure petroleum jelly, or you can combine 2 tsp with 3 tsp of aloe leaf juice).
  4. Wash your face with mild cosmetics (Dove Gentle Exfoliation Cream Soap).
  5. Sunlight and wind can aggravate perioral dermatitis. Be sure to protect your skin if you will be in the sun for a long time.

How to treat perioral rash during pregnancy?

Treatment of oral dermatitis in pregnant women occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. Avoid cosmetics completely.
  2. Wash your face daily with cool water (wipe with ice cubes).
  3. Use a decoction of celandine or chamomile to wipe the skin (preparation: 1 tbsp of dry grass, steam 0.5 tbsp of boiling water, strain after 15 minutes).
  4. Moisturize your skin with Bepantol Baby Hypoallergenic Baby Cream.
  5. Don't use fluoridated toothpaste.
  6. At night, treat sore skin with zinc ointment. In the second semester of pregnancy, Metrogil is allowed.
  7. Medical supervision is required.

What vitamins should be taken with oral dematitis?

Almost all skin diseases are treated comprehensively. The doctor creates a treatment regimen in which vitamins are necessarily present. Particularly important in PD are the B vitamins, these are pyridoxine, nicotinic acid and riboflavin (they participate in metabolic processes, strengthen the immune system).

Do patients with oral dermatitis need a diet?

Need. Meals should be vegetarian and hypoallergenic. Therefore, eggs, meat products, spicy, fried, smoked, too salty dishes, coffee, chocolate, fresh bread, muffins are excluded from the patient's menu. The diet should contain only dairy, vegetable and cereal products (cereals and soups, crackers), as well as fresh fruits. Low-fat varieties of fish. Herbal tea, plain water, kefir.

Is it possible to permanently get rid of the perioral rash?

As medical practice shows, this form of skin disease is almost never completely cured. The disease can last for decades. Its symptoms completely disappear, then reappear under the influence of external factors (wind, sun, allergy to cosmetics, etc.).

What to remember

  1. With oral dermatitis, the rash appears around the mouth, in the region of the nasolabial triangle, and can spread to the chin.
  2. Pathology has no exact causes of occurrence, so the scheme of its treatment can be individual.
  3. If you have oral dermatitis, then you are better off following a vegetarian diet.
  4. This form of skin disease cannot be treated with hormonal ointments, they first improve the condition of the skin, then the rash appears again, but it becomes more pronounced and does not go away for a long time.
  5. Oral dermatitis can be treated with home remedies, which are best used as an addition to medications that a doctor should prescribe.

Many people know the problem of painful pimples around the mouth. This is called "perioral dermatitis" and is treated with certain drugs. The disease often returns after treatment and affects new areas. The main symptomatology is the appearance of a red rash around the lips, nose or eyes, as well as peeling of the skin. There are many reasons for the appearance of the disease, ranging from reduced immunity to a neurotic disorder. It is important to identify the true cause of the deterioration of the skin condition, this may require the help of several specialists at once. Self-treatment only in isolated cases allows you to cure the disease, but most often you can simply mask the signs.

Why does a rash appear

Scientists have not yet been able to fully study the causes of the onset of the disease, as well as whether it is contagious or not, but there are factors that provoke the appearance of a rash. Women are most often affected by the disease (they may have rashes before menstruation), the elderly and young men under 15 years of age. In women at the age of 30, the disease is diagnosed 12 times more often than in men.

Experts have several versions of why it appears. One of them is an allergic predisposition, and the provoking factor is the frequent use of certain cosmetics. Means based on glucocorticoids and fluorine can negatively affect the health of an allergic person. In addition, the development of pathology is influenced by:

  • long stay in the open sun, as well as frequent visits to the solarium;
  • long-term use of contraceptives;
  • chronic diseases, which include sinusitis, tonsillitis;
  • poor dental health, including deep caries;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • tuberculosis, HIV infection.

Sometimes there is perioral dermatitis during pregnancy, which is difficult to cure due to the position of the woman. The reasons for its appearance are hormonal failure and lack of vitamins. A huge role is played by nutrition, climate and cosmetics for care. Sometimes a deterioration in the condition is observed after a sharp weight loss, the use of low-quality decorative cosmetics or a strict diet. Frequent stressful situations, as well as serious illnesses, cause the development of rashes. Before treating perioral dermatitis, it is necessary to establish the cause of irritation on the body.

With dermatitis on the face, it is possible to take an analysis from the opened vesicles. Sometimes they contain microorganisms of the genus Fusobacterium, which is proof of the presence of an infection. This is diagnosed in patients infected with demodicosis mite or a fungal disease.

How to identify the disease

Specialists distinguish between several types of the disease, each of them has symptoms and a location. This type is characterized by a reddish rash around the mouth, nose, and chin. In children, the disease does not appear so often (only 7% of all reported cases), but it is easy to notice. The skin on the face is quickly covered with small reddish pimples. After treatment, some of them may leave marks or pigmentation.

The manifestation of the disease

Symptoms of the disease are often similar to rosacea, allergies, acne and other skin pathologies. The signs of the disease are:

  • redness of the skin around the mouth, which is aggravated by heat;
  • peeling of the dermis and a change in shade to brown or bluish;
  • pain, itching or burning;
  • the transition of small pimples to the cheeks, nose or forehead;
  • when the nodules rupture, first a clear liquid comes out, and then pus.

Initially, a single rash may appear, then it spreads to healthy areas. Over time, the disease affects large areas, and several small spots merge together. Untimely treatment of perioral dermatitis on the face causes deep tissue damage, which is fraught with pigmentation and irregularities.

Is the disease contagious? The disease can infect healthy people if left untreated. When treating the skin with special ointments, microbes die and the rash becomes safe for others.

Diagnostic methods

To find out what is the cause of the rash and how to treat it, you need to visit a dermatologist and get tested. It is easy to confuse pathology on its own with acne or allergies. A biochemical blood test most often does not show any abnormalities in the body with a skin disease. But it must be taken to identify a concomitant disease. In addition, based on the results, the doctor will draw a conclusion about the general condition of the body and immunity, in the doctor's certificate they note the disease under the code - ICD 10, which includes perioral dermatitis and rosacea.

A mandatory step is to examine the affected area by a dermatologist. If there is not enough material to make a diagnosis, the patient is assigned a histological examination or scraping for bacteriological culture. In both cases, a small amount of epidermal cells or purulent discharge is taken from the skin. Skin diseases are dangerous because another infection can join them, causing dangerous consequences.

How to cure perioral dermatitis correctly

It is possible to cure rashes only with complex therapy. For this, the patient is prescribed the use of drugs for local and internal administration. However, the mild course of the disease, when only a few pimples are visible on the body, can be treated with ointments and creams. In advanced cases, it is recommended to visit other doctors - a gynecologist, an otolaryngologist, an infectious disease specialist and an endocrinologist. This is how it will be possible to identify violations in the body and conduct effective therapy. Treatment of perioral dermatitis on the face is divided into 2 stages: zero and therapeutic. On the first, provoking factors are excluded, and on the second, the therapy itself.

First stage

After identifying the disease, it is important to stop using moisturizing cosmetics or shampoo with glucocorticoids, as well as fluoride-containing toothpaste. Elena Malysheva advises to replace care products with tar soap for the duration of therapy.

Tar soap

After the withdrawal of the usual cosmetics, "withdrawal dermatitis" may occur, which manifests itself in large red spots on the face and severe itching. Many people are afraid of this phenomenon and they try to mask the problem with creams and cosmetics, which is why the treatment of perioral dermatitis on the face takes a long time. A special diet that excludes junk food and, if possible, meat, eggs, citrus fruits, and alcohol will help relieve redness and swelling. It is not recommended to use foundation in case of illness, as it will only aggravate the situation.

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It is possible to reduce itching around the mouth with the help of antihistamines - Suprastin, Zirtek, Loratadin. It is allowed to wipe the skin with chamomile infusion or tea leaves to relieve inflammation and alleviate the condition. Before going outside on sunny days, it is imperative to apply a protective cream on the skin with a protection level of at least 30. Zinc ointment for such an ailment will relieve itching and dry the sores on the body.

It is possible to apply creams, ointments or gels to the skin. For this, funds based on Metronidazole are prescribed, which are used to treat a clean face 2-4 times a day. Protopic skin milk (at a concentration of 0.01 to 0.03%) will help relieve itching and burning, they treat the skin several times a day. For a long time, zinc has been used for treatment, now there are many preparations based on it, for example, Sken-Cap and Qing Dol. Levomekol with dermatitis is allowed to be used if there are no open wounds.

If itching interferes with sleep and causes a nervous condition, the doctor may prescribe sedative drugs - Novo-Passit or valerian extract. It will also be useful to take a course of reflexology or acupuncture. Not always such treatment of perioral dermatitis on the face can bring results. Severe damage requires treatment of the skin with medicines and taking pills inside.

Second phase

After eliminating all irritating factors, antibiotic therapy should be started. The most commonly prescribed patients are Metronidazole, Azithromycin, Doxycycline, Minocycline, Tetracycline or Azelaic acid. The treatment course should last at least 2 months, after which a second examination is required. The treatment regimen for perioral dermatitis is prescribed individually by a doctor, but most often it looks like this:

  1. Metronidazole. It must be used for 1 to 2 months several times a day, but the dosage should not exceed 1 gram per day for adults. The agent is applied to the focus of inflammation, the skin should be dry and clean.
  2. Doxycycline. The active substance quickly penetrates into the cells and destroys the causative agent of the disease. You need to apply 2 times a day, the maximum dosage is 100 mg. The first effect is noticeable within 2 hours after the first dose.
  3. Erythromycin ointment. This tool is one of the safest drugs, they are allowed to treat even children. The drug is applied to the affected areas several times a day and left to dry.

With the help of Metronidazole therapy, it is possible to cure the disease in 60% of patients, and in the rest - to reduce symptoms and remove inflammation. As a rule, there are no side effects, but sometimes there is a white coating on the tongue or an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Metrogyl gel in the disease has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also destroys bacteria. It is necessary to apply only to the affected area, since the components of the drug sometimes cause dryness and a feeling of tightness. It is possible to get rid of peeling with zinc-based talkers or retinoic ointment. Not recommended for use by pregnant women or children.

Perioral dermatitis during pregnancy is due to the restructuring of the woman's body, so it is quite difficult to cure the disease. In addition, expectant mothers are not allowed to use all drugs. In their case, it is necessary to consult not only a dermatologist, but also a doctor who is pregnant.

Dermatitis in children

Perioral dermatitis in a child requires special care. Drugs approved for the treatment of adults at home are not always suitable for small patients. How to treat the disease in children? It is required to choose a dosage so that the medicine benefits, and does not harm the baby.

The manifestation of the disease in children

The reasons for the appearance of a rash near the mouth in children are the same as in an adult. Children are more susceptible to the disease, as their immunity is not yet strong. Sores on the face can appear after a long cold, nervous exhaustion or climate change. In infants, skin lesions are noted after weathering of the skin in winter or autumn. Provoke the disease can hormonal failure, which occurred immediately after birth. It is impossible to accurately identify the causes, so it is better to undergo a full examination and find out which system failed.

Symptoms of the disease are redness around the mouth, then pimples appear, causing itching and burning. Because of this, the child becomes capricious, irritable, may refuse to eat and sleep. With dermatitis on the face in a neglected form, small pimples merge into large spots, become covered with pustules and become bright red. Zinc ointment with a rash will have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Topical steroid preparations should never be used! Such treatment causes only a worsening of the condition in both children and adults. To begin with, it is necessary to ensure that the child does not wet his face with water, and also to cancel the lubrication of the face with creams and brushing the teeth with fluoride-containing paste. The main therapy consists in taking antihistamines (Suprastin or Loratadin), treating the skin with antibacterial ointments and antiseptic solutions (Bepanten, Metrogyl for perioral dermatitis, Chlorhexidine). As antibacterial drugs, Erythromycin or Metronidazole is prescribed in a small dosage. Levomekol with pathology in children will help relieve itching and burning, as well as remove redness. To do this, apply ointment from dermatitis to the affected area and apply a bandage. Additionally, the child is recommended to give vitamins to raise immunity.

Nutrition in illness

A special diet for perioral dermatitis plays an important role in the treatment. It is important to exclude certain foods and make the diet hypoallergenic. You can not with dermatitis on the face the following products:

  • any fish, seafood and fatty meat;
  • oranges, lemons, tangerines;
  • soy products;
  • tea or coffee;
  • mushrooms;
  • pastries and sweets;
  • chicken eggs.

Seasonings should not be added to the diet and it is better to limit salt. It will be useful to eat more vegetables and fruits. It is also recommended to refuse meat broth; during treatment, soup should be cooked in vegetable broth. The ban applies to sweet soda and alcoholic beverages. They should be replaced with fruit drinks, compotes, green tea and clean water. The amount of liquid you drink must be at least 1 liter.

A rash around the lips looks unpleasant and gives a person a lot of discomfort. At the first sign, it is better to consult a doctor and find out what it is. Do not be afraid to visit several doctors at once - a comprehensive examination is sometimes necessary to make a diagnosis. During treatment, it is recommended to review cosmetic products for skin care and diet, following all the doctor's recommendations guarantees a quick recovery. Perioral dermatitis during pregnancy requires care, it is better not to experiment and discuss the problem with a specialist.

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Perioral dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin around the mouth of a chronic nature. The disease does not threaten the patient's life, but leads to the development of serious psychological complexes. Red spots and papules on the face spoil the appearance. The patient tries to avoid social contacts, withdraws into himself. However, treatment started in time can correct an unpleasant situation.

Description of the disease

Among experts, there are disputes about the advisability of isolating perioral dermatitis as a separate type of disease. Many believe that this is a form of seborrheic dermatitis of the face. Inflammation develops in the area around the mouth, so you can often find the following names for the pathological process: "perioral dermatitis", "dermatitis in the nose." Some mistakenly confuse the disease with cheilitis. In the latter case, inflammation develops on the mucous membrane of the mouth and lips, and not in the perioral zone.

Women aged 20–40 years are more susceptible to the disease.

Statistical data indicate that women aged 20 to 40 are more susceptible to perioral dermatitis, but there are also cases of the disease in children and males.


The exact causes of the pathological process are currently unknown. Often, unpleasant symptoms develop in patients after prolonged use of corticosteroids. That is, perioral dermatitis is a consequence of other diseases on the face - acne, rosacea, eczema, etc. A specific pathogen that could cause the disease has not been found to date either.

A local decrease in the protective functions of the skin due to the following factors can also provoke the development of inflammation on the face:

  • weathering;
  • hypothermia;
  • the use of low-quality decorative cosmetics;
  • irritation from fluoride toothpaste, etc.

Toothpaste with fluoride can provoke inflammation

Internal factors can also lead to the appearance of red pustules on the face. Especially often women with hormonal disruptions have to deal with the disease. Pregnancy can provoke perioral dermatitis. Inflammation can also appear in adolescent girls before the first menstruation or in women during menopause.

The following factors can also be attributed to the factors provoking the development of inflammation:

  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • tendency to develop allergic reactions;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • the presence of chronic foci of infection in the body.

Symptoms and signs

The disease may begin with the appearance of a single red pustule on the chin or above the upper lip. After a few days, the number of inflamed elements increases, red pustules merge. Rashes are often accompanied by burning, a feeling of tightness of the skin.

Redness and itching of the skin around the mouth are the main signs of the disease.

Sometimes any discomfort is completely absent, but redness around the mouth significantly spoils the appearance. As a result, the patient develops psychological complexes. Against the background of experiences, sleep is often disturbed, and working capacity decreases.

In the absence of proper therapy, others may appear in place of some papules. The area of ​​inflammation becomes rough, hyperpigmentation can be observed. At the initial stage, a clear liquid is released from the pustules. If a bacterial infection enters the area of ​​​​inflammation, there is a risk of complications. Purulent acne will appear next to the pustules.

Diagnosis of the disease

During the examination, it is quite difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. Perioral dermatitis must be differentiated from seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea, diffuse neurodermatitis, and allergic contact dermatitis. To clarify the disease, the doctor may resort to the following methods:

  1. Dermatoscopy. The specialist examines the inflamed areas of the skin with multiple magnification. The doctor reveals the depth and localization of the inflammatory process.
  2. Bacterial seeding of the contents of papules. The dermatologist finds out which microflora leads to the development of inflammation. Often in the studied material it is possible to identify fungi or mites of the genus Demodex.

A dermatologist can make an accurate diagnosis

Additionally, the doctor should find out when the first rashes appeared, what preceded them. Studying the full picture makes it possible to understand what could provoke the development of papules. Thus, the dermatologist manages to choose the most correct therapy.


Perioral dermatitis requires long-term treatment. Often, after almost complete disposal of areas of inflammation, one has to deal with new pustules. Initially, the patient must stop any drugs containing corticosteroids. In this case, "withdrawal dermatitis" can be observed, when unpleasant symptoms become more pronounced.

A comprehensive approach will help to completely defeat the disease, including the treatment of concomitant diseases, the treatment of rashes on the face, and diet. Physiotherapy techniques help to consolidate a good result.

Treatment of perioral dermatitis can be carried out by a specialist using the following groups of drugs:

  1. Antiseptics. Preparations from this category prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microflora in inflamed areas. Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Sulsena can be used.
  2. Antiprotozoal drugs. Good results are given by external agents based on metronidazole. At the initial stage of the disease, Metrogyl gel may be prescribed. If the expected effect does not occur, Trichopol tablets can be used additionally. Metronidazole ointment also shows good results.
  3. Antibiotics. If pathogenic bacteria are found in the pustules, the patient can be prescribed oral medications such as Doxytskilin, Azithromycin, Sumamed, Erythromycin, etc. Skineron, a gel with antibacterial action, also shows good results.
  4. Preparations that accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis. Such remedies as Methyluracil, Radevit, Retinoic ointment, Bepanten help to restore damaged skin.
  5. Anti-inflammatory ointments. Good results are shown by means based on zinc - Zinc ointment, Tsindol, Skin Cap. Elidel, Yam ointment, Sulfur ointment also relieve inflammation well.
  6. Antihistamines. Preparations from this category are used for severe itching and swelling of the skin. Suprastin, Tavegil can be used.
  7. Vitamins. Aevit will help restore skin health faster.

In severe cases of perioral dermatitis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be used. The drug Nurofen, for example, will help relieve pain and improve the patient's well-being.

Ordinary baby powder will help reduce itching and relieve acute inflammation.

Widely used in the treatment of various skin diseases and homeopathic remedies. To quickly cope with perioral dermatitis, such remedies as Apis, Kantharis, Eubiforum, Graphites will help. The use of any of these drugs should be discussed with your doctor.

To care for damaged skin, high-quality medical cosmetics should be used, you should wash your face with neutral products that do not dry out the epidermis. Cetafil lotion shows good results.

Drug therapy of perioral dermatitis - gallery

Doxycycline is an antibiotic that can be used in the treatment of perioral dermatitis.
Zindol is an effective zinc-based anti-inflammatory drug
Miramistin is used for antiseptic treatment of inflamed areas.
Aevit - a complex of vitamins A and E
Radevit accelerates skin regeneration
Metrogyl gel is an effective anti-inflammatory agent
Suprastin will help relieve swelling and itching


A patient who is undergoing therapy for perioral dermatitis will have to give up many favorite foods. Compliance with a hypoallergenic diet is a condition for the successful treatment of the disease. It is necessary to refuse products that can cause an allergic reaction. This should include:

  • vegetables and fruits with a bright color;
  • chocolate;
  • milk;
  • nuts;
  • citrus;
  • seafood.

Foods high in vitamin A should be eaten more. Thus, it will be possible to accelerate the processes of regeneration of damaged skin. The diet should contain:

  • carrot;
  • chicken liver;
  • potato;
  • butter;
  • spinach;
  • pumpkin;
  • Green pepper.

Thanks to the use of carrots, skin regeneration processes will proceed faster.

Nutrition should be complete and balanced. It is desirable to refuse sweets, too spicy and salty dishes. You will have to exclude carbonated drinks and fast food.

Proper drinking regimen will help speed up the healing process. The daily intake of clean water is calculated based on body weight - 30 ml per 1 kg of weight.


In combination with drug therapy, physical methods of treating dermatitis are widely used. The following methods allow you to achieve good results:

  1. Ice massage. On the inflamed areas, the specialist massages with ice cubes. The procedure helps speed up skin regeneration.
  2. UFO. Thanks to dosed ultraviolet radiation, the protective functions of the skin increase.
  3. Laser therapy. The impact is carried out by weak laser radiation. The procedure has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Physiotherapeutic procedures stimulate local skin immunity, relieve inflammation, and accelerate regeneration processes. The methods described above are contraindicated in the presence of pustular lesions of the epidermis in the affected area.


    In combination with traditional treatment, traditional medicine recipes can give a good result. However, before using any remedy, you should consult a dermatologist.


    The plant is a natural antiseptic. The medicinal decoction will prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. A tablespoon of dried crushed chamomile flowers must be poured with a glass of water, brought to a boil and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. Then the product should be filtered and applied to the treatment of inflamed areas.

    Birch tar

    The remedy purchased at the pharmacy must be rubbed into the area of ​​\u200b\u200binflammation, and washed off after an hour. It is necessary to carry out the procedure once a day. For daily washing, you can use tar soap.


    The plant has an antimicrobial effect, and also helps relieve inflammation. To prepare a medicinal infusion, it is necessary to pour 200 g of dry raw materials with a liter of boiling water and insist under a closed lid for about an hour. Then the infusion should be filtered and applied to the treatment of damaged areas.

    Birch buds

    The plant shows high efficiency in inflammatory processes of the skin, accompanied by itching. A glass of birch buds must be poured with 300 ml of water, brought to a boil and cooked over low heat for another 20 minutes. Then the product must be filtered and applied to the treatment of inflamed areas.

    Folk medicine recipes - photo gallery

    Prognosis of treatment and prevention

    Perioral dermatitis is classified as a chronic disease for a reason. After a complete cure, the rash may appear again. Therefore, the patient should avoid any provoking factors (hypothermia, the use of pastes containing fluorine, the use of low-quality decorative cosmetics, etc.). If the patient has already had to deal with perioral dermatitis once, precautions will have to be observed throughout life to avoid relapses.

    With the refusal of therapy, the inflammatory process will spread. Red papules will appear not only in the area around the mouth, but throughout the face (near the eyes, on the forehead, on the temples, etc.). In addition, a bacterial infection may join, threatening an abscess.

    Preventive measures to avoid the disease include the following:

  • the use of high-quality cosmetics with a good shelf life;
  • the use of corticosteroid ointments strictly according to the doctor's prescription;
  • complete nutrition;
  • timely treatment of any foci of inflammation;
  • healthy sleep;
  • regular walks in the fresh air.

Perioral dermatitis is not contagious. Therefore, there is no need to limit social contacts.

A patient who has already experienced a disease should choose the right skin care products. For washing it is necessary to use hypoallergenic cosmetics. Suitable products will be recommended by a dermatologist.

It is recommended that children and pregnant women undergo therapy for perioral dermatitis during an exacerbation in a hospital setting.

Video: rosacea and perioral dermatitis

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