Home Vegetables Forms of interaction between the library and the school. Internet project "library and school - interdepartmental cooperation - ways of interaction. Children's library and school: resources of interaction

Forms of interaction between the library and the school. Internet project "library and school - interdepartmental cooperation - ways of interaction. Children's library and school: resources of interaction


Slide 1 - Photo

Slide 2 “In the pages of books - decades, moments,

Events, destinies, motley life tribute.

Let the books multiply, live, grow stronger -

Connective tissue for centuries. "

( V. Sikorsky)

    Why is there a need for closer interaction between the librarian and the subject teacher of schoolchildren today?

The problem of the modern school is to instill information literacy in the reader as the most important human skill. A school graduate must be able to obtain information from various sources, process it using logical operations and apply it in various life situations; and an adult reader to own information and bibliographic culture.

Slide 3 The school library is today a necessary link in the educational environment, i.e. and she herself is that material and spiritual environment capable of activating the creative activity of children and adults.

the main task any school library as an information center is to assist students and teachers in the educational process. Without a good library, a school will not be able to fulfill its educational and educational functions at a high level.

The school library provides the information you need to thrive in today's information society, where knowledge is essential.

Slide 4 And the first grader, and the graduate of the school, and the teacher, and the director of the educational institution are involved in a common orbit, whose name is education. It has been proven that cooperation between librarians and teachers contributes to an increase in the level of literacy of students, promotes the development of reading and memorization skills, as well as the development of the ability to use information and communication technologies.

Interaction between the librarian and the student-reader is based on the principles of "co-creation pedagogy", where the library has an active role. This is primarilyindividual work built in the form of a dialogue and extracurricular student life .

Slide 5 - diagram

Slide 6 The library, being an element of the educational environment, is able to activate the creative, intellectual potential of the child, and become an information center at school.

Hence the main purpose of school librariesto contribute to the formation of skills of information culture of students, teachers, parents.

To achieve this goal, schools solve the following tasks :

    Ensuring the diversity of the content of the educational process of the school on the basis of high-quality acquisition of the library fund.

    Purposeful organization and design of the library as a subject-information environment for readers.

    Education of morality, the formation of aesthetic taste through familiarization with the values ​​of national and world culture.

    The return of children to reading, which remains the only reliable means of preserving the institution of culture.

Slide 7 Priority areas of interaction between the school and the library of the educational institution:

Formation of solid foundations of a moral and healthy lifestyle through the organization of extracurricular activities.

Development of the spiritual and physical capabilities of the individual,

Reading formation,

A selection of fiction, scientific and methodological literature,

Continuous monitoring of students' reading interests using reflective technologies.

Development of spiritual - moral and civil-patriotic education of schoolchildren in the library environment.

    Working with gifted children.

    Assistance in teaching students the design and modeling in the field of communication through the organization of active forms of activity;

    the study of the historical experience of organizing communication between people in human communities,

    their role and implications for future generations;

    teaching the manifestation of empathy, creating positive communication situations;

    the formation of analytical and reflective communication skills.

Slide 8 forms of work

Various forms of work are used in school libraries to foster a reading culture for children and adolescents:

    Library lessons;

    book exhibitions;

    literature reviews on the culture of reading;

    theme nights, oral magazines, literary lounges;

    literary contests, quizzes, games; design and research activities.

New information technologies today have rapidly entered the library and information activities.

But the mission of the school library - to attract children to reading - has not changed, but only acquired a new depth and content, received a new potential.

Slide 9 Currently, multimedia resources are used in almost all areas of educational and training activities.

It is necessary to give preferencepresentation, interactive, multimedia forms of information and educational and cultural and leisure areas.

Such interactive forms are used as:

    Electronic presentations of book exhibitions

    Electronic library lessons

    Virtual conferences,

    Oral Journals - Presentations

    Slide - Movies

    Literary living rooms with electronic presentations.

Slide 10 Let's sum up

- What are the active forms of interaction between “teacher and librarian”?

    Provision of the educational process and self-education through information and library services, i.e. providing information, methodological and consulting assistance to employeesschools.

    Librarians and teachers combine theory with practice.

    Librarians teach schoolchildren to evaluate Internet resources, bringing up the desired attitudes together with teachers.

    They jointly teach responsibility in the use of digital resources, based on independent thinking.

    The librarian advises students in their decision-making skills based on self-esteem, whichcomplements but does not replace assessment of students' achievements given by the subject teacher.

- Why do librarian and teacher unite?

    To share the responsibility for the development of the desire for learning in children, the understanding of information, the ability to draw their own conclusions and create new knowledge, shareO learned and recognized with others.

    This collaboration of the school with children's and public libraries leads to joint network innovations in the formation and information literacy and culture of schoolchildren and their parents.

    Students seek information actively and independently, using a variety of sources that present different points of view.

    Promoting the development of schoolchildren's interest in reading through participation in competitions and festivals.

- What is the basis for interaction between the school and the library?

    A unified program of school informatization, approved by the school teachers' council (projects, separate training programs for schoolchildren and teachers, taking into account independent research, consultations).

    Community of like-minded people (school, library, online communities)

    Parental support (through blogs, wikis, etc.).

    Cooperation with public and children's libraries (on the formation of information literacy of parents and schoolchildren).

Slide 11 - proverbs Slide 12 - thanks for your attention

Experience of interaction between children's and school libraries in Russia

The trends in the development of the educational system are fully reflected in the work of libraries, the content of their activities and structural transformations. The educational function began to dominate in the activities of many public libraries, which contributes to the practical convergence of libraries with the educational sphere. Public libraries began to fulfill the function of supporting educational processes at different levels. Firstly, because informational and educational activities are the essential purpose of any library. Second, the public library
in most cases, it turns out to be the only institution capable of realizing such an appointment. This applies primarily to small towns and villages.

New opportunities for the participation of publicly available public libraries in the educational system are opened by the emerging legal framework, which contributes to the creation in the regions of a diverse socio-cultural and educational environment with the participation of libraries as part of this environment. Discussions about the ways of development and interaction of public and educational libraries began in the period of perestroika. As Borchard rightly noted: "Discussions about the goals and objectives of libraries arise when libraries (a country) are in financial crisis."

In preparation for this presentation, I looked through professional periodicals over the years and was convinced of a change in approaches to this problem. If 7-8 years ago we were arguing about who should provide the educational process, service or not class-sets and whether public library specialists should go to schools in general
(is it not a substitution of their functions), today the professional library community has come to the realization that we can solve the problem of information and documentary support for education by combining our efforts, creating a single information space of the territory.

The main goal of my speech is to acquaint the participants of the round table with the experience in Russia of interaction between the libraries of the two departments in information and documentary support of school education. Therefore, the discussion, first of all, will focus on interaction with school libraries of public libraries serving children and youth. What should public libraries and school libraries do in a situation of underfunding, understaffing? What are the ways of coordination and cooperation of libraries of two different departments? Each region, based on the socio-cultural situation, the characteristics of its region, is looking for its own path, building its own models of interaction. Let's consider the most interesting experience of interaction between libraries of two departments in the conditions of the region, city and village.

The initiator and center of such interaction in Murmansk was the Regional Children's and Youth Library, which has an excellent material and technical base.
On her initiative, a law "On the Protection of the Rights of the Child" was adopted in Murmansk, in which
Article 14 states that libraries are the guarantors of children's access to information. The regional law "On Education" has a section on the participation of libraries
in the implementation of this program, both educational and public. For the implementation of the educational function and implementation of interaction on the basis of the Children's Youth Library of Murmansk, its structure has been improved, business reading rooms have been organized, the department of information and documentary support for education, which solves the following tasks:

    combining information resources;

    creation of a new system of comprehensive school services;

    formation of a database and a databank on various media related to the educational process;

    conducting marketing research to study information needs, reader demand (these are requests from schools, gymnasiums, teachers, students).

The department organizes informational, mass and methodological work, publishes numerous textbooks for a number of new educational programs. Informational support of education is carried out simultaneously at the level of DYB and districts. In the regional DYB there is a deputy director for coordination with other institutions. The library's relationship with educational institutions is based on mutually beneficial contractual terms.

To coordinate the work, a regional interdepartmental information and methodological council has been created under the CYL, a regulation has been adopted on the basis of which its activities are carried out. In accordance with the Regulation, DYB specialists annually conduct advanced training courses for school librarians. The painful issue with the funds is partially resolved as follows: a joint order was issued by the Department of Public Education and the Department of Culture on the creation of a single exchange-reserve fund, which makes it possible to redistribute literature quite quickly. This is one way of cooperation - agreements and interagency council, as a method of creating a single information space in the region without reorganizing the network.

Another way was found in Yekaterinburg. There were developed and implemented two large-scale targeted comprehensive programs for the reconstruction of libraries, funded by the city administration to the maximum. It is based on projects. One of them "focusing the business reading environment of students in Yekaterinburg" is aimed at organizing information support for education. The main goal of the project is to unite, that is, to focus at certain points of material and intellectual resources aimed at organizing information support for education. 6 halls for informational support of education were created in the city. Their co-founders were the Department of Education under the regional government, Department of Education
and culture of the administration of Yekaterinburg, Municipal Association of Children's Libraries. The content of the activities of the halls is focused on 4 levels of service:

    individual student service;

    personalized service for teachers;

    service of classrooms in preparation for a specific lesson;

    comprehensive service of specific schools within the framework of the contract.

It was the halls for informational support of education that became the basis for a new model of the organizational structure of the MOB, which was organized in 1997 by merging the Municipal Information Library System and the Municipal Association of Children's Libraries into a single union of libraries.

With the complete preservation of the collectives, the structure of the network was modified.

The network is structured as follows:

    universal libraries serving the adult population;

    universal libraries serving the child population;

    universal libraries for children and adults;

    specialized libraries (business information center, social information center, humanitarian education center, etc.).

Specialization in the "Yekaterinburg version" does not in any way narrow the functions of libraries, but, on the contrary, expands them. The specialized library, working on a universal fund, continues to provide the entire population of the microdistrict with a standard set of services, additionally according to the needs of a certain group of users.

The new model expanded the scope of the project aimed at schoolchildren, making it possible to include in the environment of activity all segments of the population who use the library as an educational tool, that is, in the context of lifelong education.

The protocols of intent and agreements on joint activities signed by the co-founders clearly defined the share of the parties involved in the implementation of the project. The MOB team took responsibility for developing the scientific foundations and organizing the activities of information library centers. In turn, the Department of Education and the Department of Education and Culture finance the technical support of the centers.

This is the second way, providing for the reorganization of the network of public libraries, the creation of specialized libraries, whose activities are aimed at providing information and documentary support to education with the financial participation of education authorities.

There is experience in solving the problem of information support for education in the small town of Ozersk (a closed administrative territory, as a colleague from the regional scientific library of Murmansk told us), a single centralized system of children's and school libraries has been created here. I emphasize, a common system while maintaining both children's and school libraries.

In the Charter of the TsSDSHB, the main functions are defined as follows:

    Formation, storage and provision of temporary use of a fund of documents that most fully meet the educational, spiritual and cultural needs of the younger generation. 30% of the fund in the Central City Children's Library, 70% - in branches, textbooks - in school libraries, which are also branches of the Central City Children's Library. One copy of each textbook is sent to the TsGDB, which maintains the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the TsSDSHB.

    The organization of reference, bibliographic and information services is carried out at the place of residence. Each district has either a school or a children's library, which is part of a single system and has equal opportunities to meet information needs. Comprehensive automation of the subdivisions of the TsSDSHB has made it possible to create an efficient and comfortable service for users. All branches, including school libraries, promptly receive databases and electronic catalogs created at the Central City Children's Library.

Serving teachers is entrusted to a specialized department of pedagogical information, which is part of the structure of the Central City Children's Hospital. The department performs its educational functions within the framework of city educational programs aimed at supporting and stimulating educational and self-educational activities. The material and technical basis of the information and educational environment is made up of 52 computers: 32 are in the Central City Children's Library, 20 in school libraries. Moreover, 18 computers out of 31 located
in TsGDL, available to library users.

The problem of organizing library services for the rural population is one
key in regional library policy. The essence of the problem is that when both school and public (sometimes children and adults) libraries exist in the countryside, the population's information requests to help education, self-education, and leisure are unsatisfactory for a number of well-known reasons.

The local municipal authorities of the Bryansk region saw a solution to the problem
in creating a single library in a small settlement by merging a school
and rural. The purpose of this association was the rational use of funds
for acquisition and maintenance of libraries, improvement of their material and technical base and, accordingly, improvement of service for information requests of the population. The village libraries were merged according to two fundamentally different schemes:

The first scheme is the unification of two libraries on the basis of a school library, the scope of which is primarily outlined by the educational process.

The second scheme is a union on the basis of a rural one. In this case, the main fund,
and educational literature is transferred to rural areas. And its functions, as you know, are much broader - meeting the interests and needs of the entire population. But at the same time, one of the main tasks remains information support and assistance to the educational process. As a result, 38 united libraries were created, 5% were located on the basis of rural libraries, 68% - on the basis of school libraries, the rest in recreation centers and kindergartens. There were undoubtedly advantages. First, rural libraries have improved conditions.
Secondly, the reorganization made it possible to open an additional 4 rural children's libraries and subscribe for each of them 36 of the previously inaccessible children's magazines.
and adolescents, for school teachers an additional 6 titles of scientific and pedagogical journals. Thirdly, the funds of the united library were formed from the funds of the rural
and school libraries, the repertoire of periodicals has significantly expanded.
Fourth, in the library one of the librarians has a special education
(in school libraries, the teacher most often worked as a librarian).

But the reorganization also has its drawbacks. The work schedule of the united library located at the school is drawn up taking into account the educational process. The specifics of the school's work (vacations, summer renovations, quarantines, work in the first half of the day, closed on Sundays) makes it inconvenient for the adult population. In addition, the adult population did not perceive the library at the school as an independent cultural, leisure and information center in the village and demanded a revision of the administration's decision to merge the libraries. In addition, it turned out that the united library does not receive funding for acquisition and subscription, equal to the sum of the two libraries. The second option for the unification of libraries (ie, on the basis of the school) was revised. And there was only one left: the libraries were united on the basis of the rural one, becoming branches of the unified municipal system of libraries in the region.

After working for 3 years in the conditions of reorganized libraries, the following conclusions were drawn:

    in settlements with a population of over 400 people, it is impractical to combine libraries. To ensure the rights of the rural population to free access to information, it is necessary to preserve both the municipal and school libraries;

    in small settlements, unification is possible provided that a school library is created while maintaining the functions, status, work schedule
    and statewide public;

    in large villages and towns, unification is possible when educational and cultural centers are created, when a school, a municipal library, club and other social institutions gather under one roof.

There are no ready-made recipes for solving the problem, there is no model of interaction that could be unconditionally taken as a basis. In each specific case, it is necessary to find an acceptable solution that meets certain conditions.

But it is quite obvious that the interaction of libraries, conditioned by the objective factors of modern development, requires the pooling of resources at the regional and local levels. The need for interagency coordination and cooperation is becoming apparent.

Briefly: she was a delegate to the first congress of children's librarians of the North-West region in July this year. One of the sessions was devoted to the interaction of children's libraries with school ones. Basically, there are contractual partnerships. In many speeches, the alarm sounded that with the introduction of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" these ties could be severed (a conflict on a financial basis is possible), a proposal was made: to recommend the creation of interdepartmental library councils in the and at the municipal level.

Nekrasova Nadezhda Viktorovna,

main. planning librarian
and the development of the Central City Hospital named after D. Ya. Gusarova
Petrozavodsk (Republic of Karelia)

Coordination of the activities of libraries in Petrozavodsk on issues
organization of library services for children and adolescents

MU "Central Library System" of Petrozavodsk consists of 15 libraries: two central (adult
and children's) and 13 branch libraries, libraries serve the children's population of the city, 8 libraries in a mixed type system. There are libraries serving children and youth in almost all micro-districts of the city (about 40 schools are located in the service area), 70% of all readers of the MU "TsBS" are children (about 40,000 readers). Information centers operate in 4 libraries of the MU "CLS".

2 libraries of our library system work in educational institutions: the collection point of the Central City Library at school No. 35 and the children's library-branch No. 20 at school No. 2.
3 libraries have entered into agreements with schools, 3 libraries work under agreements, libraries also enter into agreements and agreements with organizations working with children and youth: with the republican children's maritime center, SPTU No. 4, a forestry school, the Olympus club, with ANO CTR Orientir ". (7 contracts and agreements). This form of cooperation between organizations involved in the education, upbringing and development of children seems to us the most promising, since it allows us to develop a joint plan of activities, determine the responsibilities of the parties, organize and conduct actions, joint events, making the most of each other's opportunities as an equal partner. Coordination of the activities of libraries is vital, it will allow to more effectively solve the problems of libraries serving children and young people. These problems are very serious - insufficient staffing, in our children's libraries there are practically no books by famous modern children's writers, such as Minaev, Sobakin, Kurguzov, Gerasimova. MU "TsBS" subscribes only 48 titles of children's and youth magazines
and 10 newspapers. And the second serious problem is the low material and technical base of our libraries. Thus, today we are not able to fully fulfill the mission of children's libraries - to create an environment for the development of a child through reading, a book and non-traditional types of information carriers that meet his gender, age, socio-cultural and individual characteristics. However, we understand the need to support and develop children's reading, because "a children's library is an ideal place where three main components of a full-fledged development environment - information, culture and communication, intersect, forming a powerful field of influence," as N.V. Bubekina, chief specialist of the Russian State Children's Library. In addition, it is obvious that today it is difficult to develop alone, if we coordinated at least a subscription with the schools of the microdistrict, then our readers would only benefit from this.

As for coordinating the activities of children's and school libraries, the Concept of Library Services for Children in Russia, adopted on November 25, 2002, says: “The main task of a modern children's library is to competently organize aid to the school library, and not just replace it with oneself ..., work behind the pages of a textbook, deepening and expanding the interests and knowledge of students. "

To solve this problem, MU "CBS" organizes and conducts, together with the Center for Education Development, seminars for employees of school libraries and libraries of the library system, seminars. At the seminars, librarians get to know not only
with traditional forms and methods of work: reviews of periodicals, new books, exchange of experience, but also new ways of solving problems are proposed. So, in 2004, the seminar was devoted to the topic of civic education and patriotic education of children.
and adolescents, a very important and serious topic. We invited to the seminar the head of the department for youth affairs of the Administration of Petrozavodsk, SI Nachinova, public organizations involved in civic education, so that the libraries knew about their capabilities and plans and, possibly, would develop joint projects and programs. At this seminar, the Planning and Development Department also spoke about the competition, which was organized in 2004, in the year of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Petrozavodsk - "Feats of fathers through the eyes of young people", at which our young readers presented completely unique works - the Great Patriotic War through the eyes of their grandmothers and grandfathers, many of whom at that time were the same age as they are now. It was decided to continue this competition in 2005 for the 60th anniversary of the Victory and to hold it together with school libraries.

In the Central City Hospital, there is a methodological office, which receives 11 professional journals, a card index of scenario and methodological materials is kept. About 130 librarians from different systems and departments use the documents of the methodological office in their work. Employees of the planning and development department speak at meetings of school librarians, where they acquaint school librarians with promotions, programs, contests, which are organized by the MU "CBS" for children and adolescents. It's Children's Book Week
in 2004, a survey of children was organized on the topic "The Best Book of 2004", where children determined the best books in 9 nominations. Many school libraries took part in the survey, and then in the show "The Best Children's Book".

For 4 years now, the program "Summer Readings" has been successfully operating at the MU "CBS", communication
with school libraries and organizations working with children, is not interrupted even in the summer. Almost all children's libraries work with school camps
and clubs. Libraries also design and deliver traditional library lessons, the most popular topics being periodicals for children and adolescents and acquaintance
with reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library. Also, IBO has developed a program "Information culture of students", but, as emphasized in her speech, MV Bunakova, the program is not yet working properly. Carrying out
such lessons for high school students 6 and 29 schools are one-off. This program is actively working in the branch library number 22, there are more comfortable conditions for users.

Further, I would like to emphasize that despite the fact that the program has been developed, it will not be able to be fully implemented, since there are no computers in any children's library, although the Concept of Library Services for Children says:
"In connection with the informatization of culture and education in the coming years, it is necessary to solve the problems of unification, consistency of the resources of children's libraries, the creation of a single information space of the region, the formation of information culture and the need for lifelong education."

This is a very important task, if we do not solve it in the near future, we will simply lose the young reader, since in the current state of the collections, our libraries are not able to cope with the requests of readers or satisfy them in full.

Zakharova Elena Vladimirovna,

deputy director for work with children

Municipal cultural institution

"Medvezhyegorsk Centralized Library System"

(Medvezhyegorsk, Republic of Karelia)

Department of Education and Libraries Partnership
MUK "Medvezhyegorskaya CLS" in the field of information
ensuring the educational process and upbringing
information culture in children and adolescents

At present, Medvezhyegorskaya CLS has two forms of interaction with educational institutions of the city and the region.

Firstly, since 2001, the libraries of the Central Library System have been working under a partnership agreement with the district Department of Education, the subject of which is information support of the educational process, the upbringing of the information culture of students.

Under the agreement, in particular, the Central Banking System undertakes:

    provide information support to teachers of schools and institutions of additional education, students through the media, lists of literature, newsletters;

    to hold Information Days, exhibitions-views, reviews according to the OBR annual plan;

    to provide information support for the choice of a profession by older students;

    to work on the program "Library and bibliographic knowledge - for schoolchildren."

CBR, in turn, undertakes:

    contribute to the informatization of educational institutions of the city and the region (including school libraries);

    to provide information on the holding of city and district Olympiads for schoolchildren, conferences, research topics for the purpose of advanced information retrieval;

    provide information on alternative, innovative programs
    in educational institutions;

    supervise the work on the program "Library and bibliographic knowledge - for schoolchildren" in the schools of the city and district.

The implementation of the contract is carried out in accordance with the annual joint work plans submitted by January 15 of the next year. During the year, information is exchanged on the implementation of the agreement by the responsible employees of the central regional libraries and CBR.

Another area of ​​activity is methodological partnership with school libraries. During the year, specialists from the Central District and Children's Libraries take part in the work of the methodological association of school libraries in the district.

Since 2001, the Central Regional Children's Library has resumed the practice of holding an annual seminar for regional libraries working with children: school, children, rural. Among others
at the seminars, the problems of the formation and mutual use of information resources, the education of the information culture of children are discussed.

As a result of the interaction:

    The exchange of information between libraries and schools has improved.

    The work on the program "Library and bibliographic knowledge for schoolchildren" has intensified (the ability of children to search for information on their own has increased).

    The needs of children and teachers are better satisfied due to the advanced search for information using electronic resources, MBA, VSO.

    Libraries keep records of refusals for literature. On the basis of the refusals, completing lists are drawn up and sent to the exchange-reserve funds of the Central Library System and republican libraries.

    The advisory and methodological assistance to school libraries has improved.

    Coordination of subscriptions to periodicals locally is carried out (between school, village, children's libraries).



The article tells about the forms and methods of work of BUKOO "Library

them. "Contributing to the development of children and adolescents

interest in book culture

At all times, the activity of children's libraries was unthinkable without close ties with schools, preschool educational institutions and institutions of additional education for children. Our Oryol Regional Children's Library has its own traditions, experience of communicating with readers of different categories: from a baby to his parents, from a student to his teacher. We have established a system of interaction based on joint planning, speeches at teachers 'councils, parent meetings, and teachers' meetings in August.

It is known that a child's need for reading begins to form long before school. Therefore, for several years now we have been practicing inviting preparatory groups of kindergartens to the library. The children like to visit us, they like it when we come to them: after all, such meetings give them something new - children get acquainted with the library, with magazines, with toy books. Traditionally, for kindergarten graduates, we hold a holiday "Good luck with a book!"

For first-graders, a celebration of initiation into readers "Into the wise kingdom - the book state" is organized. Together with the Queen of the Book and the fairytale heroes Malvina and Dunno, the guys travel around the amazing Land of Knowledge, participate in entertaining games, contests, and learn to choose the right books. This is how they become full readers of the library.

"I am a reader - and that's great!" - under this motto we annually dedicate fifth-graders of nearby schools to readers. We conduct educational hours with schoolchildren of different age groups, summer reading championships, meetings with writers, loud readings from books, creative competitions - everything that contributes to the development of children and adolescents' interest in book culture.

Supporting education, our library, together with the school, actively participates in holding days and weeks of knowledge, provides complete information about books under the slogans: "With a book into the world of interesting sciences", "Inquisitive astronomers", "Chemistry around us", "Mathematics is the queen Sciences ". Last year, the Library staff spent the Knowledge Day visiting teachers and students of the Nekrasov boarding school, where they brought colorful book exhibitions, electronic games, and quizzes.

In order to popularize the best examples of world and national fiction in the library, the project "Read and develop!" Librarians do their best to instill interest in the book and develop their creativity. Within the framework of the project, the following were held with students of Lyceum No. 4: discussion of V. Zheleznikov's story "Scarecrow", stories: B. Yekimov "The Night of Healing", V. Bykov "Siblings", N. Klyucharyova "Christmas Tree", a reader's conference on book B Rasputin's "Daughter of Ivan, mother of Ivan" and others.

"Oryol writers in the war and about the war" - this was the name of the school scientific and practical conference dedicated to the anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, which took place in April 2010. It was organized by our library and the Museum of Oryol Writers. High school students from seven Oryol schools, gymnasiums, lyceums - readers of "Prishvinka" - made reports on the life and work of Oryol poets and writers - participants in the war.

This is the fourth school scientific and practical conference since 2008. The first three conferences were devoted to: ("The Way to a Friend"), ("My Favorite Writer"), ("My Pushkin). They also gave reports on the life and work of A. Fet, F. Tyutchev, N. Leskov, I. Bunin and other famous writers-fellow countrymen. Book exhibitions about writers and literary and musical compositions on their work were presented to the attention of the conference participants.

Forms of work such as conferences, discussions are of great importance for the development of reading culture and cognitive activity of children. They contribute to the development of skills to analyze what has been read, express their opinion about it, compare it with the opinions of other readers, and contribute to the study of literary sources.

Within the framework of the author's programs: "Behind the dates - names, behind names - history", "In the Land of literary heroes" in the library in honor of the writers of the anniversary, literary hours, evening portraits were held: "The heart will not forget Russia" (o), "Mysterious - a mocking world "," Familiar and unfamiliar ", etc. These and many other events are held under the motto:" At school, knowledge is obtained, in the library - multiply. "

In order to popularize the books of modern writers, we managed (within the framework of the "Autograph for Memory" project) to organize meetings of Oryol schoolchildren with famous children's writers Tamara Kryukova, Eduard Uspensky, Valery Voskoboinikov, Andrey Usachev, Artur Givargizov, Marina Boroditskaya, Stanislav Vostokov, Vladimir Borisov the chief editor of the publishing house "Pink Giraffe" - Marina Kozlova. These meetings have become real holidays of books, reading, poetry, children's creativity. After them, the demand for books by authors increased significantly.

One of the main areas of work of the school and library is environmental education. Ecology is closely intertwined with such sciences as biology, physics, chemistry, geography. Gaining knowledge at school lessons, the children consolidate them in the library during the Week of the ecological book "Live in Commonwealth with Nature", in the classes of the ecological circle "Lesovichok!", In the course of loud readings and discussions of books by naturalist writers such as M. Prishvin , V. Bianchi, K. Paustovsky, Yu. Dmitriev, I. Akimushkin.

The leading direction of the library's work in recent years has become the development and dissemination of information about the history of the native land. This is especially important, since a course in the study of the history of the native land and literary local history have been introduced in schools. Here our library provides invaluable assistance to the school. It is here that you can find information about local writers and poets, which has been collected bit by bit for decades.

Week "Oryol Book Gathers Friends", meetings with children's writers and poets V. Katanov, A. Frolov, T. Gribanova, literary and local history hours, book presentations ("Tales of the Oryol Province", a new collection of poems and stories by V. M. Katanov " The Shore of Childhood ") is only a small part of the big work on instilling love for the native land.

April 27, 2011 in the library. M. M. Prishvin, the presentation of the guide "Heroes and events of the Great Patriotic War in the names of streets in the city of Orel" took place. The compiler of the collection is the leading methodologist of the library Elena Fomina, her work was awarded the Diploma of the VI Regional Competition of Scientific Works named after I. VN Denis'eva in the nomination "Completed scientific work in the field of library science, bibliography and bibliology." The guide is presented in two forms - printed and electronic. The creators hope that this publication will help schoolchildren get acquainted with the little-known pages of the history of the Oryol region during the Great Patriotic War, and for many it will become the starting point in their research and search work.

On the last day of September, the library hosted a presentation of another new edition - the electronic literary encyclopedia "Oryol Writers to Children", which includes information about the life and work of many Oryol writers, more than sixty biographical sketches in total. Information contains: curriculum vitae, portrait, works of the author for children (or included in children's reading), literature about creativity. The library bibliographers have done a lot of research work. Currently, the project is available to users on a CD-ROM, and the library's nearest plans are to place this information resource on the library's website.

This year, for the first time, a video bridge entitled "We know your city!" between the readers of our library and the Ryazan Regional Children's Library. For about an hour, guys from 6 "B" class of school No. 7 in Ryazan competed on-line with Oryol friends from the creative association "Young local historian" of the Center for Development and Creativity No. 2 of the Zheleznodorozhny District of Oryol in knowing each other's cities. It turned out that both sides have a wonderful knowledge of the history, geography, sights and famous people of the cities. The participants of the video bridge received commemorative prizes, which the libraries exchanged by mail.

The library, together with schools, is actively working on the aesthetic education of young readers, on attracting children to reading literature on art. In the aesthetic sector, master classes in drawing techniques are taught by teachers of the art school, art school. Lessons, literary and musical evenings, holidays dedicated to P. Tchaikovsky, V. Mozart, etc. are organized with music teachers.

Art exhibitions open monthly. They show the works of our readers, students of the Oryol children's school of fine arts and folk crafts. Art exhibitions, master classes are a favorite form of communication for readers, because they allow children to learn the world of art not only through reading books and magazines, but also through their own creativity, and meeting a talented person and an interesting interlocutor helps the child to become better and awakens in him sense of beauty .

Together with teachers who teach life safety lessons for schoolchildren, cognitive hours "In the world of road signs", meetings with employees of the fire departments of the city of Orel "Dedicated to the knights of fire ...", meetings with employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Oryol region are held.

Much work is being done to help schoolchildren study civic studies. Each section of the subject is reflected in the activities of the library. Etiquette class gives lessons in morality, culture of communication. For the section of the subject “Healthy lifestyle”, the program “Be healthy!” Has been implemented for two years, aimed at developing a responsible attitude to health. Within the framework of the program, games, loud readings "To the Planet of Health", a game-journey based on the book by V. Korostylev "Queen Toothbrush", discussion of M. Bulgakov's story "Morphine", etc. are held.

To help schoolchildren study legal issues in the library, a Legal Information Center has been created, the program "Climbing the Steps of Law" is running, book exhibitions are being arranged, conversations and book reviews are held. . For two years now, our library, together with the Education Department of Orel and the territorial department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia in the Oryol Region, has been carrying out a patriotic action “I am a citizen of Russia”: passports are handed out to the most active high school readers within the walls of the library.

During 2010, service departments carried out the "Read books about the Great Patriotic War" campaign. The action included reading books, writing reviews, essays, abstracts, essays, electronic presentations. The best works were awarded with prizes and placed at the exhibition "We have no right to forget them." Students of Lyceum No. 4 and the regional boarding school took an active part in the action.

An unconventional exposition entitled "The War As It Was" aroused great interest among children and adults. The exposition attracted readers with its unusual sections. The first was a schematic map showing the main battles of the Great Patriotic War, surrounded by historical books. The second section of the exhibition aroused particular interest among children, because books and exhibits - helmets, machine guns, bowlers from the times of the Great Patriotic War - were placed in a military camping tent. The third section of the exhibition was presented in the form of an electronic presentation and introduced the children to the books written by front-line writers during the war.

The information and bibliographic department of our library has developed the program "Information culture of a schoolchild". For several years now we have been closely cooperating with the library of Lyceum No. 4, we organize classes on the education of information culture. For younger students in the library there is a circle "Golden Key".

In order to promote children's reading, children's books, our library is constantly looking for new forms of work. In 2009, we initiated the action "Library landing" Prishvinka visiting children of a rural school ", the purpose of which is to tell rural children and teachers about new children's books, about modern writers, about anniversaries, to acquaint them with the most important children's library in the region. We have already visited many rural schools in the Oryol region. The new form of work turned out to be interesting, relevant and in demand.

During the summer holidays of 2010, another campaign was launched to attract children to reading, and our "library troopers" went to children's health camps. The action allowed many schoolchildren of the Oryol region to plunge into the atmosphere of reading and pleasant pastime. We visited the resting children of the health camps "Orlovchanka", "Dream" and "Veterok".

In general, the employees of the children's library are focused on helping children to consolidate school programs, not repeating what they learned at school, but supplementing the lessons with informative literature and interesting activities.

Days of information, days of a new book, days of periodicals, we spend for teachers. All categories of teachers need regular information on educational topics, new publications, and the best children's books.

In 2008, our library hosted the first literary and pedagogical Prishvinsky readings with the active support of the Oryol Institute for the Improvement of Teachers and the Museum of Oryol Writers. In February 2010, the second literary and pedagogical Prishvinsky readings were held. Their goal is to discuss the problems associated with the study of the Russian language and literature at school; analyze the accumulated practical experience in working with children in the study of creativity and other Oryol writers. The library also hosted a meeting of the pedagogical section "Teacher's work and creativity". The section was attended by teachers of the Russian language and literature of schools of the region, librarians.

It is traditional for the regional children's library to participate in the August meetings of teachers. We acquaint teachers with the reference apparatus, electronic resources and databases of our library; our electronic editions, with bibliographic manuals, periodicals and new books.

"Proud Name - Teacher" - this is the name of the program, according to which our library worked in the Year of the Teacher. For subject teachers, class teachers, counselors, we organize book exhibitions "Who generously gives knowledge and light", prepare literature reviews: "An hour of a book for teachers", "School of creative growth: from the experience of teachers" (through the pages of periodicals), "A kaleidoscope of extracurricular activities, or For those who work with children."

The main task of a children's library and school is to teach children to independently search for the necessary information, methods of thinking it over, self-processing, to help readers select the best from the vast sea of ​​printed and electronic products. Indeed, for all the importance of electronic media, it is reading that develops a person in many ways, and not only informs and entertains, helps to educate a creative personality, forms the moral and creative potential of a child.

Library and school: facets of interaction

Ah, school

"What is school for you?" - you ask with a smile.

“My home,” I will answer, “is both the first and the second.

My family - there will be no mistake here:

Everything gets mixed up at times. "

Again the bell, again my lessons,

At recess - noise and tightness.

As usual: plans, tests, deadlines,

Journal, notes, deuces, vanity ...

Ah, school, school, who at least once tied

Personal life with your destiny

He will stay with you forever

He will forever be captivated by you.

Ah, school, school! You are my Love

And the first, and maybe the last ...

The time will come - let's part with you,

My educational secondary.

In accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On holding the Year of the Teacher in the Russian Federation" dated March 10, 2009, 2010 D. Medvedev was declared the Year of the Teacher.

"I support the proposal of the educational community to declare 2010 in the Russian Federation the Year of the Teacher," Medvedev said, speaking on Wednesday with his annual Address to the Federal Assembly.

In the Year of the Teacher in the Omsk Region, the efforts of the authorities and society will be aimed at increasing the prestige of the teaching profession and supporting teachers.

In 2010, the region will pay much attention to the modernization of the education sector, taking into account the training and retraining of qualified teaching staff. This is one of the important areas.

The quality of education should be such that a graduate of the Omsk school is competitive and can enter any university in the country.

Dozens of municipal and regional events for teachers will be held throughout the year. Galleries of portraits of the best representatives of the profession will be opened, a meeting of pedagogical dynasties will be held, and departmental and state awards will be presented.

In the year, the head of government, together with the professional community, discussed the basic parameters of the modernization of the school, where the main result was the National Educational Initiative "Our New School".

The President highlighted five key components of this initiative:

First, already at school, children should have the opportunity to reveal their capabilities, prepare for life in a high-tech, competitive world. The updated content of education must correspond to this task.

Second, simultaneously with the implementation of general education standards, an extensive system of search and support for talented children, as well as their support during the entire period of personality formation, should be built. It is from them that in the future new, world-famous Russian designers, scientists, and cultural workers will grow up.

Third, the key role in the school belongs to the teacher, and we need to develop a system of moral and material incentives to keep the best teachers in schools and to constantly improve their qualifications.

Fourth, the very appearance of schools, both in form and in content, must change significantly. It will be possible to get a real return if studying at school is both exciting and interesting if it becomes the center of not only compulsory education, but also self-study, creativity and sports. A child should be comfortable at school, both psychologically and physically.

Fifth, it is during the school period that a person's health is formed for the rest of his life. Today's statistics on the deterioration of the health of schoolchildren are simply appalling. Much, of course, depends on the living conditions in the family, on the parents. But you cannot endlessly nod only in their direction. Children spend at school a significant part of the day and teachers should also take care of their health. We need to get away from the average approach. An individual approach should be applied to each student, minimizing health risks in the learning process. Moreover, there are also many questions in society about overloaded training programs.

It is common knowledge that a high quality of education today is a high quality of life tomorrow. These are the realities of the present time.

Every year on September 1st, a school bell heralds the start of a new school year.

And this means that not only schools are starting a new creative season, the library is invariably joining the schools. Libraries and schools, in fact, fulfill the same mission - they open a window to the world of knowledge and information for young Murom residents, create conditions for spiritual development, education and self-education.

Only by combining the efforts of all interested organizations, positive results can be achieved. This truth has been verified by many years of experience in joint activities, where teachers and librarians are actively involved in organizing activities for children. Whether it is significant Actions for the prevention of drug addiction and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, or evenings of meetings with the best people in our area, or organizing summer vacations for children.

It has become a good tradition: before the start of the school year, to coordinate joint plans of activities, to outline prospects, to develop new projects aimed at improving the quality of services for children.

In recent years, teachers and librarians have often used the opportunity to bring children to the library, where there are great opportunities for children to receive various information.

Libraries have a wide range of opportunities for active participation in the upbringing and education process: from information assistance to teachers in preparing for lessons and holding various public events, to organizing interest clubs at libraries, as well as the possibility of the Internet and the Center for Legal and Municipal Information ".

It should be noted that the library staff employs professionals in their field, people deeply devoted to their profession, capable of instilling in a child not only a love of books, but also a desire to live according to the principles of kindness and mercy.

The young reader and helping him is the main task for library workers and school teachers. Librarians and teachers work together on the formation of an information culture, the ability to read literature to obtain the necessary and reliable information, instill search skills and its assessment, and the ability to use the information found for self-education and creativity.

Dear school teachers and teachers of additional education institutions!

To improve the quality and quality of the work of both the teacher and the librarian, we made a choice of the most interesting materials for the preparation of extracurricular activities, class hours, graduation parties, various conversations on the work of writers, prominent figures of culture and science, etc.

1. To help professional activities

Oleinik L. We erase the Russian language [Text] / L. Oleink // Scripts and repertoire. - 2007. - Issue 10. - S. 42-51.

Lesson for senior school age.

Zinatulina N. Information Bridge: Library to Education [Text] / N. Zinatulina // Library. - 2008. - No. 12. - S. 40-42.

Interaction between school and library.

Lekometsv D.G. The Earth is our common home [Text] / D.G. Lekomtsev // Reading, learning, playing. - 2010. - No. 1. - S. 108-112.

Material for conducting geography lessons.

Krasilnikov V.D. Space Odyssey [Text] / V.D. Krasilnikov // Reading, learning, playing. - 2010. - No. 1. - S. 20-28.

Travel to the world of physics, astronomy and astronautics.

Buzuleva L. "Landing" to remote schools [Text] / L. Buzuleva // Library. - 2008. - No. 1. - S. 40-41.

Experience of visits by librarians to distant schools in the district.

Fomina L. Reading development as a pedagogical task [Text] / L. Fomina // Library. - 2009. - No. 7. - S.36-39.

Pushkova S. Teacher, educate a student [Text] / S. Pushkova // library. - 2008. - No. 12. - S. 27-29.

The role of the school library in the education of schoolchildren.

T.I. Bonashevskaya Fairy tales from the sheep about the right words [Text] / T.I. Bonashevskaya, O. V. Shugan // Leisure at school. - 2007. - No. 9. - P.3-10.

Theatrical poetic representation of parts of speech.

Durova N.V. The use of "colored" paraphrases in primary school [Text] / N.V. Durova // Leisure at school. - 2007. - No. 9. - S. 10-12.

Chugunova N.P. In the world of phraseological units [Text] / N.P. Chugunova // Leisure at school. - 2007. - No. 9. - pp. 12-15.

Meaning, origin and use in speech.

Akhmetova N.V. Pythagoras on numbers [Text] / N.V. Akhmetova // Leisure at school. - 2007. - No. 9. - S. 22-23.

Fektistov V.Yu. The lungs of our planet [Text] / V.Yu. Feoktistov // Leisure at school. - 2006. - No. 4. - S. 8-11.

Geography lesson about rainforests.

Kryukova N.S. Roman numerals [Text] / NS Kryukova // Leisure at school. - 2006. - No. 4. - S. 13-14.

Extracurricular activity in mathematics.

Kryukova N.S. pages of the oral journal of the chemical evening [Text] / NS Kryukova // Leisure at school. - 2006. - No. 4. - S. 17-19.

Borisova O.V. Visiting cards of teachers for the competition "Teacher of the Year" [Text] / О.V. Borisov. - 2009. - No. 10. - S. 8-13.

Business cards for music, elementary and physics teachers.

Bushmelev A.I. Class presentation [Text] / A.I. Bushmelev // Last bell. - 2009. - No. 12. - P.12.

E. N. Kovaleva Self-presentation of the class teacher [Text] / E.N. Kovaleva // Last call. - 2009. - No. 12. - S. 12-13.

Sharapova T.N. Educational and cognitive game "Clever men and clever men" [Text] / T.N. Sharapova // Last call. - 2003. - No. 9. - S. 9-10.

Geography. Generation of poles.

Ryzhkov V.A. States of the world [Text] / V.А. Ryzhkov // Last bell. - 2008. - No. 5. - S. 4-5

Geography quiz.

Bragina N.M. Merry lessons in natural science [Text] / N.М. Bragin // Last bell. - 2003. - No. 12. - S. 12-15.

A game form for conducting a lesson on the history of chemistry.

Ageeva I. D. Merry economy [text] / I.D. Ageeva // Last call. - 2007. - No. 11. - S. 3-6.

Materials for cognitive games in economics.

Ageeva I. D. Awesome astronomy [Text] / I.D. Ageeva // Last call. - 2007. - No. 11. - S. 6-12.

The round table, which discussed the creation of a unified information, leisure and methodological space for the region's libraries, was held on March 24 on the basis of the Information and Methodological Center.

Text and photo Irina KOMEL

The initiative for such cooperation was made by the regional committee for youth affairs, culture and sports. The declared topic interested and attracted a large number of participants. It was concretized by the head of the methodological service of the Center, Yulianna Shevyakova: “Cooperation and mutual assistance of various library institutions are organic and beneficial to each of the parties. We complement and mutually enrich each other. And most importantly, we unite to solve problems that meet common interests. After all, we have one mission - to attract children to reading. If we manage to establish informal cooperation, then school libraries will have a lot of new opportunities for the development of a sustainable interest in literature, books and reading in children and students ”.

Above all, library cooperation will really help school librarians. Most often, the work at the school is carried out by one librarian. He has a colossal load: service on a subscription, processing new acquisitions, maintaining documentation and reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library, movement of the collection of textbooks and much more. Sometimes the hands simply do not reach creativity and the holding of massive and really interesting events. And here the municipal libraries undertake to help.

Another working point is the territorial remoteness of some schools from municipal libraries. For the Cuban school No. 2, the Odintsovo school No. 17, as well as for the Perkhushkovskaya and Novogordkovskaya secondary schools, it is recommended to organize mobile points for issuing fiction.

During the discussion, the colleagues got acquainted with the existing experience of cooperation between municipal libraries and school libraries and language teachers. And the head of the Odintsovo family-type library No. 4 Elena Koblyuk spoke about the work of the school summer camp in the municipal library. I liked the idea so much that it was decided to plan joint work of municipal and school libraries with children in summer school camps. And school libraries are encouraged to visit municipal libraries during summer camps and conduct joint library lessons.

Librarians of the I.A. Novikov. The solid potential of this public library turned out to be in demand in the educational process.

The participants of the round table, divided into groups by settlements, got to know better and discussed common tasks. In the dialogue, various forms of joint work with children, participation in the organization of summer camps at libraries, the possibility of exchanging literature and operational information were considered, because now almost all libraries are equipped with computers and have access to the Internet. Children will be invited to come to the library to prepare educational projects. This is especially true in rural areas. There is also an idea to connect libraries to the largest database of e-books "Liters". Then schoolchildren could download in the library on their electronic media a genuine book, and not its "pirated" version. Various master classes are planned to be held on the basis of the libraries. This is very relevant today. For example, workshops on creating book trailers have already been tested in some libraries. And it turned out that children are actually interested in it.

Based on the results of the round table, all school libraries were recommended to compile and submit to the Information and Methodological Center lists of fiction and popular science literature that their readers need.

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