Home Berries What should be in the school library. Fgos in the school library. Internet resources for school librarians: Russian school library association. information portal of Russian school libraries. rubrics are offered: state library poly

What should be in the school library. Fgos in the school library. Internet resources for school librarians: Russian school library association. information portal of Russian school libraries. rubrics are offered: state library poly

L. A. Borisova Head of the Culture Department of the Raduga-LIK Production Association, Ryazan

The rapid development of information technology in the last two decades has made the question of the role of the library in modern society relevant, which is regarded as an information center that provides access to the digitized resources of all libraries in the world, and a cultural and leisure center that focuses on various forms of mass work with the reader.

We, the developers and manufacturers of Raduga-LIK library equipment, see the library as an information, cultural and spiritual center, a kind of bridge between the classical cultural heritage and modernity. First of all, this concerns the school library, which, in our opinion, can adequately fulfill the educational function of education.

Let's clarify our position. The spread of the Internet has certainly given us access to a vast amount of information. But, like any powerful tool used unchecked, network wealth has a number of side effects that society is already experiencing. Scattered attention, the habit of jumping from news to news, not dwelling on what was read, the lack of desire to formulate one's own thoughts, replaced by reading other people's superficial comments, give rise to Internet addiction. First of all, this concerns children, in whom the ability to think independently in such conditions has almost no chance of being formed. Reading any serious, deep literature without the skills of concentration of thought and independent analysis of the text becomes almost impossible.

Unfortunately, the density of the school curriculum does not allow teachers to linger for a long time on the study of individual works of the classics, not to mention educating students in the ability to read in the traditional sense of the word - not skimming the text in order to grab the main events, but trying on the thoughts and actions of the characters , catching hints and references scattered by the author, asking in the end the same questions that prompted the author to write the book. The aspect of moral development in reading classical literature thus remains unaffected. Who, if not a librarian, can and should stand up for the eternal values, the stronghold of which for previous generations of readers was classical literature?

Based on the triune concept of a modern school library - informational, cultural and spiritual - we designed the library space of the St. Petersburg secondary school "Education Center "Kudrovo"".

The school library includes a subscription, a reading room, a fund of textbooks and a media library.

In accordance with the principle of multifunctionality, the space of the reading room is equipped with transformable furniture and is divided into several zones.

The free work zone provides space for various types of group intellectual activities. For example, in the development of independent thinking of schoolchildren, the ability to analyze information and reasonably defend their position, discussion clubs are of great help.

We see the librarian as the organizer and leader of such clubs, focusing the attention of students on the acute problems of our time, as well as instilling the skills of a culture of discussion.

No less important is the active participation of the librarian in other school associations. For example, when staging plays in a school theater, a librarian can recommend literature about life, customs, manners of that time, critical articles that help to understand the author's intention. He can lead a political circle, in which, in addition to analyzing current events, their socio-economic background is analyzed and methods of influencing the electorate are studied. A cinema club that introduces schoolchildren to great films, a poetry club, a historical club, the editors of a school website - an analogue of a traditional wall newspaper - all this can reveal the intellectual and moral potential of a student, become a place of live communication between children and adults.

Multifunctional furniture made by us - such as a multimedia rack with a computer and panels for drawing with a marker, as well as transformable "slide" modules, from which you can create multi-level seating rows and a stage for performances - is designed for all of the above activities. Among other things, this furniture complex allows you to conduct lessons and seminars that require connection to the global computer network.

Actual classes at the intersection of several disciplines are appropriate here, and the participation of a librarian who can help find the necessary information, recommend interesting resources, new works related to the topic under study, will be most welcome.

For younger students, there is a separate area with racks in the form of a train with trailers, Christmas trees and houses. On the play podium-slide with soft cushions, children can be seated during master classes or performances in the puppet theater with a screen, also included in the furniture set. Transforming tables on wheels, armchairs and chairs are designed for group work. As practice has shown, this zone is very popular among children.

The multimedia zone, designed for individual work with information, includes acoustic balloon chairs, soft cabin modules and open chairs for working with laptops and tablets, as well as separate tables - everyone can choose a seat according to their preferences. Rest islands are scattered throughout the territory - comfortable chairs for singles and sofas for companies.

In general, the design of the premises is aimed at making the person who comes here feel comfortable and at ease both during work and during leisure. As far as one can judge, the idea justified itself: the library is very popular among students who come here to study, communicate, and just relax between lessons.

Of course, new forms of work imply special requirements for a library employee: versatile erudition, communication skills, and the ability to navigate Internet resources. And the modern solutions we used are just a tool in the work of a teacher-librarian. He will become a guide through the network labyrinths for both students and teachers. Only he can "spiritualize" the library space, help the modern schoolchild to overcome the "cultural gap" between the problems of a consumer-oriented society and the eternal questions of humanity that pervade the world's classical literature.

Fortunately, just such a person is at the head of the library of the new Kudrovo school - Yulia Vyacheslavovna Kovalenko. And we allow ourselves to express the hope that through the joint efforts of teachers and librarians, the Internet will turn from a virtual world in which a child prefers to spend his free time into a regular information base. And the library will become the intellectual, cultural and spiritual center of the school.

School library

The modern general education school faces the most important task - to teach schoolchildren to navigate the mass of information, to prepare them for life in the information society. The library plays an important role in this. The need for special information preparation of a person for life in the information society is the main problem of our time, therefore the main direction of the work of the school library, as an information center, is to assist students and teachers in the educational process.

The school library is the information center of our educational institution. It functions as a traditional library with elements of a media library, supporting and providing the educational process.

The main task of the school library as an information center is to assist students and teachers in the learning process.

Library tasks:
1. Formation of the skills of an independent library user among schoolchildren: teaching the use of information media, search, selection, active citizenship.
2. Improvement of ideological and ideological-educational work.
3. Promote healthy lifestyle habits.
4. Instill a love for books, reading: "A person who reads is a successful person."
5. Identification of information needs and satisfaction of the requests of the teaching staff of the school in the field of new information technologies.
6. Computer cataloging and processing of information resources (books, textbooks, periodicals).
7. Improvement of new information technologies using ICT.


1. Providing methodological consulting assistance to teachers, students, parents in obtaining information from the library.
2. Creation of conditions for teachers to receive information about pedagogical and methodological literature, about new teaching aids.
3. Creation of conditions for students, teachers, parents to read books, periodicals. Working with computer programs.
4. Formation, acquisition and preservation of the fund.


1. Educational - to support and ensure the educational goals formulated in the concept of the school and in the school curriculum.
2. Information - to provide an opportunity to use information regardless of its type, format, media.
3. Cultural - to organize events that foster cultural and social self-awareness, contributing to the emotional development of students.

The library was opened in 1957. It is located on the second floor and occupies an isolated room of 54 sq. m. Has a subscription for junior and senior students. The reading room is combined with a subscription, equipped with tables for readers, chairs, bookcases, bookcases and shelves. The library is equipped with a computer and a printer. The computer is connected to the Internet. Students have the opportunity to make all kinds of inquiries, get the necessary information for use in the classroom and for extra-curricular and school-wide activities. The Fund is systematically replenished with electronic digital resources.

The educational fund is located in a separate room.

My profession is a school librarian

Who is this librarian?

Freak, Fanatic? A strange man?

Always a serious and meticulous doctor

Old books and plump file cabinets!

You decided so, lowering your face

In a heavy, boring shelf of those

And I, I’ll tell you not to be surprised forever

His holy, artless work!

The head of the school library is Prisicheva Galina Alekseevna. She actively works to instill in children a love for books, reading, to broaden their horizons, to cultivate a careful attitude to all types of printed materials.

Library opening hours:

from 8.00 to 16.00

Day off - Sunday

Last day of the month - sanitary day

Local acts regulating the work of the library:

Regulations on the OS library;

Rules for using the OS library;

Job descriptions of library workers;

Library passport.

Accounting and control documents:

The book of the total accounting of the main fund;

Inventory books;

Journal of accounting of books accepted in exchange for lost ones;

Journal of accounting of publications not subject to inventory accounting;

Book of total accounting of textbooks;

Journal of issuance of textbooks by grade;

Diary of the work of the school library;

Folder with copies of invoices and invoices;

Write-off acts.

The library operates according to a plan approved by the school principal.

Note to the librarian

BiblioGuide. Lists of the best children's books, novelties and reviews, writers and illustrators. www.bibliogid.ru

LiBRARY.RU - information and reference portal. Materials for librarians and readers, catalog of library sites, virtual reference, reading room, news of library life, forum. http://www.library.ru/

E-Publish Education. Constructor for creating a site for a school, library, museum. Development of technology for creating and maintaining sites. Development of technology for creating and maintaining electronic courses. Provision of resources for placing sites on the Internet (hosting). Development of electronic courses. http://www.e-publish.ru/

ELIBCONSULT(Community): creation of an electronic library from design to implementation. For librarians, library companies and anyone interested. http://community.livejournal.com/elibconsult/

School Libraries Worldwide. SLW magazine is the official professional and scientific journal of the International Association of School Libraries (IASL). It is published twice a year: in January and July. Only "on-line" is available. The journal publishes various materials on the scientific and practical work of school libraries. (Language - English) http://www.iasl-online.org/publications/slw/index.html

Biographical database on the Biography server. The database contains brief information in English about more than 25,000 people, from the heroes of the ancient world to contemporary figures from different countries. http://www.biography.com

Wikipedia. A free, open source, multilingual universal encyclopedia maintained by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. http://en.wikipedia.org

All-Russian portal of publicly active schools is a platform for the systematization and exchange of information, methods, documents, as well as for the coordination and information support of joint actions of community-active schools (COS), community school resource centers and other organizations working in the development of community-oriented education. http://www.cs-network.ru/

GlobalLab is a virtual scientific laboratory for schoolchildren, uniting like-minded people around the world. GlobalLab is a working platform for those who want to learn how science is done, explore the world around them, make experiments, ask Nature their own questions and get answers to them. http://globallab.ru/

GOGUL. Your children's browser. How is Gogul useful to you, and most importantly, to your children? Gogul is a guide to the world of the Internet, specially designed for children, their parents and educators. The depths of the Internet contain a huge amount of information that can have an impact - both positive and negative - on the formation of a child's personality. The Internet is a kind of reflection of the world around us, which is rich in treasures, but, alas, is not free from ugliness and deformities... http://gogul.tv/about#1

DVIZHER (dviger.com)- the first promoting youth portal. This is a meeting place for active and purposeful youth. Various blocks of the Portal provide an opportunity to prove yourself in many areas. www.driver.com

"Diary RU" A unique school Internet project, the purpose of which is to create a single information and educational network for teachers, students and their parents. "Dnevnik.ru" is a free, non-commercial, successfully tested project in a number of the best schools in St. Petersburg. www.dnevnik.ru

Unified collection of digital educational resources. The purpose of the creation of the Collection is to concentrate in one place and provide access to a full set of modern educational tools intended for teaching and studying various academic disciplines in accordance with the federal component of state educational standards for elementary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education. http://school-collection.edu.ru/

Single information space. Monitoring the quality of education. NPOOO "Inis-soft" offers a series of software systems "School Mentor", which is the basis of an automated system for managing the quality of schoolchildren's subject knowledge, which is based on accurate diagnosis of gaps in students' knowledge and allows you to organize effective correction along an individual educational route, providing teachers with a variety of data on learning material. www.inissoft.by

"Zhuzha"("Juja")- a fabulous literary and artistic series for children of preschool and primary school age. The narrative has an adventure basis, which organically includes games, poems and songs.

Official site: www. juja. en ;

Information Center "ICFER Educational Resources". Issues monthly magazines and CDs for the school principal and his deputies, class teacher: Directory of the head of the educational institution, Regulatory documents of the educational institution, Directory of the deputy director of the school, Primary school management, Class teacher directory, Management of the educational institution in questions and answers, Templates of documents of the educational institution . Fish-disk, Methodological support of the deputy director of the school. Fish-disk, School calculator. www.resobr.ru

The history of the creation of the Internet (video). www.youtube.com

ITO - Conference-exhibition "Information technologies in education". ITO - Permanent information and communication complex. www.ito.su

"KM-School" is an information integrated product for secondary schools, created on the basis of Internet/Intranet technologies. It combines unique educational multimedia content, a system for delivering and managing it, as well as convenient and effective tools for automating school management. http://km-school.ru

« Books for education» (KDO). A joint project of the Russian School Library Association, the Mart Company, the Russian Book Chamber and the Association of Book Distributors of Independent States. The project's Internet resource provides schools with the opportunity to purchase educational literature directly from the publishing house or from its official dealer. http://books4edu.ru/

Book novelties. We bring to your attention a page where you can not only get acquainted with new publications in the declared headings, but also order them in the online store.

CDs “Methodological support of the deputy director of the school” and “School calculator”. Thematic discs for the deputy director of the school. Document templates with autocomplete function, ready-made calculation tables and graphs, cyclograms, expert comments. The program allows you to automate the process of preparing documents in all areas of work. Free demos are available on the site. www.diski.resobr.ru

Conferences.ru. Open catalog of scientific conferences, exhibitions and seminars. www.konferencii.ru

Leningrad Regional Corporate Educational Network (LOKOS). The organizational basis for the informatization of the educational system of the Leningrad region is the regional center of information technologies and regional centers. The Leningrad Regional Information Technology Center was founded in 2004 as a structural unit State Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children Leningrad Regional Center for Gifted Schoolchildren "Intellect"as part of the implementationregional target program "Informatization of the educational system of the Leningrad region for 2002-2006". www.locos.net

Literary encyclopedia. M., 1929-1939. T. 1-9, 11. The resource reproduces the multi-volume "Literary Encyclopedia" published in the Soviet Union in the period from 1929 to 1939. http://feb-web.ru/feb/litenc/encyclop

Megaencyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius. Universal database for all branches of knowledge. http://www.km.ru

International Center for Library Cooperation. The ICBC is the working body of the Russian Committee of the UNESCO Information for All Programme. www.mcbs.ru

Education Manager - community portal for educators. Created for those who are professional in managing a school or kindergarten, who are interested in modern trends in the field of education and are actively working in this area. It is designed to help heads of educational institutions, managers of education, in the search for information resources necessary for making effective management decisions. www.menobr.ru

Method association. Website of the virtual methodological association of libraries working with youth http://vmo.rgub.ru

World of music. On this blog, you will enter the wonderful world of music, where you can get acquainted with musical novelties, read biographies of composers and, of course, enjoy classical music. http://svlkmuusika.blogspot.com/

The world of encyclopedias. Catalog of encyclopedias available online by headings. http://www.encyclopedia.ru

Multiportal "UNPRESS"- youth information space. The project was created with the aim of creating a self-developing single information space for children and youth, capable of being benevolent, not of an aggressive and repressive nature, instilling faith and optimism in solving the most difficult problems, helping young people in finding their place in society, self-affirmation of a young personality. The principal feature of the project is its implementation by the youth themselves in cooperation with children's and youth media, public organizations, school associations, the Federation of Internet Education, various Internet programs http://www.ynpress.com/

Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science, technology, medicine and education, containing abstracts and full texts of more than 12 million scientific articles and publications. Electronic versions of more than 1900 Russian scientific and technical journals are available on the eLIBRARY.RU platform, including more than 900 open access journals.

Educational tests and games in school subjects in Russian and English. Possibility of studying an electronic certificate. http://www.kokch.kts.ru

Education for children. Entering a university is a whole era in the life of every person. Anyone who has gone through this does not need to explain all the complexities and surprises of this process. An information portal created to help applicants and their parents, as well as everyone who is interested in further education in Russia and abroad, make the right choice, understand the flow of extensive information about universities, new specialties and the possibilities of applying the education received in the labor market . http://www.edukids.ru

Olympics for schoolchildren. Information about olympiads and other events for schoolchildren (announcements about upcoming events, conditions and problem solving, results). There are also archives of past events and links to other Internet pages containing the above information. http://www.mccme.ru/olympiads/index.htm

Experience in serving youth in foreign libraries. http://ylibex.livejournal.com

"Open class". The project is created within the framework of the state contract "Creation and development of socio-pedagogical communities on the Internet (teachers, social educators, psychologists, social workers, methodologists, teachers of the system of additional education and parents), focused on teaching and educating students at the senior level of general education" . http://www.openclass.ru/

Pokrov. Charitable Foundation for the Support of the Younger Generation. National program "Spiritual and moral culture of the younger generation of Russia". www.dnkrus.en

Portal "Russian education". The portal "Russian Education" was created in 2002 within the framework of the project "Creation of the first stage of the system of federal educational portals" of the FTP "Development of a unified educational information environment" (2001-2005) - (FTP REOIS). http://www.edu.ru/index.php

Portal "Education Manager". A portal for those who want to become a professional in school management, are interested in modern trends in the field of education and are actively working in this area. The information is systematized in three areas: Administrative and economic activities, Financing education, Educational and methodological work. The section "Local Acts" is updated weekly. www.menobr.ru

President of Russia- citizens of school age. This site briefly and intelligibly tells about the institution of the presidency, the symbols and attributes of our state, the current President of Russia, the history of power in Russia, the place of work of the head of state - the Moscow Kremlin. http://www.uznai-prezidenta.ru/index.php?p=1-4&v=fm0

Russian Committee of the UNESCO Information for All Programme. The Information for All Program is the only intergovernmental program dedicated entirely to promoting universal access to information and knowledge for development. www.ifapcom.ru

This is a site for parents who are not afraid to go their own way, but are always open to new experiences, ready to seriously think about the methods of raising and interacting with a child. This section of the site is for professionals working with children. Parenting Specialist. By virtue of your professional knowledge and experience, each of you can help parents become more successful in their role.

National information campaign to combat child abuse "Russia - no cruelty to children!" aims to create an atmosphere of intolerance towards all manifestations of cruelty towards children.


"Russia in numbers and maps"; "Countries of the World in Numbers and Maps". The interactive directories provide statistical information on the regions of the Russian Federation and key indicators characterizing the development of the world's leading countries. http://www.sci.aha.ru

Rubricon. The largest commercial encyclopedic portal not only in Russia, but also in the world. The most famous domestic encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books, illustrations and maps are presented. http://www.rubricon.com

"Russian world. Radio" created for those who want to know how and how the Russian world lives today. What is the meaning and values ​​of the Russian world? What's new in Russia and Russian-speaking countries? What mark in the history of mankind was left by those who spoke and thought in Russian? Russian language and culture, literature and history, traditions and modernity of Russia, the life of remarkable people and the identity of the peoples inhabiting it. http://www.russkiymir.ru/russkiymir/ru/radio2/

"Russian world. TV" is a news and cultural and educational Internet TV channel about Russia, the Russian language and culture. On the air - news of the Russian world, interviews with the heads of the foundation on topical issues about the Russian language and culture, information about grants, stories about the opening of Russian centers, educational programs on the Russian language, documentaries about the life of the Russian world, lectures by prominent scientists, cultural figures and much more other. Broadcasting - 24 hours a day anywhere in the world! http://www.russkiymir.ru/russkiymir/ru/TV/

Handbook of the Deputy Director of the School. Quality assurance of educational and methodical work! Innovations in the organization of educational activities. Modern educational technologies. Education quality control. Psychological support for students and teachers. Additional education of children in OS. Analysis of school conflicts. Normative support of the educational process. The archive of the magazine and announcements of the latest issues are available on the site. www.zam.resobr.ru

Directory of the head of the educational institution. Specialized magazine for school principals. Ready-made solutions for administrative, economic and organizational tasks. All materials are selected taking into account the annual cycle of OS activities. Qualified legal assistance, new regulations with developers' comments. The archive of the magazine and announcements of the latest issues are available on the site. www.edu.resobr.ru

« Sun" is a daily informative and entertaining portal for children, parents and teachers. Contests and quizzes, virtual school for toddlers, games and cartoons, early learning methods, advice from children's specialists, holiday scenarios, parenting experience, virtual postcard mailing service. The project began as a monthly virtual children's magazine, over time it turned into a daily portal with exclusive content and its target audience. www.solnet.ee

old radio- national Russian audio fund. On the air you can listen to radio shows, musical and literary compositions, theater at the microphone, old radio plays, operettas, children's fairy tales, fables, literary readings, poems, as well as over two and a half thousand old musical works. http://www.staroradio.ru/

"Your Course" is an all-Russian initiative to improve computer literacy. The project is part of Microsoft's Your Course initiative. The computer literacy centers established on the basis of various partner organizations train the population in basic computer skills to promote employment. http://ycdl.ph-int.org/

Technologies of controlled chaos. The Russian company "Controlling Chaos Technologies" (Technologies of controlled chaos). The company is engaged in the development of new algorithms for searching and analyzing textual and graphic information in cooperation with the institutes of the Academy of Sciences. These algorithms are then used in the development of various software products for: creating archives of electronic documents, preparing electronic publications on CD and DVD, analyzing and filtering Internet content, searching and recognizing faces in digital photographs and video streams, as well as developing custom software . http://controlchaostech.com

Tramportal. We are creative, gifted, madly in love with our work, people. We are united by love for children, the desire to help gifted young people from Volgograd to reveal their talent to the fullest. We are for children to get the opportunity for self-realization, for them to create and develop, delighting us - adults, with their successes. WE ARE A CREATIVE GROUP OF CARING PEOPLE WHO GIVES CHILDREN A HOLIDAY AND A BEAUTIFUL MAGAZINE - "TRYAMKA". http://www.tryamportal.ru

"TYRNET" Internet portal - Children's Internet is adapted for young children and their parents, as well as for teenagers; it makes it possible not only to play, but also to learn programming in the innovative Scratch computer environment; create computer games aimed at the smallest users; actively deals with the problem of the quality of computer games and websites for children. www.tirnet.ru

Smarties and smarties. Internet project for smart people. Here you can ask any (!) questions to the author and host of the "Clever and Smart" program and get an answer from him PERSONALLY! http://www.umniki.ru/

Textbooks of Moscow. A system of information and methodological support for educational institutions in Moscow, created by order of the Moscow Committee of Education. There is a database of educational literature, as well as methodological materials prepared by the Moscow Institute for Advanced Studies of Educators and methodological centers. http://textbook.keldysh.ru

Federal state educational standard - website of the Institute for Strategic Studies in Education of the Russian Academy of Education. The site presents: documents, projects, discussions. http://standard.edu.ru/

Reading-21. The portal was developed by the Pushkin Library Foundation with the support of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications. The purpose of the portal is to mobilize public opinion and be an important information channel for state and public structures, professionals and lovers of books and reading during the preparation and holding of the Year of Reading in Russia. http://www.chtenie-21.ru/

School timetable". Personal site of Nikolai Tsiguro, dedicated to the problem of automating the preparation of the school schedule: "Schedule-2000" software and its discussion with developers and interested parties. http://schedule.narod.ru school pages. Web pages of Moscow schools and other educational institutions. http://schools.keldysh.ru

school sector. Regularly updated information site about school network projects, competitions, grants. http://school-sector.relarn.ru

Evrika is an innovative educational network. ANO "Institute for Problems of Educational Policy "Evrika" - an autonomous non-profit educational organization of additional professional education - was established to provide services in the field of education, science (other services related to the field of education). The network of federal experimental sites unites more than 650 school groups that implement author's experimental programs on the basis of educational institutions, of which 453 schools have the status of federal significance. http://www.eurekanet.ru

Encyclopedia Britannica. Online version of one of the most authoritative encyclopedias in the world. Contains more than 75 thousand articles in all branches of knowledge in English. Currently, Britannica is a resource that provides information both for a fee (for subscribers) and for free (issuing a limited result on request). Free "trial access" is provided. http://www.britannica.com

Encyclopedia "Circumnavigation". The publication is a supplemented and corrected translation into Russian of Collier's Encyclopedia, which was published in the USA from 1952 to 1998. The corrections consist in extending the chronology of articles related to the present and adding a significant number of personal articles about Russian figures.http://www.krugosvet.ru

Digital Libraries

Aleria.net: free library.http://aleria.net/

Booksite.Ru is a full-text library.http://www.booksite.ru/on_line.htm

Bookz.ru In the electronic library you can download books, reference books, magazines and dictionaries in electronic form for free. For ease of navigation, in addition to the alphabetical catalog of authors, an alphabetical catalog of works is also available, i.e. You can search for books alphabetically. In addition, various ratings (the most downloaded, the most popular search queries, etc.) are available to you from new tools that simplify navigation through the library. www.bookz.ru

E-Reading is a large online library.http://www.e-reading.org.ua/

EOLSS (Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems)- Encyclopedia of life support systems. The online virtual library presents a wide range of subjects, ranging from state-of-the-art panoramic views to detailed materials. Unlike most encyclopedias, whose content is organized alphabetically, the EOLSS knowledge body is organized thematically. Among the subjects: earth and atmospheric sciences, mathematics, physics, energy, nature conservation; ecology, sciences about food and agriculture, about human resources, management, etc. Language - English. http://www.eolss.net/

Europeana– European Digital Library with 14 million objects - books, maps, photographs, paintings, films and music videos. All of them are freely available. Europeana gives users the opportunity to explore the world of digital resources of Europe's museums, libraries, archives and audiovisual collections. It also helps to discover and interact in a multilingual information space where users can experience, be inspired and participate in Europe's rich and diverse cultural and scientific heritage. On the Europeana Community pages you will find useful links to online resources. These sites will help you explore, study European cultural and scientific heritage and share your knowledge with others. http://www.europeana.eu/portal/

Fiction book. The resource presents books of the following genres: science fiction, fantasy, prose, romance novels, detective stories, action-packed works, adventures, science and education, ancient literature, reference literature, business literature, etc.www.fictionbook.ru

Google - Search full text of books and new books:http://books.google.com/

linguists. Reading room. Articles on linguistics and literary criticism.http://linguists.narod.ru/downloads2.html

NeHudLit.Ru - NON-ART LIBRARY. http://nehudlit.ru/

Readr.ru- an electronic library created by a group of authors from several countries for easy access to novelties and classics of literature. http://readr.ru

Ruthenia. Department of Russian Literature, University of Tartu.www.ruthenia.ru

ARBICON - Association of Regional Library Consortiums:http://www.arbicon.ru/

Anna Akhmatova. All poems on one page. http://www.litera.ru/stixiya/authors/axmatova.html

Fort/Da Library by Yanko Vyacheslav.http://yankos.chat.ru/gum.htm l

Library "ImWerden"- e-library. Main formats: PDF, MP3 and AVI. The library contains the largest collection of author's readings of his works in audio and video formats in Runet. On the website of the ImWerden Library in MP3 format you can find recordings of the author's readings of their works by Sergei Yesenin, Alexander Blok, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Anna Akhmatova, Boris Pasternak, Arseny Tarkovsky, David Samoilov, Arkady Steinberg, etc. The section "XXI century" publishes texts, submitted by the authors for publication and selected by the editor. www.Im Werden.de

Library of Ancient Literature. http://ancientrome.ru/

Library of Humanities.www.gumer.info

Publisher's Library « Russian way » . http://www.rp-net.ru/book/publications/

Library of the History of Russian Philosophy and Culture "The House of A. F. Losev".http://losev-library.ru/index.php?pid=130

Library of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University.http://www.hist.msu.ru/ER/

Library of books from the Life of Remarkable People series.www.zzl.lib.ru

Library of Maxim Moshkov.http://www.lib.ru

Library World of Encyclopedias. http://www.encyclopedia.ru/

Library Museum of the Decembrists. http://decemb.hobby.ru/

Library of Orthodox Literature.http://www.librarium.orthodoxy.ru/

Library of rare books DjVu. http://www.biografia.ru/knigi.html

Library of Religious Studies and Russian Religious Philosophy in Editions XVIII - AD. XX centurieshttp://relig-library.pstu.ru/index.php

Library Russian Humanitarian Internet University.http://www.i-u.ru/biblio/

Library of Russian religious-philosophical and fiction "Milestones". http://www.vehi.net/index.html

Site Library « Golubinsky. The Real History of the Church » . http://www.golubinski.ru/authors.htm

Library "Tsarskoye Selo" designed for a reader interested in the history of such a Titan of the past as the Russian Empire. The library is a tribute to the libraries of the Empress Catherine II in the Catherine (Old) Palace and the library of the Emperor Nicholas II in the Alexander (New) Palace that once existed in Tsarskoye Selo. see alsohttp://booksold.22web.net And http://biblios.hmarka.net

Library of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University.http://www.philos.msu.ru/library.php

Library of Yakov Krotov.http://www.krotov.info/

Librarian.Ru(Librarian Tochka Ru) - an electronic library of non-fiction on Russian and world history, art, culture... www.bibliotekar.ru

Bible studies. Library of Ruslan Khazarzar.http://khazarzar.skeptik.net/books/index.htm

Big Scientific Library (BNB) of DJVU books. The main goal of the scientific information portal at the DJVU Big Scientific Library is to promote science and do everything possible for the development of Russian-speaking science. http://www.scilib.com/

Virtual Library of Mikhail Epstein.http://www.emory.edu/INTELNET/virt_bibl.html

Military literature: primary sources, letters and diaries, memoirs, biographies, military history, research, articles, prose of war, poetry of war, equipment and weapons, charters and laws. http://militera.lib.ru

Military History Library.http://grandwar.kulichki.net/

Eastern Literature. Library of texts of the Middle Ages.http://www.vostlit.info/

World History Chronos.http://www.chrono.ru

World Digital Library (World Digital Library). Here, anyone with access to the Internet can get acquainted with electronic copies of materials on the history and culture of various peoples: copies of manuscripts, rare books, maps, notes, photographs, films and other materials from the collections of national libraries and archives of a number of countries. www.wdl.org/ru

Greek-Latin cabinet.http://www.mgl.ru/main

Old Russian literature.http://old-russian.chat.ru/index1.htm

European Library (The European Library):http://search.theeuropeanlibrary.org/

SINGLE WINDOW for access to educational resources:http://window.edu.ru/

Journal room. Electronic library of contemporary literary journals in Russia.http://magazines.russ.ru/

Foreign literature and dictionaries.http://uztranslations.net.ru/

Information, books about speed reading and memory training. www.yugzone.ru

"Vyacheslav Ivanov Research Center in Rome".http://www.v-ivanov.it/

"KnigaFond"- a tool of the educational system of standards of a new generation, providing wide legal access to the literature necessary for the educational process using innovative technologies. Access is provided on the basis of direct agreements with copyright holders. The planned volume of the catalog will be more than 150,000 works. Lectures, monographs, textbooks and manuals, collections of articles, training modules, expert comments, primary sources, methodological material - a wide range of educational and scientific literature is systematized in various fields of knowledge. www.knigafund.ru

Cube - electronic library.http://www.koob.ru/

Fantasy Lab.http://fantlab.ru/authors192

Lectorium - an electronic library where universities and famous lecture halls of Russia present their best lecturers. Access to materials is free and free. http://www.lektorium.tv/

Liberea. Old Russian literature.http://drevne.ru/lib/

Literary site "Foliant". www.tlt.poetree.ru

Literary network resource Litportal.www.litportal.ru

LitRes: one click to the most interesting! This resource sells e-books, audio books, films, multimedia, games, software. Online reading, free downloads and forums in our libraries FictionBook.lib, Aldebaran , Litportal, Bookz.ru And Fanzine. Here you will find books for every taste, both Russian and foreign authors, as well as reviews of new books published recently, reviews of the work of various authors and much more. www.liters.ru

Mif.ru - portal library.http://www.mith.ru/alb/lib/lib.htm

Department of Russian Literature, Petrozavodsk University. http://www.philolog.ru/

Collection of electronic dictionaries and encyclopedias . www.mirslovarei.com

Scientific electronic library.http://elibrary.ru/defaultx.asp

Nikolai Gumilyov. Electronic collected works. This site is not anyone's property - this is the site of Nikolai Gumilyov. http://gumilev.ru/

New Russian Literature. Virtual research laboratory.http://www.newruslit.ru

Russian virtual library. www.rvb.ru

Russian memoirs. Website of Mikhail Voznesensky.http://memoirs.ru/

Russian Literary Club- a creative union of authors of modern poetry and prose who publish their works on the Internet on literary portals: Poems.ru http://www.stihi.ru/ ; Proza.ru http://www.proza.ru/

Russian philological portal.www.philology.ru

SIGLA - a combined search for documents in the catalogs of libraries in Russia and the world: http://www.sigla.ru/

Dictionaries of the XXI century - a new lexicographic portal that unites everyone who appreciates the purity and correctness of Russian speech. Joint publishing project companies "AST-PRESS" And

FEB: Fundamental electronic library "Russian literature and folklore". www.feb-web.ru

Electronic library E-lib.info.http://e-lib.info/

Electronic library IQlib.ru - electronic textbooks and manuals. http://www.iqlib.ru/

Electronic Library WebReading. http://webreading.ru/

Electronic library of Alexander Belousenko. http://www.belousenko.com/

Digital Library ALDEBARAN. www.aldebaran.ru

Electronic Library Globus. http://www.reeed.ru/lib/

Electronic Library of Dissertations. The Russian State Library (RSL) is a unique repository of original dissertations defended in the country since 1944 in all specialties except medicine and pharmacy. The All-Russian (until 1991 All-Union) Fund for Dissertations was created in 1944 in accordance with the order of the All-Union Committee for Higher School Affairs under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. Now in the fund of the Department of Dissertations (Khimki) there are more than 900,000 volumes of dissertations. About 30,000 dissertations (20,000 candidate and 10,000 doctoral) enter the RSL annually. www.diss.rsl.ru

Electronic Library Metropolitan Anthony of Surozh. http://www.metropolit-anthony.orc.ru/

Electronic Library of the Republic of Karelia. http://elibrary.karelia.ru/

Electronic library on philosophy.http://filosof.historic.ru/

Electronic humanitarian library. www.gumfak.ru

Electronic diary of a student (EDS) of the company "KORUS Consulting" - it is a socio-pedagogical information system for educational institutions, uniting all participants in the educational process into a single information space. www.schoolconnect.ru

Electronic Jewish Encyclopedia. http://www.eleven.co.il/

Electronic bookshelves by Vadim Ershov and Co. http://publ.lib.ru/publib.html

Electronic full-text Library of Ikhtik. http://ihtik.lib.ru/

Electronic publications of the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) RAS. http://lib.pushkinskijdom.ru/Default.aspx?tabid=2018

Electronic school library. A collective project for school libraries and librarians, based on the PbWorks wiki. It contains links to digital resources that can be used for both study and pleasure, as well as tips to help students conduct information research, prepare for lessons, and evaluate web resources. (Pskov, POIPKRO) http://yourlibrary.pbworks.com/

Emigrantika.ru Russian Abroad. http://www.emigrantika.ru/

Electronic media

"Funny pictures"- children's humorous magazine. Designed for children from 4 to 10 years old. The magazine includes poetry and short stories, board games, comics, puzzles, jokes, riddles. http://www.merrypictures.ru/

"News of Education". Newspaper "Vesti obrazovaniya" is intended primarily for heads and employees of departments and ministries of education, both federal and regional, as well as for school directors and teachers, for parents and students. Educational policy, education development management, experimental pedagogy, philosophy of education, methodology of education. http://edunews.eurekanet.ru/vesti/welcome

Questions of informatization of education. Scientific and practical electronic almanac. The Almanac has a stable target audience with constant feedback. It is based on teachers and school administrators, methodologists, students, as well as students and university professors. The authors of the almanac today are more than 300 educators from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod, Pskov, Magnitogorsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, as well as Karelia, Evenkia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, etc. http://npstoik.ru/vio/inside.php?ind=about#top

"Horst"- a literary magazine, which is a collection of modern poetry and prose. The journal is designed to help authors of fiction in finding a readership, as well as to familiarize readers with modern literature. http://www.gorst.net.ru/

"Head teacher" - the first professional publication for heads of educational institutions. Published since 1993. The main theme is management in education. The purpose of the magazine is to support school principals as managers, leaders, mentors and just people who are deeply passionate about their profession. http://www.director.ru/

Magazine "University book" has been published monthly since 1996. It highlights the problems of creating, publishing and distributing educational, scientific and reference literature for higher and other professional educational institutions and scientific institutions. Electronic version of the journal - http://www.ubook.ru/magazine-hot.html

Journal Hall (ZhZ) is a non-commercial literary Internet project representing the activities of Russian thick literary, artistic and humanitarian magazines published in Russia and abroad. http://magazines.russ.ru/about/

"Knowledge. Understanding. Skill"- information humanitarian portal. It publishes scientific articles, materials of conferences, symposiums, round tables, discussions on current scientific topics, information on scientific events, materials of a scientific and methodological nature, reviews, research reports, translations of works by foreign authors and other scientific works. http://www.zpu-journal.ru/

"Bonfire"- monthly literary and art magazine for schoolchildren. The magazine "Bonfire" is intended for children 9-14 years old. Today's "Bonfire" is a useful and exciting publication, interesting for both children and their parents. The purpose of the magazine is to instill in children a taste and love for fiction, for creative knowledge of the world around us. http://www.kostyor.ru/redakcia.html

"Literary Radio" is the first radio project focusing on contemporary Russian literature. The purpose of Literary Radio is to popularize and provide informational support for modern Russian-language poetry and prose. http://litradio.ru

"Literary studies" is a literary-critical magazine founded in 1930. The founder and first chief editor is M. Gorky. Published six times a year. http://lych.ru/

"Murzilka"is a popular children's literary and art magazine. It has been published since May 1924 and is addressed to children from 6 to 12 years old.http://www.murzilka.org/

SOCIAL. International Russian-language literary network: poetry, prose, criticism, literary criticism. Poems.

First of September. Russian publishing house of educational literature and newspapers dedicated to education. Provides information about subscription methods, has its own online store. http://www.1september.ru/

September first- newspaper . Website for printed and electronic versions of the newspaper about schools and teachers in Russia. There is an archive and its own search engine. http://ps.1september.ru/

"Teaching History at School"- a modern magazine for teachers of history and social studies with a rich tradition, published since 1916. On the pages of the magazine you will get acquainted with the latest reforms in the educational sphere, fresh methodological developments, and the results of new scientific research. Find answers to exciting questions: how to prepare for the exam? What is the best way to use computer technology in the classroom? Which textbook is best? How to improve productivity in the face of constant time pressure? And many others...

"Port Folio"(Literary almanac) is an Internet almanac, it does not have a paper version. One issue of the Almanac is 12 works. Issues are published approximately once a month and then archived. http://www.portfolio.org/

"Sun"- children's magazine, published since March 1999 once a month only on the Internet. http://www.solnet.ee/sol/

"Erudites of the planet". Electronic version of the newspaper. Official publication of the Organizing Committee International Olympiad for Students and Schoolchildren "Erudites of the Planet". Distributed by free subscription among the governing bodies of educational structures and educational institutions in Russia and in more than 26 countries of the world (where there are Russian-speaking educational institutions). /publisher/ http://www.flogiston.ru

Psychology in Russian. The site has a library of psychological literature, psychology news, tests, a calendar of events and significant dates related to psychology, as well as a dictionary of personalities "Who's Who in Psychology". http://www.psychology.ru

Glossary of psychological and pedagogical terms. Compiled by L.S. Kolmogorova, Candidate of Psychological Sciences. http://bspu.secna.ru/glossaries/psihological/tituln.html

"School Psychologist". Supplement to the newspaper "First of September". Articles on psychology, normative documents, literature for a school psychologist, etc. http://psy.1september.ru

Psiportal is the "capital" of network psychology. Sections: news, library, conferences and forums, testing, resources (including those on child and educational psychology), etc. http://psy.piter.com

Project "Psychology - All Russia". Supports various areas of practical psychology (NLP, speed reading and mnemonics, DHE, transactional analysis, etc.). In the section "Literature" there are archived files of articles in zip format. http://www.psycho.all.ru

NLP student project. The site contains materials on psychology, NLP, methods of rapid learning and memorization of material, modeling strategies. There are full texts of books and articles on psychology. http://nlpstudent.narod.ru

Psychological center "Genesis". Information about the work of center, courses, trainings, training classes. Publishing house "Genesis" and with it a virtual "Bookshop". The publishing house publishes methodological literature for school psychologists and teachers. The site contains the texts of the new popular scientific journal "Pedology / New Age".

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