Home roses Calorie content of potato soup with beef. Calorie content of soups, useful and harmful properties. What are the benefits of soups

Calorie content of potato soup with beef. Calorie content of soups, useful and harmful properties. What are the benefits of soups

The calorie content of soups can be very diverse, as well as the number of recipes for their preparation.

Soups at their core are decoctions of vegetables with or without meat. People began to cook various vegetable mixtures in ancient times, seasoning dishes with various spices, roots and leaves of plants to enhance and improve the taste. No one will argue that the most delicious broth is obtained with meat broth, although the calorie content of meat soup is much higher than that of vegetable soup. For the preparation of soups, it is customary to use various meats - pork, chicken, beef and even fish. In Russia, such broths were called "pottage" and they were considered, however, as now, the main dish of every home.

From year to year, culinary masters improved and developed new recipes for preparing this delicious dish. Therefore, today the number of soup recipes simply cannot be counted. Many women who watch their figure are interested in such questions as is it possible to lose weight on soups, what is the calorie content of puree soup. And those who are quite satisfied with their figure often look on the Internet for recipes and calorie content of vermicelli soup, or information about the calorie content of soup with meatballs.

Is it possible to lose weight on soups?

If you know the calorie content of the soup, then losing weight on the soup will not be difficult. Any soup consists of water, a base of meat, poultry or fish on which the dish is cooked, as well as a mixture of vegetables. The calorie content of meat soups will undoubtedly be higher than regular vegetable soups.

That is why, in order to lose weight on soups, they must be cooked without meat, exclusively on water. You can add various cereals, rice and pasta to soups. Seasonings and salt should be added to taste.

What are the benefits of soups?

Any soup is an excellent source of strength and energy. The soup contains a lot of fiber, carbohydrates and minerals (magnesium, iron, potassium, etc.), vitamins (E, beta-carotene, group B).

In addition, most of the beneficial properties are preserved in boiled vegetables during the preparation of soups, and they are much better absorbed and digested by the body. Yushka from vegetable broth is also useful and has great nutritional value, since vitamins and minerals from vegetables are washed into the broth.

Regardless of the calorie content of soups, they are simply indispensable for the human body:

  • Improve appetite and digestion;
  • Restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Normalize blood pressure;
  • Restore fluid balance in the body;
  • Reduce cholesterol levels;
  • Cleanse the body of toxins;
  • Protect against cardiovascular diseases.

Therefore, many are trying not only to lose weight on soups, but also include them in therapeutic diets. Well, the ability of soups to restore strength after long-term illnesses, to warm up the body in the cold season is no secret to anyone.

How many calories are in the soup?

Despite the fact that soups do not have a particularly high calorie content, it will not be superfluous to think about, for example, what is the calorie content of mashed soup or any other soup. Actually, the calorie content of the soup directly depends on the products from which it is prepared.

In general, among all foods, soups are among the most low-calorie dishes. That is why many people try to lose weight on soups, and they succeed. However, often additional ingredients are added to an already prepared dish that increase the calorie content of the soup. So, for example, high-fat sour cream or mayonnaise greatly increase the calorie content of the dish, so you should not get too carried away with them.

Below is the calorie content of soups made from various products:

  • Ukrainian borscht - 49 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Pea soup - 66 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Mushroom soup - 26 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Green pea soup - 56 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Leek soup with pasta - per 100 ml 39 kcal;
  • Tomato soup - 28 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Potato soup - 100 ml 39 kcal;
  • Potato soup with cereals - 54 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Calorie soup with vermicelli is 48 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Vegetable soup - 43 kcal per 100 ml;
  • The calorie content of soup with meatballs is 75 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Soup puree calorie content on average - 48 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Ear - per 100 ml 46 kcal.
3.8 out of 5

Soups occupy one of the important places in Russian and European food culture. Traditionally, a portion of soup is served for lunch. Soups can be prepared with meat, fish, mushroom, vegetable broths or water. Of course, the calorie content of the soup depends on the ingredients included in it.

Even 20-30 years ago it was believed that the soup is certainly healthy. However, today many scientists dispute the benefits of soups. Supporters of separate nutrition are especially sharply opposed to the first courses: they believe that soup is a cross between food and drink, and at the same time eating and drinking, from their point of view, is harmful.

Some scientists are loyal to vegetable soups, but categorically oppose meat and bone broth soups. They are embarrassed not only by the high calorie content of soups on meat broths, they argue that such soups have an increased load on the liver, and are also replete with substances harmful to the body.

Every point of view has a right to exist. However, there are research results in which people followed a diet that did not contain first courses for 3 months. As a result, 34% of the participants in the experiment developed digestive problems: irregular stools, a tendency to constipation, occasional discomfort and even pain in the epigastric region. And 7% of people developed symptoms of chronic gastritis. Therefore, we will not exclude soups from the diet, although we will not insist on their daily use either.

How many calories in soup

The calorie content of soup is easy to calculate. To do this, you need a kitchen scale and a food calorie table, which can be found in a cookbook or on the Internet. First, it is recommended to weigh the pot in which the soup is prepared and record the result. Then we weigh each of the ingredients and calculate its energy value using calorie tables and making up a simple proportion. The results are recorded and summarized. The water used to make soup, salt, pepper and other spices have no calories. This way you will know how many calories are in the soup. But this will be the calorie content of the entire cooked soup, and it is important for us to know what the energy value of 100 g of the product is.

After the soup is ready, we weigh it together with the pan. From the obtained value we subtract the mass of the empty pan. This is the mass of the cooked soup (let it be 2300 g, for example), and we know the total calorie content of the soup. For example, it is equal to 2100 kcal. We make a simple proportion and find that the energy value of the soup you prepared is 91.3 kcal. This is a very high-calorie and nutritious soup. Such energy value is typical for soups based on fatty meat broths.

If you eat in a restaurant or canteen, you can ask the wait staff what the calorie content of the soup is. They will provide you with this information, as catering establishments, as a rule, calculate the calorie content of dishes.

Calorie soup with vermicelli and other most popular soups

For the nutrition of weakened people, children, as well as in the menu of those who are struggling with excess weight, chicken broth soups are often used. If organic meat without skin is taken for the broth, the calorie content of the soup will be low, but it will be quite nutritious and contain a large amount of useful substances. Of the chicken soups, the most popular are soups with vermicelli, homemade noodles, and rice.

So, the average calorie content of soup with vermicelli and potatoes will be 46-50 kcal per 100 g of product.

The calorie content of chicken soup with homemade noodles is much higher: from 120 to 170 kcal. Again, the calorie index directly depends on the saturation and fat content of the broth, on the amount of noodles taken. You can more accurately calculate the calorie content of soup prepared at home using the principle described above.

Soup with meatballs boiled on water has a calorie content approximately equal to 50-60 kcal. This is the case if lean ground beef was used for meatballs. But often meatballs are dipped not into water, but into boiling bone or meat broth, and for minced meat they use not only beef, but also fatter pork meat. The taste of such a soup is likely to be more intense. But such a soup with meatballs will have a much higher calorie content., reaching 180 kcal per 100 g of the finished dish.

The calorie content of soup with beans and peas can reach 70 kcal.

Homemade pickle has an energy value of not more than 60 kcal.

Classic borsch with chicken broth - no more than 35 kcal.

The most low-calorie and healthy are vegetable soups and mashed soups boiled in water. It is these varieties of soups that are usually used for various diets.

How to lose weight on soups

Soups have a significant volume, most of which is water. Therefore, after eating a portion of soup, a person feels full, while consuming a relatively small amount of kilocalories. If the soup contains fiber-rich vegetables, this also helps to ensure a feeling of satiety for a long time. On these principles, the technique is based that allows you to lose weight on soups. It should be added that with a low calorie content, soups are quite rich in nutrients and biologically active substances, which allows them to be classified as dietary products.

Diets include most often soups cooked from vegetables in water, less often in chicken broth. Puree soups are distinguished by the most delicate and harmonious taste. The consistency of such soups allows them to be used not only in the menu for weight loss, but also in the diet of children, the elderly and those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

On average, the calorie content of vegetable soups ranges from 28 to 45 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of cauliflower puree soup is approximately equal to 28-30 kcal. The energy value of cold tomato soup is the same.

Calorie soup-puree with potatoes and spinach is 40 kcal.

The energy value of the famous onion soup is slightly higher - about 44 kcal.

And the popular celery cream soup has a calorie content equal to only 37 kcal.. For 100 g of the finished dish.

For those who want to lose weight on soups, a special 7-day diet has been developed.

Salty, spicy, fatty, fried and smoked foods, canned food, mayonnaise, sweets are completely excluded from the diet. For each day, a certain type of soup is prepared - one and a half liters. Soup should be eaten during the day for 5-6 meals. All soups are made with water.

Day 1 - dedicated to eating mushroom soup. Soup can be cooked from fresh or dried mushrooms. Calorie soup - 26-30 kcal.

Day 2. On this day, they eat borscht made from fresh vegetables, cooked without potatoes (32 kcal).

The calorie or energy value of a product is the amount of energy that food gives to the human body during digestion. It is referred to as a certain number of kilocalories or kilojoules. Often, the energy value of both raw foods and prepared meals is calculated per hundred grams. There is a special calorie table for ready meals.

Calorie table for first courses (soups)

View proteins, g fats, g carbohydrates, g
Lean borscht with cabbage, potatoes and beans 1,5 1,6 6,0 46
Lenten cold borscht with sour cream 0,6 0,3 2,4 15
chicken broth 0,5 0,1 0,0 4
meat broth 0,6 0,2 0,0 5
fish broth 0,4 0,0 0,0 3
Okroshka on kefir 1,7 0,3 4,5 29
Okroshka meat without sour cream 2,0 1,4 6,3 47
Okroshka vegetable without sour cream 0,7 0,4 7,0 35
Rassolnik without meat 1,1 1,0 6,8 41
Solyanka fish 3,0 1,9 1,3 35
Solyanka meat without sour cream 2,0 3,0 1,3 42
Lean potato soup with rice 0,9 1,1 8,4 48
Lean potato soup with mushrooms 1,0 1,1 7,3 44
Lean soup with pasta and potatoes 1,5 1,3 8,3 51
Lean soup with beans and potatoes 2,0 1,2 6,6 46
Potato soup in meat broth with pasta 1,5 1,1 8,3 48
Potato soup with meatballs 2,1 2,7 6,4 58
Vegetarian pea soup 2,7 2,2 7,7 62
Pea soup in meat broth 3,1 1,4 7,7 56
Pea soup with pork 2,9 3,4 7,5 72
Milk soup with rice 1,8 2,4 7,5 59
Milk soup with pasta 2,2 2,4 8,4 64
vegetable soup 0,8 0,4 3,4 20
Kharcho soup without meat 1,1 3,4 6,5 60
ear 2,7 1,2 4,4 39
Shchi lean green 0,9 1,9 4,3 38
Lean cabbage soup with potatoes and mushrooms 1,0 2,0 3,3 35
Shchi green with sour cream and egg 1,6 2,8 4,2 48
Sauerkraut soup with potatoes 0,9 2,1 2,6 32
Fresh cabbage soup with potatoes and beans in meat broth 1,8 1,3 4,3 36

Second course calorie table

View proteins, g fats, g carbohydrates, g energy value, kcal
Beef entrecote 29,4 10,8 0,0 214
Lamb fried in vegetable oil 22,4 24,1 0,0 307
Boiled lamb 22,0 22,6 0,5 293
Beef stroganoff with sauce 16,6 13,1 5,7 207
Big Mac 12,4 6,7 18,3 183
Natural beef steak 29,0 11,0 0,0 217
Chopped beef steak 18,3 13,0 0,0 329
Pancakes with meat (with butter) 12,0 14,8 23,3 274
Pancakes with jam 6,0 8,3 49,4 296
Pancakes with curd 12,0 13,0 23,4 259
Vareniki with cherries 3,9 0,8 33,3 156
Vareniki with potatoes 4,0 4,5 25,3 158
ham in shape 22,6 21,0 0,0 279
Vegetable vinaigrette with vegetable oil 1,4 10,0 6,6 122
Hamburger 12,2 2,4 25,5 172
Beef fried with onions 18,2 9,7 5,3 181
Beef baked with cheese, onions and mayonnaise 14,7 23,5 2,0 278
Boiled beef 25,7 8,1 0,0 175
Cabbage rolls with rice and beef 7,8 5,3 6,1 104
Stuffed cabbage with rice 1,9 9,6 8,1 126
Fried pink salmon 19,8 12,0 6,5 213
Buckwheat friable 5,9 1,6 29,0 154
fried mushrooms 9,2 7,2 2,3 120
Beef Goulash 12,5 6,0 4,0 120
Pork goulash with sauce 8,8 20,0 4,2 231
Draniki 2,6 4,0 19,7 125
boiled turkey 23,7 20,0 0,0 274
Fried zucchini 1,3 6,0 10,3 100
Zucchini stuffed with meat and rice 7,3 7,2 8,3 128
Boiled squids 30,4 2,2 0,0 185
Calamari stewed in sour cream 18,3 11,6 4,5 196
Braised sauerkraut 1,8 4,1 6,1 69
Fresh stewed cabbage 2,1 3,3 9,6 77
Roasted cauliflower 1,5 6,5 5,1 86
Fried carp 16,2 9,5 8,6 185
Boiled potatoes 2,0 0,4 15,8 75
Fried potato 2,8 9,5 22,0 185
Potatoes fried with mushrooms 3,7 9,0 18,1 169
Potatoes stewed with pork 4,5 10,6 11,2 158
French fries 3,8 15,1 29,0 267
Potato casserole with meat 5,3 5,8 15,2 134
Potato casserole with mushrooms 3,3 5,1 15,8 123
Milk mashed potatoes 2,1 3,3 13,7 93
boiled sausage 12,5 28,0 0,0 300
Sausage boiled-smoked 16,2 44,5 0,0 466
Smoked sausage 26,0 42,0 0,0 480
liver sausage 13,0 14,0 0,0 177
Fried cutlets (pork and beef) 11,7 19,6 9,6 262
Fried cutlets (chicken) 20,0 7,5 16,1 212
Sea fish fried cutlets 12,5 6,0 16,0 168
Fried soy cutlets 7,7 8,6 14,9 168
Cabbage cutlets 4,0 9,3 16,5 166
Potato cutlets 2,8 5,4 20,0 140
Carrot cutlets 3,4 8,8 20,3 174
Steamed cutlets (pork and beef) 12,2 21,0 7,1 267
Chopped pork cutlets 14,3 46,8 0,0 478
Chopped turkey cutlets 17,0 17,2 16,0 287
Beet cutlets 3,7 9,3 23,3 192
fried rabbit 28,7 10,8 0,0 212
Fried chicken thighs 31,2 15,3 0,0 262
Boiled chicken with skin 22,7 17,0 0,0 244
Boiled chicken without skin 29,8 1,8 0,5 137
Boiled pasta 3,6 0,4 21,3 103
Naval pasta 7,8 5,6 16,7 149
Manti with meat 10,3 9,1 16,8 191
Fried pollock 16,2 9,5 8,6 185
Vegetable stew 2,1 4,8 7,1 99
Fried perch 18,4 5,3 4,5 139
Beef liver fritters 17,6 14,4 7,0 228
Sturgeon boiled 18,3 12,1 0,0 182
Sturgeon fried in batter 16,1 7,5 15,4 284
Dumplings with sour cream 8,7 13,4 14,0 211
Peppers stuffed with meat and rice 8,0 3,5 7,8 95
Peppers stuffed with vegetables 2,0 14,1 12,3 184
Fried beef liver 22,9 10,2 3,9 199
Fried pork liver 24,1 10,3 3,9 204
Fried haddock 15,7 8,1 7,8 167
mushroom pizza 4,9 14,8 15,8 216
meat pizza 6,4 11,7 13,2 184
Cheese Pizza 6,6 13,3 22,7 237
Pilaf with lamb 6,4 8,5 20,5 184
Pilaf with chicken 6,7 8,3 15,0 161
Pilaf with pork 6,2 11,5 20,5 210
Roast beef 24,5 13,5 4,5 237
Roast pork 17,1 45,9 4,8 500
Beef kidneys fried with onions 20,1 10,6 0,5 178
Stewed beef kidneys 26,1 13,1 0,7 225
Millet crumbly 4,5 1,3 26,1 134
Rice crumbly 2,4 0,4 23,6 107
Beef rump steak 24,3 13,3 8,4 250
Beef meatloaf with egg 11,8 8,7 8,4 160
Carp fried 16,5 9,7 7,6 184
Salad "Olivier" with beef 6,2 16,9 5,8 200
Beef sausages 11,4 23,6 1,6 265
Pork sausages 10,1 31,6 0,0 325
Pork fried 17,7 37,4 0,0 407
Stellate sturgeon boiled 18,7 1,3 0,0 176
Herring with onion and vegetable oil 9,9 15,8 3,0 194
Boiled beef heart 23,7 4,3 0,5 136
Fried catfish 15,7 7,9 4,0 150
Dairy sausages 11,0 23,9 1,6 265
Jelly 11,0 6,5 0,0 103
Fried pike perch 16,3 7,8 6,9 163
Boiled veal 27,8 2,3 0,5 134
Beef meatballs with rice 12,3 18,2 11,9 261
Cod baked with mayonnaise 13,3 29,6 1,0 323
Roast duck 23,2 34,8 0,2 407
boiled beans 9,6 0,5 20,2 128
Green beans fried with onions 1,3 3,2 3,9 50
Cheeseburger 14,4 6,2 21,4 199
Shawarma 12,7 4,3 23,0 181
Lamb shish kebab 23,9 16,0 0,5 242
Beef skewers 28,7 2,9 0,5 142
Pork skewers 19,9 22,0 0,5 280
Schnitzel natural pork 18,4 32,9 9,5 407
Fried pike 16,2 9,0 8,1 179
boiled beef tongue 23,9 15,0 0,0 231
Omelette 12,9 23,1 0,7 262

How to calculate the energy value of individual dishes or foods?

Already today, special systems and programs are widely used in the world, designed to optimally calculate the calorie content of a certain ready-made dish per hundred grams. Such information enables millions of women to stay in excellent physical shape without much effort, because they always know what to eat so as not to exceed the daily calorie intake. For example, few ordinary people know that everyone's favorite salad "Herring under a fur coat" is very high-calorie, and that is why, if you watch your figure, it is contraindicated for you in large quantities.

Calculating the energy value of a particular dish is very simple. For example, from one hundred grams of raw buckwheat, up to four hundred boiled buckwheat can be obtained, however, in the process of cooking, in addition to water, no other ingredients were added, and therefore the calorie content of buckwheat did not change. Thus, you take as a basis the number indicated on the product packaging.

Another question arises when preparing a complex dish. Before proceeding with the calculation of the energy value of a complex dish, it is necessary to carefully weigh all the ingredients and clarify them. If the result of your culinary fantasy contains vegetable oil, add 20% of its total amount to the calorie content (based on the calculation that there are about 170-180 calories in one tablespoon of sunflower oil). After that, feel free to proceed with the calculations. This is the only way you can get the most accurate indicator of the energy value of your food at home. And do not forget to multiply the final figure by the total weight of the dish.

For convenience, write down all the numbers in a notebook for yourself, so that in the future this process will be faster and more productive. Also, don't forget to account for added sugar or cream. Water, pepper and salt have no energy value.

Soups are very beneficial for the body. They are easily digested, stimulate digestion, contain vitamins and microelements and saturate the body well. Also, they contain very few calories, so they are well suited for dietary nutrition and nursing patients. Some soups, such as ear and chicken broth, are good for viral diseases. They strengthen the body, soften the cough and even act as an antipyretic.

At its core, soups are decoctions of a mixture of vegetables with or without meat. For diets, vegetable soups (Bonn soup, vegetable soup, onion soup, etc.) are most often used. The variety of soups is huge and you yourself can easily become the author of such a recipe. It is enough to change the quantity and composition of the ingredients - and the new soup is ready.

Most soups contain a minimum amount of calories. When cereals, pasta, fats are added to the soup, their calorie content increases significantly. And meat broths only slightly increase the calorie content. In addition to calories, soups nourish our body with vitamins, microelements, and ballast substances.

What are the benefits of soups for the body

Of particular note are vegetable soups. Due to their low calorie content, they are widely used for diets.

In addition, mushrooms and vegetables are best consumed boiled. It is during cooking in vegetables and mushrooms that most of the nutrients are preserved.

Vegetable soups stimulate metabolism, improve the functioning of the digestive tract. The process of losing weight on vegetable soups proceeds without a feeling of hunger and gives a significant weight loss. In addition, vegetable soups cleanse the body well.

Soup calories. Which soup has the fewest calories?

Soups can be safely attributed to low-calorie foods. Sometimes there is confusion about the calorie content of soups, but this is due to the fact that some sources give the calorie content of soups per serving, and not per 100 grams. And, as you know, a portion, in terms of GOST in ulinar, is 250 grams.

The calorie content of the soup will depend entirely on the ingredients that were used in its preparation. For example, the calorie content of beef broth is 26 calories, but if you use fatty meat for its preparation, the calorie content will increase to 55 calories. If you add a carbohydrate component to the soup, and these are: rice, pasta, potatoes, etc., then its calorie content will increase just by the number of calories of the added product. Therefore, the table that is given on our website is indicative only. You can more accurately determine the number of calories in a finished dish if you count the calorie content of all its components.

But judging by standard dishes, vegetable broth has the least calories - only 12 calories. Just a few calories in meat broths without additives.

Calorie table of soups, broths per 100 ml of product:

Soup calorie table
The name of the soup kcal Calories per 100 g B Proteins, g F Fat, g Carbohydrates, g
vegetable broth 12 0 0 2,3
chicken broth 21 2,4 1,1 0
Beef broth 26 3,7 1,3 0
Pork broth 29 3,2 1,5 0
Bean soup 66,1 1,8 4,6 4,4
Pumpkin puree soup 49,2 1,2 2,5 4,8
Rassolnik with pearl barley in meat broth 61,4 2,5 2,3 8,1
Pea soup 54 2,3 2,8 5,4
Mushroom soup with potatoes 72,7 0,8 6,1 4,6
Mushroom cream soup 83,5 1,5 7,2 4,4
Chicken noodle soup (vermicelli) 68,1 3,1 2,1 3,7
Chicken soup with potatoes 49,2 2,7 1,1 3,2
Soup with meatballs 114,2 5,7 9,1 5,9
canned fish soup 52,3 2,4 3,4 3,3
Solyanka meat team 167,8 12,1 10,4 3,9
Lean vegetable borscht 34,3 1,4 1,3 4,4
Vegetable borscht with fried 60,8 1,4 4,4 4,4
Borscht with chicken 128 7,5 10,2 4,4
Borscht with beef 131,6 8,5 9,3 4,4
Borscht with pork 133,8 8,3 9,7 4,4
Lean fresh cabbage soup 32,9 1,1 1,8 3,8
Sauerkraut soup 29,7 1,1 1,8 3,4
Shchi with chicken 102,5 7,2 13,1 3,8
Shchi with beef 104,9 9,3 10,2 3,8
Shchi with pork 106,2 9 10,6 3,8

Popular vegetable soup diets.

The calorie content of soups can be very diverse, as well as the number of recipes for their preparation.

Soups at their core are decoctions of vegetables with or without meat. People began to cook various vegetable mixtures in ancient times, seasoning dishes with various spices, roots and leaves of plants to enhance and improve the taste. No one will argue that the most delicious broth is obtained with meat broth, although the calorie content of meat soup is much higher than that of vegetable soup. For the preparation of soups, it is customary to use various meats - pork, chicken, beef and even fish. In Russia, such broths were called "pottage" and they were considered, however, as now, the main dish of every home.

From year to year, culinary masters improved and developed new recipes for preparing this delicious dish. Therefore, today the number of soup recipes simply cannot be counted. Many women who watch their figure are interested in such questions as is it possible to lose weight on soups, what is the calorie content of puree soup. And those who are quite satisfied with their figure often look on the Internet for recipes and calorie content of vermicelli soup, or information about the calorie content of soup with meatballs.

Is it possible to lose weight on soups?

If you know the calorie content of the soup, then losing weight on the soup will not be difficult. Any soup consists of water, a base of meat, poultry or fish on which the dish is cooked, as well as a mixture of vegetables. The calorie content of meat soups will undoubtedly be higher than regular vegetable soups.

That is why, in order to lose weight on soups, they must be cooked without meat, exclusively on water. You can add various cereals, rice and pasta to soups. Seasonings and salt should be added to taste.

What are the benefits of soups?

Any soup is an excellent source of strength and energy. The soup contains a lot of fiber, carbohydrates and minerals (magnesium, iron, potassium, etc.), vitamins (E, beta-carotene, group B).

In addition, most of the beneficial properties are preserved in boiled vegetables during the preparation of soups, and they are much better absorbed and digested by the body. Yushka from vegetable broth is also useful and has great nutritional value, since vitamins and minerals from vegetables are washed into the broth.

Regardless of the calorie content of soups, they are simply indispensable for the human body:

  • Improve appetite and digestion;
  • Restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Normalize blood pressure;
  • Restore fluid balance in the body;
  • Reduce cholesterol levels;
  • Cleanse the body of toxins;
  • Protect against cardiovascular diseases.

Therefore, many are trying not only to lose weight on soups, but also include them in therapeutic diets. Well, the ability of soups to restore strength after long-term illnesses, to warm up the body in the cold season is no secret to anyone.

How many calories are in the soup?

Despite the fact that soups do not have a particularly high calorie content, it will not be superfluous to think about, for example, what is the calorie content of mashed soup or any other soup. Actually, the calorie content of the soup directly depends on the products from which it is prepared.

In general, among all foods, soups are among the most low-calorie dishes. That is why many people try to lose weight on soups, and they succeed. However, often additional ingredients are added to an already prepared dish that increase the calorie content of the soup. So, for example, high-fat sour cream or mayonnaise greatly increase the calorie content of the dish, so you should not get too carried away with them.

Below is the calorie content of soups made from various products:

  • Ukrainian borscht - 49 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Pea soup - 66 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Mushroom soup - 26 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Green pea soup - 56 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Leek soup with pasta - per 100 ml 39 kcal;
  • Tomato soup - 28 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Potato soup - 100 ml 39 kcal;
  • Potato soup with cereals - 54 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Calorie soup with vermicelli is 48 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Vegetable soup - 43 kcal per 100 ml;
  • The calorie content of soup with meatballs is 75 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Soup puree calorie content on average - 48 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Ear - per 100 ml 46 kcal.

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