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If you are overweight, but do not want to give up meat, then chicken recipes for weight loss will come in handy. Protein food in small quantities is necessary for the body, and many trace elements that make up chicken meat will benefit. In this article, you will learn how to cook chicken breast correctly and what dishes help you lose weight.

Why the chicken diet is important and healthy: the best recipes for guaranteed weight loss

A versatile product helps to eat satisfying, affordable. Chicken is a source of protein, especially breast. It is in this part of the least calories and most vitamins. By the way, the legs contain cholesterol and fat, so they can be harmful.

Do not eat wings, as they are high in fat content! White meat has the following advantages:

  • Chicken recipes are low in calories.
  • Availability of the price of the product.
  • The abundance of this type of meat all year round.
  • Easy to digest, beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract.

The breast also contains fat, which is concentrated under the skin. But as soon as you "undress" the bird before cooking, you will get rid of harmful substances. Linoleic acid in the product is contained in excess.

Thanks to the recipes for all kinds of chicken dishes for weight loss, the photos of which are offered here, you diversify the daily menu. Active fitness classes combined with a protein diet will help you get a slim figure pretty quickly.

What is included in the fillet, what vitamins?

You can easily prepare diet chicken dishes, as meat is sold in any store. The product is perfectly absorbed, without causing unwanted reactions of the gastrointestinal tract. Meat contains tryptophan, which stimulates its own production of serotonin.

The hormone of pleasure will give you cheerfulness and good mood. Compared to other varieties of poultry, chicken fillet contains much more polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Eating meat regularly, you will get a complex of vitamins A, K, E, PP, B. Phosphorus, iron, copper and other minerals will give strength. Chicken breast dishes contribute to the rapid burning of calories without compromising health.

What are the benefits in fillets: how useful are chicken recipes for weight loss?

If you follow a diet that combines chicken with low-calorie foods, do not forget that mono-diet calculated for a maximum of three weeks. Protein diet has a lot of advantages:

  • recipes based on chicken meat improve metabolism;
  • chicken contains enough protein;
  • such a menu will replace vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • delicious dishes cleanse the internal organs of toxins;
  • The product is slowly absorbed and saturates for a long time.

The body will quickly get rid of fat reserves without harming the muscles. Do not forget that only healthy people who do not have chronic ailments can stick to a diet!

Tender meat is best paired with steamed or fresh vegetables. The diet "version" will seem to you no less tasty than the fried one. Even a novice cook can prepare diet dishes for weight loss according to a recipe at home from chicken. Juicy meat has an amazing aroma and unforgettable taste.

Steam cutlets with oatmeal

Calorie content - only 99kC / 100g

Ingredients for cutlets:

  • fillet-300gr;
  • oatmeal - 3 tbsp. l;
  • onion-1 pc;
  • carrots, potatoes;
  • seasonings.
  1. Cereals pour boiling water for a few minutes.
  2. The fillet and onion are scrolled through a meat grinder. Spices are added to taste - salt, paprika, Provence herbs. Softened flakes are also mixed into minced meat.. Chopped herbs can be added to taste.
  3. Minced meat is kneaded, and cutlets are made from a dense sticky mass.
  4. Vegetables for garnish cut into thin slices and spread into a steamer. Steamed cutlets are cooked in just twenty minutes. A little culinary skill - and you can already enjoy the amazing taste!

Chicken roll with dried apricots and prunes

Cooking chicken recipes for weight loss with a video will be even easier. We recommend you try delicious tender rolls with spicy filling!

Calorie content - 120kC / 100g

For cooking:

  • fillet;
  • dried apricots;
  • prunes;
  • garlic;
  • butter.
  1. They cut the meat flat slices and beat lightly. Don't put a lot of effort, because this is the most tender part. Salt each piece a little.
  2. Dried fruits are poured with boiled water for cleaning and swelling. Mince oil and garlic.
  3. They take part of the fillet, add paprika, oil, pepper, garlic, and on top - dried apricots and prunes. Carefully roll up a roll. The workpiece is laid out on foil and wrapped.
  4. Sent to the oven, preheated to +180 degrees, for 20 minutes. Don't forget to pierce the foil!

Breasts with tomato and basil

The calorie content of such a delicacy is 100kCl / 100g

For the recipe you need:

  • chicken meat;
  • ripe tomatoes;
  • basil;
  • spices.
  1. Wash the chicken fillet. cut in the middle, put there tomatoes, cut into rings, basil. The edges stab with toothpicks to keep the structure as strong as possible.
  2. Heat up the pan by adding vegetable oil. fry poultry meat until ready, turning over. The appearance of a golden crust indicates readiness. Remember that white meat does not require long cooking! Dry fillets will lose most of their valuable substances and become tasteless.
  3. Grease baking paper with olive oil. The meat will not be "dry" if rubbed with spiced butter. You can get tender pulp by wrapping the breast in dough. The layer for cooking is unsuitable for food. The bird will cook in its own juice, and you protect yourself from the bad cholesterol contained in the crispy crust.

Cheese soup with chicken

A hot dish for dinner will improve the digestive tract, give strength. Especially if it is a diet soup with cheese chicken.

The low calorie content of the dish - 90kC / 100g - is the main advantage.

Required products:

  • meat -400g;
  • carrot-1pc;
  • potatoes-3pcs;
  • processed cheese - 200g;
  • broth-2l;
  • herbs, spices.
  1. washed up breast cut cubes. Peel vegetables, chop. Olive oil is added to a heated pan and the meat pieces are fried. Bring the broth to a boil in a saucepan, adding the bay leaf and black pepper.
  2. Did you know that chicken broth is cholesterol-free and improves immunity? Using a delicious decoction, you protect the body from ischemia, hypertension, heart attack. Collagen, which is part of the product, improves connective tissues. No wonder a delicious chicken soup is prepared for those who have a cold!
  3. After adding meat to the broth, cook the soup for another 10 minutes. Then dipped carrots and potatoes in boiling water. When the vegetables are boiled, melted cheese is added on top, stirring it well. Sprinkle with chopped herbs when serving.

Chicken with champignons in a slow cooker

It takes only half an hour to prepare a delicious lunch.

Calorie content - 110kC / 100g


  • fillet - 500g;
  • champignons - 200g;
  • sour cream 15% - 150g;
  • bulb;
  • spices.
  1. In the multicooker, set the mode for stewing or frying. The washed fillet is cut into slices.
  2. Fry the chicken meat in a bowl with olive oil for ten minutes.
  3. Champignon boiled in salted water.
  4. Onions and mushrooms are cut, adding to the multicooker bowl. After twenty minutes of quenching put curry, sour cream and simmer until fully cooked. A suitable side dish for a meat dish would be rice and a green salad.

Stuffed peppers with meat and vegetables

80kCl is contained in a 100g serving.

For cooking:

  • sweet pepper - 6 pcs.;
  • large carrots;
  • tomatoes -2pcs;
  • zucchini-200gr;
  • onion-2pcs;
  • breast without skin;
  • vegetable oil;
  • herbs, spices.
  1. Peppers are prepared for the filling by cutting off the top. Carrots are rubbed, and onions are cut arbitrarily. Zucchini and tomatoes are chopped into cubes.
  2. Breast cut small pieces.
  3. A spoonful of oil is poured into a saucepan and the zucchini is sautéed, after 3-4 minutes onions and carrots are added.Eating meat protects against exhaustion and loss of strength. Lose weight without ailments and fainting!
  4. Across 7-8 minutes Tomatoes are placed in the vegetable mixture. Do not forget fragrant seasonings - pepper, coriander, rosemary. A mixture of vegetables is cooled, mixed with chicken and chopped greens.
  5. Peppers are stuffed with minced meat and laid out on a baking sheet. Cook for 30 minutes at +180 degrees. Such low calorie meal appropriate for a festive occasion.

Ways to cook chicken dishes for every day: choose simple recipes for weight loss

A popular product has a unique taste, and a long cooking time is not required. Fillet can be stewed, baked, fried, boiled. So that the meat does not lose its juiciness, watch the time! Among the variety of recipes, there are various ways to cook chicken:

  • in the oven;
  • in a multicooker;
  • in a frying pan;
  • in the microwave;
  • Grilled.

Fillet with caramelized onions

Sweet and sour taste, incredible amber and a minimum of cooking time are the main advantages of the recipe.

Calorie content - 120kC / 100g


  • fillet-500gr;
  • bell pepper-2pcs;
  • bow-3pcs;
  • soy sauce-4-5st. l;
  • sugar-1st.l.

The fillet is cut into oblong pieces. Pour a little oil into a hot frying pan and put the chicken pieces there.

  1. After frying the meat until white, pour in the soy sauce. Additionally, you do not have to salt the dish, since the seasoning already contains salt.
  2. After 2 minutes of quenching, spread in a separate container.
  3. The peppers are washed and de-seeded. Cut into strips and fried in soy mixture. When the pepper becomes soft, add it to the chicken.
  4. Chopped onion fried in sauce. At the final stage onions caramelized in sugar. He acquires unique taste combined with tender meat fillet.

What side dishes can be served with chicken dishes: weight loss recipes for every day

An important role in the assimilation of food is the compatibility of products on the table. The best side dishes for chicken are:

  • steamed or baked vegetables;
  • rice;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • beans;
  • durum pasta.

You can verify readiness by piercing the thick part of the fillet with a wooden skewer. A clear juice without pink impurities is a sign that the meat is ready. If you lift the carcass and cloudy drops flow from the cut, then send the bird to the oven for another five minutes.

lingonberry breast

This recipe is for those who love experiments and do not want to harm the figure. With a fruit "rim", the meat acquires a special taste.

80kCl per 100g serving is a great opportunity to enjoy delicious food that is harmless to your figure!

The following components are needed:

  • breast-2pcs;
  • apple-2pcs;
  • soaked lingonberries - 0.5 cups;
  • salt, cinnamon, ginger.
  1. Pepper the meat, salt, rub with ginger and cinnamon.
  2. Apples cut into slices and placed in a mold to completely close the bottom. Fillets are placed on top. The top layer will be lingonberries.
  3. The form is covered with a layer of foil and left in the oven +180 degrees for no more than forty minutes. You can decorate with mint.

A diet based on chicken recipes for weight loss will help tidy up digestion. The body will begin to actively use its reserves, and you will notice an improvement in the figure. If you lead an active lifestyle and exercise regularly, be sure to include this type of meat in your menu.

Chicken meat is a component of many weight loss diets. The product is delicious, nutritious and non-greasy. A variety of dishes are prepared from it, including dietary ones.

The benefits and harms of chicken on a diet, proper nutrition and weight loss

Chicken refers to dietary meat. It is a natural source of animal protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins. Chicken has a high taste and is a hypoallergenic product. 100 grams of meat contains no more than 120 calories. Since chicken is lean and low in calories, it can be eaten for dinner.

To reap the benefits of eating chicken, you must comply with the measure. The abuse of any protein food leads to impaired kidney function and metabolic disorders. If you eat one meat, it will provoke problems with the intestines.

Be sure to check out:

What parts to prefer for losing weight: legs, thighs, breast, wings

Different parts of the chicken carcass are characterized by a certain fat content. Legs are considered the fattest, so it is undesirable to eat them when losing weight. Slightly less fat is found in chicken wings.

Breast (fillet) is considered the most dietary. Therefore, when losing weight, it is useful to eat this particular part of the chicken carcass.

We choose the best ways to cook chicken meat: in a pan, in the oven, in a slow cooker, for a couple

To lose weight, you need to choose the right way to cook chicken meat. It is important to abandon frying in oil, because during the cooking process the product is saturated with saturated fats and carcinogens, becoming not only high in calories, but also dangerous to health. If you cook fried meat in a pan, add a minimum of vegetable oil or water.

Interesting! Cooking the product in a slow cooker on the “Stew” or “Steam” program will allow you to save a maximum of useful substances and make the dish dietary. Roasting is also suitable for preparing diet chicken meat dishes.

The most delicious and low-calorie chicken dishes for losing weight

Diet recipes from chicken for weight loss at home will make the menu tasty and varied.

chicken chops

To prepare the dish, take:

  • 500 grams of fillet;
  • a tablespoon of starch;
  • egg;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Make coarse minced chicken. Mince the garlic. In a separate bowl, mix the minced meat, egg, garlic, starch, salt and pepper. Let the mixture stand for 30 minutes. Then heat the oil in a frying pan and start frying the chops on both sides.

Meatloaf baked with vegetables and cheese

To prepare chicken rolls, take:

  • kilogram of fillet;
  • 2 onions;
  • carrot;
  • Bell pepper;
  • vegetable oil;
  • sour cream;
  • salt or pepper.

Cut the meat into thin layers. Peel the onion and cut it into half rings. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry the vegetables in a little oil. Sweet pepper cut into strips. Cut hard cheese into pieces of any size.

Put vegetables and cheese on pieces of meat. Salt, pepper and roll the rolls. Lubricate the blanks with sour cream, put on a baking sheet, after pouring a small amount of water on it. Put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake until golden brown.

Stewed fillet with vegetables


  • 1 chicken breast;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • clove of garlic;
  • fresh zucchini;
  • eggplant;
  • a tablespoon of sour cream;
  • salt, herbs and pepper to taste.

Cut the meat into small pieces. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, and cut the onion into cubes. Fry the chicken in a skillet. Add onions, carrots and garlic. Cook 5 minutes. Then add some water and cook for 15 minutes. Add diced eggplant and bell peppers. Mix, salt and pepper. Cook 10 minutes.

Vegetable stew with chicken


  • 0.5 grams of fillet;
  • 3 onions;
  • 5 carrots;
  • 300 grams of canned green peas and corn;
  • broccoli;
  • 2 celery stalks;
  • 2 red peppers;
  • salt, spices and sour cream to taste.

Peel onions and carrots. Remove the seeds from the peppers and separate the broccoli into florets. Shredded vegetables fry in a pan along with pieces of chicken meat and celery. Cook for 15 minutes over moderate heat. Add cauliflower florets. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then lower the heat and simmer for 10 minutes.

Add sour cream with peas and corn to the preparation. Season with salt and continue to cook for 10 minutes over low heat.

Stuffed breasts with champignons


  • 3 breasts;
  • 250 grams of champignons;
  • 2 heads of onions;
  • 50 milliliters of vegetable oil.

Rinse the breasts, salt and pepper. Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the onion cubes. Fry until crispy. Cut the mushrooms into slices, add to the fried onions and cook for 10 minutes, pre-pepper and salt.

Make a small slit in each chicken breast. Gently add the minced meat and fry in a grill pan until cooked on both sides.

Diet steam cutlets


Grind bread, onion and meat in a meat grinder. Beat in the egg, salt and pepper. Mix the mince well.

Shape into patties and steam for about 30-40 minutes.

Braised in sour cream

List of ingredients:

  • 700 grams of fillet;
  • bulb;
  • a glass of sour cream;
  • 20 grams of flour;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Saute onion and garlic in a pan. While the vegetables are cooking for 3 minutes, divide the fillet into pieces, add to the bowl with the onions and garlic. Add spices, flour and sour cream. Mix thoroughly and simmer for 40 minutes over moderate heat.

baked soufflé

Products for cooking:

  • 500 grams of chicken fillet;
  • a spoonful of soy sauce;
  • half a glass of low-fat cream;
  • a tablespoon of flour;
  • egg;
  • a pinch of nutmeg;
  • herbs and spices to taste.

How to cook:

Chicken meatballs with parmesan

Ingredients for cooking:

  • chicken breast;
  • egg;
  • 8 cups chicken broth;
  • lemon;
  • 180 grams of spinach;
  • salt and thyme to taste.

Grind the breast to the state of minced meat. Mix it with egg, nutmeg. Put in the refrigerator for half an hour. In a separate bowl, combine the broth, lemon zest, thyme and bring to a boil over low heat. Put the molded meatballs into the boiling broth and cook them until tender.

Soup with barley groats

Products for cooking:

  • 2 chicken breasts;
  • 2 celery stalks;
  • 1.5 liters of chicken broth;
  • 0.5 cups of barley groats;
  • 1 onion;
  • a tablespoon of olive oil;
  • 1 carrot;
  • salt to taste.

Salt and pepper the meat. Simmer until done in a skillet. Simmer onions, carrots and celery in a pan for 5 minutes.

Add the broth, cereals and meat to a large saucepan and cook until the chicken meat is cooked. Remove the meat from the pan, separate it from the bones, put it back into the pan. You can serve a dish with chopped herbs.

Useful video

Main conclusions

  1. Chicken meat is an ideal product for a diet. It contains protein that the body needs when losing weight, as well as unsaturated fats and vitamins. However, you should not abuse meat, as this can harm the functioning of the kidneys.
  2. The breast is the part of the chicken carcass that contains the minimum amount of fat. But you should not eat thighs and wings on a diet, because their meat is too high-calorie for losing weight.
  3. Chicken is optimally baked in foil, boiled and steamed. It is undesirable to fry the product in a large amount of oil.
  4. From meat, you can cook a variety of dishes for a diet: soups, rolls, meatballs and much more.

How often do you eat chicken on a diet? Share your favorite diets in the comments.

Chicken dishes are present in all national cuisines, because chicken is the bird that we cook more often than others. Fillets are used to make low-fat dietary dishes that are useful for children and athletes, wings in breadcrumbs are fried on the grill by lovers of homemade fast food, and delicious broth can be cooked from the thigh part - the one that cures colds so well. Chicken recipes will not fit on the pages of the largest book: they are so diverse that chicken dishes can be prepared every day without fear that the taste of the bird may get bored. Juicy chicken tabaka glorified Georgian cuisine no less than satsivi and pkhali, chicken with apples in European cuisine is baked as often as turkey in America, and in Russia the stuffing for pancakes from finely chopped chicken in a creamy sauce has become almost a classic. Russian chefs never wonder what to cook with chicken: they know by heart hundreds of variations of cooking chicken with potatoes, mushrooms, buckwheat or in their own juice. The hit of the New Year's table is, of course, oven-fried chicken legs. Marinated in mayonnaise and spices, they are baked with a crispy delicious crust, the taste of which has been familiar to us since childhood. You can cook chicken in any way; during heat treatment, the meat becomes soft and absorbs the smells of other products well. Chicken can be served hot or cold. After cooling, its taste almost does not change, and at low temperatures, chicken dishes remain fresh for a long time. Our authors shared a variety of chicken recipes - from the simplest to the exotic ones with avocado, kiwi and pineapple.

Several low-calorie recipes should be in the arsenal of any housewife. Cooking deliciously and beautifully serving a dietary dish is a skill worth its weight in gold. Oven-baked sea bream or hake in a creamy sauce are perfect for a romantic dinner, while noodles with pumpkin and mushrooms are a great example of an autumn menu. Fresh low-calorie snacks with seeds and pomegranate look beautiful on the table and are combined in the menu with meat and poultry dishes. The site has many recipes for low-calorie low-fat soups, desserts, hot meat and fish dishes that will make the diet varied and balanced. For example, onion cream soup, banana cookies or spaghetti with seafood have long ceased to frighten those who watch their weight: special recipes do not contain sugar, but there are healthy whole grain flour and high-protein ingredients.

Search for recipes by selecting a dish category, subcategory, cuisine or menu. And in additional filters, you can search by the desired (or unnecessary) ingredient: just start writing its name and the site will select the appropriate one.

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Chicken meat is not only very tender, tasty, nutritious, it is also light, low-fat. In this regard, chicken meat is considered very useful, dietary. Therefore, there are many recipes for preparing chicken for weight loss.
You can read low-calorie chicken recipes in this subcategory. Here are collected the most original, healthy and delicious chicken diet recipes. Also in this subcategory there are a large number of recipes on how to cook diet chicken with a photo.
Recipes for diet chicken dishes with photos are a salvation for millions of us. These recipes are very simple and easy to understand. Especially if the recipe is supplemented with photos with step-by-step preparation. In this case, the process of preparing dishes, even the most complex ones, turns into pleasure.
There are also recipes on how to cook diet chicken cutlets, low-calorie chicken dishes, diet chicken in the oven, diet chicken breast dishes and many other original and tasty recipes.
Eating low-calorie chicken dishes is best with fresh or steamed vegetables. Choose mouth-watering diet chicken dishes and amaze everyone with the unforgettable taste of diet dishes and, of course, with your culinary skills. After all, diet chicken really turns out very tasty. Tender chicken meat pleases with its juiciness, and the amazing, unforgettable aroma just drives you crazy.
And remember, wholesome, healthy food is very appetizing and tasty, you just need to learn how to cook it correctly. But now you know what dietary chicken dishes you can cook. Is not it? In addition, diet chicken meat dishes can be prepared not only for the everyday menu, it will perfectly decorate the festive table.

Ragout of pumpkin and chicken fillet

Ingredients: pumpkin, onion, carrot, tomato, chicken fillet, salt
Calories / 100g: 48

Today we will cook a very tasty hearty and dietary chicken fillet stew with pumpkin. The recipe is very simple and fast.

Ingredients:- 100 grams of pumpkin,

1 onion
- 1 carrot,
- 1 tomato,
- 100 grams of chicken fillet,
- half tsp salt. Juicy chicken breast in a pan

Ingredients: chicken breast, salt, pepper, kiwi, tomato, onion, cilantro, lemon juice, chili, oil, sugar
Calories / 100g: 101

Very often I cook this juicy chicken breast in a pan. We cook it with a very tasty sauce. The recipe is simple, so be sure to cook it.


300 grams of chicken breast;

A pinch of salt;
- pepper;
- paprika;
- thyme;
- dry garlic;
- 1-2 kiwi or tomatoes;
- 30 grams of bell pepper;
- 15 grams of green onions;
- 5 sprigs of cilantro;
- 2-3 tablespoons lemon juice;
- chili;
- 1 tbsp vegetable oils;
- Brown sugar.

Chicken cutlets in the oven

Ingredients: zucchini, minced chicken, oatmeal, eggs, olive oil, salt, pepper
Calories / 100g: 145

If you thought that chicken cutlets are not a diet dish, you are mistaken. My simple recipe for cutlets with the addition of oatmeal is not only very tasty, but also low in calories.


Zucchini - 300 grams,

Minced chicken - 500 grams,
- oatmeal - 150 grams,
- chicken egg - 1 pc.,
- olive oil - 1 tsp,
- salt - to taste,
- black pepper - to taste. Chicken cutlets with zucchini

Ingredients: chicken, zucchini, carrot, egg, onion
Calories / 100g: 89

Chicken cutlets with zucchini prepared according to this recipe are not only tasty and juicy, but also extremely healthy, low-calorie and dietary. The dream of any losing weight lady, not a recipe.


0.8 kg. chicken (breast);
- 200 gr. zucchini;
- 100 gr. carrots;
- 1 egg;
- 1 onion. Dietary steamed chicken cutlets

Ingredients: chicken fillet, onion, carrot, eggs, white bread, milk, salt, pepper, olive oil
Calories / 100g: 147

Before going on a diet, first buy a double boiler - a great thing that will become your best assistant. Today I will tell you how to cook the most delicious steamed chicken cutlets.


Chicken fillet - 400 grams,

Onion - 1 pc.,
- carrots - 1 pc.,
- egg - 1 pc.,
- white bread - 1 slice,
- milk - 100 grams,
- salt - to taste,
- black pepper - to taste,
- olive oil - 40 grams. Steamed chicken cutlets with oatmeal

Ingredients: chicken fillet, oatmeal, onion, salt, sweet paprika, Provence herbs, water, potatoes, carrots, spices
Calories / 100g: 99

Steamed chicken cutlets with oatmeal are easy to prepare. Although this dish is dietary, it is very tasty and satisfying.


300 grams of chicken fillet;

3 tbsp oatmeal;
- 1 onion;
- salt to taste;
- half tsp sweet paprika;
- 2-3 pinches of Provence herbs;
- 3 tablespoons boiled water;
- potato;
- carrot;
- to taste spices. French-style chicken breast meat

Ingredients: chicken breast, onion, champignon, tomato, cheese, sour cream. flour, curry, coriander, parsley, salt, oil, rosemary
Calories / 100g: 122

I could not even think before that on a diet you can eat such delicious dishes. This French-style meat is not ashamed to be served even on the festive table, no one will even understand that it is dietary.

Ingredients:- 700 grams of chicken breast;

50 grams of onions;
- 50 grams of champignons;
- 4 cherry tomatoes;
- 30 grams of cheese;
- 30 grams of sour cream;
- 30 grams of whole grain flour;
- 5 grams of curry seasoning;
- 5 grams of coriander;
- parsley;
- rosemary;
- salt;
- vegetable oil. Chicken breasts with mozzarella and tomato

Ingredients: chicken breast, mozzarella, tomato, onion, cream, paprika, garlic, salt, thyme, pepper, basil
Calories / 100g: 111.9

We cook a very tasty, juicy, fragrant dish of chicken breasts with tomatoes and mozzarella in the oven. The dish turns out to be appetizing and very beautiful, it can be served on the festive table.


360 g chicken breasts,
- 4 tablespoons of cream (10%,
- 50 g of tomatoes,
- 80 g of onion,
- 60 g mozzarella,
- 2 pinches of ground black pepper
- 3 g paprika,
- a third of a teaspoon of dry garlic,
- 2 g thyme,
- 2 g dry basil,
- sea salt to taste. Chicken roll with mushrooms and cheese in a double boiler

Ingredients: chicken fillet, mushrooms, hard cheese, onion, salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil
Calories / 100g: 164.86

A healthy chicken breast dish that can be included in the diet. The recipe for rolls will help diversify the menu of the whole family as a whole. They are not difficult to prepare and steamed, which will only benefit the body.

Products for the recipe:

One chicken fillet

70 g hard cheese,
- 200 g fresh mushrooms,
- head of onion
- 5 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
- spices - to taste. Stir-fried chicken with vegetables in coconut milk

Ingredients: chicken fillet, chicken meat, carrots, onions, bell peppers, green beans, coriander, black pepper, white pepper, ground chili pepper, cumin, zira, ginger root, vegetable oil, unsalted soy sauce, salt, canned coconut milk
Calories / 100g: 104.71

We prepare a tasty and satisfying dish from poultry meat and a vitamin set of vegetables and spicy spices. Stir-fried chicken with vegetables can be served for dinner on a weekday or prepared for a holiday.


400 g chicken fillet,
- 1 bell pepper,
- 1 carrot,
- 2 turnip bulbs,
- 1 tsp fresh or 0.5 tsp ground ginger,
- half tsp corinder grains,
- 1 handful of green beans,
- 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
- a third of a teaspoon of cumin (zira),
- half tsp white and black pepper,
- 1 tsp ground chili pepper,
- 2 tablespoons of soy sauce,
- 1 glass of coconut milk,
- salt to taste. Chicken breast baked with prunes in kefir sauce

Ingredients: chicken breast, prunes, tomatoes, carrots, garlic, kefir, Provence herbs spices
Calories / 100g: 83.87

The recipe for a delicious chicken dish with vegetables and dried fruits. Cooking chicken breast baked with prunes in a sauce of kefir and fragrant spices.


2 chicken breasts
- 1 clove of garlic,
- 4 prunes,
- 5 pieces of tomatoes,
- half a glass of kefir,
- 1 carrot,
- 1 teaspoon of Provence herbs spices. Diet chicken cutlets with steamed cauliflower

Ingredients: chicken, cabbage, egg, salt, spice, flour
Calories / 100g: 115

The recipe for very tender, delicious cutlets of chicken and cauliflower. The dish is steamed in a slow cooker - and this means that the cooking process will not take much time.


400 grams of chicken meat,
- 2 pinches of flour
- 1 chicken egg,
- 400 grams of cauliflower,
- spices to taste,
- salt to taste. Steam cutlets stuffed with olives according to Dukan

Ingredients: chicken fillet, cilantro, onion, leek, garlic, ground pepper, chicken masala, olive, salt, vegetable oil, cucumber
Calories / 100g: 45

Steamed meatballs stuffed with olives. Agree, it sounds original. You can serve such a dish to guests, and cook for yourself to diversify your diet.

Ingredients:- 370 g of chicken fillet (breast);

- 30 g of cilantro;
- 30 g of white onion;
- 40 g of leek;
- 2 teeth - garlic;
- 3 g of ground red pepper;
- 5 g of garama masala for chicken;
- 12 pcs. olives stuffed with pepper;
- 4 g of salt;
- 5 ml. refined vegetable oil;
- fresh cucumbers, leek for serving. Chicken fillet with broccoli and cauliflower according to Dukan

Ingredients: chicken fillet, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, onion, garlic, yogurt, starch, paprika, thyme, rosemary, vegetable oil, salt
Calories / 100g: 68.03

A recipe for a delicious hot chicken dish with vegetables and spicy spices. recommended for stages 2, 3 and 4 of the Dukan diet.


300 g chicken fillet,
- 250 g broccoli,
- 2 cloves of garlic,
- 50 g of onion,
- 120 g carrots,
- 250 g of cauliflower,
- 3 g thyme,
- 3 g rosemary,
- 5 g ground paprika,
- 120 ml of yoghurt 0%,
- 10 g of refined vegetable oil,
- 12 g corn starch,
- salt to taste. Chicken breast stewed with carrots according to Dukan

Ingredients: chicken breast, carrot, celery, onion, chili, cilantro, starch, salt, vegetable oil
Calories / 100g: 63

Our today's dish can be eaten at all stages of the Dukan diet, except for the "attack". But even if you do not adhere to this diet, we recommend that you cook it for a festive table or for a family dinner.

Ingredients:- 380 g of chicken breast;
- 250 g carrots;
- 200 g of stem celery;
- 150 g of onion;
- 2 pcs. red and green chili peppers;
- 20 g cilantro;
- 15 g of corn starch;
- sea salt, ground pepper, vegetable oil for frying.

Fried chicken without oil "Diet recipe"

Ingredients: Chicken fillet, spices, salt
Calories / 100g: 189.43

Recipe for fried chicken in foil in a dry frying pan without oil. An excellent option for a diet menu that will be appreciated by everyone without exception.

What will be required:

Chicken meat (fillet, leg or drumstick),
- fine salt
- chicken spices
- dry frying pan and foil. Chicken liver in a pan

Ingredients: Chicken liver, milk, onion, celery, garlic, starch, yogurt, olive oil, salt, green onion
Calories / 100g: 98.25

By preparing chicken liver according to the proposed recipe, you can be sure that this appetizing second dish for dinner will appeal to all family members.


270 g chicken liver,
- 100 g of stem celery,
- 50 g of onions,
- 3 cloves of garlic,
- 100 ml of milk,
- 3 g red ground pepper,
- 20 g corn starch,
- 100 ml yogurt (0%,
- 10 ml of olive oil,
- 5 g of salt,
- green onion for serving Zucchini stuffed according to Dukan

Ingredients: Zucchini, minced chicken, carrots, onions, bell peppers, garlic, chili peppers, ground pepper, thyme, parsley, salt, vegetable oil
Calories / 100g: 72

I present to your attention another Dukan recipe - zucchini stuffed with minced chicken and vegetables, cooked in a pan. Although these zucchini cook for almost an hour and a half, do not worry - you will get an excellent-tasting dish.


450 grams of zucchini;

350 grams of minced chicken fillet;
- 150 grams of carrots;
- 60 grams of onion;
- 80 grams of bell pepper;
- 3 cloves of garlic;
- 1 chili pepper;
- 3 grams of ground black pepper;
- 4 grams of dried thyme;
- 15 grams of parsley;
- salt;
- vegetable oil for frying. Chicken goulash with leek and vegetables

Ingredients: Breast, onion, carrot, bell pepper, chili, garlic, yogurt, starch, vegetable oil, red pepper, marjoram, cauliflower, broccoli
Calories / 100g: 63

Such dietary goulash can be eaten on the Dukan diet - at all stages except the first. You will definitely like the taste of goulash because I use many different seasonings in the recipe. Cooking such goulash is not difficult for the hostess.


300 grams of chicken breast;

150 grams of leek;
- 120 grams of carrots;
- 100 grams of bell pepper;
- 1 chili pepper;
- 4 cloves of garlic;
- 60 ml. yogurt;
- 5 grams of corn starch;
- 6 ml. vegetable oils;
- 5 grams of ground red pepper;
- 3 grams of marjoram;
- 150 grams of cauliflower;
- 150 grams of broccoli. Dietary steamed cabbage rolls

Ingredients: Cabbage, chicken, onion, buckwheat, broth, salt, spices
Calories / 100g: 62.86

We are preparing a simple and hearty dish for dinner - diet cabbage rolls with chicken meat and boiled buckwheat. You can quickly and tasty feed your family by preparing such cabbage rolls in a double boiler.


1 fork of Chinese cabbage,
- 3 tablespoons of broth,
- 300 g minced chicken,
- 0.5 st. boiled buckwheat,
- half an onion-turnip,
- sour cream to taste
- salt to taste,
- spices to taste.


Dietary chicken dishes are not only healthy, but also very tasty. Can't think of recipes for diet chicken dishes other than light clear broth and boiled breast? Visit our page! You will be surprised how many diet chicken dishes you can cook! Many recipes that we will definitely share, you will definitely want to try immediately after reading! Feel free to take them to your “piggy bank” and make sure that you can cook different chicken diet dishes literally every day.

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58 recipes

  • Appetizing pieces

    Safe marinade for healthy people. Juicy meat with a crispy crust.

  • Cauliflower puree

    Cauliflower is a super healthy vegetable. In this recipe, we will talk about how to cook a tasty and appetizing puree from it, which can be a side dish.

  • Chicken breast in a vegetable coat

    I came up with this recipe myself. My family likes it very much. This dish is prepared quickly. I often cook it by changing the toppings. It is light on the stomach and therefore, you can eat a lot of it. Try it and you won't regret it.

  • Buckwheat with chicken

    Buckwheat with chicken is a dish whose recipes are rooted in deep Russian antiquity. Today I will cook for dinner a very tasty crumbly buckwheat with ruddy chicken.

  • Salad with chicken and corn

    Salad with chicken and corn in the spring fresh and light. This is exactly what you most want now: lean chicken, fresh cucumber, sweet corn and lots and lots of greens.

  • Salad "Beauty"

    Salad "Beauty" is named so not only because of the appetizing appearance, but also because of the usefulness of its ingredients.

  • Salad with chicken and walnuts

    Salad with chicken and walnuts, prepared according to this recipe, pleases with an unbroken taste, fresh notes of apple and cucumber, piquancy and a garlic-nut aftertaste.

  • Chicken breast skewers

    Chicken breast skewers can be cooked very juicy if marinated properly and held over coals for a short time.

  • Chicken liver in cream, recipe with photo step by step

    Chicken liver in cream is so delicious that it is impossible to resist. We offer a simple step-by-step photo recipe for chicken liver with cream.

  • Chicken breast stuffed with apples

    Chicken breast stuffed with apples is a very unusual dish from products available all year round. This recipe is especially for those who like to eat tasty, healthy and beautiful.

  • Chicken breast in tomato marinade

    Bake chicken breast in tomato marinade according to this recipe - it turns out very fragrant and juicy!

  • Salad with chicken and celery

    The most famous salad with chicken and celery is Waldorf salad. We offer you a recipe for this simple and very original salad.

  • Chicken with zucchini

    In this recipe, we offer you not the most common combination of chicken meat with zucchini.

  • Chicken fillet in a slow cooker

    Chicken fillet in a slow cooker - fast, spicy, unusual. Read the original recipe for this delicious dish below.

  • Steamed chicken cutlets

    Steamed chicken cutlets according to the recipe on this page is proof that low-calorie dishes can be very tasty.

  • Chicken breast in a slow cooker

    Chicken breast in a slow cooker is an ideal diet dish. We offer you a simple recipe for cooking chicken breast in a slow cooker.

  • Chicken liver in a slow cooker

    Chicken liver cooked in a slow cooker is a tender, appetizing and very beautiful dish that can be served, if desired, even on the festive table.

  • Stewed roosters

    Stewed roosters for the New Year, Christmas or Easter according to this recipe will delight the most sophisticated gourmets.

  • Chicken in soy sauce

    Chicken in soy sauce seemed exotic not so long ago, but today it is cooked in many families. Prepare this wonderful dish according to the recipe below.

  • "Caesar" - salad recipe with chicken and croutons

    Today we will tell you how to cook "Caesar" with crackers and chicken - the recipe is suitable for serving salad on the festive table, and just to please yourself with delicious food on an ordinary day.

  • Chicken liver in sour cream

    Chicken liver in sour cream is nutritious and very tasty, it is a favorite dish for children and adults.

  • Chicken hearts in sour cream

    Chicken hearts in sour cream is a versatile dish that is appropriate for everyday, holiday, diet and children's menus. Today we will tell you how to cook chicken hearts in sour cream.

  • Chicken stew

    Chicken stew is a very popular meat preparation, because it so often helps us out with a lack of time. Especially for our readers, we offer an excellent chicken stew recipe.

  • Chicken cutlets with zucchini

    Chicken cutlets with zucchini is one of the easiest and healthiest hot dishes, an ideal dietary option, especially if you cook them not in a pan, but in a double boiler or oven.

  • Rooster ear, recipe

    Rooster ear, the recipe of which you see on this page, is a truly luxurious first course that can be served on a large festive table.

  • Steamed chicken nuggets

    This recipe for steamed chicken meatballs will be of interest to anyone who is on a diet and monitors the calorie content of their diet, and they are also suitable for baby food.

  • Khashlama from chicken

    Chicken khashlama is a hot dish of poultry, vegetables and spices in its own juice. How to cook delicious chicken khashlama, read below.

  • Chicken soup with egg noodles

    Chicken noodle soup is one of the most delicious and easily digestible soups. We invite you to try the recipe for this wonderful first course.

  • Chicken with tomato paste

    Chicken with tomato paste is a favorite everyday hot dish for many.

  • Chicken with buckwheat noodles and vegetables

    Chicken with buckwheat noodles and vegetables is an easy and affordable way to make your everyday table a little more exotic. We offer a popular adapted version of the recipe for a delicious Japanese dish.

  • Buckwheat noodles with chicken and vegetables

    Buckwheat noodles with chicken and vegetables are unusual, healthy, have a wonderful taste and diversify your menu with Japanese exotics. We offer you a recipe for soba with chicken and vegetables.

  • Chicken heart goulash

    Prepare chicken heart goulash according to this recipe - such a dish cooked for lunch or dinner, everyone will eat with great pleasure!


Chicken meat is considered dietary, but if it is used without the skin. It is also desirable to cook dishes from the white part of the carcass - the breast. And of course, homemade chicken is better suited for dietary nutrition, naturally - not fatty.

Diet chicken stew with beans and tomatoes

Delicious stew is great to eat for lunch - it will replace both the first and second courses.

  1. Soak 150 g of dry beans overnight, and boil until soft in the morning. Leave some of the bean broth.
  2. Cut two pieces of carrots, onions and sweet pepper into cubes.
  3. Pour boiling water over three fresh tomatoes and remove the skin from them. Cut them up too.
  4. Cut the boneless and skinless chicken breast into small pieces. Fry the chicken in olive oil (2 tbsp).
  5. Place half of the chicken in a saucepan or double bottomed pot.
  6. Lay all the vegetables and beans on the meat.
  7. Place leftover chicken on top.
  8. Salt to taste with 1 cup of bean broth and pour over the chicken with vegetables.
  9. Simmer the dish over low heat for 30-40 minutes.

Chicken stewed in sour cream

This dish goes well with boiled friable rice.

  1. Cut the chicken fillet into long strips. Salt and pepper the meat quite a bit.
  2. Pour one tablespoon of vegetable oil into the bottom of the stewpan and simmer in it until soft one onion, cut into half rings.
  3. Put the prepared fillet to the onion and warm everything together for 5 minutes.
  4. Pour the chicken with sour cream (1 cup) and simmer for another 5-7 minutes.

Diet cabbage rolls with chicken

Savoy cabbage leaves are suitable for cabbage rolls - they are very tender and elastic.

  1. Separate the cabbage into leaves.
  2. Grind 300 g of chicken fillet in a meat grinder.
  3. Boil 80 g brown rice.
  4. Fry one chopped onion and one grated carrot in olive oil.
  5. Make minced meat and vegetables. Add a clove of garlic and salt to taste to it.
  6. From the leaves and minced meat, form cabbage rolls and place them in a saucepan, greased with oil.
  7. Pour the dish with sour cream sauce and vegetable broth - take them equally.
  8. Stew stuffed cabbage under the lid for 35-40 minutes.

Dietary stuffed chicken cutlets

For cutlets, take one double chicken fillet and divide it into 6 parts. Beat off five pieces with a kitchen hammer, and twist the sixth in a meat grinder. Finely chop one small onion and fry a little. Grind a handful of nuts (cashews or walnuts) with a blender. Mix the twisted meat, onion and nuts. Salt and pepper the filling a little. Wrap a spoonful of the resulting filling in each broken plate of chicken fillet. Fasten the cutlets with toothpicks and brush with olive oil. Bake them in the oven under foil for 35-40 minutes. When the patties are cooked, remove the toothpicks.

Chicken cutlets with soy mince

Soy minced meat is great for diet food. For those who are not ready to eat only soy, this original recipe will come in handy.

  1. Pass 500 g of chicken fillet through a meat grinder.
  2. Mix minced chicken with minced soy - take 100 g.
  3. Turn the mass again.
  4. Salt the minced meat and form cutlets out of it.
  5. Put the products in a saucepan, greased with oil.
  6. Pour the cutlets with salted chicken broth and simmer them, covered, for 20 minutes.

Chicken stuffed potatoes

Wash medium-sized potatoes well with a brush and wrap with foil right in the skin. Roast the vegetables in the preheated oven for 30 minutes. When the potato has cooled slightly, cut off one side from it and take out all the pulp from the inside. Finely chop the boiled chicken fillet and mix with potato pulp. Add salt, pepper and sour cream to them. With this stuffing, stuff the potato molds that you got as a result of taking out the pulp. Put the potatoes back in the oven and bake them there for 10 minutes.

Boiled chicken with sauce

After preparing this dish, you will still have a wonderful chicken broth, on which it is good to cook noodle soup.

  1. Boil a whole chicken in water with the addition of onions, carrots and celery root. Salt the broth a little.
  2. Cut the meat into portions and remove the bones if possible. Put the meat in a saucepan.
  3. Melt 70 g of butter in another saucepan and add a tablespoon of flour to it. Fry the flour until slightly yellowish.
  4. Gradually pour two cups of chicken broth into the flour and butter - constantly stir the mass with a whisk.
  5. When the sauce boils, add a glass of sour cream, salt and pepper to it to taste. Boil everything together for 5 minutes.
  6. Pour the chicken meat with the resulting sauce and heat the dish on the stove for several minutes.

Braised chicken with cabbage

Chop half a head of fresh cabbage and salt with a teaspoon of salt. Leave the cabbage to infuse until the juice comes out of it. While the cabbage is standing, cut the chicken fillet (300 g) into cubes and fry in olive oil with carrots (1 pc.) And onions (1 pc.). When the meat becomes golden, put the cabbage in the pan (before that, wring it out of moisture). Simmer everything together until the cabbage is soft. At the very end, salt the dish and add a little sour cream (2-3 tablespoons).

Steam chicken zrazy with rice

Zrazy are meat cutlets stuffed with any filling. They are good to cook from pure minced meat.

  1. Boil 1 cup of viscous rice porridge. Cool her down.
  2. Mix 300 g of minced chicken with 2/3 of the porridge. Salt the resulting mass to taste.
  3. Mix the rest of the porridge with one hard-boiled egg, herbs and salt.
  4. Form the minced meat into flat cakes.
  5. Place one teaspoon of rice filling on each cake.
  6. Connect the edges of the cake and form oval zrazy.
  7. Put the products on the steamer grate and cook them according to the instructions (20-30 minutes).

chicken schnitzel

Cut the chicken fillet into thin slices. Beat them lightly, salt and pepper. Roll each thin plate in flour, then dip in a beaten egg, and at the end - sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Lay the schnitzels out on a parchment-lined sheet and drizzle lightly with olive oil. Bake the chicken schnitzels in a preheated oven until they are crispy.

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Chicken fillet in a "sleeve" with vegetables
Ingredients: 500 grams of chicken fillet, a handful of olives or pitted olives, 1 bell pepper, 1 large tomato, 4 large potatoes, olive oil, spices, pepper, salt, lemon juice, herbs.

Cooking. Wash the chicken fillet, cut into small pieces, pour lemon juice. Put in a bowl, add the tomato, which we cut into cubes, pepper, cut into strips, olives, cut into rings. Spices, herbs, or dry herbs - basil, oregano, marjoram. Cut the potatoes into small pieces, salt and mix. If desired, add a chopped piece of ham so that the chicken is not lean. Add a few tablespoons of olive oil, mix and transfer to a baking sleeve. We tie it on the sides and make a few punctures on top with a needle so that steam comes out. We shift the sleeve to a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Dietary chicken breast meatballs
Ingredients: take 250 or 300 grams of chicken meat and an egg.

Grind the breast first, we will do this with a blender or meat grinder.
1. Separate the protein from the yolk and add it to the minced meat. Mix the mass so that it is smooth. Add the pulp of the loaf to the minced meat, grind it and soak it. We'll get minced meat.

2. Form small balls from minced meat and throw into boiling water, which we salt. After a while, the diet chicken meatballs will float. Then cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat and cook for 10 minutes. From the moment of boiling to readiness, 20 minutes will pass. Diet chicken meatballs can also be made in a double boiler. The time it takes for the meatballs to be fully cooked depends on the balls that are made from minced meat.

Chicken fillet fritters
Ingredients: 500 grams of chicken breast, 100 ml of vegetable oil, dill, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 or 2 tablespoons of flour, 1 egg, pepper, salt

Cooking. Chicken meat without skin, cut into small pieces or pass through a meat grinder, add chopped garlic, eggs and chopped dill, salt, pepper and mix well. We store such minced meat in the refrigerator for several days, and fry the number of servings we need. We fry the pancakes from chicken fillet in vegetable oil, with the help of a spoon put the pancakes into the pan.

Royal chicken
This chicken recipe is royal, we will cook, if we change it, chicken fillet for turkey fillet.
Ingredients: 2 cups diced boiled chicken breast,
Half cup chopped red pepper
1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper
A glass of chopped mushrooms (champignons).
1/3 cup skimmed milk powder
3 cups chicken broth.
½ teaspoon black pepper
3 tablespoons flour
3 tablespoons of olive oil.
A tablespoon of chopped parsley.
4 tablespoons of dry white wine.
Salt to taste.
1. Stew the chopped mushrooms in a pan over low heat for 10 or 15 minutes.
2. Remove the mushrooms from the heat and set aside.
3. Heat the olive oil in a small saucepan.
4. Add flour. Mix with oil and heat a little.
5. Add chicken broth.
6. Bring the mixture to a boil, stir constantly.
7. Add skimmed milk powder. Cook, stirring for 1 minute.
8. Dip red, green pepper, chicken, mushrooms into the sauce. Salt. Simmer for 20 or 30 minutes.
9. 5 minutes before readiness, add parsley, black pepper, wine.
Pomit the chicken dish royally for 5 minutes, stir. Serve the dish hot.

Salad "White birch"
The salad is quite tender, satisfying and everyone will like it.
Ingredients: 300 or 400 grams of chicken fillet, 100 grams of prunes, 2 pieces of fresh cucumbers, 3 eggs, 1 onion, 200 grams of champignons, mayonnaise, herbs to taste.

Cooking. Prepare all the ingredients for the salad. Let's boil the eggs. Let's cook the chicken fillet in salted water for about 20 minutes, cook wild mushrooms for 30 minutes. Rinse the prunes and let them soak for 15 or 20 minutes in warm water. Then we drain the water, and dry the prunes with paper towels. Peel the onion and chop finely. Mushrooms cut into strips or cubes.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, then add the onion. Simmer over low heat for a few minutes, then add chopped mushrooms and fry them, if forest mushrooms, then fry them for 10 minutes, or 20 minutes if you took mushrooms. Chicken fillet, 2 or 3 pieces of prunes and cucumbers cut into thin strips. Cut the remaining prunes into cubes, grate the eggs on a coarse grater. Lay out all the ingredients for the White Birch salad in layers: first prunes, then mushrooms with onions, then put chicken fillet, then eggs and at the end put cucumbers. Grease each layer with mayonnaise. On the last layer of mayonnaise, lay out a birch trunk from prunes. We will get a festive, tasty and very appetizing White Birch salad.

Chicken fillet stewed in sour cream
Cut the fillet into small pieces. When the pieces are browned, add coarsely chopped onion and salt. Fry stirring occasionally. When the onion is ready, add some water, sour cream and mix well, cover with a lid and reduce the heat. After 20 minutes, the dish is ready.

Recipe for chicken fillet in breadcrumbs
Beat the chicken fillet, season with salt and spices, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave for 10 or 15 minutes. Roll in flour, then egg, then breadcrumbs. Fry over medium heat until golden brown.

Chicken fillet recipe under a fur coat
Ingredients: 600 grams of chicken fillet, 2 large carrots, 4 small onions, 5 or 6 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 200 grams of cheese, pepper, salt.

Cooking. Cut the chicken fillet into pieces 1.5 * 2 centimeters in size. Salt the pieces, season with pepper, mix with lemon juice and mayonnaise. Let's leave it for 30 or 45 minutes. Separately, grate the cheese and carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion. Put chicken fillet in layers in a baking sheet, then onions, carrots and put cheese. So that the cheese does not burn, spread a thin layer of mayonnaise on top. Put in the oven for 25 or 30 minutes, at a temperature of 180 to 200 degrees.
Recipe for chicken fillet with honey
Chicken goes well with honey. Honey gives the dish a special piquancy and this dish acquires a different taste.

Chicken fillet pepper, salt. Put on a greased baking sheet, send to the oven for 10 or 15 minutes, heated to a temperature of 180 or 200 degrees. Lubricate the fillet pieces with a little honey and simmer in the oven until tender.

Recipe for chicken fillet with cottage cheese
Ingredients: 500 grams of chicken fillet, 2 cloves of garlic, 70 grams of cheese, 250 grams of cottage cheese, greens, pepper, salt.

Squeeze the garlic, chop the greens, grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Mix cottage cheese, garlic, herbs, cheese. Salt the resulting mass. We beat off the pieces of chicken fillet, pepper, salt. Put the filling on each piece of fillet. Gently wrap each piece of fillet in the form of a roll. We fix the meat with toothpicks or tie the roll with a thread. Put the rolls in a hot pan and fry the meat from different sides until we get a golden crust. Then put the rolls to languish for 20 or 25 minutes. Chicken fillet from broiler chicken is very tender and soft, it will take less time to cook than regular meat. Don't overcook it. If the fillet is properly cooked, it will be white in color and juicy in taste.

Chicken fillet with stuffing
Ingredients: 1 chicken fillet, pepper, salt.
Ingredients for the filling: 50 or 70 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, garlic, dill.
Ingredients for the sauce: 200 grams of mushrooms, 1 onion, 200 or 250 grams of sour cream or mayonnaise.

Cooking. Mix cottage cheese with garlic and herbs. Beat the chicken fillet, pepper, salt and wrap the cottage cheese with herbs in the middle. Prick with a toothpick and fry until crispy on both sides. Pour the sauce over the finished rolls and boil a little. Prepare the sauce, for this, finely chop the onion, fry in vegetable oil until soft, add sliced ​​\u200b\u200bchampignons and fry for 7 or 10 minutes. Pour sour cream into a pan with mushrooms and stir occasionally, bring the sauce to a boil, pepper, salt to taste.

Chicken fillet in crispy breadcrumbs
I love this recipe for its speed and simplicity. The chicken is soft and tender after soaking in milk. But it doesn’t turn out fried, and this dish can be offered to children.
Ingredients: milk, chicken fillet.
For breading, take 100 grams of crackers, 1 or 2 eggs, 4 or 6 melted butter or vegetable oil, 1 or 2 tablespoons of grated cheese on a fine grater, rosemary, salt to taste.

Cooking. Cut the chicken fillet into pieces, soak for 30 minutes so that it is covered with it. For breading, mix grated cheese, breadcrumbs, olive oil, salt, add a few ground or chopped rosemary needles to taste. Mix well so that the breadcrumbs absorb the oil. We take out the fillet pieces from the milk, dip in a beaten egg, then roll in the breading, trying to make it stick. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the chicken on it. We bake at a temperature of 220 degrees, for 10 or 12 minutes, but no more than 15 minutes, so that the chicken does not turn out dry.

Lazy chicken stuffed cabbage
Ingredients: 400 grams of chicken fillet, greens, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 100 or 150 grams of cabbage, ½ cup of oatmeal, egg.
Sauce Ingredients: ½ cup water, 1 tablespoon tomato paste or ketchup, 1 tablespoon sour cream.

Cooking. Wash the chicken fillet, dry and scroll in a meat grinder. Cabbage, onions and carrots will be passed through a meat grinder, vegetables will be passed along with meat. Mix everything well, add finely chopped greens, pepper, salt, eggs, oatmeal. From the minced meat we will form cutlets and fry on both sides until golden brown. In a separate container, mix water, ketchup, sour cream, and pour this mixture into the cabbage rolls. Cover the stuffed cabbage with a lid and simmer over low heat for 20 or 30 minutes.

Chicken with champignons in a creamy sauce
Ingredients: 200 or 300 grams of chicken fillet, 6 or 8 pieces of mushrooms, pepper, salt, vegetable oil for frying.
Ingredients for the sauce: 1 tablespoon of flour, 200 ml of cream or milk, if the cream is fatty, then you do not need to put flour, pepper, salt, 20 grams of butter, parsley or dill.

Cooking. Wash the chicken fillet, dry it, cut into pieces. Wash the champignons, dry them and cut them into slices, if we cut the mushrooms into 2 or 4 parts. Peel the onion and chop finely. Saute the onion in vegetable oil in a hot pan for about 2 minutes. Remove the fried onion from the pan, leaving the oil.

In this pan, fry the chicken pieces for 3 minutes until half cooked. Remove the chicken from the pan. Combine in a pan: chicken, onion, mushrooms, put on fire again, salt and pepper. Add flour and mix. Pour in the warmed cream or milk, stir so that there are no lumps, and stir well. Add chopped greens, pepper, salt and simmer, stir occasionally for 3 or 4 minutes. Turn off the heat, add a piece of butter to the pan, cover with a lid and let it brew for 5 or 7 minutes.

Chicken salad "Pleasure of taste"
Delicate and tasty salad, it combines croutons, corn and tender chicken meat.
Ingredients: 300 grams of chicken fillet, a can of sweet corn, 4 eggs, 50 grams of hard cheese, 200 grams of bread, mayonnaise, salt.

Cooking. Boil eggs and cut into cubes. Cut 1 egg into wedges and set aside for garnish. Boil the chicken fillet and cut into small pieces. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Cut the bread into cubes, fry in a pan and salt a little. Mix all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise, sprinkle with grated cheese. Put lettuce leaves on a plate, put lettuce on them and decorate lettuce leaves, put lettuce on them and decorate with lemon slices and eggs.

pancake cake

Ingredients for the dough: 3 eggs, a pinch of sugar and salt, 150 grams of flour, 300 ml of milk, a bunch of dill.
200 grams of chicken fillet, 1 onion, hard cheese.

Cooking. Knead the dough, add greens to it and bake 5 or 6 pancakes.
Chicken fillet finely chopped and fried with onions. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Cover the round shape with cooking paper and lay out layers of pancakes, then chicken fillet, and sprinkle with cheese on top. Cover with foil and put in the oven for 15 or 20 minutes. For juiciness, add chopped tomato.

Chicken schnitzels in a cheese coat
Ingredients: 1 kilogram of chicken fillet, 100 grams of hard cheese, 2 eggs, 150 grams of flour, salt, pepper.

Cooking. We'll take the fillet. Mix flour with pepper and salt.
Let's prepare the lezon: beat the eggs, add the grated cheese, stir. Roll the beaten fillet in flour, then dip in the ice cream with cheese and again roll in flour on both sides. Fry schnitzels in hot oil. Bring them to readiness in the oven at 200 degrees.

Pie with chicken and rice
Ingredients: 1 kg yeast dough, 1 egg for greasing
Ingredients for the filling: 800 grams of chicken meat, 2 onions, 3 tablespoons of rice, pepper, salt.

Cooking. Let's prepare yeast dough. Divide the finished dough into 2 parts and roll out two layers about 5 mm thick, separate a little dough to decorate the cake. Grease a baking sheet with oil and lay out the rolled out layer of dough. Let's put the filling on top. Cover with a second layer of dough, pinch the edges of the pie well. We cut out figures from the dough, decorate the cake and brush with an egg.

Put the cake on the layering for 20 or 30 minutes. In several places with the tip of a knife we ​​prick the cake so that the steam can escape, and bake at a temperature of 200 or 230 degrees for 30 minutes.
For the filling: boil the chicken and separate the meat from the bones. Pass the chicken meat through a meat grinder, put it in a pan, add a little water and simmer until cooked under the lid. Let's boil the rice. Finely chop the onion and fry. Mix chicken salt, pepper, onion, rice, chicken. Stir well and refrigerate.

Egg pancakes with chicken and mushrooms
Ingredients for egg pancakes: 1 cup milk, 4 eggs, ½ teaspoon sugar, ½ teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon flour.
Filling ingredients: 300 grams of ham or chicken fillet, 200 grams of mushrooms, 80 or 100 grams of sour cream or mayonnaise, 1 onion, 100 or 150 grams of cheese, pepper, salt.

Cooking. Beat eggs with flour, sugar and salt. Add milk to egg mixture and beat well. From the omelette mass, bake 4 pancakes in a pan. Mushrooms cut into thin slices or straws. Finely chop the onion. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Finely chop the greens.

In a pan with vegetable oil, fry the onion, add the mushrooms and fry a little. Take it off the stove and let it cool down. Ham or raw chicken fillet, cut into cubes, mix with onions, fried mushrooms, add ½ of all grated cheese, salt, pepper, herbs and mix well. Put the filling on the edge of the pancake and roll it up so that the filling is inside. Put the stuffed pancakes in a mold greased with vegetable oil, grease the pancakes with mayonnaise or sour cream on top, sprinkle with cheese and bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 to 200 degrees for 25 or 30 minutes.

Chicken Casserole with Potatoes
Ingredients: 150 or 200 grams of chicken fillet, vegetable oil for frying, 30 or 40 grams of butter, dill, 50 or 70 grams of cheese, 2 onions, 100 or 150 grams of champignons, pepper, salt.
Ingredients for egg filling, 2 eggs, 1 cup cream or milk, 2 tablespoons sour cream, salt.

Cooking. Wash the potatoes, peel and cut into slices. Wash the chicken fillet, dry it and cut into pieces. Peel the onion and chop finely. Wash mushrooms, dry and cut into slices. Wash the greens, dry and chop. Fry the potatoes in a hot pan. Transfer the potatoes to a greased baking sheet. Salt, pepper and sprinkle with chopped dill. Fry the chicken fillet in vegetable oil for 3 minutes.

Put potatoes on top. A little pepper, salt and sprinkle with dill. Fry the onion in vegetable oil, then add the mushrooms, and fry, stir for 3 or 4 minutes. Put the mushrooms with onions on the chicken, a little salt, pepper and sprinkle with herbs.

Prepare the egg filling
Mix the eggs with a fork. Add sour cream and stir everything. Pour in milk, salt, stir or beat a little until smooth. Fill the casserole with egg filling. Spread pieces of butter on top. Bake for 40 minutes in a heated oven to 180 degrees. 5 minutes before cooking, sprinkle the casserole with grated cheese and put it back in the oven.

Now we know what diet dishes can be prepared from chicken fillet. We hope you enjoy these simple yet delicious dishes.

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