Home Berries Eclipse corridor july august for cancer. "Eclipse Corridor": the impact of a lunar eclipse on a person. What to do before the eclipse corridor

Eclipse corridor july august for cancer. "Eclipse Corridor": the impact of a lunar eclipse on a person. What to do before the eclipse corridor

Personality characteristics associated with a certain type of hairstyle and hair structure.Carefully groomed hair mean high status, good and tidiness. Men are sensitive to baldness. Baldness is not only a sign of aging, but also defrauds facial features.

However, when courting, a bald head is associated with the head of an innocent, which makes its owner more psychologically accessible. The tactile, bare, shiny skin that wraps around the spherical surface of the skull makes you want to reach out and stroke it.

Shaved heads and short hairstyles in men they symbolize discipline, and conformity. Short slicked back hair for men talk about confidence, and egocentrism.

Short military style haircut emphasizes typically masculine features: a powerful eyebrow line, a protruding nose and a massive jaw. Long thick hair draw attention to the eyes and, reducing the nose, jaw and chin.

Short, tousled hair in women testify to her self-confidence, openness, but at the same time, a low level of sexuality.

Among womencarelessly styled hair medium length suggest intelligence and "good nature".

For men, medium length hair, parted in the middle, at first impression testify to the mind and "limitedness". Long, especially blonde hair radiate. Women have long hair mean looseness and (or).

Men have long hair suggest a lack of brains, recklessness and good nature.

Skillfully trimmed curls close and "narrow" the forehead, respectively increasing the size and increasing attractiveness. With the help of curls, you can mask horizontal and vertical wrinkles.

Short or long curls on the forehead create a perfect frame for eyebrows and eyes. They draw attention to the cheekbones and lips and visually reduce the nose. soft hair make you want to touch them. Especially such a desire is caused by curly hair.

curl hair back recommended for young people with smooth forehead skin. Hair loss is always associated with the impact on the body of a powerful factor, both purely situational and prolonged in time. The weaker the nervous system, the more actively the hair will fall out.
It is necessary to distinguish between hair loss and baldness, which is associated with a genetic factor.
When falling out, the hair becomes sparse, but sometimes leaves the head in tufts. At the same time, teeth can also begin to crumble. Stress steadily suppresses the body's biological strength. Hair loss should not be confused with sparse hair from birth.
Initially, sparse hair does not mean that a person has a weak nervous system, but someone from it certainly does. The child, against his will, receives a genetically predetermined sparse hair from one of the parents and a very strong nervous system from the other.

The finer and softer the hair
, the more sensitive and sentimental a person is, with an easily vulnerable soul and a tendency to neurotic syndromes. His pain sensitivity is also increased. Only neurotic vulnerability cannot be equated with weakness of character. There are "sentimental killers" and "crying killers". coarse hair- nature is more coarsened in terms of sensations, including pain. But this does not mean that a person with coarse hair is not prone to deep feelings. It's just that his vulnerable sensitivity is somewhat lower than that of the soft-haired. Hence - more decisive and the ability to better withstand the initial period of stress impact.
Sentimentality is also not immediately manifested and not so bright, more outward calmness. Straight and long hair- a sign of attachment and constancy and partly the rigidity of mental processes. These are natures, in extreme cases - highly excitable and even exalted. Long hair noticeably increases irrationality in all aspects of its manifestation, whether it is motivation, a behavioral act or perception. People with curly hair very active and mobile. They easily adapt to external requirements, but in their behavior they prefer to follow already established guidelines and algorithms.
Discrete thinking (fragmentary thinking. A person thinks in fragmentary constructions. In this he is helped by the media promoting the idea of ​​“clip thinking”, when there is an endless wave of small, fragmentary, informational messages. A person does not have time to process this information package, “embed” it into his own system of world perception) they have more developed than the irrational.
But the sensitivity is also over the top, but again in a specific format, i.e. images of perception are very expressive, but concise. Self-reflection and intuition are weak. Baldness It's not just hair loss and thinning. Baldness, baldness and baldness are specifically and clearly limited, and the hair in their area completely disappears. There are many different causes of total hair loss, let's focus on the psychological component. Baldness begins due to the dominance of over-rationalization of consciousness.
As soon as we forcibly order our own and our feelings to give way to convenient reasoning, layouts and calculations, then there is a predisposition to total hair loss. Hair nourishes the irrational biological, and if this is completely denied to them, the garden dries up. You cannot keep your hair lush with a purely logical and rational approach to life. And if the feelings are preserved in all their power, then the "mane" is in order. Frontal bald patch- in his "ego" - motives, a person is guided by a cold mind. Positive emotions only upon reaching the desired goal. Such a person is always able to temporarily step on the throat of his own song, in order to achieve even more later. In negotiations, he is extremely prudent and ready for any compromises and agreements, but all in order to realize his "ego" - claims. Protection from stress, as well as the explanation of failures, is carried out through rationalization and projection. Openly arguing and persuading will be almost useless. But secretly from everyone, such an individual will certainly analyze his own. True, everything is in the same logical scheme, with the mind, and not with the heart and soul. Bald patches in the forehead area- logic designer or technologist. A well-thought-out calculation without unnecessary ambition will always work. There are creative abilities and at the same time a deep study of plans, without desires and unreasonable ones. Nothing more in personal bias. The main thing is to implement the project. Parting in the hair, especially if it was not created on purpose, some hair strictly to the left, others to the right, between them a dividing line, gleaming with bare skin on the head. Asymmetry in person. Another sign of the separative functioning of the left and right hemispheres of the KGM, but now at the level of purely conscious processes. Such an individual acts or appears in the same style until he is switched or switched from outside.
quite predictable, since he has an unambiguous positioning of himself and others. It is difficult for him to comprehend the truth, being only in one "hypostasis". This is his Achilles heel. Until new guidelines and circulars arrive, time will be lost. An individual with a parting is hardly capable of making productive decisions in the “here and now according to the situation” style. For example, an effective crisis manager will not work out of him. But in the "rationalization" you can play. Basically, such people are always adherents of one idea, a single view of the world (orthodoxy). Bald patches on the temples- does not try to guess its individual mission, but simply seeks profit. Combinatorial thinking constantly calculates the best option. In fact, all of them are "chess players" or trapped in the "cube" and trying to get out of it, life then proceeds outside the cube. To get rid of the system, you must first break out of it. Searching for combinations and finding optimal algorithms is a very profitable business if the system supports you. So it is quite possible to make a successful career. Only to get satisfaction by playing against all the rules will not succeed. It is always possible to negotiate with such people, but for this you will have to act, so to speak, from a higher bank, since it is extremely difficult to outplay a temporal individual on his own field. Bald patch on the crown- a person consciously and rationally lives and manages his own or tries to do so. He treats his body as a good and priceless machine, which must be properly managed. But rationalization will drown out the subtle physiological signal. The same applies to hormonal processes and metabolism. However, in some people, the hair on the top of the head for some reason does not grow for other reasons. A bald spot on the back of the head- hints at a possible risk of diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body. A lot of conscious control over, most likely in the form of hidden or overt hypochondria (suspiciousness).


let go of your hair prefer all those for whom the sensations in their lives are dominant. The manifestations themselves may turn out to be different: experiences, passion, expression, melancholy, exaltation, vulnerability and everything else that belongs to the area of ​​the heart, and not the mind. If the rebellious generation is experiencing and feeling, then it prefers to grow long hair. The reckless madness of despair also dresses up in "shaggy manes". The call of blood has not yet been completely silenced by any civilization.
Anyone who wants to feel like Mowgli among skyscrapers is also trying to shock himself in a similar way. This is a compensatory mechanism. But it reaches its end when
long hair is collected from the forehead in a knot and ends at the back of the head with a pigtail. Here, with your own eyes, maximum control over the powerfully developed natural urges and biological strength for the sake of reason and personal "ego". In modern transcription, this is when an SUV with bells and whistles is bought, which is not driven anywhere except smoothed asphalt. asymmetrical hairstyle causes more interest in its owner compared to symmetrical.

Bang draws attention to the face if the hair color contrasts with the color of the skin.

lush hairstyle too imposing and violates the rule of harmlessness. She signals that her owner claims too much attention to her own person. The message matters: "I'm here!"

Hairstyles with imitation of spikes and thorns as if warning: "Do not touch." Short hairstyle "hedgehog" characteristic of strong-willed fighters or those who imitate them. But in any case, the shorter the hair, the stronger the primacy of the consciousness of "I" over all other impulses. If you need to concentrate and group, cut your hair short and shave thoroughly. Now your gaze will be like a steel blade, and your jaw will obey your gaze. clean-shaven head- between the will of pure consciousness and subconsciousness, coupled with archetypes and biology, which still cannot be completely controlled. The internal dictatorship suppresses all doubts and endows with a sense of superiority, gives the euphoria of omnipotence, only the question arises: is it really so? Or is it a complex of one's own uniqueness with total self-control and a thirst for success and recognition?
An interesting point: on a shaved head, hair gradually sprouts. Bodily sensations return, but already under the control of a clearly focused will (Tibetan monks and ancient Egyptian priests shaved their heads). Hair slicked back, in the middle, exposing the forehead - one should hardly expect extravagant tricks and exclusive surprises from such an individual. Sensual sphere under reliable control. Carefully laid around the braid testifies to that. African braids- a demonstrative application for sensuality and shocking with very good rational self-control, such as: "I know exactly what I want, and only for this I can afford to show a storm of feelings." In an era of total mercantilism, a very suitable position. Hair in separate strands over the forehead or trimmed bangs, falling almost to the eyebrows- The outside world is protested and frondier. The level of aggressiveness and intolerance is clearly increased. Too much adrenaline in the blood. Feelings are heightened and at times overflow. There may be problems with adaptation. Ears carefully covered with hair- a person does not want to use the ears as a prognostic organ. He is trying to hide from himself a certain part of the truth about his .. he does not want to catch subtle signals-harbingers. Why - you have to figure it out. Maybe somewhere in the depths of your soul you are restless, and you don’t want to predict in advance where the path of life will lead. It’s better to just surrender to the current moment and enjoy life as much as possible.
The desire to live in sensual comfort is clearly expressed. The more you know, the worse you sleep. And the hair accumulates a powerful biological force, so they cover the ears. Bangs in the "ego" zone and bald patches in the assembly zone is a serious subject. Ready to take risks if necessary. But at the same time, the situation is calculated very accurately. Go against their feelings and beliefs is unlikely to agree. It's better to take the risk again. At the same time, one must take into account how strongly the forehead is protruded in the “ego” zone, where and how the bangs fall, in order to know what the person is ready for.

You will be surprised, but a hairstyle can tell a lot about a person. His preferences, sense of style and other qualities depend on this. "Scan" a partner, according to our list.

Short-cropped temples and nape

Perhaps the most common hairstyle among the stronger sex. In fact, this is the choice of a real macho. In addition, such a haircut betrays jealous people. This hairstyle is often chosen by charismatic, adorable men who have a very good sense of humor.

Long hair

This hairstyle speaks of creativity and courage and, in a way, rebelliousness. If your man has long hair, then you probably know that you will definitely not get bored with him. However, keep in mind that he hates competition.

Haircut with center parting

Hardworking, persistent and patient men choose this hairstyle. Representatives of the stronger sex, who have such a hairstyle, prefer to do their own thing rather than show off in front of others.

Lack of hair

These guys are very intelligent, they like to analyze everything in advance and plan. However, it is noted that bald men tend to be very loyal and devoted.

Medium length hair with side swept bangs

Real romance! The owners of such a haircut have not only a romantic mood, but also clear organizational skills. If you do not like competition, then keep in mind that women like such men, and they use this advantage with might and main.

"Vertical" bangs

This hairstyle is chosen by dreamy guys who are still teenagers at heart. They who like to remember the past and can suffer from unrequited love for a long time.

Long central part of hair with shaved temples

This haircut is chosen by confident men. He uses his abilities to the maximum. Distinctive features - often muscular, wears checkered shirts and a beard - a typical brutal.

Male bun

Yes, yes, men also love to do such experiments! This is a rather unusual and bold option for a guy who is not afraid of criticism from others and does not follow stereotypes. He is artistic, the soul of the company and is often completely unpredictable.

Hair is given to us not only for beauty. To some extent, they represent the original antennas of our organism as a whole, which, in turn, conduct the invisible life-giving force of space directly to the body. There has long been a legend that even before the fall, there was a nimbus around the human head (a spherical accumulation of bioenergy, now we can only see it on icons) and there was no hair.

They say that the head of our forefathers was covered with something resembling a fluff with which babies are born. And when a person fell into sin, these rays of cosmic energy became heavy and turned into hair.

It is they are the link between heaven and man until he can again rise to his heavenly level of cultivation.

Everyone takes great care of their hair. To cut your hair means to change your life, this was well known in the old days. It is not in vain that many rituals have been preserved that are directly related to this procedure.

As for magic in relation to hair and all the problems that are directly related to them, it is quite simple. Since hair is the source of our cosmic power, it means that everything that happens to them changes the course of an invisible river, which in turn washes us with its bioenergetic waves. Therefore, any impact on them can change not only our appearance, but our whole life.

Basically, girls worry the most about how their hair looks. In many cases, they choose a haircut not quite consciously, choosing the one that will best suit their face and image as a whole. What is the psychology of hairstyles?

If a woman has long and, then this, in turn, is a sign of sensuality and femininity.

Women who prefer smooth and always in a bun or knot hair, as a rule, are quite demanding of themselves and others, serious, and in some cases even unnecessarily constrained. Long, thick hair flowing over the shoulders speaks of the originality of its owner, of her strong-willed character and clear life goals, and they can also be a sign of a subtle, romantic nature. Girls who prefer a short haircut are distinguished by a certain initiative and efficiency.

It is also worth noting that when a person constantly gives preference to the same hairstyle, does not want to change anything, it indicates that conservatism is inherent in such people. But original and avant-garde hairstyles are preferred mainly by unpredictable, extraordinary natures.

Men who prefer long hair are considered to be representatives of bohemian circles, they, in turn, are assigned an aura of masculinity and at the same time romanticism, they somewhat resemble princes from beautiful fairy tales. Quite often, such men are not self-confident, infantile. With the help of long hair, they try to protect themselves from the outside world. Men who prefer short haircuts are mostly hardy, determined, and you can always rely on them.

As for the bangs, they are mostly worn by modest and shy women. They are distinguished by self-doubt, the desire to protect themselves from making independent decisions. A bang indicates that a person wants to protect himself from difficulties and problems. An open forehead indicates that a person has a balanced character, is open, able to resist the whole world around him and prove his immediate point of view.

If a person wears a parting on the right side, then from a psychological point of view, this indicates that he is pedantic, loves order in everything. The parting in the center of the head indicates that the person is independent. Such people achieve their goals, their main feature is stubbornness. The parting on the left side indicates that in front of you is a restrained and modest, purposeful person.

Psychologists believe that natural hair color indicates a person's temperament. People with dark hair are more open, passionate, emotional than people with blond hair. Such people are prone to fairly rapid changes in mood, interests and attachments. They can easily change their social circle and easily adapt to a new situation. People with blond hair, in turn, are distinguished by purposefulness and persistent attachments. People with red hair are mostly selfish natures, petty, treacherous and vengeful. At the same time, they are very emotional.

A set of rules on how to treat hair

Deciding to change your image, cut your hair or dye it in a different color, you need to know a few rather important rules, with their help you will not bring trouble on yourself.

First rule
Hair cutting must be taken quite seriously, and trust this process to just anyone. Do not forget that the person who cuts your hair changes your biofield. Therefore, when visiting a hairdresser, you should choose a cheerful and energetic master, in which case your life after the haircut will change for the better. The older the master, the greater his influence on your life.

If you yourself are an independent person and prefer to solve problems on your own, and do not like it when something interferes with you, then in this case you should choose a master, either the same age as you, or younger. In the case when you are unlucky for an unknown reason, then in this case you should choose a master in years, even if this hairstyle will cost much more. After visiting the hairdresser, your life will change. And if, moreover, you correctly calculate the moment of her direct visit, then your life will not only change, but also improve significantly.

Second rule
Many argue that it is best when you have a haircut by a person of the same gender as you. This is directly related to the fact that during the haircut your ethereal, astral and mental biofields change, as a result of which we are quite easily influenced by others. Therefore, if you like the master of the opposite sex, then in this case it can lead to trouble in your personal life.

Third rule
You should not cut your own hair, even if you know hairdressing, you should not neglect this sign. The basis of this sign is that it is very difficult for a person to cure himself. Everyone knows this fact, even the most powerful psychic. No matter how strong-willed and strong a person is, it is quite difficult for him to correct the deformations of his personal biofield, since he has to remake them with the same deformed energy.

Fourth Rule
If you want your hair to grow faster after a haircut, then the hairstyle in this case must be done with a full moon. If you want your hair to change its properties to some extent, for example, you don’t like that they get confused, do not obey, then in this case it is best to visit the hairdresser on the waning moon. But it is also worth considering the fact that after such a haircut, the hair will grow for quite some time. On the waning moon, it is also recommended to get a haircut in cases where there is a desire to strengthen the hair roots and prevent their profuse loss.

Fifth Rule
After cutting, the hair should not be thrown into the water. It is necessary to follow this, then you can keep your hair healthy and lush until old age.

sixth rule
You can not cut your hair on the so-called satanic lunar days - 9, 15, 23, 29 according to the lunar calendar. This includes the days of solar and lunar eclipses. If you cut your hair on such days, it can lead to illness.

Seventh Rule
Also, changes in life after a haircut are affected by the day on which it was directly made.

Eighth Rule
In order to choose an auspicious day for cutting hair, it is also necessary that it be in harmony with your own birthday, otherwise all favorable trends can turn into negative ones.

  • Monday - the energy of Thursday, Friday and Saturday is in harmony with this day. Sunday is the antagonist day for Monday.
  • If you were born on Tuesday, then in this case the energies of Thursday, Saturday and Sunday will be related to you. But what concerns directly the strength of Monday and Friday for you, it is unfavorable. Friday is the antagonist for Tuesday.
  • Wednesday harmonizes with the power of Sunday. Thursday is her antagonist.
  • Thursday is related to the energy of Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. Its antagonist is the environment.
  • Friday, the strength of Monday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday is quite close to her. Its antagonist is Tuesday.
  • Saturday is related to the energy of Friday. Sunday is its antagonist.
  • Sunday is in harmony with the strength of Tuesday and Thursday. The antagonist of this day is Monday.
On antagonist days, hair is cut when karmic bad luck haunts you in all areas of life. Basically, after a haircut on such a day, time seems to freeze for a while in order to make a sharp turn, which should directly lead you to success.

Ninth Rule
There are claims that, just like for plants, the position of the moon in the sky affects the quality and rate of growth of our hair. Therefore, it is not enough just to choose a good lunar day and day of the week for hair correction, it is also necessary to choose a favorable time for hair growth, depending on which zodiac sign the Moon is in. The position of the moon is always indicated in lunar calendars for the year.

What does the horoscope say?

When the Moon is in Aries, this period is considered unfavorable for cutting hair, although it does not affect the condition of the hair. The thing is that after such a procedure, immunity is weakened to some extent and the risk of getting sick increases.

When the Moon is in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, this period is considered to be the most favorable for visiting a hairdresser. Hair in such a period grows quite well, gaining strength and less.

During the period when the Moon is in Gemini or Libra, this period helps to make air hairstyles, promotes faster hair growth, but as far as their direct quality is concerned, this is not affected.

The Moon in Cancer or Pisces slows down the rate of hair growth, but at the same time saturates them with vitality.

The moon in Leo is not considered a very favorable time for a haircut if your affairs are going well and smoothly, and vice versa, favorable when you need to change the way and rhythm of your life.

The moon in Scorpio is quite insidious, during this period your personal life can either improve or worsen, and this also directly concerns relationships with partners of the opposite sex.

The Moon in Sagittarius has a positive effect on career changes, at work, in relationships with colleagues and business partners, and also helps to achieve recognition and social success.

The Moon in Aquarius is considered an unfavorable period for cutting hair, so it is best to abstain.

Many things in our life directly affect its condition. It would seem that a simple change in the image, in appearance, and we already have a different mood, a different feeling, a different perception of the world around us. It is true what they say that if you want to change something in your life, change something in yourself, it is best to start with a haircut. Even small changes will bring change. Do not be afraid to change something, suddenly you will only benefit from this, you will like it, and you will regret why you did not do it earlier.

How will the Eclipses affect our lives and what to do during the Eclipse Corridor? How to survive the period of the Corridor of Eclipses?

Impact of the 2018 Eclipse Corridor

Solar Eclipse July 2018

The Solar Eclipse on July 13, 2018 will take place at 06:02 Moscow time in the sign of Cancer. This Eclipse is meant to begin breaking down the old patterns of our lives so that new ones can take their place. The eclipse will bring changes to the following areas of our lives:

  • comfort zone and normal
  • values ​​and principles on which our thinking is based
  • foundation of life
  • our goals and long-term life projects
  • family relations, issues at home, place of residence.

Lunar Eclipse July 2018

The Lunar Eclipse on July 27, 2018 will occur at 23:21 Moscow time during the great opposition of Mars. This will be a very powerful and influential Eclipse in the sign of Leo. It will summarize and conclude the following questions:

  • transcending past barriers
  • principles of freedom and self-expression
  • the opportunity to realize their talents
  • the ability to remain part of society
  • the opportunity to use their potential at work

Solar Eclipse August 2018

The Solar Eclipse on August 11, 2018 will take place at 12:47 Moscow time in the sign of Leo. It will be more positive and lighter than the previous Eclipse. During this Eclipse, we will have great faith in ourselves and our abilities, a desire to realize our talents and ideas. The eclipse will bring changes in the areas of life:

  • self-realization and self-expression
  • freedom to be yourself in love relationships
  • creativity, hobbies
  • freedom from restrictions, the right to be yourself

Eclipse Corridor 2018 what to do:

The Eclipse Corridor is the period between Eclipses, during which the biggest events and changes take place in our lives. The Eclipse Corridor will last from July 13 to August 11, 2018. During this period, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • do not agree on anything, do not make deals, do not sign agreements
  • do not get into conflicts, do not sort things out, do not disagree
  • don't quit your job, don't rush into making decisions, don't do anything in a hurry
  • be flexible, accept the internal and external changes that Eclipses bring with them
  • engage in self-realization and go in the chosen direction
  • apply new non-standard creative approaches in everything
  • don't take risks, don't gamble
  • reflect on your life, realize the reasons for past failures
  • be careful on the roads, in the crowd, in dangerous places during the entire period of the Eclipse Corridor
  • avoid overstrain, save your nerves, think about the good
  • support loved ones and be more tolerant of others
  • engage in spiritual practices, meditation, pray, spend more time in nature

The period between eclipses is a unique time for a positive transformation of fate! There is a chance to radically influence important areas of life with your own efforts. You will need a right and confident decision + a passionate positive desire, a powerful energy message that will affect 18.5 years ahead, and will be fatal. The eclipse time corridor between and is about two weeks. occur on the new moon, and lunar - on the full moon. The maximum number of eclipses in a year is 5-6 times.

Why are events fatal in the eclipse corridor?

Because and being in a certain sign of the zodiac and degree at the time of the eclipse, they will be able to return to this position the sign of the zodiac/degree only after 18.5 years. Therefore, events are of a fateful, fatal nature, and this does not depend on whether you have information about the eclipse corridor or not. In any case, all your thoughts, desires, actions will be “imprinted” in space and will influence your destiny in the future.

If you want to change your life, then the best time is the period between eclipses, the eclipse corridor! If you doubt the correctness of your decisions, you need to rely on the Higher powers, ask the Almighty to help you solve life's difficulties in the best way for you.

  1. We create energy messages for rejuvenation, healing from diseases, giving up bad habits. Pay attention to your psychological and physical health. We need a good rest, wellness procedures are shown.
  2. We solve family and family problems. For example, women who have problems with the birth of children or difficulties with creating a family - they are shown meditation on positive changes in these areas of life.
  3. It is very important to harmonize your thoughts, your home. The "ecology" of thoughts and actions is important. Prayer is shown, visiting Temples, reading scriptures, show love and gratitude to loved ones, to the Universe, etc.
  4. Remember that your desires, decisions must be considered, if you are sure that this will bring you good, then you can safely program your future. Remember the fatality of your decisions.
  5. It is impossible to speak badly about someone, get annoyed, because in the corridor of eclipses "dark forces", your inner "Dragon" will provoke you to negative karmic thoughts and actions. Their task is to lay down a destructive cycle for you for 18.5 years. Unkind wishes, insults can provoke a curse. Any kind of violence should be avoided: verbal, psychological, physical. Radiate Love, forgive all offenses, help your loved ones and be happy!

Mythology and subtle causes of eclipses:

Two “shadow” or “snake” fictitious points play a huge role in, having a name (ascending north node) and

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