Home fertilizers How is the name Timur translated in Russian. The origin and character of the name Timur. Career and hobbies

How is the name Timur translated in Russian. The origin and character of the name Timur. Career and hobbies

Get ready, parents, if your son is named Timur. You have to seriously engage in education, in every possible way develop the talents of the child and devote a lot of time to his studies. You will raise a very strong-willed person. Timur will achieve a lot in life. If, of course, will strive for this. He will grow up as a powerful person, purposeful and demanding. And thanks to such character traits, he will become successful and influential in society.

and its meaning

What does the name Timur mean? The origin of the name will tell the history of the Turkic peoples. There are several forms of this name: Damir, Tamerlane, Timer, Taimuraz. All of them are united by the meaning - translated from the Tatar language - "iron".

There are several versions, according to one of which this male name comes from the female Damir, which also translates as "iron". In the Ossetian language, Timur is called Taimuraz, in literal translation - "strong as iron, Ossetian."

A more accurate description and how the origin is translated) can be found in the Mongol-Tatar legends. In the distant past, there lived a man named Timur-Leng. He was also called Tamerlane, which literally means "iron". He was the son of the great leader of the Barlas (Mongol tribe) and a descendant of the bloodthirsty Genghis Khan. Powerful and imperious, fearless and cruel was this man. He conquered many eastern settlements. The legend tells that Tamerlane's troops swept away everything in their path. They destroyed entire cities and killed people with particular cruelty. The plans of the conqueror was an attack on China. Perhaps Timur-Leng would shed a lot of blood here too. But on the way to this country the conqueror died.

Everything is interesting to parents who gave their son the name Timur - meaning, origin, name day. How will the character be formed, and what will the boy be able to achieve in the future? Having learned the characteristics of the name, we will answer these questions.

Characteristics of the name of little Timur

I wonder if the name Timur, his origin and meaning affect the character of a person? Strong-willed traits and steadfastness are manifested in the early childhood of a boy who was named that name. The child always and in everything tries to be a leader, but so far he does not know how to control his emotions. Among peers behaves arrogantly and often comes into conflict. He believes that his opinion and decision cannot be challenged. It is difficult to convince the son of something and parents. They need to have patience so that the offspring recognizes the correctness of adults. If you manage to teach a child to control emotions, then a great future awaits him.

We can say that the name Timur (we described its origin above) greatly influences and affects the character of the boy. To achieve his goal, he is ready for a lot. Family, relationships and opinions of parents, peers become secondary for him. It is important for the boy to prove superiority and receive unconditional recognition. If he feels that he has not won a victory, he is very worried and closes. Nature is vulnerable, although it hides its weaknesses behind a mask of indifference.

Timur is a child with a rich imagination and fantasy. He has a good memory. He knows how to quickly analyze the situation and immediately find ways that are beneficial for himself. If he feels that his pride is hurt, he ceases to control himself and emotions, he can start a fight. It is not difficult to guess which side of the conflict will win, knowing what the name Timur carries in itself, the origin of the name.

But to make friends with him is real and possible. If you learn to communicate with him, understand perfectly and wisely convince him, then you won’t find a more devoted friend. He will become kind and sympathetic, generous and complaisant.

Adult Timur and character traits

A very complex personality is a man whose name is Timur. The origin of this Mongolian name indicates that its owner, like iron, is strong and strong-willed, not amenable to any influence. At the same moment, having found a common language with him and feeling the peculiarities of his character, you can achieve friendship. In people appreciates the mind and purposefulness. If he becomes a leader, he will be very demanding of his subordinates.

Timur is lazy, does not like long disputes and the search for the right solution. If it is difficult for him to quickly achieve his goal, then his plan becomes uninteresting and meaningless.

Adult Timur is very demanding. He is squeamish and jealous of cleanliness. He will never get close to a person if he notices slovenliness and an untidy appearance. His house is always in order, every detail has its place. Does not tolerate changes in the home, hard to get used to innovations in the interior.

He tries not to make new friends, does not withstand large companies and noisy festivities. He prefers to spend the evening alone with a book in his hands. To relax, he goes to nature. He is fond of active types of tourism and sports.

Career and work

His whole life will be connected with his career. It is important for him to decide early on who he wants to become in the future. What professions are suitable for a man whose name is Timur? The origin and history of the name suggest that he can achieve success in military affairs. He is a strategist, he knows how to calculate events one step ahead. He can achieve heights in sports, if, of course, he begins to professionally engage in sections with strict coaches in his youth. Timur should try his hand at the financial sector.

He is a creative person. If in childhood parents were engaged in the development of philological talents, then adult Timur can become a writer, director or critic. It can be assumed that he will be popular by making his name, Timur, famous. The origin of the name with fate is connected by an invisible thread. You just need to find the right path in life.


Little Timur is a sickly and weak child. It is important for parents not to start ailments of the bronchi and lungs. Well, if the boy will be tempered. A visit to the sports section will strengthen the immune system.

Adult Timur rarely gets sick. He is a strong man. If his daily life is connected with sports, then he is not afraid of illness at all. Although you need to closely monitor the condition of the joints and the musculoskeletal system.

Love and intimate life

No one will say that he is a womanizer and gentleman who collects women's hearts. Timur is careful with the opposite sex. He does not make one-day girlfriends and is very squeamish about casual intimate relationships.

The guy wants to find one among all the charmers, but the best. It will be difficult for him to find a soul mate. After all, he is a demanding man with sometimes unbearable character traits and specific views on life. Only a wise, intelligent and intellectually rich woman can tame the obstinate and harsh Timur. After all, for him the wealth of the inner world and erudition are much more important than external virtues.

Marriage and family ties

Timur marries late. But the family union will be strong. With the birth of children, his character will not soften. He will be demanding of offspring, believing that it is right to educate the younger generation in this way.

Timur in love is very jealous. He does not have to give a reason, he himself will find something to be jealous of his beloved. The wife needs to be careful in words and not make dubious acquaintances if she values ​​\u200b\u200bthe relationship with Timur and plans to maintain a family union. At the same time, Timur, being confident in the loyalty and devotion of his wife, will do everything possible so that she lives in prosperity and luxury.

Forms of the name Timur

Short form of the name Timur. Timurka, Tim, Mura. Synonyms for the name Timur. Timer, Demir, Temir, Taimuraz,.

Brief and diminutive variants: Timurchik, Tim, Timurka, Timchik.

Name Timur in different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 帖木兒 (Tiē mù er). Japanese: ティムール (Timūru). Gujarati: તૈમુર (Taimura). Hindi: तैमूर (Taimūra). Ukrainian: Timur. Greek: Τιμούρ (Timoúr). English: Timur (Timur).

Analogues of the name in other languages: Uzbek Temur, Temur, Kazakh Temir, Uighur Tomur.

origin of the name Timur

Timur's name means "iron" in Mongolian. It is possible that the name is a variant of the name Timur (Timer, Demir). This probability is confirmed by the female Tatar name Damira, whose name is translated as "iron", in the meaning of "strong". Also, the name Timur is one of the variants of the name Tamerlane. Among the Ossetians, Timur, most likely, can be called Taimuraz, which will be more accurately translated as "Iron Alans, Ossetians."

The name Timur comes from the Turkic language and means "iron" in translation. The name Timur is known in various forms, such as Damir or Temir, but on the territory of Russia, the sound Timur is most widespread.

Timur's character

All Timurs from childhood have undoubted firmness of character, they are characterized by purposefulness and perseverance in achieving the goal. Timurs are real logicians, they are very reasonable and prudent people, and maybe that is why it is not so easy for them to find contact with other people. They really do not like when they are compared with other people, they put someone as an example to them.

Timur is a multifaceted personality. As a child, he seems strange to many, outwardly imperturbable, like an impregnable wall. Timur keeps his emotions to himself, even if everything inside him is torn from the fullness of sensations. He directs his emotions, all his inner strength into business, but if he feels a negative atmosphere around him, then he absorbs this state into himself like a sponge. His mood may deteriorate, but outwardly he will look very calm, phlegmatic.

When life disappoints, he tends to rely only on himself. Timur would prefer to escape from the harsh realities of life into his rich imagination and dreams, but life makes its own adjustments.

The secret of the name Timur

Despite the fact that the name Timur sounds quite firm, its owners are very gentle and kind people. Most often they borrow their mother's character, they remain docile all their lives. Timur in childhood is obedient, enjoys sports, studies well, and is active. In sports, Timur has great potential, if he professionally engages in any kind of sport, he has every chance to achieve heights.

Timur loves outdoor activities, games, loves cheerful companies, children. You can not worry, trusting him with your secret - Timur knows how to keep secrets.
Most often, Timur is very calm and balanced, but if you hit him to the quick, you can see a flash of anger, he will hasten to prove the opposite to you and will not calm down until you agree.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Timur - "iron" (Mong.)

In childhood up to five years, it is predisposed to infectious diseases, frequent colds. Outwardly similar to the mother, the character inherits the genotype from the father. Kind, docile, a little indecisive boy.

In games, his extraordinary ingenuity, the ability to navigate in various situations, is manifested. Trusting, likes to share his impressions and secrets with friends. He is laconic, never betrays a friend. At school he has authority, possesses organizational skills, willingly participates in various events. It is desirable to captivate him with sports since childhood, he can achieve good results in power sports. Studying does not give him any particular difficulties, he likes mathematics more than all subjects. In the lessons he is attentive, which allows him to spend much less time preparing homework than others. Timur has a lot of free time, but he spends it most often playing chess, checkers, and reading books. Respectfully treats the elders, has warm feelings for the elderly. Always responds to requests for help, disinterested. He does not tolerate a raised tone, he is calm and believes that all issues can be resolved without undue emotions. He does not like parents to compare him with someone, set someone as an example. He is a strong personality, and such a comparison offends him.

"Winter" Timur prefers the exact sciences, often becomes the winner of mathematical Olympiads. "December" - is fond of football, natural data give him the opportunity to become a professional. The coach immediately notices him on the field, he is hardy, quick-witted, well versed in the game. Tireless in achieving the goal, assertive. However, "winter" Timur is quick-tempered, sometimes he has to fight with himself.

"Autumn" - prone to a measured, systematic lifestyle, every minute is scheduled for him, he does not waste time in vain. Self-disciplined, everything is in time. A good diplomat, he is non-conflict himself and knows how to reconcile his comrades. Avoids sharp corners, which necessarily violates his plans, tries not to create difficulties for others. Unobtrusive, rarely turns to friends for help, not wanting to burden them with his problems. Often uses the advice of parents, listens to their opinion. Attends technical circles.

"Summer" - kind, modest, somewhat indecisive, which brings him a lot of trouble. It should be taught from childhood to make decisions independently, not to be afraid of difficulties. He is taciturn, but knows how to listen. Receives higher education, but most often works not in his specialty. Parents need to help him in choosing a profession. The "summer" Timur can be influenced by arguments. He is persuasive. It is difficult for him to make the right choice. He is talented, the natural sciences are easier for him, he can prove himself in the field of medicine, biology, or become a journalist, columnist.

"Spring" Timur is somewhat unbalanced, rushes from one extreme to another. He wants to be in time everywhere, but underestimates his strength and capabilities. Talented in the field of art, medicine, can be an excellent surgeon, ophthalmologist, radiologist. As a child, uncollected, he attends several circles at once and is completely diverse. Can engage in a literary circle, drama, chemical, then quit everything and get carried away with sports, but not for long. You need to help him focus on one thing. Everything is given to him and quite easily, but it is difficult to make a choice.

"Winter" and "autumn" Timur are suitable patronymics: Azarievich, Antonovich, Maksimovich, Alekseevich, Sergeevich.

"Summer" and "spring" - Arturovich, Arnoldovich, Zakharovich, Davydovich, Askoldovich, Olegovich, Vladimirovich.

The meaning of the name Timur option 2

Although the name Timur sounds strong, the owners of this name are kind, accommodating, often gentle, love children and nature. Timur is similar in appearance to his father, the character inherits the mother. Neither in childhood nor in school years, parents do not know trouble with him.

The boy is athletic (he is fond of football and swimming), does well at school, has a good memory, developed imagination, composes poetry, plays chess (the latter hobby is often retained throughout his life).

With age, Timur's character changes little, except that a certain amount of pragmatism is added.

"Winter" - more prudent, reasonable and stubborn. Failures are hard, they are vulnerable. Their passions are books and travel.

"Spring" are sensitive natures, they lack decisiveness, they are closed and do not easily converge with people. They adapt well to the situation.

"Summer" Timur is stubborn, touchy and very cautious - he thinks through everything to the smallest detail. They marry late, but successfully. All Timurs, regardless of the month of birth, are united by two very valuable qualities - kindness and tolerance. They choose the professions of doctors, artists, directors, sports coaches, military, programmers, drivers.

The meaning of the name Timur option 3

Timur- from Turk. iron.

Derivatives: Timurka, Tim, Mura.


Timur is from the breed of leaders of a large scale, potentially a statesman.

He is capable of solving very difficult problems, settling the most contentious conflicts. Timur is bold, courageous, resolute, prudent. Domineering, even despotic in relationships with friends and women, stubborn, but this stubbornness is akin to perseverance - "Win at all costs." If, in a series of successes, unexpected misfires occur, it is very hard to experience. But he quickly restores peace of mind thanks to natural optimism, the natural need to create, lead people and be happy.

The meaning of the name Timur option 4

TIMUR- iron (Turkic).

  • Zodiac sign - Cancer.
  • Planet - Proserpina.
  • Black color.
  • Auspicious tree - elm.
  • Cherished plant - black tulip.
  • The patron of the name is a python.
  • Talisman stone - obsidian.


Timur is a prudent, reasonable, stubborn person. Very vulnerable, hard going through failures. In relationships with friends and women, he manifests himself as a jealous owner. However, he has the strongest potential of a creator, a statesman. This is a brave, selfless person who is happy only among large-scale cases and unsolvable problems that Timur is able to resolve in one fell swoop.

Meaning of the name

Timur is a prudent, pragmatic, prudent and assertive man, whose main aspirations are power and success. He is stubborn, so it is extremely difficult to convince him of anything. In addition, this man endures failures quite hard, which undermines his confidence in his strengths and capabilities. In general, Timur has excellent life prospects, especially if he works on himself and develops the potential that is naturally available.

Characteristics of the name Timur

Winter Timur possesses an analytical mindset, stubbornness and determination, which favorably affects his development as a successful man who conquers all peaks. But winter Timur also has significant shortcomings - quick temper and excessive authority. In a woman, he appreciates intelligence, calmness and femininity, while he will not put up with impudence, rudeness and ignorance.

Spring Timur - a person is quick-tempered and unbalanced, he tends to take on several cases at once, while often he overestimates his strength, which leads to a fiasco. But this does not upset the spring Timur at all, because he can always switch to something else. In relations with women, this man also has chaos, because he cannot decide on his preferences, so Timur builds serious relationships at a fairly mature age.

Summer Timur - nature is kind, sympathetic, modest and indecisive. It is not easy for him to make independent decisions, the correctness of which he often doubts. This is a great listener, but a bad storyteller, so the summer Timur feels more comfortable alone. This talented person needs the support of loved ones, because he is vulnerable and touchy. He needs a soft, gentle and good-natured woman who will not disturb his peace of mind.

Autumn Timur practical and self-confident, he is used to planning his life measuredly, so every minute is "worth its weight in gold" for him. Such discipline, combined with diplomacy and non-conflict, bear fruit: the autumn Timur succeeds in all his endeavors. In dealing with this man, it is better to avoid sharp corners, since Timur immediately excludes scandalous and obsessive people from his environment (this is especially true for the fair sex).

Stone - talisman

Timur's patron stones are jade and obsidian.

This stone is one of the most sacred symbols of ancient China and is rightfully considered a source of cosmic power and energy. It is a symbol of power, perfection, mercy, humanity, justice, sincerity, modesty, as well as wisdom and longevity.

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Jade was used in Taoist alchemy to make the elixir of immortality. In general, in the East they believe that this healing stone not only protects its owner from misfortunes, filth and evil spirits, but also gives love, helps preserve beauty, protects against various diseases and improves sleep.

Interesting! The darkening of jade foreshadowed misfortune! In addition, wearing products with this stone is recommended only for those people who strive for a complete transformation and change in their lives.

The Aztecs revered obsidian as the source of life and attributed the following properties to it:

  • establishing peace of mind;
  • assistance in making a fair decision;
  • neutralization of fears;
  • fighting ghosts;
  • mitigation of aggressiveness and coldness;
  • exacerbation of a sense of modesty and compassion;
  • elimination of intolerance and strengthening of tolerance.

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It is impossible not to say that this stone helps to clearly distinguish truth from lies, to resolve all contradictions.




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The animal is a symbol

The animal symbols of the Timurs are the fallow deer and the python.

This is the oldest symbol present in all historical traditions without exception and meaning grace, fertility, abundance, rebirth, renewal, strength, nobility of actions and thoughts, courage, purity.

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The Slavs believed that the doe (or deer) could not only perform various miracles, but also carry the souls of the dead to the kingdom of the dead.

In Christianity, the doe is identified with the servant of God, therefore it is strictly forbidden to kill this animal if you do not want to incur misfortune and even death. The doe is also a symbol of hermitage, piety and piety. So, in the iconography, the doe that tramples the ground personifies a Christian who bravely fights evil.

Python (like a snake) is a symbol of wisdom, potential life energy and healing power. The python also represents immortality.

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But in Europe, the snake has always been considered the embodiment of evil and the fiend of hell, so witchcraft rituals could not do without the meat or skin of this reptile.

In the Christian tradition, the snake is a symbol of temptation and sin, because it was the serpent-tempter who persuaded Eve to taste the forbidden fruit, because of which Eve and Adam were expelled by God from paradise.

It is not surprising that the killing of a python in medieval Europe was a virtuous and charitable deed.


Totem plants of Timur are pansies, elm and black tulip.

This delicate flower symbolizes love, good memory and reflection. Carrying pansies is believed to attract love. With the help of this plant, you can bewitch your betrothed, for which it is enough to sprinkle the juice of pansies in the face of the one you like. When the sleeper wakes up, the first person he sees will become the object of his dreams and desires.

© Artesia Wells

Pansies help ward off damage and the evil eye, and if planted in the garden, they will help protect the house from magic. At the same time, in mythology, these flowers were associated with the world of the dead, so they were often planted on graves.

In the times of Antiquity, it was believed that it was elm that was chosen as their home by spirits guarding family happiness.

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In Europe, elm was revered as a symbol of longevity and peace, while the Slavs considered this tree the personification of simple and understandable beauty, unpretentiousness, strength, courage, loyalty and love.

This tree symbolizes calmness, exactingness, poise, but at the same time slowness and excessive scrupulousness.

This is a rather ambiguous symbol: on the one hand, a black tulip symbolizes perfect love, and on the other, sadness inspired by this feeling and the fact that nothing lasts forever on earth - neither beauty, nor youth, nor love.

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Iron is considered the symbol-talisman of Timur. It is iron that is the personification of strength of character and fortitude, invincibility and rigidity.

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But in Christianity, iron is a symbol of war, power confrontation, justice, as well as power and authority.

auspicious day



origin of the name Timur

Name translation

Translated from the Turkic language, the name Timur means "iron" or "iron".

Name history

There are several versions of the origin of the name Timur. According to one of them, it comes from the Tatar name Damir (this version is confirmed by the existence of the female Tatar name Damir, which translates as "iron", "strong").

According to another version, Timur is one of the forms of the name Tamerlane. I must say that among the Ossetians, the name Timur was transformed into Taimuraz, which translates as "iron Ossetian."

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common forms of the name Timur are: Timurka, Tim, Timulya, Tim, Mura, Timur, Timurchik, Timoshka, as well as Timushka, Timchik, Timonchik and Timochka.

The secret of the name Timur

name patrons

In the Orthodox church calendar there are no saints with the name Timur, therefore, the owners of this name do not have Orthodox patrons either.

Angel Day (name day)

Also, according to church tradition, the closest saint's day immediately after the date of your birth is your name day.

The legend about the name Timur

Perhaps the most famous Timur in history is Timur-Leng, better known as Tamerlane, the fearless conqueror of the eastern lands.

Tamerlane was born on the territory of modern Uzbekistan in the family of the leader of the Mongol-Turkic tribe of the Barlas, who was a distant relative of Genghis Khan.

The death of Emir Kazgan, who was the ruler of Mesopotamia, provoked numerous popular unrest, which Tamerlane suppressed. In 1361, he became an assistant to Ilyas-Khoja and concurrently the ruler of Kesh, but his reign did not last long, since Tamerlane (Timur) fled from Ilyas-Khoja to join his enemy Emir Hussein, whose son-in-law he later became.

Having defeated the army of Ilyas-Khoja, Emir Hussein and Tamerlane set off to conquer Mesopotamia, but already in 1370 the latter rebelled against his own ally, whom he captured. At the same time, Tamerlane not only declared himself the heir of Chagatai (the Mongol sovereign and the second son of Genghis Khan), but also was going to revive the Mongol empire. Over the next 10 years, Tamerlane waged an internal war with the Mongol khans, while in 1381 he went to Persia. As a result, Khorasan, as well as Eastern Persia, fell. But Tamerlane did not stop there either, capturing Fars, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Mesopotamia and Georgia.

Timur also ravaged Astrakhan and Saray, while uprisings that broke out throughout Persia did not allow him to reach Moscow (by the way, they were very cruelly suppressed by him: entire cities were destroyed, a huge number of inhabitants were killed).

On the slope of his life, Tamerlane invaded India and captured Delhi, while the city was not only practically destroyed, but completely plundered. In 1399, he went on his last expedition, during which Aleppo, Damascus, Baghdad, Smyrna were captured and plundered, while Tamerlane sent all the best craftsmen from these cities to Samarkand, where he built mosques and palaces.

Returning to Samarkand, Timur began to prepare for a campaign in China, during which he died. His body was embalmed, after which it was sent to Samarkand in an ebonite coffin and buried in a magnificent mausoleum called Gur-Emir.

Famous people

Famous writers and poets named Timur:

  • Timur Kibirov;
  • Timur Zulfikarov;
  • Timur Pulatov.

Famous athletes named Timur:

  • Timur Sadredinov - Russian race car driver;
  • Timur Bogatyrev is a Soviet footballer.

Timur Yunusov - rapper, better known under the pseudonym Timati.

Timur Mammadov (known as DJ X.P.Voodoo) is the leading ideologue of Russian trans culture.

The meaning of the name Timur

For a child

Little Timur is a temperamental and energetic child who is far from always able to direct his energy in the right direction, which can subsequently negatively affect his studies and career. In addition, since childhood, he has overdeveloped qualities such as ambition and narcissism, so he reacts extremely hard to criticism, and it does not matter at all from whom it comes.

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And what cannot be taken away from Timur is his strength of character, determination, perseverance, prudence and discretion, so it is not easy for him to get along with children and make new acquaintances. To many, little Tim seems withdrawn and unsociable, but as soon as he establishes contact with his peers, he becomes an active participant in all children's games and fun.

In addition, the owner of this name is a kind and sympathetic boy who treats people with respect. He is inquisitive and inquisitive, and therefore seeks to cover everything new and interesting, so it is always fun and interesting with him. Timur's good memory helps him successfully master the school curriculum and be one of the best students in the class.

In general, little Timur is an attentive, calm, obedient, laconic and non-confrontational child with a vivid imagination and a natural mind. He strives to do everything right in order to be the best among his peers.

For teenager

Young Timur is noble, diplomatic, intelligent and patient, his openness and generosity cannot but win over those around him, who see this young man as a sympathetic person. But there are times when Timur closes in on himself, becomes irritable and withdrawn, which is to blame for the discrepancy between his ideas about life and modern realities.

The romantic dreamer Timur values ​​his freedom, he loves to travel, he is especially attracted to various kinds of adventures in which he can test himself and his strength. He just needs to be at the peak of emotions, because only then he fully feels truly alive.

Timur strives to be a leader in any company, which he does well, because he can easily captivate others with both intellectual conversation and a witty joke. But still, with new people, as in childhood, this guy converges for a long time and difficult, because in any relationship, the main thing for him is trust.

From a young age, Timur strives for financial independence, since the issues of his own comfort are very important to him. Money for him is a way to satisfy his needs in terms of arranging a comfortable and cozy life.

As a friend, Timur is faithful and sympathetic, he is always ready to stand up for a comrade, even if the latter is wrong, although in private he will definitely point out his mistakes directly.

For a man

With age, Timur loses his romanticism and dreaminess, turning into a pragmatist, realist and skeptic. Leadership qualities take root in him even more, besides, he considers himself an extraordinary and exceptional person. Family, work, friends - all this fades when it comes to the narcissistic Timur, in whose character dictatorial habits are formed over time. It is not surprising that any blow to Timur's pride is extremely painful for him. But this person can also be won over by flattery and praise (albeit not always deserved).

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Timur also has a lot of positive qualities, including kindness, resourcefulness, generosity, sincerity, loyalty, generosity, decency, organization. The main thing for him is to rationally approach the solution of a particular issue and correctly prioritize.

The owner of this name does not like to complain about fate, believing that everyone deserves what he has. Therefore, he tries to work to achieve his goals, although it is difficult for him to overcome innate laziness. For Timur, stability is important in everything - in work, friendship, family relationships.

Description of the name Timur


Timur is a moral person, in people he does not accept stupidity, deceit and dishonesty, since he himself tries to live according to the laws of conscience.

Little Timur is often sick, which causes a lot of trouble for his parents.

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But playing sports helps him improve his health, so in adulthood he is not afraid of any serious health problems (except that a cold can somewhat weaken the body).


In love, Timur is sensitive and vulnerable, therefore he takes the construction of love relationships very seriously, trying to protect himself from negative emotions. With women, he behaves modestly and restrainedly, so he often goes unnoticed by the fair sex.

This man likes beautiful, smart and bright (but not vulgar) women who know how to present themselves in the best light in any society. Only now he cannot always reveal his feelings to the woman he likes, as he is afraid of rejection, which can hurt his pride. Failures in personal life can lead to nervous breakdowns and even depression, so Timur should, firstly, learn to be easy on relationships, and secondly, be softer and less demanding with his passions.


As mentioned above, Timur is extremely cautious with women, so he marries early very, very rarely. At the same time, he chooses his wife carefully and responsibly, because she will be a reflection of his status in society. It is quite natural that his marriage is often strong and successful.

In his second half, Timur primarily appreciates intelligence and inner beauty, although he is also demanding on the external data of his chosen one. Timur divorces extremely rarely, moreover, the woman is most often the initiator of the separation. A sincere, loving, calm and balanced woman who agrees to play a second role in the family can become the wife of this faithful and attentive man.

Timur is a good, but quite demanding, and sometimes even a despotic family man who needs a woman with a soft and complaisant character. It is on the shoulders of the spouse that all the troubles of arranging family life will fall, while the head of the family himself will deal exclusively with the financial part of the issue. Next to Timur, his family will feel secure, like behind a real stone wall.

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It is important that Timur always takes care of his family, he respectfully and tremblingly treats not only his wife and children, but also his parents and older relatives.

We tolerate Timur and the shortcomings of his wife, but he will never allow "to sit on his head." This man cannot stand quarrels and scandals, so he tries to do everything possible so that an atmosphere of love and warmth always reigns in his house. Finally, Timur is not prone to betrayal, which he considers a manifestation of weakness and meanness. He will never forgive his wife for betrayal.

Timur brings up children strictly, but he always shows respect for their opinion and does not suppress their will.


As in life, sexually, Timur manifests himself as a leader. He is impulsive and temperamental, while comfort is important for him even in the intimate sphere, so he is quite scrupulous about the details of a romantic meeting.

Timur subtly feels the mood and desires of his partner, so women are always comfortable and good with him. This man knows how to give everything of himself, but in return he requires a similar attitude.

Mind (intelligence)

Timur is an educated and intelligent man, whose curiosity and inquisitive mind bring him big dividends in terms of career growth and material well-being.

Timur's scrupulousness, responsibility and diligence help to realize himself as a soldier, programmer, doctor, lawyer, director, researcher, manager or manager.

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The owner of this name will also feel great in positions associated with communication with people. Coaching, journalism, writing scripts, organizing various public events - this is just a small list of those industries and professions that Timur will definitely like.

It must be said that Timur is not used to resting on his laurels and being content with what he already has. He constantly strives forward, sparing neither money nor strength for his self-development. Moreover, he knows how to inspire others to "great achievements". He is listened to as an authoritative colleague and a fair boss.


Timur can become a successful businessman, because he has not only excellent entrepreneurial acumen, but also excellent organizational skills.

But for this, he needs to be patient and become more condescending towards the people around him (and it doesn’t matter whether it is his subordinates or business partners).


Sport occupies a huge place in Timur's life, to which he devotes a lot of time, but this does not prevent him from spending time reading a book or playing chess intellectually.

Character type

Timur is an unpredictable nature, so in dealing with him you should be correct and diplomatic if you do not want to experience the power of his wit and irony. But still, Timur belongs to the category of people who try to smooth out conflicts and establish friendly relations with others.

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Do not forget about the narcissism of this man, because of which it is quite difficult for him to find real friends. And although Timur is trying to fight with this quality, he does it quite badly.

In general, Timur is an energetic and morally stable man who brings everything he starts to the end. His rigidity and strong-willed character, which are wonderfully combined with gentleness and kindness, help to achieve great heights in life.


Timur has a developed intuition, but he never uses it, relying solely on his analytical mind.

Horoscope named after Timur

Timur - Aries

This is a strong-willed and tough man who trusts only himself, fearing that he will be deceived or betrayed. He is in no hurry to surround himself with friends, because he feels quite cozy and comfortable alone. With women, Timur-Aries is cold and restrained, so romantic and dreamy natures will not be able to get along with this pragmatist, for whom feelings when choosing a partner are a secondary factor.

Disciplined, executive and responsible, Timur-Taurus really looks at life, therefore he never makes plans that he will not be able to realize. He knows exactly what he wants from life, so he goes to his goals with a firm and confident step.

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Women are attracted by the good manners and a certain restraint of Timur-Taurus, in addition, this man gives the impression of a strong and reliable partner.

Timur - Gemini

Shy, modest and charming Timur-Gemini prefers a cheerful society and an interesting pastime, so his whole life revolves around friends, their concerns and interests.

It is not surprising that Timur-Gemini himself thinks rather late about building his own family. He needs an open, sociable and witty woman who will share all his hobbies.

Timur - Cancer

Emotional, sensual, but at the same time very vulnerable, Timur-Rak needs support and approval, since his self-doubt will sooner or later affect his life not very favorably. It is difficult for this man to put up with criticism addressed to him, even if all the comments are fair and justified. Timur-Rak will find his happiness with a gentle and caring woman who will become a real support for him.

Timur - Leo

The sincerity and good nature of Timur-Leo win you over, but there is something repulsive in this man - maybe arrogance or vanity. Therefore, he has practically no friends, especially since he does not know how to trust people. Surprisingly, behind the outward confidence of Timur-Lev, a vulnerable soul is hidden. In women, this man appreciates loyalty, openness and responsiveness.

Timur - Virgo

The purposefulness and assertiveness of Timur-Virgo help him pave the way to a brighter future. It is also important that he tries to deal with his shortcomings, because, as they say, there is no limit to perfection. Shy, timid and withdrawn Timur-Virgo eventually turns into an open and sociable person who is pampered by the fair sex. A woman for him is a muse that gives inspiration.

Smart, intelligent and ironic Timur-Libra wants to please others, because recognition is very important to him. He absolutely does not tolerate criticism in his address, so he tries to hide or correct his shortcomings.

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The woman of Timur-Libra must be wise and patient, because she will have to adapt to the difficult nature of her companion, whose moodiness confuses those around her.

Timur - Scorpio

This is a man with a complex and contradictory character, whose impulsiveness, emotionality and stubbornness become the reason for his loneliness. Timur-Scorpio lives by his own rules, which he is not ready to violate or correct under any circumstances. A Timur-Scorpio woman must subordinate her chosen one in everything if she wants to create a happy family with him.

Timur - Sagittarius

Straightforward, sharp and ironic, Timur-Sagittarius tries to hide his insecurity and shyness behind feigned coldness. But in vain! After all, as soon as he learns to be more diplomatic and softer, people themselves will make contact with him. With women, this man is also not very delicate, although true love can make him gentle and attentive. A Timur-Sagittarius woman should be affectionate and feminine.

Timur - Capricorn

A practitioner, a realist and an excellent psychologist - this is how you can characterize Timur-Capricorn, who does not waste time on empty talk, but tries to spend every day and hour for the benefit of himself or others. He is smart, tactful and open, so people are intuitively drawn to him. Timur-Capricorn beckons and women who are crazy about this strong and self-confident man who knows his own worth.

Intelligent and polite Timur-Aquarius knows how not only to listen, but also to help, for which he is loved and respected by others. However, he needs to learn to trust people if he wants to make real friends.

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A woman for Timur-Aquarius is an object of worship, to which he treats with awe, love and tenderness. At the same time, vulgarity and rudeness in the fair sex repel him.

Timur - Pisces

Kind, compliant and gentle Timur-Pisces knows how to forgive and forget insults, which is often used by others. He easily finds a common language with others, although he does not have many real friends, as he is afraid to trust people. The beloved woman should become for him, first of all, a true friend who can be trusted with the most intimate thoughts and desires. He will give her all his tenderness and make her the happiest woman in the world.

Timur name compatibility with female names

Timur and Olga

The owners of these names are ambitious and ambitious, so any of their joint undertakings is simply doomed to success, and it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s about work or building a strong family.

But! The pragmatic and prudent Timur does not always support the adventurous ideas of the impractical and impulsive Anna, which can lead to quarrels and disagreements.

Timur and Elena

The marriage between Timur and Elena is not a guarantee that their family will be strong and family life stable. On the contrary, even after years, their relationship will resemble the dates of lovers and independent teenagers who are not ready to part with their freedom.

Timur and Julia

This union is reminiscent of the war for independence, and neither Timur nor Yulia seek to create a cozy family hearth. In their unstable and explosive relationship, there are more minuses than pluses, so most often their tandem does not stand the test of time and circumstances.

Timur and Anastasia

Timur and Marina

Timur has been eyeing the contender for his heart for a long time, since he treats the institution of marriage as responsibly as possible. Yes, and Marina will not marry the first comer. Such a serious approach leads to the creation of a strong and reliable family.

Timur and Maria

This is an assertive and hardworking union in which both partners are determined to create the most cozy and comfortable conditions for living together. Timur and Maria are not threatened with material problems, but they clearly lack love and tenderness, and this is important in family life.

Timur and Svetlana

Svetlana's unpredictability and temperament, combined with Timur's ambition, give an unexpected result - a strong marriage, in which there is stability, rationalism, passion, and tenderness. But this union cannot be called calm.

Timur and Christina

Initially, freedom-loving Timur and ambitious Christina cannot enjoy each other, but over time, disagreements in their relationship become more and more, and this provokes nit-picking, discontent and the final breakdown of relations.

At the same time, Vika can hardly be called a good housewife, and Timur is an ideal family man. Bottom line: a painful break in relationships in which there is love, but no understanding.

Timur and Ksenia

Energetic and cheerful Ksenia perfectly complements the calm and reasonable Timur, who appreciates intelligence and the ability to quickly adapt to any circumstances in his chosen one. But still, Timur should devote more time to Ksyusha.

Timur and Lyudmila

In these relations, the struggle for power does not subside, so the union of Timur and Lyudmila is more like a battlefield, and not a calm and stable family life in which peace and love reign. However, this format of relations suits them quite well.

Timur and Alina

Practicality and calmness are the components that the union of Timur and Alina lacks. Ambition is good, but it is not always possible to build strong and stable relationships on it. In addition, the excessive emotionality of the owners of these names often leads to conflicts.

Timur and Evgenia

Family idyll - this is how you can characterize the exemplary tandem of Timur and Evgenia, who value such qualities as reliability, loyalty, responsiveness and kindness. Both know how to trust each other, which only strengthens their already reliable tandem.

In this pair "in the same boat" there are two leaders with strong characters who find it difficult to get along together, because no one wants to lose their positions.

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Only by learning to compromise, Timur and Dasha will be able to start a family.

Timur and Irina

There is no understanding in this union, since both partners have strong characters and want to rule. Timur devotes little time to his family, believing that the material side of the issue is more important than the atmosphere of family unity. Irina does not like this attitude to family values.

Timur and Elizabeth

Loud scandals, stormy showdowns, impulsiveness of actions - all this is inherent in the couple Timur and Liza, who can not only swear, but also quickly put up, forgiving each other for all shortcomings. Their tandem can be very long and promising.

Timur and Polina

These are people from parallel worlds, but they are interested together, there is an invisible connection between them, which is much stronger than fleeting passion. Their feelings are strong and deep, so it is almost impossible to destroy the union of Timur and Polina.

Short form of the name Timur. Timurka, Tim, Mura, Moore, Tim.
Synonyms for the name Timur. Timer, Demir, Temir, Temur, Taimuraz, Teimuraz, Teimur, Mintimer, Timerkhan, Timir, Timirkhan, Astemir, Bektemur, Timeryan.
origin of the name Timur The name Timur is Tatar, Ossetian.

Timur's name means "iron" in Mongolian. It is possible that the name Damir is a variant of the name Timur (Timer, Demir). This probability is confirmed by the female Tatar name Damira, whose name is translated as "iron", in the meaning of "strong". Also, the name Timur is one of the variants of the name Tamerlane.

Among the Ossetians, Timur, most likely, can be called Taimuraz, which will be more accurately translated as "Iron Alans, Ossetians." With the name Timer (and its variants), the Tatars had many compound names. Mintimer - “I am iron”, another option is “strong as iron”, Astemir - “hardened iron”, “seasoned steel”, in a broader sense “iron character”, Timerkhan - “iron khan”, “strong, strong ruler ”, Bektemur - “iron ruler”, “strong master”, Timeryan - “solid soul”, “soul of iron”.

All Timurs from childhood have undoubted firmness of character, they are characterized by purposefulness and perseverance in achieving the goal. Timurs are real logicians, they are very reasonable and prudent people, and maybe that is why it is not so easy for them to find contact with other people. They really do not like when they are compared with other people, they put someone as an example to them.

Timur is a multifaceted personality. As a child, he seems strange to many, outwardly imperturbable, like an impregnable wall. Timur keeps his emotions to himself, even if everything inside him is torn from the fullness of sensations. He directs his emotions, all his inner strength into business, but if he feels a negative atmosphere around him, then he absorbs this state into himself like a sponge. His mood may deteriorate, but outwardly he will look very calm, phlegmatic.

When life disappoints, he tends to rely only on himself. Timur would prefer to escape from the harsh realities of life into his rich imagination and dreams, but life makes its own adjustments.

Timur has patience, nobility. He will do anything for his family. His natural simplicity and generosity make him sympathetic, he has a sense of solidarity, appreciates friends, to whom he shows hospitality and warmth. Sometimes Timur becomes dreamy, thoughtful, slow and withdrawn, but most often he is full of enthusiasm, enterprise and brightness.

Timur loves, first of all, his freedom, loves travel and adventure. She prefers to read fantasy and detective stories from books. Timur is the enemy of monotony, he feels the need to constantly update his emotions and feelings.

The owner of the name Timur is a little sentimental and romantic; emotions and feelings are important in his life. Even in the emotional sphere, he does not like coercion, he will be jealous. He has a sense of ownership.

Timurs are very fond of reading and traveling, sport is an integral part of their life. The owners of this name are very fond of children and nature, they are characterized by kindness and tolerance. Timurs are very scrupulous and always bring things to the end, most often they choose the professions of doctors, artists, directors, sports coaches, military men, programmers.

Timur's name day

Timur does not celebrate a name day.

Notable people named Timur

  • Timur Timofeev ((born 1928) historian and economist)
  • Timur-Leng, Tamerlane ((1336-1405) commander, emir, founder of the state with its capital in Samarkand)
  • Mengu-Timur ((d.1282) Khan of the Golden Horde, grandson of Batu, organizer of campaigns against Byzantium, Lithuania, the Caucasus)
  • Timur (the protagonist of A. Gaidar's book "Timur and his team")
  • Timur Kibirov (poet)
  • Timur Zulfikarov ((born 1936) Tajik writer)
  • Timur Pulatov ((born 1939) Uzbek writer)
  • Timur Kibirov (Russian poet)
  • Timur Sadredinov (Russian racing driver, master of sports)
  • Timur Yunusov (pseudonym - Timati; Russian hip-hop and R'n'B artist)
  • Timur Mamedov (aka DJ X.P.Voodoo; founder, main ideologist, popularizer and guru of Russian trans culture, legendary Moscow promoter of the 90s)
  • Timur Bogatyryov (Soviet and Russian footballer, forward, former defender)
  • Timur Kusov (Russian TV journalist, well-known reporter, member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation)
  • Taimuraz Bolloev ((born 1953) Russian businessman)
  • Taimuraz Mamsurov ((born 1954) Russian politician, head of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania (RNO-A) since June 7, 2005. Member of the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation (2007).
  • Taimuraz Sanakoev ((born 1932) Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Soviet and South Ossetian inventor, Honored Inventor of the Georgian SSR (the only one in South Ossetia), Laureate of the State Prize of the GSSR in the field of science and technology under the Council of Ministers, multiple diploma winner of social competitions in invention and rationalization for achieving high performance, one of the founders of the plant "Elektrovibromashina. He owns 12 inventor's certificates for inventions, the author of more than 40 scientific papers, 4 scientific monographs, a specialist of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1968-1988).)
  • Taimuraz Dzgoev ((born 1961) Soviet freestyle wrestler, two-time world champion (1982, 1983). Honored Master of Sports in freestyle wrestling (1982).

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