Home Vegetables The scandalous beauty of Matilda: sex scenes, ballet and the Romanovs. Is there porn? What the first viewers say about "Matilda Matilda erotic scenes

The scandalous beauty of Matilda: sex scenes, ballet and the Romanovs. Is there porn? What the first viewers say about "Matilda Matilda erotic scenes

Today in Vladivostok, the film "Matilda" was shown for the first time. They fought against him with prayer, fire, threats and statements to the prosecutor's office. In Moscow, the pre-screening was canceled, and in Vladivostok they were detained. But the film still came out, and the first viewers share their impressions. What are they - in the material "360".

The test screening of Matilda on September 11 was to be held in three cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg and Vladivostok. A few hours before the premiere, the capital's "Illusion" canceled the screening - the cinema was not given a copy of the rental certificate. The show in Vladivostok was delayed because of the director himself. Alexey Uchitel on the way to the premiere.

In Telegram, the same viewer criticized the script, but highly appreciated the technical part: camera work, costumes and scenery.

As for the characters and the script, I have to say the following - it's pitch, impenetrable p***ets. Everything is bad.

But everything is fine with the technical part: the picture is even and bright, the operator tries and shoots beautifully<…>expensive sets and costumes with people inside. Regarding the work of costume designers and artists - in general, sheer delight. Another thing is that idiots are placed inside the scenery and costumes, who themselves do not understand what they want and what to do.

For the scenes where there are candles and temples - here Poklonskaya should say thanks. Because everything looks<…>ornate

Some viewers excitedly talk about the beauty of the scenery and the acting. Others took the film evenly - expectations, in their opinion, were too high, and the intensity of passions around the film does not match the content.

In St. Petersburg, two Muscovites complained about Matilda to the Federal Antimonopoly Service. They dismantled the trailer of the film by seconds and came to the conclusion: he violated the law "On Protection of Competition." This time, Matilda was reproached for an unscrupulous advertising campaign and even deliberate deception of possible viewers.

The scandal surrounding the film by Alexei Uchitel "Matilda" about the love affair of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya continues to gain momentum. Cinemas across the country are refusing to screen the film, ostensibly for the safety of audiences. But the film was still shown in Vladivostok: tickets were sold out a week before the premiere.

As "Komsomolskaya Pravda" writes, mostly young people came to the premiere in Vladivostok. The publication asked the first viewers about their impressions of the picture.

- The picture is based on real events, but there is some fantasy. Mrs. Poklonskaya's assertion that I made up a love story, - nonsense. There are many sources that confirm this historical fact, - said director Alexei Uchitel, who himself brought the film to Vladivostok. - We are being checked for half a year by the Economic Crime Department, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Treasury, but they could not prove that the film was contrary to the laws. The film has already been issued a rental certificate, but then a wave of aggression began.


The audience, who expected to see a very piquant picture, were disappointed. There were no explicit scenes in Matilda. A ballerina's naked breasts flashed on the screen several times, and the sex scenes were rather restrained. According to some viewers, the film is shot very well, but its plot leaves much to be desired.

Ekaterina Tkachenko, journalist.

- I liked the movie. Very bright, high quality picture. There were bed scenes, but they were as restrained as possible. In addition to the bare chest of the ballerina, nothing was shown. In fact, there was nothing that could be banned. In the recently released film Gogol: The Beginning, the erotic scenes look much tougher. And they promise to show it on TV, but here everything is very modest. I do not understand the scandal that erupted around the film. However, it seemed that the plot is a little chaotic.

Yulia Kotova, student.

- Great movie. He does not defame Nicholas II, and does not offend the feelings of believers. Many of our rulers had shortcomings. And here they showed the king with a human face. Moreover, when he had to face a choice, he stayed with his family. And that characterizes him very well.

Ivan Svyatenko, manager:

- The work is interesting, the picture is beautiful. I am not an expert and cannot assess the authenticity of this story. I liked the acting. Kshesinskaya was especially impressed. For a moment I even thought that I would like to have such a woman nearby. I also liked Ars Eidinger's acting. In his performance, Nicholas II is soft, kind. But the game of Danila Kozlovsky failed to enjoy. He got a very short role.


Oleg Ivanov, entrepreneur.

- An interesting film, but I, of course, imagined some things differently. This is still a feature film, not a historical, not a documentary. The film is beautiful, more like Hollywood, not quite in the Russian spirit.

Elena Maltseva, housewife.

- I really liked the music, beautiful general plans, amazing costumes. But the plot, the motivation of the actors - she just doesn't exist. Nicholas II is shown as some kind of child, and Matilda - just a girl who claims, she does not know what. It seems to me that the film is rather average and passing, the Russian Orthodox Church and Natalya Poklonskaya brought him some great fame and fame.

Most viewers in Vladivostok liked the film: some girls came out with tears in their eyes.

The film directed by Alexei Uchitel "Matilda" is still in production, but everyone already knows about it, although few have seen it. Actually, the phrase “I haven’t read it, but I condemn it” is perfect for him because of the unprecedented campaign launched against the film, the organizers and participants of which strongly demand the removal of a number of scenes from the picture or a complete ban on showing in cinemas.

Instead of looking for moments that hurt the feelings of the protesters, let's switch to the footage that everyone definitely saw, and back it up with facts about the shooting and the artistic component. And we will condemn when we still see the picture.

The story begins with the meeting of the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya and the future Emperor Nicholas, and ends with a solemn and tragic denouement of a love story - the magnificent coronation of the last Russian emperor.

The film's budget was $25 million (almost one and a half billion rubles). Filming took place in historical interiors - at the Mariinsky Theater and the Catherine, Alexander, Yusupov and Elaginoostrovsky palaces. The scenery of the Assumption Cathedral and the Palace on the River Pontoon were built. The music by the American composer Marco Beltrami was recorded by the extended cast of the Mariinsky Theater Symphony Orchestra conducted by Valery Gergiev.

The main roles were played by foreign actors. Nicholas II was played by 41-year-old Lars Eidinger, an artist from one of the most respected theaters in Europe, Schaubühne, which is greatly influenced by the Russian theater school, since most of those who formed the theater were born in the GDR.

For the role of Matilda, a graduate of the Warsaw Theater Academy, Michalina Olshanska, was approved, who managed to bypass about 300 applicants.

Danila Kozlovsky got the tense role of an officer of the imperial army, Count Vorontsov, who literally lost his head from passion for Kshesinskaya. Judging by the frames of the trailer, Vorontsov is ready to do anything to recapture the ballerina from the heir to the throne.

At the birthday party of the heir, the whole court gathered, led by his parents - Emperor Alexander III, played by Sergei Garmash, and Empress Maria Feodorovna, played by Ingeborga Dapkunaite. The authors of the costumes for the film are talented St. Petersburg artists Nadezhda Vasilyeva and Olga Mikhailova. More than 17 tons of fabric were spent on the creation of costumes, and a total of 5 thousand outfits were made.

The picture recreated the collapse of the imperial train in Borki, en route from the Crimea to St. Petersburg. According to the official version, due to the poor condition of the railway section and the high speed, 10 wagons of the train derailed. Of the 250 passengers, 68 were injured, 21 died.

Train wreck in 1888

The imperial family was miraculously unharmed in the crash, although their carriage was completely destroyed. Alexander III, according to eyewitnesses, possessing remarkable strength, held the roof of the car while his wife and children got out from under the rubble. The royal family escaped, but the health of the emperor was seriously undermined, which led to his premature death.

The coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna became the key scene of the film. Especially for the filming, a grandiose life-size scenery was built, recreating the interior of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin with the utmost accuracy.

Nicholas II, already crowned, and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna swear eternal love to each other. Louise Wolfram, who played the role of the Empress, is also a member of the Berlin Schaubühne troupe. She had to play the role entirely in Russian. Louise admitted that she fell in love with the language and dreams of learning it in the future.

Spectators will surely be amazed by the impressive scenes from two ballets: The Blue Bird and the Princess Florine and The Pearl. The latter was during the celebrations on the occasion of the coronation of Nicholas II. The choreographer was Alexei Miroshnichenko, chief choreographer of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre. Theater artists starred in crowd scenes. Among them, an understudy was found for the performer of the role of Matilda in ballet scenes. In the special clinics of the 19th century, where Count Vorontsov, who was in love with Kshesinskaya, apparently ended up, the mentally ill had a bad time. The means of treating the unfortunate left much to be desired - electric shocks, drowning. Even ancient tools, but modified in a modern way, were used - for example, a torture wheel.

The film directed by Alexei Uchitel "Matilda" is still in production, but everyone already knows about it, although few have seen it. Actually, the phrase “I haven’t read it, but I condemn it” is perfect for him because of the unprecedented campaign launched against the film, the organizers and participants of which strongly demand the removal of a number of scenes from the picture or a complete ban on showing in cinemas.

Instead of looking for moments that hurt the feelings of the protesters, let's switch to the footage that everyone definitely saw, and back it up with facts about the shooting and the artistic component. And we will condemn when we still see the picture.

The story begins with the meeting of the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya and the future Emperor Nicholas, and ends with a solemn and tragic denouement of a love story - the magnificent coronation of the last Russian emperor.

The film's budget was $25 million (almost one and a half billion rubles). Filming took place in historical interiors - at the Mariinsky Theater and the Catherine, Alexander, Yusupov and Elaginoostrovsky palaces. The scenery of the Assumption Cathedral and the Palace on the River Pontoon were built. The music by the American composer Marco Beltrami was recorded by the extended cast of the Mariinsky Theater Symphony Orchestra conducted by Valery Gergiev.

The main roles were played by foreign actors. Nicholas II was played by 41-year-old Lars Eidinger, an artist from one of the most respected theaters in Europe, Schaubühne, which is greatly influenced by the Russian theater school, since most of those who formed the theater were born in the GDR.

For the role of Matilda, a graduate of the Warsaw Theater Academy, Michalina Olshanska, was approved, who managed to bypass about 300 applicants.

Danila Kozlovsky got the tense role of an officer of the imperial army, Count Vorontsov, who literally lost his head from passion for Kshesinskaya. Judging by the frames of the trailer, Vorontsov is ready to do anything to recapture the ballerina from the heir to the throne.

At the birthday party of the heir, the whole court gathered, led by his parents - Emperor Alexander III, played by Sergei Garmash, and Empress Maria Feodorovna, played by Ingeborga Dapkunaite. The authors of the costumes for the film are talented St. Petersburg artists Nadezhda Vasilyeva and Olga Mikhailova. More than 17 tons of fabric were spent on the creation of costumes, and a total of 5 thousand outfits were made.

The picture recreated the collapse of the imperial train in Borki, en route from the Crimea to St. Petersburg. According to the official version, due to the poor condition of the railway section and the high speed, 10 wagons of the train derailed. Of the 250 passengers, 68 were injured, 21 died.

Train wreck in 1888

The imperial family was miraculously unharmed in the crash, although their carriage was completely destroyed. Alexander III, according to eyewitnesses, possessing remarkable strength, held the roof of the car while his wife and children got out from under the rubble. The royal family escaped, but the health of the emperor was seriously undermined, which led to his premature death.

The coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna became the key scene of the film. Especially for the filming, a grandiose life-size scenery was built, recreating the interior of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin with the utmost accuracy.

Nicholas II, already crowned, and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna swear eternal love to each other. Louise Wolfram, who played the role of the Empress, is also a member of the Berlin Schaubühne troupe. She had to play the role entirely in Russian. Louise admitted that she fell in love with the language and dreams of learning it in the future.

Spectators will surely be amazed by the impressive scenes from two ballets: The Blue Bird and the Princess Florine and The Pearl. The latter was during the celebrations on the occasion of the coronation of Nicholas II. The choreographer was Alexei Miroshnichenko, chief choreographer of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre. Theater artists starred in crowd scenes. Among them was found an understudy for the performer of the role of Matilda in ballet scenes.

To recreate the scene of the tragedy on the Khodynka field on the morning of May 18, 1896, where the crowd that had arrived since night, wanting to receive free gifts in honor of the coronation of Nicholas II, began to press on the stalls, more than 2,000 extras took part, and the shooting lasted several days. As a result of the stampede in 1896, more than a thousand people died, the same number were injured. The appearance of the end of the 19th century was given to the Khodynka field with the help of computer graphics.

In the special clinics of the 19th century, where, obviously, Count Vorontsov, who was in love with Kshesinskaya, ended up, the mentally ill had a bad time. The means of treating the unfortunate left much to be desired - electric shocks, drowning. Even ancient tools, but modified in a modern way, were used - for example, a torture wheel.

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