Home Berries Criteria for evaluating the Olympiad in English. The scale of criteria for evaluating tasks in the section "Written speech". Interaction with the interlocutor

Criteria for evaluating the Olympiad in English. The scale of criteria for evaluating tasks in the section "Written speech". Interaction with the interlocutor

Summer taste stamps

Products made from vegetables and fruits can have a variety of purposes. One of the options for using vegetables is making them for drawing and needlework.

For stamps, almost everything that has grown in the garden is suitable. Each fruit has its own unique structure. The main thing is to use this natural material correctly and with imagination.

Potatoes, zucchini, squash, pumpkins, carrots, cabbage can serve as vegetables for crafts ...


It is good to have a special place for printing and, if there is a lot to be printed (tablecloths, curtains), a special board. To do this, a large kitchen or drawing board is covered with a thick woolen cloth (an old woolen or flannelette blanket), and linen on top. If you don't have much to print, just lay down a few layers of newspaper. The top layer should be blank paper. The obligatory presence of an elastic layer under the decorated fabric allows the paint of the stamps to lay down evenly, clearly, covering the entire surface.

Paints should be placed next to the board for printing, laying them out on a tray or on several saucers on pieces of fabric folded in several layers, separate for each paint. Depending on the thickness of the paint, cover it with one or more layers of fabric through which it will soak through. This should look like a pad of stamp ink. Place a jar of clean water to wash the ink from the stamps if you intend to print with this stamp in several colors. If it is made from vegetables or fruits and the paint does not wash off well, cut off a thin layer of the stamp with a sharp knife. Always make the first test print on a patch.

Vegetables need to be thoroughly washed and brushed, and fruits can be used without prior preparation. Before dipping vegetable and fruit stamps into the paint, blot or wipe off any juice that comes out.

Vegetables cut lengthwise will retain the characteristic features by which you can recognize them at a glance. A cross section will give a circle of various diameters when printed on fabric (the bow also has an original structure). There are vegetables and fruits that are easily recognizable in both types of cuts. These are apples, lemons, garlic. An interesting stamp is obtained from cauliflower, similar to a tree in a longitudinal section, and giving a lace pattern in a transverse one. If the cut is made obliquely, the structure will be very interesting, but less recognizable.

You can depict a banana by printing a real fruit, cut along. To do this, it is better to take a strong, green banana.

Silhouettes of apples, pears, kiwi are cut out of potatoes.

A pink barrel on fruit is printed with a separate stamp or dipped on different sides in paint of two colors - pink and yellow or green.

We stamp with apples!

Stamp printing is a very simple and fascinating technique that allows you to create an amazing ornament even for those who cannot draw. You can make anything your heart desires - a postcard, a sprint bag, a book cover, wrapping paper, just a picture or even a shelf with compote. You can decorate items for the kitchen - potholders, bags, napkins for jars with homemade canned food.

And most importantly, children are happy to work in this technique!

Used as a source:











The structure of garlic. The top of the garlic bulb is covered with dense dry scales. It consists of small bulbs - cloves. Teeth are buds that grow on the bottom. The root system is fibrous. The leaves are narrow, linear. The flowers are whitish, collected in an inflorescence, in a flower 6L6T1P.

Slide 7 from the presentation "Onion and garlic". The size of the archive with the presentation is 168 KB.

Biology Grade 7

summary of other presentations

"The circulatory system of the body" - Large vessels through which blood moves to organs and tissues are called arteries. Blood circulation is an important factor in the life of the human body and a number of animals. Blood vessels are divided into three main types: arteries, capillaries, and veins. Enrichment of blood with oxygen occurs in the lungs, and saturation with nutrients - in the digestive organs. The heart is four-chambered and has two circles of blood circulation.

"Characteristics of amphibians" - Spine. Respiratory system. Skeleton. Nutrition. Circulatory system. Sections of the body. Taste. Breathing mechanism. Movement. Nervous system. Lungs. Scull. Vision. Digestive system. Class Amphibians. Body covers. Metabolism. excretory system. Forebrain. Shoulder girdle. Smell. Forelimb. Hind limb. Pelvic girdle. Hearing. Sense organs. circulatory system (heart).

"The Most Dangerous Spiders" - Black Widow. The brown hermit has 6 eyes in 3 pairs. Feeds on insects. Females are about 2 cm long and are more dangerous. Brown recluse spider. Brazilian wandering spider. Tarantula (tarantula). Water spiders. The most dangerous spiders. There are many coloring options for tarantulas. The water spider weaves its webs among aquatic plants. Females always kill males after mating. The spider is small.

"Soil as a habitat for animals" - Independent work. Ecological groups of soil organisms. Living conditions. Make a diagram. Earthworm. Animal adaptations. The soil. environment factor. What are we going to study today. Oxygen. Upper fertile layer. Animals. Solve the crossword. Desert animals. Names of animals. Soil properties. Soil as a habitat for animals. natural voids. Adaptations of animals to life in fresh water.

"The structure of the class of amphibians" - The skeleton of a frog. Diagram of the structure of the brain in amphibians. Digestive system. Origin and evolution of amphibians. Covers and coloration. The internal structure of a frog. territorial behavior. Representatives of three orders of amphibians. Sense organs and eating behavior. Lung breathing system and inspiratory mechanism. Diagram of the structure of the heart of amphibians. Like a toad catches prey crawling on the ground. Marriage rituals.

"Lepidoptera" - Suborder Beskhobotkovye. Butterfly structure. Suborder Proboscis. Suborder Toothed. Order Lepidoptera. Suborder Homoptera. Life cycle. Breast. Example. Nutrition and reproduction.

Garlic- typically bulbous, vegetatively propagated herbaceous plant. Its stem is weakly expressed, it is presented in the form of a short wide bottom. Adventitious roots form on the lower part of the donut, and leaves with axillary buds - teeth on the upper part. Garlic does not produce seeds, seed reproduction was lost during the evolution of the species. The inflorescence of garlic consists of sterile flowers and "airy" bulbs or bulbs.

Distinguish shooting and non-shooting forms of garlic; according to the requirements for environmental conditions, it has winter and spring forms. In arrow plants, a flowering shoot emerges from the center of the bulb - an arrow carrying an inflorescence at the top. In non-shooting garlic, only leaves develop during the growing season, forming a false stem in the lower part.

It consists of teeth attached to the bottom and located in the axils of successively located dry leaf bases. When a mature tooth is separated, a convex mark remains on the maternal bottom. A tooth is nothing more than a bud with a bottom, one (rarely 2 or more) growth points with leaf rudiments, surrounded by juicy, closed and dense dry integumentary (tooth) scales. In varieties of garlic, cloves vary in shape and size. Shooting garlic has large cloves, 6-14 in number, arranged radially in one (rarely 2 or more) layers around the peduncle. Non-shooting forms of garlic have a larger number of cloves arranged in a spiral. The outer teeth are large, the inner teeth are smaller, the central teeth are often subulate. The ratio and number of external and internal cloves of the bulb depends on the variety and nature of branching. The process of laying teeth in the axils of the leaves takes a certain period of time, so the inner teeth, which formed later, differ from the outer ones not only in size.

Garlic leaves consist of a flat leaf blade, folded along the central vein, and a tubular sheath, covering the part of the stem on which the leaf has developed. Each subsequent leaf grows inside the tube of the previous one and goes out above it. This is how a false stem is formed. In shooter forms, after the completion of the formation of leaves, a peduncle appears from the center of the false stem.

When the bulb ripens, the leaves gradually dry out, their plastic substances pass through the bottom into the storage scales of the teeth, and the bases of the leaves turn into thin membranous dry scales.

With the cessation of the growth of new leaves, the false stem remains hollow inside and, if the leaves lose turgor, falls down. This is a sign of the beginning of garlic ripening, a signal for harvesting. Shooting plants do not lie down; signs of ripening in them are yellowing of leaves and arrows, and in some varieties shedding of bulbs.

The root system of garlic is thin, so it is very demanding on soil fertility. When the cloves germinate, the roots appear in a dense bundle. At first, they are string-shaped, but after about 2 weeks after the start of regrowth, they begin to branch. As the bulb grows, the roots are located on the bottom in circles. In large bulbs, the number of roots reaches 250 pcs. They penetrate the soil to a depth of up to 70 cm, but their bulk is located in the soil layer up to 40 cm.

A set of tasks for students in grades 5-6

The task for listening consists of one part (total 10 tasks). All assignments are assigned 15 minutes

First task

The complexity of the texts corresponds to the level A1 - A2 on the scale of the Council of Europe.

Evaluation criteria

Listening - 20 (twenty) . Spelling mistakes

only 15 tasks). To fulfill all

assignments are given 45 minutes

First task

Second task

A1 - A2

Evaluation criteria 1 point . Only 10 points. For each correct answer of the second task, 2 points. Only 10 points.

Reading - 20

(twenty) .The correctness of the tasks is checked by the keys.

Lexico-grammar testconsists of two tasks. Total in test 20

Which includes entering answers into the response sheets.

A2 according to the scale of the Council of Europe.

Exercise 1 aimed at testing lexical and grammatical skills. Students must choose the correct option from the two given.

Tasks 2 is aimed at testing socio-cultural knowledge, proverbs and sayings are used in the task.

Evaluation criteria

Tasks 1-2: 1 point

English - 20 (twenty).The correctness of the tasks is checked by the keys.

Students are encouraged to write a 70-80 word birthday invitation to a friend. You have 20 minutes to complete the task. The proposed genre of written work tests the skills of productive writing. The given format of congratulations allows for a creative approach and allows you to show originality.

A2 according to the scale of the Council of Europe.

Evaluation criteria

5 points for contentis set: if the communicative task is fully completed - an invitation to a friend is written according to the specified parameters. The participant observes: 1. norms of writing a letter (correct beginning and ending of a letter); 2. norms of politeness; 3. informal writing style; The participant indicates: 4. date and place of the meeting; The participant describes: 5. the program of the meeting. The volume of work either corresponds to the specified one, or deviates from the specified one by no more than 20% (increasing - no more than 90 words) or 10% downward (not less than 60 words).

5 points for designput: of them2 points for vocabulary(participant demonstrates vocabulary, necessary for letter writing- invitations. Job has 1 – 2view of the lexical design.); 2 points for grammar1 point for spelling.

if, communicative task completed partially composed textis a letter invitation with given parameters. However, inwork not observed 1or several oflisted above parameters. Behind non-compliance with eachparameter is removed by1 point for content.Or: the volume exceedsset for more thantwenty%. (more than 90 words)or less volumegiven by more than10% (from 30 to 60 words) – for (participant demonstrates vocabulary, necessary for letter writing- invitations. Job has 3 – 4 minor errors from the point view of the lexical design.); 1 point for grammar1 point for spelling

not completed. Content of the letter not meets the given parameters. Or: Volume less than 50% of the specified (less than 30 words); 0 points (the participant demonstrates an extremely limited vocabulary. Or: there are numerous errors in the use of vocabulary (5 or more); there are grammatical errors (5 or more); there are numerous spelling errors in the text (more than 3).

Stage I - warm-up.

Stage II - the main task.

1. Warm up - 1 minute.

In terms of complexity, the tasks correspond to level A2 on the scale of the Council of Europe.

Evaluation criteria

I Warm-up

II Main task

tasks - 1 minute.

Participant 1 - talks about the plan for the upcoming picnic using the plan in the task.

9-10 points for content: 4 points for 2 correct questions, and for received 2 correct answers.

7-8 points: if,

5-6 points: 3 points

0 points : Refusal to answer.

The maximum number of points that can be received for the competition

Speaking - 20 (twenty).

5-6 grade

school stage

listening 20 (Coefficient applied

2: 10x2=20)

Reading- maximum points 20

Use of English- maximum points 20

writing- maximum points


speaking- maximum points 20

A set of tasks for students in grades 7-8

Listening Comprehension Competition

The task for listening consists of one part (total 10 tasks). All tasks are assigned 15 minutes , including the time allotted for briefing and entering answers into the response sheets.

First task - listening to the dialogue. After listening (text sounds 2 times)

Participants are asked to complete a matching task.

The complexity of the texts corresponds to the level IN 1 according to the scale of the Council of Europe.

The correctness of the tasks is checked by the keys.

Evaluation criteria: 1 point for each correct answer. Then applied

coefficient 2: points received are multiplied by 2. The maximum number of points,

which can be obtained for the competition Listening - 20 (twenty) . Spelling mistakes

are not taken into account, if there is a spelling error in the answer sheet, the score for

the correct answer is scored.

Written text comprehension competition – Reading

Reading assignments consist of two parts ( only 20 tasks). To fulfill all

assignments are given 45 minutes, which includes entering answers into the response sheets.

First task based on reading a cognitive text. The task is aimed at testing the skills of viewing reading. Sequencing task: participants must match the facts from the biography of the illusionists with their names.

Second task based on the same text. It is aimed at testing skills

detailed reading with full reading comprehension. Task for

ordering: participants must match the beginning of sentences with their endings.

Third task dialogue based. The task is to check

detailed reading skills with full reading comprehension: participants

must define statements in the text as Right/Wrong or Not stated.

The complexity of the texts corresponds to the level IN 1 according to the scale of the Council of Europe. Subject

texts is of interest to students of this age. Texts are selected according to

the principle of thematic diversity; assignments test different types of reading, in

The competition combines tasks of different types.

Evaluation criteria: For each correct answer of the first task, 1 point.

Only 5 points. For each correct answer of the second task, 1 point . Only 5 points. For each correct answer of the third task, 1 point.

Only 10 points.

The maximum number of points that can be received for the competition Reading - 20

(twenty) . The correctness of the tasks is checked by the keys.

Lexico-grammar test – Use of English

Lexico-grammar testconsists of two tasks. Total in test 20

questions. You have 20 minutes to complete all tasks., which includes entering answers into the response sheets.

Tasks correspond to the level of difficulty IN 1 according to the scale of the Council of Europe.

In task 1 Students are asked to fill in the gaps in the coherent text with prepositions, articles, phrasal verbs and other lexical units that are appropriate in meaning.

Task 2 aims to test socio-cultural knowledge, namely abbreviations and symbols.

Evaluation criteria

Tasks 1-2: Each correct answer is scored 1 point

The maximum number of points that can be received for the Use of contest

English - 20 (twenty).The correctness of the tasks is checked by the keys.

Writing Contest – Writing

Students are invited to write an apology letter to a friend, with a volume of 100-120

words. You have 20 minutes to complete the task.

The proposed genre of written work tests the skills of a productive

letters. The given format allows for creativity and allows

show originality.

When evaluating a written work, the following criteria are taken into account: content, composition, vocabulary, grammar and spelling.

The difficulty of the task corresponds to the level B1 according to the scale of the Council of Europe.

Maximum points: 10

Evaluation criteria

5 points for contentput: if, the communicative task is fully completed - a letter of apology to a friend is written according to the specified parameters. The participant observes: 1. norms of writing a letter (correct beginning and ending of a letter); 2. norms of politeness; 3. informal style of writing; 4. the reason why he couldn't come. The volume of work either corresponds to the specified one, or deviates from the specified one by no more than 20% (increasing - no more than 140 words) or 10% downward (not less than 70 words).

5 points for designput: of them2 points for vocabulary(participant demonstrates vocabulary, necessary for letter writing- apologies. Job has 1 – 2 minor errors from the point view of the lexical design.); 2 points for grammar(The participant demonstrates the competent and appropriate use of grammatical structures. The work has 1 - 2 minor errors in terms of grammar);1 point for spelling.

4-1 points are given for the content: if, communicative task completed partially composed textis a letter apology with given parameters. However, inwork not observed 1or several oflisted above parameters. Behind non-compliance with eachparameter is removed by1 point for content.Or: the volume exceedsset for more thantwenty%. (more than 140 words)or less volumegiven by more than10% (from 50 to 70 words) – behind volume violation is deducted 1 pointfor content; 1 point for vocabulary(participant demonstrates vocabulary, necessary for letter writing- invitations. Job has 3 – 4 minor errors from the point view of the lexical design.); 1 point for grammar(the participant demonstrates the competent and appropriate use of grammatical structures. The work has 3–4 minor errors in terms of grammatical design);1 point for spelling(There are 3 or less minor spelling errors in the work.)

0 points for content:if, communicative task not completed. Content of the letter not meets the given parameters. Or: the volume is less than 50% of the given one (less than 30 words); 0 points (the participant demonstrates an extremely limited vocabulary. Or: there are numerous errors in the use of vocabulary (5 or more); there are grammatical errors (5 or more); there are numerous spelling errors in the text (more than 3).

When calculating the points for the competition, a coefficient of 2 is applied: the points received for the competition are multiplied by 2.

The maximum number of points that can be received for the Writing contest is 20 (twenty).

Oral speech competition - Speaking

2 jury members and 2 participants of the Olympiad participate in the oral speech competition.

1. All instructions to the participants of the oral speech competition are given in English.

2. Teachers - members of the jury invite a couple of participants to their table. Couples

compiled by random selection.

Stage I - warm-up.

Stage II - the main task.

Response time of a pair of participants:

1. Warm up - 1 minute.

2. Preparing an answer - 1 minute.

3. The answer of participant No. 1 is 1 minute.

4. Questions based on the answer of participant No. 1 - 2 minutes.

5. The answer of participant No. 2 is 1 minute.

6. Questions based on the answer of participant No. 2 - 2 minutes.

The maximum time allowed for a couple of participants is 10 minutes.

The complexity of the tasks corresponds to the level IN 2 according to the scale of the Council of Europe.

Evaluation criteria

I Warm-up

Each participant is asked 1 question in order to relieve tension, arrange

them for a conversation and prepare them for the oral task of the Olympiad.

The time allotted for this stage of the task is 1 minute.

II Main task

The main task of each participant consists of two parts:

Part 1. Monologue on a given topic and proposed plan

Part 2. Dialogue in the form of questions - answers on the topic of the speech.

Members of the jury inform the participants of the competition basic information about the first and second parts of the task. Each pair receives a set of tasks.Give everyone time to prepare.tasks - 1 minute.

After 1 minute, the participants begin to answer:

Participant 1 - talks about the plan for the upcoming trip using the plan in the assignment.

Participant 2 - asks 2 clarifying questions on the proposed items in the task.

Then the participants switch roles.

The jury members can additionally ask any participant questions in the course of his answer, if there is a need to stimulate the answer or performance.

In the event that one of the partners does not allow his interlocutor to speak and instead

question begins to express his point of view, i.e. instead of questions, statements are heard, the jury members are obliged to intervene and invite the speaker to be careful about the condition of the task.

Participants' performances are recorded on a tape recorder. The recording starts at the moment the answer to task 1 begins. At the end of the answer, the recording stops and, after the participants leave the audience, the jury members write down the identification numbers of the participants of the past pair on tape: “These were the number XXXXXXX and the number XXXXXX.”The maximum time allowed for a pair of participants to speak is 10 minutes.

If there are three participants left, one of the 3 remaining participants should be invited

perform two different roles twice in different pairs thus formed: A + B and A + C. The answer of this participant is evaluated once only in the first pair. It is also possible to invite one remaining participant to have a dialogue with a member of the jury.

9-10 points for content:if the communicative task is fully completed: the goal of communication is successfully achieved, the topic is disclosed in a given volume. The participant expresses interesting and original ideas; 4 points for 2 correct questions, and for received 2 correct answers.

7-8 points: if, the communicative task is fully completed: the goal of communication has been successfully achieved, the topic is disclosed in a given volume, but the performance is not distinguished by originality of thought.

5-6 points: if the communicative task is not fully completed: the goal of communication is basically achieved, but the topic is not fully disclosed: not all items of the task plan are reflected in the participant's response; 3 points 1 question was not asked, or 1 answer was not received.

0 points : Refusal to answer.

The maximum number of points that can be received for the competition

Speaking - 20 (twenty).

Scoring for all competitions

7-8 grade

school stage

listening 20 (Coefficient applied

2: 10x2=20)

Reading- maximum points 20

Use of English- maximum points 20

writing- maximum points20 (Coefficient 2 applied:


speaking- maximum points 20

The maximum number of points for all competitions is 100 points.

Part 1. Understanding the written text (Reading)

IN first task Participants of the Olympiad are invited to read the text and determine whether the 9 statements below are true or false. The maximum score for this task is 9.

Second task proposes to establish a correspondence between the questions that were asked to the writer and his answers to them. The maximum score for this task is 11.

You have 30 minutes to complete the first part.

The correctness of the tasks is checked by the keys (see. Keys ).

In terms of complexity, the tasks correspond to level B1 (threshold level, Intermediate). It is assumed that at this level of language proficiency, the participant of the Olympiad should be able to:

understand articles and messages on contemporary issues;

Separate information that is important for understanding the text from secondary information;

Evaluation criteria . 1 point is given for each correct answer.

The maximum number of points for the first part is 20.

Part 2. Vocabulary and Grammar (Use of English)

The second part (Use of English) includes 3 tasks. Participants of the Olympiad must demonstrate knowledge of lexical and grammatical material and the ability to operate with it not only at the level of a single sentence, but also in a wider context.

Evaluation criteria . Each correct answer in part 2 (use of English) is worth one point.

IN first task (Task 3) participants are asked to read the text with 10 gaps and change the words on the right so that they correspond grammatically and lexically to the content of the text. The purpose of the task is to determine the language competence of students. Students must demonstrate understanding of the content of the text, knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. The task tests knowledge of grammar, namely such tenses as Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, passive voice, degrees of comparison of adjectives, plural forms and possessive case of nouns, possessive pronouns. The maximum score for this task is 10.

In second task(Task 4) participants must match the statements of the speakers (direct speech) with the verbs that would be used when translating sentences from direct speech into indirect speech. The task tests both knowledge of vocabulary and knowledge of grammar. The maximum score for this task is 10 .

IN third task (Task 5) Participants are asked to solve a crossword puzzle. The task tests knowledge of vocabulary. The maximum score for this task is 20 .

Part 3. Letter (Writing)

Participants of the Olympiad are invited to write an essay-description, in the amount of 180-200 words, according to a given plan. The proposed type of written work (description of the robot) tests the skills of productive writing, the ability to correctly and consistently formulate creative ideas on a specific topic, and also involves the ability to use knowledge of the basic principles of writing essays of this kind.

Evaluation criteria. When evaluating a written work, the following criteria are taken into account: content, composition, vocabulary and style, syntax and grammar, spelling and punctuation. Evaluation criteria are given in the form of a table and are given to each inspector.

This task is evaluated according to the scale suggested below. The maximum possible score for this task is 20. The maximum score for the content of the work (10 points) is given if the participant has fully completed the communicative task and demonstrated an original approach to the disclosure of the topic. The maximum score for the design of the work (10 points) is set if there are no errors in the work.

The works of the participants of the Olympiad are checked by 2 teachers or a large number of jury members in case of a large discrepancy in the assessment of the checked works.

When evaluating the performance of a written task, the jury should take into account the following points. A good essay is considered to be a participant's essay if the participant:

· Has sufficient language skills to write a coherent text; enriching the description for greater clarity with details and details.

Can express their attitude to events, objects, people, phenomena.

Can reason using well-known arguments and arguments, illustrating them with their own examples.

In terms of language, the participant must have

Sufficiently large vocabulary;

a fairly large arsenal of grammatical tools.

Scale of criteria for evaluating tasks in the section "Written speech"

Maximum points: 20

Attention! A score of 0 for "Content" results in an overall score of 0.


(maximum 10 points)


(maximum 2 points)


(maximum3 points)


(maximum3 points)

Spelling and punctuation

(maximum 2 points)

The communicative task is fully completed, taking into account the purpose of the statement and the addressee. The topic is fully covered. The participant demonstrates an original approach to the disclosure of the topic.

2 points

The work has no errors in terms of composition.

3 points

The participant demonstrates a rich vocabulary necessary to cover the topic, an accurate choice of words and adequate possession of lexical compatibility.

The work has no errors in terms of lexical design.

3 points

The participant demonstrates the competent and appropriate use of the structures necessary to disclose the topic.

The work has no grammatical errors.

2 points

The participant demonstrates good command of spelling and punctuation skills.

The work has no errors in terms of spelling and punctuation.

The communicative task is performed taking into account the purpose of the statement and the addressee. The topic is fully disclosed, but the work lacks originality in the disclosure of the topic.

1 point

In general, the text has a clear structure corresponding to the given topic. The text is divided into paragraphs. The text contains links. Minor violations of the structure, logic or coherence of the text are acceptable

2 points

In general, the lexical composition of the text corresponds to the given topic, however, there are inaccuracies in the choice of words and lexical compatibility, which do not make it difficult to understand the text. Or: standard, monotonous vocabulary is used.

(3-5 mistakes)

2 points

The text contains a number of minor grammatical and/or syntactical errors that do not hinder the overall understanding of the text.

(3-5 mistakes)

1 point

The text contains spelling and/or punctuation errors that do not hinder the general understanding of the text.

The communicative task is generally completed, but there are some violations of the integrity of the content. The topic is not fully disclosed: all the necessary arguments and / or facts are not given.

The communicative task has been partially completed. The content of the text does not fully correspond to the given topic or the amount of work is less than 50% of the given one.

0 points

The text does not have a clear logical structure. Missing or incorrect paragraph division of the text. There are serious violations of the coherence of the text and / or numerous errors in the use of logical means of communication.

1 point

There are numerous lexical errors that do not make it difficult to understand the text.

(6 or more)

0 points

The participant demonstrates an extremely limited vocabulary. Or: there are numerous errors in the use of vocabulary that make it difficult to understand the text.

1 point

There are numerous grammatical errors that do not make it difficult to understand the text.

(6 or more)

0 points

The text contains many errors that make it difficult to understand.

0 points

The text contains numerous spelling and/or punctuation errors that make it difficult to understand.

Communicative task not completed. Text content not responds to the given topic.

Municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in English, 2012

7-8 classes

Part 1. Reading Comprehension

task 1. Read the following text and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F). Write your answers in the box given below.

Laura wouldn't have noticed, if Tara hadn't leaned forward in her pushchair, pointed and said, ‘Te-ddy, teddy!’

Laura looked up and saw a small bear dangling from the park railings, along with a collection of mittens and socks that people had lost. She reached up and touched her soft fur. Still dry, so it couldn't have been there long.

‘It looks a bit like I feel,’ she observed, noting the tightly-embroidered mouth, as if its creator had run out of wool and had to economise. Her lips were pursed as if it felt down in the dumps.

There were lots of other things Laura would prefer to be doing that damp afternoon instead of pushing her niece to the park. Practicing her driving was one of them. She could hardly believe it last Tuesday when the examiner told her she'd passed her test. Even Connor, who always seemed so confident, had failed his first test and was waiting for a retake. As an early birthday present, her mother added Laura onto her car insurance, but she hadn’t driven her mother’s car yet and needed to get in some practice before she went out alone. To tell the truth, the thought of driving alone in all that heavy traffic scared her to death, but she supposed she'd get used to it in time.

She also hoped to go into town and meet her friend Chelsey and browse around the shopping centre. Laura had plenty of other things to occupy her time.

If only her older sister hadn't phoned to say the child-minder had let her down. It wasn't fair that her mum was so quick to volunteer Laura to help out. It was time her mum realized that at seventeen she had a life of her own, which didn't just revolve around babysitting Tara.

‘Poor, lost bear,’ said Laura, hooking it back on the railings. If it was still there after they'd fed the ducks, she'd take it home. It would soon look bedraggled if it began to rain. There was a heart embroidered on its tummy with the letter L inside it. L for lost.

‘Ducks,’ said Tara, straining forward in her buggy. ‘Feed ducks.’

‘Off we go then,’ replied Laura. ‘Bye, bye, bear.’

Laura thought that the bear hadn't been on the railings for a long time. Laura didn't quite like the idea of ​​going to the park with her niece. Her mother presented Laura with a new car on her birthday. Laura was used to driving her mother's car. Laura wanted to go shopping with her mother. It was Laura's idea to offer her help with babysitting. Her mother didn't understand that Laura had a life of her own and a lot of other things to do. Laura felt pity for the bear at once but put it back on the railings as she wanted to feed the ducks with Tara. Laura did not intend to take the bear home.

Task 2. Match the questions that have been prepared for the crime novelist Peter Lovesey and his answers to them. Write your answers in the box given below.

How did you become a crime writer? Where do you get your ideas for characters? Where did you get the idea for your detective, Peter Diamond? Where do you get your ideas for plots? How do you write? Which of your books was the hardest to write? Which of the books was easiest to write? What do you like about writing short stories? Which fictional character do you wish you'd created? Which writer has inspired you most? What is your all-time favorite book? With short stories I have the chance to take risks, experiment and have fun, and sometimes surprise myself. With a novel, it's a much bigger commitment, so I can't always take those chances. It was all a bit unexpected. Writing was my hobby, but I hadn't thought about doing it full-time. Then, in 1969, I was lucky enough to win a thousand-pound competition for a first crime novel. I'd written one book on long-distance running and used that as the basis for Wobble To Death, but I was panic-stricken to discover the publishers wanted more books, I had to go home and think fast. With the active support of my wife Jax, who knew more about crime writing than me, I started on a forty-year career. I was a teacher at the time. Then, in 1975, when Granada decided to adapt my books for television, I thought I might be able to make a go of writing full-time. I make an outline and then write the book in one draft. I work slowly and take pleasure in finding the right words. Other writers say, ‘I couldn’t possibly work the way you do, it wouldn’t be exciting for me.’ It is slow progress. If I've done three hundred words in a day, that's a good achievement. Initially I base them on people I know, but as the stories develop then so do the characters and they begin to change. So, happily, no one has yet said, ‘That’s me in your book.’ Decline And Fall by Evelyn Waugh is a comic masterpiece that makes me smile every time I return to it. I was in the Air Force when I first read it and needed a bit of cheering up. I think Sherlock Holmes is still the greatest of all the detectives. I've read the series right through more than once, and he still stands up very well. Usually, I start with a setting. The city of Bath, where Peter Diamond works, is elegant and respectable; by contrast, Peter is rough round the edges and prone to making some gaffs. My last book Stagestruck, was set in Bath's Theater Royal, which gave me the opportunity to use all the things that go with the theatre. Occasionally, my plots are triggered by a real case. For The False Inspector Dew, I reworked the story of Dr Crippen, who murdered his wife, buried her in the cellar and then tried to escape to America with his mistress. He is a reflection of my own character to some extent, although I try to make him look physically different – ​​I’m rather slim, he’s a portly figure, younger than I am and more brusque. But, at the same time, a lot of my thoughts and attitude to life come out in his character. He's an endurance man, he's very persistent. We also share a sense of humor. Richmal Crompton, who wrote the William books. I love those books. As a child, they showed me that mischief and mayhem (mess) can make an irresistible story. The latest one Cop To Body, has a fast-moving plot which made the writing more of a breeze. The Last Detective, the first of the Peter Diamond series. I was just getting to know my character and his knack of springing surprises, when he surprised me by resigning form the police in a fit of anger! I'd plotted the book very carefully, but there came a moment when he was in trouble with his superior and I realized his character wasn't going to just take it meekly but was going to storm out. So I had to find a way for him to solve the mystery even though he wasn't still in the police. Then it took me two books to return him to the force.

Part 2. Use of English

task 3. Complete the text with the grammatically correct forms of the words given on the right.

How many teenage girls 1. ______ you ______ who will be interested in the Olympics? chances are it 2. _______ many. That's bad news for the future of Team GB but even 3. ____________ news for girls’ health, according to new research from the 4. _____________ Sport and Fitness Foundation. The study shows that most teenage girls 5. _______________ enough exercise at present. That's a big worry, since being a couch potato 6. ______________to a variety of concerns including obesity, low self-esteem and poor exam results. Girls think that traditional sport is too competitive, they 7. _________ to look sweaty and ‘unfeminine’. Another problem is that the fun factor is missing from school sport. Parents can help solve this problem. Some of them 8. _______ already ______ their children to join gyms, sport clubs or dance classes. Nowadays more and more Physical Education teachers are thinking about how to give school sport more girl appeal. ‘Boys will try things,’ they say, ‘but girls are more interested in 9. ___________ appearance and 10. ________________ confident about their bodies than boys.’ They offer all sorts of activities that girls might like.

Task 4. Match the direct speech with the report.

1 . I'll give you a lift.

A. He threatened…

2 . I'll write to you every day.

b. They warned me not…

3 . No, I won't do it.

C. She offered …

4 . I'll tell the head teacher about your bad behavior at school.

D. He refused…

5 . You'd better not touch that.

E. She just asked me…

6 . Could you give me some advice?

F. She begged me…

7. Couldn't you possibly help me to finish this work on time, please?

G. He apologized…

8 . Why don't we talk to Jim together?

H. She invited…

9 . Will you come to my place tomorrow?

I. They suggested…

10. I'm really sorry for what I've done.

J. He promised…

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