Home Berries All the will of Allah in the Chechen language. Everything is by the will of Allah Almighty. Why Arabic is so important to Muslims

All the will of Allah in the Chechen language. Everything is by the will of Allah Almighty. Why Arabic is so important to Muslims

As we all know, a truly believing Muslim can easily endure all sorts of troubles and troubles that befall him in a given life situation. He knows exactly what's going on by the will of Allah Almighty. Therefore, he will not make different assumptions in the subjunctive mood. Therefore, Muslims tend to rely on everything the will of Allah.

If a Muslim is in trouble, then he shows patience and receives a reward for this. Also, when Almighty Allah bestows grace on a Muslim, he repays and makes shukra (thanks Almighty) for this and receives a reward for this. Based on these two simple principles, a Muslim can live his whole life happily, without stress and hassle.

Allah Almighty has said in the Quran:

« Indeed, when the believers are called to Allah and His Messenger to judge them, they only say: “We have heard and we obey!” Such will succeed ". ("An-Nur", 51).

In all such cases, believers should say: We heard (heard) and obey!».

Allah Almighty also says:

للَّهِ مَا فِي السَّمَـواتِ وَمَا فِى الأرْضِ وَإِن تُبْدُواْ مَا فِي أَنفُسِكُمْ أَوْ تُخْفُوهُ يُحَاسِبْكُم بِهِ اللَّهُ

« To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Whether you find out what is in your souls, or begin to hide, (anyway) Allah will require an account from you for this ". (Sura Al-Baqara, 284)

This verse refers to what is hidden in the souls of people and what they do not want to show to others. Perhaps the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) were afraid that they would be required to account for the secret thoughts that might come to the mind of a person against his will.

Ibn Kathir interprets this verse:

« In this verse, Allah Almighty informs that He has dominion over the heavens and the earth, as well as over what is in them and between them. He reports that he is aware of what is in them, neither the secret nor the obvious can be hidden from Him, even if all this is very imperceptible and insignificant. He announces that he will reprimand the slaves for what they have done or hidden in their souls.". (MukhtassarTafsir Ibn Kathir)

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported:

“When the above verse was sent down to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) (Sura Al-Baqara, 284), the companions became hard from these words, and then they came to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) knelt down and said:

« O Messenger of Allah, (at first) we were entrusted with what we can do: prayer, jihad, fasting and sadaqah, but now an verse has been sent down to you, which says what we cannot do».

In response, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to them:

« Do you really want to say something similar to what the holders of both Scriptures (Jews and Christians) said before you, saying: “We have heard, but we do not obey ?!” No, say: “We have heard and we obey! Forgive, our Lord, it is up to You (on the Day of Resurrection, everyone will have to return to Allah, and the decision of his fate will depend only on Him) ».

And after people read this verse, obeying what it says, Allah Almighty immediately sent down (another verse):

« The messenger and the believers believed in what was sent down to him from the Lord. All believed in Allah, in His angels, in His Scriptures and in His messengers. “We make no distinction between any of His messengers. They say: “We have heard and we obey! Forgive us, our Lord, You decide! »» (Sura Al-Baqarah», 285)

And when they did this (that is, they began to speak as they were commanded), Allah Almighty canceled that verse, and then the Almighty and Great Allah sent down (another one that says):

« Allah does not impose on the soul anything other than what it can afford. She will get what she has gained, and what she has gained will be against her. (They say): “Our Lord, do not charge us if we have forgotten or made a mistake! »

He said: “Yes” (These words are spoken by Allah, answering the prayers of the believers, which are contained in this verse: “Yes”, that is: “I have already done it.”)

“Our Lord, do not place on us such a burden as You have placed on our predecessors who lived before us!”

He said yes.

“Our Lord, do not impose on us also what we cannot afford!”

He said yes.

« Have mercy on us, forgive us and have mercy on us! You are our Lord, help us against the infidel people!"(Sura Al-Baqarah, 286)

He said yes. (Muslim)

All Muslims believe that there is One, Self-sufficient. There is no god but Him, and there is no other Lord besides Him. They believe in all prophets and messengers (peace be upon them), in books sent down from heaven to the messengers and prophets of Allah.

Believers do not separate them by believing in one and rejecting the other. They are also sure that everything that happens in the universe, everything good and bad, is only by the will of Allah. However, Allah Almighty approves only good things.

Perhaps you have heard from the lips of your brothers and sisters exclamatory Mashallah, thoughtful Inshallah and joyful Alhamdulillah! These words are borrowed from Arabic and are used by us in conversation.

Mashallah - used to express joy and not to jinx it. For example: "What a beautiful child, mashallah! (instead of pah, pah, pah and knocking on a tree)
Alhamdulillah - Praise be to Allah. When they talk about success, about a good event, and also when they answer questions - how are you, how is your health.
Astagfirullah - may Allah forgive me! And Allah forbid it will be - Auzu Billah - that is, may Allah save us from this!
InshaAllah - if it is the will of Allah. When talking about future events. After all, nothing happens - neither bad nor good - without the will of the Almighty.
MaashAllah - . So they say when they see something beautiful or comment on a pleasant event.

That's when a Muslim sneezes, he should say Alhamdulillah,
if there is another Muslim next to him - he must answer him - Archamukulla,
and the one who sneezes, in turn, must say - Edikumullah

subah (fajr) - morning
zuhr day
isha - night
- these are all the names of obligatory salats (prayers)

- "Alhamdu lilla" (Praise be to Allah!)
- "Yarhamukya Lla" (May Allah have mercy on you!)
- "Iahdikumu Lla" (May Allah show you the right path!)

Also the final answer could be:
- "Yahdikumu Lla wa yuslihu balakum" (May Allah show you the right path and may He put all your affairs in order!)

Jamaat is a group.

congratulations mabrouk!

Bi-smi-Llahi - with the name of Allah.
La ilaha illa-llah - there is no god but Allah!?
JazakAllahu khairan-may Allah reward you (good)
Allah Alim-Allah knows best

Additionally. Less commonly used expressions in colloquial speech.

an-nafs al-kamila - the perfect soul
an-nafs al-ammara - an impious, "stubborn" soul.
an-nafs al-lavwama - a soul deserving of condemnation.
an-nafs al-mardiyya - a soul pleasing to God.
an-nafs al-mutmainna - a calm soul.
an-nafs al-mulhima - God-inspired soul.
an-nafs ar-radiyya - a gratified soul; an-nafs as-safiya--the enlightened soul; nafs natika - "ego", what a person points to by saying "I" (see Maktubat of Imam Rabbani). “The disobedience of others will not cause you as much harm as the disobedience of the nafs” (Imam Ghazali).

Ta'abbud - service (to God).
Tawakkul - trust in Allah and surrender to the divine will; a widespread element of the religious practice of ascetics who have dedicated their lives to serving God and thinking about Him.
Taqwa - piety, fear of Allah, the desire for piety, attention to God. Once Caliph Umar (r.a.) was asked what takwa means. He said that when a person walks along a road with thorny bushes growing on both sides, he is very careful not to let his clothes get caught in the bushes. To lead life in this way means taqwa.

Tauba - repentance. Repentance for sins is one of the conditions for entering the Tariqah. They talk about the presence of a parking lot (maqam) of repentance, distinguish between the repentance of ordinary people and the elect

Ubudiya is the true worship of God.
Haqiqa - Truth, true Reality; state of truth.
Hakim is a sage.
Hikma - wisdom; hikma ilahiya - divine wisdom.
Himma - strength, power of the heart.
Huzur is a universal remembrance that you are always in front of Allah Almighty. May Allah help Amin !!!

Youmu ddin - Judgment Day
Ya Rabbi - Oh Lord!
Jazakumullah khairan - may Allah reward you with good
Barak Allah fikum - may Allah bless you
Jannat - Paradise
Jahannam - Hell
Furqan - so called the Koran
Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam - may Allah bless him and welcome him (say after the mention of the Messenger of Allah Muhammad)
radiallahu ankh - may Allah be pleased with him

With the name of Allah the Merciful, the Merciful

Praise be to Allah - the Lord of the worlds, peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, members of his family and all his companions!

His words: “And if you, when you entered your garden, said: “What is pleasing to Allah. There is no power except with Allah."("Cave", 39) .

("Cow", 253) .

And His words: “Permission to you is any animal from cattle, except for what is read to you, without permission for you to hunt when you are in ihram. Verily, Allah decides what He wills!” ("Meal", 1).


His words: "And if you, when you entered your garden." That is: a greeting when you enter your garden. " He said: “Whatever pleases Allah. There is no power except with Allah." That is: if He wills, He will leave him. And if he wants, he will destroy. And these words are pronounced as a recognition of their weakness and infirmity, and recognition of the possession of the fullness of power by Allah Almighty. One of the righteous predecessors said: “Whoever is amazed by anything, let him say: “Whatever pleases Allah. There is no power except with Allah."

His words: “And if Allah had willed, they would not have fought. But Allah does what He wills.” That is: if the Almighty would have wished for the absence of their battle, then they would never have fought. Because nothing happens in His domain except what He desires. And nothing opposes His decision or replaces His determination.

The words of the Almighty: "You are allowed." That is: allowed. And this is the message of Allah to the believers. "Every animal from cattle." That is: camels, cows, sheep. "Besides what is read to you," word exception: "Every animal from cattle." And by this is meant what is mentioned in the verse: "Forbidden to you dead things ...".("Meal", 3). The verse that follows almost immediately after this.

His words: "Without permission for you to hunt while you are in ihram." Another exception to animals is from livestock.

And the meaning: all animals are allowed to you, from livestock, except for wild predators. And indeed, hunting is not allowed for you while you are in ihram. And the words: "When you are in ihram." By this is meant the state of ihram, (prohibition), for a pilgrim who makes a small or large pilgrimage, or combines both types of pilgrimage at once. "Indeed, Allah decides what He wills" . From the area of ​​permission and prohibition. And there is no contradiction in this.

Verse evidence: the establishment of will, strength, power, wisdom, desire among the qualities of Allah Almighty, in a manner befitting His Divine Majesty and essence.

His words: “Whomever Allah wishes to lead straight, expands his chest for Islam. And whoever he wants to lead astray, makes his chest narrow, tight, as if he were ascending to heaven. ("Cattle", 125).


Whoever Allah wishes to lead straight. That is: whom the Almighty wishes to instruct and make the heart accept goodness. "Expands his chest for Islam." Expand something: explain, make it clear and understandable. And the meaning of the verse: Allah expands his chest to accept the truth, which is Islam. To the extent that a person accepts this truth with an open heart. "And whoever he wants to lead astray." That is: whom the Almighty wishes to remove from the acceptance of the truth. "Makes his chest narrow." That is, she is unable to accept the truth. "Close". That is: very constrained. And in it there is no desire for the realization of good. And this serves to reinforce the meaning: "Narrow". "It's like he's going up to heaven." That is: as if he is obliged to do what he cannot do, making one attempt at doing it after another. As the obligation of one who wishes to climb to heaven. This is an example of the acceptance of faith, which is wrong in severity for him, as an example of one who was obliged to do the impossible, such as climbing to heaven.

The witness of the noble verse is the establishment of the will and desire of Allah Almighty, and that it covers instruction and error. That is: He desires instruction and desires error in His universal will, ordaining it in perfect wisdom.

And His will is divided into two parts:

First part - the universal will of predestination. She follows His desire. And from her examples one can cite the words of the Almighty: “And when We wanted to destroy a village, We gave orders to those who were endowed with good things in it, and they did wickedness there.”("Transferred at night", 16). And the words of the Almighty: “And when Allah wills evil to people, then there is no way to avert it.”("Thunder", 11). And His words: And whoever he wants to lead astray, makes his chest narrow, tight, as if he were ascending to heaven.("Cattle", 125).

The second part - religious will, sharia. From her examples, the words of the Almighty: "Allah wants to forgive you."("Women", 27). And His words: “Allah does not want to make hardships for you in religion. But only wants to cleanse you."("Meal", 6). And the words of the Almighty: “Allah wants to remove filth from you, the family of his house, and cleanse you with purification.”("Hosts", 33).

The difference between the two wills:

1 - enters the universal will as that which Allah loves and with which He is pleased; so also with what He does not like and with which He is not pleased. And Sharia will consists only of those things that He loves and with which He is pleased. For example, Allah desires the sinful in a general, universal form, but is not pleased with it in His Shariah and in His Shariah will.

2 the universal will is implied in relation to others. As, for example, the creation of Iblis and all evil, in order to acquire for this reason the diligent performance of worship, repentance, prayers for forgiveness, and other kinds that are loved and encouraged by Allah. And the Sharia will implies an internal attitude. For example, Allah desires worship by the universal will, but He is pleased with it, and loves those who fulfill it with His Sharia will.

3 - the universal will is obligatory for fulfillment, and the Sharia will is not obligatory, it can be fulfilled: sometimes it is fulfilled, and sometimes it is not fulfilled.

A warning:

  • both wills - universal and Sharia, are united in relation to a sincere and worshiping person. And the universal will is applied to sinful man.
  • whoever does not establish two wills in relation to Allah, and does not distinguish between them, he is in error. Like, for example, Jabarites and Kadarites. The Jabarites establish only the universal will for Allah. And the Qadarites establish only the Sharia will. And the adherents of the sunnah and consent establish both types of will in relation to Allah and make distinctions between them.

Series from the article: Evidence for the Establishment of the Names and Attributes of Allah from the Holy Quran

Useful Muslim phrases in Arabic with translation الله أكبر - Allahu akbar (Allah akbar) - Allah is Great (Greatest). Praise (takbir). Used when a believer wants to remember the greatness of Allah الله عالم - Allahu alim - Allah knows best (Allah knows best) عليه السلام - Alayhi salam (a.s.; a.s.) - Peace be upon him. It is said after the names of the prophets, messengers and higher angels (Jibril, Mikail, Azrael, Israfil) الحمد لله - Alhamdulillah (Al-Hamdu Lil-Lah) - Praise be to Allah. So Muslims often comment on anything, for example, when they talk about success and when they answer questions "How are the case", "as health" الحمد لله رب العالمين - Alhamdullyakhi fence "Alyamin - Praise Allah, Lord of Worlds! السلام عليكم - Assalam Aleikum - Peace You (Greeting) أستغفر الله - Astagfirullah - I apologize to Allah أأوذ بالله من الشيطن الرجيم - Auzu Billahi Min Ash-Shaitani R-Rajable - Resort to the defense of Allah from the damned (broken) Satan أخي - ahi - (my) brother بارك الله - Barakallah - and bless you allah بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم - Bismillahi-R-Rahmani-R-R-Rahim - in the name of Allah, gracious, merciful. These words should be pronounced before any important thing (Sunna - to pronounce this phrase before eating, before abamination, at the entrance to the house, etc.) ‏وعليكم السلام - Wa alaikum assalam - “And peace be upon you” (Answer to a greeting) جزاك اللهُ خيرًا - JazakAllahu Khairan (JazakAllahu) - May Allah reward you with good! gratitude, the equivalent of "thank you". At the same time, “Jazak Allahu Khairan” is said when addressing a man; "Jazaqi Allahu Khairan" - when referring to a woman; “Jazakuma Allahu Khairan” - when referring to two people; "Jazakumu Allahu Khairan" - when referring to several people Short answer: "Wa yakum" (وإيّاكم) - and let him reward you too, "wa yak" - (male), "wa yaki" - (female) إن شاء الله - InshaAllah - If it be the will of Allah - Yahdikumullah - May Allah show you the right path! لا إله إلاَّ الله - La ilaha illa Allah - There is no God but Allah (there is no one and nothing worthy of worship except the One God Allah). The first part of the shahada ما شاء الله - MashaAllah (Masha "Allah) - So Allah willed; Allah decided so. Used when commenting on any events to express submission to the will of Allah, to what He predetermined for a person. They also say "MashaAllah" when praise someone, admire someone's beauty (especially a child), so as not to jinx it , saw, saaw, pbuh) - May Allah bless Muhammad and welcome (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). They say at the mention of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him سبحان الله - SubhanAllah - Most Pure (Most Holy) Allah. Everything that happens or does not happen is by the will of Allah, who has no flaws. Muslims often say “SubhanAllah” in conversation or to themselves to remind (someone or themselves) about this سبحانه و تعالى - Subhanahu wa Ta "ala - Holy is He (Allah) and Great. These words are usually spoken after pronouncing the name of Allah أختي - Uhti - My sister في سبيل الله - Fi Sabilil-Lah (fi sabilillah, fisabilillah) - On the path of the Lord

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