Home Berries Program for the development of coherent speech in a correctional school of the VIII type. Summary of a lesson on the development of speech for pupils of the III group of a special correctional school of the VIII type. Development of speech in a correctional school of the 8th type

Program for the development of coherent speech in a correctional school of the VIII type. Summary of a lesson on the development of speech for pupils of the III group of a special correctional school of the VIII type. Development of speech in a correctional school of the 8th type

State Treasury Educational Institution of the Penza Region "Neverkinsky Boarding School for Orphans and Children Left Without Parental Care, Studying According to Adapted Educational Programs."

Report on the topic:

"The system of work on the development of speech of senior students in a special (correctional) schoolVIIIspecies ".

Prepared by the teacher of the first category: Khusnetdinova R.Z.


    Psychological features of the development of speech in mentally retarded schoolchildren.

    The development of a coherent written speech of mentally retarded students in Russian lessons in high school.

    The development of coherent oral speech among senior pupils based on the material of reading lessons.

    Methodology for teaching abnormal children to write business.

    Psychological features of the development of speech in mentally retarded schoolchildren.

The problem of preparing students for life is the main leading one not only in a mass educational school, but also in a correctional one.

One of the components of this problem is the formation of the culture of speech of students.

The task of developing, improving speech is especially difficult and responsible in a correctional school of the VIII type. Children with intellectual disabilities, often complicated by the underdevelopment of the auditory and speech motor analyzers, study here. All this leads to significant difficulties in mastering speech.

In most cases, mentally retarded children begin to speak much later than their normally developing peers. The process of mastering speech in children of this category is significantly hampered due to the inadequacy of their psychophysical development.

The peculiarity of the speech of such children, namely: the slow pace of its development, the poverty of the vocabulary, grammatical structure, allows the teacher to set tasks aimed at the development and correction of speech.

Teachers of correctional schools are worried about how to organize work on the development of students' speech, what types of exercises give more tangible results, what methods and techniques of work used by a mass school can be used in correctional schools, how to provide an individual and differentiated approach in work on the development of speech, mentally retarded students.

The greatest difficulties arise in connection with the work on the development of a coherent written language. It is in this type of speech that many features of the mental activity of mentally retarded children are clearly manifested, a simplified presentation of the material, errors in the construction of sentences, both simple and complex, violation of logic, consistency in the presentation of their thoughts, a large number of grammatical-spelling and lexical-stylistic errors ...

Due to their abstractness and abstraction, grammatical concepts and spelling rules do not arouse interest in mentally retarded children, which in turn serves as a significant obstacle to the assimilation of this material.

Pupils formally learn the main provisions and often cannot apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

    The development of a coherent written speech of mentally retarded students in the Russian language lessons in high school.

The development of speech is a complex, lengthy process and does not always give a positive result in cases where this work is carried out only in the classroom.

Requires a creative approach to the issue of speech development of students, emotional upsurge, dedication of both the teacher and the children.

Lessons devoted to creative work in the correctional school are educational in nature and are aimed at enriching the vocabulary of mentally retarded students; the formation of the skill of building various types of sentences; mastering coherent speech; in addition, on the education of the moral qualities of students, since the development of speech is carried out on texts, the choice of which should contribute to the formation of the views and beliefs of mentally retarded children.

Creative work can be assigned a part of the Russian language lesson, or the entire lesson can be given in its entirety.

For example: invite students to answer questions, add sentences, the initial words of which are given, work with deformed text.

Works of a creative nature, designed for a whole lesson, include the compilation, for example, of a story based on the painting by F. Reshetnikov "Two Again", stories based on key words, such as "Lost", "An Accident on the River".

Got lost

The boy got lost, began to call for help, close, stood, quiet, night, dark, scary, on a tree, in the distance, a light, a forest gatehouse, spent the night, in the morning, took him home.

River case

Summer, fishing rods, fishing, the edge of the bridge, pecked well, leaned forward, lost balance, fell, on the shore, two boys, got into the boat to help.

When studying the topic "Noun", mentally retarded children experience difficulties in determining declensions, spelling of case endings of nouns. Pupils - oligophrenics rarely use both special and general terms. So, for example, they almost never use such terms as "dishes, clothes", but prefer to say "cup", "plate", "hat", "coat", etc.

Students of the correctional school do not always see the semantic difference between the words denoting species and generic concepts, so they are offered exercises to differentiate these concepts. They find it difficult to determine the gender of collective nouns (foliage), nouns ending in a soft consonant (path), hissing (vegetable), nouns of foreign origin (coffee).

    For nouns that are difficult to determine the gender, present the pronoun mine, yours or adjectives suggestive (my, my) sanatorium; (my, my, my) coat; (my mine) jam; (my my) surname.

    Form one gender of a noun from another (teacher-teacher; hero-heroine; hare-hare, etc.).

In Russian, a significant number of words have not one but several lexical meanings. To enrich the vocabulary, students use in the classroom work on synonyms, antonyms:

    Fight, fight, fight;

    Enemy, adversary, foe;

    Building, structure, construction, structure;

    Regime, routine.

    Happiness-grief; day Night; true False; laugh-crying; start-end and so on.

Or exercises of this kind:

Match to given nouns

Ideclension + antonym:

Light-darkness, dirt-cleanliness, noise-silence.


Coming-out, joy-sorrow, illness-health.


Truth-lies, strength-weakness, fun-sadness.

An important role in the enrichment of the dictionary is played by phraseological units. In the course of observing her students in the process of their participation in school-wide activities, she revealed for herself that children find it difficult to work with phraseological units. They cannot provide an explanation for the most elementary phraseological phrases, although they themselves often use them in everyday life.

Also, one of the main tasks for the development of speech is to enrich the vocabulary of mentally retarded students with adjectives that make speech more accurate and figurative, and the sentence more complete.

The vocabulary of mentally retarded children is especially poor in adjectives.

Oligophrenic children, even describing well-known objects, highlight very few properties in them, cannot give an accurate description, for example, they do not have a sufficient supply of adjectives to characterize and color: instead of the words "orange", "pink", "crimson "Pupils say" red. " These children cannot correctly determine the shape, size of the object.

To activate the vocabulary of students, to replenish it with adjectives, one should more often practice in the classroom work on synonyms, antonyms, adjectives used in the literal and figurative sense “golden ring”, “golden character”, “golden hands”.

For example, the adjective “heavy” used in different meanings has different meanings: a heavy suitcase-heavy weight; hard work - requires a lot of effort; serious illness - serious illness, etc.

Learn to correctly coordinate adjectives with nouns; practice exercises to find the right adjective in a row of data, which would correspond to the situation.

For example: All Russian people are proud of ... the poet A. Pushkin (great, majestic). When studying this part of speech, I used such types of work as describing the person depicted in the picture. For example: V. Perov "Troika" - a description of children. Students independently described the appearance of their comrades, familiar objects, used various adjectives when comparing objects: "Eyes are like the sky .."; "Medicine, like wormwood ...".

Working with students on the topic "Personal pronoun", I tried to teach them how to use them correctly in order to accurately and clearly express their thought. I used such types of exercises as replacing nouns or highlighted words with pronouns, inserting personal pronouns instead of dots. For example: write out 10 sentences from Turgenev's story "Mumu" (Part II), replacing the noun Gerasim with the personal pronoun OH.

Pupils of the correctional school of the VIII type use a very small circle of verbs, mostly non-prefixed.

When working on verbal word formation, students must learn that a prefix can change the lexical meaning of a verb, a new word is created. In the process of studying the verb, a significant place should be given to exercises for reconciling past tense verbs with nouns.

Very often, our students misplace the stress in the past tense verbs of the feminine type: saw, slept, took, torn, understood, beginnings, etc. They should point out that in such verbs the stress is usually placed on the ending.

Work on the development of speech in connection with the study of grammatical features of the verb is necessary when studying the indefinite form of verbs, past and future tense of verbs, when spelling the particle NOT with verbs.

In Russian lessons, I use the elements of variability. The class is divided into 3 groups (taking into account the psychophysical individual characteristics of children, the level of development): strong, medium and weak.

The descriptive and narrative speech of mentally retarded children is incomplete and inconsistent for various reasons. It can be developed through systematic exercises. The ability to convey other people's thoughts in a coherent form is developed primarily on the basis of various kinds of oral and written compositions.

In presentations and essays, students make many mistakes, in addition to spelling, they make numerous lexical mistakes (they use words incorrectly), syntactic mistakes (they make sentences incorrectly). In addition, they violate the logic, the sequence of presentation. It is these types of work that cause significant difficulties for students and are the most disliked for them.

Work on written presentation develops and strengthens the skill of literate writing, this type of work is very common in an auxiliary school, enriches the speech of oligophrenic children with new words and phrases, develops their sound writing, increases the culture of students' speech.

The effectiveness of teaching presentation writing depends on the quality of the preparatory work. Its purpose is to teach schoolchildren certain skills, a certain way of speech activity. Children get acquainted with new expressions in advance, find out the meaning of difficult words and combinations. The teacher analyzes the text of the upcoming presentation in terms of spelling complexity and provides for the repetition of certain rules.

It is necessary to include in the work on the figuratively expressive means of the language: the selection of synonyms, antonyms, words that most accurately express the thought.

The meaning of words is better understood by children if the teacher uses various means of visualization at work, natural objects, pictures, drawings, models, etc.

The work on the syntax should be aimed mainly at overcoming the most common mistakes: incorrect use of cases of nouns, incorrect agreement of adjectives with nouns, predicate with a subject, etc.

One of the difficult types of work to develop a coherent written language is composition.

The essay requires mentally retarded schoolchildren to collect the necessary material, systematize it, arrange it in a logical sequence, and draw conclusions. But even strong students find it difficult to do this without the guidance of a teacher.

The program in the senior classes of the correctional school includes essays of a narrative, descriptive nature and essays of reasoning.

In essays of a descriptive nature, students should identify signs of observed objects and phenomena. These are essays on observations. Observation is very important for the development of speech of mentally retarded students. Describing subjects, schoolchildren are accustomed to accuracy in the choice of words, to a strict sequence of presentation, to clarity in the verbal design of their observations.

In grades 8-9, students can be recommended to essays-reasoning such as: "How I spent my holidays", "Why am I studying?", "Who do I want to be and why?" They must compare the observed phenomena, compare them with others, contrast them, explain the reasons for the observed phenomena, draw conclusions.

Of the works of a narrative nature, a special place is given to works on the picture. For example, according to the painting by A.K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived", based on the painting by I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", etc.

For students in the weak group, individual cards are prepared in advance with detailed questions and reference words.

In the course of the analysis of written work, the teacher guides the speech activity of children, activates it, corrects mistakes, teaches them to focus on certain objects and phenomena, correctly observe and establish connections, express their impressions and judgments in dictionary form.

When forming answers to questions, students gain the ability to correctly construct sentences.

Describing objects, phenomena, talking about what they saw, they learn a coherent statement.

    The development of coherent oral speech among senior pupils based on the material of reading lessons.

Much attention in the correctional school is paid to the development of coherent oral speech. Students master the correct, complete and consistent retelling, based on a system of work aimed at understanding the content of works, enriching and refining vocabulary, teaching the correct structure of sentences, and in the process of exercises in reproducing the read.

There are significant deficiencies in the coherent oral statements of mentally retarded children compared to normal developing children.

The transition from participation in a conversation to independent spoken utterance is very difficult for such children, so they linger for a long time at a stage when their speech is no longer only answers to a question, but does not yet represent a whole connected utterance. The difficulty of their transition to coherent statements is due to a number of reasons: insufficient formation of the dialogue, lack of understanding of the need for a consistent and sufficiently complete description of events.

Oral related utterances of oligophrenic children are characterized by little development: they usually consist of a small number of both sentences and words.

The statements of these children are characterized by fragmentation, sketchiness, inconsistency. Often, the central place in the statements is the description of secondary details, and the most important logical links are omitted.

In the oral statements of mentally retarded children, there is usually no evaluative attitude towards what is described, and they are characterized by a large number of speech deficiencies.

The Russian language program provides for work on the development of oral speech in 2 directions:

    Teaching storytelling (stories based on pictures, illustrations in the textbook, description of subjects).

    Learning to retell, especially at the beginning. Considering that coherent written speech is the most difficult form of speech activity, we cannot demand from mentally retarded students complete independence, communication of their own point of view. Our tasks are easier:

    Help children accumulate certain material on the topic.

    Arrange this material in a specific sequence.

    Select the vocabulary you need for your essay.

    Correctly construct sentences, using the author's text whenever possible.

    Prevent (prevent) spelling errors.

Taking these tasks into account, I carried out work on the development of the oral speech of students from literary works studied in reading lessons.

When passing the work of I. Turgenev "Mumu" I paid special attention to working on the visual means of the language. Show the expressiveness and accuracy of the author's speech when describing Gerasim, teach him how to use new words and expressions correctly.

Before starting to study excerpts from the story "Mumu", I use questions to make a connection with the story.

    What is serfdom?

    What are the relations between landowners and peasants under him?

With a pencil in hand, the students found in the text "Mumu" a description of the appearance, strength, diligence, character of the hero. Find comparisons in the text that testify that Gerasim really was the "most wonderful person" of all the lady's servants.

Implemented an individual and differentiated approach: weak students (group B) were given the task to recognize the hero in the picture and tell about his character traits; another group (group A-strong) - explained the state of mind of Gerasim and his manifestation in the first days of his stay in the city (“he lay like a caught animal”), which was a form of protest of a forced person; the third group (group B - middle) talked about the mighty strength and hard work of the janitor.

We worked not only on the correct construction of sentences, but also paid attention to the semantic shades conveyed by them. From a number of proposals (for example, Gerasim came to Moscow. By order of the lady Gerasim came to Moscow), the students selected the one that more faithfully conveyed the meaning of the events. We found out that the first proposal is less successful.

The vocabulary that characterizes the internal, personal, characteristics of a person is difficult for students of the auxiliary school. When passing the work of L. N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus" carried out a comparative description of Zhilin and Kostylin. Throughout all the lessons, targeted observation was carried out over the text, on the basis of which conclusions were drawn about the character of the heroes who fell into the same circumstances.

The work on the images was carried out in stages:

    Part. The portrait characteristics of the heroes (Zhilin - "although not great in stature, but was daring"; Kostylin - "a sad, fat man").

Their behavior in times of danger

(Zhilin - “let the horse go straight to the red Tatar”;

Kostylin- “I saw the Tatar rolled into the fortress”).

    Part. Life in captivity.

(Zhilin observes the situation, looks for a way to escape, does not sit idle, "there was a master for all kinds of needlework," Kostylin - "waited for the money to be sent and was bored")

    Part. Attitude towards enemies (Zhilin - "you have to be shy with them, sometimes worse"; Kostylin behaves "at ease", writes a letter home about the ransom).

    Part. Preparing to escape. (Zhilin was actively preparing for the escape; Kostylin does not take any part in the preparation).

    Part. Returning to his own people (Zhilin escapes from captivity, Dina, having made friends with him, helps him; Kostylin “a month later they ransomed for five thousand. Barely they brought him alive.”).

The highlighted text indicated the actions of the heroes. Its generalization and led the students to the conclusion that certain traits of a person's character are manifested in actions.

As a result of purposeful analysis, the children could answer the question of why Leo Tolstoy called the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" and not "Prisoners of the Caucasus."

The children really liked the task to retell from the first person:

“What Zhilin told about how he was captured” (students tried to use the words of the author, consistency in the presentation, which made the hero closer to the image of the hero).

In the process of careful preparation for free storytelling, children become more interested in working on a literary text, in analyzing its linguistic features.

The ability to compare, generalize the events depicted in the work is developed, interest in its heroes, in the manifestations of their characters, in portrait and speech characteristics, increases. The foundations for serious, meaningful reading are laid.

4. Methodology, teaching abnormal children to write business.

The correctional school solves a large and responsible task: it prepares mentally retarded students for practical life.

At school, they receive a certain amount of knowledge, they are taught work skills. But very often in life, students are faced with various everyday situations (in general, they are simple), which cause them difficulties.

Our task is to prepare our pupils to communicate with strangers, to develop their ability to navigate in a practical environment, to establish contacts with others.

    What everyday situations do students most often face? First of all, these are situations associated with the ability to use the services of shops, various household and medical institutions, savings banks, mail, the ability to navigate the city, contact various organizations with a request and a statement.

We, teachers, need to teach them to construct sentences necessary for communication.

Therefore, a great deal of influence should be given to teaching business writing. In an independent life, they will need the ability to competently write an application for employment or to an educational institution, their autobiography, power of attorney, receipt, write the address on the envelope correctly, compose the text of a telegram, fill out a postal or telegraphic transfer form, correctly and correctly write the address for the parcel.

The correctional school program requires us to familiarize students with the form of drafting the above documents.

A business letter is short and precise. Working on a business letter is valuable because it teaches mentally retarded children to write accurately, clearly, briefly.

In working on any type of business papers, the following stages must be distinguished:

    Firmly understand in which cases this business paper is used.

    Analysis of a standard sample, i.e. identification of mandatory elements specific only to this document.

    Imitation of the model. This job has several options:

A) analysis of the teacher's document with new content;

B) collective drafting of the document after analysis, sample;

C) drawing up documents on their own (on topics given by the teacher or proposed by students).

Russian language lessons in grades 10-11 are business writing lessons. In these lessons, students get acquainted with the basic types of business papers, learn how to correctly draw up them and use samples. I would like to note that mentally retarded students learn the program material for the course of grades 10-11 with difficulty.

Working with students to teach their business writing will allow our graduates to properly adapt in their future independent life.

The individual forms of work with high school students I have listed in Russian lessons, readings aimed at the development of their speech do not exhaust all the ways to overcome the general underdevelopment of speech.

Only the teacher's close attention to how each student participates in the conversation, comments on the work being done, how competently and fully he writes, speaks out - all this will contribute to an increase in social activity, correction of the moral qualities of the individual.


    J.I. Shif, V.G. Petrova, T.Yu. Golovina "Mental problems of correctional work in an auxiliary school."

    f. "Defectology" No. 2,1988, Art. N.G. Galunchikova "Development of coherent written speech of senior pupils."

    f. "Defectology" No. 1.1985, Art. N.G. Galunchikova "Development of coherent oral speech in mentally retarded students based on the material of reading lessons."

    Book. Defectology issues. M. 1967 Art. Gruzintseva E.N. "Teaching business writing for students in a special school."

    The program of special (correctional) educational institutions of 8 types.

Report on the topic "The development of students' speech at the lessons of the Russian language in a special (correctional) schoolVIIIspecies as a means for creating conditions for adaptation in society "

Ruppel Elena Nikolaevna,

teacherRussian language and literature

municipal government educational institution

"Berezovskaya main general education boarding school of psychological and pedagogical support" of the Kemerovo municipal district

Description: material on the program of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type, edited by V.V. Voronkova. This material will be useful for teachers of the Russian language and reading of correctional and general education schools.

Chapter 1. Correction of vocabulary deficiencies in students with intellectual disabilities ________________________ 8

Chapter 2. Work on a proposal as a means of increasing literacy, cognitive and emotional activity among students ____________________________________13

Chapter 3. Formation of coherent oral speech as a means of creating conditions for adaptation in society ___________________ 17

Conclusion __________________________________________24

List of used literature ______________________ 27


In recent years, the issues of teaching children with intellectual disabilities, to a greater extent than ever, are considered from the standpoint of teaching practical skills, the formation of vital competence in children, which allows them to adapt in society.

In the modern methodology of teaching the Russian language, including in a special methodology, the communicative approach is fundamental. It involves the study of language in natural for communication purposes and functions. Learning to communicate is recognized as the main task. In other words, the essence of the communicative approach is that the learning process is built as a copy of the communication process, fundamentally important, essential parameters of the communication situation are modeled. In practical terms, the solution of didactic problems is facilitated by complexes of methodological techniques based on speech, live communication, and linguistic communication.

Speech underdevelopment, weakness of motives for speech causes difficulties in children with intellectual disabilities in communicating with people around them. VG Petrova rightly notes that a mentally retarded child, possessing speech to one degree or another, "... rarely participates in conversations, answers questions in monosyllables and is far from always correct."

At the same time, it was found that a purposeful influence on the speech of children with intellectual disabilities leads to its improvement, to the development of skills for more accurate expression of thoughts, adequate dialogue and even the skills of constructing a monologue statement. It is this pattern that requires the teacher's pedagogical activity to be aimed at correcting the shortcomings of all aspects of children's speech, at its development and activation to the extent that it can be used as a means of communication.

The principle of communicative orientation suggests that the main thing in teaching children should be not so much a message about various aspects of the language (phonetics, morphology, syntax), but the formation of skills in the practical use of various language categories in speech. As a result of their development, schoolchildren get the opportunity to be aware of some linguistic information, to assimilate and apply spelling rules and, which is especially important, to use speech more freely for communicative purposes.

The implementation of the principle of communicative orientation presupposes the saturation of the learning process with speech exercises. These include: answering questions, reading dialogues with appropriate intonation, drawing up dialogues based on a given situation; retelling; exchange of views on the work performed; discussion; role-playing games, etc.

Violation of the intellectual sphere of mentally retarded children leads to the inferiority of their speech practice. In turn, the underdevelopment of speech delays the formation of logical thinking, makes it difficult to eliminate the shortcomings of its visual-figurative and visual forms.

It is possible to break this vicious circle, first of all, in the field of speech. As N.I.Zhinkin justly noted, “speech is a channel for the development of intelligence” and, what is especially important, a channel available for external influence.

Shaping speech, we work on enrichment, accuracy, expressiveness at any level - be it a word, a sentence or a text. The development of these qualities of speech has a positive effect on the correction of deficiencies and the improvement of the mental activity of students. "Speech organizes, streamlines and activates the thinking of schoolchildren, - writes VG Petrova, - helps them to establish simple semantic connections between parts of the perceived material and thereby contributes to the implementation of cognitive activity."

The increased possibilities of the verbal system of thinking create conditions for a better understanding of linguistic laws by mentally retarded children, and contribute to a more conscious use of speech.

The development of active language and speech activity is impossible without a system of various incentives that provide the creation of appropriate incentives that ensure the creation of appropriate motives for learning. It is this methodological regularity that underlies the principle of increasing language and speech motivation.

The implementation of this principle in the educational process is ensured by the content of the Russian language lesson, types of exercises, as well as by the teacher's behavior.

As an example, consider how this principle works in a reading lesson.

The selection of the content of the reading material significantly affects the increase in the speech activity of schoolchildren: the emotional tension of the works, consonance with the experience of children, psychological life-problem situations - all this arouses interest in the topic, the desire to one degree or another to participate in the assessment of the hero's actions, to talk about their personal experiences in connection with the emerging associations.

The structure of the lesson can also have a positive effect on the speech activity of students. So, in a reading lesson, it is important to set the dosage of time for each of its structural units, to alternate oral speech (speaking) with writing (reading), to strictly follow the logic of transition from one stage of the lesson to another.

The choice of methods, teaching techniques, types of assignments is closely related to the structure of the lesson. At the same time, it also has an independent significance for stimulating the speech activity of schoolchildren. MF Gnezdilov noted the following in this regard: “When organizing the process of students' activity on the fulfillment of the educational task, one should not allow its monotony; This contributes to the motivation of students' activities, stimulates their active thought processes. "

The teacher's behavior in the lesson is of great importance for stimulating the speech activity of schoolchildren. The teacher arouses and directs the students' interest, supports it through encouragement, through grading, through the establishment of friendly relations in the class. Playing an active role in organizing the lesson, the teacher does not limit the speech activity of children.

The formation of linguistic culture, awareness of the laws of language in the process of schooling are based on linguistic flair, on the cognitive interest in linguistic matter formed in preschool age. In conditions of normal development, a child in the process of communicating with adults unconsciously (or at the level of vague awareness) learns language norms and uses them for communicative purposes. In children with intellectual disabilities, the sense of language does not develop in the preschool period, since their speech practice is extremely limited, and most importantly, it is not intuitively conscious so that different units of language enter the circle of their interests.

“An important factor, - writes V.G. Petrova, - that retards the development of speech of mentally retarded, is also their characteristic inadequacy of mastering the semantic side of their native language ... household items or performed actions ".

Difficulties in understanding the lexical meaning of words prevent children from developing an interest in the formal side of speech, in identifying linguistic units, in their structure and the way words are formed.

The education of linguistic flair is carried out at all lessons of the Russian language. Speech practice is specially organized, in the process of which the attention of children is focused on the semantics of a word, a sentence, on their formal and logical features, which help to combine words into certain lexical and grammatical categories (names of an object, action, feature), on phonetic phenomena (house, but at home), on the correlation of the grammatical form of the word with real logical relations, which are indicated by this form (go, go, go). The analysis of the sound composition of words, word forms, sentences to one degree or another helps to understand the ways of organizing and using units of different linguistic levels in speech.

The development of the speech of students with intellectual disabilities is one of the most important tasks, which is solved by a special (correctional) school in the process of teaching all academic subjects. Such close attention to the speech development of children is not accidental. Working on the correction of various speech disorders, forming speech skills and abilities, we thereby develop cognitive abilities in schoolchildren, improve mental functions. Research has established that "mastering the verbal system rebuilds all the basic mental processes in a child and that the word turns out to be a powerful factor shaping mental activity, improving the reflection of reality and creating new forms of attention, memory and imagination, thinking and action."

The development of speech is one of the main tasks of teaching the Russian language in a special (correctional) school. Children with intellectual disabilities, often complicated by the underdevelopment of the hearing and speech motor apparatus, study here. In addition, most students suffer from speech impairments, which in turn inhibit their development. This is dyslalia, dysarthria, stuttering. All this leads to significant difficulties in mastering speech. Despite this, students must master the necessary speaking and writing skills. After all, speech is a means of communication between people, a means of influencing other people. In order to express his thoughts and bring them to the understanding of the listener, the student must have a sufficient vocabulary. The paucity of vocabulary makes speech colorless, monotonous, sometimes incomprehensible to others. Therefore, enriching the vocabulary of students is a task of paramount importance.

Students' speech must be correct and accurate. The correctness of speech is understood as the correct use of grammatical forms of words, the correct pronunciation of words and their agreement in a sentence. The student should be able to choose from the available vocabulary precisely those words that most accurately express his thought. Clarity and purity, coherence and imagery are the main requirements for students' speech. In a correctional school, in connection with the specifics of the composition of students, classes on the development of speech are especially important. The poverty of the vocabulary of children with intellectual disabilities, the inability to use the existing vocabulary, the difficulty of assimilating new words by them - all this forces them to pay a lot of attention to language development classes. Oral speech of students is primitive, stereotyped, not accurate enough. The speech of students is not peculiar to words of various grammatical categories denoting abstract concepts. Very rarely they use adverbs, verbs with prefixes, conjunctions, avoid using adjectives, but they often use the words he, she, here, there, here.

The greatest difficulties arise in connection with the work on the development of written coherent speech. It is in this type of work that many features of the mental activity of children with intellectual disabilities are manifested:

Extremely simplified presentation of material, omission of essential points, multiple unnecessary repetitions,

Poor vocabulary

Errors in the construction of sentences, violation of logic, consistency in the presentation of their thoughts, a large number of grammatical-spelling and lexical-stylistic errors. Therefore, the interest, the interest shown by the teachers of correctional schools in the development of the speech of children with intellectual disabilities is understandable. They are concerned about the practical side of the issue:

How to organize work on the development of speech;

What types of exercise give the most tangible results;

What methods and techniques to use in work;

How to provide individual and differentiated approaches in the work on the development of students' speech.

With this in mind, it is necessary to organize the work in such a way as to overcome these shortcomings. For this, it is necessary, perhaps, to give more exercises for oral and written presentation, to diversify the topics and types of exercises. It is also necessary to strive to ensure that students think carefully about their speech, not only in terms of content, but also design.

The purpose of our work- to reveal the ways of developing the speech of students with intellectual disabilities in the lessons of the Russian language as a means for creating conditions for adaptation in society.

This goal will be realized through the decision following tasks:

1. Clarification, enrichment and activation of vocabulary.

2. Development of the ability to grammatically correct sentences.

3. Correction of deficiencies and the development of dialogical and monologic forms of oral speech, the development of the ability to coherently and logically express their thoughts.

The success of their assimilation of the material of all school subjects, the degree of general development depends on how well the speech of mentally retarded children will be formed.

A child's full speech is also a means of increasing the level of sociability, a way to develop him as a person, and, ultimately, a way to achieve the best social adaptation. As a means of planning and regulating human activity, speech also affects the formation of a child's behavior, contributes to a more perfect mastery of professional and labor skills, which also greatly contributes to his life success.

Chapter 1. Correction of Vocabulary Deficiencies in Students with Intellectual Disabilities

The word is the basic unit of language. Speaking in isolation, it first of all performs a nominative function - it names specific objects, actions, signs. Organizing grammatically into sentences, the word turns out to be that building material with the help of which speech acquires the ability to perform a communicative role.

LS Vygotsky defined the word as a unit not only of speech, but also of thinking. He noted that "thought develops, improves only when it is clothed in words." This gives the right to assert that the word also performs a cognitive function, since the development of the vocabulary leads to the formation of not only thinking, but also other mental processes.

That is why work on the word is of great importance for the correction and development of the psyche of a child with intellectual disabilities, for more successful inclusion in the sphere of communication with others.

Taking into account the main shortcomings of the lexical side of children's speech (limited vocabulary, its inaccuracy, a significant predominance of a passive vocabulary over an active one), the Russian language program defines the tasks of working on a word as follows:

1. Enrichment of the vocabulary.

2. Clarification of the meanings of words learned by children, but used not entirely correctly.

3. Activation of the dictionary.

These tasks are implemented in all lessons of the Russian language, but depending on the specifics of the subject (reading, grammar and spelling, the development of oral speech) and the stage of the lesson, this or that task can become the leading one, come to the fore.

So, in reading lessons, in the process of getting to know a new work, the central link in working on a word is the solution of the first two problems. At each reading lesson, the meaning of words is analyzed or their meaning is clarified based on the context. Further study of the read literary material will serve as a means of activating the dictionary, since at the stage of analyzing the work, such techniques will be used as answering questions, retelling, comparing the plot and heroes of this work with the plot and characters of another, with a life situation. The use of such techniques involves repeated repetition of the learned and refined vocabulary.

In grammar and spelling lessons, for which the language and speech material is selected, as a rule, taking into account the elaboration of the meaning of words, the central task is to clarify the dictionary. These lessons are aimed at clarifying the phonetic composition of a word, at mastering its spelling, at practicing the skills to combine it with other words, in practice using the law of interaction between the meaning of a word and grammatical form. So, fifth-graders, performing exercises for the formation of words with different roots, but the same prefixes or suffixes, comprehend the meanings of derivational morphemes available to them: scored, climbed, brought in - the prefix per- denotes the completeness of the action; drummer, concrete worker, bricklayer - suffix - box indicates a character, profession; the verb ran denotes not only the performed action, but also the number of actors, the gender of the actor.

Grouping nouns according to their meanings helps schoolchildren to imagine a variety of nouns that name various objects and phenomena of the surrounding world: things, people, animals, plants, historical events, natural phenomena, color, people's actions, their feelings, etc.

In these lessons, work is also carried out to activate the vocabulary of students. Students encounter the words they are learning in a series of different exercises, both oral and written. Among them, a large place is occupied by vocabulary-logical (summing up species concepts under generic ones, defining an object based on various characteristics, classifying objects according to one of the characteristics or actions, etc.) and vocabulary-grammatical (selection of antonyms, synonyms, single-root words, etc. .) exercises. Specified by meaning, words that are a certain grammatical category or contain the desired spelling are included in sentences, repeatedly used in the text. The last two types of tasks are especially important for introducing a word into the communication process, since it is the sentence and the text that are the units of the communicative level.

In the lessons of the development of oral speech, all tasks, as a rule, are implemented in an integrated manner, in unity. Schoolchildren, getting acquainted with objects and phenomena of the world around them, learn or clarify the meanings of words, learn to actively use these words when answering questions, compiling descriptions of an object or phenomenon, and stories about them. It is very important that the repetition of a new word be repeated.

There are several ways to explain a new word. In working with mentally retarded children, the most productive is the use of various visual aids: showing the corresponding objects, their actions and signs, observing them, organized both at the lesson itself and during the excursion.

In reading lessons, to explain the meaning of a word, such visual, very specific means, inherent only in Russian language lessons, such as gesture, facial expressions, dramatization can be used (he grinned, grimaced, threw out his hand in greeting).

A very effective verbal method of explaining the meaning of a word is to include it in a context that children can understand. The use of context for the presentation of a word is also useful because most lexical units acquire true meaning only when surrounded by other words. So the word house means the dwelling of people. In the sentence, the Old House collapsed and became empty, this word has an additional semantic connotation: the former dwelling of people, now no longer suitable for habitation.

For the semantization of a word, other techniques can also be used: selection of a related word (scattered - scatter), substitution of a synonym (hut - house), decomposition of a general concept into private ones (tools are a hammer, a saw ...), explanation using the interpretation of the word (St. John's wort - this is the name of a medicinal herb).

The choice of a way to explain words depends on the typology of vocabulary, on the age of the students, on their mental capabilities and independence. So, visual methods of semantization are used more often in lower grades. Texts that children read, describe specific situations that are close to their experience. These situations, as a rule, allow widespread use of visual techniques for explaining words. It is very important to use means of visualization also when metaphors, comparisons and other figurative means of language are analyzed. In the lower grades, children are introduced to such figurative means, most of which are based on the transfer of sensually perceived images from one object to another: jumping like a monkey; chocolate tan. This makes it possible to demonstrate to children, and they can visually imagine the similarity that unites two objects, signs, actions.

Visual techniques are also used in senior grades, since there is a whole group of words that schoolchildren cannot understand without relying on natural objects or visual means: these are words denoting outdated names of objects, professional terms, specific phenomena, etc. For example, when reading a poem M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino" display of drawings depicting a lancer, dragoon, redoubt, gun carriage, shako is obligatory, since understanding these words without demonstration will be incomplete and inaccurate. At the same time, the complexity of the vocabulary used in the senior grades, its abstraction force us to resort to verbal methods of semantization, including to explain the figurative means of the language. So, the lines from the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Nature greets the morning of the year with a clear smile through sleep ..." Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to find out with the children what word can replace the phrase morning of the year, ask, for the sake of checking the correctness of perception, whether autumn can be called the morning of the year. Next, you should clarify why nature greets spring with a smile, and, finally, explain the situation when nature can smile through a dream, comparing it to the awakening of a person on a good sunny morning.

Verbal methods of semantization are also used in lower grades, although they are rather limited and only when the meaning of a word or phrase does not allow resorting to visual methods, for example, to live in harmony - to live together (replacement with a synonymous expression), to powder it - to cover it with fine snow (word interpretation).

It should be noted that the explanation of words using synonyms is widespread in a special (correctional) school, and this is justified. However, the frequent use of this technique carries a serious danger to enrich the vocabulary of students. After all, the new word is immediately replaced by the old one, and it is the last one that is activated. The phenomenon of the “duty dictionary” works very quickly in mentally retarded children. In addition, not every synonym accurately denotes the essence of a new phenomenon. So, replacing the phrase exhausted with the word tired, we do not fully convey the state that the author had in mind. Therefore, the use of synonyms to explain lexemes requires the introduction of additional techniques into working with a word: making sentences with both synonyms, establishing a difference in shades of meanings, using a new word in answers to questions, in paraphrases.

The process of explaining words should also take place with the maximum activity of the students themselves. This is why it is important to invite the children to try to figure out the meaning of the word on their own every time. At the same time, it is necessary to teach schoolchildren the exact disclosure of the semantics of words, and not be content with an explanation of the type: cowardice is to be afraid of lightning, sadness is when it is sad. Having approved the student's relatively correct idea of ​​the meaning of the word, the teacher gives phrases that will help him form his thought. Such phrases are written on the board and serve as visual support for children. This is a quality of character ... This feeling and others. Depending on the selection of the dictionary for semantization, the initial sentences may change. For example, in the 7th grade, before the students read the poem by NA Nekrasov "General Toptygin" (the teacher has already read the text), the students are asked to explain the words coachman, leader, caretaker. The beginning of the text of the subsequent explanation is written on the chalkboard in a frame: This is the one who ... Students select the necessary verbs that characterize the actions of people of these professions: This is the one who drives the horses; who drives (trains) the bear; who serves (guards) at the post station.

It is equally important when carrying out vocabulary work to teach children to independently find words in the text that they do not understand. Mentally retarded schoolchildren without special training can single out as an unfamiliar word an unusual word form of a lexical unit well known to them. Often they call words as incomprehensible that they have repeatedly met in the text and have already used them.

To ensure the attention of children to a word as a significant unit, it is important in the process of analyzing a work to ask which words they do not understand, to offer to ask each other for an explanation of the meaning of a lexeme, to encourage those who independently highlight words in the text that are especially significant for understanding the general meaning ... Such a target setting in working with words not only fosters attention to the text, but also lays the foundations for communication skills: students ask each other, complement the inaccurate answer of a classmate, without waiting for the teacher's leading question.

So, let's formulate some general requirements for vocabulary work in a special (correctional) school:

1. The dosage of words per unit of study time must be maintained. Here, just as in the assimilation of any verbal material, it is necessary to observe the principle of small steps, or dismemberment of the presentation of the material. As shown by the research of V.A. Sumarokova, for students of lower grades, the average optimal number of words within one stage is 2-3, for students of senior grades - 3-5.

2. It is necessary to strive for a contextual explanation of new words. According to psychologists, the process of memorizing words accurately is noticeably more effective if they are combined into thematic groups or included in a sentence.

3. The process of presenting words should be based on the work of all possible analyzers. The new word is necessarily read by the teacher and perceived by the students by ear; further, its meaning is analyzed using visual or verbal means with the active participation of children; then the word is read again by the students, included in the sentence and written down if this happens in a grammar or reading lesson.

4. Explaining the meaning of a word is only the initial stage of working on vocabulary. To introduce a word into speech requires a system of exercises, constant repetition of the word, its inclusion in various contexts.

5. When activating vocabulary, it is important to observe the naturalness of the conditions. The sentences made by the students should reflect either the content of the text read, or the situation that is set by the teacher and is understood in the lesson, taking into account what the children learned on the excursion, from the TV program, in other lessons. Any techniques that take children away from primitive standard phrases are significant for Russian language lessons.

6. Work on vocabulary should be closely related to work on grammatical, phonetic and other aspects of the language. You cannot learn a new word without using its different grammatical forms, without practicing the correct pronunciation. Without comprehensive work on all aspects of the language, without the constant application of the learned grammatical material in relation to specific words, new information is quickly forgotten.

Chapter 2. Work on a proposal as a means of increasing literacy, cognitive and emotional activity of students

A sentence is the main unit of speech, in connection with which work on it is the main educational task of the school, and especially of the Russian language lessons. Teaching schoolchildren to construct sentences correctly, to express their thoughts accurately means promoting children in using speech as a means of communication, helping them prepare for mastering a higher stage of speech development - coherent speech.

Linguists define a sentence as the minimum significant unit of the communicative level, which is characterized by a grammatically organized combination of words, semantic and intonational completeness.

The very definition of the concept suggests that work on the proposal should be carried out in three directions. The first direction is working out the content side of the sentence to ensure its semantic completeness and communicative expediency. The second is work on speech, which includes the formation of skills for an accurate and complete selection of words for expressing thoughts, the choice of the most successful syntactic structure, and the development of intonational skills. The third direction is the formation of the grammatical plan of the sentence, i.e. working out the skills of the correct connection of words, their correct placement, the ability to understand the structural diagram of the structure used. In practice, all three directions represent a single whole, but just like in working with a word, one of them can be the leading one, depending on the nature of the Russian language lesson. For example, in the lessons of grammar and spelling, with the undoubted importance of work in the first two directions, the leading one is the development of the ability to grammatically correctly organize an utterance; in the lessons of readings and the development of oral speech, the main thing is to work on a meaningful sentence plan, the selection of linguistic units.

As mentioned earlier, mentally retarded students have violations of both the semantic and lexical and grammatical foundations of the production of sentences. Primary schoolchildren predominantly use primitive in content, simple, uncommon constructions, with often incorrect grammatical connection of words, with inaccurate choice of lexical units or their omissions, leading to amorphous expression of thought or its complete distortion.

In senior grades, students improve their ability to build simple sentences, the number of words used in this case increases (up to 5 - 7), complex sentences appear in their speech. However, the disadvantages inherent in elementary school students remain. Most often they appear with more complex speech material and with the use of complex structures. For example, a 5th grade student, retelling the text that a girl who swam far from the shore and noticed this began to drown from fright, conveys its content in the following sentence: When she saw, she was frightened and began to drown. The amorphousness of the content and the violation of the syntax of a complex sentence are manifested in this example quite clearly.

At the lessons of grammar and spelling in high school, the expansion of ideas about the sentence continues, a number of theoretical information from this area is introduced (sentences are common and uncommon, with homogeneous members, sentences are complex and simple, types of sentences by intonation, etc.). Therefore, high school students can be required to independently correct mistakes and appropriate argumentation when constructing sentences.

A clear assimilation of connections between objects and phenomena of the real world, their grammatically correct reflection in speech, the gradual complication of tasks make it possible to correct the gaps in the ability of children to build sentences.

highlighting in the text and drawing up sentences that are different in intonation, their correct reading;

distribution of sentences by introducing several words of the same grammatical form, for example, adjectives;

highlighting sentences with homogeneous members, complex, simple sentences in the text, their differentiation and correct intonation;

drawing up sentences of a certain structure (its characteristics are given in the teacher's assignment);

composing sentences in certain grammatical forms;

reconstruction of sentences by replacing one grammatical form with another;

work with deformed sentences, where words are given in their initial form in the amount of 5 - 8 lexical units;

creative exercises, when students are invited to compose a sentence on the picture ("Answer how the mother met the news about the deuce of her son"), based on the text read ("How do you feel about Kostylin and why?"), by reference words (wind, trees), on assignment ("Make a proposal about clouds in sunny calm weather");

construction of proposals for schemes:

__________ __________ __________ __ and__ __________ .

The last exercise reinforces the ability to produce a given structure and teaches its varied content. The subject basis can be: the situation that the teacher sets, the work read, the textbook on any school subject, the picture, the TV show you watched, etc. "Children of the Underground", where they will find material of the type: The last clouds have escaped from the sky, and sunny days shone over the drying earth. Every day we took Marusya upstairs, and here she seemed to come to life, etc .;

editing sentences. The purpose of these exercises is to strengthen students' control over the lexical and grammatical design of the sentence. Previously completed creative work of students can serve as speech material for such tasks. Naturally, in each sentence, only one mistake is subject to editing, either lexical or grammatical and stylistic. Otherwise, the complexity of the task very quickly leads to a decrease in the interest of students;

comparison of offers. For these exercises, more complex tasks are offered than in the lower grades. For example, different structural schemes of sentences are compared: the task is given to draw up two sentences about the results of the class in sports competitions and the reason for the high indicators (Our class won first place in sports competitions. We prepared hard for them); the same content is then required to be reflected in one sentence (Our class won first place in sports competitions, because we prepared hard for them) and compare what are the similarities and what are the differences between these proposals;

drawing up coherent oral and written statements. In the process of teaching monologue speech, students practice the ability to subordinate the content of sentences to a single topic, use personal and demonstrative pronouns, adverbs for the logical connection of sentences, correctly use the temporal forms of the verb, word order.

A number of methodological requirements are imposed on the work on the proposal.

1. Constantly stimulate cognitive and emotional activity of students. Visual aids, game techniques, situations and speech material that are interesting for children of this age, encouragement of even the smallest success of the student, assessment of his activities, etc. can serve as stimulants. For example, work with the schemes, which was mentioned above, can be organized using the following tasks and questions : “Come up with your proposal for this scheme. Who got the most interesting proposal? Dictate it to the class ”(dictated by the student whose proposal received the highest recognition).

2. Work on a proposal with any kind of assignment should not be limited to textbook materials (especially for senior classes). It is advisable to use texts from newspapers, magazines, works of art, textbooks on other school subjects. Isolation of sentences from works of various genres, their analysis gives students the opportunity to feel the practical significance of a correctly constructed sentence, to realize that the use of various structures helps to express their thoughts more accurately and fully. Such work is all the more important because the artificiality of the grammar exercises, their isolation within the limits of the Russian language lesson make it difficult to transfer the skills being practiced to other lessons, to living conditions.

3. In the process of working on a proposal, it is necessary to combine language exercises with speech. Performing the first reinforces the grammatical knowledge of the sentence, the ability to build it correctly. The group of speech exercises is aimed at preparing students for independent statements, therefore, this type of exercises should take a priority position in the system of working out the material. These are answers to questions, posing them, constructing sentences based on real situations and existing experience, drawing up dialogues, scoring film strips, playing exercises, building coherent statements.

4. Work on a sentence should always be in the center of the teacher's attention at any level of the Russian language, when studying any topic in grammar. Given the fact that the interaction of all aspects of the language (phonetics, vocabulary, morphology) manifests itself precisely at the level of syntax, it is necessary to use the sentence as a foundation for practicing pronunciation skills, for teaching the exact selection of words and their correct shaping.

Chapter 3. Formation of coherent oral speech as a means of creating conditions for adaptation in society

The most difficult aspect of speech is coherent speech. It is characterized by the semantic, structural and linguistic connection of the parts. In other words, a coherent speech is a complex whole, which consists of two or more groups of sentences that obey a single topic and have a clear structure and special linguistic means that serve to connect sentences with each other. Coherent speech, like a sentence, serves the purposes of communication, but at the highest level.

Connected speech acts as a two-way process, consisting of the ability to speak (expressive speech) and the ability to understand the speech of other people (impressive speech). There are two types of expressive speech: dialogical and monologue speech. They are united by a single goal setting: performing the function of communication. At the same time, each of these forms of speech has its own characteristics.

In a special (correctional) school for the formation of monologue speech, texts of a descriptive - narrative plan are mainly used. Reasoning texts on the program for the development of written leakage are compiled only in the 8th grade on the available material ("Who I want to become and why").

In mentally retarded schoolchildren, both dialogical and monologic speech is impaired. At the same time, both expressive and impressive forms turn out to be insufficiently developed. Children find it difficult to enter into a conversation with adults, do not always adequately respond to remarks addressed to them, find it difficult to switch from the listening position to the speaker's position, and vice versa: they do not express interest in receiving information.

Violation of monologue speech manifests itself even more sharply. It is noted here: distortion of the logic and sequence of the statement, its fragmentation, slipping off the topic, leading to the formation of side associations, the rapid exhaustion of internal urges to speech, poverty and stereotyped lexical and grammatical structure, the presence of features inherent in situational speech (an unjustifiably large number of pronouns, jumping from one event to another), etc.

In grammar lessons, the sources for the development of coherent oral speech are grammatical, spelling and syntactic analysis of the text, work with a picture, clarification of the ideas of schoolchildren after an excursion or extracurricular activity for written creative work.

Work aimed at developing coherent oral speech in any of the Russian lessons begins with the students' exercise in dialogue. The main type of exercise is a conversation between a teacher and students. Its form can be relaxed, not constrained by the strict framework of full answers to questions. At the same time, given that the speech practice of mentally retarded children is extremely limited and that one of the conditions for constructing a coherent statement is the expanded form of sentences, along with easy conversation, constant training of schoolchildren is carried out in full answers to questions.

In the course of classes, it is also important to specifically teach children not only to answer questions, but also to ask them independently. Asking questions by the students themselves is one of the forms of expressing speech activity. In this regard, it is so important to organize dialogues of the "student - student" type (students ask each other about incomprehensible words, ask questions about the text they have read, offer their friend spelling or grammatical assignments), "student - teacher" (students ask the teacher such the same character as in the dialogue of the type "student - student"). The latter type of dialogue, on the one hand, causes additional activity of students, on the other hand, it involves the perception by children of the response patterns given by the teacher.

Work on the development of descriptive and narrative speech is carried out in parallel with the development of dialogue. After parsing a text or a picture on questions (dialogical speech), a coherent story of students follows.

In school practice, the following types of coherent statements are used: detailed answers to questions; retelling of what has been read; oral verbal drawing; a short review of the book you have read; drawing up a story based on pictures based on existing experience, on key words, on a given topic, on a given beginning and end; description of the observed object, phenomenon.

In the process of working on a coherent speech, as shown by the research of S.Yu. Ilyina, mentally retarded students are able to master some of the laws of building coherent speech at a practical level. Students acquire the following skills:

distinguish a coherent statement from a set of separate sentences;

determine the topic of the statement;

highlight the idea of ​​the statement;

correlate the title and content of the text;

choose among these headings the most appropriate to the topic or idea, independently title the text;

find parts of the text related to the introduction, main content and conclusion;

set the number of information units in each structural part of the text;

determine the boundaries of sentences and the order of the sentences in the text and in each of its structural units;

establish a logical connection between parts of the text and sentences;

find some means of interphrasal communication, and then use them.

The complication of work over the years of study occurs in terms of an increase in the volume of material. The complication of topics, the strengthening of the independence of students, their gradual awareness of the laws of constructing the text, changing the basis of the utterance and vocabulary are the stylistic characteristics of texts. Schoolchildren compose stories and descriptions, first on the basis of a visual situation perceived at the moment of speech, then - based on previous experience, later - on the basis of what has been read, finally, they perform work that requires a more creative approach to their writing: a story at a given beginning, according to basic words, on a given topic, retelling with a change in the face of the narrator, short retelling, free story on the topic, etc.

Interest in a topic can be generated in children through various means:

the teacher's manner of teaching the lesson, the teacher's interest in what he asks or talks about;

incentive measures by which he stimulates the student to continue the speech: assessment, approval, presentation of chips, stars, counting points, etc.;

organization of various types of student activities in the classroom (including games): guessing the missing elements in the picture, working with a hidden picture, role-playing, determining the sequence in a series of pictures during the competition of the class in rows, etc .;

new information about one or two interesting signs inherent in the studied subject or phenomenon, which, in the course of studying the topic, is taken from the teacher's story or the text read.

Speech development lessons have a communicative, practical, socializing orientation. The content of the material and the forms of classes with children correspond to the psychophysical, including speech, characteristics of the students.

The main form of teaching children at school is a lesson, less often excursions, practical exercises. Most often, combined lessons are used, which allow the interconnection of the studied material.

Each lesson contains the following structural elements: organizing moment, actualization of knowledge on the topic, repetition of the studied material, introduction of new material, consolidation and summing up.

The structure of the lesson on the development of oral speech

Lesson steps

Correctional and developmental tasks

Organizing time

Development of speech and motor coordination (reciting verses with movements), stimulation of emotional and speech response. Development of general motor skills, visual-spatial perception.

Words, phrases for greetings.

The name of what has already happened during the day.

Choral recitation of poetic texts, onomatopoeia, singing, etc.

Articulation gymnastics

Development of kinesthetic skills, phonemic perception, auditory attention and memory, rhythmic organization of activity.

Articulation exercises, poems, phrases.

Homework check

Development of attention, various types of memory, consolidation of the vocabulary, phrasal speech skills, the ability to act according to the model.

The naming of objects, actions, signs, the use of a phrase of a given structure, participation in a dialogue, a coherent statement based on an example, based on pictures. Reading poems by heart.

Updating knowledge on the topic

Development of observation, thinking, practical actions.

Answering questions, completing the teacher's phrase, understanding the addressed speech (showing actions, objects according to the teacher's word), building the simplest phrases - judgments.

Listening to the teacher's speech, reading.

Main part. Learning new material

Development of attention and memory, visual-spatial gnosis, auditory perception, speech and thinking skills, development of phonemic


Participation in a conversation, in a dialogue, in a speech game. Repetition of new words, clarification of their meaning.

Drawing up proposals for pictures. Selection of pictures for words, guessing riddles. Listening to the teacher's speech, reading.

Physical education

Relief of tension in the lesson, development of general motor skills, development of motor function of the hands, development of visual-motor and auditory-motor coordination, speech development, development of clear pronunciation, fluency and expressiveness of speech, development of memory.

Phonorhythmic, logorhythmic, speech-motor, tempo-rhythmic exercises with verbal accompaniment.

Consolidation of knowledge

Development of grapho-motor skills, auditory perception, fine motor skills, constructive praxiv, object-practical activity, visual-motor coordination, speech-thinking activity

Conjugated and reflected speech. Comprehension of addressed speech (instructions). Answers to questions about what they did. Drawing up statements about the work done based on practical activity, clarity, a given situation (at later stages of training).


Development of various types of memory, skills of a coherent statement.

Control and assessment of sound production and

lexical and grammatical

registration of a speech utterance (teacher's activity).

Speech utterances for evaluating your work, the work of your comrades, saying goodbye, planning follow-up.

This structure of the lesson, on the one hand, helps to systematize the work in the lessons of speech development, on the other hand, it helps to diversify the types of work and effectively solve the correctional and developmental tasks of the lesson, ensures the repetition of activities, consistency, emotional reinforcement of the activities performed by children, which facilitates the switchability of children from one type of assignment to another and helps in concentrating attention on the content of the lesson.

At the lesson of the development of oral speech, various speech situations are modeled in which personally and socially significant communicative tasks are solved. Communication experience is acquired in the classroom in dialogues, in speech games, in dramatization. But very often in life, students are faced with various everyday situations that cause them difficulties. The task of the teacher is to prepare his pupils to communicate with strangers, to develop their ability to navigate in a practical environment, to establish contacts with others.

What everyday situations do students most often face? First of all, these are situations associated with the ability to use the services of shops, various household and medical institutions, mail, savings bank; these are situations involving the ability to navigate the city, contact various organizations with requests and statements. Finally, everything that relates to the future work of students.

At the post office and in the savings bank

1. You are sending a certified letter. What do you say to the postal worker?

2. You came to the post office to subscribe to newspapers and magazines. What do you say to the post office employee?

3. You need to send a telegram. You came to the post office, filled out the form. How do you contact the post office employee?

4. You have decided to keep your money in a savings bank. How do you contact a Sberbank employee?

5. You came to the Savings Bank to pay money for utilities. What do you say to a Sberbank employee?

In hospitals

1. You have a toothache. You came to the clinic. How do you contact the receptionist to make an appointment with the doctor you need.

2. Your neighbor has a bad heart. You call 03. What do you say?

3. You would like to inquire by telephone about the health of a comrade who is in the hospital. How do you contact the information desk or the nurse on duty?

4. You have a headache. You come to the pharmacy. What do you ask the pharmacy worker about?

On the one hand, the teacher must show the students what they will face in life, and on the other hand, teach them to construct sentences necessary for communication. The systematic implementation of such exercises helps students better prepare for later life and adapt in society.

When conducting lessons, you can create situations that stimulate the activity of children and encourage them to communicate with each other and with the people around them. It is advisable to use role-playing games and dramatization. In the process of play activity, the interaction of an adult and a child takes place, certain play skills and abilities are formed, the development of cognitive processes, the emotional-volitional sphere, and the development of speech take place. Playing various situations, children gradually solve life problems that they face in everyday life. They try to “think about” this situation in order to be understood by the people around them. The assimilation of knowledge, acquired skills by children in a playful way is much better than just from the words of the teacher. Children cannot independently master the game action, therefore, educational games are included in the learning process, which are aimed at the formation of substantive game actions in children. Children learn to perform actions of imitation, follow rules, comprehend social relationships, learn to endure defeat, experience success. The plots of the games are of a varied nature and change depending on the specific conditions of the child's life, his desires and capabilities. Role-playing games of everyday life are more accessible for children. These games clarify children's ideas about household items and their purpose, contribute to the formation of self-service skills, and awaken people's interest in everyday work.

Dramatization games differ significantly from plot-based role-playing games. Children must understand the content, remember the sequence of actions taking place and the speech material with which they must communicate. Play-dramatization can become genuine communication only if the content is not only understood by the child, but also emotionally perceived.

For a mentally retarded child, it is necessary to adapt the works that are used for dramatization games, at the same time, the children themselves should be prepared for the portrayal of characters, for the correct reproduction and understanding of speech material, the experiences of the heroes, and for them to create an emotional attitude to what is happening. Thus, the dramatization games should be preceded by a lot of preparatory work.

Through repeated play exercises, children learn, for example, to thank for help, to behave adequately in public places. Performing systematically repetitive role-playing games leads to the formation of positive habits that allow students to adapt to a certain extent to the life around them.


The development of speech as a means of communication is, in our opinion, the primary task of Russian language lessons in a special (correctional) school.

The solution to this problem involves the formation of speech and communication skills that provide students with intellectual disabilities with more successful social adaptation. In turn, the principle of the communicative orientation of language teaching can be successfully implemented only if the knowledge of the laws of the language is subordinated to the development of children's speech.

The central didactic unit of such a relationship is the sentence and the text, which make it possible to teach the language based on the construction of a speech utterance in oral and written form. Systematic work on the sentence and the text creates conditions when the grammatical categories of the language lose their dominance and become a means of mastering communicative skills by students.

We will formulate the basic requirements for the organization of development tasks

speech of students with intellectual disabilities:

1. Creation of appropriate conditions for the emergence of students' need to speak. An important factor in increasing motivation is children's interest in the material being studied. In other words, the perception of objects, phenomena, their images, information about them should affect not only the intellectual, but also the emotional sphere of the child.

Interest in a topic can be generated in children through various means. First, the teacher's manner of teaching the lesson, the teacher's interest in what he asks or talks about. Secondly, by incentive measures by which he stimulates the student to continue the speech: assessment, approval, presentation of chips, stars, counting points, etc. Thirdly, the organization of various types of student activities in the lesson (including games): guessing the missing elements in a picture, working with a hidden picture, role-playing game, determining a sequence in a series of pictures during a class competition in rows, etc. Fourthly, new information about one or two interesting signs inherent in the studied subject or phenomenon, which is taken from teacher's story or read text.

2. Work on the logic of the statement. In the lower grades, it should be the result of a clear organization of the objective activity of schoolchildren (examining the subject in a certain sequence, performing strictly according to the plan of practical actions with it, composing the subject from parts, etc.) and fixing this activity in the form of a pictorial, schematic or verbal plan.

In the lessons of reading and the development of writing in both junior and senior grades, the sequence of presenting thoughts, the logical connection of the parts of the utterance are worked out based on a series of plot pictures, children's own drawings and illustrations in a book, on a verbal plan for a read text or a given topic. As students move from class to class, the verbal plan becomes dominant in preparing them for a coherent presentation of thoughts.

3. Organization of the linguistic basis for the utterance. The solution to this problem assumes that schoolchildren, firstly, acquire the necessary vocabulary and master syntactic structures for expressing thoughts on the topic and, secondly, master special linguistic means that ensure the unification of syntactic units into a whole. This requirement is realized with the help of vocabulary work, the construction of sentences with learned words, answers to questions with two or three sentences, which are based on a pattern or reminders, pronominal adverbs, the same specific temporal forms of the verb, etc.

4. Clear setting. A clear statement of the goal of the statement in front of the children, which actually determines the direction in which the story should be built. For example, the teacher not only invites the students to reproduce the content of the painting by FG ​​Reshetnikov "Deuce Again", but demands to tell by what means the artist shows the boy's repentance.

5. Organization of the utterance itself. It is carried out based on an object already composed of parts or on a picture, schematic (symbolic), verbal plans. At the same time, the teacher minimizes his own speech activity, silently pointing out the sign of the object or its symbolic (several colored stripes on a sheet of paper or several different geometric shapes can prompt the student that it is necessary to mention the color of the object, its shape, etc.) or the point in the plan that the student should be talking about at the moment. If necessary, the teacher resorts to the help of other students to supplement, correct the child's speech. It is important that the speech flow of children is not often interrupted by the teacher's remarks.

6. Repeated training in oral coherent statements using a variety of topics and types of exercises; retelling of the text, description of the subject; storytelling based on a series of plot pictures, one picture, key words, a proposed topic, a given beginning, etc.

Leadership in the performance of any type of exercise in coherent speech necessarily consists of the following stages: preparation for the statement (target setting, motivation for the speech of children), planning of the material being studied and, finally, its design (lexical, morphological, syntactic).

List of used literature

1. Aksenova A.K. Methods of teaching the Russian language in a correctional school. - M .: Humanit. Center VLADOS, 1999.

2. Aksenova A.K., Galunchikova N.G. The development of students' speech in the lessons of grammar and spelling. - M .: "Education", 2002.

3. Bebeshina N.N., Sviridenkov V.P. The development of speech in the lessons of the Russian language in grades 5-8 of the auxiliary school. - M .: "Education", 1978.

4. Lalaeva R.I. Oral speech disorders and the system of their correction in mentally retarded schoolchildren. - L., 1988.

5. Lvov M.R., Ramzaeva T.G., Svetlovskaya N.N. Methods of teaching the Russian language in primary school. - M., 1987.

6. Ladyzhenskaya T.A. Methodology for the development of students' speech in Russian language lessons. - M., 1980.

7. Petrova V.G. Development of speech of students of a special school. - M., 1977.

Lesson topic: Berries: raspberries, strawberries.
- To expand the understanding of the main properties, purpose and methods of growing raspberries and strawberries.
- Reveal the similarities and differences between raspberries and strawberries.
- Correction of oral, coherent speech, thinking through the operation of comparing strawberries and raspberries, visual perception, touch and smell.
- To instill a respect for nature.
Lesson type- combined.
Forms, methods, means: frontal work with the class, individual work, work with a natural object, the use of health-saving technologies.
Lesson equipment: natural berries (frozen), stencils of berries, cards for the table, envelopes with cut berries, natural objects of fruits and vegetables, cards "The fourth extra".
1.Org. moment.
The one who names the vegetable will sit down.
2. Repetition.
Now we will check how you distinguish between vegetables and fruits.
Assignment: "The fourth extra".
Assignment: "Wonderful box".
This box contains fruits and vegetables. You need to feel what it is. Tell about
this subject for others to guess. All that we got to decompose into two parts on the right and left.
H. Studying new material.
We remembered fruits and vegetables, and now we will get acquainted with one more group of plants. On desks

Envelopes, open them and fold the picture from separate parts. What did you do?
How to call it in one word? What will we talk about in the lesson?
4. Message of the topic.
Today we will talk about berries, raspberries and strawberries.
Recording the topic of the lesson.
The purpose of our lesson is to compare strawberries and raspberries, to find common and different signs.
Riddles about strawberries and raspberries.
1. Red beads hang
They look at us from the bushes
These beads are very fond of
Children, birds and bears.

2. Grows in the grass of Achenka
In a red shirt
Who does not pass will all bow down.
In what stories and a fairy tale
talking about raspberries or strawberries.
(Hedgehog-savior. Bianki.
A pipe and a jug. Kataev.
Arishka the coward).
5. Fidget.
"Let's go to the garden for raspberries."
Strawberries and Raspberries come to visit.
You have berries on the table. When do these berries grow? These berries grow in summer, but you can taste them.
autumn, thanks to our guests. These are fresh berries, but they were frozen to preserve them. From this, the berry has slightly lost its aroma and taste has changed. They became sour.
Working with the table. There are signs hanging around the class. A table is prepared on the board. table
fills up gradually
Work with berries in turn.
Where does raspberry grow? What kind of raspberry if it grows in a garden, in a forest?
What kind of berry is it in shape, size, color? What kind of berry does it smell, smell, taste?
The teacher's story about raspberries.
For the same questions about strawberries.
Try asking the same questions about strawberries.
Now let's compare. What is common and different.
Now sketch out these fruits.
7. Bottom line.
What new have you learned?
poems about berries.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on the development of speech and pronunciation in grade 1 of the V type Summary of the lesson on reading and speech development on the topic: Matusovsky "The starlings have arrived" with a presentation, 3

GKS (K) OU "Special (correctional)

general education boarding school No. 10 of the VIII type "





This program has been developed based on

Special (correctional) educational programs

institutions of the VIII type for preparatory, grades 1-4

(approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation)

under the editorship of V.V. Voronkova, Moscow, "Education", 2010

with. Alexandrovskoe


1 . Explanatory note

1.1. Legal and regulatory framework for designing a work program

on writing and speech development for students with disabilities.

1.2. Methodological and conceptual conditions for the implementation of a work program for the development of oral speech based on the study of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality for students with disabilities in grade 3

2. Features of the organization of educational activities of students with on the subject "" in grade 3.

On the development of oral speech based on the study of objects and phenomena of the surrounding realityfor students withdisabilities in the 3rd grade.

disabilities subject " The development of oral speech based on the study of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality"In the 3rd grade.

5. The list of educational, methodological, material and technical support of the program on the subject "The development of oral speech based on the study of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality"In the 3rd grade.

  1. Explanatory note.

1.1. Legal and regulatory framework for designing a work program for the academic subject "The development of oral speech based on the study of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality»:

1. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).

2. UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006).

2. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993).

3 . Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ.

4. Federal Law "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" dated November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ (as amended on December 22, 2008).

5. Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, section Concept for the development of education in the Russian Federation until 2020. (approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r).

6. FSES of primary general education (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 06.10.2009 No. 373).

8. FSES of general education of students with mental retardation (draft).

9. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On the specifics of the activities of special (correctional) educational institutions of I - VIII types" dated 04.09.1997 N 48 (as amended on 26.12.2000).

10. Instructional letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2000 No. 3 "On the addition of the instruction letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated September 4, 1999 No. 48".

12. The concept of a special federal state standard for children with disabilities / Malofeev NN, Nikolskaya OS, Kukushkina OI, Goncharova EL. from 10.05.2010

13. National educational initiative "Our new school".

14. Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules SanPiN "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Conditions and Organization of Training in Educational Institutions", which entered into force on December 29, 2010 by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010.

15. Federal basic curriculum (Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 09.03.2004 No. 1312 "On the approval of the federal basic curriculum and exemplary curricula for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing general education programs."

16. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On Approval of the Procedure for Organizing and Implementing Educational Activities for Basic General Education Programs - Educational Programs of Primary General, Basic General and Secondary General Education" No. 1015 dated 30.08.2013.

17. Charter of the SCS (C) OU "Special (correctional) general education school - boarding school No. 10 VIII type".

18. Curriculum for students in grades 1-4 withlimited health capabilities SCS (C) OU "Special (correctional) general education boarding school No. 10 VIII type" for the 2014-2015 academic year.

19. .

1.2. Methodological and conceptual conditions for the implementation of the work program for thethe development of oral speech based on the study of objects and phenomena of the surrounding realityfor students withdisabilities in grade 3.

This Program is based onPrograms of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type, preparatory class, grades 1-4, edited by V.V. Voronkova, admitted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Moscow, "Education", 2010.

Program on the subject "The development of oral speech based on the study of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality"For students with disabilities in grade 3 is compiled taking into account the peculiarities of the cognitive activity of students with disabilities, is aimed at the versatile development of the personality of students, contributes to their mental development, contains material that helps students to achieve the level of general educational knowledge and skills that they need for social adaptation.

Structurally and meaningfullythe program for grade 3 is designed in such a way that the level of complexity of the material is based on previously acquired knowledge during the lessons of writing and speech development, reading and speech development,development of oral speech based on the study of objects and phenomena of the surrounding realityin grade 2, and is designed for 68 hours a year, 2 hours a week.

Destination: working curriculum on the subject "The development of oral speech based on the study of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality»Is intended for students with disabilities in the 3rd grade of a special (correctional) general education school of the VIII type.

Implementation periodof this program in the subject "The development of oral speech based on the study of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality"- 1 academic year.

Compliance with the State Educational Standard:work program forthe development of oral speech based on the study of objects and phenomena of the surrounding realityfor students with disabilities in grade 3, it details and reveals the content of the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general education in the educational field "Language and Speech Practice", the Federal State Educational Standard for HVD (option C) in the educational area "Language and Speech Practice", determines the general learning strategy, education and development of students by means of the academic subject, in accordance with the goals of studying the subjectThe development of oral speech based on the study of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality.

targeted correction of defects in general and speech development learners , their cognitive activities.


  • to form elementary ideas and concepts necessary for teaching other academic subjects;
  • expand and enrich the idea of ​​the immediately surrounding world;
  • to teach the ability to see, compare, generalize, concretize, make elementary conclusions, establish simple cause-and-effect relationships and patterns that contribute to the development of analytical-synthetic activity of students, correction of their thinking;
  • enrich the vocabulary of students.

Along with these tasks in the classroom, special tasks are also solved, aimed at correcting mental activity. students.

The main directions of correctional work:

  • development of articulatory motor skills;
  • development of higher mental functions;
  • correction of violations of the emotional and personal sphere;
  • development of speech, mastery of speech technique;
  • expansion of ideas about the world around and enrichment of the vocabulary;
  • improving coherent speech;
  • correction of individual knowledge gaps.

Fundamental principles.

The program on the subject "Development of oral speech based on the study of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality" for students with disabilities in grade 3 is based on the following principles:

  • Dynamism of perception and productive processing of information.
  • development and correction of higher mental functions.
  • Motivation to learn.
  • The principle of scientific nature and accessibility of education.
  • The principle of the consciousness and activity of students.
  • The principle of visibility.
  • The principle of linking education with the comprehensive development of the personality of students.
  • Thematic principle of planning educational material.

2. Features of the organization of educational activities of students with disabilities on the subject "Development of oral speech based on the study of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality" in grade 3.

2.1 Methods.

a) general pedagogical methods:

Verbal - story, explanation, conversation;

Visual - observation, demonstration, viewing;

Practical - exercises

b) special methods of correctional - developmental education (According to E.D.Khudenko):

- tasks according to the degree of increasing difficulty;

Special corrective exercises;

Tasks based on several analyzers;

Inclusion of modern realities in the lessons;

Expanded verbal assessment;

Prizes, incentives.

2.2 Learning technologies:play, health-preserving; information and communication; personality-oriented; technologies of a multilevel and differentiated approach, techniques of reflexive technologies.

2.3 Forms of work: frontal work, individual work, work in pairs and groups, teamwork.

2.4 General characteristics of the course

This academic subject is specific for teaching young mentally retarded schoolchildren. Its introduction into the curriculum of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type is due to the significant lag of mentally retarded first-graders in general and speech development from their peers with normal intelligence. Classes in this academic subject are integrative in nature and are considered correctional. Their goal is the directed correction of defects in the general and speech development of students, their cognitive activity.
Students elementary ideas and concepts are formed that are necessary in teaching other academic subjects, the idea of ​​the immediately surrounding world is expanded and enriched, they get some ideas about the world that is outside the field of their sensitive experience.
Learning the ability to see, compare, generalize, concretize, draw elementary conclusions, establish simple cause-and-effect relationships and patterns contributes to the development of analytical and synthetic activity
learners correcting their thinking.
In connection with the expansion and clarification of the range of ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, vocabulary is enriched
learners : the corresponding terms are introduced, the meaning of words is clearly differentiated (stem - trunk, grass - bush - tree) , shows the difference between a specific and generic concept ( rose - flower), learning exercise in an adequate and more accurate combination of words denoting objects, their signs and actions. In the process of direct observation of reality, the vocabulary is enriched learners , when organizing a conversation, it is activated, that is, the learned words are included in speech.

The main teaching method is conversation. Conversations are organized in the process of familiarization with objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality in subject lessons, excursions, while observing seasonal changes in nature and human labor, based on experience, practical work, demonstration of educational films, filmstrips, subject and plot pictures.
The main component of the conversation is the speech of the learners ... The teacher guides the speech activity learners , activates it, corrects mistakes, teaches you to focus on certain objects and phenomena, correctly observe and establish connections, express your impressions and judgments in verbal form. When formulating answers to questions from learners the ability to correctly build sentences is consolidated; describing objects, phenomena, talking about what they saw, they learn a coherent statement.
On excursions
learners get acquainted with objects and phenomena in a natural setting; in subject lessons - based on direct sensory perceptions. Observing learners learn to analyze, find similarities and differences, make the simplest conclusions and generalizations. Practical work helps to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills. Observing the weather and seasonal changes in nature expands our understanding of the world around us, develops attention, observation, and sensory perception.
The correct organization of classes, specific methods and techniques of teaching contribute to the development of speech and thinking

Grade 3

Enrichment and refinement of the vocabulary. The naming of objects and phenomena, their characteristics by their main properties. Comparison with other objects and phenomena. Classification of objects.
Participate in the conversation. Correct, complete and clear answers to questions, the ability to ask questions, to supplement the statements of comrades.
Description under the guidance of a teacher of objects and natural phenomena after observing them and talking.
Compilation, under the guidance of a teacher, of small stories about the plants and animals being studied, about natural phenomena, seasonal changes in nature.
The use of newly acquired words in speech, the expression of spatial and temporal relationships between specific objects through prepositions and adverbs.

Approximate topics

Seasonal changes in nature.Weather (clear, cloudy, heavy rain, light rain, snow). Signs of summer: sunny, hot days, warm rains, green leaves, flowering herbs, picking berries, mushrooms. Signs of autumn: cloudy days, cold rains, fogs, discoloration of leaves on trees and shrubs, leaf fall, wilting of grasses, the onset of cold weather, birds flying away. Signs of winter: short days, long nights, frost, frost, snowfalls, blizzards, thaws. Signs of spring: lengthening of the day, an increase in the number of sunny days, warming, melting of snow and ice, drifting of ice, the first spring flowers, swelling of buds on trees, the appearance of leaves, the arrival of birds, the first thunderstorm. Children's games at different times of the year.
Seasonal work in the garden, in the garden. Participation of children in work in the garden and in the garden.
The street where the school is located.Houses, sidewalks, pavements, squares. Designation of street names and house numbers. School and home address.
Transport. Tram, bus, trolleybus. Traffic rules: crossing the street to the green light of the traffic light, in places where there is a sign "crossing".
Dishes. Cup, glass, mug, plate, saucer, bowl. Discrimination. Dish care (washing, storage).
Furniture. Table, chair, sofa, bed, armchair, wardrobe. Appointment. Furniture care (wiping with a dry and damp cloth, vacuuming, knocking out, cleaning the bed).
Clothing. Hat, hat, beret, wardrobe, mittens, gloves, stockings, socks, knee-highs. Appointment of various types of clothing. Garment care (brushing, washing, drying, folding and storing).
Shoes. Winter, summer, autumn-spring footwear. Shoe care (washing, drying, brushing, using shoe polish).
Vegetables. Potatoes, cabbage, beets, peas, or beans. Appearance of potato tuber, cabbage head, beet root. Taste. Eating these vegetables for food. Storing them in the winter. Germinating seeds of peas or beans.
Watermelon, melon or other melons.Differentiation by color, size, shape, taste, smell. Collecting watermelon and melon seeds for feeding birds in winter.
Berries. Rowan, viburnum, cranberry, lingonberry or other local berries. Comparison in color, shape, taste.
Trees. Oak, poplar or others. Recognition and naming. Parts of a tree: root, trunk, branches, leaves. Seeds of oak, poplar.
Plants in flower beds.Asters, marigolds, marigolds or others. Recognition and naming. Distinguishing parts of plants: root, stem, leaves, flowers.
Houseplants.Tradescantia, geranium or others. Discrimination. Houseplant care (washing flower pots, pallets, proper placement of plants in the classroom).
Early flowering plants.Goose onion, anemone, snowdrop, tulip or others. Observing the appearance of the first flowers.
Plant. Generalization.Trees, shrubs, herbs, flowers. Recognition, discrimination.
Pets.Goat, sheep. The main parts of the body, nutrition. Benefit to people.
Wild animals. Hedgehog, bear. Appearance, food, habits. How they winter.
Birds. Bullfinch, tit, rook, starling. The size of the birds. Body parts of birds. What is the body covered with. Distinguishing between these birds. Benefit to people. Feeding birds in winter. Preparing to meet birds in the spring.
Migratory and wintering birds, on the example of birdwatching in a given area.
Domestic birds. Chicken, duck. The main parts of the body, nutrition. Care for chickens and ducks.
Insects. Ant, fly, ladybug, dragonfly. Name. Appearance. Where live.
Animals. Generalization.Animals, birds, fish, insects. Distinction in appearance.
Health protection.Face, parts of the face: forehead, cheeks, chin, eyes, eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes (purpose - eye protection). With our eyes we see. How to maintain good eyesight. Ears. With our ears we hear. How to protect your ears. Nose. We breathe with our nose and distinguish smells. The meaning of the purity of the nose. How to use a handkerchief. Mouth. Lips, teeth, tongue. Appointment of teeth, dental care.
Repetition of the past.

Excursions, observations and practical work on topics

Daily observations of the weather. Systematic observation of seasonal changes in nature. Nature excursions to carry out these observations. Keeping a calendar of nature and labor by months.
Excursions along the street on which the school is located, to a flower bed, to a park or forest to get acquainted with the studied plants and to observe the behavior of birds and insects.
Practical work on the care of dishes, clothes, shoes, houseplants, sowing peas, beans. Participation in harvesting at the school site.

Excursions - 12

Practical work - 7

3. Academic-thematic lesson planningdevelopment of oral speech based on the study of objects and phenomena of the surrounding realityfor students withdisabilities in the 3rd grade.



Correctional tasks


Lesson type




Seasonal changes in nature. Summer signs. Excursion.

Flowering herbs


"Seasons" poster. Didactic material by A.K. Aksyonova

Summer fun.

№2, p. 5. Repeat the signs of summer.

Summarizing summer weather observations.

Correction of thinking

Sunny days

Summer signs.

№3, page 5. Repeat the names of the summer months.

The street where the school is located. Houses, sidewalks. School and home address.

Correction of visual perception

Sidewalk, address


Address plate, street pictures, educational supplies.

Summer months names.

№2, p. 31. Repeat school and home address.

Excursion along the street where the school is located. Street name designations, house numbers.

Correction of visual perception

House numbers


School and home address.

№3, p. 31. Repeat street names.

Watermelon melon. Differentiation by color, size, shape, taste, smell. Collecting watermelon and melon seeds for feeding birds in winter.

Attention correction

Melons and gourds

Learning new and primary reinforcement

Illustrations: watermelon, melon. Educational supplies, a set of cards "Colors".

Vegetables and fruits.

No. 2, p. 23. Review melons and gourds.

r / k

Plants in flower beds. Asters, marigolds. Recognition and naming. Parts of plants:

root, stem, leaves, flowers.

Correction of visual perception

Marigolds, asters


Teaching supplies, pictures with illustrations of flowers, parts of plants, a set of cards "Flowers"

Melons and gourds.

No. 2, p. 27. Repeat the names of flowers on the flower beds.

Excursion to the flower bed.

Attention correction

Flower bed


Names of flowers in flower beds.

№3, p. 27. Repeat the names of the colors.

Autumn work in the garden.Practical workharvesting.

Correction of thinking


Practical work

Buckets, rakes.

Flowers growing in flower beds.

No. 1, p. 10. Repeat the names of vegetables.

r / k

Practical workin the garden. Digging up the soil.

Correction of general motor skills


Practical work


Types of work in the garden in the fall.

No. 2, p. 10. Repeat the rules for digging up the soil.

Autumn changes in nature. Excursion.

Correction of visual perception

Cloudy days


Illustration "Autumn", Benefit "Native nature"

Signs of autumn.

№1, p. 29. Repeat the signs of autumn.

Generalization of observations of autumn changes in nature.

Correction of the speech sphere


Generalization and systematization of knowledge and skills

Illustration "Autumn", Benefit "Native nature"

Signs of autumn.

№2, p. 29. Repeat the names of the autumn months.

Berries. Rowan, viburnum. Comparison in color, shape, taste.

Correction of visual perception

Viburnum, rowan

Educational supplies, pictures with illustrations "Berries", a set of cards "Berries"

The names of the autumn months.

No. 2, p. 25. Repeat the names of the berries.

Transport. Tram, bus, trolleybus.

Attention correction

Tram, trolleybus

Learning new material and initial reinforcement

Educational supplies, illustrations "Transport"

Air Transport.

No. 1, p. 44. Repeat modes of transport.

Traffic rules: crossing the street to the green light of the traffic light, in places where there is a sign "crossing".

Correction of thinking

Traffic lights


Educational supplies, road signs, pictures "Transition".

Types of transport.

№1, p. 48. Repeat traffic rules.

Excursion to consolidate the rules of the road.

Attention correction

Transition "zebra"


Traffic Laws.

No. 2, p. 47. Repeat the rules for crossing the street.

Dishes. Cup, glass, plate, mug, saucer, bowl. Discrimination.

Correction of visual perception



Educational supplies, pictures "Dishes".

Tableware names

№2, p. 51. Repeat the names of the dishes.

Practical workfor the care of dishes.

Memory correction


Practical work

Dishes, water, sponges.

Appointment of dishes.

№4, p. 53. Repeat the names of the dishes.

Changes in nature in late autumn. Excursion.

Correction of visual perception

Withering herbs


Seasons Poster

The names of the autumn months.

№2, p. 39. Repeat the signs of autumn.

Generalization of observations of changes in nature in late autumn.

Correction of thinking

Late fall

Generalization and systematization of knowledge and skills

Educational supplies, pictures "Autumn", manual "Native nature"

Signs of autumn.

№3, p. 39. Repeat the names of the autumn months.

Vegetables. Potato. The appearance of the potato tuber. Taste. Eating. Winter storage.

Correction of visual perception


Learning new material and initial reinforcement

Visual-didactic manual "Vegetables", educational supplies, potatoes.


№1, page 13. Repeat the names of vegetables


Attention correction

Head of cabbage


Visual and didactic aid "Vegetables", educational supplies, pictures "Vegetables", cabbage.

Storage of vegetables in winter.

№3, page 15. Repeat the names of vegetables


Correction of thinking

Root vegetable


Visual and didactic aid "Vegetables", educational supplies, pictures "Vegetables", beets.

Vegetable dishes.

№2, p. 17. Repeat p. 15

Peas. Sprouting peas.

Correction of thinking



Educational supplies, pictures "Vegetables"

The appearance of vegetables.

Page 20. Repeat legumes.

r / k

Trees. Oak. Recognition, naming. Parts of a tree: root, trunk, branches, leaves. Oak seeds.

Correction of visual perception


Learning new material and initial reinforcement

The names of the trees.

№1, page 34. Repeat the names of the trees.

Trees. Poplar.

Correction of visual perception



Educational supplies, manual "Native nature", a set of pictures "Trees"

Parts of a tree.

№2, page 34. Repeat parts of the tree.

Plants. Trees, shrubs. Recognition, discrimination.

Correction of visual perception


Updating knowledge and skills

Educational supplies, manual "Native nature", a set of pictures "Trees", "Shrubs"

Parts of a tree.

No. 3, p. 33. Repeat trees and shrubs

Clothing. Appointment of various types of clothing. Hat, hat, beret, scarf, mittens, gloves, stockings, socks, knee-highs.

Correction of thinking

Knee socks


Educational supplies, a set of pictures "Clothes".

Seasonal clothing.

№1, p. 60. Review the types of clothing.

Practical workfor the care of clothes.

Correction of general motor skills

Dry cleaning

Practical work

Clothes, brushes.

Items for the care of clothes.

№2, p. 62. Repeat the appointment of different types of clothing.

r / k

Winter changes in nature. Excursion.

Correction of visual perception



Seasons Poster

Winter months.

No. 2, p. 55. Repeat the signs of winter.

Generalization of observations of winter changes in nature.

Correction of thinking


Generalization and systematization of knowledge and skills

Educational supplies, pictures on the theme "Winter".

Signs of winter.

No. 2, p. 57. Repeat the names of the winter months.

Shoes: winter, summer, autumn - spring.

Attention correction

Spring - autumn shoes


Educational supplies, a set of pictures "Shoes".

Purpose of shoes.

No. 1, p. 65. Repeat types of shoes.

Practical workshoe care (washing, drying, brushing, using shoe polish).

Correction of thinking

Shoe polish

Practical work

Shoes, brushes, shoe polish.

Types of footwear.

№3, p. 65. Repeat the appointment of different types of shoes.

Furniture. Table, chair, sofa, bed, armchair, wardrobe.

Correction of visual perception



Appointment of furniture.

Repeat furniture names

Furniture care (wiping with a dry and damp cloth, vacuuming, knocking out, cleaning the bed).

Memory correction



Educational supplies, a set of pictures "Furniture".

Furniture names.

Repeat page 65.

Houseplants. Geranium.

Attention correction


Learning new material and initial reinforcement

Geranium plant, educational supplies, pictures "Houseplants".

Houseplant names.

№1, page 11 5. Repeat the names of indoor plants.

Houseplants. Tradescantia.

Correction of thinking



Tradescantia plant, educational supplies, pictures "Houseplants".

Houseplant names.

No. 2, p. 115. Repeat the names of indoor plants.

Practical work... Houseplant care.

Correction of thinking


Practical work

Houseplants, watering can, water, rakes.

Plant care supplies.

# 4, p. 115. Water the plants in the classroom.

r / k

Pets. Goat. Body parts, nutrition, benefits to people.

Correction of visual perception



Educational supplies, a set of pictures "Animals"

Wild and domestic animals

№2, page 99. Repeat the names of pets.

Pets. Sheep. Body parts, nutrition, benefits.

Correction of visual perception



Educational supplies, a set of pictures "Animals", Visual and handout material "On the way to the alphabet" No. 1


№2, page 102. Repeat the names of pets.

Wild animals. Hedgehog. Appearance, food, habits. How it winters.

Correction of thinking


Learning new material and initial reinforcement

Educational supplies, picture "Hedgehog", "Forest stories", part 1

The benefits of pets.

No. 1-2, page 104. Repeat the names of wild animals.

Wild animals. Bear. Appearance, food, habits. How it winters.

Correction of thinking



Illustration "Bear". Visual and handout material "On the way to the alphabet" No. 1

Wild animals

№ 1-2, p. 106. Repeat the names of wild animals.

r / k

Birds. Bullfinch. The size of the bird. Body parts. What is the body covered with. Benefit. Feeding birds in winter.

Correction of visual perception

Top dressing, bullfinch

Learning new material and initial reinforcement

The habits of wild animals.

№ 1-2, p. 74. Repeat the names of the birds.

Birds. Tit.

Correction of visual perception



Educational supplies, a set of pictures "Birds", visual and handout material "On the way to the alphabet" No. 1

Bird names.

№3, p. 76. Repeat wintering birds.

Changes in nature in February. Excursion.

Attention correction



Seasons Poster

Winter months.

No. 2, p. 91. Repeat the signs of winter.

Generalization of observations of changes in nature in February.

Correction of thinking


Generalization and systematization of knowledge and skills

Educational supplies, illustrations on the theme "Winter".

Signs of winter.

No. 3, p. 97. Repeat the winter months.

r / k

Domestic birds. Hen. The main parts of the body, nutrition. Care.

Correction of visual perception

Body parts

Learning new material and initial reinforcement

Domestic and wild animals.

№2, page 84. Repeat the names of poultry.

Domestic birds. Duck.

Attention correction



Educational supplies, set of cards "Pets and birds"

Poultry names.

No. 2, page 86. Repeat body parts of birds.

Birds. Rook.

Attention correction


Learning new material and initial reinforcement

Educational supplies, pictures "Birds".

Body parts of birds.

No. 2, p. 78. Review the names of poultry.

Birds. Starling.

Correction of thinking



Educational supplies, a set of pictures "Birds". Visual and handout material "On the way to the alphabet" No. 1

Bird feeding.

No. 1, p.80. Repeat the names of migratory birds.

Birds: migratory and wintering.

Correction of thinking

Migratory, wintering

Updating knowledge and skills

Educational supplies, a set of pictures "Birds".

Migratory birds.

No. 2, p. 80. Repeat wintering birds.

Correction of visual perception



Seasons Poster

Wintering birds.

No. 2, p. 109. Repeat the signs of spring.

Correction of thinking


Generalization and systematization of knowledge and skills

Pictures on the theme "Spring".

Signs of spring.

№3, p. 109. Repeat the names of the spring months.

r / k

Early flowering plants. Snowdrop.

Correction of visual perception


Learning new material and initial reinforcement

Educational supplies, pictures "Early flowering plants".

The names of the spring months.

№2-3, p. 118. Repeat the names of early flowering plants.

Plants. Trees, shrubs, herbs, flowers. Recognition, discrimination.

Correction of thinking


Updating knowledge and skills

Educational supplies, a set of pictures "Trees", "Shrubs"

Names of early flowering plants.

# 3, p. 108. Review the distinction between trees, shrubs, grass and flowers.

Health protection. Face. Parts of the face: forehead, cheeks, chin, eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth.

Attention correction

The chin

Learning new material and initial reinforcement

Personal hygiene rules.

P. 132. Repeat parts of the human body.

Eyes. Eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes (purpose - eye protection). How to keep your eyesight.

Attention correction

Eyelashes, eyelids


Educational supplies, slides with pictures "Human body parts".

Parts of the human body.

№ 1-3, p. 134. Repeat the parts of the human body.

Ears. How to protect your ears.

Correction of thinking



Educational supplies, illustrations p. 135

Body parts.

№ 1-3, p. 136. Review the parts of the human body.

Nose. We breathe with our nose and distinguish smells. The meaning of the purity of the nose. How to use a handkerchief.

Attention correction



Educational supplies, illustrations p. 136

Personal hygiene rules.

№ 1-2, p. 138. Review the rules of personal hygiene.

Mouth. Lips, teeth, tongue. Appointment of teeth. Dental care.

Attention correction



Educational supplies, illustrations pages 136, 137

Ear care.

№ 1-2, p. 142. Review the rules of personal hygiene.

Practical work... Sowing pea seeds.

Correction of general motor skills


Practical work

Peas, hoes.

Nose and mouth care.

№3, page 19. Review legumes.

Spring changes in nature. Excursion.

Correction of visual perception



Seasons Poster

The names of the spring months.

No. 2, p. 130. Repeat the signs of spring.

Generalization of observations of spring changes in nature.

Correction of thinking


Generalization and systematization of knowledge and skills

Educational supplies, illustration "Spring".

Signs of spring.

№2-3, p. 128. Repeat the names of the spring months.

Insects. Ant. Fly. Name. Appearance. Where live.

Correction of visual perception


Learning new material and initial reinforcement

Insect names.

No. 2, p. 120. Repeat the names of insects.

Insects. Ladybug, dragonfly. Name, appearance. Where live.

Correction of visual perception



Educational supplies, visual and handout material “Fish. Insects".

Beneficial and harmful insects.

№4, p. 122. Repeat the names of insects.

Excursion to the park. Observation of the behavior of birds.

Attention correction



Parts of the body of insects.

№2, page 128. Repeat the names of the birds.

Excursion to the park. Observing the behavior of insects.

Attention correction



Pens, notebooks

Distinguishing between insects and birds.

№3, p. 128. Repeat the names of insects.

Animals (generalization). Beasts.

Fishes. Distinction in appearance.

Correction of visual perception


Generalization and systematization of knowledge and skills

Educational supplies, visual and handout material “Fish. Insects".

Habitats of animals and fish.

№2, p. 124. Repeat the difference between animals and fish.

Birds. Insects. Distinction in appearance.

Correction of visual perception


Generalization and systematization of knowledge and skills

A set of pictures "Birds", "Insects", visual and handout material "Fish. Insects".

Parts of the body of insects and birds.

4. Planned results of development by students withdisabilities subject " The development of oral speech based on the study of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality"In the 3rd grade.

4.1 Characteristics of students in grade 3

There are 9 students in grade 3. 7 students (E. Kuzmicheva, T. Latsinnikova, A. Shupikova, Ya. Mezhuev, K. Plekhanova, Yu. Belikov, E. Kuleshov) master the program material at a sufficient level. Theythey know how to name and characterize objects, compare two objects, make elementary generalizations, can participate in a conversation, answer questions posed, make up simple common sentences, use prepositions and some adverbs. In the answersmake inaccuracies and some mistakes in speech, which are corrected with the help of a teacher.

2 students (G. Didenko, S. Isaenko) master the program material at the minimum level. Theyknow how to name objects, participate in a conversation, answer questions. With the help they make up simple common sentences, make mistakes when using the form of familiar words, using prepositions.

4.2 Requirements for the level of training of students in this program.

Sufficient level of mastering subject results

Students should be able to:

name and characterize objects and phenomena, compare and classify, establish general and distinctive properties;

speak coherently according to the plan, using simple common sentences, correctly using the forms of familiar words;

take care of clothes and shoes;

maintain order in the classroom, boarding school, at home;

Students should know: names and properties of the studied subjects; learned traffic rules.

The minimum level of mastering subject results

Students should be able to:

name and characterize objects and phenomena with the help, compare and classify, establish general and distinctive properties;

participate in a conversation, answer questions, supplement the statements of comrades;

with the help of speaking according to the plan, using simple common sentences, correctly using the forms of familiar words;

with the help of taking care of clothes and shoes;

with the help of maintaining order in the classroom, boarding school, at home;

observe the rules of personal hygiene;

comply with traffic rules.

4.3 Norms of Evaluation:

Mark "5" is placed learner if he: reveals an understanding of the material, can, with the help of a teacher or independently, substantiate, formulate an answer, give the necessary examples; makes single mistakes, which he himself corrects.

"4" is put iflearnergives an answer that generally meets the requirements for evaluating the answer to "5", but makes inaccuracies and some mistakes in speech (1-2 mistakes), which he corrects with the help of the teacher.
"3" is put iflearnerreveals knowledge and understanding of the main provisions of this topic, but does not present the material fully and consistently, makes a number of mistakes in speech, needs constant help from the teacher.
"2" is put iflearnerreveals ignorance of a large or most essential part of the material being studied, makes gross errors in answers; does not use the teacher's help.

5. List of educational, methodological, material and technical support

Thematic folders

in the general list


Inventory number


Correction exercises



Russian language



ABC in pictures



Subject and subject pictures









A family





















Trees. Shrubs



Clothing. Shoes






Health protection


Set of cards "Wild cats"

VA 000000866


Visual and handout material. Part 6 (Toys.

Instruments. Sport equipment)

VA 000000914


Visual and handout material. Part 8 (Food)

VA 000000896


Visual and handout material. Part 9 (Fish. Insects)

VA 000000878


Visual and handout material "On the way to the alphabet" No. 1



Cards for sound and syllabic analysis of words. Benefit

"On the way to the alphabet" No. 2



Visual aids for writing sentences and oral

stories. Allowance "On the way to the alphabet" No. 3



Musical instruments

VA 000000811


Native nature

VA 000000788



VA 000000834


Magnetic alphabet

VA 000000871


Didactic material. The pre-book period. A. Aksyonova,

S. Komarova, M. Shishkova


ABC in pictures

VA 000000627

6. Literature

1. Programs of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type, preparatory class, grades 1-4, edited by V.V. Voronkova, Moscow, "Education", 2010

2. Textbook "Acquaintance with the world around", grade 3, E.D. Khudenko, I.A. Terekhova, Moscow, "ARKTI", 2006

3. "Work on the oral speech of students in reading lessons" A.I. Lipkina, M.I. Omorokova.

4. Petrova V.G. Development of speech of students of auxiliary schools / V.G. Petrova. - M .: Pedagogy, 1977

5. E. D. KhudenkoPlanning speech development lessons for special (correctional)schools of the VIII type. Grade 3. M. Publishing Center "Arkti" 2003

Program developer:

Gladkikh Galina Viktorovna,

primary school teacher. _________________


Municipal budgetary educational institution "Bogradskaya secondary comprehensive school»

The Republic of Khakassia

Types of work on the development of the speech of students with disabilities in the lessons of writing and reading in a correctional school of the 8th type "

Speaker: teacher of reading and writing Tikhonovich O.F.


One of the reasons preventing the inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in society is the low level of development of speech culture. The speech of students and graduates of correctional schools is primitive, stereotyped, not precise enough, and their vocabulary is especially poor and limited. The emotional and sound structure of speech also suffers. This leads to difficulties in establishing contacts with people around, hinders the child's self-realization, his personal growth, adaptation and integration processes. Graduates do not know how to use existing knowledge, cannot find themselves in life, and build communication with others. At the same time, special pedagogy (oligophrenopedagogy) offers a wide range of educational and methodological recommendations on the problem of speech development of a mentally retarded student, and each teacher selects specific methods, means and methods individually, based on the characteristics of the class, the existing problems in the speech of children.

The development, improvement and enrichment of the speech of mentally retarded students is one of the most serious and always urgent tasks of teaching the Russian language and reading in a special school. Children with intellectual disabilities, often complicated by the underdevelopment of the auditory and speech motor apparatus, study here. All this leads to significant difficulties in mastering speech. Speech of mentally retarded students is not peculiar to words of various grammatical categories denoting abstract concepts. Very rarely they use adverbs, verbs with prefixes, conjunctions, adjectives, but on the other hand, you can often hear the words he, she, here, there, here, well, how him there, yeah, etc.

Poor vocabulary, misunderstanding and inaccurate use of words by mentally retarded children also prevent them from learning spelling. teaching spelling is impossible without taking into account the interaction of lexical and grammatical meaning.

Developed speech presupposes possession of a sufficiently large stock of words, the ability to use an arsenal of phonological, derivational, morphological and syntactic means of the language in accordance with the norms of correct speech, as well as the ability to correctly use these means in various situations, taking into account the task of accurately conveying information, the task of being understood by the interlocutor, and tasks of influencing the interlocutor.

How to organize work on mastering the norms of developed speech by students, what types of exercises give more tangible results, what methods and techniques of work used in a general education school can be used in a correctional school. How to ensure an individual and differentiated approach in the work on the development of the speech of mentally retarded students?

In the practice of my work in the lessons of the Russian language, I use almost all methods and forms of work. Famous Pedagogy: A Story. Explanation of the new, conversations of a different nature, work with a book, method of exercises, practical and independent work.

But I consider the research method the most interesting and productive for the correctional school. Every child is by nature an explorer. An indefatigable thirst for new impressions, curiosity, a constant desire to observe and experiment, independently seek new information are considered in the methodology as the most important features of children's behavior.

Research, search activity is not alien to children with mental disabilities. It is the search activity that generates exploratory behavior and creates the conditions for the child's mental and mental development to unfold as a process of self-development.

In a correctional school, it is very difficult to apply the research method in practice, but it is possible and necessary to carry out research work on a word, a spelling rule. This work increases the level of activity of students in the lesson, makes them think and look for options for answers, think, analyze educational material, compare facts, find various ways to solve a problem, choose the right answers, differentiate knowledge, memorize poems, meanings of words, pronounce rules and basic concepts, select suitable words and expressions. draw conclusions and generalizations.

It is convenient to carry out research work in correctional classes when working on a word:

This is acquaintance with new words;

Compilation and analysis of dictionary entries for the studied word;

Spelling and vocabulary work in the lesson;

Working with a dictionary.

Depending on what goals the teacher sets when working on a word, vocabulary work should be different in content:

It can be aimed at studying the lexical meaning of a word and thereby at expanding and deepening vocabulary,

Can examine grammatical goals;

It can be carried out with the aim of teaching children the correct pronunciation of individual words.

V vocabulary work the semantic component is brought to the fore, since only the child's understanding of the meaning of a word forms his ability to consciously choose words and phrases. Therefore, the lessons and textbooks include exercises on the selection of synonyms, antonyms, words with a generalized meaning, work with polysemantic words, rhythm and rhyme.

* replacement of a word in a phrase

clear air - fresh, clean

a favorite business is an exciting business ...

* selection of the most accurate word by meaning:

Despite ... the weather, the children went for a walk.

Despite ... an hour, children were still playing in the yard.

* making sentences with words of the synonymous series:

help - first, urgent, ambulance

dirty - hands, vegetables, street

* finding ambiguous words in proverbs, sayings, riddles:

Russian language - tongue in the mouth

wear glasses - score glasses

month of the year - month in the sky

*drawing on the topic of a polysemous word.

Work on a figurative comparison.

Insert appropriate nouns instead of dots.

Hot as fire.

Lightweight like ....

Black like ....

Sharp like ....

Red like ....

Words for information: cancer, fluff, needle, coal.

I combined all these areas of work into one type - a complex analysis of a dictionary word based on a diagram.

Group work with the vocabulary word.

Complex analysis of the word.


1. Read the word expressively.

2. Put stress, underline unstressed vowel. Which must be remembered in a word.

3. Pronounce the word syllables. Designate graphically. /

4. Name 1,2, etc. letter and sound. Phonetic notation of the word / baloto /.

5. Think about what the word means. Try to formulate the definition yourself. Reconciliation according to the explanatory dictionary. Recording the meaning under the teacher's dictation or from a sample.

6. Find the same root words. Define a root.

7. Pick up phrases with the given word.

8. Make a proposal.

9. The choice of the best proposals, writing on the lobo board, each student writes down his version, then it is corrected, clarified, corrected.

10. Can the word be used figuratively? Example.

Complex work with the vocabulary word disciplines schoolchildren, teaches them to a certain structure of acquaintance with a new word, allows you to quickly enter a new word into the child's active vocabulary, and also develops abstract thinking.

For the formation of a culture of thinking and speech and the development of the skills and abilities of a child's exploratory behavior, various methods can be used. To develop the speech abilities of mentally retarded students in a writing lesson, it is advisable to conduct speech exercises of a research nature.


I read to students an unfinished story:

“In the morning the sky was covered with black clouds, and it began to snow. Large snowflakes fell on houses, trees, sidewalks, lawns, roads ... "

I propose to continue and finish the story in several ways:

Imagine that you are walking in the yard with your friends - how do you feel about the appearance of the first snow?

Imagine that you are a truck driver driving on the road.

Imagine that you are a pilot going on a flight.

Imagine. that you are a crow sitting on a branch.

Imagine you are a bunny in the forest, etc.

Similar stories can be given on different topics. Such work allows you to look at phenomena, events from different points of view.

OBSERVATION Games can be used before the speech development lesson "Description by observation." Talk about why leaves fall or how fruits ripen, and then use the knowledge gained during observation in essays or oral statements.

So when studying the topic "Adjective" I offer the children samples of vegetables, fruits or other objects and propose to describe them according to the scheme:

1.Color, possible color options.

3. The degree of maturity. Taste qualities.

4. Appointment. Application.

5. How else can you use the subject in an unconventional way?

Students like such tasks very much, they develop research abilities, observation.

In reading lessons when studying fairy tales, I invite children to describe a fairytale hero or a fairytale object with adjectives. On cards or by whispering in the ear, everyone gets a certain hero. Other children do not see the assignment. The student describes the hero after a minute of preparation, the rest of the children should recognize him according to the description. At the end of the year, when summarizing what I have read during the year, I carry out similar work not only on fairy tales, but also on other studied works.

To increase the level of efficiency in the lesson, to interest students, to make them work. It is necessary to find such a "key" in the child's soul, which will reveal the ability to create, search.

For this purpose, it is possible to use the following types of research work in the classroom:

1. Make as many sentences as possible from the given words.

Example: cottage cheese, camel, sailor.

Variants of children's answers: A sailor on a camel brought the children cottage cheese.

The sailor fed the camel with cottage cheese. Etc.

2.Tell us in other words.

Example: A fly sat on a jam (a flying animal with transparent wings and a proboscis swooped down on a substance made from berries and sugar). Etc.

3. Name the analogs of the subject.

Example: boat (ship, tanker, submarine, cruiser, etc.)

In reading lessons, the game "Say it differently" helps in the speech analysis of the text, clarification of the lexical meaning of words in context.

Example: "The crow and the fox" I.A.Krylov - "perched", "thoughtful",

"Close by."

4. Game "Association".

This game allows you to better know the inner world of the child, relationships in the adolescent group, at the same time develops associative thinking, imagery of speech.

I call the word “sea.” What associations does this word evoke in you?

5. When preparing for an educational essay with elements of reasoning, I use unfinished sentence method:

I spent the autumn holidays (spent) well, because ... ("How I spent my holidays")

I love my mom, because ... (“Mom is a dear word”).

I like to study because ... (“Our main work is study”).

Such template assignments allow students to master detailed, complex sentence-building schemes. With their regular use, templates gradually enter the speech reserve and become the norm.

The research work carried out in the lessons of the Russian language and reading in the correctional school is complex and diverse. In the practice of our work on the development of students 'speech, we teach them to identify and solve a problem, draw conclusions and generalizations, observe, experiment, apply the knowledge gained in practice, thereby helping to solve the main problem of students' speech development - to use the gift that a person is endowed with. words, the ability to convey in words feelings, thoughts, knowledge, convince, prove, observe.

Sources and Literature:

1. AI Lipkina "Work on the oral speech of students in reading lessons."

Publishing house "Education" - 1987

2. A.K. Aksenova. Methods of teaching the Russian language at school.

Vlados. 1999

3. M.R. Lvov. Development of the speech of students in primary school.

Education, Moscow, 1965

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