Home Diseases and pests Blog Tarasova how she lost 30 kg. Tatiana Tarasova's diet. Tatiana Tarasova's nutritional principles

Blog Tarasova how she lost 30 kg. Tatiana Tarasova's diet. Tatiana Tarasova's nutritional principles

Tatiana Tarasova, an outstanding figure skating coach, is quite widely known and loved by the people, as she enjoys well-deserved respect. For what? She is appreciated by many for the highest professional qualities. And recently, this woman surprised everyone, as she was able to lose weight by as much as thirty kilograms.

She has coached a large number of Olympic champions, her students won forty-two gold, seventeen silver and six bronze medals in competitions. Tatiana Tarasova is an Honored Trainer, she was awarded two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, as well as many other regalia.

Now it is not so important why she gained so many extra pounds, it is much more interesting how Tatyana Tarasova lost weight? The official version of the accumulation of excess weight is the injury to her hip joint, because of which she had to leave professional sports and come to grips with successful coaching.

But still, how did she manage to be so transformed? She just shines from the inside, feels great and is very glad that she was able to lose so much weight, she is happy with the result. But not everyone thinks that Tatyana Anatolyevna began to look much younger after such a rapid weight loss.

Discussions and discussions of this issue continue on the Internet. Many do not find this method of losing weight reasonable and balanced. Losing weight like that at her age is unsafe. But, no matter what they say, but the fact of weight loss "on the face", and deserves respect, since not everyone is given to show such willpower.

In fact, Margarita Koroleva does not reveal specific stellar rations either in her book or in numerous interviews. Naturally, after all, the purpose of appearances in the media is to attract clients to the clinic, and not to massively lose weight on their own. However, Margarita Koroleva makes no secret of the two "whales" of her famous diet. She prescribes a limited calorie diet for most of her clients, and widely uses fasting days from her favorite "stars" foods.

In relation to the diet of Tatyana Tarasova, a certain aura of mystery and mysticism also acts. So we don't have a genuine ration “oatmeal for breakfast on Monday, and cottage cheese on Tuesday”. As well as it is not on other sites of weight loss. Tatiana Tarasova voiced several times the principles of their diet in interviews, we list them.

  • First, categorically it is forbidden to overeat... In a kilogram of healthy apples, there are almost 420 kcal, and the excess filling of the stomach has not helped anyone to lose weight. So, control over your own feeling of hunger and satiety is first of all. Margarita Koroleva is sure that only those who do not eats more than is necessary to satisfy hunger.
I lost weight!
  • Secondly, feeling hungry is not an ideal guide to serving size... Most of us are so used to overeating that we cannot stop in time. Therefore, the second principle of Tatiana Tarasova's nutrition is not to eat more than 200 grams. food in one go. Simply put, breakfast, lunch or dinner on the diet of Tatyana Tarasova should fit in a regular glass.
  • Thirdly, too long breaks between meals are prohibited... If you eat infrequently, you are more likely to overfeed and lose your diet. That is why on the diet of Tatyana Tarasova it is worth taking food 5 times a day.
  • Fourth, late supper prohibited... You must eat before 6 pm for the last meal. However, in the book of Margarita Koroleva there is another "postulate" regarding dinner - it should take place 4-5 hours before bedtime and be as light as possible. Give up cereals, sweet fruits, fatty meats. It is best to eat a green vegetable salad in the evening and some cottage cheese or kefir.
  • Fifth, anything can happen in life, and sometimes there is a need have a snack after "X hour"... Then a glass of fat-free kefir will come in handy. Only you do not need to drink it in one gulp, as most people are used to doing, but slowly eat it with a teaspoon, as Margarita Koroleva advises.
  • Sixth, you need high quality revise the composition of the diet... Tatiana Tarasova says a firm "no" to the once favorite pastries and any sweets. On a diet, she prefers seasonal unsweetened fruits and berries, lots of vegetables and lean fish and meat. But the rolls and fried potatoes will have to be left to those who are not on a diet.
  • Seventh, Tatyana Tarasova's diet is rich in protein... The most difficult to lose weight for those who eat only vegetables and fruits, because the human body simply does not know how to "repair" due to carbohydrate fuel. As a result, those who do not eat low-fat dairy products, fish and chicken suffer from bouts of hunger, and in Tatyana Tarasova's diet, you can eat small portions of protein with each main meal.
  • Eighth, on Tatyana Tarasova's drinking diet the regime plays no less, and sometimes even more, role than nutrition... You should drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Helps liquid and eat less. It is worth drinking 1 glass of clean water at room temperature half an hour before each meal.

How did Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova lose weight?

Weight loss coach Tarasova is of interest to many people who want to lose weight. Losing so many pounds is only possible for a few, at least so it seems to us. And, of course, I would like to know this recipe for weight loss. They will not be able to arm them exactly, because Tatyana Anatolyevna lost weight under the tireless gaze of the famous nutritionist Margarita Koroleva.

As you know, the Queen develops an individual program for reducing body weight for each client, taking into account the constitutional characteristics of the patient. Nevertheless, the famous trainer has shared some secrets of her personal success in losing weight.

Tatiana Tarasova's diet is based on the principles of healthy eating that are known to everyone, I will consider them in more detail:

You need to drink at least two liters of clean water daily, and a glass of this liquid must be consumed before each meal;

You need to eat fractionally and often, about six times a day, but at the same time you need to eat a small amount of food, so that the feeling of hunger disappears;

It is necessary to exclude pita from the daily diet. flour and confectionery products, it is allowed to use only a little honey;

The menu should be dominated by plant foods: herbs, vegetables, berries, fruits;

Each meal should include a small amount of lean animal protein;

It is necessary to control the calorie content of the daily diet, and in the evening, during the dinner period, the amount of food should be minimal;

Fried foods should be completely excluded from the menu. Food can be processed thermally with steam, cooked by boiling in water, or baked without adding oil;

It is necessary to give up the use of sugary carbonated drinks, exclude alcohol from the diet. It is preferable to drink only clean water. All other drinks are considered food;

The last meal should be before six o'clock in the evening. But if there is a strong feeling of hunger, then in this case you can eat a glass of low-fat kefir, yes, just eat it with a small teaspoon;

Of course, physical activity should be present during this period, as it is an essential component of healthy weight loss. Otherwise, with such a rapid weight loss, sagging of the skin may occur, and it is much more difficult to cope with this ailment than with extra pounds.

Tarasova's diet is quite safe and can be used at any age period. Of course, not every woman can strictly follow all the rules, without any violation. Namely, this is the main success of Tatyana Anatolyevna. But if she managed to lose weight, then every woman can cope with this, everything will depend on willpower and the desire to achieve what she wants.

Tatiana's diet allowed her to lose about five kilograms every month. Start by making a list of the foods you eat every day. Then cross out all the prohibited ones, and on the contrary write a useful analogue.

For example, instead of sausage, there will be boiled meat, replace cookies with whole grain bread, sweets with a spoonful of honey, and so on. This will help you to more correctly compose the daily menu. Do not forget to calculate the calorie content of the entire daily diet, it should be no more than 1500-1800 kcal. You should break the allowed amount of food into six meals.

Slimming recipe

Diet type- low-calorie

Weight loss- 4-5 kg ​​per month

Duration- several months

Tarasova lost weight and in the near future a huge number of one-day sites will appear on the Internet, on which they promise to send you a miraculous recipe for losing weight from the great Tatyana Anatolyevna for SMS. Take your time to give your hard-earned money. At 99%, you will have neither money nor diet. Meanwhile, there are no secrets in losing weight Tatiana Tarasova.

How did we find out, the famous Moscow nutritionist Margarita Koroleva helped her lose 33 kg in 7 months.Under her leadership, such famous people as the singer Valeria, Anita Tsoi, Nikolai Baskov, Roman Trakhtenberg and other famous people of the Moscow elite lost weight.

Margarita Koroleva selected her own weight loss system for everyone

Basic rules for losing weight from nutritionist Margarita Koroleva:

- separate nutrition, the correct combination of foods - fats, proteins, carbohydrates;

- portions should not be excessively large;

- last meal no later than 18.00, no later than 19.00;

- sufficient drinking regime - at least 2-2.5 liters of clean drinking water;

- a mandatory exclusion from the diet of such products harmful to weight loss as: salt, baked goods, sweet cakes, pastries, smoked meats, excessively fatty foods;

- once a week, a mandatory fasting day based on any one product, apple, kefir, cucumber;

- physical activity, water procedures, as well as massage, sauna.

- the daily calorie content of food should not be higher than 1200 - 1300 calories.

With such a food system, anyone can quite successfully lose weight at a rate of 4-5 kg ​​per month. Faster weight loss can be hazardous to health, as the body needs to adapt to a new lifestyle and rebuild metabolism.

Now the famous coach Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova looks great. Health problems have significantly decreased, gait has improved - she just flies. According to Tatyana Anatolyevna, she is going to continue losing weight in order to get even better shape.

The basic principles of the Queen's diet

Margarita Koroleva is a nutritionist, with the help of her diets, the stars of our show business have acquired excellent forms. The diet of Margarita Koroleva is one of the latest novelties for weight loss.

The principles of proper nutrition, formed by Margarita Koroleva

- food fractional, in small portions, 5-6 times a day;

- a large amount of liquid in the form of plain water, juices and green tea between meals, but without drinking it;

- eliminate animal fats, replacing them with vegetable;

- exclude easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets, pastries, etc.), replacing them with carbohydrates rich in fiber (vegetables, fruits, cereals), which do not immediately disintegrate and serve as a source of energy for a long time;

- exclude fried foods, steam everything, boil or stew;

- special attention is paid to "live" food in the form of raw vegetables and fruits, they should form the basis of the diet, as they contain vitamins and enzymes that can improve metabolic processes;

- you need to start the morning with porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, millet) - cereals are a source of energy for the entire first half of the day;

- the body should mainly receive proteins from plant foods (nuts, legumes, cereals, vegetables), but animal protein cannot be completely excluded, since it is necessary for building red blood cells and without its presence in food, anemia (anemia) may begin in a person ; meat and fish should be eaten once a day, low-fat varieties;

- in no case should you force the body to starve - this will only increase the appetite and nullify all efforts to lose weight; it is necessary to replace the “wrong” (sausage, chips, carbonated drinks, white bread) products with the “right” (cereals, nuts, vegetables, fruits, lean meats) and then their volume will not be decisive.

Diet of Margarita Koroleva No. 1.

The diet of Margarita Koroleva combines, first of all, the principles of healthy separate nutrition and a mono-diet.

Diet details:

1. Lots of water. You need to drink 2-2.5 liters of pure non-carbonated water or green tea. Be sure to have a glass of water before eating. But, the Queen's diet does not allow drinking with or after meals, as we usually do.

2. One day a week - fasting, on kefir.

3. The diet of Margarita Koroleva provides for frequent fractional meals - 5 times a day, while meat, fish, chicken can be eaten only once a day, steamed. Serving for men up to 300 grams, women up to 250 grams. It is necessary to exclude sugar, bread, flour, pasta, sauces, alcohol from the diet.

So, once again about the principles of Margarita Koroleva's diet: frequent meals, 5 times a day, but little by little, mainly vegetables and fruits, kefir, once (for lunch) meat, two and a half liters of water a day, one fasting day on kefir in Week.

Diet of Margarita Koroleva No. 2.

During the diet, we cook all products, use them without sugar and salt. Be sure to drink still water or green tea every day - 2.5 liters per day. All products during the diet of Margarita Koroleva must be eaten before 18.00

9 Day Weight Loss Diet

We eat rice for 3 days.

In the evening, soak a glass of unwashed rice, in the morning pour it into boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Eat a glass of rice in the morning. The rest of the rice must be eaten by 19.00 in equal portions every hour.

We eat chicken for 3 days.

With a chicken weighing 1-1.2 kg, remove the skin and be sure all the fat. Cook until tender.

For 3 days we eat boiled and fresh vegetables.

The norm per day is an 800 gram can. Salted and pickled vegetables are excluded. You can make vegetable salads, such as vinaigrette without pickles.

This diet, although not "hungry", is quite extreme, therefore, during its implementation, exclude physical activity: sports, fitness, digging country beds, etc. But during rest, on the contrary, try to move more: walk , swim, dance. This will help you maintain your weight and return from vacation even more irresistible.

Eat 5-6 times a day until 6 pm - this is a must! After 6 pm, it's best to have a cup of green tea with honey.

More details.

The first cycle (three days) is rice (this is mainly a carbohydrate food, in addition, rice collects and removes excess water and toxic metabolic products from the body). Rice is cooked the day before, soaking a glass of cereal in cold water overnight; in the morning, the rice is thoroughly washed and boiled for 15 minutes; in the morning a glass of boiled rice is eaten, the rest of the rice is distributed throughout the day, eating it in parts at intervals of one hour.

The second cycle (three days) is meat or fish (protein). Cook a chicken weighing a little more than a kilogram until tender, remove the skin and eat meat during the day (at least 5-6 times a day). The protein diet is good because it is carried out after preliminary preparation in the form of a rice diet, which cleanses the body of metabolic products, since a lot of such products are obtained during the breakdown of protein. As a result of complex metabolic processes of their protein supplied with food, new proteins are formed in the body that can penetrate into the cell and support its vital activity. Without animal proteins, it is very difficult for an organism (especially a young one) to cope with physical and mental stress.

The third cycle (three days) consists of vegetables, most of which are eaten raw. This recommendation must be approached rationally: if you have almost never eaten raw vegetables before, then most of the diet should be steamed or boiled vegetables, otherwise you will have intestinal problems (from a large amount of coarse fiber, it will begin to swell, pain will appear in a stomach). You need to accustom yourself to plant foods gradually and preferably not during fasting diets. During a three-day intake of vegetables, the intestines are cleansed again, this time from all kinds of "deposits" of feces and toxins.

For vegetable days, about a kilogram of any vegetables is taken (better than different ones - all types of cabbage, zucchini, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin, carrots, beets, etc.), after some of them are hot processed, the finished product will remain about 800 grams, it needs to be eaten during the day in 5-6 doses. A large amount of greens (dill, parsley, green onions) can be added to vegetables; you can season vegetable salads with lemon juice.

During all 9 days of the diet, a large amount of liquid is required. Margarita Koroleva recommends taking liquid at the rate of 15 ml per 500 g of weight, but before taking such a large amount of liquid and generally going on a 9-day diet, you need to consult with your doctor:

- a large amount of fluid will be contraindicated in cardiovascular diseases;

- large protein loads (three days of chicken or fish) are contraindicated for patients with kidney disease, especially if kidney function is reduced.

Contraindications for this diet are stomach ulcers, some heart disease and even a common cold! And you also need to remember that periodically go on a diet, and then come off again, overeating and returning the former kilograms, which will also bring “newcomers” with them, at least illiterate, mostly harmful. To maintain a good figure and health, you must always observe moderation in your diet.


Do not forget about good daily physical activity, it will only benefit you and help you lose weight. Believe in your success, and try to make every effort to this, in this case you will succeed, and the figure will become slim and fit, to the envy of everyone!

Do you want to know in detail how Tatyana Tarasova lost weight - this famous all over the world Well, now we will share with you the information that we ourselves have. Sit back and study the article, you may also want to improve your figure.

How many kilograms were lost and for how long

We are all used to the portly appearance of this sweet and talented lady. And suddenly a sensation - Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova lost weight, and very quickly! Interviews with the main character of the news are published in newspapers and magazines, and a talk show is broadcast on TV, where she appears in front of everyone in her new slender appearance and opens the veil of secrecy about her transformation.

How did Tatyana Tarasova lose weight, by how many kilograms and over what period? We will talk about the diet a little later, but for now we will say that the famous trainer lost 40 kg. in about a year and surprisingly rejuvenated and prettier during this time.

Self-improvement under the guidance of a nutritionist

Nutritionist Margarita Koroleva is best aware of how Tatyana Tarasova lost weight. After all, it was under her direct supervision that the whole process took place. Margarita Koroleva is the author of her own weight loss technique, which has helped many media personalities to find slender figures. At one time, Philip Kirkorov, Anita Tsoi, and Nikolai Baskov turned to her for help (they all achieved very good results), and after a while Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova was on the list of patients of the famous nutritionist. She also lost weight successfully. Now he willingly shares weight loss recipes with all fans.

The secret of the Margarita Koroleva program is in a comprehensive and individual approach to each of her patients. She does not starve anyone and does not force to do fitness until the seventh sweat. On the contrary, those who lose weight under her guidance feel comfortable. She just helps them change their lifestyle for a more physiologically correct one, and weight loss goes surprisingly quickly.

Special diet

Now all experts say that diets are bad. Has Tatyana Tarasova really lost weight without diets? of course, I had to thoroughly adjust and get used to the new eating regimen, but there were not so many restrictions. Here are some basic rules thanks to which our heroine managed to lose weight:

1. Meals should be fractional. You need to eat in small portions and often (5-6 times a day).

2. Abundant One and a half to two liters of clean water should be drunk per day.

3. Have supper no later than 18.00 in winter and no later than 19.00 in summer.

4. Morning meals should be the most nutritious and satisfying.

5. Meals should be tasty and varied.

The most important thing in this approach is not a focus on deprivation (of which there are not so many), but an understanding of the need to maintain healthy food hygiene at all times. Without this, Tatyana Tarasova lost weight and would have recovered, but this did not happen, because even after normalizing her weight, she continued to live according to the learned rules.


Of course, it was impossible to do without restrictions. I had to give up high-calorie sweets, sausages, sausages, ready-made cuts, and various canned food. The nutritionist believes that properly cooked fish or chicken is much healthier. Protein in the diet should be sufficient, but complete.

Refined sugary carbohydrates should be preferred natural ones, which are abundant in fruits and some vegetables. The amount of salt also had to be limited. It is not necessary to completely abandon salt, but its total amount consumed per day should not exceed half a teaspoon.

Bread is allowed to be eaten, but only in the first half of the day and must be dried. Tatyana Anatolyevna had to get out of the habit of buns. Mayonnaise, bacon, butter creams, various cooking oils were given a complete resignation! As for products such as sour cream or cream, they can be eaten, but in small quantities.

What can you eat?

Tatyana Tarasova has lost weight and is in excellent shape, including the following foods in her diet:

  • Rice, buckwheat, oatmeal with the addition of honey, dried fruits, apples, lemon juice, etc.
  • Eggs (no more than 3 pieces per week).
  • Dairy products (low-fat cottage cheese, yoghurts, kefir, yogurt, cheese).
  • Lean white meat: turkey, chicken (skinless).
  • Boiled and stewed sea fish.
  • Vegetables and fruits.

You can cook delicious soups and cabbage soup with abundant addition of herbs (parsley, dill, cilantro) and various spices. Such dishes give a feeling of fullness for a long time and are sources of vitamins and microelements. To make you even more inspired, look at the photos below, how Tatyana Tarasova lost weight - the photo is impressive, isn't it?

Physical exercise

In the system of Margarita Koroleva, a special place is given to daily physical education. Exercise is essential to maintain a good metabolic rate. Tatiana Anatolyevna is a coach herself. And like no one else knows about the benefits of physical activity. Therefore, she diligently did and continues to do morning exercises, and at home Tatyana Tarasova has a treadmill, on which she regularly walks at an accelerated pace. All this, coupled with the diet, gave such an excellent result.


Now you know how Tatyana Tarasova lost weight, and therefore you can take on board her experience and start acting. But just remember that in the matter of losing weight, wisdom, gradualness and constancy are needed so that health does not go away with the lost pounds.

Hello dear readers! We continue to take care of our health and look for interesting ideas. Hooked "for a living" gaining popularity the diet of the famous Russian figure skater and trainer Tatyana Tarasova.

Its results surprised many: Tatyana Anatolyevna managed to lose more than 30 kg in just a few months.

I wonder if everyone can do that or not? Let's see what is the secret of this power system and whether it is available menu.

Diet Basics

Food system specially for Tatiana Anatolyevna developed by the famous nutritionist Margarita Koroleva. There is nothing supernova about the rules.

Its main advantage is that starvation is excluded. Nutrition built on a clear regimen of meals and avoidance of overeating.

This is very important for people at an age when it is already very difficult to return to their previous forms without depriving the body of nutrients. Indeed, every year it is more and more important to maintain health and strength in the body, extending life for several more years.

In the diet of Tatyana Tarasova just a few rules:

  1. The volume of food eaten in one meal should not exceed 200 g
  2. You need to eat five times a day - breakfast, lunch, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.
  3. You need to have dinner four hours before bedtime. If you do not have time to have dinner on time, it is better to skip the meal.
  4. When preparing meals, the priority is given to proteins, not carbohydrates. After all, it is protein dishes that give the body a sense of fullness and allow not to break into "snacks".
  5. You need to drink a lot of fluids. At least two and a half liters of still water are allowed per day. It can also be replaced by green or herbal teas, berry or fruit compotes.
  6. You cannot drink water during and after meals, but it is definitely recommended to drink a glass of liquid half an hour before a meal.
  7. Calorie counting remains relevant. Their number per day should not exceed 1200-1500.
  8. It is important to arrange a fasting day for the body once a week. You just choose your favorite healthy product, and you need to eat it all day. It can be apples, cucumbers, kefir.

As you can see, all these rules are included in the well-known principles healthy eating. Every person who watches their body knows about them.

But only their competent combination and rigorous application can achieve remarkable results.

For wellness

In addition to these rules, Tatyana Anatolyevna insists on the need for physical activity. What activities are best for you?

Given the age-related peculiarity of this diet, it is better to go in for gentle sports. Try to start going regularly to

Pay attention to the newfangled, yoga, remember the good old table tennis. If there is no friendship with sports at all, then at least daily long walks in the fresh air are required

Allowed and Prohibited Products

What do you need to eat in order to lose weight, like Tatyana Tarasova? What kind of products are included in the dishes? It turns out that the menu of this diet is based on vegetables, fruits, berries and other plant products (nuts, seeds).

Dishes should be saturated with herbs, which are a real storehouse of vitamins. Low-fat varieties of fish (cod, pollock, flounder, trout, hake) and meat (turkey, rabbit, chicken), seafood are also allowed.

All dishes must be cooked, baked, steamed. It is forbidden to fry.

The forbidden list, according to tradition, includes muffins and sweets. It is also not recommended to eat too sweet fruits - grapes and banana.

To lose weight, like Tatyana Tarasova, you will have to give up alcohol, soda, juice from bags, coffee and “fast food”. Smoked meats, marinades and fatty foods are prohibited.

Features of the menu for the week

The most interesting thing is that Tatyana Tarasova's diet assumes at least one fasting day per week. As its basis, Margarita Koroleva took Tatyana Anatolyevna's favorite fruits or berries.

Cereals are almost absent from the menu. Tatyana Anatolyevna made an exception only for oatmeal and buckwheat, preparing them preferably for breakfast. And if porridge is boiled, then be sure to use water.

A purely dinner dish is broth. Necessarily from lean meat or fish, and preferably from vegetables.

By the way, you will have to forget about a three-course dinner for the sake of health, slimness and beauty. Either a salad, or a light soup, or a meat-free meal is suggested.

The strict ban on late suppers can sometimes be violated. In this case, you can take a glass of low-fat kefir, but eat it in small spoons. Amazing recommendation by Margarita Koroleva.

The most important criterion for food volume is no more than 1500 calories per day. With a dynamic lifestyle, the daily amount of calories reaches 2000.

Slimming options

Scheduled menu options for every day according to Tatyana Tarasova's diet are not in the public domain. Naturally, because the program is individual in nature and is completely suitable only for Tatyana Anatolyevna herself.

Nevertheless, the "star" trainer often shared her successful results with the audience. Some recipes have become known that have helped her become slimmer.

Start your day with a glass of acidified water. For breakfast, the following options are suitable: oatmeal with fruit or buckwheat with a protein omelet, to which you can add a modest piece of cheese or diet bread. Some kind of fruit would also be appropriate.

Lunch usually consists of a glass of juice or yogurt. You can also eat a simple beet and pea salad or any similar vegetable salad in the morning.

Lunch options include: diet potato soup with zucchini, steamed chicken meatballs, vegetable stew, baked vegetables with meat in a pot.

For an afternoon snack, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir with a loaf of bread or eat your favorite fruit.

A light salad is recommended for dinner. For example, celery with apple and lettuce, radish with cucumber, carrots with nuts, baked vegetables and fruits with honey. Also suitable as an evening meal, cottage cheese and its combination with berries.

What to remember

  1. In general, Tatyana Tarasova's diet requires strong willpower, enough ingenuity and time to prepare delicious dishes. Although, according to Tatyana Anatolyevna, any tasty product can be replaced with a healthy fruit or vegetable.
  2. The secret of losing weight for the famous skater is more like a nutritional system, thanks to which the body is gradually cleansed and gets used to constantly eating healthy food, rich in vitamins and minerals.
  3. Undoubtedly, with long-term nutrition according to the Tarasova system, the body is provided with harmony, beauty, gorgeous hair and healthy skin. But can everyone survive such a nutritious marathon with five meals a day?

Share your opinion in the comments, dear friends. Health and beauty to you. See you in the next article!

Tatiana Tarasova's diet is a diet that helped the athlete and the coach get rid of the extra 30 kilograms that have hampered her lately.
On the Internet, they are actively discussing the legendary diet of Tarasova. Why has she caused such a stir? Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova is an outstanding figure skating coach, a person known not only to fans of this sport. As a public person who often appears in various television programs, she needs to carefully monitor her appearance.

How did Tatyana Tarasova lose weight?

Recently, fans of Tatyana Tarasova were shocked by the changes in her appearance - she lost a lot of weight. How did she do it? Could it be calorie counting or some special food? Tatyana Tarasova frankly shared the secrets of her weight loss.

According to her, the weight began to grow after she stopped actively participating in sports. Extra pounds not only spoiled her appearance, but also negatively affected her health and well-being. Tatyana Anatolyevna firmly decided to get rid of excess weight, seeking help from the popular nutritionist Margarita Koroleva, who helped many famous people lose weight. In just seven months, Tatiana was able to lose 30 extra pounds.

Margarita Kovaleva is a well-known Moscow nutritionist. She has developed methods by which many stars of Russian show business keep their weight under control. Among her clients are Nikolai Baskov, Anita Tsoi, Valeria and other popular personalities. For each client, Margarita Kovaleva draws up an individual nutrition program, which she tries to keep secret. Tatyana Tarasova nevertheless shared with us the basic rules of her nutrition, which will be useful to all women who want to lose weight and stay healthy.

Tatiana Tarasova's nutritional principles

What are the principles of nutrition of Tatyana Tarasova? The basic rule is that you need to eat at least five times a day. The volume of one serving of food should be no more than a glass, and before each meal, you should drink the same amount of pure water. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day per day, as adequate fluid intake is essential for losing weight. Tatyana also recommends to completely abandon sweets and flour products, while increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruits. At the same time, you should not abuse even healthy products; the recommended serving sizes should be strictly observed. It is strictly forbidden to eat at night, the last meal is best done before six in the evening.

Many believe that it is almost impossible for a woman of age to lose weight, but Tatyana Tarasova proves the opposite to us. Using the well-known principles of proper nutrition, she has already lost 30 kg and is not going to stop there. She plans to overcome another 10-15 kg. This remarkable result should serve as an example for women who dream of a slim figure. Follow the recommendations of Tatiana Tarasova, and the result will certainly delight you!

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Tatiana Tarasova is a well-deserved and simply charming woman. Her biography is of interest to thousands of fans in Russia and outside our country. But today we will not talk about this, but about that, Anatolyevna. The features of her diet are described in the article.

short biography

The future coach Tarasova Tatyana Anatolyevna was born in 1947. Her father is a famous Soviet hockey player. It was he who first put his daughter on skates when she was barely 5 years old. A few years later, she already began performing in tandem with Georgy Proskurin. They managed to win the World Universiade. It would seem that Tarasova had a brilliant sports future. But a serious injury received during one of the performances put an end to her skating career.

However, our heroine is not one of those people who give up ahead of time. She continued her studies at the Institute of Physical Education, and also began to work as a trainer. Her students at different times were Alexei Yagudin, Irina Rodnina and other skaters who became real stars.

In 2005, the leadership of the Russian Skating Federation invited Tatyana Anatolyevna to her position as a coach-consultant. She said yes. In 2006, Tarasova headed the jury at the Stars on Ice TV show. So a new generation of TV viewers learned about her.

How Tarasova Tatiana Anatolyevna lost weight

In her youth, our heroine was slender, like a reed. And all thanks to regular sports training. Weight problems began in her adulthood. For several years, the slender lady turned into a donut.

Tarasova herself was very worried about the appearance of excess weight. She tried various diets, but they did not help to achieve the desired result. The former skater did not recognize herbal teas and diet pills. Our heroine has already despaired and decided to accept herself as she is. But then friends advised her to see a nutritionist Margarita Koroleva. Tatyana Anatolyevna no longer believed in anything, but nevertheless decided to make an appointment with this specialist. And now we can say with confidence that she did everything right. After all, Margarita Koroleva made a special diet, thanks to which Tarasova lost 30 kg. It happened gradually (within 7 months) and without harm to health.

How can you achieve such an amazing result? You do not need to starve and exhaust yourself with exercise. The main thing is to adhere to certain recommendations and menus.

How did Tarasova Tatiana Anatolyevna lose weight? To begin with, she gave up the usual products (buns, pasta, potatoes, and so on). Our heroine filled the refrigerator with the "right" food: fruits, low-fat cottage cheese, lean meat and kefir. She replaced the loaves and rolls with bread.

Tatiana Anatolyevna Tarasova's diet provides for the following principles:

  • five meals a day;
  • consumption of 2 liters of water per day;
  • refusal to eat after 18:00;
  • serving size - 150-200 g;
  • daily use (on an empty stomach) a glass of water with a spoonful of apple cider vinegar diluted in it.

The diet that Tatyana Tarasova followed suggested a partial or complete rejection of salt. This allows excess fluid accumulated in the body to be removed from the body.

List of Approved Products:

  1. Fresh vegetables and berries.
  2. Fruit (excluding bananas, persimmons, apricots and grapes).
  3. Steamed fish.
  4. Low-fat dairy products.
  5. Boiled lean meat.
  6. Cereals.
  7. Seafood (if steamed).
  8. Nuts (in small quantities).

Sample menu

Are you interested in the diet of Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova? You can compose the menu yourself. The main thing is not to deviate from the principles of diet.

An approximate daily diet looks like this:

  • First breakfast (8:00). Option number 1 - we cook porridge in water, adding one drop of oil. Option number 2 - a sandwich (a slice of grain bread and a plate of low-fat cheese). Additionally: a cup of green tea, half an apple.
  • Second breakfast (10:00). We eat low-fat yogurt and one fruit.
  • Lunch (12:00). It is allowed to eat 100-150 g of boiled chicken meat and some stewed vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack (14:00). We drink a glass of kefir. You can eat sweet bread.
  • Dinner (17:00). A small plate of stewed vegetables and 100 g of cottage cheese.

During the day, you need to drink from 2 to 2.5 liters of liquid (of which 1.5 liters of pure water). Permitted drinks include: freshly squeezed juices, green tea and berry juice.


Many girls are interested in the question of how long do you need to diet in order to achieve tangible weight loss? Everything here is strictly individual. So, Tarasova for 7 months. This is just an amazing result. Someone needs less time to achieve it, and someone more. Even if you received the coveted figure on the scales, you do not need to relax and return to your usual diet, consisting of unhealthy and high-calorie foods. How to consolidate the result? It is necessary to gradually increase the calorie content of the diet - by 200 kcal per week.


You now know how Tarasova Tatiana Anatolyevna lost weight. Her diet is based on proper nutrition, which means that she does not cause any damage to her health. For a week of adherence to the diet, you can lose weight by 3-4 kg. To improve the result, you should connect physical activity. Sign up for the pool, visit the sauna and massage room once a week. Exercise at home will also have a positive effect on the body.

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