Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Why the deceased person does not dream of relatives. The deceased husband does not dream why. Why does a person dream of a deceased

Why the deceased person does not dream of relatives. The deceased husband does not dream why. Why does a person dream of a deceased

author User deleted asked a question in the section Horoscopes, Magic, Divination

I never dream of my deceased relatives, so they did not love me during their lifetime and do not love THERE? and got the best answer

Answer from Lana [guru]
This is confirmation that they do not hold grudges against you, there are no debts, and they simply do not want to disturb, they understand that you are more impressionable than your mother and brother. I do not agree that the phenomenon of deceased relatives is death, they can be dreamed of all their lives. It’s bad when these are nagging nightmares, after which you do not come to your senses for a long time.

Answer from Kolya Nikolaev[newbie]
I have the same difficulty.
Dad stayed with me for two weeks before leaving. When the time came, I held his hand and stroked his head. For a few seconds before leaving, he opened his eyes, looked at me. Until now, this look is before my eyes ... unwillingness to leave, farewell, understanding of hopelessness. But in a dream I have never come.
Everyone dreamed ... but I didn't, despite the fact that I asked him to come and talk. I still cannot understand whether this is good or bad.

Answer from Lyalka Ischo times Lyalka[guru]
they just don't want to scare you.
and it also means that nothing bothers them and they are doing well.

Answer from Olga[newbie]
The appearance in a dream of deceased relatives is generally considered not a good sign.
They say this portends a quick death.
In general, you better not bother with it. You may also remember that a very small percentage of dreams we remember after waking up.

Answer from Lito[guru]
I, too, never dream of my dead relatives! But I'm sure that my grandmother loved me very much during her lifetime, so I think that your deceased relatives loved you very much too! They just don't want to disturb you! And as mentioned above, we don't even remember most of our dreams!

Answer from Julia Kagarlichenko[guru]
Our relatives, having finished their earthly journey, go home to rest. They have tasks there that are so different from you and me that it’s even hard to imagine! But we persistently continue to think that they have nothing else to do there, but to think about how to contact us! In the place where they are now, there is a completely different perspective, and everything looks from a completely different angle of view. It’s as if you have been blindfolded all your life, and then the blindfold has been removed from your eyes. What can you tell your former brothers who, just like you before, continue to walk with a blindfold on their eyes! Offer them to take off the bandage? To do this, they, at least, must be aware of its presence. This is a voluntary step for every person, and there is no way it will be possible to influence from the outside. Therefore, our relatives have no reason to try to contact us. But in our egoism, we sometimes bind them to ourselves with our emotions so strongly that they cannot free themselves from the bonds and are attracted to us at night. If they could shout to us, the only thing they would ask would be to leave them alone! Be merciful! Don't call them! And do not advise others. Get busy with your life. This is the only thing to do.
Good luck!

Answer from Olga Slavinskaya[newbie]
It means that they loved you very much during their lifetime and do not invite you, wishing you to do as much as possible. Daddy doesn't dream of me either ...

Answer from Evgueny poliakhov[active]
The dead appear when it is necessary to warn about something, but after all, everything is fine

Answer from Yoalnikova Ruslana[guru]
dream of those who need help or advice ... or they forget to remember someone ... or there is a common task that has not been completed and must be done to the end ... and of course they love you ... And secondly, it may change the weather ... It also happens that some people cannot let go of the soul of the deceased, they torment themselves, and the deceased ... so they dream because their soul is looking for peace ... after all, it is between our two worlds and the afterlife ... do not trust God ... love yourself too much ... this is a sin ... stop feeling sorry ... these words addressed to mother and sister ... We must let go of them with consciousness and subconsciousness and soul ... they have nothing to do here ... their place is there ... if you need help they will find how to contact the swami ...

Why don't the dead dream? Almost always, recently deceased relatives and close people, and not only relatives, but also friends, good acquaintances, do not come in dreams for a long time. First, this happens because the soul of a person who has left the earthly plane is still in confusion and confusion.

Yes, they are still attracted by the physical world, the places where they have been most often: home, work, places of meetings or rest. They are even more attracted by their loved ones and relatives. However, in the first time after what happened, especially if the death was sudden, the souls do not fully understand and accept the accomplished fact.

Secondly, an important factor is that the person “receiving” the signal is in a strong emotional shock. He simply "blocks" the messages to himself. The world of dreams is the mental world, and in it thought first of all rules. If the dreamer cannot get out of stress, all his thoughts are blocked. He is "closed" and even with a strong desire they cannot "break through" from more subtle planes. Usually in a state of shock, if you manage to fall asleep, a person sees the nearest astral. You will recognize him by the black-and-white background with occasional colored fragments and voices, separate phrases.

When you begin to calm down, your body, the central nervous system "rebuilds" to a new state, and then the shock wave will decline altogether, you will definitely meet your loved ones in a dream.

If this does not happen for a long time, try the Affirmation "Pink Flamingo" or "From Darkness to Light" so that the forces of higher planes "pull" you out of the darkness.

Unfortunately, death sometimes takes away the closest ones. And when a loved one leaves for another world, the longing for him makes the one who remains, constantly want to see him at least in a dream. But, for some reason, some of the dead dream, while others do not. Why is this happening?

What if a deceased loved one is not dreaming?

If you believe some theories about the afterlife, falling into another world, people, losing their material body, remain the same in terms of emotionality and morality. Therefore, very many dead, seeing how their beloved suffers in this world, do not want to aggravate his torment by appearing in dreams. They understand that if a person constantly dreams, then he will never let them go and will suffer for the rest of his life. And, if the beloved was not selfish in this world, then in the other, otherworldly, he will also want the best for his beloved.

Therefore, those who ponder the question: why am I not dreaming of a deceased beloved, should try to stop suffering so much. Of course, the death of the closest one is very difficult and painful to survive, but in this situation there is simply no other way out.

Also, a deceased beloved does not dream, not only out of a feeling of compassion and a desire to pull the beloved out of depression, but also because he is offended or offended by something. Perhaps during their lifetime, the beloved had a big quarrel before the death of one of them, and now, the deceased beloved still cannot forgive his beloved. It is believed that in the other world, people are also not alien to not only positive, but also negative emotions. And, if a person left this life angry with someone, he simply may not dream because of his anger and desire to teach his beloved a lesson.

What portends?

In this case, you need to talk to a dear person. By the way, it is believed that the souls of the dead do not like to come to cemeteries, because they are scared and unpleasant to look at their graves. Therefore, for a conversation, you do not need to go to the place where the beloved is buried. People who are in another world perfectly hear those who stayed here when they are just thinking. If a deceased beloved is not dreaming, then you need to relax, close your eyes, imagine him and mentally tell him about what the one who remained is feeling, ask for forgiveness, and so on.

It is believed that being in a relaxed state, when the brain is free of unnecessary thoughts, people can communicate with the dead, and they hear them perfectly. Therefore, if a living person has a reason to think that the dead person is offended by him, the best way out is to talk to him about it.

But, be that as it may, the living must remember that one cannot call the dead to oneself too often in their dreams, and even more so constantly suffer because of this. The fact is that those who have passed to another world feel very bad at those moments when their loved ones harass themselves. Therefore, you need to learn to live on and then loved ones will sometimes come in dreams.

Many relatives have died. And 30 days ago, brother. Who died a long time ago, I hardly dream, where are they now? And the brother does not come in a dream. Why? Brother baptized like Fedor, born 15 12 73. Died 16 10 2014.

Hello Lyudmila!

Unfortunately, sometimes the closest and dearest to us people can suddenly leave life. Longing for your brother makes you want to communicate with him at least in a dream. But people, falling into the afterlife, do not change in terms of morality, character and emotionality, but only lose their physical body. Apparently Fedor does not want to aggravate your torment by his appearance in a dream. He understands that if he comes during sleep, then this will not let you go and will make you suffer and experience the rest of your life. Stop suffering so much. This, of course, is very difficult and even almost impossible to do, but in this situation it is the only way out. Do not cheat yourself on this matter, be sure to go to church and light a candle for the repose of deceased relatives. If you suspect that your brother harbors a grudge against you and therefore does not come, then just sit down calmly and mentally talk to him, he will definitely hear.

The souls of relatives are always next to you. Of course, you do not see or hear them, but you can always count on their help and support in a difficult life situation. They keep you out of trouble and protect you. Pray for the souls of the dead.


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On the letter U

There are various reasons why dead relatives do not come during sleep, and different interpretations of this phenomenon. This issue can be approached with skepticism, rejecting subtle matters and the possibility of communication with the dead. So, you can analyze the whole situation only from the point of view of psychology, and nothing more. You can look at this question from the side of religion and think: does the soul of the deceased want to communicate with you, is it nearby at the moment, are you in the mood to talk to it yourself.

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If you believe in God and you are worried about the question of why a deceased loved one (mom, dad or other relative) does not dream, go to the temple. Light a candle for peace, try to calm down and not worry about the soul of the deceased. The death of a loved one is a huge stress, and it can take some time to accept.

It is believed that for the first 40 days after death, people are nearby in an immaterial shell and can enter the world of the living: come in dreams, make some disorder in the house. Do not be afraid if you hear a rustle, periodic knocking on the door or walls. Sometimes windows and doors can open. This is good and bad, and no protection from this is needed - all phenomena are explained by the presence of the soul within your walls, and after a while they will stop happening by themselves.

Do not think that the events described above must necessarily be. There is no need to worry if after death the person does not come to your sleep. A soul that has found peace worries about you as much as you worry about it. The soul does not want to penetrate into dreams when it feels that such reminders of itself will only harm you, bring back old memories, make you suffer and think about bad things.

Some argue that the soul can also harbor a grudge against the living, if during his lifetime he somehow offended her. If a quarrel happened recently and it haunts you, try to calm down, relax. Discard all negativity, apologize to the deceased. Tell him that you yourself forgive past offenses, wish him to find peace.

If you cannot remember the quarrel, it is possible that the deceased simply does not want to disturb the living once again.

The death of a mother and father is terrible for a child, just as the death of children is for parents. The dead understand your experiences and do not want to repeat them, coming to you again and again. Accept what happened, remember all the pleasant things associated with a dear person (husband, son, father). It may not appear for the first time until after a year or even two, when you completely let go of heavy thoughts and bad memories.

Perhaps you offended the deceased or did not have time to say warm words to him at the right time, and this does not allow you to fall asleep. Calm down the anxiety, accept what happened as inevitable, because it is impossible to change the past. It is important to think that everything will be fine. If you have meditation techniques, apply them.

Remember: not everything is within our power. What can you really do:

  • stop reproaching yourself and fate;
  • calm down, reconcile and accept what happened.

Whatever beliefs you hold, do not reproach yourself for the actions of the past - this will not help the dead, as well as you. Do not blame the one who left you early - this is fate, not his will. You can help yourself and other living ones if you bring them warmth and joy, and not think about bad things.

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Why does the deceased husband not dream?

Today, 06.06.2018

What are dreams? Why is the deceased husband or wife not dreaming? Many of the best minds of mankind have puzzled over this question. Suffice it to recall Sigmund Freud with his method of free association, who tried to prove that dreams are encrypted impulses of sexuality that are suppressed by man. Or Carl Gustav Jung, not sharing Freud's theory, and argued that everything is much more complicated and tried to interpret the meaning of dreams more broadly. Of course, our conscious and unconscious lives are inextricably linked with each other and are capable of influencing each other. And in any case, dreams are an amazing magic that generates our subconscious.

Why a woman doesn't dream of her dead husband

Very often we dream of situations that we would like to experience or people with whom we would like to meet. Severe shock in an overly sensitive emotional person can be caused by dreams involving deceased loved ones and relatives who are trying to talk about their concerns or warn about something. If such dreams become obsessive and repeat too often, then there is cause for concern. Some people in such cases go to church and light candles for the repose. Others seek advice from a psychologist. In either case, the emotional state of a person changes and obsessive dreams disappear.

But sometimes directly opposite situations arise. For example, a woman's beloved husband died, with whom they lived for a long time in perfect harmony. But after the death of her husband, she never saw him in a dream. Many are beginning to be interested in the question: why does the deceased husband not dream?

You can, of course, attract mystical explanations and argue in the manner that the spouse does not want to bother a loved one during his lifetime, as if letting her go. Perhaps he sees no reason for concern, and therefore, we can conclude that everything will be fine for a woman as soon as she calms down and ceases to acutely feel the loss of her beloved.

In any case, you do not need to get stuck and look for answers to the question, why does the deceased husband not dream? - you still won't find an accurate and reliable answer. The world of the dead should not come into contact with the world of the living. There are secrets that we are not given to know, and we do not need to. Do not wind yourself up - relax, and if there is a great desire to see a loved one who has left you in a dream, then sooner or later this will certainly happen.


Why does the deceased husband dream

When dead people come in a dream, the dream leaves an unpleasant aftertaste and instills excitement in the soul. However, before giving in to anxiety, you need to understand the details of the dream. A deceased person who comes in a dream does not always promise misfortune or misfortune. It is important to remember that prophetic dreams are rarely seen. Usually night pictures are our experiences and state of mind. Dreams do not determine fate, but they can warn against misfortune and direct in the right direction.

To interpret dreams only from specific pictures is fundamentally wrong. Usually, the moments seen are compared with the psychological, mental, and even physical state. If a woman is sick, tired, or has been depressed for a long time and she is dreaming of her deceased spouse, perhaps it is just her strong inner desire for his help, support, care. You cannot accept dreams with the dead literally, you can glean a foundation and draw a conclusion or change the tactics of behavior. However, various interpretations of dreams with the deceased husband are real, let's try to figure them out.

Seeing a deceased husband in a dream

According to Freud's interpretation, a deceased husband comes to turn away from something, but in order to understand from what, he must be listened to. If the conversation did not take place in the dream, then the nuances of gestures and facial expressions should be remembered. Good is good. Exciting - you have to be careful.

Vanga's dream book explains: to see a deceased husband in a dream is to danger, injustice, deception. If he is trying to express something, you need to talk to him. Information can be a warning.

According to Miller, a deceased husband in a dream portends unforeseen financial costs.

Why does the deceased husband not dream?

A spouse who has passed away may not dream for several reasons. First, he worries about the state of mind of his wife, for her suffering in connection with his loss, and therefore does not want to remind of himself once again so that she will again suffer and suffer, experiencing the pain of parting.

The second - the deceased spouse may be offended, probably, it could be a quarrel before death or a misunderstanding of each other, in which the lovers never reached reconciliation. For this, it is important for the spouse to remain alone, light a church candle, mentally imagine the spouse and sincerely ask him for forgiveness for all offenses. In no case should this be done in the cemetery at the grave of the deceased, since souls do not like to look at the places of their burials from the outside. It is also not necessary to attend church for this. In the church, you can only light a candle for the repose.

Often dreaming about a deceased husband?

Wife dreaming of a deceased husband too often? This may be explained by the fact that the wife loved her companion too much and was not mentally ready to let him go. Against the background of feelings and suffering from separation, her thoughts are realized every night in dreams, in which she goes to the most beloved person, finding peace and warmth there. The strong emotional dependence that binds them during life does not let go.

If the spouse comes in a dream too often and is simply silent, it means that he is worried about the spouse left alone and is looking after her.

You can also explain the frequent meetings in a dream with her husband, the woman's inability to part with the past, not necessarily associated with the deceased. It is necessary to let go of old grievances, to solve long-unresolved problems, to cleanse the house of old and unnecessary, and the deceased spouse will cease to be a frequent guest in a dream, once again reminding of the pain experienced.

Dreaming that a living husband has died?

Such a dream speaks of trouble in the family and the worries of the wife. Perhaps the husband had another woman, or he simply lost interest in his wife against the background of problems or boring family life. The dream promises only the worst, the relationship is on the verge of collapse, it's time to act.

The deceased husband dreams of being alive - such a vision does not bode well, probably the negative influence of a loved one, which will lead to bad consequences.

A dying husband dreams - to be afraid of a rival who will be ready for the most vile deeds.

A former deceased husband may dream simply of a change in the weather. If aggression is visible in the behavior, this may indicate that his feelings were hurt, perhaps in a conversation, or there is an illegality in the division of the inheritance.

Likewise, a long-dead husband promises a change in the weather in a dream. In addition, such a dream may mean that a woman is worried about moments that are long gone. It is necessary to get rid of the burdensome burden.

What was the deceased husband in a dream and your actions

A deceased husband dreams of being drunk, which means that a woman in real life behaves inappropriately. In addition, a drunken dead person denotes an absolute female helplessness. Pull yourself together and try to change your life for the better and begin to hear yourself and your inner desires.

A naked deceased husband in a dream denotes his arrangement in that world, his soul is completely at peace.

In a dream, the deceased husband was crying - a warning about an upcoming conflict with close relatives, colleagues at work, friends. If the deceased husband leaves crying, then the dream promises material improvement.

The recently deceased husband dreamed of - this means that the woman is not ready to let him go, that she misses the days spent together.

The mother, grandmother, father and sister of the deceased husband are dreaming - such a dream promises success in business if the relatives of the deceased are alive and well. If they dream of the dead, then this suggests that their life will last a long time, and is filled with happiness.

In a dream, a woman kisses her deceased spouse, has sex, hugs give pleasure - such a dream speaks of her longing for their past life together. In real life, a woman often recalls her husband, pleasant moments associated with him.

A gentle hug in a dream with a deceased spouse promises a woman a long and happy life.

Kissing your deceased husband through force or kissing unanswered portends loss and parting with hope.

Sex with a deceased spouse can bode well for future setbacks. Just lying in a dream with your deceased husband in the same bed is a success in the upcoming, not promising business. It is worth the risk and the risk is justified.

The overgrown grave of a deceased husband is dreaming - to consolation in the arms of a faithful and reliable man, who later can become a reliable husband. A clean grave symbolizes a dishonorable act towards a widow from a person she trusted. Sleep promises suffering.

The funeral of the deceased husband is dreamed of for a fun event. The deceased lies in a coffin - expect an unexpected drunken scandal.

A deceased spouse who suddenly revived in a dream promises happiness and good luck in business. It also portends news or news from afar. A long-dead husband comes to life in a dream - to change. The deceased spouse who has risen from the grave dreams of rebirth in matters with a successful outcome.

Almost all dream books warn women against mistakes that can be made in a dream after seeing their deceased husband. You should not make him angry, cause aggression, sort things out, solve conflicts that were not said during his lifetime. Also, you should never go to your husband's call. Such a dream suggests that there is a risk of leaving this world for many reasons (negligence, accident), but are you ready for this?

Dream Interpretations also recommend not to forget that in a dream, under the guise of a spouse, any entity can come and its appearance can be explained by strong internal experiences that a woman is no longer able to cope with on her own.


Why the deceased person you are thinking about is not dreaming

Posted by: Site Administrator | October 29, 2017

The sorrow in the soul is still bitter. You deny that the person you love died mercilessly. You think about him all day long, but at night he, alas, does not dream.

These are the most difficult questions to answer.

The truth can not calm down, but even more upset the grieving person.

I have visited many forums where a similar issue has been discussed.

Let me publish the points of view of their participants.

When my loved one died, I went crazy.

I reviewed his photos, gifts and postcards. In a fit of madness, she sent messages to the social network.

I hoped that he would answer me.

As the attending doctor told me later, the psyche tries not to injure us once again.

It blocks dreams and thoughts, which can adversely affect the state of health.

A different point of view.

When my grandmother was dying, she promised that she would come.

Apparently, in this way she tried to calm us down.

I often thought about her, recalled our sincere conversations.

All in vain. She did not appear in dreams.

It was only when I was invited to the party that she came, anxiously blocking my path.

The next morning I felt unwell and did not go anywhere.

A little later I was informed that all those who were in the car died on the spot.

There was a terrible accident.

Granny, it was you who saved me (I sob bitterly).

Another opinion.

A deceased person cannot dream of you at will.

You can't call him with your thoughts. Only magic is capable of this, but it is beyond the control of the fakir.

What is happening there - outside of our hectic life? Is it given to guess?

But I am convinced that a deceased person does not belong to himself to the end.

The Kingdom of God (or simply the unknown world) has its own rules.

But the connection with us still remains. And this is obvious!

Often, our deceased relatives turn into guardian angels and dream in the fateful moments of a helpless life.

To warn about something, and also (as many believe) to remind that the time has come to remember by ordering the Prayer for the Rest of the Soul.

The material was prepared by me- Edwin Vostryakovsky.

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