Home Fruit trees Diet cheese cakes, recipes with photos. How to cook diet cottage cheese pancakes - step by step recipes with photos How to cook cheese pancakes dietary recipe

Diet cheese cakes, recipes with photos. How to cook diet cottage cheese pancakes - step by step recipes with photos How to cook cheese pancakes dietary recipe

Cheesecakes are a dish that reminds us of a happy childhood. Delicate and delicious, they are good for breakfast, lunch and dinner. There are a huge number of photo recipes for cheesecakes: with herbs, classic, with semolina, steamed, in a slow cooker and in an oven. The list of recipes does not end there, you can list it for a long time. The main ingredient in this dish is cottage cheese. This product is considered non-nutritive... But if you want, you can reduce the amount of calories to a minimum by preparing cheese cakes according to a special dietary recipe.

Diet cheesecakes in the oven: a recipe

To prepare pp syrniki, you will need the following ingredients:

  • low-fat cottage cheese (about 8%) - 500 g;
  • 2 yolks or 1 chicken egg;
  • a teaspoon of vanilla.

Step-by-step cooking instructions

Oven-baked cheesecakes with berries

A good dietary recipe for cooking cheesecakes in the oven with any fruit. You can even take berries, depending on your desires and preferences.



  1. Grind cottage cheese on a sieve or grind with a blender.
  2. Grind eggs together with sugar.
  3. Pour the eggs into the finished curd mass. Add vanillin and salt. Then baking powder and flour. Mix everything together until smooth.
  4. The author of the recipe allows you to take two small apples instead of berries. To do this, remove the skin from them and grate on a fine grater. Add apples to the adze and stir again. If you do decide to use berries, then stir the dough very carefully so as not to damage their integrity.
  5. Form small cakes from the finished dough and put on a baking sheet, which must be covered with parchment for baking.
  6. We bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 30-40 minutes.
  7. When ready, transfer them to a flat plate and drizzle with jam or honey.

The recipe for dietary cheesecakes in the oven

Required Ingredients:

  • 500 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sugar with a slide;
  • 3 tbsp. l. wheat flour;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • a pinch of salt.


Diet cheesecakes recipe without flour

This recipe does not imply the use of flour, therefore it is definitely considered a dietary one.


  • 2 packs of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • egg;
  • 2 cups semolina;
  • a little sugar (remember, the less the better).

Cooking diet curds according to the recipe:

  1. Stir the low-fat cottage cheese until the mass becomes homogeneous.
  2. Add a chicken egg to it, also stirring.
  3. Now add semolina... But not all at once. According to this recipe, semolina is added in a tablespoon and mixed thoroughly. Without her, our diet cheese cakes will not work, she literally glues cheese cakes together. Usually a glass should be enough, but it all depends on the cottage cheese. When the cheese cakes can be rolled into a ball, it means that there is enough semolina.
  4. Then add sugar.
  5. To diversify the taste, berries are added to the mass.
  6. Cheesecakes according to this recipe can be cooked both in the oven and in a slow cooker.
  7. Bon Appetit!

Lovers of cottage cheese can try to make cheese cakes according to their favorite recipe. They will be delicious anyway.

If, while losing weight, you want to enjoy a delicious dish, you can make diet curd cakes from cottage cheese. For those who are overweight, it is ideal for breakfast and low-calorie dinners. There are many recipes for dietary cottage cheese pancakes, which differ not only in the list of ingredients, but also in the methods of preparation. It turns out not only a tasty, but also a healthy dish that all family members will definitely like.

Useful properties of cottage cheese dietary syrniki

Most people are used to the fact that cheesecakes are, in fact, fried cottage cheese. However, you can preserve the maximum of useful components by changing the cooking method.

The benefits of dietary syrniki for the human body:

  • strengthening bones due to the content of large amounts of calcium;
  • strengthening the heart muscle;
  • restoration of exchange processes;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • activation of brain activity, strengthening of nails, hair, teeth;
  • restoration of intestinal functions, normalization of its microflora;
  • prevention of fatty liver.

Thus, diet cheese cakes are a healthy and low-calorie product that has a positive effect on the human body.

Diet cottage cheese pancakes steamed

Calorie content - 157 kcal.

Cooking time - 30 minutes.

It will take very little time to make a hearty, healthy and incredibly tasty breakfast. Delicate cheesecakes that simply melt in your mouth will appeal to both adults and children.


To make steamed cottage cheese pancakes, you will have to prepare the following list of ingredients:

  • cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • some salt;
  • granulated sugar - 40 g.

On a note! It is necessary to take natural cottage cheese for making cheese cakes. To make the dish dietary, it is better to use a low-fat or semi-fat product.

Cooking method

It will help you to make a simple recipe with a photo for a couple of dietary cheese cakes step by step:

  1. Grind the curd through a sieve. It is desirable that it is not watery. If not, you will have to add more flour.

  2. Beat eggs. To do this, you can use a hand or electric blender, or even take a regular whisk or even a fork.

  3. Pour the beaten eggs into the curd. Season with salt, add sugar and mix.

  4. Stir flour with baking soda and sift through a sieve into cottage cheese. This will make the finished product more curvaceous.

  5. Mix the curd mass thoroughly. If the dough comes out too thin, you will have to add more flour.

  6. Transfer the resulting mixture to muffin tins. It is necessary to fill them with dough not completely, but half. Put the forms in a double boiler and run it for 25 minutes.

Pour the prepared syrniki with liquid honey or berry syrup.

A steamed diet dish will differ in taste from cheese pancakes fried in a pan or baked in the oven.

Diet cottage cheese pancakes with steamed semolina and cranberry sauce

Calorie content - 170 kcal.

Cooking time - 50 minutes.

It is not at all difficult to make dietary syrniki step by step. You can include semolina in the recipe, which will make the finished product more tender. Steam pancakes are excellent for baby food and are recommended for the menu of patients suffering from diseases of the digestive system.


To get lush cheesecakes, you will need the following list of products:

  • cottage cheese - 800 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • semolina - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • flour - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • granulated sugar - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • Cranberry Sauce.

On a note! It is not necessary to add the exact amount of sugar specified in the recipe. It can be adjusted to your liking. Some do not use sugar at all for making cheese cakes. The amount of semolina and flour depends on the consistency of the curd.

Cooking method

A step-by-step recipe with detailed photos will help to make cottage cheese pancakes:

If the multicooker timer counts down the time immediately after pressing the "Start" button, then you need to set 40 minutes. When it starts counting after boiling water, it will take less time, about 30 minutes.

Lush dietetic cheesecakes in the oven according to the classic recipe

Calorie content - 170 kcal.

Cooking time - 35 minutes.

The classic recipe for dietary cheesecakes in the oven can interest even the most experienced chefs. The advantages of such a dish are obvious. He does not have a "harmful" fried crust, which contains carcinogens. In addition, in the oven, the cheesecakes are fried evenly, and they do not have to be turned over, as it should be done when frying in a pan. It is not necessary to pour oil on a baking sheet, and if you add it, then a small amount is enough. Well, and, most importantly, diet curd cheese pancakes baked in the oven according to the classic recipe will be tasty and healthy.


To make dietary cheese cakes step by step in the oven, it is worth preparing the following products:

  • cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • flour - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp.

Cooking method

A classic recipe for dietary curd cakes in the oven with step by step photos:

You can serve cheese pancakes, cooked in the oven according to the classic recipe, with sour cream, jam or honey.

Before proceeding with the process of making dietary syrniki, you need to familiarize yourself with useful recommendations:

  • It is better to buy cottage cheese dry, it not only has dietary properties, but is also convenient for making flat cakes (the liquid product sticks and spreads).
  • To improve the taste of cottage cheese, some cooks recommend whipping it with a blender, but many, on the contrary, advise only slightly kneading it with a fork, getting rid of too large grains.
  • If baked and steamed cheesecakes are not to your taste, but you want the dish to turn out to be not too high in calories, you can use olive oil instead of sunflower oil.
  • If you add semolina instead of flour, the syrniki will turn out to be softer and softer.
  • Instead of wheat flour, you can add bran or oat flour, which will make the taste of syrniki more pronounced.
  • To reduce the calorie content of the finished product, you can add sugar instead of sugar to the dough, but its substitute.
  • It is preferable to water the syrniki not with jam and jam, but with honey.
  • When frying curd cakes in a pan, it is necessary to use a minimum amount of vegetable oil, so it will be possible to reduce the calorie content of the dish.
  • To improve the taste of curd cakes, you can add a small amount of natural yogurt to the dough, but it should not be too fat.
  • It is undesirable to use dried apricots, nuts, prunes and other additives that can increase the calorie content of the finished product.
  • To make the syrniki airy, you need to bake them in the oven at a temperature not higher than 180 degrees.

Video: how to cook diet cottage cheese pancakes

For people who seek to lose weight, it is simply necessary to add dietary cheese cakes to the menu. This healthy dish will not harm the figure, but will enrich the body with valuable components, restore the functioning of internal organs. This delicate delicacy is a great option for a low-calorie dinner, a nutritious breakfast and a delicious afternoon snack.

The taste of the finished dish depends on the ingredients used. And the following video recipes will help to prepare diet cottage cheese pancakes.

Cheesecakes in many families are prepared both as a dish of the daily diet and as a very tasty dessert. Both adults and children love them. But often the stumbling block is the high calorie content of this product, and people who practice diet food are forced to give up such a tasty dish because of this. But since cottage cheese is a very useful product for the body, the question of whether it is possible to eat cheese cakes on a diet is quite relevant for many lovers of this product. In fact, it is perfectly acceptable to prepare this dish for those on a diet. To do this, you can use any recipe for dietary syrniki from the below. If you strictly follow the advice, such syrniki turn out to be tasty, satisfying and very original.

The curd, which is the main component of curd cakes, contains a lot and trace elements important for the body. First of all, cottage cheese must be included in the menu due to its high content. calcium ... In addition, this product ensures the normalization of metabolic processes, helps to strengthen the heart and lower performance. By consuming cottage cheese regularly, you can protect your liver from. Also, this product effectively normalizes the state of the intestinal microflora and stimulates its work.

Therefore, cheesecakes can become an excellent dietary dish, and their consumption will have a positive effect on health. How to cook diet cheese cakes will be discussed below.

Before preparing this dish, you need to consider some important recommendations:

  • Since classic cheese cakes are a fairly high-calorie dish due to the fat content of cottage cheese and frying in oil, this dish needs to be made more dietary through some tweaks. In particular, cottage cheese for this dish should be taken either bold or completely fat-free.
  • To improve the taste of such curd, you can beat it with a blender. You can add some low-fat yogurt for a softer taste.
  • If the dish is still fried, then instead of vegetable oil, it is better to take olive oil. However, it is better to make the pancakes in the oven or steamed.
  • It is better to replace wheat flour in a diet dish with bran or oat flour.
  • A substitute is often used instead of sugar. You can also minimize sugar, but then the dish will turn out to be sour. In such a case, it can be served with a little honey.
  • You can also cook cheesecakes in the microwave, oven, or double boiler.
  • This dish generally takes 15-20 minutes to prepare.
  • You can serve dessert with berries, berry sauce.

Calorie content

If ordinary cheesecakes, which are prepared using classical technology, contain about 300 kilocalories per 100 g of product, then a dish made from low-fat cottage cheese will already contain 230 calories. The calorie content is also reduced by replacing frying with other cooking methods. You can also use protein instead of eggs. As a result, all these tweaks can cut the total calorie intake by almost half - up to 170 calories.


Diet cheesecakes in the oven

This recipe for dietetic cheesecakes in the oven is a classic version of such a dish.

Required: egg - 1 pc., Cottage cheese - 400 g, cinnamon and vanillin - to taste, sugar and flour - 2 tbsp. l., salt, olive oil for lubrication.

Preparation: mix sugar and egg, add salt and spices. Add curd and stir very well. Add flour. Form curd balls the size of a large meatball. To make it easier to do this, you can grease your hands with olive oil. Place on a greased baking sheet. Cook for 20 minutes. at 200 gr. Serve with low-fat sour cream.

Required: cottage cheese - 500 g, banana - 1 pc., Egg whites - 2 pcs., Semolina - 2 tbsp. l., raisins - 50 g.

Preparation: grind all components except raisins and semolina in a blender. Add semolina and raisins, mix everything thoroughly. Form into balls and place on a baking sheet with parchment. Bake for 25 minutes. at 180 gr.

Even chocolate curd cakes can be dietary if you choose the right ingredients for the recipe.

Required: cottage cheese - 500 g, cocoa - 2 tbsp. l. sugar - 2 tbsp. l., rice or oat flour - 1 tbsp, dark chocolate - 50 g.

Preparation: stir sugar, cottage cheese and cocoa. Add flour - you may need it less than a glass. The consistency should not be too thick - such that the cheesecakes are easy to form. Make small balls and place on a baking sheet. Bake at high temperature for 25 minutes. Grate dark chocolate on top before serving.

A lot of recipes for dietary cheesecakes are based on the fact that instead of wheat flour, they use oatmeal or other types of dietary flour.

Required: cottage cheese - 200 g, egg whites - 4 pcs., Oat flour or whole flakes - 3 tbsp. l.,

Preparation: Oatmeal can be made from flakes by grinding them in a coffee grinder or other appliance. Some recipes use whole flakes. Next, mix all the ingredients, make small cakes and fry in a non-stick skillet, adding a little olive oil while frying.

Required: cottage cheese - 400 g, apple - 1 pc., Protein - 1 pc., Oatmeal - 3 tbsp. l., corn starch - 1 tbsp. l., cinnamon, salt.

Preparation: finely grate the apple, if the peel is soft, you do not need to remove it first. Put the apple mass in a blender along with the cottage cheese and protein and beat until smooth. Then add cinnamon, flakes, salt. It is necessary to knead a dense mass from which it will be easy to make cakes. In the process of sculpting, you need to moisten your hands with water, and roll the cakes in oatmeal. Put on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for half an hour at 200 gr.

For those on the Ducan diet

Required: egg - 1 pc., Corn starch - 20 g, sweetener, cottage cheese - 200 g.

Preparation: all components must be thoroughly mixed, sculpted and baked in the oven for half an hour.

Required: for one serving you need to take 6 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. l. kefir or yogurt and bran.

Preparation: mix everything until the consistency of a plastic mass. You can also add greens to it - dill. Sculpt the tortillas and bake them in the oven for 25 minutes. You can also make this dish sweet. In this case, instead of greens, a sweetener is added to the mass. They prepare sweet cottage cheese pancakes with steamed bran.

This original dish is dietary, but at the same time very original and has an interesting taste.

Required: cottage cheese - 250 g, semolina - 4 tbsp. l., egg - 1 pc., apple - 2 pcs., large carrots - 1 pc., vanillin, cinnamon, sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Preparation: Finely grate apples and carrots. Mix all other components separately and mix until smooth. Combine the mass with fruits and mix everything well. Place in small tins and bake for 20 minutes. at 200 gr.

Some recipes are especially original, as they include ingredients that may surprise those who are used to making cheese cakes according to classic recipes.

Required: cottage cheese 5% - 300 g, small persimmon - 1 pc., Raisins - 10 g, oat flakes - 3-4 tbsp. l., egg white - 1 pc., vanillin.

For the sauce: raspberries and cranberries (you can take both fresh and frozen berries) - 300 g each, lemon zest, honey - 2 tbsp. l.

Preparation: soak raisins for an hour. Peel the persimmons gently and grind them in a blender. Grind the oatmeal into flour in a coffee grinder. Mix cottage cheese, protein flour, puree in one bowl, add vanillin and raisins and mix again. Make small balls, flatten and breaded in starch. Bake on parchment in the oven. If the temperature is 180 ° C, 15 minutes are enough for cooking.

Boil the berries for the sauce for 10 minutes along with the grated zest, interrupt in a blender, adding honey. Serve curd cakes with sauce.

This dish is cooked in the oven using molds, as the dough will be runny.

Required: low-fat cottage cheese - 250 g, semolina - 3 tbsp. l., egg - 1 pc., baking powder - 1 tsp., vanillin, cinnamon.

Preparation: grind the cottage cheese with a fork and add all the ingredients to it. Having brought the mass to a homogeneous state, pour it into molds and bake in the oven at 180 gr. Roasting time - 30 minutes.

Required: cottage cheese - 200 g, egg - 1 pc., Flour - one and a half tablespoons, apple or pear - 1 pc., Sugar substitute.

Preparation: grind cottage cheese and add sugar substitute, egg to it. After mixing, add more flour and knead the dough. Bake in the oven at 180 gr. 20 minutes.

Required: cottage cheese - 200 g poppy seeds - 1 tbsp. l., protein - 1 pc., rice flour - 2 tbsp. l., sugar substitute, salt, vanillin, oil for frying.

Preparation: knead the curd with a fork until the mass becomes soft and sticky enough. If desired, you can use a blender for this purpose. Mix all other products separately in a container, then mix with cottage cheese and knead the dough. Next, mold the balls and flatten them a little. Fry in a pan in a little oil. You can use a non-stick skillet.


Cheesecakes are a dish that perfectly "fits" into the dietary menu, provided that it is cooked correctly. Prepared as recommended above, this dish is perfect as a breakfast option for both adults and children. It is also important that they can be prepared very quickly - it is enough to prepare the necessary ingredients. In addition, as it becomes clear even from the selection of recipes above, there are a lot of options for this dish, and you can cook it both traditionally - in a frying pan, or in a microwave, in a double boiler, in an oven, in a multicooker.

In addition, the preparation of this delicious dessert allows you to experiment and add different ingredients to it. Cheesecakes can be not only sweet, but also salty. It is quite permissible to add other components to the main components - berries, spices, fruits, etc. Therefore, those who follow a diet and try to practice healthy eating should not ignore this dessert.

Many women who love cheesecakes are very interested in the question of the calorie content of this dish. Today, diet cottage cheese pancakes are the most popular dessert among people who watch their weight. There is more than one recipe for preparing this incredibly tasty dish, which can be both breakfast and a full dinner.

As a rule, we are used to frying cheese cakes in a pan with the addition of vegetable or butter. But not all of us know that you can cook diet cheese cakes in the oven, which allows you to reduce the need for vegetable oil to a minimum, and this, in turn, reduces the calorie content of this dish.

A few secrets that will help make low-calorie cheesecakes even tastier and healthier:

  1. In order to cook diet cheese cakes in a slow cooker, in the oven or in a pan, you should give preference to low-fat cottage cheese, the calorie content of which is no more than 150 kcal per 100 grams of product.
  2. The dish will turn out to be even tastier if, before cooking, the cottage cheese is interrupted with a blender and homemade classic yogurt is added to it without any additives.
  3. In order to reduce the calorie content of this dish, you should cook diet cheese cakes in the oven or in a double boiler. As a last resort, you can fry them on both sides in butter, but this requires a non-stick frying pan, since it allows you to cook food with a minimum amount of fats and oils.
  4. The cheesecake recipe will be even more useful if you use oatmeal or crushed oatmeal instead of wheat flour.

4 of the most popular low-calorie cheese pancakes recipes

There are many options for preparing this truly tasty and healthy dish, and each recipe is good in its own way.

We bring to your attention the most popular cooking options for this dietary dish.

Cheesecakes "Easier than ever"

This recipe is incredibly simple and affordable, almost to everyone, since a minimum set of products is required for preparation.

  • low-calorie cottage cheese - 400 grams;
  • a couple of chicken eggs;
  • coarse flour or bran - 50 grams;
  • raisins (preferably dark varieties) - 20 grams.

Let's start cooking. First, you need to thoroughly rinse the raisins and leave them in water for half an hour to swell. After that, put it on a paper towel and let the excess liquid drain.

After moistening our hands in water, form cheese cakes and fry them until a crust appears in a non-stick frying pan, having previously greased it with butter. You can serve such cheese cakes with fruit puree. Eat to your health!

Cheesecakes "Piquant"

Don't you like sweet cheese cakes? Then you will definitely like this recipe.

For cooking we need:

  • bran (you can take coarse flour) - 150 grams;
  • a couple of chicken eggs;
  • salt, ground pepper, paprika - to taste.

The preparation method is as follows: in a glass container, grind the cottage cheese with a fork or using a sieve. Add eggs, spices to it and mix everything thoroughly. Now we gradually introduce flour.

After moistening our hands in water, form cheese cakes and fry them on both sides in butter using a non-stick frying pan. Then cover the pan with a lid and simmer for another five minutes.

Now let's start making a sauce that will perfectly complement this dish. To do this, take half a glass of classic yogurt and mix it with finely chopped herbs (choose the type that you like). Put the cheese cakes on a plate and pour the sauce over them. Bon Appetit!

Cheesecakes "Vanilla" baked in the oven

This low-calorie dish will perfectly fit into any dietary system. In order to bake cheesecakes in the oven, you will need a silicone muffin mold.

For cooking we need:

  • sweetener - 4 tablets;
  • a couple of chicken eggs;
  • baking powder (or soda extinguished by a bite) - 1 teaspoon;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • wholemeal flour or oat bran - 50 grams;
  • low-calorie cottage cheese - 500 grams.

Let's start cooking. In a deep container, mix cottage cheese, flour (or bran), vanilla sugar, baking powder and eggs. Now you need to dissolve the sweetener tablets. To do this, take 300 ml of hot water, and put the sweetener there. When the tablets have dissolved, pour the resulting sweet water into the curd-flour mass and mix thoroughly.

We spread 1.5 tablespoons of dough in each mold and put them in a preheated oven to 180 degrees. After a quarter of an hour, the cheesecakes are ready to eat (the golden crust indicates the readiness of the dish). Eat to your health!

Cheesecakes "Fruit"

This recipe is great for people on a dietary system. They will not only give a feeling of satiety, but will replenish the reserves of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for the body.

For cooking we need:

  • persimmon, apple and pear - 1/3 each;
  • low-calorie cottage cheese - 500 grams;
  • coarse flour - 75 grams;
  • egg whites - 3 pieces;
  • cinnamon, vanillin - to taste.

We interrupt all the fruits with a blender until puree is obtained. We mix all the ingredients except the spices. Put parchment paper on a baking sheet, and formed curd cakes on top. We put the baking sheet in a preheated oven to 180 ° C. After half an hour, the syrniki are ready. When serving, sprinkle them with spices. Bon Appetit!

Eat healthy food and be healthy!

Hello dear blog readers. Today we will cook low-calorie cheese cakes with you. I am against cottage cheese in my diet. It adds mucus to the body, increases ph.

But I can’t give it up completely yet. I don’t drink milk, but I don’t refuse syrniki. What am I telling you.

You have already read about this on my website in the article "" ... If you haven’t read it yet, then be sure to read it.

But, for the purity of the experiment, in order to write about what I know for sure and tried it on myself, I will disassemble the cheesecakes into their components. Let's start with the main ingredient in the recipe. This is cottage cheese. A product with controversial qualities and unproven value.

Cottage cheese, an important source of protein, is obtained at home.

One of the first foods for babies is tender curd. Certainly not the one sold in stores: glazed and with palm oil in the composition. Mom makes quality curd herself.

To get good cottage cheese, you need to make it from quality milk. For 1 liter of milk, put 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream or half a glass of kefir.

Heat milk over low heat, stirring occasionally. When the temperature of the milk reaches about 60 degrees, stirring must be stopped.

At this stage, the milk begins to turn sour and collect with a cap at the top of the pan. It is necessary to wait for such a state when all the whey is at the bottom, and the protein clots at the top.

In no case should the whey boil. The cottage cheese will then turn out to be dry, spoiled.

Set aside the pan from the stove and let cool. Gently use a spoon to collect the sour protein mass in a sieve or colander covered with gauze.

In about an hour, the curd mass will be ready. The quality of the curd directly depends on the quality of the milk. From 1 liter of milk, about 150-180 g of cottage cheese is obtained.

Cottage cheese dishes.

If you exclude cottage cheese from your diet altogether, then life can seem tasteless. In a balanced diet, there is a place for salads with the addition of cottage cheese, and cottage cheese with berries.

Even cold sour milk soup with cottage cheese can make your summer menu.

And one friend made a cake for her birthday. I did not expect such a step from a fitness and healthy diet devotee. It turns out that the cake is low in calories.

I already gave you the recipe, if you forgot - look at the link in the article ""

The recipe for classic cheesecakes.

The recipe for classic cheesecakes contains cottage cheese, eggs, flour, sugar and salt. Each housewife has her own proportions. I will give just one example:

  • cottage cheese - 250 g (pack);
  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • flour - 4 tbsp. spoons without a slide;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons without a slide;
  • salt - a pinch.

All components are mixed. A sausage about 6 cm in diameter rolls out of curd dough on a floured board.

It is cut into washers of 2-2.5 cm. It turns out 6-8 pieces. Each washer is rolled in flour, then. Fried in a hot skillet in sunflower oil for 3-4 minutes on each side.

Personally, I do it a little differently: I put one egg and do not add any salt or sugar at all, but I put half a cup of raisins. And instead of white wheat flour, I use whole grain.

How to change a recipe to become dietary.

This dish can be low in calories with a few simple tricks.

  1. Reduce the number of eggs in the recipe or skip them altogether.
  2. Reduce the amount of wheat flour or replace with another product with a lower glycemic index.
  3. Reduce the amount of sugar.
  4. Add components that replace cottage cheese with less nutritious and more healthy fruits or vegetables.
  5. Change the way of preparing cheesecakes. Substitute pan frying, steaming, oven baking, or multicooker.

Consider how these culinary tricks are used in specific recipes and reduce the calorie content of a dish, making it dietary.

Recipes for dietary cheesecakes.

Diet cheese cakes can be made if you replace part of the curd with carrots, pumpkin, zucchini or grated apple.

It is irrational to use a blender, as the vegetables will "flow" and a good dough will not work. By the way, if you cook cheese cakes with pumpkin or carrots, then they may not be sweet at all, but salty. Add more chopped herbs for a great second course.

Cheesecakes without eggs

Reducing the eggs in the recipe to 1 pc. per serving will not change the structure of the dish at all. In general, you can do without eggs only if you do not turn the syrniki in the pan.

Otherwise, the dough will not be glued, it will crumble. You can use only protein - this will reduce calories, but will make the curd pancakes not fluffy. This is where baking soda or egg white can help and whisk until firm.

Cheesecakes without flour

When the white wheat flour is replaced with a different filler, the amount will also have to be changed. For a pack of cottage cheese (250 g), 2 tablespoons of semolina are enough.

Only in this case, the mass for the syrniki should stand for about half an hour so that the semolina swell, the cheese pancakes with semolina are very crumbly.

If you grind oatmeal in a blender, then this oatmeal “flour” should also absorb moisture from the ingredients of the recipe. This takes additional time. It is not recommended to bake immediately.

Replacing wheat flour with rice makes it possible to abandon eggs altogether. But you should know that there is a lot of mucus, like in white polished rice. Whole grain and corn flour are healthier in this regard.

Cheesecakes in the oven

If you leave the classic recipe for cheese cakes, but bake them on a baking sheet in the oven, the food will become healthier, more dietary. The ruddy crust will remain, only it will turn out when sugar is caramelized in the heat, and not from frying proteins in oil.

If the dough turns out to be liquid, then it is better to bake in tins, like muffins. This happens when the cottage cheese is dietary (sold in tubes) or you made it yourself and it has not completely settled down.

When the dough is thick, bake it on paper. It does not need to be oiled at all.

In a slow cooker, steamed

Steam cooking reduces the appearance of the curds. They turn white, without a golden brown crust.

For those with liver disease, this may be the only option. And salted cheesecakes filled with carrots and herbs look very bright after cooking.

The option with a multicooker is interesting in that it can be cooked both in steam and in baking mode. So your favorite crust will stay with you.

With what we eat low-calorie cottage cheese.

Usually cheesecakes are eaten with sour cream or whipped cream. To offer high-calorie sour cream and cream for weight loss for dietary curd products is simply sacrilege.

It is possible to eat dry cheese pancakes, but not interesting. A tasty, healthy dish should also be beautifully served.

A wonderful sauce for cheese cakes can be made from fresh berries or fruits. To do this, grind 250 grams of fresh berries or peeled fruits with a blender in mashed potatoes.

For acidic foods, add a tablespoon of honey. Sweet ones can be left with a natural taste. You can decorate the dish with mint leaves when serving, or you can grind the mint in a blender along with the berries. Place a few whole berries on a serving plate.

In the off-season, you can make a jelly sauce from frozen berries. After thawing, these berries will give more liquid.

To prevent the sauce from spreading too much, make a light jelly with gelatin or agar. You don't want the jelly to cure into a jelly candy. The sauce should just become jelly-like.

Ingredients for frozen berry jelly sauce:

  • 250 grams of berries;
  • ¼ a teaspoon of agar-agar;
  • cold water for soaking - 100 ml.

Making jelly sauce:

  1. Soak agar agar in cold water for 1 hour.
  2. The berries must be defrosted. If you haven't cooked them yet, then it's time to do it.
  3. Mash the thawed berries with a blender or a squeezer. Add honey or sweetener if the berries are very sour.
  4. After an hour of soaking, heat the agar-water to a boil, stirring constantly with a whisk.
  5. As soon as the water boils, immediately remove from heat. Pour the berry puree into this saucepan, continuing to stir the mixture with a whisk. The sauce will immediately jelly. Let it cool or use warm - at your discretion.

Important: You can not do the opposite, pour agar-agar into the puree.

Now that the dish and sauce are ready, you can start tasting ... Stop! But we have not yet considered the question: when, at what time, is it better to eat syrniki? When will this dish be most beneficial and least harmful?

Place curd products in your menu.

Since childhood, many have associated the aroma of cheesecakes with Sunday breakfast. Don't change traditions. Eat curd cakes, curds and other curd dishes in the morning.

Or at least in the morning. During the day, protein will be processed rather than deposited as excess on your figure.

This concludes our curd journey. I wish you all health and harmony. Write about your achievements, share delicious recipes for weight loss meals.

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