Home Berries The biggest starfall. The most spectacular meteor shower of the year: when and where is the best time to watch the Perseid meteor shower. How to always notice starfall and manage to make more wishes

The biggest starfall. The most spectacular meteor shower of the year: when and where is the best time to watch the Perseid meteor shower. How to always notice starfall and manage to make more wishes

Every year our skies are illuminated by returning meteor showers, from the Lyrids to the Quadrantids, from the Orionids to the Geminids.

If the weather conditions are in our favor and the moon is not too bright, then there is a chance that you will be able to see the shooting stars in all their glory.

Here's our guide to the must-have meteor showers in 2018, including the spectacular lyrid star shower that will peak by the morning of April 22, 2018.

What is a meteor shower?

A meteor shower occurs when the Earth passes through a stream of debris that orbits a comet. Meteors are sometimes called shooting stars, although in fact they have nothing to do with stars, but how beautiful they are, these star showers!

Calendar - starfall forecast in 2018


Quadrantides have the potential to be the most intense stellar shower of the year, they usually do not subside due to their short duration and maximum activity (6 hours). The average hourly rates to be expected under dark skies is 25. These meteors usually do not have permanent gaseous plumes, but often produce bright fireballs. Due to the high northern tilt (celestial latitude), these meteors are difficult to see from the southern hemisphere.

Speed: average - 42.2 km / sec

Peak: night, April 21-22, 2018


The Lyrids are a medium-strength star shower that is very difficult to predict. Usually these meteors do not have permanent plumes, but they can create fireballs and you can still see a bright long short trail behind some of them. These meteors are best seen from the northern hemisphere, where the aurora is high in the sky at dawn. Activity from this shower is also visible from the southern hemisphere, but at a slower rate.

Speed: average - 48.4 km / sec

The Lyrids will be the next major meteor shower!

This Aquarid

This Aquarids is a strong shower of stars as seen from the southern tropics. From the equator to the north, they usually produce average speeds of 10-30 km per hour before dawn. Activity is consistently good for about a week, concentrated on the night of maximum activity. These are fast meteors that produce a high percentage of permanent plumes but few fireballs.

Speed: speed - 66.9 km / sec. Peak at night.

July 29-30, 2018

Southern Delta Aquarids

Delta Aquarids is another strong stellar stream that is best seen from the southern tropics. North of the equator, the auroras are located lower in the southern sky, so their rates are slower than in the south. These meteors are predicted throughout the week, tentatively around the night of the maximum. These are usually weak meteors that lack both a permanent plume and fireballs.

Speed: average - 41 km / sec. Peak at night

July 29-30, 2018

Alpha Capricornidae

Alpha capricornids are active from 3 July to 15 August with a "plateau-like" maximum centered on 30 July. This star shower is not very strong and rarely produces more than five stars per hour. What is remarkable about this shower is the number of bright fireballs created during the period of its activity. This flow is clearly visible on both sides of the equator.

Speed: slow - 24 km / sec. Peak night.

August 11-12 2018


The Perseids are the most popular meteor shower, they come on warm August nights, they are very clearly visible from the northern hemisphere. The Perseids are active from July 17 to August 24. They hit a strong high on August 12 or 13, depending on the year. Normal rates seen in rural areas range from 50-75 stars per hour maximum. Perseids are particles released from a comet during its many returns to the inner solar system. They are called the Perseids because the region of the sky from which the meteors seem to originate is near the constellation Perseus the hero when he is at his most active.

Speed: 60 km / sec. peak night

October 9-10 2018

Southern Taurids

The Southern Taurids are a long-term stellar shower that reaches a barely perceptible maximum on October 9 or 10. The stream has been active for more than two months, but rarely produces more than five stars per hour, even at peak activity. The Taurids (both branches) are fireball rich and are often responsible for the increase in fireball reports from September to November.

Speed: slow - 28 km / sec. peak night

October 20-21 2018


The Orionids are a moderate downpour that sometimes reaches high activity. In a normal year, the Orionids produce a maximum of 10-20 stars. In exceptional years, such as 2006-2009, the peaks were on par with the Perseids (50-75 stars per hour). Recent forecasts have shown low to medium manifestations of this stellar shower.

Speed: 67 km / sec. peak night

November 11-12 2018

Northern Taurids

This star shower is very similar to the southern Taurids, which was active a little later in the year. When two stellar streams are active at the same time in late October and early November, there is sometimes a noticeable increase in the number of fireballs. It is observed that there is a seven-year periodicity with these fireballs. 2008 and 2015 was a wonderful "combat" activity.

Speed: average - 30 km / sec. peak night

November 16-17 2018


The Leonids are best known for producing meteor storms in 1833, 1866, 1966, 1999 and 2001. These outbursts of meteor activity are best seen when the parent object, comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle, is near perihelion (closest approach to the sun). But this is not fresh material that we see from the comet, but rather debris from earlier returns, which also happens to be the densest. Unfortunately, it looks like the earth won't encounter dense debris clouds until 2099. So when the comet returns in 2031 and 2064, there will be no meteor storms, but perhaps some good Leonid activity when the forecast exceeds 100 stars per hour. The best we can hope for before 2030 is about 15 meteors per hour and an occasional faint burst as the ground passes close to the debris trail itself.

Speed: speed - 71 km / sec. peak night

December 13-14 2018


The Geminids tend to be the strongest meteor shower of the year, and enthusiasts and fans alike will certainly be looking forward to December 13th and 14th on their calendars. This is one of the major stellar showers and provides good activity until midnight as the Gemini constellation is well placed from 10pm. Geminids are often very bright and intensely colored. Due to their average or rather slow speed, permanent plumes of gas are usually not visible. These meteors are also visible in the southern hemisphere, but only in the middle of the night and at a reduced speed.

Speed: average - 35 km / sec. peak night

December 21-22 2018


Ursids are often neglected due to the fact that it peaks before the New Year holidays, and the weather often does not allow to enjoy the spectacle, and the forecasts for them are much less than those of the Geminids, which peak just a week before the Ursids. Observers typically see 5-10 meteors per hour during the late morning hours on the day of peak activity. Flashes occur periodically when forecasts exceed 25 stars per hour. This star shower is a strict northern hemisphere event, as the aurora does not clear the horizon, or does so at the same time as morning twilight begins, as seen from the southern tropics.

Speed: average - 32 km / sec


Starfalls have attracted the attention of people since ancient times. In September, you can admire the next meteor shower and make your most cherished wish.

Starfalls occur at regular intervals when a planet is caught in a stream of particles burning up in its atmosphere. During starfalls, you can make a wish or just enjoy the beauty of the night sky with bright flashes. Site site experts recommend taking advantage of a unique opportunity to spend an unforgettable evening or arrange an open-air date for your soul mate.

meteor showers in september

The Capricornid stream was discovered in the second half of 1871, and this discovery belongs to the Hungarian astronomer de Concolli. At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists found that meteor showers consist of three parts, so they can be observed from all over the globe.

In September, the meteor shower will not be so colorful, but many will have time to watch shooting stars until the 15th. Astrologers predict the Capricornid meteor shower, which will take place in the constellation of Capricorn. Despite the fact that its peak is in July, in September you can see bright flashes in the night sky. This stream is considered the brightest and even with its low intensity the spectacle will be beautiful. FROM 1 to 15 September in the period after 23 pm and up to 4 am, you will see about 5 flashes per hour. Taking into account the fact that the combustion of particles in the atmosphere will be accompanied by bright flashes, many will be able to make a wish in time.

The downside of meteor showers is the deterioration in the well-being of some people who are susceptible to weather changes. During intense starfalls, they may feel slightly unwell, dizzy, and apathetic. However, in September the meteor shower will be weak, so those who are worried about their well-being can limit themselves to simple prevention of ailments. With the help of effective herbal infusions, you can get rid of the symptoms of malaise and prevent headaches.

During the falling stars, many cannot make a wish due to lack of time. Prepare in advance and clearly formulate the thought so that your phrase is as succinct as possible. So you can send an impulse to the Universe and get what you want. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Over the weekend, Ukrainians will be able to see the Leonid meteor shower in the night sky. This is the penultimate meteor shower of the year, before the December Geminids. It began on November 14, peaking on November 17 and 18.

  • Where and when to watch the Leonid meteor shower from November 17 to 18, 2018
  • The penultimate meteor shower of the Leonid year from November 17 to 18, 2018
  • Features of the Leonid meteor shower in 2018
  • The astrological significance of the Leonid meteor shower
  • The scientist said when the Russians will see the brightest autumn meteor shower
  • How to always notice starfall and manage to make more wishes?


Starfall takes place from 14 to 21 November. The peak of its activity this year will fall on two nights on November 17 and 18. At this time, up to 15 meteors per hour will appear in the sky. The best time for observations is after midnight. In the Northern Hemisphere, starfall will be better visible than in the Southern.

In order to get a better view of the starfall, it is better to move away from sources of bright light. It is desirable that there is no lighting around at all. Also, to observe the meteor shower, you need cloudless clear weather and, of course, warm clothes, because this week the thermometers drop below zero at night.

According to some weather sites, it will be cloudy at night on Saturday and Sunday in Kyiv. Others give hope: Saturday will be partly cloudy. But on Friday, November 16, the night in Kyiv will most likely be partly cloudy, so you can go to watch the meteor shower today.


The Leonids got their name because visually “shooting stars” appear in the region of the constellation Leo (“leo” in Latin – Ed.). This meteor shower is associated with comet Tempel-Tuttle.

During the Leonids, white sparks flicker in the sky. These are particles of a comet entering the earth's atmosphere at a speed of 71 km/s. The intensity of the stream varies from year to year, but this meteor shower is considered one of the fastest. Its peculiarity is that in the sky you can see such a spectacular variety of meteors as “fireballs”. They leave behind colored streaks that go out after a couple of seconds.

Comet Tempel-Tuttle last passed its orbit closest to the Sun in 1998. The next time it will get as close as possible to the Sun in 2031, then the Leonid meteor shower will be the most spectacular and intense, literally turning into a stellar whirlwind.

At the moments of perihelion, starfall strikes observers with its intensity. For example, in 1833, preachers in the United States, where the phenomenon was observed from the Atlantic Ocean to the Rocky Mountains, even started talking about the coming of the Day of Judgment. This event was reflected in the songs, legends of the Indians and black slaves.

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Starfall is sung about in the jazz composition “Stars fell on Alabama”, performed by the legendary Frank Sinatara, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday and Louis Armstrong.


Leonids is the brightest autumn starfall, and in 2018 you will be able to observe it on the night of November 17-18. The area from which the meteorites will fall is located in the constellation Leo. According to astronomers, the meteor shower will begin after midnight. No more than 15 meteors per hour are expected, and the speed of their fall will be 70 kilometers per second.

Light rainfall is forecast for the day, making it difficult to see the spectacle with the naked eye. But already from two in the morning the stream will become more clearly visible, so from that moment it will be possible to view it without the use of astronomical equipment. Street lights can overshadow the brightness of mentors, so it's best to watch the starfall away from the city.


The Leonid meteor shower will take place under the influence of the zodiacal Leo, which will increase your vitality. At this time, it is necessary to make plans for the future in order to quickly implement what was planned in the future.

From November 17 to 18, many people will noticeably increase their creativity, so this time is favorable for the development of new talents and creativity. People associated with the creative field can feel a surge of inspiration.

Starfall is the best time for making wishes. To do this, you need to closely observe the night sky and, as soon as luminous traces appear in the sky, say your dream out loud.

During a starfall, space is filled with powerful energy, which can be used not only to fulfill your dreams, but also to attract wealth. Money conspiracies on the stars will help you achieve prosperity and improve your financial situation.


The brightest autumn meteor shower - the Leonid meteor shower - can be observed on the night of November 16-17 and November 17-18 in Russia, Nikolai Lapin, head of the research department of the Nizhny Novgorod Planetarium, told RIA Novosti.

The Leonids are the main autumn meteor shower, peaking on November 17th.

“The Leonid meteor shower is named after the constellation Leo or, in Latin, Leo. If you mentally draw the path of the meteors seen, then their trajectories will converge in that part of the sky where the constellation Leo is located. The Leonids are the brightest autumn "starfall", since the speed at which particles formed after the breakup of comet Tempel-Tuttle enter the atmosphere is the fastest observed during stellar showers. And this “star rain” reaches its peak on November 17,” Lapin said.

According to him, the autumn meteor shower is not as frequent as it is observed in August, when more than a hundred meteors can be seen per hour. When observing the Leonids, you can see no more than 25 “shooting stars” per hour, but they will be bright and large.

“In order to see the Leonids, you need to look in an easterly direction - to where the constellation Leo is located. This is best done closer to midnight on November 16 and 17. By that time, the Moon will hide and will not interfere with observations. So, the most favorable conditions are created for astronomy lovers and romantics,” the scientist said.

This annual astrological phenomenon will be visible in the night sky on October 9, 2018. The Draconids Starfall can be found in the northwestern part of the sky, the meteor shower will begin approximately on the night of October 8-9, 2018, from 21:00 Moscow time. Find the constellation Ursa Major in the sky, and carefully look in this direction - and soon you will definitely see how the stars begin to move in the sky!

The meteor shower got its name from the constellation Draco. It is there that the radiant of the stream is located, from where the “star rain” originates. The nature of the origin of this phenomenon is the Giacobini-Zinner comet. Draconids are formed from small pebbles and dust particles formed by this comet. Among astronomers, the stellar stream received another name - the Jacobinids. By the way, on September 11, 2018, comet Giacobini-Zinner passed dangerously close to our planet.

Scientists have calculated that the intensity of the Draconids starfall in 2018 will be small - only up to 10 meteors per hour. However, the spectacle will be colorful - it will be possible to admire not the usual blue and white celestial bodies, but yellow and reddish. In other years, the density of the meteor shower could reach up to a thousand multi-colored meteors in one hour.

How to see meteors?

It will be possible to see the meteor shower Draconids 2018 in all its glory far from settlements. For example, in a mountainous area or on a plain. The main condition for observing a meteor shower is a clear, cloudless sky. Inclement weather can make it difficult to enjoy this magnificent natural show. In cities with intense nighttime illumination, the Draconid meteor shower will also be pale. Artificial light coming from urban lighting sources will interfere with admiring the starfall.

The peculiarities of the Draconid meteor shower include plumes from falling celestial bodies - tails that glow for some time. This is an unusual phenomenon, which is worth seeing at least once in a lifetime. Earlier meteor showers in October were observed in 1899, 1926, 1933 and 1946. Colorful meteors rained down from the sky in 1952, 1985 and 1998. It should be noted that the Draconid meteor shower occurs in October every year, but only once a year.

When to make a wish

The peak of the meteor shower Draconids 2018 coincides with. At this time, people who are prone to mysticism traditionally make a wish. What can you wish for when a star falls? Fulfillment of the most secret desire! If you want love, wealth, health or any other blessings, then get up on the night of October 8-9 to the window and wait for the start of the Draconid meteor shower.

As soon as you see the beginning of the meteor shower, make your most cherished wish as soon as possible! Silently ask the Universe for help. Visualize the image of a dream, and imagine as if it had already come true. The more clearly you imagine the result of your wish, the more likely it will come true. Do not talk to anyone at this time, turn off your smartphone.

It is important! Never ask the Universe to help you for unseemly purposes. Do not wish harm to other people during the Draconid starfall! Otherwise, the negative will turn against you, and you risk becoming a victim of your own message. The Universe will help you only if you do not want to offend anyone, take revenge or harm another person.

In August, the most spectacular starfall of the year awaits Ukrainians - the Perseids. This shower of meteors has been observed annually since mid-July. But it will be most intense at night from the 12th to the 13th. About 100 luminous dots per hour will sweep across the sky.

What are the Perseids

Every year in the second half of summer, the Earth passes through the tail of Comet Swift-Tuttle. It would be more correct to say it Swift-Tuttle, in honor of one of the astronomers who discovered it, but in Russian transcription the name Tuttle was assigned to it.

The comet's plume is made up of dust particles that burn up when they enter the Earth's atmosphere. From our planet, it seems that the "star rain" is concentrated in the constellation Perseus, hence the name.

The comet itself, the source of the Perseids, rarely approaches Earth. The last time was in 1992. It will next pass through the solar system in 2126.

The average speed of the Perseids is 210 thousand km / h. The record density of "shooting stars" was in 1863, when 215 bright flashes were recorded in the night sky at once per hour.

The Perseids are mentioned in the ancient chronicles of China, Japan and Korea, but it was officially discovered by the Belgian Adolf Ketele, who reported his observations in 1835.

How to find the constellation Perseus

To see the August meteor shower - you need to find the constellation Perseus in the northern part of the sky. It is located just below and to the left of the constellation Cassiopeia, resembling the Latin letter W.

When and how to watch the Perseids

The meteor shower began back in July, but so far these have been only rare, mean glimpses. From August 9, the Perseids begin to gain strength, and reach their peak on the night of August 12-13, then they can be observed all night. Typically, the intensity increases after midnight and reaches a maximum around 4 am.

After the 12th-13th, the meteor shower will begin to fade away little by little. But rare meteors will appear in the night sky until August 24th.

To observe the starry sky, it is best to choose a place outside the city, away from light pollution, and turn off all artificial light sources.

By the way, there has long been a belief: if you make a wish when a star falls, it will certainly come true. Astrologers advise doing this alone, while getting rid of negative thoughts - otherwise the performance will do more harm than good.

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