Home Berries Thank you in Egyptian. Dates and times

Thank you in Egyptian. Dates and times

The most widely spoken language in Egypt is Egyptian Arabic (Masri), which is part of the Arabic language branch of the Afro-Asiatic family of languages. The Arabic language was brought to Egypt during the Muslim conquest of the 7th century, and its development was mainly influenced by the indigenous Coptic-Egyptian language of pre-Islamic Egypt, and later by other languages ​​such as Turkish. Arabic is the national language of Egypt, spoken by over 76 million people. It is also one of the most widely spoken and studied languages. The Coptic language, a direct descendant of the ancient Egyptian language that was once written in Egyptian hieroglyphic, hieratic, and vernacular scripts, is used by the Coptic Orthodox Church. The Coptic alphabet is a modified form of the Greek alphabet, with some letters derived from the vernacular. The official language of Egypt is standard Arabic and is used in most print media. English and French are also widely spoken and used in business circles.

What is your name?Esmak / Esmik eh?ما اسمك ؟
My name is …Esme ...اسمي …
I'm from Russia.Ana man Russia.أنا من روسيا.
What would you like?Aiz / Aiza eh?ماذا تريد ؟
I want juiceAiz/ayza asyr.أريد عصير
I want to eatAiz/ayza akl.أريد أن آكل
I want to sleepAiz / Aiza enem.أريد أن أنام
I do not want…Mish Aiz / Aiza ...أنا لا أريد …
Welcome!Ahlan Vasailan!نرحب مرة أخرى!
Hello!Salam alaikum!مرحبا !
Good morning!Elcher dog!صباح الخير !
Good evening!Masa elher!مساء الخير !
Goodbye!Mae salama!وداعا !
Thank you. Please.Shukran.-Afuan.شكرا. الرجاء .
Please,…Min fadlak/fadlik. Lyao sanakht.من فضلك …
CanMumkinيمكن للمرء
It is forbiddenMish mumkinممنوع
GoodKvaes / kvaesa. Helua.جيد
No problems!Mafish nishekl!لا مشكلة!
Not a problem!Mish Mushkala!لا مشكلة !
I'm tired/tired.Ana taben / tabena.أنا متعب / استنفدت.
How are you? - How are you?Zaye sasha? — Zaye sakha?كيف حالك ؟ — كيف حالك ؟
What's this?Ed?ما هذا ؟
Who is it?Me heza?من هو هذا ؟
Where are you going?Reicha fin?إلى أين أنت ذاهب ؟
What is the price?Beckem?كم؟
Do you have water?Andak Maya?هل لديك الماء؟
Do you have a pen?Andak alam?هل لديك قلم ؟
I have water.Ana andi Maya.لدي الماء.
I don't speak Arabic.Ana mebat kallimsh arabi.أنا لا أتكلم العربية.
I speak ArabicAna bet kallim arabiوأنا أتكلم العربية
a little bitshwaya-shwayaقليلا
I do not understand.Ana (mish) fehem/fehma.أنا (لا) فهم.
Everything is fine?Kulu tamem?هل أنت بخير ؟
Everything is fine.Kulu tamem.كل شيء على ما يرام .
I love you.Ana backback ent/enty.أنا أحبك.
Me too.Ana Komen.ولا أنا.
Driver pleaseYarais, min fadpack,السائق، يرجى
stop here.han's campتتوقف هنا .
Truth? - Truth.Wallachy.حقا ؟ — صحيح .
MotherOmmy, mom, omأمي
DadAbby, baba, abأب
A sonAbmyابن
Girl, girlbentفتاة ، فتاة
Tomato juiceAsyr uta, asyr tomatoعصير طماطم.
A fishSamakسمك
HouseManzel Baytمنزل
RoomOh yeahغرفة
Just a little, a littleshwaya shwayaقليلا
So-sonose-to-noseمش بطال
All, all, all...mei meiتماما، كل تماما …
Too much, tooKtirالكثير أيضا
Enough is enoughKhalasكفى
0"K!Piss!0"K !
(Do not know(Mish) erif/harp(لا) أعرف
DrunkardSakran (a)سكير
They arehommaهم

This is an incredibly necessary thing if you are going to travel to the resorts and cities of the Arab countries. Of course, in many resorts of the world, knowledge of English is enough for you, and sometimes only Russian, but this does not apply to the resorts that we are talking about. In many Arab resorts, only Arabic is familiar and common, so this phrasebook will be an indispensable tool for you.

Here are collected the most common topics for conversation and all sorts of frequently asked questions.


Common phrases

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Yesنعم naam (quince)
Notلا la
Thanksشكرا shukran
Pleaseمن فضلك athos
Sorryآسف athos
I do not understand لا افهم Ana Ma Bethham
What is your name? ما اسمك shu ismak?
Very nice يسعدني ezaiak
Where is the toilet here? أين التواليت؟ fine al hamam
Where do you live? أين تعيش؟ aesh fane
What time is it now? ما هو الوقت؟ spruce sah kam
I'm in hurry. Ana mustazhil.
Do you know English? Taarif inglizi?
Who? Min?
What / what? Ay/ayy
Where? Vine?
Where? Ilya vine?
How? Kif?
How? Caddesch?
When? Mata?
Why? Bream?
What? Shu?

At customs

At the station

Walk around the city

In transport

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
guide dalIle
driver SAEC
Taxi Taxi
bus bass
a car saiYara
airplane tayYara
ship, boat kareb
camel dzhEmal
donkey hmAr
the airport matAr
port minAa
station mahatta
ticket bitAka, tazkara
registration tasjil
stop here! Stana ghena
there henAc
here ghena
change (money) mablyak baakyn
Where is the? as-souk al ghura duty free hair dryer tugad?
directly alatUl
back uara
take it slower beshuish
hurry up Asraa
how much does it cost to get to...? bekAm tausIlya lel…?
I want to go to the market. Ana Aiz arUh e'su


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
0 sipher
1 wahid (wahad)
2 itnan (itnin)
3 talata
4 arba-a
5 khameez
6 sitta
7 saba-a
8 tamania
9 tizaa (tes-a)
10 ashara
11 hidashar
12 itnaashar
13 talattashar
14 cart tashar
15 hamas taashar
16 sittatashar
17 sabataashar
18 taman tashar
19 tiza tashar
20 ishrin
21 wahid wa ashrin
22 itnan va ashrim
30 talatin
40 arbaain
50 khamsin
60 sitin
70 sabba-in
80 tamanin
90 tiza-in
100 mia (meya)
200 mitein
300 talatmeya
400 arbameya
500 hamsameya
600 sittameya
700 sabameya
800 tamanimeya
900 tisameya
1 000 alpha
2 000 alphen
3 000 talattalaf
100 000 mit alf
1 000 000 million-en

In hotel

In the shop

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
What is the priceكم يكلف bicam hut?
Cashالنقدية fulus; nukud
Cashlessلغير النقدية andi kart
Breadخبز khubz
Waterماء water
Fresh squeezed juiceتقلص عصير جديدة asyr fresh
Sugar / saltالسكر / الملح sukkar/malech
Milkحليب khalib
A fishسمك Samak
Meatلحمة lyakhm
Chickenدجاجة sales
Muttonلحم الضأن lahm haruf
Beefلحوم البقر lyahm bakar
Pepper / spicesالفلفل / التوابل fylfil / bharat
Potatoالبطاطس sweet potato
Riceالأرز ruz
Lentilsنبات العدس adas
Onionالبصل basal
Garlicثوم tum
Sweetsملبس halaviyat
Fruitثمرة favakia
Applesالتفاح tuffs
Grapeالعنب anab
Strawberryالفراولة phrase
orangesالبرتقال burtukal
Mandarinالأفندي kelemantina
Lemonالليمون limon
Pomegranateالعقيق rumman
Bananasالموز muses
Peachesالخوخ hoh
Apricotمشمش mish-mish
Mangoمانجو manga

In a cafe, restaurant

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Check please (bill)يرجى التحقق من (حساب) hysab
Tea coffeeالشاي / القهوة shay / kahwa
Instant coffeeقهوة فورية nescafe
Soupحساء shuraba
Olivesزيتون zeytun
Saladسلطة lettuce
Grilledمشوي mashvi
Friedمشوي mackley
Boiledمسلوق maslyuk
I do not eat meat!أنا لا أكل اللحوم! ana ma bakul lyakhma!
Vermicelliشعر الملاك shaaria
Pastaمعكرونة pasta
Stuffed pepperمحشو الفلفل fylfil mehshi
Sandwichسندويتش sundwish
Cheese / sour cream (sour)الجبن / يفسد كريم)خمر) jubna / laban
Beerجعة bira
Wineالنبيذ nabid


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Policeالشرطة shurta
Ambulanceسيارة إسعاف isaaf
Hospitalالمستشفى mostascifa
Pharmacyصيدلية sidalia
Doctorطبيب tabib
I got sick / I got sick Ana Marid / Ana Marida
wound, wound jArah
blood ladies
temperature harara
sunstroke Darbat ShYams
diabetes sukkari
allergy hasasiya
asthma Azma
pressure dAgat

Dates and times

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
night leil
day nHar
afternoon baad dohor
yesterday mbArech
the day before yesterday Awwal mbareh
today al Yum
tomorrow bukra
day after tomorrow baad bukra
What time is it now? kam essAa?
Hour elvahida
Two hours assAnie
Noon mountAsaf ennagAr
Midnight mountAsaf ell
A quarter to ten el Ashra Ilya rubie
quarter past six assAdisi varubie
half past six elkhAmisi walnUsf
five past ten ettisie wa hamsu dakAik
twenty to three esAlici Ilya Sulsi
Sunday elAhad
Monday elesnEn
Tuesday elsoulasAe
Wednesday alArbie
Thursday eyakhamis
Friday elgeumue
Saturday essaybit
January eve essany
February Shbat
March ezAr
April nissan
May iAr
June KhazirAn
July TamUz
August ab
September sibteembar
October tyshrIn el Awwal
November tyshrin essani
December kan Unal Awwal
Winter shitaa
Spring rabie
Summer safe
Autumn harif
On Tuesday fi yom essulasAe
This week fi gas lusbua
Last month fi shagr elmazi
Next year fiseIni elkadimi

Greetings - This theme includes a list of phrases needed to greet and start a conversation.

Standard phrases - a list of the most common words and questions that are most often used in a conversation.

Station - so that you do not feel discomfort while at the station in a foreign country, which is associated with a language barrier, use this phrasebook topic.

Passport control - passing through control at the airport, you need to know a number of phrases and answers to questions translated into Arabic, just here these phrases are presented.

Orientation in the city - in Arab cities there are a lot of people and intersecting streets, in order not to get lost, you will need to check the route to your destination with passers-by. This topic will help you with this.

Transport - so that you do not have problems with public transport and taxis, use this topic.

Hotel - when checking into a hotel, be prepared for the fact that you will have to answer some questions, their translation and translation of other necessary phrases are in this section.

Emergencies - anything can happen in a foreign country, to make sure, use this topic from the Russian-Arabic phrasebook. Using the words and phrases from this topic, you can call for help, call the police or ask passers-by to tell an ambulance that you feel bad.

Dates and times - the translation of words denoting date and time.

Purchases - using this section, you can make any purchases anywhere, whether it is a market or an expensive jewelry store. Here are collected all the necessary questions and phrases for this.

Restaurant - in order to call the waiter, place an order, find out what this or that dish includes, you need to know Arabic or just use the words from this topic.

Numbers and figures - every tourist should know how to pronounce this or that number in the language of the country in which he is resting. Just the translation of these figures and numbers is collected in this section.

Egyptian phrasebook

The two most common Arabic phrases that you will hear around you every now and then during your stay in Egypt are:
"In shcha alla!" - "If Allah wills!", and
"Il hamdul illa!" - "Thanks God!".
Using these phrases to the point and even inappropriately, you can "keep up a conversation" with the Egyptians for a long time, and in such a way that they will not immediately suspect that you absolutely do not know their language. Imagine that you will be asked questions in Arabic:

You are from Russia?
- Il hamdul illa!
- you will answer.
- Have you come to rest?
- In sha alla!
- Do you like Egypt?
- Il hamdul illa!
- etc. to infinity.

And here are the Arabic words that everyone should know polite to a foreigner in an Arab country:

Yes - ayua,
no - la,
thanks - shukran,
please - afuan,
Sorry! (to attract attention) - leusomacht!
maybe, maybe - mumkin.

For shopping you will need the following words and expressions:

How much does it cost? - Bikum huh?
Can I watch this? - Mumkin ashuf yes?
money - fulus,
surrender - fakka,
bad - mush quayes,
good - quies.

When moving the city may need the following words:

To the right - yaminak,
to the left - schimalek,
here, hyena
Where are you going? - Inta raih dryer?
city ​​center - el dahar.

For orientation in time useful to learn:

Today - innaharda,
yesterday - imbarih,
tomorrow - bukra.

Word " bokra" is often used as a polite refusal. If you are promised that they will do something for you "tomorrow", then this may mean that they will never do it ... Europeans jokingly call this phenomenon of Egyptian national psychology the abbreviation "IBM" - " In sha alla, Bokra, Mumkin", which means "If Allah wills, Tomorrow, Maybe!".

Can't do without numerals:
ten - Ashera,
twenty - esrin,
thirty - talyatin,
forty - arbain,
fifty - khamsin,
sixty - settin,
seventy - sabain,
eighty - tamanin,
ninety - tesain,
hundred - maya.

Other words you may need on your trip:

airport - matar,
plane - taera,
embassy - safara,
hospital - mustashfa,
hotel - hazelnut,
president - rais,
Egypt (self-name) - Misr,
hot - dry,
cold - barid,
a lot - kitir,
little - shuaia,
a little bit - shwaya-shwaya.

Greetings at the meeting: As-Salam Mualaikum (literally - peace to your home),
Answer: Waleikum As-Salaam wa Rahmat Mubarakiat.

Phrasebook for Egypt:

We bring to your attention a short Russian-Egyptian phrasebook. The Egyptian dialect of Arabic will be useful to you if you are traveling in Egypt. The information is divided into several categories, which will make it easier to find exactly the word you need in our dictionary - phrasebook. We wish you good luck and pleasant travels!

Greetings, addresses, acquaintance, courtesy:
good morning - sabah il fail
good afternoon, evening (after about 2 p.m.) - misA il fail
hello - as-salaam mualeykum
(Answer: Waleikum As-Salaam wa Rahmat Mubarakiat.)
Hey! - Marhaba!

how are you? - Kif al-hal?
thank you - shukran
a thousand thanks - alf shukr
How is your health? - Kif al-saha?
good, fine - La bes
nice to meet you - Fursa saida
see you! - Ilya lekaa!
goodbye - ma asalYama
please be kind.. - leu samaht
please (in response) - a-fuan
please … (bring, etc.) - Min fadlyak

I am Ana
you are Enta (male), Anti (female)
I want - Ana Aiz
OK, okay, it's coming, okay - sacks
yes - naam
no - la:
it's alright - kullu tamam
what is your name? - May Ismuk?
My name is... - Ana Ismi...
husband / wife - zOvudzh / zOvudzha
my / yours - whether / lak
do you know Russian? - Taarif Rusi?
I don't understand - Ma nefgamsh.
do you understand me? - hal tafhamu: nani?
in Russian (this) ... - Bal Rusi ...
how is that in arabic? - Kif Bal Arabi?
help me - aunni
sorry - Athos
Everything is the will of God - Insha'Allah
Russia - Rusia
Russian/Russian - Rusi/Russia
I'm from Russia - Ana min Rusia

Currency exchange, money:
currency - Umlya
dollars - du: la: ra: t
money - nuku:d, fulus
surrender - fakka
I don't have money/change - Mae indie fulus/khorda
free - bibalyash
How much does it cost? - bi kam huh?
currency exchange - thwi:l al-Umlya
exchange rate - as-siAr al-umla:t
I need to exchange dollars for pounds
big money (banknotes) - nuku:d kabi:ra
small money (bills) - nuku:d saga:ra

duty free - as-su: to al-hurra
How many? - Caddesch?
can you see this? - Mumkin ashuf yes?
give me, please... - Aatyni, min fadlik...
I don't want (it) / I don't need - Le uridou / Ma biddy
Enough/Enough - Khalass
many - kitir
little - shuaia
a little bit - shwaya-shwaya
completely, wholly - mei-mei
enough - halas
bad - mush quayes
good - kvAes, tamAm
good / bad - jeyyid / seyyi "a
big / small - kabi:r / sagy:r
hot / cold - ha:rr / ba:rid
it's too expensive - yes ghali aui
it is possible, perhaps (I would like) - mUmkin
one more - kaman wahad

Items, products:
drink - Eshrab
yes - shark

vegetable - b-l-hyda: r
meat - b-l-lyakhm

apricot - mishmisha
orange - collar: la
watermelon - Batykha khamrau
banana - mauza
lamb - lyakhm da "an
bun - ragi:f saga:r
water - mA:
carbonated water - ma: gazu:za, mineral water - maadani
ham - jambu:n
wine - khamr, white - abyad, red - Ahmar, dry - l-muzza
vodka - fu: tka, a bottle of vodka - kynni: nat fu: tka
grapes - Inab
pomegranate - rumma:n
beef - lyakhm bakar
melon - battykha safrau
kefir - raeb
sausage - sujuk
sweets - mulyabbasa:t
coca cola - ku:ka:ku:la:
cognac - ku: nya: k
coffee - kahwa, instant - kahwa ni: ska: fi:, with milk - kahwa bi l hali: b
crabs - kabu:riya
shrimp - jamba:ri
chicken - frah
strawberry - fara:ulya
lemon - lime :n
milk - laben khalib
ice cream - boo:za (ice cree:m)
meat - lahma
vegetables - thin :p
omelette - u:ml:t
cookies - basque:t
peach - Houh
pizza - bitza
pepper - filfil
beer - bi: ra, light - Baida:, dark - sauda:, cold - ba: reed
fish - Samaka
salad - sala: tat
sugar - sucre
juice - asyr
salt - milch
sausages - poppy:nickname
pork - lyakhm khinza:r
sour cream - Ashta
cheese - jubna
cake - su: rta (kaaka)
tonic - tu:no:k
oysters - maha:rat
dates - tamr
fruits - fava:kih
halva - haljava
bread - Khubz
tea - scha:y, with sugar - scha:y bi s-sukr, without sugar - scha:y bid:n sukr
scrambled eggs - bayd makli
apples - tufah

glass - kadah
fork - shuka
spoon - small
knife - shikki:n
ashtray - taffa:i
cigarettes - saja: "ir
hookah - shisha
lighter - kadda: ha
a pack of cigarettes - Ulbat saja: "ir

waiter, bring, pls, another spoon - me: na: dil jib, min fadlyak, milaaka Uhra
bring, pls, another fork / knife - jib, min fAdlyak, pike Ahar / sikki:n
bring a small (large) glass of beer - jib kadah bi: ra sagy: r (kabi: r)
give me an ashtray - aatyni taffa: i
can i smoke? - hal yumkInuni an udahhin

1/2 - nusf
one - wahid
two - esnnan
three - teleta
four - arba
five - hamsa
six - sitta
seven - sabaa
eight - SamEnia
nine - tisaa
ten - Aashhara
twenty - ischrin
thirty - salyasuun
forty - arbaun
fifty - hamsun
sixty - sittuun
seventy - sabaun
eighty - samaanuun
ninety - chisuun
one hundred - mia
two hundred - miataan
thousand - alpha

Transport, movement, in the city:
to the right - yamInak
to the left - shimAlek
here - hyena
Where are you going? - Inta raih dryer?
city ​​center - el dahar
bus - otubis
car - arabeya (sayara)
airport - MatAr
plane - taera
taxi - taxi
boat, boat
guide - dalil
driver - sayik
where? - Vine?
where? - Ilya vine?

please take me to the hotel ... - avsylni, min fadlyak, Ilya hazelnuts ...
I need to get to .. - alEyiya an Azkhab Ilya ...
take me to / to ... - vassal Ilya ...
city ​​- madi:on
center - markyaz
old town - madi:na cadi:ma
museum - mathaf
tour desk - maktab siya:hi
market - su:k

what time is it now? - Kam assa:?
today is al-youm
yesterday - ams
tomorrow - bukra
the day after tomorrow - bA: yes bUkra
now - al-a:n
later, then - ba:dIn
morning - sabah
day - naha :p
evening - masaa
night - leyla
afternoon - Baad al dogor
soon - kari:ban
not soon - a:jilyan

On the way, in a hotel, in a restaurant:
embassy - safara
hospital - mustashfa
airport - matar
registration - taszhil
baggage - lift
excess baggage - ziyada
bag, suitcase - faliza
bag - shanta
ticket - bitaka
please, here is my passport - tafaddal ha huwa java

room, room - gurfa
swimming pool - masbah
key - mythta:x
hotel - hazelnut
towel - foot
soap - sa:boo:n

this number does not suit me - la tuna: sibuni hazykhi l-gurfa
I would like to get a nice number - Ana uri:d jeyid gurfa
i would like to get a pool view room - ana uri :d gurfa tutYllu ala masbah
what time is breakfast? - fi s-a: a kyam Yabda "at l-ifta: r?
give me, please, the key to the room ... - aatYni, min fAdlyak, mythta: x l-gurfa ...
luggage storage - mustavdaa hafz l-afsh
Please take my luggage to the room - khamil, min fadlyak, amtIati Ilya l-gurfa
I will take this bag myself - sa Ahmil Ana xAzykhi shAnta
give me one more towel, please - aati:ni, min fadlyak, heads:r Ahar
please give me soap (shampoo) - aaty:ni, min fadlyak, sa:bu:n (sha:mbu)
check please - al-hisa:b, min fadlyak
who's there? enter - man huna:k? Udhul
wait a minute - intAzyr lyakhza

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