Home Berries In what century did scales appear. Scales and measures of ancient Russia. Effective management of a supermarket chain and convenience store

In what century did scales appear. Scales and measures of ancient Russia. Effective management of a supermarket chain and convenience store

scales(usually this term is used in the UK and Australia, "measuring device" in South Asia or "scale" in the USA) are a measuring device for determining masses object. They are used in many industrial and commercial applications. Products ranging from feather products to tractor trailers are sold by weight. Specialized medical and electronic scales are used to measure a person's body weight.

Name "scales" comes from a dish on which objects to be weighed and weights were placed. The Oxford English Dictionary gives this definition: “Weighing device. A bowl or two bowls and a balancer". Spring scales or spring steelyard measure the force by balancing the force of gravity due to the force of the spring. Balanced or electronic scales compare masses by balancing the force of gravity and the mass of an object against gravity. Any balance, whether counterweighted or electronic, can be calibrated to use units of force such as Newtons or units of mass such as kilograms. But a balance with a counterweight or with a traditional pendulum for mass comparison will show mass correctly even if it is moved to a different (non-zero) gravitational field (but they will not give correct data if they are calibrated in units of force). At the same time, the spring balance will correctly show the force in various gravitational fields. (but will not if they are calibrated in units of mass).



A microbalance is an instrument capable of making accurate measurements of objects of relatively small mass: on the order of a millionth of a gram.


Analytical balances are a class of instruments designed to measure small masses on the order of sub-milligrams. The measuring cup of an analytical balance (0.1 mg or less) is housed inside a transparent case with a door designed to keep out dust. Therefore, any air currents in the room do not affect the operation of the balance. Such a housing is often referred to as a protective casing. The use of a ventilated safety shell that has a unique airfoil design allows for smooth airflow without turbulence that prevents fluctuations. This makes it possible to measure mass with an accuracy of 1 μg without fluctuations or loss of production. In addition, the sample to be weighed must be at room temperature to prevent natural convection from forming air currents inside the housing and the resulting weighing error. A single pan mechanical balance maintains a consistent response of all useful power, which is achieved by maintaining a constant load on the beam, and thus the fulcrum, by subtracting the mass on the same side of the beam to which the sample is added.

An electronic analytical balance measures the force required to counteract the measured mass, not the actual mass. Therefore, they must have a calibration adjustment to compensate for gravitational differences. They use an electromagnet to create a opposing force against the sample being measured and output the result by measuring the force required to achieve equilibrium. Such a measuring device is called an electromagnetic force recovery sensor.

Strain gauge

In the electronic version of a spring balance, the deflection of a beam supporting an unknown mass is measured using a strain gauge that measures electrical resistance and is length sensitive. The possibilities of such devices are limited only by the resistance of the beam to deflection. The results of several auxiliary points can be added electronically, so this method is suitable for determining the weight of very heavy objects, such as trucks and railroad cars, and is used in modern scales.


This type is used in bakery and grocery stores, when selling delicacies, seafood, meat, vegetables and fruits, and other perishable goods. The magazine type can print labels and receipts, weight, brand/quantity, unit price, total cost, and in some cases tare usage. Some modern supermarket scales print out an RFID tag that can be used to track an item when counterfeited or returned. In most cases, these types of scales are hermetically calibrated so that the display readings are correct and cannot be tampered with. In the USA, such instruments are certified by the National Conference of Weights and Measurements, in South Africa by the South African Bureau of Standards, and in the UK by the International Organization of Legal Metrology.


Manual spring

Hand spring scales measure mass by the distance a spring deflects under load. This is in contrast to the balance type, which compares the torque at the arm at sample weight with the torque at standard weight using a horizontal arm. A spring balance measures force, which is the tensile-compressive force acting on an object, relative to local gravity. They are usually calibrated in such a way that the measured force is translated into mass in the earth's gravity. The object to be weighed simply hangs from a spring or sits on a platform with a rod.

In a spring scale, the spring either expands (as when weighing in the grocery store's vegetable section) or compresses (as in a simple bathroom scale). According to Hooke's law, each spring has a proportionality factor, which indicates how difficult it is to stretch it and for what distance. A spring of known stiffness is used (see Hooke's law) and the displacement of the spring is measured in any number of ways to obtain an estimate of the gravitational force associated with the object. Rack and pinion mechanisms are often used to convert the linear movement of a spring into a circular scale.

The spring type has two sources of errors, which are not in the balance: the measured weight varies depending on the local gravitational force (by as much as 0.5% in different places on Earth), and the elasticity of the measuring spring may vary slightly with temperature. When properly made and adjusted, however, spring scales can be considered legal to trade. In order to avoid temperature error, commercially approved spring balances must either have a temperature compensated spring or be used at a sufficiently constant temperature. To eliminate the influence of gravity variations, commercially approved spring balances must be calibrated where they are used.

With pendulum balance

Pendulum balances do not use a spring. This design uses pendulums that work as a balance and are not affected by differences in gravity. Scales of this design are manufactured, for example, by the Scale Company of Toledo.

hydraulic or pneumatic

Where a large load is needed, such as measuring cranes, hydraulic force is used to determine the mass. The test force is applied to the piston or diaphragm and transmitted through hydraulic lines to a Bourdon tube dial indicator or electronic sensor.


Lever scales (also balance, rocker or laboratory) were the first mass measuring instrument. In their traditional form, they consist of a horizontal arm with equal arms, called beams, and a weighing pan suspended from each arm. (This construction is related to the fact that the word "scales" is used in the plural). An unknown mass is placed on one bowl, and a standard mass measure is placed on the other bowl until the beam approaches its maximum possible equilibrium. In precision balances, a massive slider moves along a graduated scale. The position of the slider gives a fine correction to the mass value. Although the comparison is technically weight, not mass, the weight of an object is proportional to its mass, and the weights used in such cases are usually labeled in units of mass.

The lever type is used for accurate mass measurement because, unlike spring type, their accuracy does not depend on differences in gravity, which can vary by almost 0,5% in various places on earth. A change in the strength of the gravitational field caused by the movement of the lever will not change the measured mass, since the moments of forces on both sides of the beam are equally affected by this effect. Indeed, a balance scale will measure mass correctly even on other planets or on the moon, or anywhere where there is constant gravity or acceleration.

High measurement accuracy is achieved due to the fact that the fulcrum of the balance is essentially frictionless ( knife edge is a common way to check). The pointer is attached to a beam that amplifies any deviation from the equilibrium position. The leverage principle is then used, which allows the application of a fractional mass to the movement of a small mass along the measurement arm of the beam, as described above. For greater accuracy, buoyancy in air must be calculated, the effect of which depends on the density of the masses involved.

The original form of the balance beam consisted of a beam with a fulcrum in the center. For maximum accuracy, the fulcrum will consist of a sharp V-shape rod mounted in a shallow V-shape bearing. To determine the mass of an object, a combination of the original masses is hung at one end of the beam while an object of unknown mass is at the other end. Due to its high accuracy of operation, the center beam balance is still one of the most accurate instruments available and is commonly used to calibrate weights.

Some mechanical balances also use a dial (with balancing weights instead of springs), a hybrid design with the advantages of balancing accuracy and readability.

Scale device

Scales are designed to measure the mass of goods, goods, products, people and animals. Systems can be automatic, semi-automatic or mechanical. According to the principle of operation, measuring units are divided into three categories:

  • Hydraulic scales. The algorithm of operation of hydraulic mechanisms is based on the operation of piston or membrane cylinders. The pressure from the mass is transmitted through the cylinders to the fluid that is inside the piston or membrane.

The load from the physical volume is fixed by a manometer.

  • lever scales. The design of the mechanism consists of several levers interconnected by earrings or steel prisms. Gravitational balancing works on the principle of a rocker arm. Lever mechanisms are divided into square and prismatic.
  • Tensometric scales. Tensometric scales work on the basis of sensors, the internal resistor changes resistance from deformation.

The principle of operation of portable and stationary measuring mechanisms is based on balancing the moment created by mass pressure.

When it is necessary to measure bulk cargo of a large volume, then special electric trolleys with a forklift are used. With pressure, the force is transferred to the prisms and levers.

In electronic scales, balancing occurs automatically. There is no lever system in this mechanism. The design of electronic mechanisms is arranged in such a way that the weighted value is converted into current or voltage.

Such units can be connected to other measuring and computing devices.

Electronic mechanisms provide for the presence of strain gauges of the Tuningfork type or with the use of an inverse type magnetoelectric converter.

The built-in microprocessor allows to achieve a high level of automation, and also provides the ability to expand the functionality of the measuring device.

Types and characteristics of scales

Scales are classified according to their purpose into types:

  • The main parameter of a laboratory measuring unit is accuracy. Precision have a discreteness from one gram to one milligram, analytical - no more than 0.1 milligram.

There are brands of devices with additional options. These include dynamic weighing, which involves measuring animals or non-static objects. Hydrostatic weighing involves determining the mass of liquids.

Laboratory measuring instruments are also subdivided according to the type of calibration into devices with automatic calibration, internal weight and external weight.

  • Scales of simple weighing. The unit with an electronic mechanism is a compact mechanism that allows you to measure small loads. Such devices include scales for control weighing, packing and portioning.

The latter are used for simple mass measurement that does not require high accuracy, where additional functionality is not needed.

  • Trading. They are used to measure the mass of goods, for packaging, for portion weighing, with the subsequent calculation of the amount based on the price per unit. This model has a display located on the stand or on the body of the device.

Many sales units are equipped with a thermal printer with the ability to print labels with a self-adhesive surface. Such devices are subject to state verification, as they are subject to metrological control.

  • This model has three panels with displays that display additional information about the measured samples.

The first display shows the total weight, the second shows the value of one sample, and the third shows the number of these samples.

The electronic unit is used to measure various loads. Such models usually have additional functionality:

  • waterproof for rooms with high humidity;
  • corrugated surface of the platform, which allows you to measure the mass of unstable loads; the possibility of weighing large loads;
  • a device with an additional power supply that measures mass while away from the mains.
  • This model of the device is intended for use for medical purposes, namely for measuring and controlling the body weight of patients.

Baby measuring devices are a cradle in which the baby is placed, and the display on the main panel shows the result.

  • Crane. Such scales belong to the warehouse category, they are used for weighing loads up to 50 tons. The design of the crane scale is very durable, it consists of a metal case with an indicator of indicators and a powerful hook.
  • Platform. Structurally, this model is a platform, the indicator is installed either in a wall or on a rack.
  • . This model is used to measure the mass of goods of any size and volume, and also solves many problems. There are two groups of such devices: electronic and mechanical.

Currently, all enterprises use only electronic versions of scales, mechanical devices are already considered obsolete, since they are inferior to modern ones in terms of reliability and price.

  • Packing. Such devices are classified as simple, they are used by devices for weighing a small mass of goods not exceeding 35 kilograms.
  • Electronic with receipt stamp. No modern supermarket can do without such devices. Printing a label on a product in automatic mode improves the quality of customer service.

Scales not only measure the mass of products and issue labels with a barcode and other information, but also keep records, store all kinds of parameters in memory.

  • Such scales are designed for weighing goods on pallets.

The design of the pallet measuring device allows using four sensors to determine the weight of the cargo and display the data on the display located on the designated terminal.

These devices are used at wholesale depots, in industrial shops, at customs, at trade enterprises and in logistics centers.

  • Car weights. This category of scales is designed to measure the mass of the car - both laden and empty. Weighing methods are different, it all depends on the application, design and other parameters of the device.
  • Luggage scales. The luggage weight measurement unit is the simplest type of scale. There are mechanical models and electronic ones.

The mechanism is a simple compact device that easily fits in your hand, the load is hung on a hook, and the display shows the result. Pocket scales are easy to take with you.

  • . A device for measuring the mass of products is necessary in the kitchen of a real housewife, who observes the accuracy in the proportions and quantities of ingredients for preparing delicious dishes.

Classification of weighing measuring instruments by type of installation:

  • Stationary
  • Suspended
  • Mobile
  • floor standing
  • Desktop
  • Embedded

According to the accuracy class, measuring devices are divided into three types:

  • high class of accuracy,
  • middle;
  • usual.

According to the type of lifting mechanism, groups are distinguished:

  • Bunker
  • Rail
  • Platform
  • Conveyor
  • Hook
  • Bucket

Some models of weighing instruments have additional options:

  • Taro compensation. This option allows you to make weight measurements without tare. Before weighing, it is necessary to put an empty container on the scales, then reset the result to zero, and then weigh the load together with the container.
  • Synchronization with PC/phone. This option allows you to transfer the data received from the scales to a computer or phone.
  • Automatic shutdown. When the device is not in use, it automatically turns off.


Diagnostic measurements in electronic scales allow you to determine physical indicators, which leads to effective weight loss. All received data is stored in the device memory.

Advantages of mechanical measuring instruments:

  • The mechanism is easy to use.
  • Long service life.
  • Structural strength.
  • Low price compared to electronic models.
  • There are no batteries that require regular replacement.
  • There are no special storage requirements.

Advantages of electronic measuring instruments:

  • Additional options (memory, the ability to calculate body mass index and others).
  • Measurement accuracy at the highest level.
  • There are no bulky elements, compactness in comparison with mechanical units.
  • Automatically when disconnected, the product is set to the zero position.
  • Fashion design.
  • High load limit.
  • Automatic shutdown and inclusion when touching the surface.
  • Quite a large assortment offered by manufacturers.


Disadvantages of mechanical measuring instruments:

  • Modern technologies are not used in the production of measuring mechanisms.
  • Measurement accuracy is not at the highest level.
  • There are no additional features.

Disadvantages of electrical measuring instruments:

  • Batteries that need to be changed from time to time.
  • The high cost of the device, and the more additional options it has, the higher the price.
  • The device requires careful handling and storage, there is a risk of damage to electronic components.
  • Difficulty in repair in case of breakdowns.

How to choose scales

When choosing a device for home use, you should follow some recommendations:

  • First, it is important to check in which units of measurement the device operates. Not all devices determine the mass in kilograms, there are imported models with a measuring system in pounds. Perhaps you need pounds.
  • Next, you need to verify the accuracy of the measurements of the device. Right in the store, make sure that a pack of kilogram granulated sugar weighs exactly one kilogram. For verification, test on several models. Buy a device with a minimum error.
  • A device with a corrugated surface is much more convenient, the weighed load will not slip. Also look for a non-slip bottom, rubber pads at the bottom are possible.
  • When buying a unit for a bathroom, sauna or pool, take a model with a waterproof case. Electronic models without this protection will fail very quickly.
  • When choosing the material from which the floor options are made, give preference to metal. When buying kitchen weighing devices, choose a device with a glass bowl.
  • can be checked for accuracy on the spot. Press the surface with your hand and release your hand abruptly. In a quality device, the arrow returns immediately back to zero.
  • If you can't see well, buy a device with large numbers. There are also options with a separately displayed scoreboard.

Which measuring units are better - electronic or mechanical? There is no definite answer, since each species has its own buyer.

It is enough for one person to simply know their body weight with an error within one kilogram, for another it is important to know about the minimum fluctuations in weight and control other parameters, such as body mass index, the amount of water, fat, bone mass.

How to use

It is necessary to use measuring units in accordance with the instructions supplied with the purchase.

  • It is important to initially install the device correctly on a flat surface so that the readings are more accurate. For adjustment and alignment, a building level is used.

There are models in which the level is built in, you only need to tighten the adjusting legs. The air bubble should be in the center of the control ring.

  • The mechanism must be stable and must not wobble when in use. With the correct installation of the measuring unit, the arrow shows zero on the dial.

Also, in dial mechanical measuring devices, the frequency of oscillation of the arrow is adjusted, for this the damper rotates in a certain direction.

  • Readings from a mechanical device are taken while facing directly to the dial. It is forbidden to cut and pack products on the platform.

Measuring mechanisms do not require special maintenance, it is only necessary to periodically wipe the surface with a damp cloth, the parts must not be lubricated with oil.

Precautionary measures:

  • Do not use the unit for other purposes.
  • Handle with care as the measuring mechanism is a precision instrument.
  • Do not use in hazardous areas using flammable liquids and gases.
  • Do not use the device in an area affected by electromagnetic or electrostatic waves, as the readings will be incorrect.
  • You cannot disassemble the device yourself.

The warranty period is usually several years, during which time the warranty card must be kept. The coupon specifies the date of purchase, the brand of goods and the store's seal is required (note that the coupon is invalid without a seal).

If during the service period any damage to the device occurs due to the fault of the manufacturer, then the repair is carried out at the expense of the seller. It is important that the unit is operated in accordance with the conditions specified in the instructions.

The warranty does not apply in the following cases:

  • Defects arose in the event of force majeure (power surges, traffic accidents, fire or natural disasters).
  • The operating conditions specified in the manual are violated.
  • If the buyer independently or with the help of third parties repaired the product.
  • Failure to comply with safety standards.
  • Making changes to the design of the product by the buyer.

  • Damage due to improper transportation of goods by the buyer. If the delivery is carried out by the manufacturer or seller, then the guarantee is valid.
  • The presence of mechanical damage on the body or platform of the device.
  • Use of equipment at high humidity (over 90%) and elevated temperatures over 25 degrees.
  • Penetration of liquid, dust, insects or other foreign objects into the mechanism of the product.
  • In case of equipment breakdown due to the use of low-quality or expired parts.

Also, the warranty does not apply to components and individual structural elements.

During operation of the measuring unit, malfunctions are periodically possible. You can fix the problems yourself:

  • If there is no indication on the display, the machine may not be connected to the network. Or the batteries are out of order, in which case they must be replaced with working batteries.
  • If the weighing result is incorrect, the calibration or zeroing may not have been performed.
  • In case of problems with the power cord, you can replace the electric plug or simply clean the contacts.

Do not try to repair the device yourself, if you do not understand the technique, entrust this matter to professional craftsmen, call the service department. Or take advantage of the warranty if your warranty period has not expired.

Spare parts for a specific model are purchased in specialized stores that are focused on the sale of such units.

Manufacturers offer additional components for measuring devices: buttons, indicators, legs, keyboard stickers, transformers, shock absorbers for the platform, platforms themselves, sensors, power supplies,.

Scale Manufacturers


Bosch offers customers about a dozen different models of floor measuring devices. The official website contains all possible options. The design is stylish, the case is thin.

In addition to weighing units, the company sells all kinds of household appliances:,

Polaris sells various options for measuring devices: desktop and, as well as floor-standing for weighing people. The site contains all the necessary information on this product.

The company also sells climate control equipment, water heaters, household appliances, and dishes. Modern design developments and a unique approach to consumers are an integral part of the company's activities.

Scarlett offers home and kitchen appliances, health and beauty products. The site presents mechanical and electronic models of measuring devices.

The models of this company are distinguished by their bright design, there is a collection of scales with Disney comics.


Supra offers a wide range of kitchen measuring devices and floor standing units. The official website of the company will allow you to get acquainted with the entire range of products.


Tefal sells household appliances, including measuring units. The presented models on the site look aesthetically pleasing and elegant. The product is guaranteed by the manufacturer.

Scales appear in ancient times. A "rocker" balance is a very primitive instrument built on the principle of a simple lever. The first samples found by archaeologists date back to the 5th millennium BC.

e., they were used in Mesopotamia. This useful, moreover, necessary invention was very quickly mastered by all the peoples of the Old World.

According to the ancient Egyptian "Book of the Dead", Anubis, the god with the head of a jackal, at the entrance to the underworld weighs the heart of every dead person on special scales, where the goddess of justice Maat acts as a weight. This tool is clearly visible on the papyrus of the 19th dynasty (about 1250 BC). And a stone stele from eastern Turkey of the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. e. depicts a Hittite using his own finger instead of the crossbar of the balance weights.

And King Solomon in "Proverbs" states: "Faithful scales and weighing bowls are from the Lord, all weights in the bag are from Him ... Wrong scales are an abomination before the Lord, but the correct weight is pleasing to Him." “Can I be clean with false scales and deceitful weights in my bag?” - the prophet Micah echoes the king. These spells repeating from text to text show that cheating when weighing was common - since it was quite difficult to check the accuracy of the device.

The Romans are credited with the invention of a fundamentally different system for measuring weight - one in which the weight moves, while the fulcrum and the position of the gain remain unchanged. One of the earliest examples of the steelyard was found in Pompeii. The Roman device, unlike the modern device, had two scales and two handles in the form of a hook.

The Romans are credited with the invention of a fundamentally different system for measuring weight - one in which the weight moves, while the fulcrum and the position of the gain remain unchanged. One of the earliest examples of the steelyard was found in Pompeii. The Roman device, unlike the modern device, had two scales and two handles in the form of hooks.

Roman steelyard - the simplest lever scales. When weighing, the weight moves, the reading is carried out according to the scale applied to the rod

In Ancient Russia, goods were weighed on equal-arm scales, as they said then, skalva. In the charter of the Novgorod prince Vsevolod of 1134, it is strictly prescribed: “Trading all the scales, measures and scales ... even at the auction between people, do not belittle or multiply without dirty tricks, but weigh them every year.” In Veliky Novgorod, at the Church of John the Baptist on Opoki, “control” scalves and other standards of length and weight were kept. However, our ancestors also used unequal scales of Roman design, which were originally called “pood”. In the "Agreement Letter" of Novgorod with German cities (1262-1263) it says: "We put aside a pood, and put a skalvi according to our will and love."

As early as the 14th century, the word "bearing bench" was used in Russia, the origin of which is mysterious. Contrary to the evidence, it does not mean "without change" at all. Most likely, this is a borrowing from the Turkic languages. One way or another, but soon it is our "beam" that penetrates into the Scandinavian, Baltic, German languages ​​... Beam has firmly entered the people's life. Although it was less accurate, it was also less whimsical than the balance-beam. Riddles were made about him: “Who is thin himself, but his head is a pood?”, “Who is not baptized, but lives the truth?” And the sayings: "Money for the steelyard, and the goods for the exchange", "The steelyard is not a priest's soul, it will not deceive" ...

The "beam scale" with cups on top was invented by the French mathematician Gilles de Roberval in 1669

Scales, which reigned supreme in our stores in Soviet times, had a "rocker" basis. However, they were greatly improved by the French mathematician Gilles de Roberval. The founder of the Paris Academy of Sciences in 1669 made them in the form of a parallelogram. This allowed the yoke to be placed under the weight cups rather than above them. However, the novelty was launched into mass production three centuries later - in the middle of the 19th century. And the most compact, spring scales with which you will weigh tomatoes on the street were invented in 1698 by the German Christoph Weigel. Since then, a great variety of scales have appeared, built on different principles - grain and Chinese "opium", pendulum and torsion, technical quadrant and hydrostatic. And now ultra-precise digital scales are already in use ...

In fact, eggs are sold by the piece, but such scales were once in use

And yet, when it comes to scales as a symbol, the good old rocker with cups still comes to the fore. Indeed, the seventh sign of the Zodiac, Libra, is certainly not an electronic scale. And by no means do we imagine the steelyard in the hands of the Third Horseman of the Apocalypse. Finally, Themis, the goddess of justice, what does she hold in her hands besides the sword? Of course, equal-arm scales, which today are preserved only by pharmacists. But after all, everyone wants justice in relation to him to be measured with apothecary accuracy ...


Scales and measures of Ancient Russia

Archaeologists and historians are still arguing about where the tradition of weighing came from in Russia. The fact that the first scales and measures were borrowed from other nations is beyond doubt. According to the first version, scales and weights came to Russia from Scandinavia. Findings of identical scales and barrel-shaped weights, for example, in Sweden and Kyiv serve as proof of this. Opponents of the "Scandinavian" theory believe that the inhabitants of Russia adopted the tradition of weighing from the inhabitants of the East, from where a stream of silver coins flowed through the Volga Bulgaria and the Khazar Khaganate, which at that time were counted not at face value, but by weight. According to A.L. Mongait, the basis of the gireks circulating in Russia was the Arabic dirham. For example, the weight of ancient weights, which were found in Ryazan and during excavations of the Novgorod Kremlin, fluctuated around this unit. However, it is possible that the appearance of scales and weights in the Russian lands was influenced by both the Scandinavians and the inhabitants of the East. The "Scandinavian" theory fits perfectly in relation to Kiev and the Dnieper route, while the "Eastern" principle is more typical for the lands of the Don trade route.

According to official science, already in the 11th-12th centuries (“skalves”) were widely used on the territory of our country, and archaeologists attribute the beginning of the spread of scales with an equal-armed lever in the lands of the Eastern Slavs to the second half of the 10th century. Skalva were used in trade to receive coins by weight, were used by artisans to determine the weight of silver required for making jewelry, and also in rare cases to measure the weight of especially valuable goods, such as overseas spices and potions. In size, they coincided with later ones and were not intended for weighing heavy loads. When evaluating other goods that are subject to weighing today, a thousand years ago, they used other measures: meat was sold in half or shoulder blades, grain was measured in octopuses, tubs and quarters, hay was bought in wagons, poultry and bread were considered pieces. Nevertheless, by the beginning of the 13th century, larger-sized equal-arm balances were already used in commodity exchange, mainly in wholesale trade.

An integral attribute of the Skalva were (“drop”, “set”, “bells”), and the most ancient historians consider the hryvnia. At the same time, there were two types of hryvnia: weighing 160 grams (“southern” or “Kyiv”) and 200-204 grams (“northern” or “Novgorod”). The emergence of the first, apparently, was influenced by Byzantium. Researchers tend to associate its weight with half the Byzantine libra (327.456 g). The Novgorod hryvnia probably originated from another measure of weight, equal to 409 grams. This weight was the basis for many weight systems and goes back to the ancient Babylonian mine; later it will become the basis for . Of the other measures of weight that arose in Ancient Russia, it should be noted (4.266 g), pood (16.38 kg) and Berkovets (163.8 kg). The origin of the first measure is closely connected with the beginning of coinage in Russia, and the last two were due to the development of wholesale trade.

Features of ancient Russian trade are clearly demonstrated in the work of the artist A.M. Vasnetsov. In 1909, he completed work on the painting "Novgorod Bargaining", where he depicted a scene of busy trading on the church square of the 12th - 13th centuries. In the foreground we see the “great row”, where merchants from all over the Novgorod lands sold their goods. In the lower right corner of the picture, a merchant is depicted with small scales, apparently intended for. The ruble did not yet exist as a minted coin at that time, Western, Arab and Byzantine coins, which differed in variety, acted as a means of payment, and therefore the payment for the goods was determined not by the face value of the coins, but by the weight of the metal used for their minting. And to control the weight of the goods, other scales were placed near the walls of the church. They were followed by the clergy. On these scales, for a fee, it was possible to carry out a “control” weighing and, in which case, to convict the seller of deceit.

Scales appear in ancient times. A "rocker" balance is a very primitive instrument built on the principle of a simple lever. The first samples found by archaeologists date back to the 5th millennium BC. e., they were used in Mesopotamia. This useful, moreover, necessary invention was very quickly mastered by all the peoples of the Old World.

According to the ancient Egyptian "Book of the Dead", Anubis, the god with the head of a jackal, at the entrance to the underworld weighs the heart of every dead person on special scales, where the goddess of justice Maat acts as a weight. This tool is clearly visible on the papyrus of the 19th dynasty (about 1250 BC). And a stone stele from eastern Turkey of the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. e. depicts a Hittite using his own finger instead of the crossbar of the balance weights.

From Babylon, the scales passed to the ancient Jews. The Old Testament is literally riddled with curses against deceivers who use the wrong scales. Jehovah inspires Israel: "Do not do unrighteousness in judgment, in measure, in weight and in measurement: let there be right scales and right weights .."

And King Solomon in "Proverbs" states: "Faithful scales and weighing bowls are from the Lord, all weights in the bag are from Him ... Wrong scales are an abomination before the Lord, but the correct weight is pleasing to Him." “Can I be clean with false scales and deceitful weights in my bag?” - the prophet Micah echoes the king. These spells repeating from text to text show that cheating when weighing was common - since it was quite difficult to check the accuracy of the device.

The Romans are credited with the invention of a fundamentally different system for measuring weight - one in which the weight moves, while the fulcrum and the position of the gain remain unchanged. One of the earliest examples of the steelyard was found in Pompeii. The Roman device, unlike the modern device, had two scales and two handles in the form of hooks.

In Ancient Russia, goods were weighed on equal-arm scales, as they said then, skalva. In the charter of the Novgorod prince Vsevolod of 1134, it is strictly prescribed: “Trading all the scales, measures and scales ... even at the auction between people, do not belittle or multiply without dirty tricks, but weigh them every year.” In Veliky Novgorod, at the Church of John the Baptist on Opoki, “control” scalves and other standards of length and weight were kept. However, our ancestors also used unequal scales of Roman design, which were originally called “pood”. In the "Agreement Letter" of Novgorod with German cities (1262-1263) it says: "We put aside a pood, and put a skalvi according to our will and love."

As early as the 14th century, the word "bearing bench" was used in Russia, the origin of which is mysterious. Contrary to the evidence, it does not mean "without change" at all. Most likely, this is a borrowing from the Turkic languages. One way or another, but soon it is our "beam" that penetrates into the Scandinavian, Baltic, German languages ​​... Beam has firmly entered the people's life. Although it was less accurate, it was also less whimsical than the balance-beam. Riddles were made about him: “Who is thin himself, but his head is a pood?”, “Who is not baptized, but lives the truth?” And the sayings: "Money for the steelyard, and the goods for the exchange", "The steelyard is not a priest's soul, it will not deceive" ...

The "beam scale" with cups on top was invented by the French mathematician Gilles de Roberval in 1669

Scales, which reigned supreme in our stores in Soviet times, had a "rocker" basis. However, they were greatly improved by the French mathematician Gilles de Roberval. The founder of the Paris Academy of Sciences in 1669 made them in the form of a parallelogram. This allowed the yoke to be placed under the weight cups rather than above them. However, the novelty was launched into mass production three centuries later - in the middle of the 19th century. And the most compact, spring scales with which you will weigh tomatoes on the street were invented in 1698 by the German Christoph Weigel. Since then, a great variety of scales have appeared, built on different principles - grain and Chinese "opium", pendulum and torsion, technical quadrant and hydrostatic. And now ultra-precise digital scales are already in use ...

And yet, when it comes to scales as a symbol, the good old rocker with cups still comes to the fore. Indeed, the seventh sign of the Zodiac, Libra, is certainly not an electronic scale. And by no means do we imagine the steelyard in the hands of the Third Horseman of the Apocalypse. Finally, Themis, the goddess of justice, what does she hold in her hands besides the sword? Of course, equal-arm scales, which today are preserved only by pharmacists. But after all, everyone wants justice in relation to him to be measured with apothecary accuracy ...

Sergey Ivanov

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