Home Berries All about tea monastic collection of Father George. Monastic healing collection: composition and useful properties. Recipe and instructions for use

All about tea monastic collection of Father George. Monastic healing collection: composition and useful properties. Recipe and instructions for use

How nice it would be if there was one pill for all diseases. Cough, measles, joint pain - they drank a healing pill, and everything was cured, cancer - and then the almighty pill came in handy. Unfortunately, this is just a fantasy that will never come true. Recall if only the philosopher's stone, the creation of which the alchemists devoted their best years. And what is the result? The alchemists themselves were recognized as magicians and many of them paid with their lives for the never invented elixir of immortality.

Recently, on the Internet, a huge stir has been caused by the Monastic collection of Father George, which is supposedly a panacea for any disease. You no longer need to go to clinics, take numerous tests, stand in queues, you just need to drink a course of this “miraculous” tea, and the disease will pass in a couple of months.

How real is this effect of tea drinking? What do doctors say about the composition of the product and how do users respond to the collection? We will talk about this and much more in this article.

What is the Monastic collection of Father George?

The most accurate description of the drug can be found on the official website. In this article, we will focus on reliable sources, avoiding what is written on numerous other sites and blogs dedicated to this herbal tea.

The manufacturer promises such effects from the regular use of the drink:

  • Treatment of all diseases in a relatively short period of time. The monastic collection from tuberculosis will also save with alcoholism.
  • General strengthening of the body and prevention of many weaknesses and ailments (in other words, even if you do not have any pathologies, it is recommended to drink this tea as a prophylactic).
  • Cleansing the body of toxins and toxins.
  • Effective purification of blood plasma.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Saturation with nutrients and restoration of the body.
  • Reducing harm from other medications.

Thanks to this tea, you can get rid of all diseases, and even those that modern science "erroneously" calls incurable. The manufacturer assures that even if the problem does not completely go away, the patient's well-being is greatly facilitated for a long term.

This collection of herbs has the following advantages:

  • 100% natural natural ingredients in the composition.
  • Complete safety for health.
  • Healing effect on all organs and systems of the body.
  • The widest spectrum of action.
  • Low cost (when compared with other methods of therapy).

The official website provides the following information about allegedly conducted clinical trials:

All of the above statements give rise to a lot of doubts about the veracity of the information. But let's move on.

Benefits of Father George's Herbal Tea

Everyone knows that the inhabitants of the temple and the church used herbal preparations to treat all ailments. Of course, at the same time they actively prayed and praised the Lord. It is possible that this method was indeed effective, and therefore has come down to the present day. The first advantage of such treatment is elementary nature. With minimal financial costs, you can renew the human body and cure a long list of diseases, for example:

  • Circulatory systems (high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, migraines, all kinds of deviations, VSD, etc.).
  • Respiratory organs (sinusitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.).
  • Digestive system (cirrhosis, poisoning, metabolic problems, ulcers, cholecystitis, diabetes, gastritis, sudden weight loss, etc.).
  • Diseases of the nervous system (chronic blues, fears, exhaustion, sleep problems).
  • Pathologies of male and female reproductive systems, including infertility.
  • Cancer tumors. The manufacturer claims that herbs for fibroids are especially effective.
  • postoperative therapy.

Despite the fact that treatment with seagulls lasts from 3 months to a year and has a cumulative effect, there are no adverse reactions.

The herbs of this herbal complex (there are 16 in total) are harmoniously selected so that they work in synergy - complement and make each other's effect stronger. For example, during the treatment of bronchitis, the heart muscle and immune system are strengthened, blood flow and the function of food processing are normalized.

Another nice advantage of the collection is simplicity and ease of use. You drink tea and get a powerful therapeutic effect, as well as enrich the body with micro and macro elements, prevent diseases and obesity, increase tone and get a boost of energy. A cup of this tea will bring significantly more benefits than a cup of traditional morning coffee drink!


This tea consists of 16 medicinal plants. We offer a list in which all plants are indicated and their real qualities are described, and not invented by tea sellers:

  • Young nettle. Eliminates intoxication, expels toxins, increases the content of hemoglobin in the blood and has a positive effect on the composition and quality of shelter. It also speeds up the process of hematopoiesis, removes inflammation, and normalizes the digestive system.
  • Thyme. This plant has a pleasant aroma, relieves inflammation, blocks the development and appearance of tumors, and is used in the treatment of cancer.
  • Immortelle. An extremely effective herb for the digestive system. It has a choleretic effect, reduces cholesterol levels, and minimizes hepatotoxicity during chemotherapy procedures.
  • Shplfey. Natural antibiotic, which contains many useful metals (nickel, manganese, magnesium, zinc) and other nutrients. It makes blood vessels stronger, improves the functionality of the heart muscle, and leads to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Buckthorn. It has a positive effect on the thyroid gland, its work. It saturates the body with iodine, improves the secretion of hormones, promotes the regeneration of blood plasma cells, and normalizes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
  • Linden blossom. It contains copper, which is useful for normal hematopoiesis, stimulates the production of insulin in the body, as well as pituitary hormones. Accelerates metabolism at the cellular level.
  • Birch buds. An extremely useful component for a weakened immune system and a tired body. This ingredient contains almost all useful nutrients, including metals. Strengthens the resistance of the immune system to infections, already formed tumors, blocks the reproduction of cancer cells.
  • Motherwort. In traditional medicine, it is used as a sedative. Calms the nervous system, anesthetizes, lowers blood pressure, inhibits the growth of tumors.
  • Dried marsh dryer. It is famous for its tumor-blocking properties. It also helps to restore or build new liver cells, normalize compensated blood circulation, and lower blood pressure.
  • Rose hip. It contains a large amount of vitamin C and antioxidants that have a positive effect on the immune system. Enriches the body with vitamins, flavonoids, trace elements and acids.
  • Bearberry. It contains many flavonoids, antioxidants and some anti-mutation substances. Blocks the appearance of tumors, gives a diuretic effect.
  • Series. Useful for hematopoiesis, as well as blood clotting. Normalizes the functionality of the adrenal glands, resists the development of tumors.
  • Dried flower or Cat's paw. It blocks the development of cancers, kills pathological microorganisms, relieves spasms of blood vessels and muscles, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the heart muscle.
  • Yarrow. It is characterized by powerful anti-inflammatory properties, normalizes the functionality of many human systems, and activates choleretic processes.
  • Chamomile. Strengthens the immune system, relieves allergic effects, blocks the development of tumors, enriches the body with a mass of useful nutrients.
  • Sagebrush. Complements and enhances the qualities of immortelle, gives a strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, and works as an anesthetic. It has choleretic properties, improves the functioning of the stomach.

The composition is really rich, but cannot cure all diseases. Of course, for some people, the collection will be useful, but it is worth considering your medical history. For example, this tea is contraindicated for people with hypotension, as it can further calm and lower blood pressure.

Application of the Monastic Collection of Father George

Before using the Monastic collection, the contents of the package must be thoroughly crushed. After that, the collection can be brewed like the most ordinary herbal tea. For one day, it is enough to take a spoonful of herbal mixture and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Tea should be infused for at least half an hour. It is recommended to drink 3-4 times 150 ml per day. "Yesterday's" tea is not worth drinking, brew a new one every day.

The duration of therapy depends on the disease and the general condition of the body, as well as the goals of the patient, and can last from 1-3 months to a year or more.

Reviews of doctors

Doctors say that this tea is not effective for the treatment or as a warning of any disease. Its capabilities in the description of the manufacturer are significantly exaggerated. This is the most common collection of herbs, similar to which can be purchased at any pharmacy kiosk or tea boutique. This tea is distinguished only by such qualities:

  • High cost.
  • A fairy tale invented to promote the product.
  • Unrealistic promises.
  • Aggressive online marketing.
  • Lots of fake data from an official source.
  • The presence on the Web of a huge number of fabricated positive reviews from users.

It is possible that this collection can be used as a symptomatic drug, in the complex therapy of certain problems, for example:

  • SARS.
  • Urolithiasis.
  • Dyskinesia of the bile ducts.

However, herbal tea is not capable of completely curing these or other diseases. The tool does not have clinically proven efficacy, does not have a category of medical product, and does not even have registration as a dietary supplement.

How are we being deceived?

If you need to describe in one word all the healing qualities of Father George's herbal collection, "scam" is most suitable. The following arguments speak of the fact that the remedy is pure deceit:

  • panacea status. The implementers of the remedy claim that the collection cures a greater number of diseases known to science, even those that are “erroneously” considered incurable. Understand that there is no cure for all diseases.
  • False evidence of the effectiveness of the remedy. The official website talks about the results of a clinical study that the herbal collection allegedly passed. And they turned out to be so high that the doctors were left in amazement. In fact, this is a lie and no testing of the product was carried out, since there is no information about them in other sources.
  • Getting rid of incurable diseases. Diabetes, chronic prostatitis, cancer, psoriasis, old age, death - all these and various other ailments supposedly go away thanks to this miraculous seagull. This statement is one of the clearest signs of deception.
  • Distortion of the qualities of active substances. This collection contains 16 herbs, the qualities of which are described on the manufacturer's website. These qualities are significantly distorted in order to give the product even more value. Chamomile cures cancer and reduces blood pressure, while motherwort eliminates renal colic, etc.

Most of all, the emphasis on cancerous pathologies does not inspire confidence. Of course, with cancer, people are ready to spend any money to get relief and at least a couple of years to delay the inevitable. This is actively used by those who do not have moral and spiritual principles, the implementers of the described tea, in which supposedly 8 out of 16 herbs are able to block the development of cancerous formations.

Real reviews

There are a large number of both positive (most likely bought) reviews and negative reviews on the Web.

“I took tea for a long time, more than 4 months, but I didn’t notice any therapeutic effect. The taste is pleasant, but rheumatism tormented me, and still torments me.” Irina, 47 years old.

"I have prostate cancer. They promise me a short life, so it's no wonder that I'm ready for anything to recover. I bought this tea, I drank it regularly. The tumor develops further, the collection does not help at all. It should be a shame for manufacturers to profit from our misfortune. " Ivan, 42 years old.

"I am a sincerely Orthodox believer, and this collection helps me cope with joint pain, migraines, and just calms me down well. I also sing softly to my husband, I hope that he will stop drinking." Valentina, 39 years old.

"Complete divorce. It doesn't even cure a common cold, but you say - cancer, prostatitis, osteoporosis. I took it from my mother (she abandoned it a long time ago due to inefficiency), I wanted to be treated, otherwise I got sick before the session. Zero sense, session retaken after recovery already. " Christina. 24 years.

What is the price?

The price for the Monastic collection of Father George is within 990 rubles per pack. Considering that the remedy cures all diseases, including cancer, the price is low. A full course of treatment will cost about $ 100, while clinic services will cost tens or even hundreds of times more. The only pity is that the remedy is not effective, and does not treat any pathologies at all.

Where could I buy?

It is impossible to buy Monastic collection in a pharmacy. The remedy for all known diseases is sold only via the Internet, and in order not to fall for a fake, it is recommended to place an order on the official website.

Delivery is carried out to: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan.

From time immemorial, herbs were collected at monasteries, from which preparations were prepared from various misfortunes and ailments. And in the absence of medicines, leaves and roots, bestowed by Mother Nature herself, helped against pain in the stomach, weakness, fever and pruritus. In the modern world, where there are more drugs in pharmacies than there are names of diseases in the medical directory, herbs are also not forgotten. The monastery collection of Father George, consisting of useful medicinal herbs, is popular.

It is believed that this collection of 16 medicinal herbs was created by the famous healer Father George. He was the abbot in the monastery of the Krasnodar Territory. From a young age, he helped the old herbalist who lived at the monastery, who, before his death, told George the secrets of miraculous herbs. When Father George himself became the rector, he created a collection, including the most useful medicinal herbs.

Seven years ago, Father George himself died, but the recipe for his collection is kept in the monastery. Herbs are also collected there to prepare this collection. It produces a drink with unique properties. Residents of the whole country have already been able to evaluate the collection, since it is sold in many church shops.

16 herbs - components of health

The composition of the healing collection includes 16 herbs, each of which has its own properties. The proportions in the collection are selected in such a way that herbs can have a complex effect on the human body.

  1. . Fragrant linden flowers have a diaphoretic effect. They are able to remove toxins, lower the temperature, normalize hormonal levels.
  2. Thyme. It has a disinfecting effect, being a natural antiseptic. Useful for cancer patients.
  3. Motherwort. This soothing herb is useful for all patients, as it reduces irritation, anxiety, relieves tension.
  4. Buckthorn. The herb is useful in menopause, as it has a positive effect on the hormonal background, improves the functioning of the digestive tract.
  5. Nettle. Nettle leaves have a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect, improves metabolic processes.
  6. Bearberry. The flowers of this inconspicuous plant are useful for any inflammation, diseases of the bladder, kidneys.
  7. Yarrow. Like bearberry, yarrow herb has a choleretic effect, a hemostatic effect.
  8. Series. This grass is known to all parents, because babies are bathed in a row. It has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. But the plant is also useful for internal organs. It has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect.
  9. Chamomile. Fragrant chamomile flowers effectively relieve pain and inflammation.
  10. Dried marsh dryer. The immunostimulating effect of this plant is useful for all patients, especially cancer patients. It also has a vasodilating effect.
  11. Immortelle. The plant is recommended for chronic cholecystitis, pyelonephritis. It has a diuretic and hemostatic effect.
  12. Sage. Helps to improve and stimulate the digestive tract, relieve inflammation, stop bleeding.
  13. Cat paws. A plant with this unusual name anesthetizes and has an anthelmintic effect.
  14. Rose hip. The dried fruits of the shrub strengthen the body, increase immunity, saturate the body with vitamin C.
  15. Birch buds. The plant removes bacteria, has an anti-inflammatory effect, blocks inflammation.
  16. Sagebrush. This bitter herb relieves inflammation and pain, removes germs.

In some collections, which are produced under the name "Father George Collection", some herbs are replaced by others. But that doesn't stop fees from being less useful.

When is Father George's fee applied?

Monastic collection helps to cope with the symptoms of many diseases. But you should not place special hopes on grass, this is not a medicine, but only a useful biological additive that can improve the general condition of patients.

A decoction prepared from 16 herbs is useful for the following ailments:

  • vascular atherosclerosis.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Depletion of the body.
  • Hypertension.
  • Diseases of the gallbladder.
  • Respiratory diseases.
  • body intoxication.
  • Insomnia.
  • Female hormonal disorders.
  • Headaches.
  • Ulcerative processes of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diabetes.
  • female infertility.

How to make a healing drink

Monastery collection is very easy to prepare. You just need to take a teaspoon of grass, pour a glass of boiling water. After 10 minutes of infusion under the lid, the drink is ready to drink.

It is convenient to brew such a collection in a thermos. To do this, pour raw materials not with boiling, but with hot water (about 85 ° C). The drink is ready in an hour.

Fans of preparing decoctions in a water bath can also use this method to prepare a monastery collection. The main thing is not to let the collection boil.

How to take the monastic collection

  • Allergy can occur to any herb from the collection, therefore, at the first dose, it is necessary to brew half the dose and drink a small amount. In the absence of itching, skin rash, runny nose, watery eyes, you can continue to take the decoction.
  • It will not hurt to consult a doctor, this will make sure that the decoction will not harm the body.
  • It is better to prepare a decoction in a special teapot. It is better if it is porcelain or ceramic. It is not recommended to add sugar or honey to the drink.
  • Since the monastery collection contains many herbs, and some of them are recommended to be drunk before and some after meals, it is better to use the decoction during the day, regardless of the meal. The recommended dose is half a glass 4 times a day.
  • The decoction can be brewed again, but only once and immediately after the first brewing.
  • It is better not to store the prepared broth. Although in a thermos it is perfectly preserved throughout the day.

Monastery collection contraindications

  • Pregnancy.
  • Allergy to the herbs included in the composition.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Exacerbation of stomach ulcers.
  • Exacerbation of inflammation of the kidneys.

Where to buy monastery tea

The monastic tea of ​​Father George is sold in church shops, at monasteries, in some phytopharmacies. When buying, you need to make sure that the packaging contains full information about the manufacturer and the place where the herbs were collected.

Only plants that grow in ecologically clean places on our planet, far from industrial facilities, bring benefits.

There are legends about the power of healing herbs, but their healing properties are recognized by leading doctors. The monastery collection is an ancient remedy, which includes 16 herbs used in folk medicine. An infusion based on these herbs helps with many diseases, improves health and makes the body stronger.

Collection history

The monastery collection is named so not by chance. It was the monks who used it, and those who lived in the northern monasteries of Ancient Russia. In the conditions of a harsh long winter, vitamin deficiency and ascetic conditions of monastic life, such a collection turned out to be simply irreplaceable. The monks resorted to it to heal even hopeless, seemingly sick people who turned to God's help when there were no other chances for salvation.

The recipe for this collection was lost for some time. To restore it in its original form, in the required proportions and the right composition, was able at the end of the 20th century, the rector of the Holy Spirit Monastery, Father George. In honor of this elder, who was also a herbalist, this miraculous remedy is now called the monastery collection of Father George.

The composition of the monastery collection

The ingredients included in the monastery fee are not a secret. It is not customary to add any extraneous components to it - only proven herbs. Traditionally, there are 16 of them, and each plant is familiar to anyone who is at least slightly versed in traditional medicine.

  • Sage is a recognized herbal antibiotic;
  • Thyme - has antiseptic properties;
  • Nettle - cleanses the body of toxins, improves hemoglobin;
  • Immortelle - normalizes cholesterol;
  • Rosehip - contains many substances and trace elements necessary for the body;
  • Series - improves the composition of the blood, helps in the processes of hematopoiesis;
  • Bearberry - can delay the development of malignant tumors;
  • Yarrow - has a restorative effect;
  • Wormwood - a powerful antimicrobial agent, relieves pain;
  • Birch buds - block or reduce cancerous processes in the body;
  • Buckthorn - useful for problems with the thyroid gland;
  • Lime blossom - contains copper, necessary for the formation of insulin;
  • Cushweed swamp - helps with kidney disease and weakness;
  • Motherwort is a natural sedative;
  • Chamomile - helps with allergies;
  • Dried flower - has a beneficial effect on bowel function.

You can read more about the beneficial properties of each plant by following this link, where you can also purchase a monastery collection, which has already helped many to get on their feet. The monastic collection of Father George is made from environmentally friendly raw materials - all herbs are collected in places not polluted by technogenic factors, such as the foothills of the Caucasus. Therefore, this medicine is completely natural and absolutely safe, unless you have special contraindications against any plant in its composition.

When do herbs help?

According to official medicine, everything that is known about the monastery collection is true. The collection has been studied in clinical and laboratory conditions, and its effectiveness has been scientifically confirmed. The infusion and the resulting drink, similar to a kind of tea, can be drunk both for general strengthening of the immune system and for fighting the disease, as an aid in defeating the disease.

The monastic collection helps with a variety of ailments - with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, with unstable blood pressure, with low immunity and a lack of hemoglobin, with physical exhaustion from high loads or after a difficult recovery postoperative period.

In addition, this collection is a faithful assistant for a resident of a modern city, whose frequent troubles are stress, insomnia, chronic headaches and constant anxiety syndrome.

The collection is unique in that it is able to support the body in almost any disease, whether it is oncology, from which, unfortunately, everyone is still not insured, or with a common cold that knocked down at the wrong time about disrupting an important meeting. Using the link, you can read the full list of diseases in which herbal infusions discovered by Father George will help you.

Get a monastery fee, and you will not be afraid of any illnesses and ailments. The wisdom invested by our ancestors in this remedy will support your health in any situation. You can become the owner of the healing composition by clicking on this link. We wish you good health, rich and active life, and don't forget to press the buttons and

26.01.2016 01:30

Wormwood is a well-known plant that can often be seen on the street, but few people know about the amazing properties of this ...

- 200 gr. rose hips (fruits)

- 200 gr. bearberry

- 200 gr. series

- 150 gr. wormwood

- 100 gr. dried flowers (optional)

- 100 gr. buckthorn bark

- 100 gr. cudweed

- 100 gr. motherwort

Note: The dried flower plant is also known as "cat's paw".

Grind the herbs (this can be done with a coffee grinder), mix, divide the mixture into 24 equal parts, take 1 of these 24 parts and divide into 4 more parts. Place this one part in an enameled pan, pour in 2.5 liters. boiling water, 3 hours to insist on low heat (95º) without boiling. The broth should evaporate to a smaller volume and become concentrated. It must be filtered and cooled, stored in the refrigerator. Drink warm three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) an hour before meals, 1 tbsp. l., preferably (at least in the morning and in the evening) always at the same time.

For malignant tumors, drink a decoction for exactly 70 days, then take a break for 15 days. During such breaks, you can undergo examinations - donate blood for the number of leukocytes, hemoglobin. The blood formula should noticeably improve. After a break, the course should be repeated. With advanced stages of cancer, drink a decoction for at least a year. For blood purification and for the prevention of cancer, the course is 30 days, such courses should be carried out at least twice a year.

Please note: some people experience exacerbations of chronic diseases at the beginning of treatment with this herbal decoction. Such exacerbations occur due to the fact that the immune system, suppressed by the disease, begins to “revive”, the body begins to cleanse itself of harmful substances. With such an exacerbation, the dose of the decoction should be reduced to 1 tsp. twice a day and take it until the period of exacerbation has passed (usually several days), and then you should switch to the initial dose - three times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

It is necessary to prepare this infusion according to this scheme, otherwise its effectiveness will be less. The decoction should be stored in the refrigerator until it runs out. It keeps well in the fridge for a long time.

I also want to add that along with the treatment of cancer with a decoction of 16 herbs of Father George, it is also advisable to take tinctures of propolis and eleutherococcus.

Propolis tincture is prepared in this way: 100 gr. finely chop propolis, pour 1 liter. medical alcohol (96%), cork well, leave for 2 weeks, shaking from time to time.

In the morning you need to take 1 tbsp. l. decoction (warm) + 60 drops of propolis tincture. After 20 minutes - 2 tbsp. l. water + 40 cap. Eleutherococcus tincture. After 40 min. eat.

According to the materials of the publication "Heal by Faith", Recipes of Father George for various diseases.

The site wishes you good health!

Collection of Father George 16 herbs are made in the village. Solen, one of the courtyards of the male Holy Spirit Monastery. The courtyard is located in the Krasnodar Territory, next to the unique Nikitino Biosphere Reserve. Herbs are collected by hand in ecologically clean places in the mountains of the Caucasus, dried in natural conditions. Schema-Archimandrite George, a great herbalist and prayer book, was the rector of the Holy Spirit Monastery for Men. This old man cured many people, including cancer in the last stage. Batiushka passed away to the Lord, but until now people do not stop using his monastic recipes for many diseases and receive complete healing. They also make monastic tea there, which you need to drink all your life without a norm, like tea. Batiushka used to say that those who constantly drink this tea practically do not get sick from all ailments.

I have colon cancer with liver metastases. Do you recommend your collection for my case?

Galina, the information on the site cannot replace the recommendations of a personal attending physician. We cannot comment on specific clinical situations. It is best to consult with your doctor about the possibility of using the collection.

tell me, please, what does "60 drops of propolis" mean. In the recipe for antitumor collection you have written: in the morning you need to take 1 tablespoon of infusion +60 drops of propolis (drink warm). I can’t figure out what form 60 drops of propolis are in ... alcohol tincture is understandable 1 tablespoon, a water extract is also understandable, but it is not indicated here .... please be so kind as to explain.
I'm going to start drinking, because. the doctors at the oncology center have already given up on me, and today I stumbled upon this prescription quite by accident.

Svetlana, if it is possible to prepare a propolis tincture (the recipe is indicated above), then it is better to cook it. In the morning, add 60 drops of propolis tincture to 1 tbsp. a spoonful of warm broth prepared from the indicated collection of herbs. If it is not possible to prepare the propolis tincture on your own, or while it is infused, you can use the tincture purchased at the pharmacy. God bless you!

Hello Svetlana. If it is possible to prepare or get hemlock tincture, then this is also a very effective remedy. My mother was treated with this tincture and has lived for more than 4 years since the doctors refused it. This tincture also helps to relieve pain. there is a site here, only the grass needs to be collected by a knowledgeable person, since the plant itself is poisonous. I wish you well with all my heart!

Thanks to everyone for the tips ...))) I started drinking tea, on the very first day it became clear that alcohol tinctures do not suit me at all, especially on an empty stomach, it immediately turns everything inside out ... so I had to give up both propolis and eleutherococcus. For now, just tea. And what to do? And I don’t particularly suffer from pain, because injections help so far, I would be healed ....

I read the monastery newspaper, and there are many rules and prayers, and then the reception of this collection. Cancer is a spiritual disease, the soul must be treated before the body. Imagine that our soul is beds with a useful garden crop. And weeds grow in the garden - these are our sins against God. Cut off the top and the grass grows. Rip it up by the roots and throw it on the pavement to dry out, and it will die. So our soul is polluted with sins. My body, but we do not clean the soul. And it keeps getting blacker, blacker... And cancer is a Spiritual disease, so a person gets sick physically. First, the Soul gets sick with sins, and sins materialize, then the body hurts. What to do? You must constantly confess, cleanse your soul at Confession in the Orthodox Church, and then go to Communion. Holy Blood and Flesh heals both soul and body! It is necessary to go constantly to the Unction, and in general to do this not once a year, but constantly! Then you need to correct your life, not to repeat what you confessed, not to dirty yourself again in the smelly slurry of sin, but to clean, clean, clean! And the Anti-Cancer Prayer Rule is very strong, a prayer petition to various saints, the Mother of God, God for the forgiveness of sins created voluntary and involuntary, a prayer for healing. And just grass will not help to heal if you live against His Holy Will.

Tatiana, what blackness of the soul are you talking about? My child was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 1.5 years and, believe me, a brighter soul is hard to find! From the very birth, we take the child to communion, and for us, parents, there are no such sins for which such a test could be sent!

Hope in its response to the truth mixes fiction.

Good evening! Can you please tell me where can I buy this tea in Salt?

I would like to know to what volume the infusion should evaporate from 2.5 liters during its preparation.

I would also like to know how much the infusion will evaporate.

Svetlana, monastery collections, made in the village of Soleny, are sold in the Church of the Holy Nativity of the Virgin, at the address Krasnodar Territory, Mostovskoy village, Pervomaiskaya st., 135, tel. 8-928-88-19-335.
Under the name of the monk Irinarch. provocateur.

Tell me on a slow fire or can it be on a steam bath? They just write on fire everywhere, but they tell me that only in the bathhouse. Thanks.

On low heat, no boiling.

Father Gergius, giving this recipe, instructed: do not eat meat, do not drink alcohol and take this collection for at least 9 months, and divide the full collection of herbs in half and donate to a person who needs it.

Is it possible to order a collection by mail?

A very good article, the proportions of the monastery collection of 16 herbs are indicated correctly, only when the newspaper Healed by Faith came out, Schema-Archimandrite George (Sava) corrected the application with his own hands not 1 hour before meals, but 15 minutes before. before meals.

Schema-Archimandrite George (Savva) reposed in the Lord in 2011, was buried in the village. Nekrasovo, Krasnodar Territory.

It is better to buy monastic collections from us in the Church of the Holy Nativity of the Mother of God in Mostovskoy village, which are made in the village of Soleny by the spiritual children of Schema-Archimandrite George (Savva) from hand-picked herbs. We send fees by Russian post.

How can I order this collection online?

In our Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, you can place an order by calling 8928-88-19-335 or by writing to the mail [email protected]. Website: www.mosthr.cerkov.ru, here in the Church shop section you will find a list of our monastic products with descriptions and prices.

OLGA, went to your "shop"! Honestly? Tin! The price list under the term DONATIONS just killed me! Where is the world heading? “a list of our monastic products”… Do you hear yourself then? I wonder all the time, do we have REAL believers in our monasteries, or are they just former homeless people who do not want to work in life, and cunning grabbers?

And another question, “Sorokoust in 7 Temples or Monasteries at the same time - 1500 rubles for 1 name.” And who sets the prices for this, and by what parameters? In terms of effectiveness? Laughter through tears, unfortunately, your “activity” does not cause anything else! Making money on the troubles and misfortunes of people! I hope there are still sane people who will not buy into you, and who understand that the most powerful and EFFECTIVE prayer is a prayer from OUR OWN MOUTH, and from a pure soul, and not for 1500!

Reply to Tasha.
When Amfilohiy Pochaevsky visited the psychiatric hospital, he asked for the Cross, the Gospel and Epiphany water to cure everyone. This was the great Father of Orthodoxy, even he could not help the suffering only with a prayer from his OWN MOUTH. And Sorokoust is 40 Liturgies, and at each one a piece is taken out for the supplicant and washed in the Chalice with the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, what great mercy and help is given to us from the Lord. And if in several monasteries… It helps a lot of people.
Regarding the cost, any work must be paid, the hardest work is prayer, try to pray for someone for this week and you will understand everything.
Priests, monks, clergy are ordinary people who feed their families. Originally in the monasteries they ate from their own hands, and the surplus was sold or exchanged for everything necessary. What is the crime in this?
At the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin there is an Orthodox school "Tavor", which also needs to be supported financially.
Regarding insults against us, I can say that our Lord Jesus Christ came into the world with the most moral commandments and was sinless, and they spat at him, insulted him, and eventually killed him. The Lord endured, and we, too, are not offended by you and love the image of God in you. Understand you Lord.
Dear Brothers and Sisters! Whoever has a relationship with Orthodoxy sees from whom everything comes.
Use natural products from our church shop, you will have good bodily health, take communion, pray in private and in the Temple, order trebs, do alms and you will also be spiritually healthy.
There is no physical health without spiritual health.

I have peritoneal carcinoma, the primary focus was not identified. Ascites. Would you recommend this collection or not with my diagnosis. Thanks in advance.

Has anyone taken this collection? To whom and how did it help? I began to drink it, but after 5 days the pressure dropped a lot, I had to take a break, after a while I started drinking again, but everything happened again. I have rectal cancer and am undergoing chemotherapy.

If you bought a collection of 16 herbs from us at the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, you should have been told that the collection cannot be used during chemotherapy.

Hello Olga. My sister has early stage lung cancer. Squamous non-keratinizing. They don't do chemotherapy, she has asthma. Will this set work for her?

Good day! The treatment, including the collection of Father George, is well described in the books of Evgeny Lebedev, you will learn in detail about diets and treatment regimens for many types of cancer. One of them is called "Let's treat cancer", there are two more, when typing on the Internet, their names will come out too.
God help you!

Hello, I purchased this collection in Tmmashevsk in a church shop, but did not specify whether it can be taken for ovarian cancer? thanks.

Hello Natalia and Oksana! We cannot answer questions regarding treatment on this site, because. it is public and your questions are very private. Call the church on 89288819335 or write to [email protected] We are very grateful to the creators of the site for the posted information. You help so many people.

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Product description

This is a unique collection of 16 medicinal plants, which has no analogues in the world. Each of the 16 herbs of Father George's collection is selected in such a way that it not only contributes to the treatment of the body, but also creates synergies - the herbs mutually reinforce each other's effects.

Monastic collection of Father George- this is the No. 1 antitumor collection in the world, which has been helping patients for many years. Initially, this collection was invented and collected by the rector Father Georgy, who served in the Timashev Holy Spirit Monastery in the Krasnodar Territory. It was he who first collected 16 medicinal herbs near the walls of the monastery and made a decoction from them. The decoction of Father George, taken with prayer, affects a person better than expensive procedures.

The fame of the medicinal decoction quickly spread beyond the walls of the monastery, and people from all over the Krasnodar Territory, and then from all over Russia, began to come to Father George. Father Georgy recommends antitumor collection as a remedy that restores the body's defenses at all stages of the disease. With chemotherapy and intoxication of the body, the decoction is especially effective, as it nourishes the body with a maximum of useful properties.

The impact of the monastery collection of Father George on the body: The decoction nourishes the human body with all the necessary trace elements, restores strength after operations and medical therapy. Stimulates the activity of internal organs: kidneys, liver, gallbladder. Helps to reduce the growth of various tumor formations in the body.

Package: Packing weight 100 grams. One package is designed for 3 weeks of admission.

Application course: The full course of application recommended by the manufacturer - 4 packs of 100 grams, is designed for 3 months.

Country of Origin: Russia, Krasnodar region.

Price: 890 rubles for 1 package (100 grams). When ordering a full course (4 packs of 100 grams), the cost for 1 pack is 790 rubles.

Composition: As part of 16 medicinal herbs, mutually reinforcing the effect of each other: Birch buds, sage, bitter wormwood, nettle, rosehip fruits, yarrow, immortelle, bearberry, thyme, succession, chamomile, buckthorn bark, linden color, annual dried flower, cudweed, motherwort .

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