Home Diseases and pests What to do with Thursday salt after a year. How to make Thursday salt? With cabbage leaves

What to do with Thursday salt after a year. How to make Thursday salt? With cabbage leaves

Hello, dear friends. Thursday salt was always present on the tables of our ancestors. What kind of miracle salt is this, you will find out from this article.

What kind of salt is this in Orthodoxy?

The collection of Thursday salt is carried out once a year: on the night from Great Wednesday to Maundy Thursday.

In 2018, this day falls on April 5th. Don’t forget about this day, try to prepare a healing product for the whole family to protect your home from damage.

Even the ritual of preparing salt itself has magical effects. Scientists have discovered that the Slavic peoples learned to prepare such salt back in the 12-13th century.

They protected themselves and their home from black forces and evil spirits. Probably, the protection was so powerful that the ritual of preparing this product has survived to this day.

Useful properties of the product

When treated with fire, Thursday salt turns black. And fire has a strong cleansing effect. Ancient people could not explain why it has strong healing and cleansing powers, but modern scientists have found an explanation for this.

It turns out that it contains a minimum of heavy metals, chlorine and other harmful substances. By eating it, a person will not feel thirsty, which means he will not swell.

It has been established that it contains more useful microelements. These are: iodine, potassium, calcium, selenium, magnesium, copper and zinc. In addition, it is good for removing waste and toxins.

Who benefits from eating black salt?

It is especially useful for people suffering from:

  • Heart and kidney diseases,
  • Osteochondrosis, hypertension,
  • Overweight
  • Gastrointestinal disorders.

Product Application

How to use? First of all, it can be blessed in church, like eggs and Easter cakes. At home, put it in a linen bag and store it near the icons. When needed, you need to take it out, add it to the sick person’s food, or you can simply rub it on the sore spot.

Advice! For a variety of gastrointestinal diseases, put black salt on the tip of a knife and consume it after meals. Just put it under your tongue until all the grains are absorbed. The course of treatment is 60 days.

Cooking recipes

There are many techniques, but in modern conditions you can prepare according to the simplest recipe :

  • Take 1 kilogram of coarse salt;
  • Twelve tablespoons of rye flour;
  • Mix everything well with a wooden spoon;
  • Place in cast iron skillet;
  • Put it on gas.

As you stir, say the words: “Maundy Thursday! From all reptiles and illnesses, free and protect for all time!”

Heat the mixture until the flour turns black. Stir only with a wooden spoon, this is important! When the flour turns black, turn off the heat and pour the product into a linen bag.

How to make according to an old recipe? Take:

  • Five kg of Borodino bread
  • One kg of rock salt.

Lightly soak the bread, mix with salt, and place in a preheated oven. Keep it until the bread turns black. When the mixture has cooled, grind into powder using a mixer.

Many housewives simply heat the salt in a frying pan, while reading prayers, giving the product healing properties. Moreover, it must be calcined three times for 10 minutes over low heat.

When preparing food, this salt is added to dishes instead of regular salt. They say the dishes become much tastier.

The power of Maundy Thursday

Ancient sorceresses, witches and even priests believed that if a black amulet was scattered around the house, then no werewolves, vampires and other evil spirits would approach it.

If you put a pinch of salt in a bag and carry it with you, it will protect against the evil eye and damage. And if a husband and wife often quarreled, then a bag of “Thursday” was placed under the pillow to restore harmony in the family.

Such a ritual helped to rid the family of misfortunes - salt was poured into every corner of the house.

A pinch of this drug was also sprinkled into the food of sick cattle.

What else is the “Thursday” capable of:

  • Helps clear the house of conflicts and bring family members closer together.
  • If a person does not come home for a long time, then you need to throw a pinch of “Thursday” into the fire.
  • If you throw a pinch of the product into the baby’s bathing water, he will grow up strong, intelligent, and healthy.
  • To attract prosperity into your home, place a salt shaker with special salt on the table, let it always be full.
  • If a person comes to you with unkind thoughts, treat him to food sprinkled with Thursday salt.
  • And after leaving, sprinkle his footprints at the threshold to remove all bad energy.
  • To maintain peace in the family, place a pinch of miraculous salt under the bed, at the head of the bed.

A small digression - on Maundy Thursday it was customary to count money so that it never runs out.

Dear friends, Maundy Thursday is coming very soon! Use our recipes and prepare a magical “Thursday” for the protection and health of your family. Ancient people knew how to protect their home!

Previously, not all food was salted, but only special ones. The one that was presented to the ancient gods and used in ritual meals. And this salt was not used just like that, it was prepared in a certain way to reveal its magical properties. This is what the Book of the Hidden Tree of Life says about such salt:
“You need to take salt, the whitest one, so that it glows like silver in the light, crush it in a wooden mortar. Do this when the moon is old. Keep it in the house all day, close to the hearth. And then wait for the Clean Day and take it to the priest. After the ritual, bring Salt back to your home. That salt will become the Salt of All Salts; it is protection from any evil.
If there is a sick person in the house, give him that Salt and water to drink.
If there is trouble in the house, pour it into every corner.
If there is a quarrel between spouses, put a bag of Salt under the pillow.
If someone leaves and does not return, throw a handful of Salt into the fire.
So that children grow up healthy, kind, beautiful and intelligent - throw a small pinch into the bathing water.
To ensure prosperity in the house, pour it into a wooden salt shaker and place it in the middle of the table. If an ill-wisher comes to the house, serve him food flavored with that Salt.
And if there is an enemy, then after he leaves, sprinkle all traces of him with Salt.
To ensure harmony in the house, throw a pinch under each bed, right under the headboard.”

How to prepare Thursday Salt today

First of all, you need to remember that Thursday Salt can be prepared only on one day a year - on Holy or Maundy Thursday, that is, the Thursday falling during Holy Week, which precedes the Easter holiday.

To make it, you will need a pack of the most common rock table salt of the coarsest grind and 12 tablespoons of rye flour. You will also need a cast iron frying pan with a thick bottom, a wooden spoon and a clean linen bag.

Salt and flour should be poured into a frying pan and put it on fire. When you do this, be sure to say out loud (three times):

"Maundy Thursday, save and have mercy from worms and every reptile for a long time."

Then you must bake the salt together with the flour until the flour is completely blackened. In this case, you need to mix the flour with salt with a wooden spoon in a clockwise direction.
The prepared salt should be left on the stove until midnight, and then just poured into a bag, which should be tied tightly.
Why is the frying pan cast iron? Because energy will not flow through cast iron, it has this property. So if you don’t have a cast-iron frying pan at home, take one made of any metal, but with a thick bottom and high walls. Just don't take aluminum cookware. Aluminum is a good conductor, which means everything flows through it easily and quickly. And the power of Thursday Salt in such a vessel will not linger, it will flow away.
Instead of a linen bag, you can take any kitchen towel, only new, unused. And a wooden spoon... or break off a twig from a young Christmas tree, peel off the bark and stir it with this fragrant stick.

How to make Thursday Salt enter the Force

The most important thing for any Object of Power is to make sure that it, this Thing, reveals that same Power in itself:
Not every seed becomes a tree, and not every stream can lead to an ocean. It is necessary for the force living in them to come out, to reveal itself completely, and then they will become what they should be. This is what happens with things, there is great power in them, but that’s only half the story. We need to help this force unfold, to express itself fully. And then a seemingly ordinary thing will turn into a powerful one. And each of the Things requires a special approach.
In order for the Thursday Salt to truly “settle” in the house, its power must be revealed, and then, even if it is simply stored in the house, it will already “work” in a certain way, helping the people living in that house. But Thursday Salt, like other Objects of Power, should be handled with respect.
After the Salt is made, literally immediately the next morning, you need to get up at dawn, while the sun is still rising, go to the front door with a bag of Thursday Salt (I remind you that the bag itself should be linen, and it’s better bandage everything tightly), stand behind the threshold, and then, stepping over it with your right foot, begin a complete walk around the home. This must be done counterclockwise. But before you step through the threshold, you need to say the following words, maybe in a whisper:

"All Salt Salt, from Holy Thursday,
We all care
How did you come to the house?
So the bitter misfortune is gone.
Protect and help
Save the house from evil."

And when the whole apartment has been walked around - I repeat once again: you need to go into every room that has a door - again stand in front of the threshold, facing the exit, and say:

"All evil go away,
And happiness will come.
I'm locking my word
I seal it with salt."

It is necessary to store Thursday Salt in the kitchen, close to the stove. But in such a way that no prying eye could see it, and under no circumstances tell strangers anything about it. This kind of salt is a kind of panacea; it helps with many illnesses, both physical and mental, it “heals” and protects the family, and brings happiness and prosperity to the home.

Here are things that it is better not to combine Thursday Salt with:
garbage, litter, dust, dirty water;
rusty nails or any other iron objects touched by rust;
food waste, spoiled food.

But if you look at it, all of the above is unlikely to be in the house of good owners who take care of their home. So, if you keep order, the positive effects of the Salt of All Salts will not be limited in any way.

The Salt of All Salts can be offered to the Brownie. And this is not only possible, but also necessary, he will be grateful to you for it. For such an offering, you should pour a little Salt into a wooden or ceramic bowl or an ordinary saucer and place it in a secluded corner, preferably under a closet, with the words:

"What is good for a person,
This is for the benefit of the Brownie too,
Accept, friend Brownie, Thursday Salt,
For joy and good health."

After a few days, when you feel that your House gift has been accepted and appreciated, the Salt should be removed. But you shouldn’t throw it down the garbage disposal or rinse it off in the sink under running water. Items of Power cannot be treated disrespectfully, much less the Thursday Salt. It should be sent back out the window or from the balcony into the world, so that it all scatters in the wind, and the following words should be said:

"How I came from the good world,
So she left for the good world,
scattered in the wind,
Sowing goodness into the ground."

How can you replace Thursday Salt?

There are situations when there is no Thursday Salt in the house, it has all run out or there was no way to make it. In such cases, this is what you need to do - take the most common, natural salt, without additives, and temporarily give it Strength using a special spell. And you can use it in the same way as Thursday Salt, but you should remember that the Power of such salt does not last long, no more than a month. And if you must perform any ritual using Strong Salt, then prepare the salt the day before so that the Strength does not have time to get lost in it.

Ritual for making Strong Salt

The ritual should be performed on the waxing moon, preferably just before the full moon. For this you need 1 glass of table salt. To perform the ritual, you should stand in front of the window and take a glass of salt in your left hand, then with your right hand take a pinch of salt from this glass and, holding it in your hand, say:

"From heaven and earth
Gather strength to yourself,
Become, Sol, strong,
Needed for any business."

Then you should put the charmed salt back into the glass with the rest of the salt. But this must be done in a special way. The charmed salt should be “salted” on top, as it were, describing circles clockwise with your hand. Then you need to leave the salt on the window for a day, and then pour it into a linen bag. Such Strong Salt can be used in all conspiracies and rituals instead of Thursday, but, of course, we must not forget that the power of such salt is much weaker, and such salt cannot be used in the house as the Main Item of Power.

Information about Thursday salt will not be complete without also mentioning the methods of its preparation.

Thursday salt, charmed by prayer

On Thursday, choosing a time between sunrise and sunset, take table salt (preferably finely ground) and pour it into a new, never used wooden or glass bowl in which the consecration will take place. Place your hands over the salt house and say a prayer:
“God, Our Savior, who appeared through the prophet Jeremiah in Jericho, and thus, through salt, made harmful water healthy! You yourself bless this salt and make it an offering of joy. For you are our God and to you we send glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen. Amen. Amen".
After this, place the salt in the bowl on the windowsill for three days so that sunlight and moonlight fall on it, endowing our enchanted salt with its subtle energies. After this time, the salt is ready for use.

Thursday salt blessed with gold and silver

It should be clarified that the term “consecrated” in magic means a thing, an object made using a certain ritual and having additional characteristics compared to the original sample. Thus, consecrated salt has more powerful cleansing properties than consecrated salt through prayer.
To create this salt, you will need regular table salt, as well as gold and silver jewelry. It could be a bracelet, a chain, a ring - but without stones, made of cast metal. Ideal jewelry for the ceremony are a massive gold wedding ring and a cast silver wrist bracelet, or thick gold and silver chains - thin silver and gold chains are too lightweight and do not have strong energy. The ritual is carried out for three days in a row in the morning.

First day: heat the salt in a frying pan over an open fire for 30 minutes, then, without letting it cool, pour it into a glass jar in which it will be stored, put pure gold jewelry in it and close the lid tightly. Leave the jar in a dark place for a day.

Second day: remove the gold item, heat the salt over an open fire for 20 minutes and pour it back into the jar. Place silver jewelry in it and close the lid for a day.

Third day: remove the silver item, heat the salt a third time on the fire for 10 minutes, then place the frying pan on the table in front of you and, while the salt is cooling, place your hands over the salt to feel the heat that comes from it. Breathing slowly and steadily, hold your hands over the salt for about 10 minutes, charging it with your own energy. Then pour into the jar and close the lid tightly: the salt is ready.

Methods for preparing Thursday Salt for lighting it in the temple:

On Maundy Thursday, mix the kvass grounds (after fermenting the wort) with coarse rock salt. Instead of leaven grounds, you can use rye or Borodino bread (5 kg of bread per 1 kg of salt), mix the soaked bread with salt, place in an oven or oven heated to 250 degrees. C and cook until the bread turns black. Grind the resulting mixture and pass through a sieve. The salt remaining in the sieve is poured into jars and used instead of regular salt.

Chop the top green leaves taken from the cabbage head and mix with rock salt. Then burn it in a stove or oven.

Mix herbs (oregano, mint) with rock salt and rye or Borodino bread (kvass grounds) and burn in the oven or stove. In Kostroma, this tasty and healing salt is still prepared and is called Kostroma black salt.

On Maundy Thursday, take some salt with you to church, with which you need to defend the service.

Table of nutrients found in salt:

In the rituals of Orthodox culture in Russian cuisine, a product such as black (Thursday, or Thursday) salt is used. Many points are important for its preparation. One of the conditions is the date of preparation: it is done on Maundy Thursday before Easter. That is, you can make this salt only once a year, at night or in the morning on this day of Holy Week.

Historical information

It is called black salt because it changes color after being treated with fire. It is heat treatment that allows the salt to be purified; this is one of the most powerful options for energy cleansing. To enhance the magical properties of the product, special “Sunday” firewood is placed in the oven. To collect them, you need to put aside one birch log on Sundays during Lent.

The healing power of Thursday salt is also strengthened by the fact that it is illuminated together with Easter cakes. This recipe does not relate to the history of the Christian religion; it was used exclusively in the villages of Russian peasants, who passed it on from generation to generation.

Benefits of Thursday salt

The healing properties of black salt attracted the attention of scientists, and they learned its chemical composition. It turned out that the content of heavy metals in it is very low, almost tens of times less than in a regular product. In addition, ready-made Thursday salt contains virtually no chlorine, which, in fact, causes thirst after eating salty foods and provokes swelling. That is, prepared black salt contains much less harmful substances that have a bad effect on the human body.

At the same time, the ash that appears during the cooking process enriches the product with many useful microelements, namely calcium, potassium, selenium, zinc, copper, iodine and others. That is why black salt is recommended for people who have kidney and heart problems. It is also recommended for those who have hypertension, osteochondrosis, obesity and digestive problems. In addition, this salt contains carbon, which helps remove toxins and waste from the body. It is worth noting that Thursday salt is not only healthy, but also extremely aromatic and pleasant to the taste.

Use as medicine

During the Easter holidays, it is customary to paint and bless boiled eggs. They need to be salted with black salt. From the mystical side, it is recommended to use it if illnesses arise or the evil eye is detected. In addition, knowledgeable people advise rubbing it on sore spots. Some say that simply eating food salted with it will be enough. Quaternary salt has the widest use in folk medicine.

There are also specific ways to use this natural medicine. For example, a person who has stomach problems should pour salt from the tip of a knife onto his tongue every day after breakfast and suck it. The result of improvement in the condition appears very quickly, but for a complete recovery you need to carry out this procedure for two months.

Livestock and crop applications

Thursday salt was also used for diseases of livestock. The villagers threw a pinch of the dish into the water and fed the animals salted bread. And to prevent the cow from getting sick, when she was first brought into the herd, a bag of this salt was placed in her bosom as a talisman against various ailments.

Black salt was also used to improve crops. It was added to the grain with ash before sowing; it was believed that this way the stems would germinate better and be large and healthy. In order for vegetables to grow well, they were watered with a solution of water and Thursday salt.

Use as a talisman

In the old days, it was believed that Thursday salt was a strong amulet for travelers and soldiers. Therefore, they sewed it into an amulet and made a pendant out of it. Many traveling men wore it around their neck next to a cross.


No fancy ingredients are needed to make this unique and versatile dish. Many people are interested in how to prepare Thursday salt. The most ancient methods of making it include coarse salt and kvass grounds or soaked rye bread crumbs. Salt and bread should be put in equal proportions. Having mixed it all, they put it in a bast shoe or wrapped it in a rag and put it in a preheated oven. Some used coals to cook it, completely covered the future dish, left it for about 3-4 hours, and then took it out. After the baked mixture had cooled, it was placed in a mortar and pounded, grinding as much as possible. Next, the product had to be taken to church for consecration. It was believed that only after this the salt acquired healing and magical properties. Previously, they prepared a lot of Thursday salt so that there would be enough until next Easter. It was customary to keep it behind icons.

Recipe with kvass grounds or rye bread

On Maundy Thursday you need to take kvass grounds or rye bread along with rock salt. The bread is cut into small pieces and soaked in water. Then it all needs to be mixed, the approximate proportions are a kilogram of salt and five kilograms of bread. Spicy herbs are also added if desired. If salt is needed for treatment, then they are selected depending on their healing qualities. If you plan to use it simply for food, then choose spices depending on your preferences.

This is how Thursday salt is made. How to cook next? It’s very simple, you need to preheat the oven to maximum (minimum 250 degrees) and, putting salt on a baking sheet, place it inside. You need to bake it until it turns black. While she is baking, you need to read prayers. The result is a large black cake that looks like a burnt pie. You need to break it into small pieces and pound it in a wooden mortar. At the same time, it is also necessary to read prayers.

Recipe with rye flour

You need to cook, most importantly, on Maundy Thursday. You need a cast iron frying pan, pour a kilogram of rock salt onto it. Then a glass of flour is added. The mixture must be stirred clockwise, and it is very important to use only a wooden spoon. The mixture must be calcined until the Thursday salt is completely blackened.

The recipes are, in principle, very similar to each other. Then it is left on the stove until midnight comes. Only then can it be transferred to a fabric bag or jar. It is advisable to read prayers during the entire process.

Recipe with cabbage leaves

On Maundy Thursday, remove the top green leaves from the cabbage and chop them into small pieces. After this, the cabbage should be mixed with rock salt. Then the mixture is placed on a baking sheet and baked in an oven preheated to maximum until black, while prayers are read. This is how Thursday salt is made. How to cook next? After cooling, the resulting baked goods are crushed and pounded in a wooden mortar, while prayers are also read.

It is worth noting that salt will acquire healing and magical properties only after consecration. Therefore, you need to take Thursday salt and go to the service. It is important to note that you need to be in the church from the beginning of the service until its end, without leaving the shrine.


There are many ways to use Thursday salt, and different beliefs associated with it. Among them it is worth highlighting:

  1. Storing black salt in the house will protect you from thieves, intrusions, the evil eye, evil and other negative energy.
  2. You can put salt in a cloth and use it as an amulet, as a talisman.
  3. By pouring salt in the corners of your apartment, you can get rid of evil and erase negativity from the energy field of the room.
  4. To improve your relationship with your loved one, you need to put a bag of salt under your pillow.
  5. When an ill-wisher or enemy appears in the room, you need to treat him to a dish with this salt. She will not allow him to harm the owners of the apartment. And after he leaves, it is worth sprinkling the traces of the ill-wisher with pinches of black salt to drive him away from the house.
  6. To restore mutual understanding and good relationships to the family, you should place pinches of salt at the head of the beds of each family member.
  7. If you are sick, you can dilute a pinch of black salt in a glass of water and drink it: this will strengthen your immune system and help you cope with the disease faster.
  8. You can use it when bathing, adding it to your bath. It can prolong youth and give the body beauty and health.
  9. If you pour black salt into a wooden bowl and place it in the center of the table, it is believed that this will attract wealth to your home.

Cleaning the house of negativity

There is one way to cleanse your home of negativity using Thursday salt. To do this you will need two candles, black and red, and actually salt. Before carrying out the cleansing ritual, you need to do a thorough cleaning of the room where it will take place. Light the gas on very low heat and heat the black salt in a frying pan. While it heats up, it will absorb all the negative energy from the apartment. By the way, if it is not possible to make the ingredients for the ritual yourself, and the question “where to get Thursday salt” is relevant, it is worth considering that you can only buy it on Maundy Thursday near the church. After all, its energetic properties directly depend on the correct preparation and consecration.

Next, you need to light a black candle and walk with it around the perimeter of the entire apartment or house. At the same time, you should pay close attention to corners and places where there is a large accumulation of various things. At the same time, you need to mentally imagine how all the negativity burns out from the flame of this candle. You can read prayers or mantras during the process. After you have passed the entire area of ​​the room being cleaned, you need to place the candle in salt and let it burn out to the end. If Thursday salt (the use of which is mandatory) begins to crackle, this is a clear sign of the elimination of negative energy.

The next step is to take a red candle, a frying pan and go outside. With this you need to go to the ground and bury the contents of the frying pan in it. After this, you should light a red candle and go into the house with it. This step symbolizes filling the room with new, clean energy. In this case, you need to mentally imagine how energy enters the room. With this candle you also need to walk around the perimeter of the entire apartment. After all these steps, you need to open all the windows and ventilate the room.

Basically, this is all the information that explains how to make Thursday salt and use it for a variety of purposes. This remedy has come to us from very ancient times and was tested by our ancestors. Therefore, there is no point in doubting the effectiveness of using black salt. She helped our ancestors for centuries, and will help us now to solve many problems and gain health and beauty.

People associate many traditions with Easter week. One of them is the so-called How to make such a drug and what to use it for? What is it all about? This is very interesting and educational. Let's figure out what the heritage of many generations of our ancestors is, and at the same time learn how to make Thursday salt correctly.

What will we be talking about?

Not all people are familiar with Orthodox traditions and the rituals that grew out of them. Before we talk about how to make Thursday salt, let’s say a few words about it itself.

The name is intriguing, but perhaps not everyone knows what it says. This, of course, is a miraculous remedy that is usually prepared on Maundy Thursday. This is one of the days of Easter week. Remember that on Thursday everyone is supposed to clean themselves, bathe and pray to get rid of sin? Great time to prepare all kinds of medicines. One of them is Thursday salt. How to make food or seasoning have magical properties? Have you thought about this? Have you ever wondered what magicians or witches do to influence their clients and victims? Surely such nonsense rarely occurs to a modern person. But they were different. They had faith in miracles and witchcraft, gods and their incredible capabilities.

Ancient recipes

There is a wise ancient tome with the interesting title “The Book of the Hidden Tree of Life.” It also tells you how to make Thursday salt. As it turns out, this was not entirely a Slavic idea. The tome suggested taking the purest salt so that it would “blaze like silver.” It must be crushed in a mortar and kept in the house near the fireplace. Remember this! Now you will see for yourself that different peoples made Thursday salt in a similar way! The ancient writers also explained how to make it gain magical properties. It is necessary to take the pot of mineral to the Priest on the Clean Day. That ritual will be performed correctly. Then take your magic salt home again. By the way, the recipes for using the product in the book are practically no different from modern ones. However, how to properly make Thursday salt is not particularly clear from the text. We will use more modern instructions. By the way, there are many of them. Each village added its own ingredients to the salt.

What you need to know and remember

Before starting the ritual, you need to be well prepared. When figuring out how to make Thursday salt, pay attention to the subtleties and nuances. Although there are rules common to all recipes. The constant rule is that there is only one day a year when the ritual can be performed. It is Thursday, that is, the time before Easter. For the ritual you will need a pack of salt. It should be the most ordinary, large one. You will also need to think about how you will warm it up. This is the most important condition under which any Thursday salt is prepared. How to make it in a modern apartment where there is no stove and you can’t light a fire? We'll look at this a little below. Savvy people have come up with ways for all occasions. There are no obstacles that would prevent a stubborn person from receiving this magical remedy.

Recipe with flour

Describing further how to make Thursday salt, we will no longer talk about the mineral itself. Let's agree that in any case, a kilogram pack of large ones is involved in the ritual. For this method, you will also need rye flour. Prepare a dozen tablespoons of it. The two indicated ingredients must be poured onto the stove. Place it on the fire. Say this: “Maundy Thursday! Free us from all reptiles and illnesses and protect us for all time!” It is necessary to heat the mixture until the flour turns completely black. Stir it only with a wooden spoon! This should be remembered firmly! Not everyone who tells how to make Thursday salt themselves pays attention to this nuance. And the magic remedy must come into contact with the tree. When the flour turns black, turn off the heat. Pour the cooled product into a linen bag.

Recipe with kvass grounds

This method is old, so to speak, real. Kvass grounds are now replaced with rye flour. But in fact, in the villages they prepared a remedy with it. If you visit relatives in the outback, ask yourself how to make black Thursday salt. The recipe will usually include kvass grounds.

And the method is not particularly different from the first. Heat a frying pan or other thick-walled container. Pour in salt and grounds. Stir with a wooden spatula or spoon. Say the same words as above. Once it turns black, cool. You can store the product not only in a linen bag, but also in glass. Only the jar needs to be tightly sealed.

Cooking in the oven

You understand that food used to be heated in an oven. Therefore, the current slabs only vaguely resemble the method that was familiar in the old days. Some sources write that it is necessary to prepare the magic remedy in the oven, so it will be “for real”. Maybe so. But this recipe is somewhat different from those already given. In general, when figuring out how to make black Thursday salt, try to read as much as possible about it. There is never too much information. Moreover, it is compiled on the wisdom and ingenuity of many generations of our ancestors. Everyone tried to contribute something of their own. It is clear that they then tracked their “innovations”, leaving only the most successful ones for posterity. This method requires containers with thick walls. Salt and soaked water are placed in it in a ratio of one to five. The container is placed in a preheated oven (at least 250 degrees). There it should warm up until it turns black. This will take several hours. Please note that the ritual must be completed before the end of Thursday!

How to make Thursday salt without flour

It is proposed to reproduce the old recipe. For example, Kostroma. In the villages of this province, they still tell people how to make Thursday salt at home, naturally, considering it the most correct one. For this you need not only kvass grounds. Aromatic herbs are also added to the mixture. Namely mint with oregano. They must be prepared in advance or purchased at the pharmacy. Take one hundred grams of herbs per kilogram of salt. Line a roasting pan with cabbage leaves and place the mixture on top. Keep in the oven until blackened. You will end up with a hard piece. It will need to be crushed and sifted. The salt will be aromatic and extraordinary! This one only heals with smell. Even the doctors who examined it found no shortcomings in the product, all advantages. They say it is enriched with minerals that are beneficial to the body without any magic. Potassium and phosphorus, calcium and iodine, magnesium and chromium were found in it. Enjoy it for your health!

Ancient recipe

And in monasteries they prepare this remedy using their own method. It is passed down “by inheritance.” This method is not very suitable for current conditions. If you are interested in how to make Thursday salt in an apartment, you will have to skip it. Read for fun. The monastery prepared seven birch logs in advance. They made a fire out of them. A bundle in a lapta was placed in it. Its contents: a mixture of salt, herbs, leaven grounds, wrapped in cabbage leaves. The bast shoes were turned over, warming up for a long time. At the same time, the monks read the prayers prescribed for this day. If you manage to get your hands on such Thursday salt, be sure to store it. It helps a lot with various misfortunes.

Why is such a tool needed?

We have already shared information on how to make Thursday salt on Maundy Thursday. Now it would be good to find out what it is actually needed for. After all, you can’t keep it in a bag! Why suffer so much and then have no idea where to use such a product. Firstly, food is flavored with it. Secondly, it is needed for treatment. Any patient is recommended to drink some water with this salt on an empty stomach. The proportions are selected according to the condition of the person himself. You shouldn't force him. If he can, then let him drink a whole glass, but if not, then a sip is enough. Washing with Thursday salt is beneficial for facial skin. To do this, dissolve the spoon in a glass of water. They wash the skin with it. It is not recommended to wipe your face after this. Let the magic water soak in.

Should Thursday salt be blessed?

Another fundamental question, a definite answer to which cannot be obtained from the outside. If you ask anyone how to make Thursday salt at home, the recipe usually ends with the Great Feast of the Lord's Easter. They say that baking the mixture and grinding it is not enough. It is also necessary to take it to the Temple and consecrate it. Remember how it is described in the ancient book: “The priest will perform a ceremony over her.” Most likely, this advice should be viewed through the prism of your own soul. The fact is that Thursday salt helps everyone, regardless of religious affiliation. Atheists, by the way, are no exception. That is, believers will probably want to fulfill this part of the recipe. Atheists will say that this will do. Maybe they will also be right in their own way. After all, doctors say that this remedy is very useful even without church services. Therefore, such a subtle question must be coordinated with the soul and one’s own worldview.

Modern “modification” of recipes

Let's face it, not everyone wants to adhere to the old descriptions of preparing Thursday salt. The current housewives have somewhat reworked the content of the recommendations, bringing them to the level of modern technologies. However, everyone warns that you should not use a microwave oven. It produces not a magical remedy, but something indigestible. This is what they recommend doing. Chop cabbage leaves, herbs, whatever you like. Mix everything with salt and flour. Heat over high heat until blackened. Agree, the recipe has been greatly simplified. But it contains all the necessary ingredients. Therefore, it is quite permissible to use it. Housewives also pass on information about herbs to their girlfriends. The fact is that they began to not only add mint and oregano to the mixture. Many people say that it’s good to put dill there too. Some use very exotic herbs. And others say that they cooked with everything they found at home or bought on Maundy Thursday. For example, chamomile and thyme. This salt is good for colds. And in cosmetic operations, as they say, a product used in the preparation of aromatic oils helps. Try it yourself. After all, all recipes were created on the basis of folk art. So why not take part in it?

The magical uses of Thursday salt

Now let's touch on the issue of using this product for purposes other than medical ones. So, it is recommended, when there is no peace and quiet at home, to scatter it throughout all rooms and premises. Take handfuls straight from the bag and throw them on the floor (like a sower). Let it sit for three days. Then carefully collect with a broom (not a vacuum cleaner) onto a dustpan. But don't throw it away. This is extremely important! After using salt in magical rituals, it is buried in the ground (snow). If a magic remedy ends up in a trash can or sewer, it will bring negativity back into the house! Remember. They also say that you need to sprinkle the perimeter of everyone’s beds with it for three days. After such a procedure, people become calmer and kinder. Their fears go away, their anger dissolves. Go out the door with the bag and sprinkle it on the threshold. This is protection from an evil visitor. All guests, as soon as they step over the strip of salt, will leave bad thoughts and envy at the threshold. If you feel the evil eye in the house, add salt to the corners. Say this: “Salt of Thursday, take away the evil from my doorstep!” When you start cleaning, collect it and bury it in the ground. It is recommended to bathe small children in “salted” water. They are less capricious after this and get sick. In general, Thursday salt is an excellent and tasty remedy. Cook it yourself!

I read about Thursday salt on the Internet, but many questions remain unresolved, and the most important ones: is it possible to prepare such salt yourself, but according to a real, ancient recipe? For a recipe that is not found anywhere on the Internet, it is believed that the recipes were lost and did not reach us in our time. But what is there is impossible to understand, and many disagreements can be found in different sources, and inventions - inventions of writing are noticeable and clearly visible) Can you give your opinion about this Thursday salt?

Alexander Tsvetkov


Thursday salt is rock salt prepared according to a special folk recipe on Maundy Thursday before Easter. That is why this salt is called Thursday salt, because it is prepared only once a year, and this only day is Maundy Thursday (Maundy Thursday) of Holy Week on the eve of the bright holiday of Easter. Thursday salt is also called black salt, “Thursday salt.” Black because the specific process of preparing salt makes it dark in color, since the salt is baked in an oven or heated over a fire, on coals, which makes it black.

After such thermal fiery treatment, the salt retains only its beneficial properties - it becomes pure or purified. And the salt crystals themselves are able to absorb light positive energy from prayers said during the process of preparing salt, charging, filling, turning into a wonderful and healthy product.

And the fact that the recipes were lost is not entirely true, because they were not lost, and exist to this day. Just not for everyone, but for those people who attach special importance and value to such things. Just as monks know recipes, some traditional healers or healers, some psychics and magicians know an ancient recipe for cooking. But most ordinary people simply forgot them, did not preserve them, did not pass them on by inheritance. More due to the fact that life itself has changed and acquired other indicators in its guise - comfortable devices and equipment, appliances and household items that surround us every day.

Therefore, now in our time, instead of preparing Thursday salt in a Russian stove (or a stove of a different design, but in a stove), or on coals from birch firewood (alder), on a regular fire, but in a cast-iron cauldron or cast-iron frying pan, They cook on a gas stove, in a microwave, or on an electric stove, and even in simple saucepans or modern nano frying pans - tins. In addition, they are often prepared from fine white table salt powder, which is sold in stores in regular packs (you can buy coarsely ground rock salt - it is also on sale), and they are also prepared on other days - not on Maundy Thursday, but typical day. Thus, you get not Thursday salt, but simply a black salty powder, which is essentially a caricature of Thursday salt and does not contain any beneficial properties.

Thursday salt itself is a folk product, its roots go back to the distant past. But if we take for example the times of the 18th – 19th and early 20th centuries, we can describe the following picture.

In Rus' at that time, Thursday salt was used everywhere and traditionally - there was such salt in every house. The house owners themselves prepared Thursday salt from ordinary coarse rock salt once a year - on Maundy Thursday, on the eve of Easter itself. They prepared enough salt to last for the whole year, until next Maundy Thursday. And the preparation itself was done either at night after midnight on Wednesday - the night turning into Thursday, or it was prepared early in the morning at 5-6-7 o'clock on Maundy Thursday. Salt was prepared in a Russian oven on birch (alder) logs, in a cast-iron pot or cast-iron frying pan, or in any other thick-walled cast-iron form - utensils for cooking. Before putting the cast iron pot with salt in the oven or on the coals, the rock salt was crushed into medium grains with a wooden mortar - a masher or cast iron, in a wide and deep wooden bowl or barrel, but most often this was done in the cast iron pot, in which it was then placed in an oven in which they cooked by baking salt.

The process of preparing salt itself was completely accompanied by prayers (different prayers, several) from the beginning of preparation to complete completion (thus the salt crystals were charged with light, powerful positive energy), in addition to its beneficial physical properties.

But the recipes for Thursday salt themselves were different, that is, there were several recipes, not just one, although they were all based on a single principle - preparing salt in thick-walled cast-iron utensils and on a live fire, reading prayers to yourself (the prayers could be read in your own words, and not necessarily memorized from the prayer book), on Maundy Thursday morning. And the variety of recipes themselves differed in that they endowed salt with a function for a specific purpose:

1 – salt for treatment and prevention, including for pets;

2 – salt for a talisman and talisman for the home, family and the person in general;

3 – salt for everyday consumption, including for livestock;

4 – salt that unites and contains all of the above meanings.

Why did such salt also have different colors, and not just one - dark or black. The color could be dark green, dark brown, dark with a yellow tint, or gray-ash color, dark with a bluish tint. Depending on the content of various additional components to the salt itself during its preparation and the method of baking or piercing over fire.

The recipes themselves were mainly used, as they say, by eye, during the preparation process. That is, for example, one of the recipes is:

Coarse edible rock salt

In a cast iron frying pan or kettle, or in a wooden bowl or barrel, pound coarse rock salt with a wooden mortar, for example, placing one liter ladle (or jar) of rock salt in the cast iron, and crumble black or rye bread on top (usually without cutting with a knife pieces of bread, and breaking off pieces with your hands) with crumbs covering the entire surface of the salt (approximately a ladle of salt, a ladle of bread crumbs); often they also added herbs - mint, oregano, etc., also by eye, finely crumbling on top so that the herbs covered the entire surface (about the size of a glass) then moistened everything with kvass, also by eye, but so that the mass did not become liquid, but remained thick, stirring the whole mixture with a wooden spoon clockwise, reading prayers to myself. The resulting thickening was placed in a kettle or frying pan in the oven to bake until the resulting baked cake burned out and smoke came out of it. That is, the cake turns out to be burnt black. Having taken the cake out of the oven or removed from the heat, they let it sit for a while until it cooled completely, and then broke the cake into pieces, crumbled it and ground it into powder, pouring it into a pre-prepared rag bag and tying it up. Usually the ready-made salt was then taken to church along with Easter cakes and colored eggs to be illuminated. And on Easter, they put salt in a special salt shaker in the center of the table along with Easter cakes and eggs. The festive meal at the table took place in such a way that when eating eggs, they salted them with Thursday salt, and there was no other ordinary salt on the table (or in the house), they drank kvass adding this salt to it (or drank pure spring, well, illuminated water , with added salt).

Oven baked crust with rock salt

In the preparation of salt, they also used not only rye bread (usually baked by the owners themselves - homemade), but also made crumbs from flour - instead of bread crumbs, created a dough, also baking it to the state of a dry, burnt cracker-crust, and then ground it into powder. Various herbs could be added to such a dough, and additionally dry crumbs-powder of ground rye bread (crackers), adding, kneading the dough with well or spring water, milk or kvass.

But we need to take into account some differences, namely: what kvass was like then, and what it is now, what they sell in stores; what flour was like then, and what it is now on sale, including rye bread itself. Big difference.

If you want to prepare Thursday salt, then try it from the description above. Now I will translate one recipe for making Thursday salt into a more compact form, so to speak, in a modern way. Well, I’ll describe some recommendations for using kitchen tools for cooking.

Quarter salt according to this recipe can be used as food, and used in the treatment or prevention of the body, and as a product used in cosmetology for the skin and hair, the whole body (masks, ointments, compresses, rinses, baths), and used as a talisman for home and family, military and travelers.

Preparation time: Wednesday night after midnight (12 o'clock) or early in the morning of Maundy Thursday of Holy Week, on the eve of Easter.

(For believers who attend church, you can then take and light the Thursday salt along with the Easter cake and colored eggs, and be sure to place this salt in the center of the table on Easter along with the Easter cake and colored eggs)

Thursday salt recipe:

1 – based on a liter jar – coarse rock salt;

2 – fresh crumb of rye, black bread in small pieces – a liter jar (even better if you bake the bread yourself in advance, rather than buy it)

3 – kvass (preferably homemade) – enough to moisten the bread without turning it into slurry (if there is no kvass, then you can replace it with spring water or clean, melted well water)

4 – herbs – finely crushed mint or oregano, bay leaf, dandelion, other spicy foods (or both together – one glass, this salt is pleasant to the taste and aromatic).

Combine all the ingredients together in a deep bowl or in a saucepan, cup (not an aluminum one), mix with a wooden spoon, stirring clockwise, add kvass, soak everything well, and then put the whole mass in cheesecloth, wrap and squeeze out excess liquid, unfold the gauze and place the whole mass either immediately on a baking sheet, or on the table, on a cutting board, forming a thin cake or cake from the mass, then transferring it to a baking sheet (but it’s better to do it on a baking sheet right away), place it in a preheated oven at 250 degrees (preferably at oven) and bake the cake until it blackens (it will smoke, smoke in the oven will immediately go up the chimney, not in the oven), then remove from the oven, let the cake cool completely, break the cake into pieces, and then grind, or crush into powder using a mortar and mortar. While cooking, say prayers to yourself. Pour all the salt into a dry jar, wooden salt shaker or cloth bag. It is recommended to store it behind icons (but this is if you take the salt to the church and light it, along with Easter cakes and eggs).

Another recipe using rye flour:

We remember that the preparation time is Clean Thursday before Easter.

Take a cast iron frying pan, pour 1 kg of coarse rock salt into it, add one large glass of flour. Mix the mixture well clockwise with a wooden spoon or spatula (if you don’t have a wooden spoon, you can make one from a tree branch - for example, a birch stick). Place the frying pan on the fire and heat the entire mixture until it is completely blackened. Then remove from heat and let cool completely (if you cooked on Wednesday before 12 at night, then let it sit and cool until early morning, or the night after 12). Next, everything is the same as in the first recipe, grind the baked pie or black cake (burnt) into powder and pour it into a jar or bag. During the process of preparing salt, from the beginning to the very end, we read prayers to ourselves (or mantras, prayers in our own words, but sincerely).

You can make a talisman: - pour a spoonful of salt into a cloth bag with a braid and tighten it on top, sew a loop, thread a chain or cord with a clasp through it to make it in the form of a pendant, and wear it on your chest.

Do not use a microwave or electric stove to prepare salt. The best thing is a Russian stove or a stove of a different design, but with wood and live fire. If this is not possible, you can use a gas stove in your apartment - cooking in the oven or in a cast iron frying pan on the top burner panel. An ordinary fire or barbecue outdoors or in the country is also suitable.

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