Home Grape Master Class. How to age paper. Pirate treasure map. DIY antique pirate map Pirate maps to print

Master Class. How to age paper. Pirate treasure map. DIY antique pirate map Pirate maps to print

My son's birthday was approaching, and I was thinking about gifts, holding and decorating the holiday. I was thinking, I was late as usual - the day before :). A large gift has already been reserved by relatives, and I decided to buy several inexpensive gifts. Well, don’t give them away by the bag! We need to beat. idea treasure maps for kids I took note of this a long time ago. A great reason to put it into practice!

How to draw a treasure map?

Yes Easy. You will need a sheet of Whatman paper, crayons and a couple of pictures for inspiration. We draw an island with a relief on it, palm trees for the surroundings, camels for shocking effect and a compass rose for authenticity. Already on top I sketched out a rough plan of the apartment, and pasted red crosses in the places where the gifts were hidden and marked the search directions with a dotted line. I burned the edges of the treasure map with a lighter, just to be honest :)

Treasure map, pictures for inspiration:

Add pirate attributes, and treasure map for children's party it will be like the real one:

  • parrot
  • Pirates' ship
  • treasure chest
  • spyglass, compass
  • black mark, cocked hat, skull, anchor

This is how ours turned out pirate treasure map. I didn’t have much time, I approached the question superficially, next year I’ll also make a treasure map with my own hands, but I’ll prepare better. Because the success was enormous, the son ran around the apartment in delight, opening all the drawers and cabinets in a row, looking under the bed, and in the refrigerator, and on the mezzanine.

) cards and print it out. This is what the original map file looks like.

I do not recommend printing the map in A4 format, but printing it a little larger (at least one and a half sheets of A4), then each part of the map will be large enough. This is the map I got (one and a half sheets of A4)

As you can see, the map is filled with different places like “Storm Island” or “Dead Man’s Cove”, it also contains icons of cannons, rum, a Jolly Roger flag, an anchor, a black mark, a cross, a steering wheel and a chest. This was also done so that in the quest you could make a reference to the map and you would need to find out, for example, “the number of cannons in Fort Hope” or “find out the number of chests in Flint Mountain.”

The middle of the map is empty, this is done so that in this middle, if you want, you can schematically draw a plan of the area or apartment with a designated place where the gift is hidden. In our case, this place will be empty.

This is what the map looked like after I burned it a little around the edges. Be careful not to get carried away and burn a hole in the map, like I did :) But since there are no vital places on the map in this place, I left it and did not redo the map.

At first I drew a plan of our apartment on the map, but then I abandoned the idea of ​​​​using it in the quest, but I left the plan just in case, it did not interfere with the quest.

This is what the map looks like after dividing it into several parts. It is important that the first part of the map contains a complete (not cut) island of the damned, because... We will need to see it in the second task. Unfortunately, I touched it a little, but the icons were not badly damaged and their full number can be easily determined.

Now we will give the map an ancient look and greatly age it. To do this, soak our card in tea and dry it.

Let's soak our map.

After about 2 hours, I pulled out the card pieces and transferred them to sheets to dry.

This is what we end up with

I hope you will agree with me that every self-respecting parent should organize a search for a gift, that is, a treasure (at least once) for their child. We were already looking for a secret chest and an explosive device during training in .

But what are treasures without pirates? It's time to tell you how we organized a treasure hunt for children at one of their birthdays. As you know, a pirate theme, a search for treasures and treasures is an almost win-win scenario for a birthday quest for children (and sometimes even for adults), you can watch one of them.

But since we didn't have any in stock pirate costumes, we decided to make do with a lighter option - not to initiate the children into pirates, but simply to look for treasure (that is, a gift for the birthday boy, hidden by pirates). The game took place at our house in the winter, indoors. But it would be even better in the warm season in nature: at the dacha or in the park in the fresh air, if the weather permits.

Props and preparation for the quest

Purchased and prepared with our own hands props:

  • balloons, flags, napkins with pirate symbols,

  • pencils for face painting,
  • compass,
  • "archaeological sets" with skulls,
  • a lot of plastic containers for chocolate eggs (they put a key in one, candies in the others), they were all hidden in a black bag,
  • chocolate coins and bills,

  • chest (found in household supplies), covered it with pirate pictures,
  • as well as a lock and key,

  • a set of pirate accessories (hook, earring, sword, eye patch).

Of course, we prepared it with our own hands map to(a sheet of whatman paper was soaked several times in tea leaves, then slightly torn and the edges were scorched over a candle), a pirate's dictionary and honorary pirate diplomas were printed out (more on this below).

Treasure Hunt Map

I cut it for the outfit headscarf made of black fabric and sketched a skeletal drawing with white paint.

We also prepared personalized souvenirs(they were put into bags, tied with a coarse cord, and seals were made of plasticine, the initials of the birthday girl and guests were written on them).

Ships were quickly built on the table from eggs, mayonnaise, sausage and cheese. Toothpicks were used as masts, and pirate flags were pre-printed in a photo studio on A4 sheet, cut out and glued to toothpicks.

Quest scenario

Of course, the treasure was hidden in advance according to the prepared map.
And so, while unsuspecting guests congratulate the unsuspecting birthday boy:

A treasure was found in our house,
You never dreamed of this:
_____ years ago
Our _____ was born!

At this moment, malicious voices are heard from the next room. pirate screams(SONG 1), everyone runs in there.

There are pirate traces (accessories) and a letter all around:

“You won’t see any gifts, you won’t see a holiday!
Your chest is in a safe place. You won't find it!
Ha ha ha! Thousand devils!

Next to it is another note:

“Or maybe we’ll give away your chest... Only you will get 13 gold coins for the treasure map!
So that!"

Pirate language

To deal with pirates, you need to understand their language. We read words from pirate slang to the children, and they had to remember or guess their meaning:

To get “gold coins” and clues, children had to complete the tasks of the game.

"Settled on a desert island"

Each person was given a balloon and a marker. For the set time, the children drew little people on them. The one with the most populous island won. He received a chocolate coin.

"Sea Knots"

Pirates must be able to tie sea knots. Or at least regular ones :). Since there were also very small treasure hunters, the task was simplified. They gave everyone a lanyard. A competition to see who can tie the most knots while the next pirate song is playing.


Solved puzzles, found on the Internet:

He is the most insidious villain.
They scare all the children
Carries a pistol and a knife.
He commits robbery.
He is either poor or rich.
And he's always looking for treasure.
Answer quickly
Who is this…..!


A giant swims across the ocean
And he releases a fountain.


I grew up in the forest
in silent silence,
Now I'm carrying you
along the blue wave.


She lives in the water, has no beak, but pecks.


In calm weather we are nowhere to be found.
And the wind blows - we run on the water.


If it lies on the bottom, the ship will not run into the distance.


The giant stands in the port, illuminating the darkness,
And he signals to the ships: come visit us!


Both in the taiga and in the ocean
He will find any way,
fits in your pocket,
but leads us along.


If suddenly on the open sea
Or at the seaport
You will see this flag -
Expect pirates on board soon.
The name of the flag spreads horror,
Promising an attack.
Who dares to name him,
Promising an attack?
("Jolly Roger")

This is a valuable document
With him you will find a treasure in a moment,
But go to the treasure
And manage to find him.
(Treasure map)

In the vastness of the sea it exists,
And on the map it’s like it’s not there, -
Hidden from prying eyes
And one keeps a secret:
Among the palm trees, in the hot sands,
Many years ago
From real pirates
Someone buried a treasure there.
(Treasure Island)

Either an accessory or a trophy, -
Having seen him, you would have guessed -
His master in battle among the seas
He fought desperately for his life

And he was wounded, but did not lose heart,
Although I have to hide the injury
He's on his face. So let whoever found out
He will be able to name this thing for us.
(Black eye patch)


The clue I found said:

« Search on a desert island«.

From the last competition, the children guessed what uninhabited islands were. Another clue was hidden in one of the balloons.

It read:

“Would you like the key to the chest? We will give it to you only for 4 skulls of our old scoundrels who gave up their lives. Find them or go to Dave Jones yourself!”

I had to carry out archaeological excavations:

For 4 skulls we received a new task:

“Did you want a map? Do you know where the south, east, north, west are? Look for the compass, young bastards!

Searching the room. There were a lot of notes scattered, but most were teasing:

  • All hands on deck! Half-hearted! Aboard!
  • You have a sense of smell like an old dog! Search better!
  • There's no key here!
  • Fraternize with the sea devil!
  • So you will all end up broke!
  • Search, search! Otherwise you will be hanging around like ticks in the wind!
  • You can fire with all your guns, but there is no treasure here!
  • Weigh anchor, you won't find anything!
  • Caramba! Throw out the white flag!
  • Well, so be it! I'm like a cook today! Get your card!

The latter, of course, was hidden by the pirates in the farthest corner...

Well, finally bottle with card:

Map, compass and key found, the rest is a matter of technology. You need to turn the map along the compass and find the chest. On the map they sketched out in advance the layout of the apartment and the route with arrows, in which direction how many steps to the chest.

The key to the lock on the chest fits:

And here is ours treasure:

Hooray! And, of course, they gave it to all participants certificates of honor:

The quest at home was a success, the guests liked it.

If you don’t have time to prepare a script and props, use our ready-made selection of pirate quests , which you just need to download and print. And yes, prepare the prizes yourself :)

And this is a photo from our class’s pirate quest at graduation:

Pirate songs:

1. Start — “Pirate’s Song” from the film “Blue Puppy” (“I hate good deeds...”)
2. Face painting (face painting) — “Grandmother and Granddaughter” (“Blue twilight poured into the sails of the frigate...”)
3. “Lentyaevo” - Song about pirates (“Yo-ho-ho, Tru-la-la, After all, we are pirates”)
4. Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack
5. “Pirates” - O. Yudakhina (“In boarding battles we go to the end...”)
6. Bebe Lilly “Les Pirates”
7. “Song of the Pirates” from the movie “The Little Mermaid” (“Hey, go for a walk, fill your mug fuller...”)
8. “Chance” from the film “Treasure Island” (“Chance is not a payday, not an advance…”)
9. “Duet of a cat and a pirate” from the film “Blue Puppy” (“You and I are so different...”)
10. “The Black Pearl” from the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean”
11. “Song of Rum” - from the film “Treasure Island” (“Fifteen people on a dead man’s chest...”)
12. “Dry your oars, sir” from the film “Treasure Island”
13. Duet “Dance Teacher” - “Islands”
14. Volker Rosin “Sea Pirates”
15. "Little Jenny"
16. Awards — “Pirates” Roman Gutsalyuk. (“On boarding, pirates, corsairs, filibusters...”)


Our others quests:

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Treasure search tasks for children are one of the best options for children's birthday games. Any children's party or meeting with a child's friends involves games in motion. First of all, the treasure of pirates comes to mind - this scenario of the game involves searching for treasure for children in nature.

Searching for treasure using notes for children

The main advantage of such entertainment is searching for treasure using notes for children; such a puzzle usually does not require a leader, and even if some competitions offer his participation, any parent can cope with this role without preparation.

The goal of the competition is to find a treasure, a way: to get the notes and complete the tasks indicated there. When each stage is won, a new note is awarded with information about the next cache.

Treasure hunting for children involves a whole scenario. You can print out a map with the main treasure, divide it into 8-10 parts, and hide them in different places, write tips for finding them.

Turn on your imagination: treasure hunting tasks for children require variety.

Can you suggest go hunting: display pins with drawings of animals glued to them, or hang the “faces” of predators among the trees and bushes.

A similar competition is the destruction of enemies (prepared pictures or dummies).

If you want to surprise your children, come up with something original. For example, in a note write to your child buy the product at your nearest store related to the competition scenario:

    bananas are for pirates,

    barbecue sauce - for hunters,

Make an agreement with the seller of this store in advance by giving him the following note.

An alternative to interconnected notes could be a treasure hunt for children using photo report, the scenario in this case will need to be worked out separately. Hide the keyword riddle clues in different places and take pictures of them. In the house it is better to take macro photography; in nature, on the contrary, distant angles are more suitable. Where to hide notes at the dacha? Under a pebble, in a cart, under a bicycle, there are just so many ideas!

Treasure hunting for children may have a special scenario containing coded messages. Here is an example of a scheme for one of the encoding options created using the Russian alphabet.

If you are organizing a holiday for kids, the search for treasure using notes for children can be based on fairy tale theme. The presenter can say the key words of the fairy tale, and the participants will guess, or you can show key objects from fairy tales, for example, the key from Pinocchio, the slipper from Cinderella, the apple from Snow White. Children must guess the names of fairy tales.

And finally, another interesting idea is to invite children to come up with and work out a competition for adults.

It is important to take into account that the tasks should not be too difficult, because children get upset and lose enthusiasm if they do not succeed for a long time. And if the competitions are too simple, they can quickly get boring for the picky children's audience.

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