Home Diseases and pests Dragon Age Origin Rogue. Dragon Age - Origins - We make up a universal group. Sword Bard Talents

Dragon Age Origin Rogue. Dragon Age - Origins - We make up a universal group. Sword Bard Talents

Dragon Age: Origins is a party game, despite the fact that you have to play alone. In general, I can’t stand such fights, but here they are somehow more or less distinct and not so annoying. Moreover, on increased difficulty, the battles become very interesting.

As it should be in most of these games, our group should have 4 comrades in its composition and the most effective composition will be as follows: Tank, Healer, Damager and Controller. Who are they?

Tank- a character that distracts enemies towards itself and blocks most of this damage into a shield.

healer- the main goal of the healer is to stand behind and heal, ideally, a tank, but basically everyone, so that they don’t die, sometimes slightly adding damage to the target.

damageer- stands behind if an archer or a magician, but unlike a healer, he constantly hits enemies. Well, or next to the tank he cuts with a two-handed sword. The main thing here is the maximum damage in the shortest possible time.

Controller- paralyzes, stuns or blinds and does minor dirty tricks, temporarily incapacitating enemies and preventing them from attacking.


Here the best candidate is either Wynn or the main character. In Dragon Age: Origins there will be missions where the hero will have to run alone and the easiest way to do this is with a magician who can heal. The only problem is that we will not meet Wynn right away. Healing magic is a situational thing, and although it does not eat very much mana, in the end you will have to use it often, so a lot of Willpower is required.


Creation branch. Here we take the Heroic aura and defense.

Heroic Aura- protects against long-range attacks, hang on the tank in the presence of a large number of archers, often simply irreplaceable.

Heroic Defense- Defense against melee attacks. There is also a lot of need.

Treatment thread. Where without her, it is she who makes us a doctor

You need the whole thread.

Rune branch. Imposes even more effects on the group, it will not be superfluous.

Rune of Paralysis- if you have enough mana, you can use it.

Protective Rune- gives bonuses to mental stability, defense and reflection of ranged attacks. Little by little, but all at once.

Rune of Repulsion- can be useful to prevent enemies from running. It happens to be useful.

Rune of Neutralization- put under other people's magicians, sometimes it can be used as a dispel. It can not always be used, but it's better to take it.

Spirit branch. Here we will need to take dispersion and an anti-magic barrier.

1st spell is useless, but diffusion is a very important spell.
Anti-Magic Barrier Places a shield on the target that completely blocks all non-physical damage. Also blocks the casting of point spells.

Specializations - Spiritual Healer.

The only spell that is not very necessary is the last one, because usually not everyone needs to be healed, but only the tank, there is Group Healing for everyone, it usually copes with the task.


Morrigan is best suited, and again we ourselves. What does this controller actually do? In our case, the magician simply does not allow the enemy to move, attack or cast bad spells. In addition, no one prevents the controller from applying debuffs (damage that reduces attack, defense, movement speed). And again, we put everything into the Power of magic, well, a bit into the Power of Will.


The elemental branch of fire. We take for Fireball.

Fireball. What normal mage does without a fireball these days? In addition to damage, the fireball knocks down even some Bosses. Add a small cost and cooldown and you get the perfect spell.

earth elemental branch

We take a fist, nothing else is needed.

Elemental branch of ice. The first 3 spells will come in handy.

Ice grip - very useful and irreplaceable.

ice weapons- telekinetic is better, but access to the Cone of Ice opens up here.

Cone of Ice- like Fireball, this is one of the main spells of the magician. He rarely gains stability, works consistently for Bosses, even dragons. By catching a lot of enemies that don't matter now, you can keep them in place for as long as there is mana. The only negative is the attack radius, the archers will simply shoot us.

Spirit Branch - Mana Drain.

Mana Break- according to the idea, it burns out all the mana, but in practice, the enemies manage to be healed. But they can't hit that hard anymore.

magical power is a pretty useful thing.

Mana Clash- great damage to mages, because. is equal to all mana burned. Some bosses however are resistant to this.

Spirit Branch - Necromancy

Walking Bomb - requires skillful use, but the strength is significant, it makes it much easier to clear groups of enemies.

Funnel of death- after turning on, a funnel appears around the character. Decomposes one corpse every second, granting mana in a vortex radius. Controversial aura.

Infectious Walking Bomb- the same bomb, only easier to use. It is better to throw it at the target, which is near death.

Skeleton Challenge- an extra, even a dead character is always useful.

Spirit Branch - Mind

mind explosion— useful spell, sometimes saves from death.

Force field- is a must. Completely disables the target from combat, though making them completely invulnerable.

telekinetic weapons- better weapon enchantment. There should be one in the party.

Entropy Branch - Paralysis

Weakness- standard debuff, like Loss of Orientation.

Paralysis- very necessary for insurance.

Toxic fumes- doubtful, but necessary

Mass paralysis- mass control, which allows you to kick targets.

Entropy Branch - Curse

Vulnerability Corruption throwing at a strong target combined with Siphon Life is a very strong combo.

contagious spoilage you need to throw at a white target (so that it does not resist) and one that you will not touch for a long time.

Disposal spoilage- essentially a debuff, only a strong one. When successfully cast on a target, its critical hits become normal hits, and normal hits become misses. If he passed on the boss, then the boss (only applies to melee) remains helpless.

fatal damage - makes all hits on the target critical, which is good on bosses - needed by all damage dealers.

Entropy Branch - Sleep

Loss of orientation- a good debuff, use on a strong target. Taken for more important spells

Horror- excellent control. Turns out of the battle for a long time (the stronger the target, the less time). Be sure to take.

Dream- the main spell of the controller, because it almost never encounters stability, except for orange ones, but it also works properly on them. Allows you to perform the same queue - whoever he woke up, he stammered. Has a huge AoE. And most importantly - Sleep + Horror - there are several combinations of spells in the game, but most are dull (for example, break frozen), and this has a really huge practical purpose.

Nightmare in reality- despite the fact that it appears after sleep, it is its stripped-down version in everything - not reliable, less AOE, more rollback. Better take.

Entropy Branch - Siphon Life

Life Siphon useful when the main character is the controller.

Specializations - there is no ideal specialization for the controller in the game, but a good option is Blood Magic.


Whatever one may say, it’s simply impossible to do without a normal tank - the group will simply be taken out. The best candidate is Alistair/Loghain and Sten. You can make the main character with a great desire, in principle ...

The main characteristic of the tank, of course, is Physique, but strength is also required for armor and skills, and dexterity is also required for a shield. We dress for protection and for HP. However, that's not all - the main task is not just to keep the blows, but also to distract enemies from the allies, and for this you need provocation skills.

Tank skills

Shield Skill Line - Two Stances

First, we are given a useful shield defense, its improvement, and then a deaf defense. The last ability, which gives a large bonus to defense, and when you turn on Wall Shield - immunity to knockdown, is needed. Everything is needed here.

Shield Skill Line - Shield Cover

Shield Cover itself works well, but Shield Wall is better, and you can only have one stance at a time. Yes, and the whole branch requires an increase in dexterity, so the maximum that is worth taking. Shield preparation.

Shield Skill Line - Shield Strike

The best spell is the second one, which stuns pretty consistently.

Specializations. Not a single one fits completely under the tank, but the Vityaz is closest to this: we reduce the attack of the enemies (we live longer), raise the defense and attack of the allies and ourselves, knock over the enemies, which gives a break. You can also experiment with the Ripper - we draw life out of corpses (survivability), we inflict damage on everyone around and hit the harder, the less health remains. But the result will be a semi-attacking Persian, which requires more careful handling. Berserk is not an option. Well, the Templar - has the ability to stun everyone and has great mental stability so as not to get up in dreams and paralysis. For a classic tank, we take a bunch of Templar + Vityaz.

damage dealers

In addition to the tank that takes the hit, the healer who mends this tank and the controller who prevents the enemies from hitting the tank too often, someone else is needed who will give change for such suffering. Here we have just a huge choice: Warrior with a two-handed sword, mage, battle mage, warrior with dual weapons, archer, robber with daggers. How many options to choose from. One is more beautiful than the other, let's take a closer look at who is who.

Warrior with a two-handed sword

This type of damage dealer is very popular with beginners because of the highest numbers. Sten, Oghren and the main character will fit here. We put everything into strength and do not worry. You can optionally a bit more in dexterity. We are looking for clothes for damage, protection is not so important here.

Skills and abilities

In addition to standard military skills, we have one of our branches, it has three lines. But first - any damage dealer should take Disengage, because it is important that they hit the tank and not us. It is also advisable to take the last skills from both lines of the warrior - restoring a few stamina is very important, and temporarily removing misses from yourself is generally excellent. Yes, and the increase in the chance of crit in the crowd pleases.

Two-Handed Weapon Branch - Stun

We take everything. Hilt strike - additional control. Indomitable - if you thwarted the aggro, or the boss can stun everyone, not just the tank. Chance to stun - can also work on the boss. Healthy. Regulated crit is also important.

Armor Shatter

The first spell is a debuff. Armor Shatter - Removes enemy armor.

mighty blows

And although including powerful strikes is a rather controversial decision, due to the penalties to the attack, getting to the only multi-target strike is worth it at all costs. Especially considering the nominal damage from two-handed weapons.

Specializations: — Berserk. For 4 points, we get a plus to damage without penalties and one very strong blow. 2nd - any, if there are points for development. Vityaz will improve things with a hit, and strengthen the position of the second tank. The Templar is always useful, but not more than 1 in the party, the Ripper is more of a tank, the damage dealer should not take it and spend 4 points on just one useful but dangerous spell - a lot of damage with low health.

Damage Mage

It is best for them to be the main character. We build up the power of magic and a bit of willpower. We take armor with a bonus to elemental damage (all sorts of gloves and rings + 20% fire damage, etc.) and magic power. Sometimes you can pick up a reserve or mana regeneration in combat.


We take everything listed in Healing and Controller only when there are extra points.

Element Branch - Fireball. Cone of Lightning + Cone of Cold.

Lightning line. Chain lightning is interesting here.

Branch of Creation - Nature

Magic Wisp- enhances our magical power (i.e. increases damage). It is useful to turn it on when you have already spent 50% of your mana.

Magic Flower- increases mana regeneration, which will be in short supply.

wasp swarm- high damage on one target, take it.

We take the Walking Bomb (Spirit Branch, Necromancy line), if there is none in the team yet. The rest is control.

Specializations - Blood magic. For 4 points, we have an alternative resource for using spells, its replenishment (it is advisable then to take two spells from the Life Siphon line, the Entropy branch), Good AoE damage + control and a strong single disable + damage. The last spell-single-control on bosses in the Maleficar branch will work at best as damage, because the game will not always allow you to control Orange.

Battle Mage

Available naturally only to the magician. Candidates are any mage. A magician who walks in light clothing does all the spells in battle, and when the mana runs out, he reaches into the bag, puts on Heavy armor, turns on all the auras and passives and goes to beat the mobs in hand-to-hand combat. Lazy mages immediately walk in heavy armor, and spit on fatigue at 30-40%. In this regard, we take the heaviest armor, because fatigue will eventually turn into a bonus to attack. As practice shows, damage per second with a two-handed, one-handed or dagger is the same, only the dagger pierces armor even better.


Line of combat magic

combat magic- allows you to require Magic Power from equipment instead of Strength. We can carry anything

The second passive skill (when enabled) changes the hit calculation formula from "Strength + Agility" to "Magic Strength + Agility". We do not have the second, but the first in bulk. Changes the formula for calculating weapon damage from Strength to Magic Power, which changes increased fatigue into an attack bonus. When turned on, it takes 50 mana (although it is not mentioned) and immediately gives 50% fatigue instead of 5%. So many, due to the fact that fatigue is our hit on the enemy. So what did we end up with the coolest armor and weapons (exceptions are bows and daggers). Next, we take a passable, but useful improvement in attack and defense in the battle mage stance and take ....

Shimmer Shield. Gives resistance to all types of magical damage - 75% each. Example - In one place, the entire party will receive constant damage from spirit magic. Everyone (and the tank) gets 11-13, the battlemage takes 2 damage. Feel the difference. Gives 100 psycho. and physical sustainability. No one can knock down or stun a battle mage, except for harmful, arrogant and generally uncultured Ogres. It also gives a serious bonus to armor, not like the deaf defense of the tank. Take away 50 more energy to reserve and slowly devour your mana. This is not a joke or a mistake by the developers - after turning on seconds after 10 mana, you will have 0.

The last spell allows you to dodge an attack without an attack-defense check (Dodge, judging by other games with attack-defense, the dodge check comes before the attack-defense check, which is very useful) and mana regeneration, which is nonsense, because the shimmering shield you'll eat it anyway. The only thing is, if you are not tanking the boss, then you can not turn on the flickering shield and eat off your mana during the battle magic.

But anyway, back to close combat. We also take the previously mentioned Magic Defense and Stone Armor. The first gives protection depending on the Mage's Strength, and the second gives armor. Don't forget to turn on telekinetic weapons in the party. What do we get when all this is included? And we get a cool Persian who ran in a robe two minutes ago, and now receives (at a certain stage of the game) instead of 30-40 damage that the tank received, only 20 from the boss. Strikes from 1 sword as from a two-handed one (however, without the included racks for a two-handed one), Spit on stuns, Paralyzes and other people's nukers. Are we all running to download the Battle Mage? Not really. One problem remained - the attack. She's still missing. Even with 100% fatigue. We hang a Heroic Attack on ourselves, remove protection from the enemy by all means - this is how you can still live. But what really literally kills a battle mage is other people's attack debuffs (Weakness, Curse, other people's knights) - you can forget about hits. For to dispel someone else's debuff is to remove ALL buffs from yourself, don't forget. And we have from 5 to 8 of them. And how long will you then stand to turn it all on again (and the flickering shield also has a brutal cd)?

Dual wielding warrior

Why a warrior? Because the robber is imprisoned for something else. Of course, you can make a robber-mile-warrior-with-dual-weapons, but it will not be a warrior. The candidates are the protagonist and warriors. Characteristics - strength and agility in half. A little more agility for abilities. If there are big problems with men-at-arms, try to look for things for armor penetration. And everything is simple - maximum damage, we look at armor by bonuses, and not by gravity. Although if you are in massive armor, you will not differ much from the tank on the bosses. By the way, this is a feature of both wars - damage dealers. They are more reliable than others, more tenacious, less demanding for constant supervision. Abilities - As well as a two-hander, native branches to the stop are desirable. The only thing with a hit due to greater dexterity is better here.

Weapon Branch in each hand

We teach all the way, without this, the penalties for weapons in each hand will be serious and the damage is small

Line of debuffs

Double punch. In fact, with the same attack speed, you start hitting the target twice as hard (checked, attack speed is not lost). Also a bonus to damage from each hit. The price is the impossibility of regular crits. But the warrior's crits are not so frequent. Taken in any case for the next spell.

Counter attack- Crete + Stan.

crippling blow- Crit + removal of protection (and also attack and run speed) from the enemy.

chastener- optional.

AoE damage

The first ability, swinging two weapons, is a godsend. Not only is the damage to everyone who fits somewhere 150 degrees in front of the warrior, but also with increased damage! The two-hander before that rips through the devil knows how much, and he has normal damage there.

triple hit - not worth the stamina spent on it.

Impulse. E st endurance is in earnest, so turn it on when this very endurance is already 0. Increases attack speed very decently. Excellent ability.

Vortex- makes a blow to everyone around, but for such a price, and even with ordinary damage. We are not a tank to be surrounded. The swing is much better.

Specializations - Just like with a two-hander.


Candidates - The main character is a robber or Leliana. Why is a robber better than a warrior? The robber will be able to pick locks. Warrior's specs - Berserker is fine, the rest are unusable, while Rogue has two useful ones. Yes, and the robber will receive a third more crafts - and he will pump poisons, and combat training, and if necessary, Persuasion. Crafts - not demanding, poison is welcomed, mainly because of grenades, and it will help in close combat, since it is much more reliable to pull out two daggers than to pump fire at close range (more on that later). Traps are not worth it, we are standing in the distance. Characteristics - dexterity. We do not need the ability to replace strength with cunning in attack calculation, since the bow has its own formula - only dexterity. We swing it, a little trick, if we break the locks. Clothing is dexterity. Only dexterity.


Of the standard robbers, we only need lockpicking if there is no one else in the party, but you can take the line of lethality (replacement in the damage formula, not attack, so the damage will increase, and as a gift for 3 points 2 nice debuffs, besides changing the formula).

Archery Branch

Aimed shooting useful, we reduce the attack speed, but we get all sorts of goodies, although the decrease in attack speed is felt strongly.

Special Shot Line

Pinning Shot seems to be a good control, always useful, only rarely works.

Crippling Shot- reduces the attack and defense of the target - useful, we hit more often.

Critical Shot swing, good damage.

Arrow killer deals very high damage, much more than a critical shot, although there is nothing about this in the description. So download.

Explosive Shot Line

Shatter Shot- Armor debuff, useful. It also drops the target. Unexpected and pleasant.

Suppressive shooting- improves the life of the tank by reducing the attack of the enemy. It can come in handy on the boss, especially since it works together with aimed shooting if you decide to turn it on.

Explosive Shot“Resistance rarely comes to him, he works on a gigantic area. The only adequate control with a large AoE outside the mage, although conditionally he is a multi-target, like a chain mon. Go to him and take immediately.

Specializations - Assassin and Duelist, of course, for close combat. There are two left - Bard and Pathfinder. We take them.

Bard- only the third song is needed, which gives pluses to attack, defense and crit. chance. Considering aimed shooting, there should be no problems with hitting. The only thing is that if you do not download the trick for breaking locks, then the song will be weaker for you than for those who download. But more dexterity.

Pathfinder- allows you to summon a Wolf or a Bear or a Spider and improves all three with the last spell.

Wolf has the health of a tank, the same nominal damage, and also reduces the armor of the enemy.

Bear fat, hits well, can drop from his feet, but he doesn’t pull on a tank.

We make any shot in battle for 50 energy, we call the wolf. If he was killed, call the bear. In general, the pathfinder is a huge support for the squad with new fighters.

Improved Beast- animals get an extra ability, but there are no special differences in stats (damage for a wolf, health for a wolf and a bear). If you have a lot of points, you can spend. If you only use the wolf, it makes little sense to spend 3 points.

Robber with daggers

Dagger. The candidate is only a robber. Rogue is a unique damage dealer. First of all, it’s about a backstab - it always works when you hit the enemy’s back. Characteristics - Dexterity and cunning. Daggers, unlike bows, require dexterity + strength, and we can replace strength with cunning. And cunning is more needed for other rogue abilities. Crafts - poisons are very, very necessary. It is enough to take combat training for 3, I will explain why. The rest is optional. Clothes - because of the small amount of strength, we will carry the lightest. Weapons - daggers, with any bonuses, the main thing is that the damage is high. Even with one medium rune of paralysis in 1 dagger paralysis happens quite often, which is very nice, because as soon as your enemies recover from control, you will not get backstabs and dps drops.

Capabilities - Firstly, out of 4 lines of relatives, you will need a little bit from everyone.

Rogue Branch - Backstab Line

Dirty fight - control is always nice.

Movement in combat- a great thing, expands the backsteb area from a quarter to a half. Backstebs have become much simpler.

Feigned death- Better aggro reset. If this is a problem, swing the blow of mercy.

Line Line Tricks

Kick debuff on defense and attack is nice

Death blow- armor debuff, also useful.

The third skill Changes the damage formula, so that after taking this ability, the damage will increase by about two times (in the back for sure). Unfortunately, it does not change the hit formula (strength + dexterity), but greater dexterity and dual wielding permanents should smooth out this minus .. Evasion is again for open combat. DPS will not increase. .

String of locks

It is not necessary to take locks of the 4th level. Locks only enhance the rogue's natural ability to break chests and doors, which depends on cunning. Download optional, depending on how often you see locked.

Line of invisibility

There are two options, either take all or take two. The 1st option allows you to go into stealth right in battle, but if you don’t take the 4th level, then they will constantly notice. The 2nd option allows you to save points, but you only start the battle from stealth, during the battle only Feigned Death will help to throw off aggro. And in the 2nd option, you will often be noticed

Dual wield branch

It's a little different here than with the dual-wielding warrior.

Line of Debuffs

Counter attack- control is always useful.

crippling blow- duplicated by a kick, but useful.

Line 4 permanent

All are needed except the last one, because he allows swords to be carried. The dagger requires dexterity, pierces armor better, hits faster. The sword will require strength, it pierces armor worse, it hits more slowly. You can hit with a backsteb from a sword, only the damage calculation formula includes dexterity only for piercing weapons - bows and arrows. For a sword, a lot of dexterity is almost useless. True, mastery of a sword also reduces the cost of use ... is it just for the sake of it alone to download the 4th level of combat training? The rogue constantly hits with crits (backsteb is a type of crit). He does not need any songs from the bard on crit, nor the diverting corruption from the controller.


Killer. Not being discussed. Increases backstab, restores stamina after a kill (like a warrior) and increases all physical. target damage. We do not need a bard - his only useful song is not needed, we do not need either crits or attack. It would seem obvious - grab the duelist and don't think. Only here is the thing. In fact, what a duelist gives: plus to attack / defense (we have both in bulk), a blow to reduce the speed of walking / defense (we already have two of these) and all hits = crits for a while. Wait. Backstebs are already critical. So the duelist will give almost nothing to the secretive robber. Therefore, there is the last option - Pathfinder. What a tracker gives for 1 invested point: a pet with hp like a tank. Tank damage. Decreased target's defense (similar to the duelist). Just one point. That is, a small animal that can, on occasion, tank up, and in fact an increase in damage that you will not find anywhere for 1 point. And you can also call a bear when the wolf dies. Assassin + Duelist is the obvious choice. Assassin + Pathfinder seems dubious, but in practice it works well.

Dragon Age - Origins - Making a universal group was last modified: July 29th, 2015 by admin

Party Leveling (by Darth Swordman)

Actually, a lot has already been written about pumping one or another specialization in the game; but I have not yet found a mention of the technical approach to the entire game in the game, and therefore I decided to state my view on this matter in a small article - it is quite possible that it will come in handy for someone. I’ll note right away that I won’t get attached to specific characters, because some prefer Zevran as a robber, others prefer Leliana (and personally I don’t take robbers with me at all); of the warriors, some more often carry Alistair with them, and some - Stan ... sometimes you can get by with your own magician. Therefore, I’ll just try to summarize my thoughts on the optimal selection of specializations for passing in the game in the form of a short, so to speak, guide. Of course, this only reflects the idea of ​​its author about the passage of the game and does not claim to be a 100% guarantee of optimal balance; although any comments are welcome. :)
The guide implies at least basic knowledge of the game mechanics and the ability to work with mods.

So, we will need:
Mosk - 1 piece. No comment.
DaO Modmanager - 1 piece. As they say, a game without mods is money down the drain.
Extra Dog Slot mod - 1 piece. At a difficulty level above the third, it is difficult to call it cheating, and the dog as a full-fledged character seems, to be honest, even from the point of view of RPG canons.
Mod Character Respec Addon - 1 piece. An extremely useful thing for upgrading the stock specializations of party members, it allows you to redistribute their skills at your discretion.
Mod Lock Bash - brings us back to the good old NWN, where all true - role players opened chests with fireballs. ^^ At the same time, it allows you to do without robbers in the party, if somewhere you need more striking power in the close. Warning of possible remarks about cheating, I will immediately explain that when opening chests by force, there is a fairly large chance to split some of the contents (or even all of them).
The rest of the mods, including those of a cosmetic nature, are up to your taste.

Actually, about the composition. In my case, after several not the most successful, let's say, starts of the game, I still chose the most successful, in my opinion, composition of the party.

First of all, the tank clearly proved its usefulness (I have this main character, but you can easily pump another character to this business). The basic specialization, of course, is military.
Since its main task is to keep the maximum possible number of mobs on itself and not lie down, first of all we pump the weapon branch with a shield to the maximum. From military skills, power is mandatory to reduce stamina in heavy armor and provocation - to aggro mobs. We always dress in the most armored sets, it is more expedient to insert runes for magic resistance into weapons, we hang accessories from the same series. The main thing is to remember that the purpose of the tank is not damage, but receiving it. Against mages and dragons, after passing through Brecilian, a juggernaut set with a bunch of resists to all elements is perfect.
The battle tactics are quite simple - periodically cast a provocation, stand on the defensive (the shield defense skill is practically useless, since the tank's emphasis is still on strength, not dexterity; so they will constantly hit, but the damage will be less) and actively consume all sorts of tinctures to prevent yourself from being killed and at the same time to allow the party members to defeat the adversaries.
When getting an additional specialization, it is a good idea to take a templar if there is no other in the party. Firstly, this will give, as you take the appropriate skills, a little mental stability, and secondly, the ability to beat magicians and dispel spells, which can sometimes be great not only for the character himself, but for the whole party.
A tank's best friend at all times is the healer, aka the spiritual healer. Well, here everything is also quite simple - without fail we download the entire branch of the healer itself, and then, at our discretion, something no less useful. I recommend entropy, since many spells of this school allow you to weaken, paralyze and put to sleep crowds of enemies at once without harming party members who have fallen into the spell zone. Is it necessary to remind that a real gamer does not even consider an easy level of difficulty? =)
Direct control of the healer with well-constructed tactics can hardly be dealt with; it is enough to indicate that it is mandatory to heal the tank and throw a “cleanse” for the rest so that they can constantly use skills and spells. As an option, you can take a branch of the spirit, in which there is a force field; the rest of the spells in the branch are also good, but you can cover the tank with a field when a crowd of adversaries hangs on it, and the treatment is still on the rollback .. Well, it won’t hurt when attacking the healer himself (which is rare, but it happens) to throw something like sleep or horror on the villain, and in the same case, the tank should throw a provocation once again.

We fill the rest of the free slots directly with DD, aka damage dealers, for those who are not particularly advanced - with a striking force, which is designed to easily and naturally demolish enemy HP, like shopaholics - showcases with goods that are subject to a 90% discount.

The primary damage dealer in any RPG is, of course, the mage, whose leveling option we will now consider. With the first branch, I definitely recommend taking the ice one, and downloading the first three spells. Why ice and only the first three? Because even creatures with resistance to cold still get frozen (believe me, the cone of cold will save you a bunch of HP, nerve cells and impressions from the game more than once), that's one thing. Two - the last spell in the branch, Ice Storm, despite seemingly decent parameters, often turned out to be useless. If you throw it at a distant crowd (not counting the crowd of archers who do not move from their place - and there are just nothing like that in the game), then those whom the spell did not take or quickly let go will happily come running with the whole crowd to bring down the magician who offended them, and even the tank sometimes it is difficult to aggro the whole crowd on yourself before the mage lies down; if you cast a spell on the area next to your fighters, then according to Murphy's law, they will more often fall into freezing. Since we will use the cone of cold almost constantly, and we also don’t forget about the ice blow, at the first opportunity I advise you to buy Zimodykh in the Curiosities of Thedas in Denerim - a staff perfectly sharpened under an ice branch. But for the undead, it's always better to have a spare, because they have a noticeable resistance to direct damage from the staff. Tested by several killed batches...
The second branch I recommend taking the land, as well as the first three skills. The stone fist is great for breaking frozen adversaries, and turning to stone, although it essentially duplicates the ice strike, is often useful as an alternative spell if there is still a rollback on the ice one; and his level is higher, which allows you to immobilize even higher-level opponents.
The third branch is good entropy, and a branch different from the healer. The most useful with the active use of elemental magic are all kinds of damage; well, mass paralysis is simply irreplaceable with a large concentration of enemies on the battlefield.
In general, given the mage's not the strongest health, in my opinion, mass debuffs are optimal for him, and not single shock spells. Five, for example, frozen opponents with a lot of health, the warriors will take out much more efficiently than three active villains who survived after the fireball and aggroed on the magician.

The remaining slots remain for two melee warriors directly, one of them is a mabari, in the buildup of which everything is basically linear, and the second is the warrior itself at your discretion.
An excellent DD is a warrior with a buildup for a two-handed weapon. First of all, we download it, then I recommend taking the basic military branch for the “out of battle” skill, because often the enemies break off the tank on the one who causes the most damage. Weapons at the first opportunity we score with runes to increase damage. I always advise you to carry both a sword and a hammer with you in order to react in time to heavily armored enemies. It is better to choose an armor set from those that give a bonus to endurance, skills will have to be used often. We select jewelry for bonuses to willpower (all the same skills) and resistances according to the situation. The tactics are simple - we bring down all the nearest ones, finish them off with minimal health and beat off the magicians from the attackers.

This is approximately the layout I came up with, which at the moment is very successfully recommending itself as it progresses. Suggestions, comments and additions - in comments. Good luck to everyone... ;)

In the game Dragon Age: Origins, various kinds of secrets can greatly help in the passage and pumping of your character. RPG projects often have hidden secrets that are not easy to discover even with careful research. To find out the most useful of them, you should read this material.

Events in Ostagar

The first secrets in Dragon Age: Origins can be found already in the first stages of the passage, namely after arriving in Ostagar. Here the player is advised to go to the infirmary, where one of the prisoners will be. He will ask the protagonist for a favor, and as a reward he will give out the key to the chest, which is located near the pacified magician. There are useful things inside. The messenger elf is standing near the kennel and you should definitely talk to him. In the dialogue there will be an option with persuasion (deception), which will lead to the fact that the guy will give the main character a beautiful sword. At first, this weapon deals decent damage. If the main character is a swordsman, then it is better to leave him to yourself, otherwise Alistair should be provided with such a sword.

Superman and a little trick

If the player does not know how to defeat a squad of stronger opponents in Dragon Age: Origins, and it is simply necessary to go further, then you should use a little trick. To do this, there must be a robber in the squad and the enemies should not notice the squad of the main character. The user takes control of a character of this classification, turns on invisibility and sneaks behind the backs of unsuspecting enemies. You need to move as far as possible so that the squad completely disappears from your eyes. Then you can turn off invisibility, and allies from the group will suddenly appear behind you. In this way, unnecessary skirmishes can sometimes be avoided. Another interesting secret in Dragon Age (and even a reference) is a conversation between two elderly people who can meet anywhere. They actively discuss the fact that a child has landed from the sky, and this is a direct allusion to Superman. The player will also have useful information about where exactly he fell, or about finding other meteorites. Only there you can get special ore and forge a unique sword.

Traveling in Orzammar

Secrets in Dragon Age: Origins are worth knowing for players, because they can bring a large amount of gold or useful items. A particularly large number of them are associated with Orzammar - the kingdom of the dwarves. Here, at the first meeting with Gavorn, you can steal a good shield from him. You can also repeat this trick during the subsequent conversation in the castle. There is an arena in the city where you can agree to fight with the best team. The player must spend about five fights, after which, as a prize, you can get a ring for the blood mage. On the other hand, if the team does not have a character of this specialization, then you can go here only for fun. When going to Orzammar in Dragon Age, you should be prepared to search for all the information about the dwarves. This includes pages of the codex, inscriptions under the statues, notes, books and more. If you collect a complete collection, then you should head to the Council building, but turn left at the entrance. Here, an excellent artifact will be given out for the work, which will be useful in future adventures.

Sword and armor

The secrets of the game Dragon Age: Origins, which are associated with Orzammar, do not end there. In the throne room, the player can get an excellent one that will suit a warrior with a certain specialization. First you need to put two of your partners on the plates with indicators under the statue to the right of the throne. Another one should go to the entrance to a special square. After that, the player will be able to interact with the throne. You should first prepare, because after that you have to fight with a powerful dragon. The prize for the victory will be the same two-handed sword. If you want to get good armor, the player should go to the Guardian Fortress only when they reach level 18 and not earlier. This content is from an add-on that allows you to get useful things, including dragon armor. Only after pumping to this stage, decent ammunition will begin to fall on the location. It is noteworthy that the items found completely depend on the level at which the player decided to clear the Guardian Fortress.

Decent money making

In the wonderful masterpiece of the gaming industry Dragon Age: Origins, secrets and tricks will help not only with things, but also with money, if you use your resources correctly. The first way to earn decent money opens even with an early visit to Lorraine. A character named Allison will ask you to make traps for him, but the rogue can create them endlessly. She will accept them each time, rewarding her with 50 silver coins and 100 experience points. Making two dozen visits is worth the effort. A similar technique works in Denerim. The user must go to the Thedas Curiosity store to buy a recipe for a strong lyrium potion for a decent amount. The team should have an herbalist who can cook it. You can stock up on lyrium in the tower of magicians, and in the tavern you can take other materials. After that, you can create a huge number of bubbles, which are sold for 20 silver coins. Profit will be felt only when investing about 50 gold coins in the business.

Plot trick and another sword

In Dragon Age: Origins Dragonblood Secrets, the book is an item that can be given as a gift to Wynn for 10 Favors. It can also be given to other members of the squad, but the increase in friendship will then be half as much. This information is not so important compared to how the story tells how to defeat the demon of Idleness in the Shadow. This is a strong opponent, which is difficult to fight, but you can simplify such a task. Initially, in battle, you should take the form of a golem and fight until a third of your health remains. Next, the player must transform into a fiery spirit, and then back into a stone fighter. In this case, health is fully restored. The operation can be done several times until the end. If you collect all the notes in the elven ruins, Orzammar and near the urn with sacred ashes, then the task "Challenge Hexgant" will appear. The main character must go with his allies to the specified point, where the user will have to fight, in which the prize will be a solid one-handed sword.

Often, players also have difficulties with how to pass this or that moment in Dragon Age: Origins. Such problems are often associated with improper pumping of their associates and even the main character. The developers have created an extensive character development system in which you can easily choose skills that are attractive at first glance, but useless in practice. For example, the last talent in the templar tree works much better in terms of stunning than the knight. The situation is similar with combat mages, who at first glance need to pump magical energy and damage. In fact, they just need to be dressed in armor with a maximum level of stamina, and they will be able to wreak havoc on any battlefield. The dog, in terms of causing damage, is not the best ally, but on each map it will help in the search for a treasure with useful items.

Latest Tricks

Secrets in Dragon Age: Origins should be known in order to navigate the storylines well and always make the right decisions. For example, the player can save Howe's son, and he will agree to thank him. At the same time, you should ask for the highest amount of remuneration, since the father will be grateful in any case and will support the protagonist on future advice. There are many ways to get useful items for yourself and your companions in this vast world. So, when talking with the elven master Varathorn, if you have the proper level of Diplomacy or Cunning, you can easily persuade him to make not only armor, but also a bow. Missions from Master Ignacio are best completed at later levels so that the reward is appropriate. The same applies to the Marjoline Quest, which will give Leliana. The tower of the circle is better to pass initially. This will greatly help in pumping the central character, which will greatly help in the future in difficult skirmishes and the battle with the last boss.

The theme of character development in Dragon Age: Origins, like in any other game, is deeply individual. Of course, there are general rules, relying on which you can save time and get a decent result. At one time, he dwelled in some detail on the issue of character development. Richard Psmith, now untimely gone, in an article on Dragon Age: Origins in the magazine "Best Computer Games" (No. 11, 2009). After reading the article, the questions will disappear by themselves. I would like to briefly list those characteristics, skills, abilities and spells that need to be developed in a character depending on the chosen class.

For the main character, it is imperative to study skill "Influence"(you need cunning), it will be useful in many cases: the character will be able to easily use authority, convince and extract information from the characters. It is advisable to start developing it from the very beginning, and pump it over as quickly as possible, while trying not to forget about other skills. The third level of influence can be obtained already in Lothering. For warriors priority skills will be "Combat Training" and "Combat Tactics", for robbers- Combat Training, Poison Making, Trap Making and Thief, for magicians- "Herbalist" and "Survival". Developed combat training among magicians reduces the likelihood of a spell breaking when attacking an enemy.

Stat points distribution in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Warriors must emphasize strength and constitution (approximately 2:1), agility develops only to the minimum values ​​​​of opening skills. For " tank warrior»Maximum development of the skills associated with the shield: the line "Shield Strike", "Shield Defense", "Shield Block". As a specialization, we take a berserker or a ripper. For " warrior-hitoboy"- skills with a two-handed sword: the lines "Strike with a hilt", "Mighty blow", from specializations - a knight or a berserker. Among the useful skills, it is worth noting "Provocation" (switching the attention of opponents to a provocateur), and "Exit the battle" (reducing the hostility of opponents). With their help, you can fight for a long time, passing the baton between the warriors.
  • Rogues should focus on dexterity and cunning, depending on the style, strength is also added. A rogue's main weapon can be a dual weapon or a bow. Bows are easier to develop and work better with traps than poisons. For " robber-hit-boy"We develop skills related to dual weapons, here you can also add skills from the Dirty Fight and Low Blow line, the killer and the duelist are suitable from the specializations. " Rogue Overlord» should focus on the bow, but most of the battles he will be busy singing. Of the skills, we develop the “Melee Shooting” or “Rapid Shooting” lines. As specializations, we choose a bard and a ranger. Rogues must be able to pick locks and be invisible by learning the relevant skills. In addition, after leveling the “Combat Training” skill, you can completely switch to the development of cunning by purchasing the “Lethality” skill from the “Low Blow” line. In this case, cunning will be used to calculate attack damage instead of strength.
  • Magi must actively develop magic and willpower (2:1 or 3:1). There are many spells to choose from that make the character unique and inimitable. You can make a healer out of a magician, or you can focus on combat development. In any case, it is advisable to develop a magician under, which do not require special costs, but multiply the damage done or have special effects. mage healer is a lifesaver, helps save a lot of first-aid kits, poultices and constantly saves in difficult situations, healing and resurrecting the fallen on the battlefield, without it - like without hands. Also worth noting are the useful spells Rune of Paralysis, Rune of Neutralization from the School of Creation, Mass Paralysis from the School of Entropy, Crushing Dungeon from the School of Spirit, and the entire Elemental School.

At the beginning of the game, you should choose the gender of the character, then one of the three races - a man, an elf or a dwarf, after that the class is a warrior, mage (dwarves are not available) or a robber, and finally decide on the origin. The character's gender only affects appearance, as men and women are generally equal in Ferelden, and will only affect possible romantic encounters...


Humans are the most numerous, but at the same time the most divided of all races. For all time, they have only united four times for a common goal, the last time it was centuries ago. Religion and the Church play an important role in human society and this distinguishes humans from elves and dwarves more than anything else. People can be warriors, mages and robbers.

Racial Benefits: +1 strength, +1 dexterity, +1 magic, +1 cunning.


Once enslaved by humans, most elves have already forgotten their culture, living in the slums of human cities. Only the nomadic Dalish tribes still adhere to the customs and follow the precepts of their old gods. They earn their living by hunting in the ancient forests - they are not welcome anywhere else. Elves can be warriors, mages, and rogues.

Racial Benefits: +2 willpower, +2 magic.


Bound by caste and tradition, the Dwarves have been waging a hopeless war for generations, trying to protect the last stronghold of their once vast underground empire from the creatures of darkness. All gnomes are strong and have a high resistance to any kind of magic, which prevents them from becoming magicians themselves.

Racial Benefits: +1 strength, +1 dexterity, +2 constitution, 10% chance to resist hostile magic.

Classes and specializations


The Warrior is a powerful fighter who specializes in the use of melee and ranged weapons. He can withstand numerous damage and in turn inflict it on his enemies, and has considerable knowledge of tactics and strategy. Warriors who come from noble families receive enhanced combat training.

  • Initial health (health): 100, increase per level: 6;
  • Initial stamina/mana (stamina/mana): 100, increase per level: 5;
  • Initial attribute bonuses: +4 strength (strength), +3 dexterity, +3 constitution (constitution);
  • Skill: Combat Training with variations based on race and lineage, requires 3 levels to gain a skill point;
  • Initial skill (talent/spell): Shield Bash or Pinning Shot or Dual-Weapon Sweep;
  • Base attack score: 60, base defense score: 45.

The first berserkers were gnomes. They put themselves into a state of dark rage to increase their strength and resilience. Over time, the dwarves taught this to others, and now berserkers are found among representatives of all races. Berserkers are known for their ability to instill fear in opponents.

Specialization Bonuses: +2 strength (strength), +10 health (health).


Mages who reject the power of the Circle become apostates and live in fear of the templars, who can dispel magic and resist it. Templars are faithful servants of the Church and have been its most effective means of controlling the spread and use of magical powers for centuries.

Specialization Bonuses: +2 magic, +3 mental resistance.

Vityaz (Champion)

The Knight is an experienced warrior who confidently leads others in battles. The Knight can raise the spirit of allies, as well as intimidate and demoralize enemies. Such heroes often command entire armies or rush headlong into the fray, which makes it seem not so dangerous.


Demonic spirits teach more than just blood magic. Rippers are able to use the souls of fallen enemies to heal their flesh and go into a bloody rampage, growing stronger as they approach their own doom.

Specialization Bonuses: +1 constitution, +5 physical resistance.

Berserker- Learn from Oghren's companion or buy a manual from Gorim in the Denerim Market after the Gathering of the Lands.

Templar- learn from companion Alistair (Alistair) or purchase a textbook from Bodan Feddik (Bodahn Feddic) in the camp.

Vityaz (Champion)- Receive Earl Eamon as a reward for healing him or learn from the last (secret) party member.

Ripper- side with Kolgrim in the Urn of Sacred Ashes quest.


As dangerous as it is effective, magic is a curse to those who lack the will to control their gifts. Evil spirits who want to penetrate the world of the living are attracted by magicians like fire that attracts moths, and this is dangerous both for the magician himself and for everyone around him. Therefore, magicians live in isolation from the world.

  • Initial health (health): 85, increase per level: 4;
  • Base stamina/mana: 115, bonus per level: 6;
  • Initial Attribute Bonuses: +5 Magic, +4 Willpower, +1 Cunning
  • Initial skills (skill): Herbalism (Herbalism) and Combat Tactics (Combat Tactics), 3 levels are required to obtain a skill point;
  • Initial skill (talent/spell): Magic arrow (Arcane Bolt);
  • Base attack score: 50, base defense score: 40.
Werewolf (Shapeshifter)

According to rumors, the barbarians know the secrets of transformation into various animals. The circle of mages denies such rumors, but in the remote corners of Thedas this rare art is still alive. Body control gives werewolves some protection even in human form, making them hardy enemies and staunch allies.

Specialization Bonuses: +2 constitution (constitution), +1 armor (armor).

Spirit healer

Not all Shadow dwellers are demonic in nature. Many are benevolent beings of life energy and can be called upon to heal flesh or heal disease. The spiritual healer is able to redirect the energy emanating from such spirits.

Specialization Bonuses: +2 magic, slow health regeneration in combat.

Battle mage (Arcane warrior)

Among the ancient elves were magicians who developed magical abilities in addition to combat. They channeled magical power through their weapons and bodies, spreading terror on the battlefield. It is believed that these skills are forever lost, but it is possible that they are still preserved in some wilds.

Specialization Bonuses: +1 cunning, +5 attack.

Blood Mage

The dark pull of blood magic is felt by every mage. These rituals, brought to our world by demons, use the power of blood, turning life energy into mana and giving the magician power over another's consciousness. But for such opportunities, the magician has to pay with someone's health, his own or his allies.

Specialization Bonuses: +2 constitution, +2 spellpower.

Werewolf (Shapeshifter)- learn from the companion Morrigan (Morrigan) or buy a manual from Varathorn (Varathorn) in the Dalish camp.

Spirit healer- learn from companion Wynne or purchase a textbook from Wonders of Thedas in the Denerim market after the Gathering of the Lands.

Battle mage (Arcane warrior)- obtained by completing the quest Nature of the Beast.

Blood Mage- get when completing the quest Earl of Redcliffe (Arl of Redcliffe) by bargaining with the demon in the Fade (only available if the main character is a mage).


The Rogue is an experienced adventurer. Rogues come from all walks of life, and are all skilled at picking locks and detecting traps, making them a valuable addition to any squad. Tactically, they are not very good for open combat, but if the rogue can backstab the enemy, the effect will be amazing.

  • Initial health (health): 90, increase per level: 5;
  • Base stamina/mana: 90, gain per level: 4;
  • Initial attribute bonuses: +4 dexterity, +2 willpower, +4 cunning;
  • Skill: Poison-Making, with variations based on race and lineage, requires 2 levels to gain a skill point;
  • Initial skill (talent/spell): Dirty Fighting;
  • Base attack score: 55, base defense score: 50.

The killer believes that the battlefield is not a place for manifestations of nobility. Assassins make extensive use of poisons, as well as deadly blows that leave terrible wounds on the body of the enemy. They are excellent at hiding and, unexpectedly for the enemy, deliver a fatal blow.

Specialization Bonuses: +2 Dexterity, +2.5% Critical Chance.


In Orlais, bards are traditionally engaged in contract killings, espionage and other secret assignments for the nobility, mired in incessant internecine squabbles. Having brought their skills to the highest level, bards become excellent actors and skillful manipulators. With their songs and tales, they are able to inspire allies and discourage enemies.

Specialization Bonuses: +2 willpower, +1 cunning.

Pathfinder (Ranger)

The Pathfinder feels great in dense forests and wastelands, untouched by civilization. He is not a servant of nature, but her master. Pathfinders take full advantage of their surroundings and can lure wild animals to set them on enemies.

Specialization Bonuses: +1 constitution, +5 nature resistance.


A duelist is a deadly fighter who prefers to fight in light armor and inflict, albeit not strong, but accurate blows. Experienced duelists have amazing reflexes, allowing them to dodge clumsy enemy attacks and retaliate with precision.

Specialization Bonuses: +1 dexterity, +1 damage per hit (damage).

Assassin- Learn from companion Zevran or buy the manual from Alarith's Store in Elvenage after the Gathering of the Lands.

Bard- learn from companion Leliana (Leliana) or purchase a textbook from Alimar (Alimar) in Orzammar.

Pathfinder (Ranger)- buy a manual from Bodahn Feddic in the camp.

Duelist- learn from Isabela (The Pearl in Denerim) or buy a manual from Bodahn Feddic in the camp.


Noble person (Human Noble)

You are the second child of the teyrn Cousland, second only to the king in wealth and power. For generations, your family has ruled the lands of Highever with moderation and justice, earning the loyalty of their people. When the Orlesian Empire took over Ferelden, your father and grandfather fought against the oppressors under royal banners. Now it's your elder brother's turn to go to the service of the crown, but this time he raised the banner of the House of Couslands not against the Orlesians, but against the darkspawn coming from the south...

Mage (Magi)

Above the dark waters of Calenhad Lake rises a fortress, the Tower of the Circle of Magi. It serves as a gilded cage for all those gifted with powers as dangerous as they are vast. When it becomes noticeable that the child has magical abilities, he is taken away from the family and locked in this Tower. You know that magic is a curse for those who lack the will to control it, and you look forward to the ritual of Torment, the only opportunity to prove yourself in the fight against the demons lurking both in the outside world and in your soul. Succeed or face death at the blades of the knights who protect the world from the likes of you.

Dalish Elf (Dalish Elf)

You were born among the Dalish elves, noble wanderers who did not want to live among the people who enslaved their homeland many centuries ago. Dalish travel the land in friendly clans, seeking to find the half-forgotten knowledge of the elves in the world of people who hate and despise them. You pride yourself on being one of the few "true elves" and have always thought you'd spend your life in your own tribe... but a chance encounter with a shard of your people's past threatens to pull you out of your familiar world.

City Elf

Long ago, the elves were slaves to humans, but although more than one generation has changed since their liberation, equality is still far away. Elves live in a walled area called an elvenage, working as servants and laborers if they can find work. You have spent your whole life under the heavy hand of your human masters, however, when a local lord disrupts your wedding, smoldering racial contradictions instantly flare up with an all-devouring flame ...

Dwarf Noble

Deep in the frosty mountains lies the city of Orzammar, once the heart of a great empire. It was connected to other dwarf cities by the Deep Roads, tunnels thousands of miles long. But those times are in the past. The invasion of the creatures of darkness cut off the city from the ancient lands of the dwarves. However, in spite of everything, the houses of the dwarven nobility continue their age-old struggle for power. Blackmail, murder - all this is in use here, the main thing is to maintain the appearance of honor and nobility. The second child of the Dwarven King, Endryn Aedukan, you are taking command of the troops for the first time, and you are very proud of it. As yet, you do not know that the vile intrigues of family members and their accomplices can carry a greater danger than even a battlefield ...

Dwarf Commoner

You were born untouchable in Orzammar, once the capital of an underground empire where caste is everything. At the foot of huge statues, behind the walls of the guild halls where the nobles play politics, the lower castes live in its shadow, seeking to serve the noble, just like their ancestors. And below all you. You are forced to do dirty deeds for the local leader of criminals and hide in the shadows all your life ... However, by chance, you find yourself in the light and finally get the opportunity to prove that the future can be determined not only by the circumstances of your birth, but also by your actions.

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