Home Diseases and pests The icon of wisdom created a home for itself. Sophia the Wisdom of God icon. Interpretation of the prayer said in front of the icon

The icon of wisdom created a home for itself. Sophia the Wisdom of God icon. Interpretation of the prayer said in front of the icon

This image is one of the most interesting in Orthodox icon painting, although, of course, there are other curious and unusual icons. An interesting concept of the representation of the Mother of God in allegorical form can be traced here. Before the faithful, the icon of Sophia the Wisdom of God, on which the Most Pure Virgin appears in the form of wisdom, that is, it is not so much about a specific person, but about the quality that was embodied through this person.

The meaning of the icon "Sophia the Wisdom of God"

In fact, the meaning of this icon is multifaceted and deep, in order to understand the exact meaning of the icon of Hagia Sophia, some experience of the Orthodox faith and minimal theological education will be required. Such subtleties can be explained by priests or specialized books. Therefore, here it should be said only briefly about the main details:

  • Christ appears as the incarnate wisdom, He is referred to as the Wisdom of God, which, accordingly, was incarnated through the Mother of God;
  • the seven pillars represent the foundations on which the church is based;
  • the composition contains the holy apostles (can be in different combinations) and always John the Baptist, who was inextricably linked with Christ.

In general, this composition has an allegorical meaning. Not just gospel figures are depicted here, but each participant in the composition embodies a certain principle. It is useful for the believer to reflect on this image himself during the prayer period and try to understand the relationship of the elements.

Depending on the variety, the composition may vary slightly. However, the icon of the Mother of God "Sophia the Wisdom of God" always has a number of common elements.

In the center is the Mother of God with the Child, that is, wisdom incarnate. Angelic ranks look from above, which emphasize the allegorical nature of the image and the connection with the higher world. On the sides are the apostles, and below are seven steps or pillars, on which the following words are often indicated: Faith; Hope; Love; Humility before the Lord; Nobility; Glory; Purity of thought.

These qualities point to the foundations of the church. This is a brief description of the icon of the Wisdom of God.

Varieties of the icon

If we don’t talk about reproductions, then we are talking about very old images that are now stored in different cities and are often named precisely according to their belonging to the city, in particular:

  • the icon "Sophia the Wisdom of God" Kyiv - located in the St. Sophia Cathedral, brought from the territory of Byzantium from the Cathedral of Justinian, in the upper part there are archangels and some Old Testament characters, for example Moses with his commandments, this detail (characters from the Old Testament) the icon differs from the rest ;
  • the icon "Sophia the Wisdom of God" Novgorod - also has a unique composition, in the center is the Lord on the throne, in the halo of blue light, which symbolizes the Kingdom of Heaven, and on both sides are the Mother of God and John the Baptist in prayer poses, this icon is considered miraculous and brings to believers help in various difficulties.

These options are the most common. By the way, the Kyiv image is also considered miraculous. A huge number of believers gather in the cathedral every year on the days of veneration of the image.

One should distinguish the icon of Sophia of Suzdal, which is dedicated to an Orthodox saint, and also not to be confused with the icon of Sophia of Slutsk, which was also created to the glory of another saint. Here we are talking about the names of the ascetics, and in the image described earlier, Sophia is a synonym for wisdom, and not the name of a particular person.

If we are talking about the Suzdal image, then the former queen is glorified there, who was tonsured a nun, because she could not give an heir to Vasily the Third. She first went to the Novodevichy Convent in Moscow, and after that she was in Suzdal, where she gained holiness. The Slutsk image also glorifies the famous princess, but who was from the Khodkivech family, managed to preserve the Orthodox faith even in difficult circumstances and is now considered the intercessor and helper of women.

What do they pray to the icon "Sophia the Wisdom of God"

Many of those who need to receive valuable advice and guidance pray to the icon "Sophia the Wisdom of God."

The content of the image should be treated as the fullness of wisdom that is contained in the Lord.

Prayer to the icon

Incomprehensible and all-singing to the Wisdom of God, Sophia the Preeminent, virgin souls, that is, the Only Begotten Son, the Word of God, receive this prayer singing from our unworthy and filthy lips. And the essence is written: the song is not red in the mouth of sinners, but the thief was saved with a single word, the publican was justified by a sigh, and the Canaanite's daughter was healed by a mother's petition, because You, Lord, are Good and Humane, enlighten the one who is coming into the world, and forgive the sins of the sinner, and with the mind You fill the foolish, and make wiser, and those who thirst for the good words of the soul with Thy teachings, like the Samaritan woman with living water, you make you drink, you arrange a chaste fornicator, you open paradise to a thief, for Thou art the Giver of all good things, and Give understanding, and the Guardian of life, Christ our God, and We give you glory and praise, honor and thanksgiving and glorification and worship with Your Father without beginning, and with the Most Holy, and Good, and Your Life-Giving Spirit, and with Your Most Holy and Immaculate Matter, Our Mistress Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Memory icons of Sophia, the Wisdom of God (Kiev) takes place in the Orthodox Church on September 21 according to the new style.
This icon-painting image of Sophia, the Wisdom of God, has its own distinctive features and is widely revered among believers. The holy image depicts the Most Holy Theotokos with Her Divine Son. Sophia or the Wisdom of God in the naming of the icon denotes the Lord Jesus Christ, Who in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments is called by these words. The wise King Solomon in his Proverbs uttered the following words: “Wisdom has created for Herself a House and established seven pillars” (9, 1). The womb of the Most Holy Theotokos was the temple of God and the dwelling place of the conceived Savior, which is why the Mother of God was called the House of God. In the apostolic epistles, when it was about the Savior, He was also called in one place God's Wisdom (1 Corinthians, 30) of Christ. These words contain an indication of Christ, the Son of God, Who in the apostolic epistles is called "God's Wisdom" (1 Cor. 1 , thirty).
The icon-painting composition itself is evidence of a fulfilled Old Testament prophecy. On the icon we can see the temple in which the Blessed Virgin Mary is located. She is wearing a chiton, and the head of the Mother of God is covered with a special veil. The Most Holy Theotokos stands under the canopy, which rests on seven pillars. The Lady holds her hands directed in different directions, and the palms are turned towards the worshipers. The feet of the Mother of God rest on a crescent. In the hands of the Most Holy Theotokos is depicted the Infant Christ, Who presents a blessing with his right hand, and holds a power in his left hand. On the cornice of the canopy, under which stands the Blessed Virgin, the words from the Book of Proverbs of Solomon are written: “Wisdom has created for Himself a House and establish seven pillars.” Above the canopy, you can see a non-canonical image of the Holy Spirit and God the Father in the form of an old man, from whose mouth the words come: “I have established Her feet.” On both sides of the Mother of God are seven Archangels of God, whose wings are spread. Each of the Heavenly servants has their distinctive signs in their hands: Archangel Michael holds a fiery sword in his hands, Archangel Uriel has a downward lightning bolt in his hands. Archangel Raphael is distinguished by the fact that he carries with him an alabaster vessel with fragrant myrrh. The above listed archangels are depicted on the right side of the Most Holy Theotokos and Her Divine Son.
On the left side is the Archangel Gabriel, in whose hands is a lily flower. According to Church Tradition, it was with this flower, symbolizing the purity and purity of the Most Holy Theotokos, that the Archangel Gabriel greeted the Most Holy Virgin when he told Her the joyful news of the incarnation of the Son of God from Her. Next comes the Archangel Selaphiel, in whose hands are the rosary, denoting a special prayer for the human race. Archangel Yehudiel is depicted with a royal crown in his hands, and Archangel Barahiel holds flowers on a white piece of cloth.
The foot of the Mother of God is a cloud and a crescent-shaped moon, and below them is an ambo, to which seven steps lead. On this staircase are seven Old Testament righteous men who symbolize the Church of Christ on earth.
Each step of the pulpit has its own special inscription, which designates one of the main Christian virtues, the fulfillment of which leads to the Kingdom of Heaven: faith, hope, love, purity, humility, goodness, glory. The seven pillars depicted on this icon also have their own inscriptions associated with the text of the Revelation of St. John the Theologian.

Troparion, tone 1:
Eternal Wisdom, Christ our God, / bowing down the Heavens with Your divine gaze, / deigned to dwell in the womb of the Pure Maiden, / destroying the mediastinum of enmity, / sanctified our nature / and Thy Kingdom opened to us; / for this sake of Thee, our Creator and Redeemer / and who gave birth to Thee, / who served the Pure Virgin as our secret, we glorify in Orthodoxy.

Kontakion, tone 4:
Father, Orthodox people, / to the wisdom of God / and we see the miraculous icon of the Most Pure Mother of God, / We call by appearance Sophia, the Wisdom of God, / for the temple was animated by the Only Begotten Son and the Word of God. ours gladdens those who come in faith / and look with fear and reverence at this most pure icon, / thinking in our hearts, / as truly the Wisdom of God is a village / and His sacraments look, / for the hope of the faithful / fiery imagination We see Her / and worship , as if to Her true and immaculate virginity / in Christmas and after Christmas packs; / from Neyazhe the Divine Fire came out, / burning perishable passions / and enlightening our souls and creating pure ones, / Him and the eyelids create the Father, / The same Wisdom, the Word and The power will be called, / the radiance of glory and the Image of the Father's Hypostasis. / And again we pray / and, falling, we kiss the most honorable icon of the Wisdom of God the Mother / and loudly cry out: / O Merciful Lady, / save Thy servants from the violence of the devil, / from finding foreigners and internecine strife, / as if You are all good Giver and Protector / flowing to You with faith and asking for great mercy.

We magnify Thee, / Blessed Virgin / God-chosen Maiden / and honor Your holy image, / by which you heal healing / to all who flow with faith.

Incomprehensible and all-singing to the Wisdom of God, Sophia the Preeminent, virgin souls, that is, the Only Begotten Son, the Word of God, receive this prayer singing from our unworthy and filthy lips. And the essence is written: the song is not red in the mouth of sinners, but the thief was saved with a single word, the publican was justified by a sigh, and the Canaanite's daughter was healed by a mother's petition, because You, Lord, are Good and Humane, enlighten the one who is coming into the world, and forgive the sins of the sinner, and with the mind You fill the foolish, and make wiser, and those who thirst for the good words of the soul with Thy teachings, like the Samaritan woman with living water, you make you drink, you arrange a chaste fornicator, you open paradise to a thief, for Thou art the Giver of all good things, and Give understanding, and the Guardian of life, Christ our God, and We give you glory and praise, honor and thanksgiving and glorification and worship with Your Father without beginning, and with the Most Holy, and Good, and Your Life-Giving Spirit, and with Your Most Holy and Immaculate Matter, Our Mistress Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

The icon of Sophia, the Wisdom of God, occupies a special place in the Russian Orthodox Church. There are many lists depicting Sophia, the Wisdom of God, - for example, in Kiev, Novgorod, Vologda, Tobolsk, Moscow, in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and other places, but they all come down, basically, to two types: Kiev and Novgorod.

This image first appeared in Byzantium. It was to him that the Justinian temple of Sophia the Wisdom of God in Constantinople was dedicated.

All lists with the image of Sophia, the Wisdom of God, depict the Mother of God and the Hypostatic Wisdom, the Son of God, incarnated from Her, expressing one main idea. The Incarnation of the Son of God is inseparable from the thought of the Mother of God, who is called the House of Divine Wisdom, the true Temple of the Living God on earth. This served as one of the grounds for the mechanical transfer to the image of the Virgin Mary of the content and symbolism of Sophia the Wisdom of God.

By Wisdom, or Sophia, they mean the Son of God on the basis of chapter IX of the book of Proverbs of Solomon, which says: “ ". These words contain an indication of Christ, the Son of God, Who in the Epistles of the Apostles is called God's power and "God's Wisdom"; and the word "house" contains an indication of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who served as the incarnation of the Son of God. On the basis of these words, the image of the icons of St. Sophia, the Wisdom of God, is built.

"Sophia, the Wisdom of God" (Kievskaya)

One of the oldest lists of the icon is the Kyiv icon "Sophia the Wisdom of God", located in Kyiv, in St. Sophia Cathedral.

This icon, borrowed from the Church of Justinian in Byzantium, depicts the unification of the Church of Heaven and Earth through the incarnation of the Son of God - the Wisdom of God. It depicts a house or a temple and in it the Mother of God standing in a chiton, with a veil on her head, under a canopy supported by seven pillars. Her arms and hands are outstretched, and her feet are fixed on the crescent moon. On the breasts of the Mother of God rests the Eternal Infant, blessing with his right hand, and having a power in his left. On the cornice of the porch are inscribed the words of the book of Proverbs: Wisdom builds a house for herself and establishes seven pillars". Above the canopy in the middle is depicted the Holy Spirit surrounded by rays, and a little higher, also surrounded by radiance, God the Father, having a power in his left hand, and blessing with his right; from His mouth come the words: Az approved Her feet". On both sides of the image of God the Father and the Holy Spirit, seven archangels are represented with outstretched wings and with signs of their ministry in their hands:

  • Michael has a flaming sword;
  • Uriel has lightning, pointing down;
  • at Raphael - alabaster (an alabaster vessel for storing incense, in this case - the world);
  • Gabriel has a lily flower;
  • Selaphiel has a rosary;
  • Jehudiel has a royal crown;
  • Barahiel has flowers, and he himself is located on a white board.

Under the cloud with the crescent moon, which serves as the foot of the Mother of God, there is an ambo (elevation in front of the iconostasis), which includes seven steps with inscriptions that carry the deepest meaning for every believer:

  1. Purity (of thoughts);
  2. Glory;
  3. Nobility;
  4. Humility before the Lord;
  5. Love;
  6. Hope;
  7. Vera.

The whole icon is supplemented with the inscription " Wisdom build Yourself a House and establish seven pillars».

The main purpose of the image is to remind all Christians for what purpose the Savior came to people and from whom He was born.

On both sides of the seven steps are biblical prophets and forefathers:

  • Moses with the tablets on which the words are inscribed: Rejoice, the tablet of God, on it with the finger of the Stepfather the word of God was written»;
  • Aaron with a rod (brother of Moses, the first Jewish high priest);
  • King David with the Ark of the Covenant;
  • prophet Isaiah (on his charter, which hangs from his left shoulder, the inscription is visible: “ Behold the Virgin in the womb will receive and give birth to the Son»);
  • prophet Jeremiah with a scroll;
  • the prophet Ezekiel with the closed gates;
  • Prophet Daniel with a stone in his hands.

The seven steps of the pulpit are established on seven pillars, on which are images taken from the Apocalypse and their explanations:

  • on the first pillar are depicted 7 oches with the inscription: “gift of advice”;
  • on the second - a menorah with the inscription: "gift of reason";
  • on the third - a book with 7 hung seals and the inscription: "the gift of wisdom."
  • on the left side, on the first extreme pillar, 7 trumpets and the inscription: “gift of the fortress” are depicted;
  • on the second - the right hand with 7 stars and the inscription: "gift of knowledge";
  • on the third - 7 smoking censers and the inscription: "gift of piety";
  • on the fourth and last pillar - 7 jets of lightning with the inscription: "the gift of the fear of God."

Thus, on this icon, with the exception of the Mother of God and St. Trinities, all persons and things are adapted to the sevenfold number and have a symbolic meaning. This is the image of the Kiev icon of Sophia - the Wisdom of God.

"Sophia, the Wisdom of God" (Novgorodskaya)

Another, similar to Kiev, image is located in Novgorod in St. Sophia Cathedral and has its own differences. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the Mother of God on it, together with John the Baptist, pray, standing before the Savior. Therefore, the type of Novgorod exodus is defined as deesis (Greek word " deesis» means prayer; this is the name of the icons depicting the Savior, and in front of him the Mother of God and John the Baptist in a prayer position).

Icon of Sophia, the Wisdom of God (Novgorod)

This icon depicts the Lord Almighty in royal clothes, with fiery wings on a fiery throne, which is affirmed on seven pillars. Around the Almighty is a blue sky dotted with stars. On the sides are depicted the Mother of God and John the Baptist as the closest witnesses of the incarnation of the Word of God. Above, the Savior is depicted, raising his hand in a blessing gesture. Above this, a blue starry sky is again depicted, and here on a golden throne is the Gospel lying, before which six angels (three on each side) kneel.

The Novgorod icon of Sophia is considered miraculous. In the opinion of all those praying before the icon "Sophia the Wisdom of God", the Blessed Mary does not leave a single request unattended, each one receives an answer in the form of a sign, an event, or simply a resolution of the situation. The surviving historical news says that in 1542 a woman who suffered from an eye disease received healing from this icon.

Honor Days:

  • "Sophia - the Wisdom of God" (Novgorodskaya)- August 15/28;
  • "Sophia - the Wisdom of God" (Kyiv)- September 8/21.

All images of Sophia - the Wisdom of God express the idea of ​​the Mother of God, who served as an instrument for the incarnation of the Hypostatic Wisdom - the Son of God. For this reason, the feast of the icon of Sophia is celebrated by the Orthodox Church on the Days of the Mother of God and mainly on the Nativity of the Mother of God, as in Kiev, or on the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, as in Novgorod, Vologda, Tobolsk, Moscow and other places where there are icons of Sophia - the Wisdom of God .

Troparion, tone 1: Eternal Wisdom, Christ our God! / Bowing down the Heavens with Your divine gaze, / You deigned to dwell in the womb of the Pure Maiden, / Destroying the mediastinum of enmity, / Thou sanctified our nature / and opened Thy Kingdom to us; / for this sake of Thee, our Creator and Redeemer, / and who gave birth to Thee, / who served our mystery in the Virgin Pure, we Orthodoxly magnify.

Icons in the Orthodox world are of great importance and have a history that goes back to the deep past. The icon of the Mother of God "Sophia - the Wisdom of God" is miraculous and is especially revered among Christians.

The first icon of the Mother of God "Sophia - the Wisdom of God" appeared in the fifteenth century in Novgorod, while the first church consecrated in her honor was built in 989. In the Orthodox world there are two icons, one of which is called Novgorod, and the second Kiev.

History of the icon

The miraculous icon is of great importance in the Orthodox world and is an exact copy of the Greek original from the church in the city of Constantinople. The holy image became famous for many miraculous manifestations, including the power of healing. According to the surviving legends from the Novgorod chronicle, the icon healed a woman suffering from an eye disease. She humbly prayed to the Mother of God for health, and found it, believing in the Heavenly power of the Mother of God.

Where is the miraculous image

This icon can be found in many hamahs and churches throughout Russia. In Moscow, Novgorod, St. Petersburg and other cities and villages. This image became widespread in the distant 15th century, when a list was made from the original. This icon has received distribution both for the significance of the image present on it, and for the miraculous ability to heal, support and help all Orthodox Christians who turn to it.

Description of the icon

The image of the Kiev icon depicts the Mother of God with the incarnate Son of God, who is called Wisdom or Sophia. It is named after the parable of Solomon, in which he said: "Wisdom has created a home for herself and established the seven pillars". This is a direct indication of the fulfillment of Divine prophecy, in which He is embodied in the womb of the Virgin Mary and comes into the world of people. The Mother of God is on an elevation in the temple, to which seven steps lead with written prophecies from the Apocalypse. The Eternal Child is depicted with his right hand raised in a gesture of blessing, and in his left hand is a power. Above the Mother of God is God. On both sides are archangels with symbols of their divine ministry. The whole picture rearranges the greatness of the prophecies of the Lord and his appearance, foreshadowing changes in the Orthodox world. The skilful icon is painted according to the canons and makes everyone who bows to it in awe of the soul.

The Novgorod icon differs from its sister. It depicts the Savior, before whom are the Mother of God and John the Baptist. Both offer prayers to the Lord. The Savior is skillfully decorated with royal clothes, and fiery wings are located behind his back. The Lord sits on a throne supported by seven pillars of eternal wisdom.

What helps the miraculous image

Anyone can pray before the image of the icon, when the soul so requires, and at any time. The clergy urge every Orthodox Christian to light a lamp or a candle in front of the icon during home prayers, a symbol of the unquenchable fire of the true faith and the triumph of Orthodoxy. Prayers before the image are able to pacify raging emotions, prevent quarrels and conflicts between people, unite their thoughts and guide people on the true path, in which there is no place for evil and aggression.

Also, people who suffer from various ailments in the hope of healing resort to prayers in front of the image, ask the Mother of God and the Savior for protection and protection from the negativity of the outside world, repent of their deeds and humbly ask for forgiveness of sins. Also, prayers before the image help people make the right and important decision if they find it difficult, standing at a fork in the path and do not know what to do to achieve well-being and happiness.

You can offer prayers not only for yourself, but also for your relatives, as well as for all people living on earth. Words that come from the very heart help heal spiritual wounds, fight the evil of temptation and other sins that try to close the path to the Lord for Orthodox Christians.

Prayers before the miraculous image

“The majestic and wise Mother of God, protector and patroness of the whole human race. Do not leave us sinners without divine protection and patronage. Grant us the wisdom not to follow the shaky path that leads us into the abyss of depravity. Rest our souls in confusion. Do not let us, called Sophia, succumb to the temptations of the devil, but affirm in our hearts God's Will, in which You have established yourself with joy and humility, recognizing the Great Power and Grace of God. Amen".

“We magnify Thee, O Eternal One, filled with Wisdom. You, who let the Lord into your soul and into your womb, be glorified through the ages! We offer prayers to You with humility and ask You for protection, patronage and healing of our souls and bodies walking on the mortal earth. As we all come before the eyes of the Lord, let us answer for our sins. With repentance, we ask you to forgive us all our sins, performed voluntarily and involuntarily. Amen".

Dates of celebration icons

September 21 (8) marks the date of the celebration of the Kiev Icon of the Mother of God. August 28 (15) marks the date of the celebration of the Novgorod icon.

Righteous faith and sincere prayers will help everyone get rid of heavy thoughts and confusion. On the site site you will find Orthodoxy "\u003e descriptions of other icons of the Mother of God that will help you in solving pressing problems, guide you on the true path and become guides to the Christian world, where there is no place for anger and malice. We wish you happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and

miraculous icon of the Russian Orthodox Church, unknown in the West. Available in many churches in Russia and comes down to two types: Kiev and Novgorod.
The first icon of "Sophia - the Wisdom of God" appeared in Novgorod in the 15th century, although the first church in Russia dedicated to it was built in 989 in Novgorod and the next - in 1037 in Kyiv.
The Fiery Angel is the central figure on the icon "Sophia - the Wisdom of God". An angel sits on a golden throne with seven pillars. He is dressed in long royal clothes (podir) and girded with a precious belt. In one hand he holds a measure, the other presses a scroll to his chest. Hair falls to the shoulders, a crown on the head and a radiance around the head. Face, hands, wings and shod feet of fiery color. An angel sits in the midst of a radiant celestial sphere dotted with stars. On its sides is the Mother of God with the Eternal Emmanuel in the bosom and St. John the Baptist with a scroll on which is read: "I testify." Above the head of the Angel is the blessing Christ the Savior, even higher is the “Prepared Throne” (Etimasia) - a symbol of the divine presence. On the sides of Etimacy are kneeling angels on a "heavenly scroll".
Who does the Fire Angel represent? This question was raised from the very appearance of the icon and so excited the minds of Ancient Russia that there was even a proposal to remove it from church use.
To this day, there are three controversial interpretations:
1. The angel personifies the abstract concept of the Wisdom of God.
2. Angel - a symbol of the virginity of the Mother of God.
3. Angel - Christ, the Word and Wisdom of God, the Angel of the Great Council.
The first interpretation is based on the biblical text: “I, Wisdom, dwell in understanding, and the Lord had Me as the beginning of His way” (Prov. 8:36). St. John Chrysostom says that the Wisdom of God was collected in sacred books and thus spread throughout the world.
The personification of Wisdom, dictating to the Evangelists, is found in manuscripts and on wall paintings in the Volotovo Assumption Church, but in such cases, Wisdom is depicted not as a Fiery Angel, but as a female figure and without wings.
The second interpretation of the Fiery Angel is explained by the symbol of the Mother of God and the Mystery of the Incarnation, recognized from the early centuries of Christianity by Divine Wisdom. This interpretation, beloved by monastics, is included in the icon-painting Original and led to the creation of a completely different image of St. Sophia of Wisdom in the Kiev Cathedral, where the Fiery Angel is replaced by the Mother of God.
According to the third interpretation, the Fiery Angel is Christ. Ap. Paul says, "We preach Christ crucified... Christ of God's power and God's wisdom... Jesus is to us Wisdom from God" (1 Corinthians 1:23-24, 30). St. Athanasius of Alexandria teaches that, according to Holy Scripture, the Son of God is the Wisdom of the Father. The fiery color of the Angel refers to the prophecy of Isaiah, according to which the symbol of Christ is “burning coal”. “Our God is a consuming fire,” says St. Paul (Heb. 12:29). St. John the Theologian in his Revelation describes the Son of Man “dressed in a robe and girded around his chest with a golden sash, His eyes are like a fiery flame, His feet ... like red-hot in a furnace” (Rev. 1: 13-15). In the Chludov Psalter of the 9th century. feet and face of the Savior of fiery color.
The crown on the Angel's head is the crown of Christ, the Son of God: "I have anointed my king over Zion" (Ps. 2:6). The legs of the Angel rest on the earthly sphere, denoting the Lord of the World: “Heaven is My throne, earth is my footstool” (Is. 66: 1).
The seven pillars of the throne are taken from the Parable of Solomon, where Wisdom says in the words of Christ: "Eat my bread and drink my wine" (9:5). The inscription on the scroll of St. John the Baptist, standing next to the Fiery Angel, clearly points to the Angel as the Savior of whom he "witnessed."
On the Novgorod icon "Sophia - the Wisdom of God", all the images of Christ the Savior are revealed, as in many symbolic images: the Angel of the Great Council, the Eternal Emmanuel in the bosom of the Mother of God, the Incarnate Jesus Christ, giving a blessing and the "Prepared Throne" (Etimasia), personifying Christ - Judge at the Last Judgment.
In various monuments of the XIV century. as in the prayers and in the Interpretation Paley, it is explained that Wisdom is Jesus Christ. On the paintings of the 16th century, in the golden chamber of the Kremlin Palace, above the image of Sophia the Wisdom, there is an inscription: IS. XS.
In 1701, at the behest of Job, Met. Novgorod, in the salary of the icon of St. Sophia the Wisdom is inscribed with a troparion and a kontakion dedicated to the "Son and Word of God Christ the Savior". During the reign of Tsar Theodore Alekseevich (brother of Peter I), the Greek teachers Ioanniky and Sophrony Likhud, invited by him, explained in their “Message” that the Fiery Angel of the Novgorod Icon personifies Christ and His Divine Spirit. Their statement is hardly their personal opinion and must be based on the interpretation of the Greek Orthodox Church.
Responding to a request from Novgorodians for an interpretation of the icon of Sophia the Wisdom, Zinovy, a monk of the Otensky Monastery, wrote: “Come on, brothers, repeat that you don’t know who Sophia the Wisdom is and to whom our church is dedicated. I tell you not from my own invention, but from sacred sources: Sophia the Wisdom is the Son of God.
The fiery angel personifies Christ the Savior and on another, little-known, icon "Red with Kindness" of the 17th century. He holds a measure in one hand, and in the other hand a scroll with the inscription "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me and He has anointed Me for the Teaching." On the sides of the Fiery Angel is the Mother of God and St. John the Baptist, above Him is the Old Testament Trinity in the person of the Three Angels and, instead of Etimacy, at the very top there is a sword with the inscription: "My sword descends in heaven for judgment."
The icon of "Sophia - the Wisdom of God" is celebrated on the day of the Nativity of the Virgin and on the Dormition.

A source: Encyclopedia "Russian Civilization"

See what "SOPHIA - THE WISDOM OF GOD" is in other dictionaries:

    The icon, found in the Orthodox East and unknown to the non-Orthodox West, exists in many churches in Russia. Differing in some particulars in its composition, it has two main types or views in the icons of Novgorod and Kiev. FROM… … Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Sophia Wisdom of God- (Greek “wisdom”) in the Old Testament books of the Proverbs of Solomon, the Wisdom of Solomon and the Wisdom of Jesus, the son of Sirach, the personification of the highest wisdom and creative love of God, His world-building will, the source of being and the instrument of creation. ... ... Orthodoxy. Dictionary-reference

    - ... Wikipedia

    Wisdom (Greek Σοφια, "skill", "knowledge", "wisdom", Heb. hochemâh), in Judaic and Christian religious mythological ideas, the personified wisdom of the deity. The term "S.", which arose in ancient Greece, was used there as ... Encyclopedia of mythology

    Date of appearance ... Wikipedia

    - (from Greek, lat. sophia - wisdom) in Russian. religious philosophy (sophiology) is the creative wisdom of God, in which all world ideas are contained and which carries all nature in its heart and at the same time is the eternal idea of ​​humanity itself. ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Sophia (other Greek σοφία "wisdom") is a theological and philosophical concept, a female name, as well as the names of settlements. Contents 1 Name 2 Geography ... Wikipedia

    The icon of 1812 “Wisdom has created a house for Herself”, “Wisdom has created a house for Herself”, “Sophia the Wisdom of God” (Kyiv) is one of the Russian icon-painting images of the Mother of God. Celebration in honor of the icon on September 8 according to the Julian calendar, on the day of Christmas ... ... Wikipedia

    Sophia, Wisdom (Greek Σοφία “skill”, “knowledge”, “wisdom”, Hebrew חכמה‎) is a concept in ancient and medieval philosophy, Judaism and Christianity, expressing a special idea of ​​wisdom or personified (embodied) wisdom. In ... ... Wikipedia

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