Home Diseases and pests How does one lose energy? Five reasons for the loss of vital energy. Doubt and uncertainty. Walking in the clouds

How does one lose energy? Five reasons for the loss of vital energy. Doubt and uncertainty. Walking in the clouds

The working day is over, you come home and fall exhausted on the sofa. Where did all the vital energy that you were full of in the morning go? Competent accounting of the energy expended is no less important than the management of finances, proper nutrition and maintaining the required level of physical activity. In order not to waste vital energy, i.e. to your own detriment, you must first determine where it goes, and then draw up a plan for optimizing energy distribution and stick to it. This is important, because the lack of vital energy leads to various kinds of ailments and diseases.

Life energy - when we waste it

1. Unfinished business

A business abandoned in a fit of laziness, boredom or unwillingness leads to a drain of vital energy, which, imperceptibly for you, concentrates on things that you have not completed. For some people, they appear in dreams to remind them of the importance of finishing what they started.

That is why it is so important not to take on a task that you do not have the time and / or desire to do. Such unfinished business includes unfulfilled promises and debts that you still have not returned.

2. Lie

The larger the lie, the more vital energy is spent on its presentation: so many details need to be thought out so that you are not caught in a lie, that it is exhausting no less than unloading cars. Try to be as honest as possible with your loved ones, acquaintances and with yourself - and life will become easier, and more energy will appear.

3. Fear, hostility, mistrust

Fear, like lies, consumes a lot of vital energy. Distrust of a person or a hostile attitude also make the body work in a stressful mode - in the end, nothing good will come of it. Remember that all emotions depend on your perception of a particular situation and the world as a whole. Work on yourself - and you can learn how to save vital energy.

4. Lack of communication with nature

Life in the metropolis is exhausting in itself: not a minute of absolute silence, not a chance to get away from problems, lack of exposure to clean air and unity with nature. Trees, grass, birds singing - all this feeds your vital energy, and the cold and soulless city sucks it out of you, leaving you in a state of squeezed lemon.

5. Experiences and overloads

The body spends a lot of vital energy to work in overload and / or stress mode. There is not a single system of the body that stress does not negatively affect.

6. Talk about nothing

Why waste vital energy on conversations that will not benefit either you or your interlocutor? Such chatter makes you waste not only energy, but also precious time. Therefore, if you feel that the conversation is losing any meaning, do not be shy and stop the conversation. Remember: life is too short for idle chatter.

7. Resentment

The inability to forgive, the habit of keeping anger and resentment in oneself is perhaps the worst quality of a person. Negative emotions draw life energy from us and feed on it, growing to incredible proportions. If you cannot forgive a person for this or that act, think that you are harming yourself first of all: your psyche, physical health and vital energy reserves.

8. Lack of sleep

Where can you get vital energy if you do not give rest to either the body or the soul? The failure of biorhythms leads the body into bewilderment: it no longer understands how to cope with the tasks assigned to it without a clear schedule of rest and work, it is perplexed why everything has changed in the usual rhythm of work and eventually goes on strike.

9. Bad habits

Not only alcohol, drugs and smoking harm the body. There are many bad habits that we tend not to notice: overeating, eating unhealthy foods, the habit of looking at what is happening negatively, blaming the whole world for our failures, etc. The worse you eat, the harder it is for your body to remove toxins, so these eating habits often result in liver and kidney disease. The habit of thinking negatively leads to disruption of the nervous system.

10. External factors and diseases

There are external factors that we cannot influence. However, everyone can stop the outflow of vital energy that occurs when dealing with unpleasant people! The main thing is not to get angry, but to calmly stop communicating or quarreling with an unpleasant person, preventing him from enjoying your vulnerability.

Advice from the site: if it is difficult for you to keep track of your life energy, manage it in the same way as finances. Make a list of energy costs and think about what energy costs you can cut and what useful things you need to increase the amount of energy expended. So you can balance your life, you will have more strength for all kinds of accomplishments!

How to protect yourself from wasting energy when communicating?

Everyone likes to feel comfortable and confident when communicating with people.
How to build harmonious relationships in communication and protect yourself from energy losses when communicating with people unpleasant to us?

According to the classification of Grigory Kapitsa, there are various energy types of people, as well as their behavior and ways of protecting themselves during interaction.

-- "Energy Leeches" -
Most often, these are the people with whom a person is forced to communicate constantly: colleagues, acquaintances and even relatives. Leeches exist only because there is always a donor for them. They try to always be close to "stick". Ways to protect and how not to become one of them, this is -
Spiritual self-improvement. Rejection of everything negative, the ability to forgive. Since a person who has not managed to get rid of resentment loses energy, protective forces, his field shell is “loosened” and he becomes accessible to energy-informational influence. His energy "goes to the side." Do not allow this!

-- "Energy Sticks" -
When meeting, without waiting for questions, they begin to splash out a stream of negative energy, laying out all the ins and outs. They do not take energy directly, like "leeches". Invading a person's living space, they try to stay there for a long time, strive to be always there, call, write letters, constantly remind themselves of themselves, ask for advice, endlessly talk about themselves. And then they will try to accuse you that it happened because of your advice. Avoiding contact with them can be difficult.

Stop attempts to get closer so that later you don’t have to suffer from “unnecessary friendships”, try not to give advice and talk less about yourself. Protect yourself!

-- "Energy Samoyeds" -
"Samoyeds" can "fixate" on certain experiences. Having once experienced a negative event, they constantly “chew” the details of what happened. They become isolated and deliberately refuse to communicate with other people. They create negative energy in themselves and then inflate it to enormous proportions. And they cannot intelligently redistribute the energy within themselves.

Ways to protect and how not to become one of them, this is -
Bioenergy exchange with clean energy sources, with nature. Walks in the forest (trees that take and give energy), water procedures, communication with pets, physical and energy practices.

-- "Energy pacifiers" -
“Energy dummies” have practically no energy-information exchange, they do not want to share energy and do not know where to get it. And they replenish it mainly by eating, or contemplating the things that belong to them. But every person, at least once in his life, had moments of emptiness in his soul, when the strength was gone, he didn’t want anything, he didn’t want to sleep, he didn’t want to eat and he didn’t want to move. The main thing is not to fall into it consciously.

Ways to protect and how not to become one of them, this is -
Here you need someone to “shake up” such a person, call for him, “throw” an interesting idea and strength to return. And if there is no such person - to recognize and classify such a state in oneself. And this is already half the solution to the problem, if you understand what is happening. Relax, gain strength and consciously get out of this state.

-- "Energy intermediaries" -
The “transfer” of negative energy from them occurs because they have a very good energy-information exchange. They are able to receive energy, but are weak to withstand negative influences. For example, a person told about some unseemly act, energetically “shifting” a part of his oppressive guilt onto a friend. And he, having received this energy information, realizing that he cannot cope with it himself, they pass it on to someone else.
Also, a person cannot remain silent for a long time about some pleasant event, significant energetically, which is difficult to cope with.
Many people are, to one degree or another, "energy intermediaries."

Ways to protect and how not to become one of them, this is -
Here, ways to utilize negative energy come to the fore. And the conscious redistribution and energy-information exchange of positive energy with the external environment.

-- "Energy filters" -
Most often, due to circumstances, "filters" become "energy intermediaries", capable of passing through themselves a huge amount of both negative and positive energy. Often these are employees of various social services and similar professions who have to delve into various situations.
The received information is processed and returned in a processed form to its source. The initial energy carries a different charge, due to the fact that the negative remained on the “filter” and positive energy was added. "Energy filters" often find themselves in stressful situations.

Ways to protect and how not to become one of them, this is -
The first is to understand that not everyone is capable of becoming filters (changing jobs, etc.).
It is necessary to develop immunity to the spread of "energy sediment" through their energy channels.
Constant purification is necessary, since spontaneous splashing of negativity on others is very dangerous. Any filter becomes clogged and a person, even resistant to external influences, has a limit.
An emergency way of cleansing is to wash your face with cold water, drink hot sweet tea, “talk” with trees that consume energy (poplar, spruce, willow, aspen, etc.)

-- "Energy confusion" -
Where are we losing energy? This is unproductive communication and "empty" TV shows, magazines, chatter, books that do not provide any food for thought, but only take time and energy. This also includes laziness (not to be confused with the need for rest).
Representatives of this energy type act either as a donor or as an acceptor, depending on whom they “run into”. They are usually curious. And they themselves "run into" trouble, asking "unnecessary" questions, causing anger, bewilderment.

Ways to protect and how not to become one of them, this is -
Obviously - the first thing to stop wasting energy in an empty pastime. And start taking actions that have a goal and give results.

-- "Energy absorbers" -
Both donors and acceptors can act in this role. These are very sensitive people, with accelerated energy-information exchange. Lovers to get into someone else's life, to influence someone else's bioenergetics, with a desire to help. There are two categories of this type.
The first type is people who try not to miss a single drop of any energy, either negative or positive. They are easily and strongly offended, quickly forget insults, etc. Another category - loses a lot of positive energy, takes on a lot of negative. Actively delving into people's problems, aligning other people's biofields - their accelerated exchange turns against them.

Ways to protect and how not to become one of them, this is -
Classify this type of energy and remember that it is possible to influence someone else's bioenergy only for the purpose of self-defense. Manipulations, sooner or later, turn against the person himself, and then it will not seem enough. Since it is difficult to save a person from the constant absorption of negative energy, attracted by the principle of similarity.

-- "Energy Walls" -
Often such people are called "impenetrable", troubles simply bounce off them. These people "reflect" trouble. The problem is that the rebounded negative energy does not always get to the one who directed it. And to the one who was nearby, it is dangerous to be friends with them.

Ways to protect and how not to become one of them, this is -
Classify the situation and keep it under control, do not fall under the crossfire. And in order not to become like that - do not fence yourself off from the world, from nature, balance your energy exchange.

-- "Energy mirrors" -
Positive and negative energy directed to the person "mirror" returns to the one who directed it. This property of certain people taught us to use this technique consciously to protect against directed flows of negative energy.
But with people "mirrors" is not so simple. They have all the information leaves its mark and tends to accumulate. By the way “mirrors” treat us, one can judge what we are.

Ways to protect and how not to become one of them, this is -
Classify the situation and keep it under control. And in order not to become like that - do not fence yourself off from the world, from nature, constantly cleanse yourself energetically, balance your energy exchange.

Well, in general, to understand that we live in a world of free will, no one will take anything away from you until we agree with this.

In order for any defense to work, you just need to remain calm.

And the main rule of how not to become an acceptor is to never let negative emotions control you.
And if you are still devastated by the energy-information interaction, you need to return your strength as soon as possible. Take a contrast shower, imagining that, together with water, all negative energy is washed away from you.

Technique - Removing the communication channel that arose during the energy-information interaction of the individual
Calm down, relax, you can close your eyes.
Imagine a communication channel in the form of two tubes. According to one, the energy "leaves" from you to the acceptor, according to the other - from it to you. Mentally cut both channels with the edge of your palm (mental scissors, etc.). Close your two ends on yourself and mentally enter into your body. Drop the other ends towards the imaginary acceptor.
This will remove the energy bond with the acceptor and stop the loss of energy.
Wash with cold water up to the elbow of the hand. And sit quietly to balance.
Drink hot tea and go for a walk in the nearby park.

How not to lose your energy. 12 simple rules

Often I have a bad mood or everything just falls out of my hands and this state does not go away for days, or even weeks. And you can't understand why this is happening. The reason for this is that I spend my energy on the wrong things and simply lose my energy, which accumulates from the positive events of life. I began to notice a long time ago that it gets worse for me when I do something at someone’s request and rather out of necessity, and I don’t want to do this at all. Or, for example, when a person tells me about his problems, I give advice and I think that the person’s life will get better, and then you meet with him and he again talks about the same thing and I advise again. I meet for the third time and again the same thing ... And so from time to time ... And I understand that a person does not hear me and he does not need my advice at all if he continues to bang his head against the wall and wants, probably to gouge it ... You can’t imagine how hard it becomes at such moments. And most likely out of desperation. Probably from the fact that you want to make the life of loved ones and friends brighter and happier, but over time you begin to understand that everyone lives in their own little world and spoils their life as much as they can.

In general, this is such a long prologue to the information that I found today. I found some things that make me lose energy. I share information, maybe someone else will use it to save their personal energy

12 natural laws , the basic rules that show the sources of energy loss. Formulated by yoga gurus Ar Santem. Don't take them as a rule, check in action.

1. You need it - you do it.
Very often you can encounter someone who says what we need to do. But is there any point in doing something that does not bring the slightest benefit to you personally? The result of any of our activities and actions should be at least gratitude or self-esteem. Energy is always a reward to us for something. If others begin to unload their worries on us, we will never get due pleasure from doing this work and, accordingly, inspiration for new work, new deeds.

2. Do not ask - do not go.
Often, under the guise of good intentions, we try to influence the choices of other people, their thinking, actions and actions. And what do we get in return for this? At a minimum, no gratitude, but at a maximum condemnation. It is not possible to teach another person from your mistakes, everyone has to go their own way.

3. Don't promise. Promise - do it.
When promises are heard from our lips, do we become freer and richer in this case? What happens if we don't keep our promises? How does this reflect on our reputation, not only in someone else's eyes, but in our own?

4. Do not refuse a request.
When we are asked, this implies gratitude for the performance of a certain service. This gratitude helps to feel their own value and significance. And this, in turn, serves as an internal source of self-respect energy for us.

5. Don't share information until you've made it yours.
Be careful and prudent when revealing your goals and intentions to someone. Sometimes ridiculous remarks or harsh judgment can cut your wings and goals will lose their former significance for you.
Also, you should not advise others what you have not yet tried on your own experience. If your word is always based on your experience, people will appreciate it.

6. Don't get stuck or get attached.
Obviously, when at some point in our lives we become attached to one thing (an object, a person, a job), we slow down our own development. If we are marking time in one place, then we do not receive new energy.

7. Don't set a goal (The goal should serve as a beacon).
The goal is not what they crash into and what they hit, the goal is the vector direction of your activity. If you see a certain end point in your goals, then upon reaching them you may experience emptiness and disappointment.
The best goals are endless goals, for example, the goal of self-development and self-knowledge.

8. Live in the present (happy), here and now.
The energy that came to us today needs to be directed and spent on today. The best that we can do with the past and the future can always be done only now in this present moment.

9. Do not judge, do not criticize.
The habit of criticizing and condemning is a sign of one's own low self-esteem. By criticizing others, we evoke negative feedback from them and this is tantamount to self-criticism.

10. Nature doesn't have bad weather.
If we learn to see unsuccessful attempts as another proven, but not suitable option in this case, not the last of the possible, but in difficult circumstances - an environment for our own personal development, then we will not simply waste energy on mourning, but will calmly move forward.

11. Don't interfere.
Speak when you are ready to listen and hear. Do not impose yourself and your advice on people. In this case, you will always get a zero, or maybe a negative result for yourself, and also waste energy in vain.

12. Always and everywhere ask permission.
Show respect for other people's property, whether intellectual or physical. Otherwise, get ready to waste energy on excuses.

It has long been proven, not only by esotericists, but also by scientists, that people live in two dimensions at once - physical and energy.

That is why it is important to take care of your protection in both directions and be able to defend your integrity, but how not to give your energy to another person? We will look for answers to this and other questions in this article, and also consider the very nature of energy vampirism.

Man and his energy body

Now it is difficult to find people who would not know about the structure of the physical component of their body. From childhood, we are instilled with a culture of hygiene and care for our health. Even a small child can easily name the basic rules that allow you to avoid all sorts of diseases and health problems.

But what about bioenergetic integrity and how to protect yourself at this level? After all, it is no longer news that our world consists entirely of energy, it surrounds us, permeates the body and is invisibly present absolutely everywhere, in every living and inanimate object. Even the people themselves are a complex system consisting of two main components - the material body and the soul.

We are a kind of bioenergy batteries that have such a powerful charge that it lasts for many years of life.

Of course, this would be impossible without constant energy regeneration, but our body's ability to store energy is truly colossal.

But we will not focus on the physical component of a person, since a lot is already known about it and this topic is constantly covered by both the media and other sources, but let's talk in detail about the energy body. The only thing I would like to note, so as not to return to this later, is that the material and energy bodies are very tightly connected with each other.

This means that even the slightest change in one of them is instantly reflected in the state of the second. That is why we often encounter such a phenomenon as, for example, diseases for no apparent reason. That is, we see the result in the form of a disease, but because of what it arose, we do not understand. In such a situation, bioenergetic ignorance plays a bad joke on us, since the reason is usually literally before our eyes, but we do not notice it due to our blindness.

We all know that people have an energy field called an aura. This phenomenon is described in many teachings and is even part of some religions. But what is this force field? In fact, the aura plays the role of a kind of shield that protects us from any negative influences from the outside world. For this reason, it is incredibly important that its integrity be one hundred percent.

Any, even the most insignificant gap, contributes to the penetration of not only positive energy, but also all kinds of negative energy, as well as entities. It is through such holes that the energy outflow occurs.

In general, the bioenergetic field looks like a cocoon, the walls of which rotate. It is formed due to the constant flow of energy. Its circulation is provided by seven energy centers, which are also called chakras. If you remember the school physics course, then you will understand the nature of this phenomenon.

As you know, any conductor creates around itself a vortex-like electromagnetic field when an electric current is passed through it. Electricity is energy in its purest form, only when we talk about a person and his aura, then the role of a conductor is performed directly by the energy body.

Any deviation in the work of any chakra causes problems with the aura. First, its thinning occurs in a certain area, and then a gap follows, which is fraught with the consequences described above. It is these situations that are favorable for energy vampires, who on a subconscious level feel people with a hole in the cocoon.

For example, some of them behave very noisily and aggressively, while others, on the contrary, are very quiet and undermine your biofield through constant complaints and forcing negativity. It should be noted that there are a number of various protection methods, but if the integrity of the shell is one hundred percent, then their use is not even required.

If a person states the fact that people are draining energy from me, then this means that he intuitively realizes that there are problems with his aura.

It should be remembered that energy vampires are in close proximity to us, quite often even in the family.

The fact is that when we consider a family, we are not talking about the energy of each individual member. When a person is connected by family ties with other people, then their energy becomes common.

Inside the house there is a constant circulation of power flows, so any leak affects every member of the family.

You probably noticed that if a person falls ill, then his whole family begins to feel ill, and not just him. This happens because the rest of the family members give their energy to the patient so that he gets better. This complex system is always trying to balance the energy level inside the house.

For the same reason, relatives of people who have ailments such as drug addiction, alcoholism or gambling suffer so much. These are also diseases that lead to a strong outflow of human energy. Replenishment of the lost bioenergy again occurs at the expense of unfortunate relatives.

Depending on what kind of energy loss is diagnosed in a person, special actions against it are also selected.

From the suction of energy in a person, there are a large number of various methods of struggle, but we will consider the most popular and effective ones.

How to stop the outflow of energy in a person

To begin with, it should be noted that the best option, which with one hundred percent probability will protect your energy supply from the fence, is to normalize the operation of all energy centers. The same rule works here as with physical health - not the one who avoids diseases does not get sick, but the one who has good immunity.

It is a stable biofield that acts as immunity at the energy level.

Currently, there are many techniques that allow you to quickly and efficiently clean all the chakras, normalize their work, and even open the slammed ones.

The most successful task of how not to give energy to people through the restoration of the biofield is handled by cosmic energy, as well as classical yoga. In the first case, the human energy body is affected by special energy-informational cosmic flows, which, in addition to a number of useful functions, also have a healing effect.

When we talk about classical yoga, we primarily mean the technique of meditation. Proper work in this direction allows not only to qualitatively influence all chakras, but also to stabilize the circulation of energy flows inside the body. Also, this method is very convenient for use as a fast and extremely mobile bioenergetic recharge.

Mental protective barrier

Quite often, the unfortunate relatives of an energy vampire wonder how to stop a person from feeding on my energy. In this case, the installation of a mental protective barrier helps a lot. What is it?

Imagine that an invisible wall appears between you and the vampire, through which he is not able to either pass or suck out energy. Of course, this is a very rough wording, and this barrier is, in fact, another layer of your cocoon, only it was created artificially. By the way, the visualization of the process of the appearance of the wall has a very good effect on the protective functions of the energy barrier, since mental confidence makes it much stronger.

In order to form this type of protection, it is necessary first of all to achieve harmony and balance within oneself. Try to move away from the reality around you, feel how cozy and warm it is to be inside your bioenergetic cocoon. Inside it, no one can touch you or hurt you in any way.

As soon as you clearly understand this and literally feel it, a barrier will be built. It is necessary to ensure that it is set automatically already at a subconscious level, and this is achieved as a result of constant developments and practices.

The result of such work will be a very powerful defense, which almost immediately makes it clear to any energy vampire that he has nothing to do here.


Another way to not give your energy to another person is to read prayers. The fact is that the higher forces have an extremely powerful protective function, they do an excellent job of protecting the energy body from any negative.

In the event that the reading of the prayer is also accompanied by great faith, then the previous method is also connected here - building a barrier. It turns out a kind of double protection, inside of which there is a third line of defense - your personal cocoon, which also receives a boost.

This layering allows you to resist not only energy vampires, but also the effects of dark energies. It is for this reason that prayers are one of the most universal and effective methods, and absolutely all people can use this tool, regardless of religion and creed. The main condition is that you must sincerely believe in what you are asking about. Only in this case you will get a really strong protective effect.

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