Home Diseases and pests What are the best vitamins to take to improve immunity. Vitamins to improve immunity in adults: useful trace elements for men and women. Vitamin preparations for immunity

What are the best vitamins to take to improve immunity. Vitamins to improve immunity in adults: useful trace elements for men and women. Vitamin preparations for immunity

Our bodies are made up of many different tissues, and each of them requires different vitamins and minerals to grow and function properly. The basis of bone tissue is calcium, it is thanks to him that the bones are so strong and withstand huge loads.

In order for calcium and vitamins to always be in abundance, it is necessary to consume daily the daily norm of products with this element. In most cases, it is enough to eat properly and balanced in order not to face its deficiency. Consider which foods contain the most calcium and how to use them correctly.

First of all, it is worth understanding why it is necessary to consume foods rich in calcium before studying the list of products.

Everyone knows from childhood that calcium is the basis of bones and teeth, this is especially important in childhood, when teeth are actively growing, tooth enamel is formed. If the child lacks calcium, problems arise, the teeth quickly deteriorate and crumble.

In adulthood, calcium is more important for bones, so when it is deficient, bones become brittle and fractures can occur. It is very important for pregnant women to monitor their nutrition, because the fetus requires a large amount of vitamins, and with a lack of the necessary elements, they begin to wash out of the mother's bones and teeth, leading to sad consequences.

In addition to teeth and bones, the mineral is involved in the work of muscles throughout the body. With a lack of calcium, not only the external muscles, due to which we move, but also the heart suffer, the vessels begin to work poorly, they slowly push the blood. Therefore, it is recommended to use foods with calcium for hypertensive patients.

It is also necessary to consume foods containing calcium in large quantities for the normal functioning of the nervous system. A sufficient amount of the mineral in the body provides normal stress resistance, a person sleeps well and feels better.

Calcium in food must be present without fail in those people who are overweight and have high cholesterol. The element lowers cholesterol levels and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of blood vessels.


The lack of calcium in the body is quite common, despite the fact that nowadays people living in Russia have no difficulty in providing food. This pathology was found even in ancient people, as evidenced by the remains found by modern archaeologists.

Normally, in an adult, about a kilogram of calcium is present in the body, all of it is located in the bones, with the exception of 0.1%, which is involved in the work of other systems. Thus, if there is not enough substance for the work of muscles and nerves, it begins to be washed out of the bones and teeth of a person, which leads to osteoporosis and caries.


Microelement deficiency provokes not only malnutrition, there are also a number of factors and diseases that contribute to the leaching of substances from the body:

  • Taking hormonal drugs;
  • Some pathologies of the endocrine nature;
  • Cushing's disease;
  • lack of vitamin D;
  • intestinal pathologies in which calcium absorption is impaired;
  • contact with phosphates;
  • hypocalcium diet;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • estrogen deficiency in women.

Thus, foods high in calcium should be consumed not only as a preventive measure, but also during the treatment of various diseases. So, for example, with the constant intake of corticosteroids, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of the microelement. The same applies to women during and after menopause, patients with thyroid dysfunction. In such cases, it is often prescribed to take calcium vitamins.


Calcium-rich foods should be started as soon as possible if symptoms of calcium deficiency appear. It is worth noting that the diet will be effective only at the very beginning, and if the symptoms have been bothering you for a long time, then you should consult a therapist and start using calcium vitamins.

Deficiency symptoms:

  • Night cramps in the lower leg;
  • memory problems;
  • Arrhythmia;
  • Pain in the bones that are associated with their thinning, as well as pathological fractures;
  • Toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • Delay in fetal development;
  • Violation of posture in a child.

As a rule, pathological fractures indicate serious violations in the structure of the bones. This condition requires mandatory medical intervention, diet alone is indispensable here, you will have to treat bones and take calcium vitamins. The same applies to pregnant women and children, this group of patients should be regularly monitored by a general practitioner and pediatrician.


Many years ago, it was studied how important the element is for the normal functioning of the human body, and the daily intake of calcium was revealed, which must be consumed in order to avoid bone problems. Children are shown to consume from 0.3 to 0.8 grams of the substance per day, and adults from 0.8 to 1.3 grams.

But it is important to understand that not all foods rich in calcium are absorbed as well as we would like. Therefore, even if a large amount of calcium is contained in any product, this does not mean that it will be completely absorbed, therefore, nutrition should consist of various foods and dishes.

Below we will consider which foods contain calcium in sufficient quantities and how it is absorbed.


In the very first place in terms of the amount of calcium are, of course, dairy products. They not only contain a large amount of the trace element we need, but it is also perfectly absorbed, for example, compared to calcium, which is found in plant foods.

Special attention should be paid to cheese. This is what contains a sufficient amount of the necessary substance, but at the same time lactose. Therefore, such a valuable product can be consumed in limited quantities even by people with lactase intolerance.

Below is a table that shows the amount of calcium in various dairy products:

Seeds and nuts

If you ask a person what foods contain calcium, he will definitely name milk. But do not forget that a record amount of the substance is found in poppy and sesame seeds.

A big plus of these products is that they contain magnesium, which has a beneficial effect on the absorption of calcium. Let's take a closer look at the table of foods high in calcium.

Thus, replenishing the daily allowance by eating poppy and sesame is not difficult, just one tablespoon of these or those seeds per day is enough, and this is not counting the calcium that comes from other products.

Below is a table with the calcium content in seeds and nuts:


Fish and seafood are also rich in calcium, which is well absorbed, this is due to the presence in these products of magnesium and vitamin D, which are responsible for the absorption of calcium.

Most calcium in sardine, especially in canned food, as they are consumed along with the bones.

The table will tell you in detail about the amount of the microelement in fish and seafood, here is a list of foods containing calcium in large quantities:


A fairly large amount of the trace element is found in fresh vegetables and herbs, in particular radishes, lettuce, celery, cauliflower and carrots. Sea kale is also very useful, it contains a lot of calcium and other vitamins and microelements useful for the body.

The disadvantage of plant foods is that calcium from it is poorly absorbed, especially for foods such as beets and spinach. That is why it is recommended to eat a balanced diet, because it is quite difficult to gain a daily allowance with vegetables alone.

Below is a table that shows the calcium content in plant foods:


Berries and fruits contain a small amount of calcium, but they contain a huge amount of useful vitamins that contribute to its absorption, so you need to use these foods every day.

Most of the useful trace element is found in dried fruits, as they are free from moisture.

For comparison, consider the table.


Calcium meat contains a small amount, this is due to the fact that the substance is found in the bones and blood, which are usually not eaten. Therefore, with a lack of calcium, meat should be consumed in small quantities, it is better to eat more vegetables, dairy products and fish.


Cereals and cereals contain a small amount of trace elements, but they must be eaten without fail. To increase the benefits of such food, it is recommended to always combine it with dairy products, for example, eat porridge with milk and a sandwich with hard cheese.


We have figured out which foods have a lot of calcium, now we need to understand how to use these foods correctly so that there is always a sufficient amount of substances in the body. There are several nuances, following which you can significantly increase the amount of digestible substance.

In the diet, you need to introduce foods with a sufficient amount of vitamin D, as well as to be in the sun. This vitamin is involved in the deposition of calcium in bone tissue and in its absorption. Often the cause of a trace element deficiency is precisely the lack of vitamin D. Also, the trace element is better absorbed along with phosphorus and magnesium.

Foods with vitamin D are optimally consumed 4 hours before calcium intake.

To maximize the effect of the diet, you need to exclude foods that wash out calcium, these are coffee, oxalic acid, salt, soda. Vegetarianism is not suitable for people with calcium deficiency, the diet must be balanced.

In order for trace elements to be normally absorbed, it is necessary to ensure the normal acidity of the stomach. With low acidity, calcium is simply excreted and not absorbed. For this reason, it is often recommended to combine the use of a trace element with sour juice.

It is very important for the normal assimilation of the substance to rid the body of endocrine diseases, to establish a hormonal background. It is also necessary to consult a doctor if an element deficiency is observed when taking any medication, even harmless at first glance.

It has been proven that the substance is poorly absorbed if a person is nervous, therefore it is necessary to avoid stress, not to worry about trifles. It is also known that the substance is better absorbed in the evening and separately from iron, so it is better to eat such products for dinner and not combine them with iron-containing products.

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In the presence of which more than 300 biochemical reactions occur in the human body.

The mineral plays a primary role in the construction and strengthening of bone tissue, participates in the processes of blood clotting, normalization of myocardial contractility, skeletal muscles, restoring the balance between the reactions of excitation, inhibition in the brain, regulation of the activity of certain enzymes.

The compound got its name from the word "Calx", which in Latin means "Lime".

Biological role

The total concentration of calcium in the human body is 2 percent of body weight (1000 - 1500 grams), and the main amount (99%) is found in bone tissue, nails, enamel and dentin of teeth.

Macronutrient value: regulates blood pressure, tissue and intercellular fluids (together with sodium, magnesium and potassium); participates in the formation of bone tissue, including teeth and cartilage; maintains normal blood clotting by potentiating the transition of prothrombin to thrombin; enhances the permeability of membranes for the penetration of hormones, nutrients; potentiates the production of cellular and humoral immunity, as a result of which the body's resistance to infections improves; maintains skeletal muscle tone; neutralizes the negative effects of lactic and uric acid that accumulate in the muscles due to the breakdown of fats and proteins (during physical exertion); participates in the mechanisms of transmission of nerve impulses to the brain; normalizes the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids in smooth muscles; seals the walls of blood vessels, which leads to a decrease in the release of histamine compounds; stabilizes the acid-base balance in the body; activates the action of enzymes involved in the formation of neurotransmitters.

The normal concentration of calcium in the blood is 2.2 millimoles per litre. Deviations from this indicator indicate a deficiency or excess of the compound in the body. Consider the symptoms indicating the development of hypo or hypercalcemia.

Shortage and overdose

Calcium is stored in the porous structure of long bones. In case of insufficient intake of the mineral with food, the body “goes” to mobilize the compound from the bone tissue, as a result of which demineralization of the pelvic bones, spine and lower extremities occurs.
Signs of calcium deficiency:

  • pain in joints, bones, teeth;
  • muscle weakness;
  • fragility of nails;
  • increased blood cholesterol levels;
  • skin rashes, including eczema;
  • rapid pulse;
  • muscle spasms;
  • convulsions;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • the appearance of microcracks on the enamel of the teeth;
  • nervousness;
  • fatigue;
  • hypertension;
  • pallor of the face;
  • insomnia;
  • decrease in mental abilities;
  • lack of coordination;
  • growth retardation, rickets (in children);
  • spinal deformity, frequent bone fractures;
  • tooth decay;
  • allergic reactions;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • profuse menstrual flow.

In 80% of cases, hypocalcemia is asymptomatic, which leads to the development of serious pathologies: osteoporosis, kidney stone formation, hypertension, osteochondrosis. To prevent these problems, it is important to identify and eliminate the factors that provoke a macronutrient deficiency in the body in advance.

Reasons for the development of calcium deficiency:

  • the absence in the diet of products containing a useful compound;
  • violation of the absorption of the element in the intestine, due to dysbacteriosis or the absence of the lactase enzyme that breaks down milk protein;
  • excess in the body of lead, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive tract (pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, renal failure, stomach or duodenal ulcer);
  • thyroid diseases, in which the synthesis of the thyrocalcitonin hormone, which controls calcium metabolism, is impaired;
  • increased consumption of the “bone-forming” nutrient due to stressful situations, smoking, physical exertion, pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • excessive consumption of drinks that inhibit the absorption of the mineral in the intestines (coffee, alcohol, soda, energy tonics);
  • deficiency in the diet, especially with vegetarianism, a raw food diet;
  • prolonged use of laxatives and diuretics, which “wash out” the building mineral from the body.

In addition, calcium metabolism is impaired due to excessive excretion of the compound in the urine (idiopathic hypercalciuria), low absorption of the substance in the intestines (intestinal malabsorption), formation of kidney stones (calcium nephrolithiasis), hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands, hypertension.

To eliminate the symptoms of hypocalcemia, it is necessary to enrich the daily diet with calcium-containing foods or complex dietary supplements, the main active component of which is the missing macronutrient. When using medications, consult with your doctor first.

In the process of drawing up a nutrition plan, keep in mind that daily consumption of more than 2500 milligrams of a mineral against the background of calcium metabolism disorders leads to intense calcification of bones, blood vessels and internal organs, resulting in persistent hypercalcemia.

Symptoms of excess compound in the body:

  • thirst;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weakness;
  • frequent urination;
  • decreased tone of smooth muscles;
  • arrhythmia;
  • discomfort in the epigastric region;
  • an increase in the concentration of calcium in the urine and blood;
  • angina pectoris and bradycardia;
  • cognitive decline;
  • the formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder;
  • gout.

In some cases, hypercalcemia occurs as a result of hereditary thyroid pathologies, in particular, multiple endocrine neoplasia, and sometimes due to malignant neoplasms.

daily rate

The daily need for calcium directly depends on the age and gender of the person. Moreover, the largest amount of a macronutrient is required by a growing body, pregnant and lactating women.

The daily requirement for calcium is:

  • for newborns up to 6 months - 400 milligrams;
  • for preschool children (1 - 5 years) - 600 milligrams;
  • for schoolchildren under 10 years old - 800 milligrams;
  • for children from 10 to 13 years old - 1000 milligrams;
  • for teenagers and young people under 24 years old - 1300 - 1500 milligrams;
  • for women (from 25 to 55 years old) and men (from 25 to 65 years old) - 1000 milligrams;
  • for women during menopause (from 55 to 85 years old) and older men (from 65 to 85 years old) - 1300 - 1500 milligrams;
  • for pregnant and lactating women - 1500 - 2000 milligrams.

The need for calcium increases with:

  • intensive sports;
  • profuse sweating;
  • taking anabolic steroids;
  • hormone therapy.

Remember, it is important to monitor the amount of calcium consumed daily, since a lack of the mineral is fraught with osteoporosis of the bones, and an excess is fraught with stone formation in the kidneys and bladder.

natural springs

Considering that calcium is involved in the formation of bone, connective and nervous tissues, it is important to ensure a regular intake of the macronutrient with food.

Table number 1 "Sources of calcium"
Product name Calcium content per 100 grams of product, milligram
poppy seed 1450
Hard cheeses 800 – 1200
Sesame (unroasted) 700 – 900
Nettle (green) 700
Brynza 530 – 600
Common mallow 500
Basil (green) 370
Sunflower seeds 350
Almonds (unroasted) 260
Sea fish 210 – 250
Parsley (greens) 240
White cabbage 210
Beans 160 – 190
Garlic, watercress 180
Dill (greens) 120
Milk, kefir, cottage cheese, whey, sour cream, yogurt 90 – 120
Broccoli 105
Peas 100
Walnuts 90
Shrimps, anchovies, oysters, crabs 80 – 100
Peanut 60
Chicken egg (1 piece) 55

Small amounts of calcium are found in cereals, fruits, vegetables, berries, meat and honey. The content of the element in these products varies from 5 to 50 milligrams per 100 grams. Moreover, an excessive amount of the first two compounds prevents its full splitting.

The optimal ratio of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in food or dietary supplements is 2: 1: 1. Considering that the mineral “turns” into a bioavailable form only under the action of gastric juice, taking it and alkaline substances that neutralize hydrochloric acid, including carbohydrates, leads to a decrease in the absorption of the element in the intestine. At the same time, the joint use of the compound with rhubarb, spinach, parsley, cabbage, sorrel, radish and currant potentiates the formation of oxalate kidney stones.

Remember, calcium is well absorbed from dairy products due to the optimal ratio of nutrients and the presence of lactic acid bacteria in such products. Moreover, to increase the bioavailability of the mineral, it is permissible to use healthy fats. However, it is important to bear in mind that an excess or lack of lipids in the diet prevents the full absorption of the "bone" substance, since in the first case there is a lack of bile acids for its breakdown, and in the second - fatty acids.

The optimal ratio of calcium and fat per serving is 1:100.


Thus, calcium is an indispensable macronutrient for the human body, which is part of the bones, teeth, blood, cellular and tissue fluids. Its best "partners" are phosphorus and vitamin D. In this tandem, the "bone-forming" element maintains the health of the bone, cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems.

It is better to cover the body's daily need for calcium at the expense of natural foods: fermented milk products, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, cheeses, fish, nuts, greens. However, when consuming such food, it is important not to overdo it, since an excess of the mineral in the body leads to its settling on the walls of blood vessels and internal organs, provoking stone formation and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.

Surely, in childhood, your parents persuaded you to eat dairy products, assuring that it is very useful for a growing body. And this is true. These products contain calcium, which helps to strengthen teeth and bones, is involved in the functioning of the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency is considered a dangerous phenomenon and provokes the development of many diseases. Let's take a look at which foods contain the most calcium.

Calcium is a vital element for the human body. Almost all cells, including nerves, heart and muscles, need this trace element to function properly.

At an early stage, calcium deficiency makes itself felt by the development of caries and the deterioration of the general condition of the teeth. The most dangerous consequence is osteoporosis. With this disease, the bones become brittle, the risk of fractures and their deformation increases. According to statistics, in Russia 34% of women and 25% of men suffer from osteoporosis.

In addition, a reduced level of calcium negatively affects the activity of the neuromuscular system: bone pain, numbness, and convulsions appear. Heart failure can also develop, which is not amenable to drug therapy.

Also, hypocalcemia can cause the following diseases:

  • weakening of the immune system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • arrhythmia;
  • subcapsular cataract;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • diabetes;
  • arthritis;
  • depression;
  • osteochondrosis.

Calcium deficiency can occur in children. At an early age, it is especially dangerous: the formation of teeth is disturbed, various nervous disorders appear, the lens of the eye changes, etc. In the future, multiple sclerosis may develop.

Foods containing calcium

Everyone is well aware that a large amount (about 75%) of this trace element is found in fermented milk and dairy products. However, not everyone knows that these products are digested only with a minimum amount of animal fats. For this reason, preference should be given to low-fat dairy products.

Also, a large amount of calcium in food is found in fresh vegetables and fruits, berries, nuts and greens. The percentage in them is less than in the "milk", but it is quite enough to replenish the daily calcium intake.

Below are several tables showing the calcium content in 100 g. product. Let's start with dairy products.

Dairy products

Parmesan 1200
Powdered milk 1000
Cheese Russian 900
Cheddar 720
Mozzarella 520
Feta 360
Cottage cheese 200
cow's milk 120
Kefir 120
Egg 110
Sour cream 10% 80

Seafood and fish

The record holder for calcium content is sardine. It is very useful to eat canned fish, as the bones are crushed in them. Seafood contains more vitamins D and K, magnesium, which promote the absorption of calcium.

Canned food "Sardine" 380
Mackerel 250
Salmon 210
Shrimps 100
oysters 83

Seeds and nuts

Vegetables and greens

To ensure the availability of calcium, vegetables should be eaten boiled. Many vegetables contain oxalic acid, which greatly complicates the absorption of this trace element.

Berries and fruits

Interesting! Meat products are quite poor in calcium. The fact is that in the body of mammals and birds, most of the calcium is in the blood plasma, and not inside the cells. Therefore, the calcium content in meat is insignificant - less than 50 mg / 100 g.

daily intake of calcium

For each age, the required daily dose of calcium is determined. This must be kept in mind when including certain foods in the diet.

The norm is:

  1. For children under 3 years old - 600 mg.
  2. For children under 10 years old - 800 mg.
  3. For teenagers - 1200 mg.
  4. For adults - not less than 1000 mg.
  5. During pregnancy - 2000 mg.

It is enough for children to drink a couple of glasses of milk or natural yogurt a day to ensure a sufficient amount of the trace element.

How calcium is absorbed by the body

Not all types of calcium that enter the body with food are fully absorbed. The mineral is not able to dissolve in water. When ingested, it is only partially converted into soluble compounds.

It is important that calcium is supplied to the body from food. Otherwise, the element will begin to come from the bones, which, in turn, breaks the bone tissue.

The absorption of calcium from foods varies greatly - from 20 to 90%. When drawing up a diet, this moment should be taken into account. Much depends on the products themselves. Almost all calcium is absorbed from dairy products. A little worse with fish, vegetables, fruits, herbs and nuts.

The absorption of calcium by the body depends on the following factors:

  1. An excess of phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, a lack or excess of fats negatively affect.
  2. Calcium is quickly absorbed from those foods that contain the required amount of phosphorus, vitamins B, C and D.

From this, the question is quite natural: Which foods have the most calcium in an easily digestible form?. These include:

  • milk, cheeses, cottage cheese;
  • seafood;
  • greenery;
  • poppy, sesame and sunflower seeds;
  • fruits (dried figs, dried apricots);
  • berries (currant, kiwi).

Important! Another important point to consider is the preservation of calcium in the body. To ensure this, it is necessary to reduce the intake of salt, coffee and fatty foods. An active lifestyle also favorably affects the absorption of calcium.

Calcium is essential to human health. To do this, it is important to know what kind of food it is contained in, and the features of its absorption. Of course, foods rich in calcium are milk, cheeses, poppy seeds and sesame seeds. It is slightly less in other products.

Kale is rich in calcium

Calcium is an important nutrient for humans, which is essential for building and strengthening bones and teeth. Calcium also regulates muscle contractions, the nervous system and the secretion of hormones, plays an important role in blood clotting processes and helps regulate blood pressure. Our body is unable to produce calcium on its own, so to maintain sufficient levels of calcium, we must obtain it from a variety of food sources. When we consume calcium, it enters our bloodstream and is transported to other areas of our body where it is needed. Any excess calcium accumulates in the bones and teeth. If the body does not get enough calcium, it begins to extract it from the bones and teeth in order to function properly. This leads to their weakening and destruction, and can cause bone diseases and brittle bones. Supplements can provide calcium, but the best way to meet your calcium needs is to eat a balanced diet. foods rich in calcium.

The human need for calcium

Children aged 4 to 8 years are recommended to consume 800 mg of calcium per day, children from 9 to 18 - 1300 mg. Men and women aged 19 to 50 years are recommended to consume 1000 mg of calcium per day, adults over 51 - 1200 mg. Pregnant or lactating women need more calcium daily (1400 to 2000 mg).

Foods rich in calcium

Dairy products are the most common food group containing calcium. Milk and cheese are good sources of calcium. Moreover, low-fat dairy products contain more calcium. Hard cheeses, depending on the fat content and variety, contain about 1000 mg of calcium per 100 grams, processed cheeses - half as much. 100 grams of yogurt contains about 130 mg of calcium. In milk - 120 mg, in skimmed milk, calcium is slightly higher.

Canned fish containing soft bones are the best meat option for calcium intake. The soft bones can be crushed and eaten along with the meat of the fish. Canned sardines (500 mg of calcium per 100 grams), salmon (210 mg) and mackerel (240 mg) are the richest in calcium.

green vegetables, especially dark green leafy ones, contain surprisingly high amounts of calcium. Parsley (245 mg), collard greens (210 mg), (106), dandelion leaves (103), leaves (61), turnip greens are excellent sources of calcium. In terms of the amount of calcium in food to the number of calories, many leafy vegetables are superior to dairy products. The following greens are also good sources of calcium: romaine lettuce (Roman lettuce), cabbage, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, green beans, Brussels sprouts,. Some fruit also contain calcium, including apples, bananas, tangerines and grapefruits.

many nuts contain relatively large amounts of calcium. The best choices are almonds (260mg per 100g) and brazil nuts (160). Record holders for calcium content are and poppy, about 1000 mg and 1500 mg per 100 grams, respectively. Fennel seeds are also high in calcium. Of the legumes, white and red beans (150) and soybeans (100) are rich in calcium.

soy products foods such as tofu, soy milk, soy cheese, soy yogurt, and edamame (soy bean pods) are also good choices for replenishing calcium levels from food. One hundred grams of tofu contains 105 mg of calcium and is surprisingly low in calories.

Sources of calcium in grain group are whole-grain corn and whole-grain wheat flour. Regular flour, unlike whole grains, does not contain calcium. One slice of rye or whole grain bread contains about 10 mg of calcium, and a 50 gram serving of muesli contains about 25 mg of calcium.

Other sources of calcium

Surprisingly, many seasonings and spices also contain calcium. Among them are basil, dill, thyme, oregano, rosemary, cloves, garlic.

Oddly enough, molasses (molasses) contains a high percentage of calcium - 172 mg per tablespoon. Therefore, to increase your use of molasses, you may want to consider substituting molasses for sugar in various recipes.

Many food manufacturers fortify their products with calcium. Usually calcium is added to breakfast cereals, cereals, fruit juices, milk substitutes (rice, soy milk).

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