Home Diseases and pests Carrot for baby. When can I give carrot puree for babies, how much to cook, recipe. How to choose ready-made puree for complementary foods

Carrot for baby. When can I give carrot puree for babies, how much to cook, recipe. How to choose ready-made puree for complementary foods

The introduction of complementary foods will help to make the baby's nutrition not only tasty and healthy, but also to diversify the usual menu. It can be grated fruits or vegetable dishes, such as carrot puree for babies.

The choice of the optimal option depends on the individual characteristics of the child's body. So, it is worth starting with vegetable complementary foods if the baby suffers from constipation and intestinal colic, the baby has rickets, anemia, and also in the case when the body weight is above normal.

Advantages and disadvantages

The orange root crop is a wonderful natural pantry. It contains beta-carotene, which, when ingested, turns into retinol - vitamin A, which is necessary for normal growth and development, is indispensable for the eyes, as well as the good condition of the skin and mucous membranes. Vitamin C helps iron to be better absorbed. The red vegetable copes well with anemia and favorably affects the hematopoietic function. Therefore, carrots for babies are necessary.

The healing power of carrots

The vitamin-mineral complex, fiber and dietary fiber contained in the root crop endow it with the following healing properties:

Table - Nutritional value of carrots, content in 100 grams of carrots

SubstancesvitaminsMacronutrientstrace elements
water 85 gB1 thiamine 0.06 mgpotassium 170-200 mgzinc 0.1-0.2 mg
proteins 1.3%B2 riboflavin 0.07 mgchlorine 63 mgaluminum 323.0 µg
fats 0.1-0.3%B3 niacin 0.1 mgphosphorus 45-55 mgboron 200.0 mcg
carbohydrates 6.9-7%B6 pyridoxine 0.4 mgmagnesium 30-38 mgmanganese 0.1 mg
fiber, dietary fiber up to 1.5%B5 pantothenic acid 0.3 mgcalcium 25-27 mgvanadium 99.0 mcg
sugar (glucose, fructose, sucrose) 4-7 gB9 folic acid 22-28 mcgsodium 21-25 mgcopper 0.02-0.7 mg
pectin substances 0.6-0.7%nicotinic acid 1.0 mgsulfur 6.0 mgfluorine 55.0 mcg
starch 0.2 gWith ascorbic acid 4-5 mgiron 0.3-0.66 mgmolybdenum 20.0 mcg
phytoncides (natural antibiotics)E tocopherol 0.36-0.4 mcg lithium 6.0 mcg
ash 0.7-1 gH biotin 0.6 mg nickel 6.0 μg
K phylloquinone 13.2 mcg iodine 2 mcg
alpha-carotene 9.0 mg chromium 3.0 mcg
beta-carotene 12 mg cobalt 2.0 µg
selenium 1 mcg

For the well-being of the baby, it is important that the intestines work like clockwork. Before introducing a new product into complementary foods, it is important to understand whether it weakens or strengthens. So, natural carrot juice and puree are excellent “fixers”, but in combination with an apple, this vegetable helps regulate digestion. In any case, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Caution: brightly colored!

Despite the fact that carrots contain a lot of useful substances and are a natural “healer”, you should not start your baby’s acquaintance with vegetable diversity from it. Like all brightly colored fruits, the orange beauty can cause an allergic reaction.

It is necessary to introduce complementary foods from carrots, but from how many months it is worth doing this, it is difficult to answer unambiguously. At 6-7 months, on the recommendation of pediatricians, vegetable complementary foods begin with white or green fruits, as the least dangerous in terms of allergies. When the child's body gets used to neutral tastes - zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower - you can move on to a more fragrant and bright product.

  • At 8-9 months, add a few drops of carrot juice to breast milk, an adapted formula, or puree from another vegetable already familiar to the baby. Observe the reaction of the baby. If all is well, you can regularly introduce carrot juice into the menu, and then mashed potatoes (but not more than 2-3 times a week).
  • After 12-15 months the baby can be offered raw carrots, grated on a fine grater, or carrot salad.
  • At 3-4 years old. But to gnaw a fresh, whole carrot, let a child of 3-4 years old, when you are sure that he will not choke on it.

Be attentive to the little eater. An allergy to carrots in a child is easy to detect. If, after a small portion of carrot puree or juice, the baby experiences lethargy, drowsiness, bouts of nausea or vomiting, it is worth excluding the root crop from complementary foods. Another consequence of the carrot diet is carotene jaundice. With the constant use of carrot puree or juice, carotene accumulates in the body. The baby "turns yellow" - the palms, soles, skin and sclera of the baby acquire a yellowish-carrot hue. One has only to exclude the “coloring” vegetable from the diet, and after a while the child returns to its natural color.

In Germany, pediatricians advise parents to use carrots as the first vegetable food, and not cabbage or zucchini. Experts believe that the benefits of eating this vitamin root vegetable are greater than the potential risk of developing allergies.

How much to weigh in grams?

When you introduce a new product into the baby’s menu, the question arises: how much to give and how often, so as not to harm? First of all, consult a pediatrician who knows about the possible genetic predispositions of the child. If parents suffer from allergies, it is highly likely that this feature will be in the baby. It is better to start with a couple of drops of carrot juice added to breast milk or already tested puree. If the baby's body did not express dissatisfaction in the form of an allergic reaction, you can carefully continue - 0.5 teaspoon, then gradually increase the portions, bringing up to 50-100 grams at a time. And be sure to keep watching the baby.

Carrot menu for babies: recipes for children's dishes

So that the benefits of an orange vegetable do not fade before harm, it is important to cook it correctly. As a first dish of carrots, you can offer the baby carrot puree.

Puree industrial, shop

When buying jars of baby food in the store, carefully consider the packaging:

  • Has the expiration date expired?
  • Is the lid on the puree package swollen?
  • Does it contain preservatives, salt, sugar?

Unopened packaging can be stored at home in a dark place, at room temperature or in the refrigerator. When opening the jar, you should hear a pop, which indicates that the tightness is not broken. The first portions of complementary foods are minimal, the baby will not master the whole jar. Therefore, after opening the package, put a single serving in another dish, tightly close the jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. Before giving puree to a child, heat it in a water bath to a temperature of 36-37 degrees.

Mom's puree, homemade

Making carrot puree for babies is not at all difficult at home.

  1. We take 100 g of carrots, 25 ml of milk and 3 g of vegetable oil (it will soften the puree and help preserve an important vitamin necessary for visual acuity, growth and skin). Ideal for baby food, of course, will be a vegetable grown without chemicals on its site. If you doubt the origin of the red-haired beauty, you can soak her in water for several hours.
  2. Wash the carrots well, preferably with a brush, peel and cut into cubes or small pieces (you can cut into strips or chop on a coarse grater).
  3. The resulting mass is poured with boiling water so that the water completely covers it.
  4. We put the pan on the stove and simmer until cooked through on low heat.
  5. Drain the remaining liquid or discard the boiled carrots in a colander, and then puree with a blender or rub through a sieve, getting rid of lumps.
  6. In the resulting carrot mass, add warmed milk, a little salt (optional) and bring to a boil. Add a couple of drops of vegetable oil and cool.

You should not abuse carrot puree in its pure form. It is better to introduce the root crop into a vegetable platter, and mix its juice with apple juice. Carrots are good in company with other vegetables and fruits - they will add bright colors and slightly soften the taste of any dish.

Vegetable puree from cauliflower and carrots

  1. You will need 1 carrot, 150 g of cauliflower, 1.5 cups of water, 1 tsp. sunflower, olive or corn oil, salt.
  2. Wash the root crop properly, using a brush, clean, cut into small pieces and put in a pot of boiling water.
  3. After 10 minutes, add the washed cabbage, disassembled into inflorescences. Cook for another 5-7 minutes.
  4. Cool, puree with a blender or wipe through a sieve.
  5. Add vegetable oil to the resulting puree and add a little. Since the baby is not addicted to salty foods, you can completely do without salt. Puree will be even better.

carrot juice

  1. Thoroughly washed carrots are cleaned, scalded with boiling water.
  2. Grind on a fine grater and, using sterile gauze folded in several layers, squeeze the juice by hand. You can use a juicer. True, the metal elements are oxidized, part of the carrot benefit is lost.
  3. Ready juice, before giving to the baby, must be diluted with water. Store in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

carrot cutlets


  1. To prepare carrot cutlets for children, we take 700 g of carrots, 0.5 tbsp. semolina, 2 tsp granulated sugar, salt to taste, for frying - vegetable oil. Place thoroughly washed carrots in a saucepan and cover with water.
  2. We add a little, although it is quite possible to do without it.
  3. We cook on a small fire. Readiness is checked with a knife or fork. To make the vegetable lose less nutrients, you can steam it.
  4. We cool the boiled carrots, remove the peel, grind on a grater.
  5. Add half of the semolina, sugar, mix.
  6. We form cutlets from the resulting carrot "minced meat", breaded in semolina.
  7. We spread them on a heated frying pan with vegetable oil, fry on both sides until cooked.

For a couple

  1. To make the dish healthier and healthier, we do without frying. The recipe is identical to the previous one, with the exception of the final point - in this case, put the cutlets in a double boiler bowl and cook until tender.
  2. Jam or sour cream are suitable as "gravy".

In the oven

  1. We take 2 carrots, 2 apples, 7-8 dried apricots, 20 g of butter, 150 ml of milk, 1 egg, 3 tablespoons of semolina.
  2. Thoroughly wash apples and carrots, peel and rub on a fine grater.
  3. Wash dried apricots, steam them in water, then finely chop.
  4. We heat the milk, add the grated mass and dried apricots.
  5. We put on a small fire for a few minutes.
  6. As soon as the mass becomes soft, gradually pour in the semolina and, stirring, add the butter.
  7. Cool, break the egg into “minced meat”, mix and form.
  8. On a baking sheet covered with baking paper, spread the cutlets and send them to the preheated oven. Bake at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
  9. Serve with sour cream or yogurt.

In a slow cooker

  1. Cooking carrot cutlets in a slow cooker allows you to save a maximum of useful substances, and the output is a delicious dish, the delicate texture of which is suitable for babies up to a year old.
  2. We take one carrot, 2 tbsp. spoons of semolina, half an egg, 120 ml of milk.
  3. Three washed and peeled carrots on a fine grater, put in a multicooker bowl and pour milk so that it covers the mass.
  4. Simmer for 15 minutes.
  5. When the carrots become soft, add semolina and continue to stir. The mass should become very thick.
  6. We put it in a deep cup, add a spoonful of strawberry jam, mix and cool a little. Add half an egg and mix thoroughly.
  7. We make cutlets from minced meat and send them to a greased bowl for steaming. For 15 minutes, turn on the “Steam cooking” mode. Serve with milk, kefir or sour cream.

We prepare for the future

  1. To prepare carrot puree for the winter, we need 1.5 kilograms of a root crop.
  2. Wash thoroughly, cut off the top with the remains of the tops, clean, trying not to cut off the excess - the top orange layer is the most useful and rich in valuable substances.
  3. We cut into cubes or sticks, fill with water and cook for about half an hour.
  4. While the carrots reach the desired condition, we prepare the jars: we wash, sterilize.
  5. Thoroughly wash the lids, insert rubber bands into them and throw them into boiling water for 10-15 minutes.
  6. We turn the carrots cooked until cooked into a homogeneous puree - rub through a sieve or chop with a blender or food processor.
  7. We lay out in prepared dry jars, cover with lids and roll up with a key.
  8. Store in a dark cool place.

Carrot puree for babies is a healthy and nutritious treat. Please your baby with new tasty and healthy dishes, not forgetting to closely monitor his mood and well-being.


More diverse and gradually prepares a small body for the adoption of adult food. In this article you will find detailed information about the rules for the introduction of vegetable complementary foods, and specifically carrots.

When can I give my baby

According to the recommendations for the introduction of complementary foods from WHO, vegetable complementary foods are introduced in -. And from how many months it is possible to give carrot puree, there are no exact recommendations. They don’t start their first acquaintance with vegetables with carrots; most often, kids are given a taste of potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower and zucchini. Babies who are fed adapted can be given vegetables 1-2 months earlier.

Did you know? Carrot Week is celebrated in California every year. At this festival, various competitions are held for the best cooking of dishes from this vegetable, a carrot queen is chosen and carrot shooting is arranged.

How to start weaning

Acquaintance with new products is carried out in several stages - starting with 5-10 g (half a teaspoon) per day and increasing the volume. Pediatricians advise introducing a new product in the morning or in the morning, so you can fully track the possible occurrence of manifestations. Most often, 7-10 days are enough to completely introduce vegetable complementary foods into the baby's daily diet, thereby replacing one or a milk mixture.

Consider step by step how to introduce carrots into complementary foods:

  1. First day. For breakfast, you give the baby a vegetable to try - half a teaspoon. After that, carefully observe the behavior of the child, his stool and the condition of the skin. Since this amount of food is not enough for a growing body, you are supplementing or formula feeding.
  2. Second day. If the vegetable puree did not cause allergic reactions and stool disorders, then we continue to give while increasing the serving volume - 2 teaspoons. We continue to supplement or mix.
  3. Third day. We increase the portion to 3-4 teaspoons of vegetable puree (we will describe in detail how to prepare carrot puree for the first complementary foods later in the article).
  4. Fourth day. A serving of vegetables increases to 5 tablespoons, which is approximately equal to 25 g of vegetables.
  5. Fifth day. If, while treating the child with the first vegetable puree, you did not notice any negative reactions, then you can increase the serving to 50 g, i.e. 10 teaspoons.
  6. Sixth day. You can double the volume - a serving of vegetables will reach 100 g.
  7. Seventh day. Bring the volume of a portion of vegetable puree to 125-150 g. As soon as your baby has eaten such a portion of complementary foods, then it is no longer necessary to supplement him. Such an amount or mixture is eaten by a child in one.
Keeping a food diary can be very helpful. This is a detailed description of the products introduced, their volumes and observations of the well-being of the baby. It is especially important to write down such information if your baby is prone to allergic manifestations. Such a diary will help you track exactly which product caused an unwanted reaction.

Remember that all week, when you introduce a new product into your child's diet, you should carefully monitor changes in his health. If you notice the appearance of allergic rashes or worsening of the stool, then postpone the treat with this product for a month. Do not rush to immediately give mashed potatoes from several vegetables, make a choice in favor of one-component dishes.

Important! Meals for the little ones do not need salt and sugar. For adults, such food will seem insipid and tasteless, but for a baby, everything will be very tasty and unusual.

How to make your own carrot puree

Making carrot puree for babies is not difficult at all - cooking according to our recipe will not take much time. As an alternative to homemade dishes, you can buy store-bought jars of vegetable purees. However, a self-prepared product is still preferable.

Stock and kitchen appliances

Having decided to feed the crumbs with freshly prepared carrot puree, make sure that you have all the necessary arsenal of kitchen appliances:

  • grater;
  • a saucepan with a thick bottom;
  • blender or strainer.

Did you know? In zoos, flamingo birds are fed with carrots, this product helps to maintain the bright color of their plumage. In the wild, eating crustaceans helps them keep their color.


The list of products for cooking is also very simple:

  • carrots - 1 piece of medium size;
  • boiling water - 100-150 ml;
  • vegetable oil - a few drops.

Step by step recipe

The recipe for how to make carrot puree for babies is very easy and fast:

  1. Carrots are washed under running water and thoroughly cleaned. After that, it should be grated.
  2. The grated vegetable is laid out in the selected pan and a little boiling water is added. Let the vegetable stew over low heat, cover the pan with a lid.
  3. After a while, when the carrots are thoroughly stewed, the water is drained, and the vegetable mass is transferred to the blender bowl. Grind the vegetable mass with a blender to a puree state. If you don’t have a blender handy, then an ordinary kitchen strainer will handle grinding to the desired state.
  4. A little vegetable oil is added to the resulting mass. If the puree is too thick, then it can be diluted with milk or a decoction in which carrots were boiled.

Important! The bright color of carrots can cause allergies. If your baby has already had allergic reactions to any foods, then postpone the introduction of carrots for a while.

Many mothers are wondering how much to cook carrots for feeding or in which pan it is better to do it.

We have prepared some tips that will help parents properly prepare a tasty and healthy treat for their crumbs:

  1. To preserve the nutrients in vegetables as much as possible, cut them into large pieces and throw them into already boiling water. Since vitamin C is destroyed during the heat treatment, cover the pot with vegetables with a lid and minimize the cooking process itself.
  2. Give preference to carrots from your own garden or buy from trusted sellers in the market. To minimize damage from possible chemical fertilizer treatments, soak vegetables in water for several hours.
  3. When chopping carrots, it is advisable not to use metal knives or a grater, they oxidize it. Use ceramic or plastic knives and graters whenever possible.
  4. For cooking, choose medium-sized carrots without dark spots and mold.
  5. You can diversify carrot puree with a grated apple.

After reading the article, you learned how to cook carrots for feeding. Such a simple and affordable vegetable is a storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals. In addition, dishes prepared by the loving hands of mothers make this delicacy even tastier and healthier.

Six months of age, according to many nutritionists and pediatricians, is considered the ideal time to introduce vegetable complementary foods. Carrot puree is especially respected by specialists - for babies it can become a source of fiber, vitamins and trace elements.

Particular attention is paid to carotene - the main source of provitamin A in the child's body, without which normal growth and full development are impossible. Some mothers claim that often children are very capricious in the process of using the product. Most likely, the child simply feels that the quality of the main ingredient is not high enough, or this recipe is simply not for him.

The benefits of carrot puree and the features of its introduction into the baby's diet

In fact, carrots can become one of a child's favorite vegetables. It is bright, fragrant, juicy. If you teach a baby to carrot puree from childhood, he will continue to enjoy various casseroles, puddings, meatballs and root juices with pleasure. If desired, a vegetable can be grown even at home, and not in the garden. This option will prevent nitrates and industrial poisons from entering the child's diet.

Properly prepared carrot puree for babies has the following meaning:

  • In terms of carotene, only sea buckthorn surpasses carrots. In a vegetable, the component makes up almost 80% of the composition. Daily use of the product will ensure the launch of metabolic processes and maintain visual acuity.
  • Fiber stimulates the intestines, preventing the development of congestion and ensuring regular stools.

Tip: Carrot puree contains an impressive amount of potassium salts. They, along with fiber, gently affect the stomach and intestines, stimulating their work. For this reason, the dish is sometimes prescribed even before 6 months of age in order to improve the condition of children with still unformed digestion processes.

  • Carrots contain a lot of glucose - natural sugar, which is easily absorbed by tissues and allows you to reduce the amount of refined sand consumed.

Regardless of what level of development the baby has reached, nutritionists recommend introducing carrot complementary foods at 5-6 months, if there are no specific indications or contraindications. At first, the baby can be given only half a teaspoon of the finished dish. In the absence of a negative reaction, the volume gradually increases. The maximum amount of carrot puree per day is 100 ml.

How to properly prepare carrots and mash them?

Regardless of which puree recipe is chosen, there are a few important points to consider. If you neglect them, you can cause indigestion or an allergic reaction in your baby.

  1. Carotene is absorbed better when in contact with fats, therefore, during the cooking process or in the finished dish, you need to add a little cream, vegetable or butter. Of course, provided that the age of the baby and his condition allow it.
  2. Carotene is not destroyed during heat treatment, so for babies it is worth choosing a recipe that involves boiling or steaming a vegetable. An additional plus of temperature exposure is the launch of processes that stimulate the production of antioxidants.
  3. The brighter the vegetable, the richer its chemical composition. It is better to purchase a seasonal product covered with pieces of earth.
  4. Carrots need to be washed very carefully, it is recommended to use a brush during cleaning. At the final stage of processing, the root crop must be doused with boiling water. It is desirable to remove the peel with a margin, the central part must be removed.
  5. To make a tasty, healthy and well-digestible puree, carrots need to be boiled until fully cooked. It makes no difference whether steam or water is used.

The basic recipe for making carrot puree is very simple. You just need to grind and grind the product until smooth. But this approach is not used very often. If the baby tolerates milk well, then you should try the following approach:

  • We clean the carrots, scald, rub on the smallest grater. The resulting composition is again scalded with boiling water and stir well.
  • The resulting mixture is simmered over low heat until the main product is ready. After that, we filter the mass through a colander and pour out the water. Knead the thick part with a fork or chop with a blender.
  • We introduce quite a bit of milk into the resulting composition, stir and be sure to bring the mass to a boil.
  • Add a few drops of vegetable oil to the finished dish and stir. Serve warm.

This recipe can be slightly modified by replacing milk with boiling water, or carrot broth. In the process of preparing the composition, the use of apples or potatoes is allowed. If it is decided to add salt, then only a few grains.

Vegetable puree is the first recommended food for babies. The soft consistency of the vegetable mixture is easily absorbed by the baby's digestive system, and the unobtrusive taste of vegetables does not cause negative perception in the child. The recipe for carrot puree for babies is not difficult to prepare, it does not take much time.

At what age can a baby be fed carrots? How to prepare complementary foods from a mixture of vegetables and how much to give?

Carrot puree can be introduced into complementary foods at five months, when the crumbs' digestive system is ready to receive first courses from a mixture of vegetables and fruits.

However, carrot puree for babies is fraught with the danger of an allergic reaction to the active substances of this vegetable. Pediatricians recommend introducing complementary foods from green-colored vegetables that do not have pronounced allergenic properties.

The introduction of carrots, tomatoes and other brightly colored fruit crops should begin with a minimum serving (tip of a teaspoon).

After treats with carrots, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the crumbs: will there be any malaise.

If the body responded positively to the introduction of a new dish, the portion should be increased by a spoonful per day. How much puree can you give at a time? Not more than 100 grams. In order for the baby to get enough, you can add another vegetable mixture to the carrot mass: from zucchini, broccoli or potatoes.

Making your own puree

Where to get carrots for feeding, how to cook it correctly? Cook carrots until soft in a small amount of water. It is better to cook in a double boiler - so all the valuable substances remain in the fruit and do not partially pass into the liquid.

Some mothers are afraid of the effect of nitrates on the health of the baby. To get rid of doubts and worries, remove the core from the fetus: it is there that unnecessary substances accumulate.

Cut carrots into wedges or cook whole?

Cooking technologies for vegetables are different:

  • boil the chopped vegetable on a grater in a small volume of liquid;
  • sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcarrots to cook for a couple or in some water;
  • Whole fruit can be steamed or cooked in water.

When the carrot becomes soft, it is removed from the water and passed through a sieve or blender.

Important! The fruits rubbed through a sieve or blender must be boiled for a minute and only then offered to the baby.

Carrot puree

Carrot puree for babies can be prepared in different ways. The simplest recipe: beat the boiled fruit with a blender and add a drop of olive oil to the finished mass. If the baby loves butter, you can put 5 grams of ghee. For the very first complementary foods, it is recommended to introduce breast milk or milk formula into the puree.

It is forbidden to add sugar and salt to dishes for babies up to a year. Vegetables contain in their composition the necessary amount of natural salt.

Carrot with potatoes

This recipe can be used when the baby is familiar with these vegetables and willingly eats them separately for lunch.

  1. Remove skins from vegetables.
  2. Cut into small cubes.
  3. Place in boiling water and cover the pot with a lid.
  4. Cook without salt until soft.
  5. Drain the liquid and puree with a blender.
  6. Boil the mixture for a minute on fire.
  7. Add half a spoonful of vegetable oil (it is better to take olive oil).

Important! Water for cooking vegetables must be brought to a boil, and then reduced to a low boil. The fruits are cooked with the lid closed.

Carrots with cauliflower

Carrot puree goes well with a variety of fruits and vegetables. Often mashed potatoes are mixed with boiled vegetables, and carrot juice is added to apple juice. A recipe with cauliflower is one of the options for preparing carrots with a company of other vegetables.

For one carrot we take:

  • cabbage inflorescences: 130-140 grams;
  • water: 1.5-2 cups;
  • vegetable oil: a teaspoon.

First, put the carrots prepared for cooking in boiling water, and after 9-10 minutes add the inflorescences. Cook the vegetables over low heat for another 7-9 minutes and drain the water.

Now you need to make a mixture from the pieces using a strainer or blender. Boil the finished mass and add the oil. You can dilute the puree with milk formula or breast milk.

Puree for the winter

If you grow carrots in your garden, you can prepare baby food for the winter. This recipe is very simple, but requires careful preparation and sterility.

About 1.5-2 kilograms of carrots are thoroughly cleaned and cut into small slices, cooked for about 30-34 minutes. While the fruits are cooking, sterilize the jars and lids.

We make puree from carrots, put them in jars and pasteurize in a water bath. After the lid, we roll up and send the jars to the basement or a cool, dark place for storage.

How much to store? Until the next carrot harvest.

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