Home Diseases and pests Fatima's husband. The murder of the only daughter of the Prophet (S) Fatima Zahra (A). Homecoming

Fatima's husband. The murder of the only daughter of the Prophet (S) Fatima Zahra (A). Homecoming

Russia is a multinational state. This determines a large number of religions that are officially registered on the territory of the Russian Federation. Due to ignorance of basic things about other religions and the Holy Scriptures, problems often arise. conflict situations. This situation can be resolved. In particular, you should familiarize yourself with the answer to the question: “What is the Koran?”

The word "Koran" is of Arabic origin. Translated into Russian it means “recitative”, “reading aloud”. The Koran is the main book of Muslims, which, according to legend, is a copy of the Holy Scriptures - the first book, which is kept in heaven.

Before answering the question of what the Koran is, a few words should be said about the origin of Scripture. The text of the main book of Muslims was sent to Muhammad through an intermediary - Jebrail - by Allah himself. During the secular period, Muhammad recorded only individual notes. After his death, the question arose about the creation of the Holy Scriptures.

Muhammad's followers reproduced his sermons by heart, which were later compiled into a single book - the Koran. What is the Koran? First of all official document Muslims written in Arabic. It is believed that the Koran is an uncreated book that will exist forever, like Allah.

Who recorded the Koran?

According to historical data, Muhammad could not read or write. That is why he memorized the Revelations received from Allah, and then pronounced them out loud to his followers. They, in turn, learned the messages by heart. For more accurate transmission Sacred texts followers used improvised means to record revelations: some resorted to parchment, others to wooden tablets or pieces of leather.

However, the most proven way to preserve the meaning of Scripture was to retell it to specially trained readers who could remember long sunnahs - verses. The Hafiz subsequently accurately conveyed the Revelations told to them, despite the stylistic complexity of the fragments of the Koran.

The sources record about 40 people who were involved in writing Revelations. However, during the life of Muhammad, the suras were few known and practically unclaimed. This is due to the fact that there was no need for a single Holy Scripture. The first copy of the Koran created after the death of the Prophet was kept by his wife and daughter.

Structure of the Quran

Holy book Muslims consists of 114 chapters, fragments, which are called “sura”. Al-Fatiha - the first sura - opens the Koran. It is a prayer of 7 verses, which is read by all believers. Contents of the prayer - summary essence of the Koran. That is why believers say it every time, performing five prayers daily.

The remaining 113 chapters of the Quran are arranged in Scripture in descending order, from greatest to least. At first, the suras are large in volume and are real treatises. At the end of the book, the fragments consist of several verses.

Thus, we can answer the question: What is the Koran? This is a clearly structured religious book, having two periods: Meccan and Medina, each of which symbolizes a certain stage in the life of Muhammad.

In what language is the Muslim Holy Book written?

As noted above, the recognized language of the Quran is Arabic. However, to understand the essence of Scripture, the book may be translated into other languages. But in this case, we should talk about the subjective transmission of the meaning of Holy Scripture by a translator who was able to convey his own interpretation to the readers. In other words, the Koran in Russian is only a kind of Holy Scripture. The only one the right option Only the Koran, written in Arabic, which appeared on earth by the will of Allah, is considered.

The Koran in Russian has its place, but any righteous believer must come to read the scripture in the source language.

The style in which the Qur'an is written

It is believed that the style in which the Koran is presented is unique, unlike neither the Old nor the New Testaments. Reading the Quran reveals sharp transitions from first-person to third-person narration and vice versa. In addition, in the suras, believers can encounter various rhythmic patterns, which complicates the study of the message, but gives it uniqueness, leads to a change in topic, and also gives a small hint at the revelation of secrets in the future.

The passages of suras that have a complete thought are mostly rhymed, but do not constitute poetry. It is impossible to classify fragments of the Koran as prose. While reading the Holy Scriptures in Arabic or Russian, a big number images and situations that are reflected through the intonation and meaning of phrases.

The Qur'an is not just a book. This Holy Bible for all Muslims living on Earth, which incorporates the basic rules of life for righteous believers.

Ali Shariati

Fatima - daughter of the Prophet

Foreword by Laleh Bakhtiar

Islam recognizes everything that really exists: hunger, alienation, the need for divorce, the manifestation of weakness in front of strength, oppression and suppression. “As an opposition to realism, Islam does not accept the status quo of existing things, but changes reality,” says Ali Shariati. “He changes the essence of things in a revolutionary way. He brings reality into line with ideals. He uses reality as a means to achieve idealistic goals, true aspirations that do not exist in themselves. In contrast to the realists, Islam does not submit to reality, but rather makes it submit to itself. Islam does not turn away from realities the way idealists do. He creates them. He conquers them. On this path, Islam uses the basis of idealist thinking, obtaining its own ideology.” With this approach, independence of thinking should develop to such an extent that a clear answer will be given, not causing deviations, leading to overcoming social and historical roots. Face reality! Conquer her! Go through it, achieving your ideals!.. Shariati develops the concept of Islamic social justice. In Islam it is not enough to say to yourself: “You should not do such and such.” Instead of uttering this statement, which encloses a person in a rigid framework of restrictions, one must actively confront the social diseases of society. That is, if one day you say to yourself: “You should not be an oppressor!” - this will automatically mean: “You must help the oppressed!”

Shariati takes us to the heart of Shiism - to Fatima (A), the beloved daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (S). He gives us a description of a woman whom we cannot see, but at the same time we realize that we are directly connected every day with her spirit, that she has been chosen as a model for our today. We develop an emotional attachment to its inner essence: we seem to recreate its appearance. Shariati leads us to Fatima (A). He begins his story by saying that among the customs that existed on the Arabian Peninsula before her birth was one according to which newborn girls were buried alive, in order to avoid shame for the family due to the lack of a legitimate heir-son. This custom was abolished by the revolutionary message of Islam. God conveys in the Koran that the Prophet Muhammad (S) was given a deep river in Paradise, through which he would receive a large offspring, despite the fact that, in accordance with the views of the Arabs of that time, a person without a son was considered “cut off.” How could this be? Will the daughter's father have an extensive offspring? His wife (A), being over fifty years old, gave birth to a daughter, Fatima (A). God promised the Prophet (S) that through her the offspring of the Prophet (S) would increase. Shariati says that the future glory of Islam will be associated with women. Only one woman is buried in the Kaaba, the House of God. This is Hajar, a slave, the second wife of the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and the mother of the Prophet Ismail (A).

Fatima (A) spent her life in struggle, in confrontation with poverty and difficulties. Her father (S) was forced to spend three years with his family in a deserted valley due to economic and social sanctions from his tribe for preaching Islam. After migrating to Medina, her life began as married woman, but still continued to struggle with the difficulties she had faced since childhood. We recognize Fatima (A), a little girl who defended her father (C) from the attacks of the tribal leaders. Fatima (A) was the one who, holding her father's hand, went with Muhammad (S) to the market, heard the arguments taking place there and returned home with him. Fatima (AS), the woman of Islam, was the one who stood at the door protecting her husband and his house when the usurpers tried to burn it down. Fatima (A) told the newly elected Caliph that he had angered God and His Messenger (S) by not fulfilling the order of the Prophet (S), heeding only own desires. Fatima (A) was the one who sought justice and spoke out against oppression with all the strength of her being, not fearing the consequences of her words, knowing that she was speaking in the language of Truth. Let's turn to her last speech. Her words will give us an opportunity to understand what she really believed and did. During the illness of Fatima (A), which led to her death, his wife muhajirs And Ansar came to visit her and ask how she was feeling. Abu Bakr was elected caliph, and Ali (A) found himself out of work. Answering those who came, first invoking the blessings of Allah for her father Muhammad (S), she said: “Thanks to the Lord I am alive, I have nothing, and I despise this world. I loathe his people. Having tried to point out their enemy and not being heard, I leave him. How ugly are the edges of swords when they are broken, and when the efforts of people are aimed at destroying what has been created, breaking foundations, carrying out dishonest decisions and creating dangers for the sake of satisfying gross personal passions! What a terrible future they have prepared for themselves by their actions before Allah, having gained eternal torment… God said: “If the representatives of the people are full of faith and avoid evil deeds, We will give blessings to them in what they have and to their land. But if they deny the Truth, they will be hostages of their own actions. The oppressors will receive the consequences of their deeds. They will not be able to change the laws of existence...”; “The violator of rights will be at a loss, and those who come after him will find and learn the terrible consequences of the actions committed by their ancestors. Thus, you must live in such a way that you are calm about your current affairs and remain in peace, otherwise storm and horror will break out.” Otherwise, the blades of the oppressors, terror and tyranny will overcome you, and the oppressors will enslave you. The people will have nothing left, except for the very least. They (oppressors - approx. transl.) They will grow with the help of strength what you cherished with the help of love. From now on, you will only be sad and will not be able to do anything because you were previously blind and did not see the truth.”

Why did many Muslim women prefer outdated forms of life or new ones brought from abroad? Why were they deceived? Shariati gives us the words of Imam Ali (A): “Two sides are necessary for oppression to be created. One is the oppressor, and the other is the one who accepts oppression. Oppression cannot be one-sided. An oppressor cannot create oppression out of thin air. Oppression is like a piece of iron that is forged by the blows of the hammer of the oppressor on the anvil of the oppressed.” Thus, women themselves participated in the attack on their own values, allowing themselves to be enslaved and not finding their own roots.

From his first wife Khadija.

Born in Mecca. In 624, in Medina, she married the prophet's cousin, Ali. Many people wooed her famous people(including Umar and Uthman), but she refused them. Later, when Ali approached her, she silently agreed to marry him.

The most beloved daughter of the prophet, the prophet himself affectionately called her “umma abiha,” that is, the mother of his father.

After her father's death, she insisted on the prophet's will that Ali become caliph, which caused her to have a conflict with Abu Bakr and Umar. The resentment against them was so great that in her will she forbade them from coming to her funeral. During her illness, Abu Bakr came several times to ask for forgiveness, but Fatima never forgave him. Ali buried her secretly, as Fatima wanted: the burial place is still unknown.

Those who were with the Prophet during Mubahila

All hadith scholars, historians and commentators holy quran indicate that Fatima-Zahra (DBM) is one of the five people who participated in Mubahila with the Christians of Najran. Participation in Mubahila, besides the great dignity and high achievement of its participants, there is a strong argument that the family of the Prophet (DBAR) are Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussein (DBM). And none of the relatives and wives of the Prophet are considered blameless.

A Brief History of Mubahil

A group of Christians from Najran came to the Prophet and talked about Jesus. The Prophet read to them the following verse: “Truly, Jesus is like Adam before Allah: He created him from dust, then said to him: “Be!”, and he became.” Christians did not accept this and began to object. And then the verse “Mubahila” was revealed by Allah, in which the order was given: “Whoever argues with you about this after the sign has come, then say: “Come, let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women.” , and ourselves and yourselves, and then we will call and direct the curse of Allah on the liars."

Mubahila is when two opposing parties, having differences on any issue, send Allah's curse to each other and ask God to send down punishment on those who are liars.

The Christians of Najran initially agreed to a mutual curse and agreed that the next day they would perform Mubahila at the appointed place. When they left the Prophet, they all gathered together and began to talk about the upcoming matter, chief priest said: “If Muhammad comes to the appointed place tomorrow with his family (Ahl al-Bayt), do not agree to a mutual curse. If he comes with his companions, then it’s okay. That means he is not a real Prophet.”

The next day, the Messenger of Allah, along with Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hussein, came to the appointed place for Mubahil. The Prophet told his family the following: “When I make a request to Allah, you say ‘Amen’.” The Christians, seeing those accompanying the Prophet, were very afraid and confirmed that he was acting similar to the method of other Prophets. They began to ask the Prophet not to commit mutual curses and to make peace with them.

Crying over my father's hunger

Abdullah ibn Hasan says: “One day the Messenger of Allah came to Fatima. Her Ladyship Fatima brought a piece of dry barley bread. The Messenger of Allah broke his fast and said: “My daughter!” This is the first piece of bread your father has eaten in the last three days of hunger.” Hearing this, Fatima cried bitterly. The Prophet began to calm his daughter, wiping her tears..."

Respect of the Prophet for Her Ladyship Fatima

The following is quoted from Aisha: “Whenever Fatima visited the Prophet, he, as a sign of respect, got up from his seat, kissed his beloved daughter and sat her next to him.”


After the Messenger of Allah left this mortal world, various difficulties and problems caused Fatima a lot of grief, making her life bitter and unbearable. The death of her dear father, whom she loved very much, on the one hand, the conspiracies and insidious intrigues of the enemies who seized the leadership of the country belonging to His Lordship Ali (DBM), on the other, caused her pain and anguish, spiritual and physical suffering.

One of the undisputed historical facts What is unanimously agreed upon by all Muslim historians, regardless of their teachings, is that the Prophet's beloved daughter, Fatima al-Zahra, died three months after her father, as a result of great suffering and pain. At her funeral, Imam Ali addressed The Prophet (peace be upon him) over his grave and said:

O Prophet of Allah! May peace be with you from me and from your daughter, who went to you, and who hastened to meet you. O Prophet of Allah! My patience for the suffering of your beloved daughter is exhausted, and my strength of endurance has weakened. I suffered great difficulties and a heartbreaking tragedy that separated you and me. I laid you in the grave after your last breath had passed. Verily, we are all from Allah, and verily, to Him we will return. Now, trust has been returned, and what was given has been taken away. As for my grief, it knows no bounds, and as for my nights, they will remain sleepless until Allah chooses for me the house in which you now live. No doubt your daughter will tell you about people uniting to oppose her. You ask her for details and you will find out everything about it. Moreover, this all happened at once, when the memory of you did not disappear. May my greeting be with you, and this greeting is the greeting of a grief-stricken person, for if I am destined to leave this world, it is not because I am tired of the fight for our Faith with you, and if I remain, it is not because lack of faith in what Allah has promised to those suffering.

Fatima al-Zahra (peace be upon her) died just three months after her father, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), having spent all this time in grief and torment. She has never been seen smiling even once since her father's death. She was also denied by the 1st Caliph Abu Bakr her inheritance from the Holy Prophet - mainly from the land outside Medina called Fadak - Abu Bakr gave the reason that prophets do not leave inheritance. Imam Bukhari said that when Fatima asked for her share of the inheritance of the Holy Prophet, she received the answer that the Holy Prophet said: “We, the group of prophets, do not leave an inheritance. And everything that we have We leave for the poor.” Then she was denied the entire inheritance her father. When she died, her husband Imam "Ali (a.s.) buried her at night, and only a few like-minded people attended her funeral; he performed the prayers by doing everything himself. These incidents occurred even though the Messenger of Allah said: "Fatima - part of me. Whoever grieves her will grieve me." Ibn Kataibah, recorded that Fatima al-Zahra" said to some people: "Allah and His angels are witnesses that you have hurt me and grieved me, and if I meet the Prophet, then I will raise my grievances against you.”

Fatima's husband

Children of Fatima

  • Zeinab
  • Umm Kulthum


  • Fatima (Arabic: فطم ‎‎) - Protected from evil and the fire of hell
  • Az-Zahra (Arabic: الزهرة ‎‎) - Illuminating
  • Siddiqa (Arabic: صديقة ‎‎) - Truthful
  • Kubra (Arabic: كبرى ‎‎) - Exalted
  • Mubarak (Arabic: مباركة ‎‎) - Blessed One
  • Tahira (Arabic: طاهرة ‎‎) - Pure
  • Zakiya (Arabic: زكية ‎‎) - Chaste
  • Radiya (Arabic: راضية ‎‎) - Satisfied with the fate predetermined by Allah
  • Mardiyya (Arabic: مرضية ‎‎) - Praised One

Relationship with father

Fatima and her father treated each other with great love and warmth. Fatima was the first whom the Prophet Muhammad greeted upon returning from the campaign, and the last to whom he said goodbye when going out.

Apart from Fatima, I have never seen a person whose appearance, seriousness, and manner of getting up and sitting down were so much like the prophet. Every time Fatima entered the room, the Messenger of Allah came to meet her, kissed her and sat her in his place, and when Rasulullah (Messenger of Allah) entered the room, Fatima rose from her place, approached him, kissed him and yielded to him own place

Sahih Tirmidhi, vol.2, p.319

Birth and first years of life

Fatima was born in the fifth, or according to some sources in the first, year after the beginning of the prophetic mission of the Prophet Muhammad in Mecca. Her birth fell during the period when the Quraish began to fiercely oppress Muslims. During childbirth, Khadija's maids abandoned her and refused to help her, and she had to give birth on her own. In accordance with the tradition of the Arabs, Khadija gave all children to wet nurses from among the nomadic Arabs to remove them from the centers of diseases common among settled Arabs, as well as to study pure Arabic. Fatima was raised by Khadija herself from birth.

The first years of Fatima's life coincided with the period when the Quraish used economic blockade against the Muslims, their access to food and trade was blocked, and the Muslims suffered from hunger for three years, concentrating in the Abu Talib quarter. In the 10th year of the prophecy, Fatima's mother and her grandfather Abu Talib die, after which the oppression of Muslims intensifies, and Fatima witnesses the humiliation and violence carried out against her father and his followers.


After Fatima reached the age of marriage, many noble and rich suitors came to her to woo her. Among them were such companions as Abu Bakr and Umar. However, Muhammad, with the consent of Fatima, married her to his cousin Ali. This happened in or 623.

The mahr given to Fatima amounted to 480 (500 in some sources) dinars, received by Ali from the sale of his chain mail. The wedding ceremony was held modestly, as is welcomed in Islam.

Their marriage lasted 10 years and ended with the death of Fatima. And although polygamy was allowed in Islam, Ali never took a second wife during Fatima’s lifetime.

Family life

Many hadiths talk about the hard work and diligence of the prophet’s daughter:

...Fatima ground the grain herself, which is why calluses appeared on her hands. She herself carried water home in leather skins, which left marks on her chest. She cleaned the house herself, and her clothes became dusty, she lit the fire in the stove so much that her clothes became black with soot...

Sahih Abu Daoud, vol. 33, section “On tasbih before bedtime”

However, Fatima devoted most of her time to worshiping Allah; she spent many nights in prayer and namaz.

Children of Fatima

  • Umm Kulthum
  • Muhsin.

Death of Fatima

Fatima died a few months after her father, as he told her before his death, in the year 11 AH. She bequeathed that Ali would wash her body. For political reasons, Ali buried Fatima secretly; the location of her grave is still unknown.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Fatima (daughter of the prophet)” is in other dictionaries:

    Fatima bint Muhammad (فاطمة بنت محمد) Birth name: Fatima bint Muhammad ibn Abdullah Gender: Female. Birth: 605 Mecca Death: 632 Medina Nationality: Arab Father: Muhammad ibn Abdullah Mother ... Wikipedia

    - (died in 11/633) daughter of the prophet Muhammad and Khadija. She was born in Mecca, presumably five years after prophetic mission her father and outlived him by several months. Fatima was the wife of Ali ibn Abu Talib and the mother of his sons - ... ... Islam. encyclopedic Dictionary.

    Fatima is a polysemantic term. Female name Fatima (“weaning”, according to another version “weaned child”) female name. Famous bearers: Fatima, fourth daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, wife of Ali, mother of Hassan and Hussein. Fatima... ...Wikipedia

    - (about 605,633) daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. To Fatima and her husband, cousin Muhammad, Caliph Ali, the Shiite (see Shiism) dynasties in the countries of the spread of Islam (Idrisids, Fatimids, etc.), Shiite imams and Alids built their genealogy... Historical Dictionary

    - (Arabic فاطمة‎‎ “fair-faced”) is a popular Arabic female name, common among many nations professing Islam. Female form the words “Fatimun” (((fair-faced). Personalities Fatima is the fourth daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, wife of Ali, mother ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Fatima. Fatima (فاطمة) Arabic Gender: feminine Etymological meaning: weaned (about a child) Other forms: Fatimat, Patimat, Pati Prod. shape: Fatimochka ... Wikipedia

    - (about 605 or 606, Mecca, – 633 or 632, Medina) daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. Shiite imams (see Shiism) and many dynasties in the countries of the spread of Islam traced their genealogy to F. and her husband, Muhammad’s cousin Caliph Ali... ... Big Soviet encyclopedia

    - (more precisely Fatima) the daughter of the prophet Mohammed from his first wife Khadija. Aliy (later the 4th Caliph) married her, and she gave birth to Hassan (Hasan) and Hossein (Husein), the founder of the Alid dynasty, of which the Fatimids proclaimed themselves members... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

    - (c. 605 633) daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. Shiite (see Shiism) dynasties in the countries where Islam spread (Idrisids, Fatimids, etc.), Shiite imams and Alidis traced their genealogy to F. and her husband, Muhammad’s cousin, Caliph Ali... Soviet historical encyclopedia

Bogomilskaya Fatima Zahra. Work by Maria Leontyeva, 2013

Fatima bint Muhammad
(فاطمة بنت محمد)
Birth name: Fatima bint Muhammad ibn Abdullah
Signs and Wonders: Fatima apparitions
Father: Muhammad ibn Abdullah
Mother: Khadija bint Khuwaylid
Spouses: Ali ibn Abu Talib
Children: Hassan, Hussein, Zainab bint Ali, Umm Kulthum, Muhsin
Title: leader of the women of Paradise

Fatima Zahra ("Fatima" - "shining") - daughter of the Islamic anointed Muhammad, one of the hypostases of the Virgin Mother Goddess.

Fatima in Islam

Fatima bint Muhammad(Arabic: فاطمة بنت محمد ‎‎) - youngest daughter Prophet Muhammad, from his first wife Khadija.

Fatima is revered by Muslims as an example of piety and patience, as well as the best moral qualities.


  • Fatima (Arabic: فطم ‎‎) - Protected from evil and the fire of hell
  • Az-Zahra (Arabic: الزهرة ‎‎) - Illuminating
  • Siddiqa (Arabic: صديقة ‎‎) - Truthful
  • Kubra (Arabic: كبرى ‎‎) - Exalted
  • Mubarak (Arabic: مباركة ‎‎) - Blessed One
  • Tahira (Arabic: طاهرة ‎‎) - Pure
  • Zakiya (Arabic: زكية ‎‎) - Chaste
  • Radiya (Arabic: راضية ‎‎) - Satisfied with the fate predetermined by Allah
  • Mardiya (Arabic: مرضية ‎‎) - Praised One

Relationship with father

Muhammad was asked: “Why do you love Fatima so much? Why do you kiss her so often? Why do you idolize her? The Prophet replied: “You don’t know who she is! This is not a human being, but a heavenly being! When I was taken up to heaven and entered paradise, Gabriel approached me from the Tuba tree and gave me its fruit, and I ate it. I ate that apple of paradise and a seed was born in me. Allah transformed the fruits of paradise into waters in my heart, and when I descended to earth, my wife became pregnant with Fatima from these waters. When I kiss Fatima, I always smell the Tuba tree. Fatima is an angel born of man. Every time I want to taste heavenly aromas, I kiss Fatima.”

Aisha said: “Once I asked the Prophet why he kisses Fatima, just like he drinks nectar. The Prophet replied: “On the night of my ascension into heaven, the angel Jebrail led me into paradise and gave me an apple, I ate it. Now every time I want to taste that apple, I kiss Fatima. From her I smell the aroma of that apple...”

Toufig Abu Elm

Fatima and her father treated each other with great love and warmth.


The legend says: Fatima was born from the light of Al-Fatir- from the special luminous body of the Divine, and is not involved in adaptive remodeling and sin, like the Most Holy Theotokos.

Muhammad's words about Fatima: "My beloved daughter is immaculate, immaculate and holy."

Shiites and Sufis see Fatima as a virgin.

Children of Fatima

In heaven, Fatima enters into a marriage with Ali, with whom she is immaculately, virginally in love.

Fatima, like Mother of God, dont know women's cycles and postpartum hemorrhage. As soon as she gave birth to children, Fatima was delighted in prayer to heaven.

From Islamic traditions-hadith of Muhammad:

Shiites believe that after Fatima, who died as a martyr at the age of 28, her immaculately conceived sons also left as martyrs. What descendants of Fatima, what governors are we talking about?


More from Islamic traditions - hadith of Muhammad:

Death of Fatima

The daughter of Muhammad, having left the earth as a martyr, body and soul, similar Holy Virgin, was raptured into heaven: from the Dormition bed to the Wedding bed. Fatima's grave has not yet been found. It is known where Muhammad, his students and relatives are buried, but no one could find the grave of his beloved daughter. “Caught up to heaven alive!” - the mystics of Islam came to this conclusion.

This makes Fatima and the Mother of God so much in common that it is difficult to say how one aspect of AMDH flows into another: Fatima Zahra into the Mother of God, the Mother of God into Fatima Zahra.

The appearance of the spirit of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad - Fatima in the 9th-10th centuries

It is noteworthy that the town of Fatima in Portugal has been revered by Muslims for 1000 years. This veneration is associated with the appearance of the spirit of the beloved daughter of the Prophet Muhammad - Fatima in the 9th-10th centuries during the settlement and conquest Iberian Peninsula Arabs. The actual city of Fatima in Portugal was named by the Arabs in honor of this phenomenon The spirit of a girl who called herself Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, or was accepted by the Arabs as such, happened in the vicinity of this town.

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