Home Useful Tips Surah al mulk read in Arabic. Hadith that Surah al-Mulk (Tabarak) is a protection from the torment of the grave

Surah al mulk read in Arabic. Hadith that Surah al-Mulk (Tabarak) is a protection from the torment of the grave

Tabaraka - surah "Al-Mulk"

Reading the Qur'an is the best way to remember Allah (dhikr). Accordingly, the reward received for this good deed is also high. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) encouraged the reading of the Quran, talking about the reward that Allah Almighty has prepared for this.

It should be read constantly, night and day, while on the road and at home, in the mosque and at work. Our righteous predecessors - companions, tabiins and those who followed them (may Allah be pleased with them), as in everything else, followed this instruction of our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and throughout the day and night, where no matter they were, they tried to read as much as possible from the book of Allah.

Each of us should also pay attention. As you know, it would be best for a certain period of time to periodically finish reading the entire Koran in full, as our righteous predecessors did. However, we, the weak followers of the righteous predecessors, of course, are not able to read such a huge volume of pages of the Koran by our standards, therefore, due to the "critical lack of time", we should at least choose from the Holy Koran certain verses and suras for which we can receive more rewards. ...

Also, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) encouraged the reading of some individual suras and verses, explaining their many merits. One of such suras in the Holy Quran, to which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) drew our attention, is the sura " Al-Mulk"(Tabarak).

This surah can be of great benefit to the person who reads it. Surah "Al-Mulk" is the 67th chapter of the Qur'an. It was sent down in Mecca. She has other names as well, such as “ Munjia"-" giving salvation "," Mani "a" - "forbidding", etc. Reading Surah Al-Mulk protects a Muslim from grave pangs and other troubles in this world and on the Day of Judgment and helps to increase the inheritance (rizka).

In the book " Ta'lim al-mutaallim "(The method of acquiring knowledge) is written:" The most powerful means for obtaining an inheritance (rizka) is to perform namaz humbly, with full fulfillment of all its constituent parts (arcana) and other obligations, desirable actions and ethical norms (adaba). Also known in this regard is the performance of Zuha-namaz, the recitation of Surah Al-Waqia, especially before going to bed, Surah Al-Mulk, Al-Muzzammil, Al-Lail, Al-Sharh».

Also from Ibn Mas'ud (may Allah be pleased with him) it is narrated:

عن عبد الله بن مسعود قال : من قرأ تبارك الذي بيده الملك كل ليلة منعه الله بها من عذاب القبر ، وكنا في عهد رسول الله كتاب الله سورة من قرأ بها في كل ليلة فقد أكثر وأطاب صلى الله عليه وسلم نسميها المانعة ، وإنها في

« T Whoa, who reads "Tabaraka llyazi ..."(Surah" Al-Mulk ") every night, Allah Almighty protects from the torment of the grave. At the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) we called this surah "protecting" ...". (An-Nasai)

Ibn Abdullah ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with both of them) also narrates:

تبارك سورة يقرأ إنسان فيه فإذا قبر، أنه يحسب لا وهو قبر على خباءه وسلم عليه الله صلى النبي أصحاب بعض ضرب أحسب لا وأنا قبر على خبائي ضربت إني الله رسول يا: فقال وسلم، عليه الله صلى النبي فأتى ختمها، حتى الملك بيده الذي هي المانعة، هي: وسلم عليه الله صلى الله رسول فقال. ختمها حتى الملك تبارك سورة أيقر إنسان فيه فإذا قبر، أنهالقبر عذاب من تنجيه المنجية،

“Once one of the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) out of ignorance set up his tent on the grave, and suddenly he accidentally heard someone in the grave reading a surah“ Tabaraka llyazi ...”(Al-Mulk) until he completed it. After completing the reading of the surah, this companion came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and said: “ O Messenger of Allah! Out of ignorance, I set up my tent on the grave, not knowing that it was a grave, and I heard someone from the grave inhabitants read Surah Tabarak Al-Mulk until he finished it. " And the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: She is protective, saving, will save a person from punishment in the grave ”». ( Tirmidhi)

In addition, it is reported from the words of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

مِنَ القُرْآنِ سُورَةٌ ثَلاثُونَ آيَةً شَفَعَتْ لِرَجُلٍ حَتَّى غُفِرَ لَهُ ، وَهِيَ : تَبَارَكَ الَّذِي بِيَدِ هِ المُلْكُ

« There is a sura in the Qur'an, which consists of thirty verses, which will intercede for a person until his sins are forgiven him, and this is “Tabaraka llyazi ... "(That is, Surah Al-Mulk)". (Abu Daud, Tirmidhi)

Based on all this, we can say that a person who believed in everything that is given in this surah has made it a habit to constantly read this surah for the sake of receiving the pleasure of Allah Almighty and follows the instructions given in it, will gain the mercy of Allah not only in this, but in another life, will be awarded protection from Hell and the machinations of the shaitan in the last moments of earthly existence, and the surah "Al-Mulk" will save him from the torment of the grave and will intercede for him on the Day of Judgment.

(Meccan Surah) In the name of Allah the Merciful, the Merciful! Sura "Power" was revealed in Mecca. It consists of 30 ayats. It got its name from the word "power" contained in the first ayat of the sura. The main purpose of this Holy Sura is to draw attention and thoughts to the signs testifying to the omnipotence of Allah in souls and in the Universe: in heaven and on earth, in order to lead (people) to faith in Allah and on the Day of Judgment and to show the state of the unbelievers who will be cast into hellfire, where they will hear his roar and burn in his flame. They confess their sins and will regret and grieve at their end, when the angels reprove them for disobeying the messenger and denying what he called them to and what he warned them against. As for those who, fearing Allah, believed in Him, then they will be forgiven and forgiven of sins and a great reward - reward for their pious deeds and for what they sacrificed for the sake of Allah.

[#] 1. The Most High and Blessed is the One, in whose only hands the power over all creatures! His omnipotence and power over all things are limitless,

[#] 2. who, according to His wisdom, created death and life for a specific purpose pleasing to Him - to experience which of you is better in deeds and sincere in intentions. He is all-conquering and everything is in His power! He is the One who forgives the careless,

[#] 3. who created seven vaults of heaven, identical in perfection. You will not see in the creation of Allah, whose mercy encompasses all His creations, no disproportion. Look at the creation of Allah, will you find any flaw in it?

[#] 4. Then look again and again, and your gaze will return, tired and weary, finding no flaw.

[#] 5. Verily, We have adorned the lower sky, comprehensible to your eyes, with shining stars, the flashes of which We strike the shaitans, and in the future life We have prepared punishment for them with a blazing hellfire.

[#] 6. Those who disbelieve in their Lord will be punished in the fire of hell, and this end is bad!

[#] 7-8. When they are thrown into hellfire, they will hear a terrible disgusting roar from its bubbling. He seems to be ready to be torn to pieces and to open up with rage and strong anger at them. Every time a crowd of unbelievers is thrown into him, his guards ask them, reproaching: "Did not a messenger come to you, warning you against this Day?"

[#] 9. They answer: "Yes, an admonitor came to us, but we rejected him, considering him a liar, and said:" Allah did not send anything down to you or to other messengers. You, self-appointed messengers, are only in error, far from the truth! "

[#] 10. And they say: "If we listened to (exhortations), like those who strove for the truth, or if we understood what (the messengers) called us to, then we would not be among the inhabitants of hell."

[#] 11. So they confessed their unbelief and denial (of the messengers). May the inhabitants of hell be deprived of Allah's mercy!

[#] 12. Indeed, for those who fear their Lord, not seeing Him, there will be forgiveness of their sins and a great reward for their good deeds!

[#] 13. Do you hide your words, do you say them aloud - this is the same for Allah, because He comprehends everything and knows the secrets hidden in the hearts!

[#] 14. Does not the Creator, who created all that exists and knows the subtleties of all things and their essence, know about His creations?

[#] 15. He is the One who made the earth fit (for your life). So walk through its open spaces and eat what Allah gives you, growing on it! To Him will only be your return on (Day of Resurrection) for reward!

[#] 16. Are you safe from the fact that Allah Almighty does not make the earth suddenly shake and swallow you ?!

[#] 17. Are you really safe from the fact that Allah Almighty will not send a whirlwind on you that will shower you with stones ?! Then you will know how terrible My threat is to you.

[#] 18. The peoples who lived before you denied their messengers. And what was their punishment from Me when I destroyed and destroyed them ?!

[#] 19. Aren't they blind and do not see birds flying over them, then spreading their wings, then folding them ?! And only the Merciful supports them in the air so that they do not fall! Truly, He knows everything and is well versed in everything, and gives everyone that is that is useful for him!

[#] 20. So who is the one whose power saves you from the punishment of Allah, besides the Merciful? Truly, the infidels are only deluded and blinded as to what they suppose!

[#] 21. And who can give you an inheritance that you support your life and well-being, if Allah deprives you of your inheritance from Him ?! Yes, the infidels persisted in their arrogance and deviation from the truth!

[#] 22. Is it really the other way around: who walks the straight path - the one who stumbles, falling face forward, or the one who walks the straight path, erect to his full height?

[#] 23. Say: "He is the One who created you out of nothingness and gave you hearing, sight and hearts that contribute to your activity and well-being. But you are not grateful to Allah for the mercies that He has endowed you with."

[#] 24. Say: "He is the One who created you and settled you on the earth, and before Him alone you will be gathered for reckoning and retribution."

[#] 25. Those who deny the resurrection ask: "When will the promise of resurrection come true? Tell us if you are true!"

[#] 26. Say, Muhammad: "Only Allah knows when the resurrection will come. I am only an exhortator, clearly conveying the Message of Allah to you."

[#] 27. When the infidels saw with their own eyes the promised punishment, and it had already come close to them, their faces became sad and humiliated. They were told with reproach, reproaching and torturing them: "This is what you asked to speed up!"

[#] 28. Ask: "Tell me if Allah will send death to me and to the believers who are with me, as you wish, or if He, having shown us mercy, will postpone our death and deliver us from His punishment, - but in both In these cases, He saved us - then who will protect the infidels from the well-deserved painful punishment for their unbelief and for being deceived by their gods?

[#] 29. He is the Merciful, in whom we believed, but you did not believe in Him, only we relied on Him, and you did not trust in Him, but on others. You, when the punishment befalls you, will find out which of the two parties deviated greatly from the truth! "

[#] 30. Ask: "Tell me, if the water goes underground and you can't get it in any way, who, besides Allah, will come to you with spring, clean water available to everyone?"

Hadith: "Surah al-Mulk" is protection from the torment of the grave "

According to Ibn Mas'ud, may Allah be pleased with him, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

"Surah al-Mulk"is a protection from the torment of the grave ".

This hadith was narrated by Abu al-Sheikh, Abu Nu'aim, Ibn Mardawaih. The hadith is authentic. See Saheeh al-Jami 'al-saghir 3643.

Imam al-Munawi said that this chapter is enough in the grave for the one who read it.
The general meaning of this is contained in the message of Ibn Mas'ud, which has the position of marfu ', i.e. what is transmitted from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

Ibn Mas'ud said:

- When one person died, angels of torment came to him and sat at his head. They were told: “You have no way to him, for he read Surah al-Mulk. When they approached from the side of their feet, they were told: “You have no way to him, for he stood the night prayers, reciting the surah al-Mulk. When they approached from the side of the belly, they were told: “You have no way to it, for it contains (learned) the surah al-Mulk. And this surah is called "protecting", protecting the grave from torture! And it is in the Torah surah al-Mulk, and whoever reads it at night will truly deserve many good things! " at-Tabarani in al-Kabir 8650, al-Hakim 3/217. Sheikh al-Albani confirmed the accuracy.
In another version of this message, it is said that Ibn Mas'ud said: “Whoever read Surah al-Mulk every night, Allah will protect him from the torment of the grave! And during the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) we called this surah “protecting” (al-man'a) ”. This hadith was narrated by al-Nasai 6/179.
And the scholars of the Standing Committee said that this dignity concerns the one who believed in this sura, constantly read it, striving for the Face of Allah, accepted the admonitions and instructions mentioned in it and lived in accordance with it. See Fatawa al-Lajna 4/334.

This refers to the 67th surah of the Koran "Power".

Bismil-lyayakhi rrahmaani rrahiim. In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and the Most Merciful!
1.Tebaarekellezii bi yedikhil mulku ve huve alaa kulli shey'in kadiir (kadiirun). Blessed is the One in Whose Hand is power, Who is capable of all things,
2.Ellezii halakal mevte vel hayaate li yebluvekum eyyukum ahsenu amelaa (amelen), ve khuvel azii zil gafuur (hafuur). Who created death and life to test you and see whose deeds will be better. He is Mighty, Forgiving.
3.Ellezii halaka seb "a semaavaatin tibaakaa (tibaakan), maa teraa fiii halkyr rahmaani min tefavut (tefavavutin), ferdzhiyl futurin tura. Khe minl He created the seven heavens, one above the other. You will not see any incongruity in the creation of the Merciful. Take another look. Do you see any crack?
4.Summerjil basara kerreteini yenkalib lieikel basaru haasien ve huve hasiir (haciirun). Then look again and again, and your gaze will return to you humiliated and weary.
5.Ve lekad zeyennes semaaed dunyaa bi mesaabiha ve jealnahaa rujumen lish sheyaatini ve a'ednaa lehum azaabes saiir (sairi). Verily, We have adorned the nearest heaven with lamps and set them up for throwing at the devils. We have prepared torment for them in the Flame.
6.Ve lilleziine keferuu bi rabbihim azaabu jehennem (jehennem), ve bi'sel maciir (maciiru). For those who disbelieve in their Lord, torment is prepared in Gehenna. How bad is this arrival place!
7.Isaa ulkuu fiihaa semiuu lehaa shehiikan ve hiye tefuur (tefuuru). When thrown there, they will hear her roar as she boils.
8.Tekaadu temeyesu minel gayz (gaisi), kullemaa ulkye fihihaa fevjun seilehum khazenetuhaa elem ye’tikum nezirun (nezirun). She is ready to burst with rage. Every time a crowd is thrown there, its guards will ask them: "Did not a warning exhorting person come to you?"
9.Kaluu belaa kad jaaenaa nesirun fe kezebnaa ve kulnaa maa nezzelallaahu min shey "in entum illaa fii dalalin kebiir (kebirin). They will say: "Of course, a warning admonitioner came to us, but we considered him a liar and said:" Allah sent down nothing, and you are only in great delusion. "
10.Ve kaaluu lev kunnaa nesmeu ev na "kylu maa kunnaa fiie askhaabis saiir (saiiri). They will say, "If we listened and were reasonable, we would not be among the inhabitants of the Flame."
11.Fa'terefuu bi zenbihim, fe sukhkan li askhaabis saiir (saiiri). They confess their sin. Begone, inhabitants of the Flame!
12.Innellesiine yakhshevne rabbehum bil gaibi lehum magfiretun ve edjrun kebiir (kebiirun). Truly, those who fear their Lord, not seeing Him with their own eyes, are prepared for forgiveness and a great reward.
13.Ve esirruu kavlekum evijkheru bih (bihii), innehu aliimun bi zaatis suduur (suduuri). Whether you keep your speeches a secret or speak them out loud, He knows what is in the chest.
14.Elaa ya’lemu men khalak (khalaka), ve huvel latifil habiir (habiir). Will the One Who created this not know if He is Discerning (or Kind), Knowledgeable?
15.Khuvelzii dzheale lekumul arda zeluulen femshuu fii menaakibihaa ve kuluu min ryzkyh (ryzkyhii), ve ileikhin nushuur (nushuur). He is the One who made the earth obedient for you. Walk in the world and eat from His inheritance, and you will appear to Him after your resurrection.
16.E emintum men fiis semarati en yahsife bikumil arda fe izaa hiye temuur (temuru). Are you sure that He who is in heaven will not make the earth swallow you up? After all, then she will hesitate.
17.Em emintum men fiis semarati en yursile aleikum haasybaa (haasiben) fe se ta'lemune keife nesiir (nesiiri). Are you sure that He who is in heaven will not send a hurricane with stones on you? You will soon find out what My warning is!
18.Velekad kezebeleziine min kablichim fe keife kaanne nekir (nekiri). Those who lived before them considered it a lie. What was My conviction!
19.E ve lem yerev ilet tayri fevkahum saaffaatin ve yakbydn (yakbydne), maa yumsikuhunne iller rahman (rahmanu), innehu bi kulli sheiru'in bin. Did they not see birds above them, spreading and folding their wings? No one holds them but the Most Merciful. Indeed, He sees every thing.
20.Emmen khaazelezii huve jundun lekum yensurukum min duunir rahmaan (rahmaani), inil kaafiruune illaa fi gurur (guruurin). Who can become your army and help you without the Merciful? Truly, unbelievers are deceived!
21.Emmen khaazellezii yerzukukum in emseke ryzkakh (ryzkahu), bel lejjuu fii utuvvin ve nufuur (nufuurin). Who can give you a portion if He stops giving you His portion? But they continue to skid and run away.
22.E fen yemshii muqibben alaa vejhihihi ehdaa emmen yemshii seviyen alaa syraatyn mustekiim (mustekiimin).
23.Kil khuvelzii ensheikum ve djeale lekumus sem'a vel ebsaare vel eff'ideh (ef'idete), kaliilen maa teshkuruun (teshkuruune). Who follows the more correct path: wandering with a lowered face or walking on a straight path, erect?
24.Kil khuvellezii zereekum fiil ardy ve ilayhi tukhsheruun (tukhsheruune). Say, "He is the One who scattered you across the earth, and to Him you will be gathered."
25.Ve yekuuluune metaa haazel va’du in kuntum saadikiin (saadikiine). They say, "When will the promised come, if you are speaking the truth?"
26.Keil innemel ilmu indallaahi ve innemaa ene nesirun mubiin (mubiinun). Say: "The knowledge of this is with Allah, and I am just a warning and clarifying exhortator."
27.Fe lemaa revhu zulfethen shines wujuuhulleziine keferuu ve kiile haazelezii kuntum bihi teddeuun (teddeuune). When they see him (the punishment on the Day of Resurrection) close to them, the faces of unbelievers will be saddened, and then they will say: "This is what you called!"
28.Keil eretum in ehlekeniyallaahu ve me maye ev rakhymenaa femen yudzhiiril kaafiriine min azaabin eliim (eliimin). Say: "Do you think that if Allah destroys me and those who are with me, or has mercy on us, then who will protect the unbelievers from the painful suffering?"
29.Kil khuver rahmanu aamenna bihii ve aleikhi tevekkelnaa, fe se ta'lemune men khuve fi dalalin mubiin (mubiinin). Say: "He is the Most Merciful! We have believed in Him and trust only in Him, and you will know who is in obvious delusion."
30.Kil e re'eytum in asbaha maukum gavren fen ye'tiikum bi maiin maiin (maiinin). Say: "What do you think, if your water goes underground, who will give you spring water?"

Clarification of Surah al-Mulk

Sura "Power" was revealed in Mecca. It consists of 30 ayats. It got its name from the word "power" contained in the first ayat of the sura. The main purpose of this Holy Sura is to draw attention and thoughts to the signs testifying to the omnipotence of Allah in souls and in the Universe: in heaven and on earth, in order to lead (people) to faith in Allah and on the Day of Judgment and to show the state of the unbelievers who will be cast into hellfire, where they will hear his roar and burn in his flame. They confess their sins and will regret and grieve at their end, when the angels reprove them for disobeying the messenger and denying what he called them to and what he warned them against. As for those who, fearing Allah, believed in Him, then they will be forgiven and forgiven of sins and a great reward - reward for their pious deeds and for what they sacrificed for the sake of Allah.

(Meccan Surah) In the name of Allah the Merciful, the Merciful! Sura "Power" was revealed in Mecca. It consists of 30 ayats. It got its name from the word "power" contained in the first ayat of the sura. The main purpose of this Holy Sura is to draw attention and thoughts to the signs testifying to the omnipotence of Allah in souls and in the Universe: in heaven and on earth, in order to lead (people) to faith in Allah and on the Day of Judgment and to show the state of the unbelievers who will be cast into hellfire, where they will hear his roar and burn in his flame. They confess their sins and will regret and grieve at their end, when the angels reprove them for disobeying the messenger and denying what he called them to and what he warned them against. As for those who, fearing Allah, believed in Him, then they will be forgiven and forgiven of sins and a great reward - reward for their pious deeds and for what they sacrificed for the sake of Allah.

[#] 1. The Most High and Blessed is the One, in whose only hands the power over all creatures! His omnipotence and power over all things are limitless,

[#] 2. who, according to His wisdom, created death and life for a specific purpose pleasing to Him - to experience which of you is better in deeds and sincere in intentions. He is all-conquering and everything is in His power! He is the One who forgives the careless,

[#] 3. who created seven vaults of heaven, identical in perfection. You will not see in the creation of Allah, whose mercy encompasses all His creations, no disproportion. Look at the creation of Allah, will you find any flaw in it?

[#] 4. Then look again and again, and your gaze will return, tired and weary, finding no flaw.

[#] 5. Verily, We have adorned the lower sky, comprehensible to your eyes, with shining stars, the flashes of which We strike the shaitans, and in the future life We have prepared punishment for them with a blazing hellfire.

[#] 6. Those who disbelieve in their Lord will be punished in the fire of hell, and this end is bad!

[#] 7-8. When they are thrown into hellfire, they will hear a terrible disgusting roar from its bubbling. He seems to be ready to be torn to pieces and to open up with rage and strong anger at them. Every time a crowd of unbelievers is thrown into him, his guards ask them, reproaching: "Did not a messenger come to you, warning you against this Day?"

[#] 9. They answer: "Yes, an admonitor came to us, but we rejected him, considering him a liar, and said:" Allah did not send anything down to you or to other messengers. You, self-appointed messengers, are only in error, far from the truth! "

[#] 10. And they say: "If we listened to (exhortations), like those who strove for the truth, or if we understood what (the messengers) called us to, then we would not be among the inhabitants of hell."

[#] 11. So they confessed their unbelief and denial (of the messengers). May the inhabitants of hell be deprived of Allah's mercy!

[#] 12. Indeed, for those who fear their Lord, not seeing Him, there will be forgiveness of their sins and a great reward for their good deeds!

[#] 13. Do you hide your words, do you say them aloud - this is the same for Allah, because He comprehends everything and knows the secrets hidden in the hearts!

[#] 14. Does not the Creator, who created all that exists and knows the subtleties of all things and their essence, know about His creations?

[#] 15. He is the One who made the earth fit (for your life). So walk through its open spaces and eat what Allah gives you, growing on it! To Him will only be your return on (Day of Resurrection) for reward!

[#] 16. Are you safe from the fact that Allah Almighty does not make the earth suddenly shake and swallow you ?!

[#] 17. Are you really safe from the fact that Allah Almighty will not send a whirlwind on you that will shower you with stones ?! Then you will know how terrible My threat is to you.

[#] 18. The peoples who lived before you denied their messengers. And what was their punishment from Me when I destroyed and destroyed them ?!

[#] 19. Aren't they blind and do not see birds flying over them, then spreading their wings, then folding them ?! And only the Merciful supports them in the air so that they do not fall! Truly, He knows everything and is well versed in everything, and gives everyone that is that is useful for him!

[#] 20. So who is the one whose power saves you from the punishment of Allah, besides the Merciful? Truly, the infidels are only deluded and blinded as to what they suppose!

[#] 21. And who can give you an inheritance that you support your life and well-being, if Allah deprives you of your inheritance from Him ?! Yes, the infidels persisted in their arrogance and deviation from the truth!

[#] 22. Is it really the other way around: who walks the straight path - the one who stumbles, falling face forward, or the one who walks the straight path, erect to his full height?

[#] 23. Say: "He is the One who created you out of nothingness and gave you hearing, sight and hearts that contribute to your activity and well-being. But you are not grateful to Allah for the mercies that He has endowed you with."

[#] 24. Say: "He is the One who created you and settled you on the earth, and before Him alone you will be gathered for reckoning and retribution."

[#] 25. Those who deny the resurrection ask: "When will the promise of resurrection come true? Tell us if you are true!"

[#] 26. Say, Muhammad: "Only Allah knows when the resurrection will come. I am only an exhortator, clearly conveying the Message of Allah to you."

[#] 27. When the infidels saw with their own eyes the promised punishment, and it had already come close to them, their faces became sad and humiliated. They were told with reproach, reproaching and torturing them: "This is what you asked to speed up!"

[#] 28. Ask: "Tell me if Allah will send death to me and to the believers who are with me, as you wish, or if He, having shown us mercy, will postpone our death and deliver us from His punishment, - but in both In these cases, He saved us - then who will protect the infidels from the well-deserved painful punishment for their unbelief and for being deceived by their gods?

[#] 29. He is the Merciful, in whom we believed, but you did not believe in Him, only we relied on Him, and you did not trust in Him, but on others. You, when the punishment befalls you, will find out which of the two parties deviated greatly from the truth! "

[#] 30. Ask: "Tell me, if the water goes underground and you can't get it in any way, who, besides Allah, will come to you with spring, clean water available to everyone?"

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