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Before us is one of the objective tests of personality, namely, the Test for assessing the level of claims of F. Hoppe. This test serves as a source of knowledge about such features of a person's personality as: the ability to introspect, the actual level of claims, self-esteem (overestimated, underestimated, adequate), etc.

The test is performed quite simply, with the help of a specially designed stimulus material. As before any test, the subject is given the following instructions: you see two rows of cards in front of you, located one under the other. The first row of cards is labeled with numbers from 1 to 12, and the second row is labeled with numbers from 1a to 12a. Each of the cards has a specific task, the complexity of which increases as the number of the card increases. At the same time, cards with the same numbers have the same task in terms of complexity. During the test, you can choose any cards one at a time and give answers to them. The time allotted for the solution is limited and fixed by the observer.
However, secretly from the subject, the psychologist can arbitrarily, when solving different cards, deliberately reduce the time to complete them or, on the contrary, increase, that is, influence the success (+) or failure (-) of the tasks. The card selection numbers are recorded in the protocol in the order in which they were chosen by the subjects. Correct answers are marked in the protocol with a “+” sign, and incorrect answers with a “-” sign.
When processing the results, we are interested in human behavior depending on the success of the answers or failures in the answers, as well as the presence of movement in the direction of complication of tasks. People with a stable character fluctuate very smoothly, that is, there is a smooth transition to simpler tasks after failures or more difficult tasks after successful answers. People with emotional instability show extremely sharp fluctuations.
Stimulus material:
Card number 1. Write 3 words starting with M.
Card number 2. Write the names of 4 animals starting with the letter L.
Card number 3. Write the names of 5 cities starting with the letter L.
Card number 4. Write 6 names beginning with A.
Card number 5. Write 3 flower names beginning with the letter G.
Card number 6. Write the name of 6 animals starting with the letter K.
Card number 7. Write 5 flower names starting with the letter G.
Card number 8. Write 4 tree names starting with the letter O.
Card number 9. Write the name of 7 cities starting with the letter L.
Card number 10. Write the names of 5 writers starting with the letter C.
Card number 11. Write the names of 4 composers starting with the letter C.
Card number 12. Write the names of 7 French artists.
Card number 1a. Write 3 words starting with the letter N.
Card number 2a. Write the names of 4 fruits starting with the letter A.
Card number 3a. Write the names of 5 cities starting with the letter N.
Card number 4a. Write 6 names beginning with B.
Card number 5a. Write the name of 6 states starting with the letter P.
Card number 6a. Write 20 words starting with the letter C.
Card number 7a. Write the name of the parts of the world beginning with A.
Card number 8a. Write the names of 15 cities in M.
Card number 9a. Write the name of 5 films in M.
Card number 10a. Write the names of 5 actors of the Soviet cinema with the letter L.
Card number 11a. Write the names of 4 writers with the letter R.
Card number 12a. Write the names of 5 famous artists starting with the letter K.

Methodology for assessing the level of claims F. Hoppe

General theoretical provisions that served as the basis of the methodology:Personal characteristics associated with the achievement of the goal include the level of claims, which can be determined by the level of difficulty of the chosen goal. The subjects are offered a number of tasks that differ in the degree of difficulty. They are presented on the cards in ascending order of their numbers. The degree of difficulty of the task corresponds to the serial number of the card. Students are offered eleven tasks (each level of difficulty can have several options).

Target: identification of the level of claims, which can be determined by the level of difficulty of the chosen goal.

Application area:from senior school age (there are no gender, national and other restrictions).

Material: eleven cards with tasks, answer sheet.

Organization: individual and group.

Short description:the subject is offered eleven cards arranged in increasing difficulty. The numbers on the cards indicate the degree of difficulty of the tasks. A certain time is allotted for solving each card, which is not known to the subject. The task is chosen by the examinee independently.

Examination procedure:the experimenter reads the instructions, notes the time, which can at its discretion increase or decrease, thus arbitrarily evaluating the performance of the task as correct or incorrect. Only after his evaluation should the student choose another task. It is advisable to limit the number of elections to five.

Results processing:questions of each level are evaluated by the corresponding number of points. Questions of the first degree of difficulty are assessed with one point, the second - two, the third - three, etc. the total number of selected points is used as an assessment of the level of claims. For example, if in the test the subject is given five choices and he chose the fourth for the first time, the fifth for the second, the fourth for the third, the seventh for the fourth and the sixth for the fifth, then the level of his claims will be equal to the sum: 4 + 5 + 4 + 7 + 6 = 26 points.

Interpretation: after success or failure (which can be arbitrarily interpreted by the experimenter), there is a shift either in the direction of a positive direction or in the direction of a negative one. The average value of single shifts after success is taken as a measure of the shift. After failure, the subjects can both lower and increase the level of claims (i.e. after failure, they choose an easier task. This means lowering the level of claims). If, after a failure, the child raises the level of claims, i.e. takes on a more difficult task, then a negative shift occurs. The average value of single shifts after failure shown in all tests is taken as a measure of shift after failure. For each degree of difficulty, several similar tasks are given.

Literature: T.A. Ratanova, N.F. Gentry. Psychodiagnostic methods for studying personality. – M. 1998. pp. 78–80.

Diagnostic subject:

Related practical tasks: assess the level of claims of the subject and identify its dynamics in the experimental situation as a characteristic of achievement motivation; taking into account these indicators in an individual consultation for planning certain corrective effects on a person, etc.

Completeness, composition of the methodology: stimulus material: 10 tasks of increasing degree of difficulty; instructions for conducting and interpreting: the study of the dynamics of the level of claims should be preceded by establishing contact with the subject; The study takes 10 to 15 minutes.

Equipment: 1) a stopwatch or watch with a stopwatch;

2) Sets of cards (10 in each set) according to the number of subjects at the workplace.

Under level of claims understand the target setting of the subject in relation to the known, more or less mastered and again solved by him task.

The level of claims is usually assessed using an experiment according to the following scheme: a set of tasks of the same type is ranked according to the degree of difficulty, and the subjects are asked to sequentially choose to perform a certain (often fixed number) of these tasks of any degree of difficulty. The level of a person's claims is judged by the average degree of difficulty of the tasks he has chosen.

In any activity, regardless of its specifics, each person will form a characteristic level of claims for him. Numerous studies have found that after success, the level of claims, as a rule, increases, and after failure, it decreases. The experience of success and failure is mainly associated with tasks of medium difficulty. At the same time. The higher the degree of difficulty of the solved task is above the existing level of achievement, the stronger the success is experienced, and vice versa, the lower the degree of difficulty of the tasks achieved by the subject in comparison with the level of claims, the stronger the failure is felt. This is combined with a tendency towards an increase in the level of claims with a gradual increase in the level of achievement in the repeated performance of tasks. The difference between the last achievement and the level of claims to the next performance based on it is to a certain extent constant for each individual. It (the difference) can be positive or negative, i.e. the level of aspirations is always or somewhat higher (sometimes significantly) than the already existing level of achievement, or somewhat lower. The tendency to increase the level of claims later turned into the concept achievement motive, defined by H. Heckhausen as "the desire to improve one's abilities and skills or maintain them at the highest possible level in those activities in relation to which achievements are considered mandatory, so that their implementation may or may not succeed."

Table 1Change in the strength of motivation ("+" - strengthening or "-" - weakening) in different groups of subjects (according to H. Heckhausen)

Stimulus material: the size of the cards is 7x12 cm, on one side of which the numbers from 1 to 10 are clearly marked, on the other - the task is written.

Option 1 (general educational tasks):

1. three words starting with the letter "T".

2. The name of four animals with the letter "L".

3. Five full names starting with the letter "D".

4. Decipher the generally accepted abbreviations: APN, CMEA, NTR, MVD, TASS, DOSAAF.

5. Six pieces of clothing with the letter "T".

6. Surnames of five famous film actors starting with the letter "M".

7. Seven states starting with the letter "I".

8. Surname of eight US presidents.

9. All zodiac constellations.

10. Surname of five famous Western European artists starting with the letter "P".

Option 2 (general educational tasks):

1. Three words starting with the letter "H".

2. The name of the four fruits with the letter "A".

3. Six names starting with the letter "P".

4. The name of the six states with the letter "I".

5. Twenty words starting with the letter "C".

6. All continents with the letter "A".

7. The name of the five states with the letter "M".

8. The name of the five films with the letter "M".

9. Surname of five famous Russian artists beginning with the letter "K".

10. Surnames of five famous Russian composers (writers) starting with the letter "K".

The subject is offered 10 cards with tasks, the degree of difficulty of which corresponds to the serial number: the higher the card number, the more difficult the task. It takes approximately time to answer the questions (problem solution) (T), corresponding to the complexity of the task and estimated according to the following formula:

T= 10*N (sec),

Where N is the serial number of the card (the degree of difficulty of the task).

So, for example, to complete card number 1 (difficulty level 1), 10 seconds are allotted, and to complete card tasks number 7 (difficulty level 7), the subject is given 70 seconds (or 1 minute 10 seconds). During the experiment, the subject must make 5 choices of tasks.

Test subject instructions:“There are cards in front of you, on the back of which tasks are written. The numbers on the cards indicate the degree of difficulty of the task; the higher the serial number, the more difficult the task. The choice of task is carried out independently. In total, you need to make 5 such choices of tasks. You will answer them verbally. Each task has a specific amount of time that you do not know. I follow him with a stopwatch. If you do not meet the allotted time, I will consider that the task has not been completed by you.

After presenting the instructions, the subject must be asked to choose the first task for himself. After completing this task (and each subsequent one), the experimenter in all cases says to the subject: "Now take the task of whatever degree of difficulty you want." At the same time, the time for solving the problem is fixed and after each task the answer of the subject is evaluated: “You completed this task on time, I give you a “plus” or “You did not meet the time, I give you a “minus”. Only if, after the experimenter's assessment, the subject must choose the next task.

The experimenter can, at his own discretion, increase or decrease the time allotted for the task, and thus arbitrarily cause the subject to experience success or failure. During the experiment, the experimenter monitors the independence of the tasks performed by the subjects, controls the overall course of the experiment.

Recorder Responsibilities: the recorder receives the cards from the experimenter, arranges them so that their numbers are visible, fixes the sequence of transition from one card to another, the success of the tasks. The received data is entered into a pre-prepared table (see Table 2), and the “+” sign marks successfully completed tasks, the “-” sign indicates unsuccessfully completed ones. If necessary, the recorder records the answers of the subjects.

Data processing:

1. The total number of selected points is used as an assessment of the level of claims (LE). Summing up the serial numbers of the selected cards (the degree of difficulty of the selected tasks). It is necessary to assess the level of claims of the individual. Roughly, it can be considered that:

low UE corresponds to the sum of points, less than 23;

average UE - from 24 to 31 points;

high UE- more than 32 points.

2. According to the table, it is necessary to build a graph of the dynamics of the level of claims for each subject during the experiment (see Figure 2). The graph shows both the number of the card (degree of difficulty) that the subject chose, and the result of the task (“+” or “-”).

Table 2 - Results of the work (sample)

10. Methodology for diagnosing interpersonal and intergroup relations by J. Moreno "Sociometry"

Purpose and content. The sociometric test is designed to diagnose emotional ties, i.e. mutual sympathy between members of the group and the solution of the following tasks:

a) measuring the degree of cohesion-disunity in the group;

c) discovery of intra-group cohesive formations headed by informal leaders.

The technique allows you to make an instant cut from the dynamics of intra-group relations in order to subsequently use the results obtained to restructure groups, increase their cohesion and efficiency. The sociometric technique is carried out by a group method, its implementation does not require large time expenditures (15 minutes). It is very useful in applied research, especially in work on improving relationships in a team. But it is not a radical way to resolve intra-group problems, the causes of which should be sought not in the likes and dislikes of group members, but in deeper sources. The method was developed by J. Moreno, who introduced the term "sociometry", meaning the measurement of interpersonal relationships in a group. Currently, this method has many modifications. Its introduction into the research of Soviet psychologists is associated with the names of E. S. Kuzmin, Ya. L. Kolominsky, V. A. Yadov, I. P. Volkov, and others.

Equipment: sociometric survey form, list of group members, sociomatrix, pen.

A group of people of any age, from preschool, with some experience in interaction and communication, can be examined. Depending on the tasks that the study is designed to solve, and on the characteristics (age and professional) of the studied groups, sociometric choice criteria are formed. A criterion is a type of activity for which an individual needs to select or reject one or more members of the group. It is formulated as a specific question of a sociometric test. According to the content criteria can be formal and informal. With the help of the former, relationships are measured regarding the joint activity for which the group was created. The latter serve to measure emotional personal relationships that are not related to joint activities (for example, choosing a friend for leisure).

Depending on the orientation, the criteria are divided into positive (“Who would you like to work with?”) And negative (“Who would you not want to work with?”). After selecting and formulating criteria, a questionnaire is compiled containing instructions and a list of criteria.

Before the start of the survey, briefing of the tested group (sociometric warm-up). In the course of it, the purpose of the study should be explained to the group, the importance of its results for the group should be emphasized, how it should be done, tasks should be performed, and the secrecy of the answers should be guaranteed.

Instruction:“When forming your group, of course, your wishes could not be taken into account, since you were not familiar with each other enough. Now the relationship in the group has been sufficiently defined, and it is beneficial for you and for your leadership to take into account your wishes when organizing the activities of your team. Try to be sincere in your answers. The researchers guarantee the secrecy of individual responses.”

Methodical instructions. Efforts should be made to establish an atmosphere of trust with the group. Lack of trust in the experimenter, suspicion that the results of the survey can be used to the detriment of the subject, leads to a refusal to complete the task as a whole or to a refusal to make a negative choice. After that, we proceed directly to the survey. All members of the group are exposed to it. Respondents must write down the names of the group members selected by them according to one or another criterion on the questionnaire and indicate their last name. During the survey, the researcher must ensure that the respondents do not communicate with each other, constantly emphasize and remind them of the obligation to answer all questions. Do not rush, push the subjects with the answers. At the same time, if the subjects do not have a list of group members, visual contacts should not be prevented. The names of those absent should be written on the blackboard.

There are three main choices:

a) the number of elections is limited to 3-5;

b) complete freedom of choice is allowed (everyone can write down as many decisions as he wants);

c) the subject ranks all members of the group depending on the proposed criterion.

From the point of view of simplicity and convenience of processing the results, the first method is preferable. From the point of view of reliability and reliability of the obtained results - the third.

In addition, the ranking method manages to remove the fear: for a negative choice.

Similar information.

Target: reveal the level and dynamics of the level of claims of the individual in the experiment.

Equipment: 2 sets of tasks of different difficulty levels, stopwatch.

Reference. An experimental study of the level of claims and self-esteem of the individual was first carried out in the 20s of the twentieth century by the German psychologist Kurt Lewin, who studied the dynamics of the level of claims of the individual in conditions of success and failure. The most common is the technique proposed by the student K. Levin-F. Hoppe.

In this paper, an educational modification of the Hoppe technique is used. The essence of the experiment is to create for the subject a situation of success and failure in solving problems. This is achieved by presenting the subject with tasks of various levels of difficulty (1–3 levels of difficulty) and by limiting the time for solving the problem.

An indicator of the level of claims of the subject will be what level of difficulty he will choose and how he will behave in case of successful or unsuccessful solution of the selected task. To identify the dynamics of the level of claims, the subject is offered to make several attempts to solve problems (in the educational modification - 7).

Work progress

Experimenter: 1) lays out on the table in front of the subject tickets with tasks of 3 levels of difficulty (text down, on the back of the tickets the level of difficulty of this task is marked with a number); 2) offers the subject to choose a task, the time for considering the choice is not limited; 3) gives a signal about the beginning and end of the solution of the problem, monitors the accuracy of the work; 4) measures the time of each attempt by the subject using a stopwatch. One minute is given to solve each problem.

To maintain a protocol, it is necessary: ​​1) before the start of the experiment, prepare a protocol form according to the sample (see table 27); 2) during the experiment, carefully observe the behavior of the subject, his reactions, record observations in the protocol; 3) record in the protocol the choice of the task by the subjects and the result of its solution.

Table 27

protocol form

Subject: 1) selects a problem of any difficulty for solving and tries to solve it in one minute. If the task is solved incorrectly or the subject did not meet the allotted time, the task is considered failed, which gives rise to a situation of failure. A problem solved correctly and on time is success;
2) the subject, at the signal of the experimenter, makes seven attempts to solve problems, choosing problems in his own way.

Test subject instructions: You have two sets of problems of varying difficulty. In each set of tasks from number one to four are the easiest, from five to eight - of medium difficulty, from number nine to twelve - the most difficult.

Tasks that are identical in terms of difficulty are indicated by the same numbers: for example, 1–1a, 2–2a, etc. Each task is given a certain amount of time. The order in which tasks are selected is up to you. You can take a card from any set. Used cards, whether resolved or not, put aside. You can make 7 choices in total.

Question for self-report: What were you guided by when choosing cards?

Processing and analysis of results:

1. Determine the difficulty level of the first selected card:

No. 1-4 - an underestimated level of claims;

No. 9-12 - overpriced.

2. Construct a graph of the dynamics of the level of claims of the individual in the experiment (see Figure 12):

Level of difficulty

1 2 3 4 7 selection no.

Figure 12

3. Analyze the dynamics of the level of claims of the subject in the experimental situation, using the graph in fig. 12:

a) if, after success, the subject takes a task of increased complexity, and after failure, chooses an easier task or the same complexity, then we can talk about adequate dynamics of the level of claims;

b) if the subject chooses cards (see table 28), starting from the 1st, without missing a single one, then this can be explained:

Interest in the material


low level of claims;

Exclusion from the experiment (please contact
to the subject's self-report and the experimenter's observations);

c) if the subject chooses more difficult tasks all the time, although he has not solved the previous one, this may indicate either a propensity for risk, or
about an overestimated level of claims.

Objective personality test. Designed to study such personal characteristics as self-esteem, self-esteem, the level of claims, as well as the adequacy or inadequacy of its formation, depending on success or failure.

The stimulus material is a set of simple tasks perceived as a test of general erudition. Before starting testing, the subject is given the following instruction:

“In front of you are two rows of cards from 1 to 12 and from 1a to 12a. Each card contains a task, the difficulty of which increases according to the number of the card. Cards with the same numbers have tasks of the same difficulty. You can alternately choose a card with any number and give an answer to the task in the card. The solution time is strictly limited and is fixed by a stopwatch.

In the process of performing test tasks by the test subject, the psychologist, following the stopwatch, can, at his own discretion, increase or decrease the time for completing the task and thereby arbitrarily create a situation of "success" or "failure". This circumstance gives this method an experimental character. The order of selection (number of cards) is recorded in the protocol. Completed tasks are marked with a "+" sign, unfulfilled - with a "-" sign.

When evaluating the results, the psychologist should be interested not in the subject's intellectual capabilities (the amount of his knowledge), but in the characteristics of his behavior depending on success or failure, the presence or absence of tendencies to complicate the task (formation of the level of claims). In people with a stable character, fluctuations in choice (transition to easy tasks after failures and more complex ones after success) are smooth, and with emotional instability of the personality, these fluctuations are sharper. After a little success, they can choose the most difficult task, and after a single failure, the easiest. When choosing, not depending on success or failure, additional research is needed, because. it may be a mental disorder.

The need for constant monitoring of the progress of tasks by the subjects, flexible changes in the course of testing (time parameters) by the experimenter do not allow only individual testing. The experimental nature, the relatively small volume of the proposed tasks makes this technique a very informative and effective means of express diagnosis of these personality traits.

Stimulus material:

1. Write three words starting with the letter M

2. Write the names of four animals starting with the letter L

3. Write the names of five cities with the letter L

4. Write six names starting with the letter A

5. Write three color names starting with the letter G

6. Write the names of six animals starting with the letter K

7. Write five color names starting with the letter G

8. Write four tree names starting with the letter O.

9. Write the names of cities with the letter L

10. Write the names of five writers with the letter C

11. Write the names of four composers with the letter C

12. Write the names of seven French artists

1a. Write three words starting with the letter N

2a. Write the names of four fruits starting with the letter A

Behind. Write six names beginning with B

4a. Write the names of six states with the letter P

5a. Write the names of five cities with the letter K

6a. Write twenty words starting with the letter C

7a. Write which parts of the world begin with the letter O

8a. Write the names of fifteen cities starting with the letter M

9a. Write the names of five films with the letter M

10a. Write the names of five famous Soviet film actors starting with the letter L

11a. Write the names of famous Russian writers, composers, artists with the letter R

12a. Write the names of five famous Russian artists with the letter K

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