Home Diseases and pests Regular muffin recipe. Delicious muffin recipes. A selection of recipes for the best muffins with photos. Chocolate muffins in a hurry

Regular muffin recipe. Delicious muffin recipes. A selection of recipes for the best muffins with photos. Chocolate muffins in a hurry

Muffins are cooked in a preheated oven at 180°C. Line the cupcake pan with paper baskets or parchment paper ahead of time.

Check readiness with a toothpick: insert it into the center of the muffin, the removed stick should remain clean and dry.


  • 240 g flour;
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder;
  • ¹⁄₂ teaspoon salt;
  • 120 g butter;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 120 ml of milk;
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract or 1½ g vanillin.


Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a deep bowl.

Beat the softened butter with a mixer for 30 seconds. Gradually add and beat for 3-4 minutes until dissolved. Enter the eggs one at a time. Punch until the mass becomes light.

Mix milk and vanilla, combine with egg mixture. Add the sifted flour in four additions. Stir until smooth.

Divide the batter into the indentations, filling each one three-quarters full. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Let the muffins cool for 5-10 minutes.

If you have trouble demoulding, run the blade of a knife around the edges of each cupcake. Then cover with a clean towel and turn over. The muffins will pop out onto the fabric.

2. Double Chocolate Muffins


  • 240 g flour;
  • 150 g cocoa powder;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder;
  • ¹⁄₂ teaspoon salt;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 80 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract;
  • 160 g chopped chocolate.


In a large bowl, mix flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking powder and salt. Separately combine melted butter, milk and vegetable oil. Lightly beat the eggs and vanilla and add to the liquid mixture.

Pour the resulting mass into the flour mixture and mix quickly. You will notice lumps, this is normal. It is important not to knead for a long time, otherwise the mass will turn out to be tight, and the cupcakes will be dense. Gently fold in almost all of the chopped chocolate.

Carefully pour batter into muffin tin, filling three-quarters full. It is convenient to do this with a spoon for. Top the cupcakes with chocolate chips.

Bake for 18-20 minutes. Remove from oven and let muffins cool for 5 minutes.



  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • 125 ml of milk;
  • 75 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 210 g flour;
  • 70 g cocoa powder;
  • 10 g baking powder;
  • 100 g chopped dark chocolate;
  • 5-6 tablespoons.


In a large bowl, mix eggs, sour cream, milk, butter, sugar, salt until smooth. Separately combine flour, cocoa powder and baking powder. Sift into liquid mass. Stir so that there are no lumps.

Add chocolate and gently spread it into the dough.

Pour the mixture into the baking dish, filling the indentations three-quarters full. Place a teaspoon of peanut butter on top of each muffin and draw waves with a knife or toothpick.

Bake for 15-20 minutes. Cool at room temperature.


  • 120 g butter;
  • 240 g of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 120 ml of milk;
  • 240 g flour;
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder;
  • ¹⁄₂ teaspoon salt;
  • ¹⁄₄ teaspoon ground nutmeg;
  • 200 g fresh or frozen blueberries


Combine butter and sugar with a mixer until smooth. Continuing to beat, add the eggs one by one, pour in the milk.

In another bowl, mix flour, baking powder, salt and spices. Pour the dry mixture into the wet mixture and gently stir until smooth. Throw in the dough, evenly distribute.

Frozen berries do not need to be thawed. If you do not want the blueberries to sink to the bottom of the cake, then sprinkle them with a spoonful of flour and mix lightly. Then add to the dough.

Fill the muffin molds two-thirds full. Bake for 20 minutes. Cool the cupcakes, then carefully remove.



  • 150 g fresh or frozen raspberries;
  • 70 g pecans or walnuts;
  • 240 g flour;
  • 170 g of sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 egg;
  • 180 ml of milk;
  • 60 g butter.


Do not thaw frozen raspberries so that there is no excess moisture. Chop nuts.

Combine flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. In another bowl, beat the egg with milk, add melted butter.

Pour the liquid mixture into the dry. Mix lightly until the ingredients are combined, but lumps remain. It is important to cook the dough quickly - this way the muffins will turn out airy. Add nuts and spread evenly. Divide the dough into molds, filling two-thirds.

Bake for 18-20 minutes. Cool the muffins, then carefully remove.



  • 3 large ripe bananas;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 80 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 180 g flour;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda;
  • ¹⁄₂ teaspoon salt.


Separately combine sour cream, egg, melted butter. Add zest and lemon juice. Whisk until smooth.

Pour the flour mixture into the sour cream and stir.

Fill muffin molds two-thirds full with batter. Bake 18-20 minutes until cupcakes are browned. Cool in molds for 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare the frosting. Bring lemon juice and sugar to a boil in a small saucepan. Cook, stirring, until sand dissolves.

Pierce each muffin several times with a toothpick. This is necessary so that the glaze gets inside. Pour over the tops of the cupcakes and let cool.



  • 200 g cheddar cheese;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 300 g flour;
  • ¹⁄₂ teaspoon of baking soda;
  • ¹⁄₂ teaspoon salt;
  • 1 egg;
  • 240 ml of milk;
  • 60 g sour cream or natural yogurt;
  • 85 ml of vegetable oil;
  • bunch of fresh parsley.


Grate on a large grater.

Chop the garlic. Combine it with butter and melt in the microwave for 30 seconds.

Mix flour, baking powder, soda, salt. In a separate bowl, beat the egg, milk, sour cream and vegetable oil with a whisk or mixer. Enter the butter, throw in the chopped parsley and mix.

Pour the milk mixture into the flour mixture, throw in the cheese and stir.

Pour the mixture into molds up to the top. Bake for 22-25 minutes until cupcakes are golden. Remove from oven and cool 5 minutes.


  • 1 red sweet pepper;
  • ¹⁄₂ bulbs;
  • 150 g broccoli;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 8 eggs;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • 70 g cheese.


And peel the onion and cut into cubes. Divide the broccoli into florets and cut into small pieces. Grate the peeled carrots on a coarse grater.

Mix vegetables. Fill each muffin tin three-quarters full with vegetable mixture.

Lightly beat eggs with salt and pepper. Pour 3 tablespoons into the wells. Sprinkle coarsely grated cheese on top - 1 tablespoon each.

Bake for 20 minutes until muffins are slightly golden. They will rise in the oven but fall off when cooled. Let cool in the mold for 5 minutes before removing.


For muffins:

  • 180 g flour;
  • 90 g of instant oatmeal;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon;
  • 1¹⁄₂ teaspoon baking powder;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda;
  • ¹⁄₂ teaspoon salt;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 120 ml of milk;
  • 75 g applesauce;
  • 60 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or 1 g vanilla sugar
  • 1 large apple.

For the streusel (crunchy):

  • 30 g butter;
  • 25 g of instant oatmeal;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • ¹⁄₄ teaspoon cinnamon.


Mix flour, sugar, cinnamon, baking powder, soda and salt. Separately, combine eggs, milk, applesauce, butter and vanilla.

Pour the egg mixture into the flour mixture, stir until smooth. Throw in a coarsely grated apple, spread evenly. Pour batter into cupcake liners up to the top.

For the streusel, melt the butter. Mix in oatmeal, flour, sugar and cinnamon. Then spread a little on top of each cupcake.

Bake for 15-20 minutes. Remove the mold and let the muffins cool.

Everyone knows what muffins are! These small puff pastry cupcakes with a variety of toppings are considered the perfect treat for picnics and. They are convenient to eat, easy to transport and can be kept warm for a relatively long time. Muffin cupcakes can be classic sweet with fruit, berry, chocolate and cottage cheese fillings, as well as unsweetened. Then finely chopped ham, sausages, grated cheese, herbs and vegetables are added to them. According to historical data, cupcakes with the cute name "muffin" appeared in England in the 11th century, borrowing the name from the French word "moufflet", meaning "soft bread".

Let's bake muffins!

In Russia, muffins are no less popular than in Europe and America. We have been baking muffins for a long time. And over the centuries-old history of the existence of this simple, but very tasty pastry, many secrets of its preparation have appeared. In general, muffins are a cross between a cupcake and a cake. Put less sugar, more milk and eggs - the dough will be heavier, and the finished product will look like a cupcake. Add more sugar and decorate with cream on top - you get a mini cake.

There are 2 ways to make muffins: American, with the addition of slaked soda or baking powder, and English, which involves making muffins from yeast dough. In both ways, there are general rules for cooking.

Rule #1 - Always use chilled butter so it can be cut into chunks before adding to the batter.

Rule number 2 - strictly follow the sequence of entering the ingredients. First, mix sugar and chilled butter in the form of pieces with a mixer. Then we introduce eggs into the mixture, and after that - the sifted flour. Lastly, pour milk into the dough. After adding each component, mix the mixture slowly.

Rule number 3 - add toppings at the very end, especially fruit and berry ones. It is advisable to pre-mix the fruits and berries with flour so that it draws out excess juice, and the dough does not turn out to be too heavy.

Rule number 4 - choose the right muffin cups. The ideal option is to line existing silicone or metal molds with oiled and floured paper molds. Fill the mold only 2/3, because during the baking process the dough increases in volume.

Rule number 5 - bake muffins in a closed oven, heated to 180-190 ° C for 25 minutes, then check the readiness with a thin wooden stick. If the stick remains dry, you can turn off the oven and let the cupcakes cool slightly.

classic muffins

When making mini cupcakes, you can easily experiment. However, classic muffins are prepared according to a clear recipe. For work we take:

  • wheat flour - 1 cup
  • warm milk - 1 cup
  • sugar - 0.5 cups
  • eggs - 2-3 pcs.
  • butter - 100 g
  • baking powder - 2 tsp
  • salt, vanillin - a pinch each
  • zest of 1 lemon

First, we mix all the dry ingredients - sugar, sifted flour with baking powder, salt and lemon zest.

In a separate container, beat the eggs, butter, vanillin and milk cut into pieces.

Combine both mixtures and stir until smooth. Pour the resulting mixture into pre-prepared molds and put in the oven for 20 minutes.

Similarly to this recipe, you can make muffins with fillings - chocolate, oatmeal, chocolate drops, fruits, cottage cheese and berries. Strawberry muffins and cherry muffins are especially popular in the summer season: the berries can be cut and mixed with the dough, or you can put a berry in the middle of each cupcake - at your discretion.

Curd muffins

Do you want to cook not only tasty, but also healthy dessert? Pay attention to cottage cheese muffins. In principle, muffins with cottage cheese are prepared in the same way as classic muffins. To the recipe described above, we add only 250 g of dry cottage cheese, which we knead together with other liquid ingredients - eggs, milk, butter. Further, the cooking process is identical to the classic version. The only point: cottage cheese muffins need to be baked a little longer than usual - about 30 minutes, due to the fact that the dough becomes denser.

By the way, the classic recipe can be modified and muffins can be prepared with kefir, and not with milk. Believe me, baking will not suffer at all, and in a savory version it will become even tastier!

Chocolate muffins are perfect for kids. You can use one of the options: add 2-3 teaspoons of cocoa powder to the dough - then you will get full-fledged chocolate muffins, or spread over muffins with a piece of dark or milk chocolate, and then cover them with the remaining dough - this way you will get white muffins with chocolate filling.

banana muffins

Banana muffins deserve special attention. Both children and adults love them. Baking banana muffins is as easy as any other. To do this, we will take the same ingredients as for classic muffins, while adding 2-3 medium bananas to them. It is better to take overripe bananas, as they will be easier to chop.

So, knead the dough for muffins in the classic way.

In a separate container, soften overripe bananas with a fork (or beat them with a blender).

We combine the banana puree with the dough, mix well and fill the pre-prepared molds, after which we send them to the oven.

For a brighter taste, you can cut the bananas into slices and put a little in the middle of the cupcakes, and then pour over the remaining dough. We hope that with the help of our article you will be able to cook delicious homemade muffins! Good appetite!

Muffin Recipes

Learn how to make delicious muffins. The best step by step chocolate chip recipe from my grandma's classic muffin recipe!

35 min

350 kcal

5/5 (2)

Fragrant, ruddy, decorated with chocolate chips on top and tender, buttery, soft inside muffin with a cup of good coffee - isn't this the perfect way to start a new day? And how nice it is to see the happy faces of children who eat these original cupcakes on both cheeks for breakfast.

Today I will talk about how to quickly and easily make delicious muffins at home in just half an hour. This recipe was told to me by my friend, who has been living in Prague for many years, and there an American confectioner taught her how to make muffins.

This simple, classic muffin recipe is an immediate staple in my kitchen, delicious little cupcakes come out just right. The key to making our perfect baked goods will be baking powder (baking powder) and baking soda. These ingredients at high temperature (200°C) will help create small air bubbles in the dough, which will give the dough a soft, fluffy texture and help it rise. And ingredients like milk, eggs and butter will keep our muffins moist and juicy. So let's make fluffy muffins at home!

kitchen utensils: 2 bowls (one bigger, one smaller); whisk; spatula or spoon; 12 molds for baking; oven.

Required products

Step by step cooking muffin

  1. Preheat oven to 200°C. Insert special paper liners into the molds to make it easier to take out the finished muffins. Sift the flour. Break the chocolate into small pieces or make chocolate chips.

  2. Now I will tell you a quick and easy recipe for making muffin dough.
    Take the larger bowl and pour flour, baking powder, sugar, soda, salt, chocolate chips into it and mix all the ingredients well with each other.

  3. Whisk the eggs, milk, and vanilla into another bowl and mix well until the liquid is smooth. No need to beat eggs until foamy, do not be zealous.

  4. Make a well in the bowl with the flour mixture (a funnel in the middle) and pour the liquid milk-egg-vanilla mixture into it. Gently fold the flour mixture into the liquid, stirring in a circular motion from center to edge. Small lumps and unevenness will benefit the dough, so don't mix too hard.

  5. Pour the dough into the molds, but not completely, about 2/3, so that it has room to rise.

  6. Place the muffins in the preheated oven and bake at 210°C for about 5 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 190°C and bake for another 15 minutes. Try inserting a toothpick into the center of the cake, if it comes out dry, your product is baked and can be removed from the oven. Don't overcook the muffins in the oven, or they will turn out dry.

  7. Allow the muffins to cool for 10 minutes and can be served with a cup of tea or coffee, fruit juices or drinking yoghurts of your choice. Bon Appetit!

Muffin video recipe

This video shows very clearly how to bake muffins at home. In this video, a good and simple recipe for muffins with lemon zest and dried apricots.

  • Be sure to sift the flour before cooking.
  • Take out the necessary products from the refrigerator in advance. All of them should be at room temperature.
  • Do not use the "heavy artillery" of your kitchen: mixer, blender and the like. If you beat all the ingredients with a mixer, we get a dough of the consistency of a hockey puck. Just mix the dry ingredients in one bowl and the wet ingredients in another. Then mix everything with a spatula, spoon or whisk.
  • It is not necessary to achieve perfect uniformity of the dough. Let there be small lumps, so it will turn out tastier.

Cooking and decorating muffins

Using my recipe, which is basic and classic, you can create your own. Just add the foods you like to the dough.

To reduce calories, use oatmeal or low-fat cottage cheese instead of flour; instead of milk, you can take kefir or low-fat yogurt. Chocolate can be replaced with your favorite berries (raspberries, blueberries, cherries, strawberries, currants) or fruits (bananas, apples, oranges, peaches).

Jams and preserves are also put in the fillings of sweet muffins. The main thing is to stick to the technology for making muffins, which I indicated in my recipe and cooking tips, and do not make the dough heavier by long whipping. It should be soft and airy. Try to keep proportions.

How to decorate muffins at home? We connect our imagination. Here are a few options: you can sprinkle a “snowball” of powdered sugar on top, melted chocolate, cocoa, or make a glaze. With glaze it turns out very elegant.

In contact with

I mix eggs (whites and yolks) with granulated sugar, I’ll even say more - I beat them with a mixer to get a lush egg mass, which in appearance will resemble a biscuit base. Don't forget the vanilla sugar too.

The whiter the egg mass, the more magnificent the dough will turn out, which means it will be filled with bubbles of whipped egg whites with sugar.

Then melted butter, which has lain in the room for more than 2 hours, I add butter in medium pieces to the dough. The softened butter will beat well with a mixer and the dough will become homogeneous.

Now I pour milk (I don’t heat it for this recipe) at room temperature to the dough to make the dough tastier. Milk fat will also make baked goods softer. Beat again with a mixer all the ingredients.

I pour the sifted air flour and add the baking powder. Gradually knead the dough, medium in density, already stirring with a spoon.

The last step is to add cocoa.

And finally, I add highlights. There must be many. Everyone wants to get raisins, so I do not feel sorry for him, I sprinkle a few handfuls.

I pour the dough into silicone molds (I lightly coat them with vegetable oil), it will be something like thick sour cream. I fill the molds ¾ of the volume and now they are ready for baking.

I bake for 20-25 minutes so that the dessert becomes lush and browned properly. The top may crack slightly. This indicates that the muffins are baked, which means they are ready to be taken out of the oven.

I take out the cooled cupcakes from the molds and put them on a dish for serving.

Be sure to make tea, coffee for those who wish, serve ready-made pastries to the table.

It is the most common and convenient way to cook fragrant pastries in a short time. Such a dessert will complement Sunday breakfast with the family or evening tea. In addition, the ease of preparation allows you to cook muffins at home from simple and affordable ingredients, and the ability to supplement this dish with a wide variety of fillings allows you to surprise your family and friends with new masterpieces every time.

A bit of history

Historically, cornmeal has been used to make classic muffins. To date, there are a large number of versions of the origin of this fragrant pastry. One of them says that the classic version of cooking was offered by English chefs back in the 19th century. From another theory it follows that for the first time the recipe for muffins was developed by German confectioners. Based on both versions of the origin, the name of the dish is translated as "soft and sweet bread".

Everyone liked the classic muffin recipe and after some time became popular not only in European countries, but also in the Middle East and even in America. As a rule, sweet pastries are prepared in two ways - based on yeast dough or using baking powder and soda. Modern housewives most often cook according to the second recipe, as this method allows you to quickly prepare fragrant cupcakes.

Ingredients needed for cooking

The classic muffin recipe is easy to make and uses the same ingredients that you can find in the kitchen or in the nearest supermarket. So, in order to make this pastry, the following products are needed:

  • wheat flour - 250 grams or 1.5 cups;
  • sugar - about 150 grams or an incomplete glass;
  • low-fat milk - 250 ml or one and a half glasses;
  • butter - about 70 grams (it must be melted);
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • baking powder for dough - 2 teaspoons;
  • citrus zest - a teaspoon will be enough;
  • vanilla powder - 10 grams.

If desired, it can be supplemented with various fillers. Fresh berries or jam, fruits, jam, nuts, raisins - all this will make pastries even more delicious and spicy.

Step by step classic muffin recipe

The standard cooking method is as follows:

  • First of all, you need to mix the dry ingredients. Flour, baking powder, salt and sugar, and zest. One caveat should be taken into account: the flour must be soft (you can sift through a sieve), otherwise the muffins will not turn out so airy.
  • Next, you need to take on the liquid ingredients. Mix milk with eggs, beat well with a mixer and add melted butter. By the way, the last component should not be hot, otherwise the eggs will boil.
  • After that, you can combine dry and liquid mass. In this case, the latter should be poured in in small portions, mixing thoroughly - in this case, lumps will not form.
  • Now the dough needs to rest a bit, and at this time you can preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
  • Now it’s worth doing molds, each of which has the shape of a cup with a volume of 120 ml. They must be thoroughly lubricated with vegetable oil. If you want to diversify pastries, you can put pieces of fresh fruit, berries or raisins on the bottom of the molds.
  • After that, the dough must be poured into molds and put in the oven for baking for 20-30 minutes.

An airy and sweet addition to breakfast is ready!

Air cupcakes with orange

In order to prepare orange muffins, you will need the following ingredients:

  • flour - 200 grams;
  • sugar - 130 g;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • vanillin;
  • 1 large orange

First of all, you need to grate the orange zest (only the orange part) and squeeze the juice from the whole fruit. Melt the butter, add eggs, vanilla, sugar to it - beat all the ingredients thoroughly. Add orange juice and zest to the resulting mixture. Then add flour and baking powder and mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

Orange muffins will turn out tender and airy if you use flour sifted through a sieve for their preparation. Next, the dough is poured into molds greased with vegetable oil and baked in the oven for 20-30 minutes. Readiness can be checked with a skewer or toothpick.

cherry muffins

As already mentioned, this pastry goes well with a wide variety of fillings. One of the most common is cherry. In addition, berries can be supplemented with chocolate, almonds or cognac.

To make cherry muffins, you need the following ingredients:

  • 200 g flour and 2 tsp. baking powder;
  • incomplete glass of sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 170 ml of milk;
  • butter 120 grams;
  • berries (can be fresh or canned).

For cooking, it is advisable to use flour sifted through a sieve, which must then be mixed with baking powder. The egg is beaten together with milk and melted (cooled) butter. All components are thoroughly mixed. Fresh cherries are added to the resulting mixture, after which the finished dough should be poured into baking molds.

Place in preheated oven for 25 minutes. Readiness can be checked with a toothpick or an ordinary match. Cherry muffins are ready to eat!

Raisin Baking

The classic cooking recipe is good because it can easily be diversified with all sorts of fillers. Modern housewives make cognac and chocolate dough, prepare muffins with various berry and fruit fillings, and also make muffins with raisins.

To prepare such pastries, you can use the most common method of preparing dough. The only difference is that before pouring the dough into molds, you must add pre-soaked and squeezed raisins. It is worth noting that it is raisins that are the most common filler, which is most often present inside these fragrant cupcakes.

Muffins are a unique pastry. It is good both for a festive feast and for ordinary tea drinking, and the opportunity to create new culinary masterpieces every time is just a godsend for housewives who are happy to experiment with this dish.

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