Home Diseases and pests Dream interpretation of dreams strawberry. Why dream of picking strawberries from the garden: interpretation of the dream book. Dream: eat strawberries

Dream interpretation of dreams strawberry. Why dream of picking strawberries from the garden: interpretation of the dream book. Dream: eat strawberries

What happened in the dream, the action of which developed against the backdrop of strawberries in the garden? None of the dream books ignores the erotic subtext of the dream, but predictions about what the berry means in a dream are not limited to romantic relationships.

Miller's Dream Book about Love and Prosperity

Miller looks for a hint of prosperity in the symbol. The famous berry itself in a dream promises prosperity, recognition, and victory. Picking strawberries from the garden and immediately eating them represents passionate, impatient love. Harvesting crops for sale is interpreted differently - the fortuneteller predicts prosperity and happiness.

Waiting for joy

Let's try to put together dream interpretations that relate to the emotional sphere. The overwhelming majority of plots foretell joy for the dreamer. Why do you dream, for example, of simply seeing red strawberries in the garden? Dream books suggest remembering which happy events will please you the most, because what you want will soon come true.

If you dreamed of being surprised at how much there is of it and how large it is, then expect good news. Large but unripe garden strawberries in a dream are a symbol of delay: it’s not that there’s nothing to please you with, you’ll just have to wait a little. But rotten or dried fruits prophesy distressing news: events will not take the turn you would like.

The Edge of Lust

Most of the erotic forecasts in dream books are an interpretation of what it means to feast on fruits. If you dreamed of eating them right away, where they were collected, the dream reveals a high intensity of love experiences. Enjoying a sweet berry with another character means that the attraction is mutual.

For a girl of marriageable age who in a dream enjoyed eating large red strawberries, interpreters predict a happy marriage. If there were a lot of strawberries in the garden, the young lady would fall in love.

Tearing up small and green food is a sign that there is no need to rush things; large and red food is a sign that it’s time to take action. If you dreamed of eating it, a person will experience love disappointments.

Rotten strawberries in the garden warn against being too gullible; if you tasted them in a dream, it means your feelings will be trampled. Dream books also remind you of the danger of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

Alternative opinion

There are a number of dream books that find a bad omen in strawberry dreams. Their opinion is also worthy of attention. So, a cautious look at what dreams of strawberries in the garden mean:

  • Seeing growing bushes means tears.
  • There are fruits - to the news that you have been slandered.
  • Tearing them down means premature disappointment: hard work will not bring tangible results, although it is a matter of time.
  • Collecting in winter means liver disease.

Reward for work

Why dream of picking strawberries not for yourself? Seeing how you trade it in a dream is a symbol of the coming noble harvest. If you dreamed of giving generously, dream books promise strengthening your reputation; people around you will express gratitude in various forms.

Strawberries are loved by everyone, from small children to the elderly because of their great taste. If you love strawberries, you simply must see them in your dreams. However, there are different interpretations, depending on what kind of strawberries you see in your dream.

Symbolism and psychological - emotional interpretations of a dream about strawberries:

Strawberry is a feminine berry, so it is often a symbol of female sexuality. Hidden in the depths of our subconscious in our dreams, in reality it is a reminder of your own sexual needs. All predictors agree with one of the main interpretations of such dreams: you will meet the opposite sex if you are lucky enough to see strawberries in a dream. The meetings will be of an erotic nature; so you're unlikely to go to the cinema!

Strawberries also indicate jealousy and your envy of someone (a business partner or even a life partner).

Strawberries represent sexual feelings, attraction, envy, passion or new love.

If you enjoy and clearly feel what this berry tastes like in your dream, then you have not yet found the love of your life.

Why does a woman dream about Strawberries?

In a woman’s dream, the taste of strawberries means that she will soon fall in love seriously and for a long time.

Strawberries in a dream also represent her sexual feelings. She has a desire to feel her lover's body nearby.

For a single woman, strawberries mean that her current lover may leave her and fall in love with someone else.

For a married woman, a dream about strawberries indicates that her husband may not be faithful to her.

For those expecting a child, strawberries in a dream mean the happy birth of a daughter; her child will be happy and loved.

Why does a man dream about Strawberries?

A man, seeing himself eating strawberries in a dream, can safely count on a promotion with an increase in salary.

Unfree men who see these berries in a dream will be happy in marriage, and lonely young guys will very soon find their soul mate.

For a single man, also in a dream, strawberries are a sign that the dreamer will soon marry a beautiful and healthy woman.

For a sick person to see strawberries in a dream means complete recovery.

For a business person, such a dream indicates that his business will prosper.

A strawberry of unusual size seen in a dream will bring happiness to your home and a lot of pleasure.

Did you harvest a large harvest of these ripe berries in your dream? You will hear something very flattering and pleasant about yourself.

Wormy strawberries will bring misunderstandings into your life due to jealousy.

If you plant strawberries in a dream, it means that in life you are a very lonely person and are trying with all your might to get rid of loneliness.

The color of the strawberry also plays a huge role:

The red color of the berry is passion and love. Such berries will add romance, flirtation and variety to your sexual relationships in real life.

If you see strawberries of different colors: black, blue, purple, this means that there are people who are lying to you.

If you saw green strawberries in a dream - advice: do not rush into making a decision or performing any complex work; You don’t have enough knowledge, so check every step carefully.

If you see a woman biting a strawberry in a dream, this indicates seduction. Someone is trying to lure you, although you are not very attracted to this person.

A dream that someone besides you eats strawberries is a sign of envy. Don't worry, sleep doesn't mean anything bad!

Taste of strawberries in a dream:

Sweet berries foreshadow a pleasant intimate relationship.

Sour or tasteless berries are a sign of cooling in a relationship.

Eating tasteless or unsweetened strawberries means loss of love or mourning. You live with memories of a long-lost love, and it would be better for you to get rid of them.

There are delicious juicy strawberries; such a dream indicates sexual pleasures in life. You are either already enjoying your sex life or will be in a good sexual relationship.

Rotten berries with traces of mold are dreamed of on the eve of sexually transmitted diseases and even life-threatening diseases.

Cutting strawberries - such a dream indicates a loss in life. It could also mean illness.

If you find yourself harvesting strawberries in your dream, you have many envious people and competitors.

Legal problems will arise in your life if you see yourself cutting this berry into pieces and putting them on a plate.

Eating strawberry jam in your dreams means that you will be lucky and get a job in the government sector. You can also expect your long-awaited wish to come true.

Making strawberry jam and eating it in a dream means that you will have an explanation with your child.

Chocolate covered strawberries in your dream means that you will soon give up your bad habits.

If you see yourself decorating a cake with strawberries, it means that your family is always behind you.

A cake with strawberries foreshadows some joyful event.

If you see only one strawberry in your dream, it refers to the marriage of one of your children.

If you see more than one strawberry in your dream, it means that you will be in a quarrel with the person you love.

And anyone who dreams of a strawberry bed will be in for a pleasant treat.

If you see strawberries in large quantities in a dream, this indicates that you will be very lucky in love.

Strawberry compote in a dream foreshadows a declaration of love or a love note.

Did you dream about how you flatly refuse to eat strawberries? You deliberately deprive yourself of the joys of life by fiercely resisting luck.

If you picked ripe strawberries in a dream, it will bring you happiness.

If you planted strawberries, expect good news.

If you successfully sold it - monetary profit, if you bought it - it’s just condemnation from others.

Did the birds eat all the strawberries? Prepare for grief and tears.

Strawberries in bloom represent the blossoming of a new relationship that will not go beyond light flirting at the first stage.

Have strawberries been stolen from your plot? Ill-wishers will cause you great harm. Unripe berries portend unreasonable jealousy, discord and quarrels.

In Miller's interpretation, ripe and juicy strawberries are a very good omen that will make your dream of new love come true and give you only positive emotions.

Vanga's dream book. People who dreamed of strawberries are heading straight to their happiness, and no one will stop them from doing so.

Gypsy dream book. "Strawberry" dreams predict sudden wealth at home or success in business.

Eastern book of interpretations. Attractive prospects await you soon.

In general, strawberries in a dream are a sign of pleasant changes, both in the personal and business spheres. Unless you saw an overturned basket of berries in a dream! However, such a dream is just the embodiment of your unsatisfied desires, which your subconscious so diligently preserves. Don't let the blues take over you, make a list of what worries you and try to implement at least a small part of it.

Strawberries in a dream, as a rule, represent what you are like inside, what “you taste like” when communicating with loved ones and friends. Therefore, a dream with a negative interpretation is only an impetus for change. Dreams, drawing us into their sweet nets, distract us from everyday worries. It's worse if you don't dream of them; so have strawberry dreams!!

One of the sweetest and most delicious berries often appears in dreams (especially often in women’s dreams). She is a pleasant symbol associated with the love and sexual sphere of life. Information from this article will help you understand more precisely what strawberries mean in dreams. Why do you dream about big red strawberries? The red berry symbol is associated with joyful events, and ripe strawberries are associated with love affairs. However, the meaning of the dream is determined by the nuances accompanying the plot. Let's look at it in detail. Strawberries are loved by everyone, from small children to the elderly because of their great taste. If you love strawberries, you simply must see them in your dreams. However, there are different interpretations, depending on what kind of strawberries you see in your dream.

Why do you dream about strawberries according to Loff’s dream book?

Married people who see strawberries of the proper quality in a dream will be very happy in their marriage, and single citizens will soon meet the one they have been looking for for so long. If you had to pick ripe strawberries, this means that the dreamer is haunted by his former love, which was not reciprocal. The sleeper is already very worried about this, and such a dream only intensifies this pain, pouring salt on an unhealed wound.

Why does a man dream about red strawberries?

A man, seeing himself eating strawberries in a dream, can safely count on a promotion with an increase in salary. Unfree men who see these berries in a dream will be happy in marriage, and lonely young guys will very soon find their soul mate. For a single man, also in a dream, strawberries are a sign that the dreamer will soon marry a beautiful and healthy woman. For a sick person to see strawberries in a dream means complete recovery. For a business person, such a dream indicates that his business will prosper. A strawberry of unusual size seen in a dream will bring happiness to your home and a lot of pleasure. Did you harvest a large harvest of these ripe berries in your dream? You will hear something very flattering and pleasant about yourself. Wormy strawberries will bring misunderstandings into your life due to jealousy. If you plant strawberries in a dream, it means that in life you are a very lonely person and are trying with all your might to get rid of loneliness.

Why do you dream about strawberries according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

A woman who devours strawberry-based dishes on both cheeks will soon fall in love seriously and for a long time. A man who sees himself in this light can safely count on a salary increase. Rotten berries covered with mold symbolize troubles or even death. And if a person sees a lot of already picked strawberries, then he will soon learn something pleasant about himself.

Rotten strawberry

Did you dream about a whole field of rotten berries? You need to take a closer look at your surroundings. The sleeping person trusts too much those who are completely unworthy of it. Because of her own gullibility, she surrounded herself with hypocritical and envious people without noticing it. Eating spoiled strawberries means health problems or separation from a loved one. If the rotten fruits had to be collected in the pockets, the girl’s financial situation will worsen significantly. Rotten berries on the branches of bushes promise misunderstandings with your spouse in reality. If the girl herself does not meet her husband halfway and begins to offer compromises, conflicts may end in divorce.

Interpretation of dreams about red strawberries according to dream books

Most often, red berries are associated with a series of large or small victories ahead of the dreamer.

  1. Vanga's dream book. A person who dreams of strawberries moves straight towards his happiness. And no one can stand in his way.
  2. Dream Interpretation of Hasse. A whole string of small, but very good events awaits ahead.
  3. Dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima. You are about to spend a pleasant but useless day. It’s also not bad, you have to relax sometime!
  4. Dream book of a gypsy. Dreams about strawberries predict unexpected wealth for your home or success for your business.
  5. Eastern women's dream book. Tempting prospects will soon open up before you.
  6. Dream book of lovers. Whatever your thoughts are now, you will achieve your intended goal.
  7. Children's dream book. There is a meeting with friends at the club.
  8. Dream book of Felomena. You will have the opportunity to have fun in a big company with your loved one (or beloved).
  9. Miller's Dream Book. Meeting a tasty berry in a dream foreshadows a sweet love story in reality.
  10. Freud's Dream Book. Strawberries represent sexual pleasure, passion and a sense of satisfaction. Hurry up and prepare your fragrant berries and cream! Looks like you and your loved one will figure out how to use them.
  11. Dream Book of the Wanderer. Dreaming of berries predicts an exciting love adventure.
  12. Esoteric dream book. New romantic relationships will begin that will bring you only joy. No sourness, no regrets!

Blooming strawberry bushes represent the blossoming of relationships. Perhaps the matter will not go beyond light flirting, and maybe it will result in something interesting in the future. Find out over time.

Why does a woman dream about red strawberries?

In a woman’s dream, the taste of strawberries means that she will soon fall in love seriously and for a long time. Strawberries in a dream also represent her sexual feelings. She has a desire to feel her lover's body nearby. For a single woman, strawberries mean that her current lover may leave her and fall in love with someone else. For a married woman, a dream about strawberries indicates that her husband may not be faithful to her. For those expecting a child, strawberries in a dream mean the happy birth of a daughter; her child will be happy and loved.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of red strawberries?

If an expectant mother sees spoiled berries in a dream, this portends her disappointment in her husband. Most likely, while on maternity leave, a man will show himself from a completely new negative side. Mash the berries with your hands - to premature birth. And throwing them out the window means a quick divorce. It happens that a pregnant woman dreams of strawberries in different forms because she is tired of a monotonous, boring life. Something needs to be changed about it as soon as possible. Pregnancy is not at all an obstacle to happiness and joyful moments in life.

Why do you dream about strawberries according to Hasse’s dream book?

A strawberry can be a harbinger of some minor, but very pleasant events in the life of a sleeper. If a person sees in a dream that he is eating this berry, it means that he will soon meet his true love. Have you ever sold strawberries at the market? This leads to increased income. And when the dreamer diligently looks after the bushes, he will soon take up some kind of work that will not bring him either money or moral satisfaction. Watching someone else do it is good. This means that this work will be done by an outsider.

The taste of strawberries in a dream

A cake with strawberries foreshadows some joyful event. If you see only one strawberry in your dream, it refers to the marriage of one of your children. If you see more than one strawberry in your dream, it means that you will be in a quarrel with the person you love. And anyone who dreams of a strawberry bed will be in for a pleasant treat. If you see strawberries in large quantities in a dream, this indicates that you will be very lucky in love. Strawberry compote in a dream foreshadows a declaration of love or a love note. Did you dream about how you flatly refuse to eat strawberries? You deliberately deprive yourself of the joys of life by fiercely resisting luck. If you picked ripe strawberries in a dream, it will bring you happiness. If you planted strawberries, expect good news. If you successfully sold it - monetary profit, if you bought it - it’s just condemnation from others. Did the birds eat all the strawberries? Prepare for grief and tears. Strawberries in bloom represent the blossoming of a new relationship that will not go beyond light flirting at the first stage. Have strawberries been stolen from your plot? Ill-wishers will cause you great harm. Unripe berries portend unreasonable jealousy, discord and quarrels. In Miller's interpretation, ripe and juicy strawberries are a very good omen that will make your dream of new love come true and give you only positive emotions.

Who dreams of red strawberries, a girl or a man?

If a girl or single woman in a dream picks red juicy strawberries and eats them, very soon she will meet great love. The reputation of the sweet berry is so great that the prediction is considered true even for those who have had the opportunity to enjoy not the whole fruit, but strawberry jam or cakes with pieces of berries. If a young lady has already met her soulmate, but did not have time to seal the relationship with official ties, a strawberry dream will predict her a short but sweet pastime in the arms of her beloved. You are guaranteed a few days alone with each other, and then it is possible that a light romance will develop into something serious. Married women will get a chance for a second honeymoon. If a pregnant woman sees strawberries in a dream, her child will be loved and happy by everyone. A man who indulges in “berry gourmet” at night will most likely receive a promotion at work.

Why do you dream about big, large strawberries?

Huge berries seen in a dream foretell pleasure. When a girl eats a big strawberry, it means that she lacks thrills in life, but soon everything will change, and she will get everything she has dreamed of for so long.

What kind of strawberries did you dream about: red, green, large, rotten?

A dream about ripe, juicy, bright red berries signals to married couples that their love boat is in perfect order and is moving on the right course. Most likely, your relationship has enough love, passion, and warmth. Keep your sails low, you are made for each other; for bachelors and unmarried people - about the opportunity to start a family. If you're already dating someone, but haven't decided to take the relationship to the next level, here's a good reason to do it. The marriage may turn out to be extremely successful; lonely dreamers are promised the most tremendous changes. You have a chance not only to start a new romance, receiving a lot of positive emotions from it, but also to meet the main love of your life.

Why do you dream of eating strawberries?

If in a dream you happened to eat strawberries straight from the garden, then soon there will be a romantic date, on which the dreamer will simply melt in the arms of his other half. Eating an unripe berry means dissatisfaction with your partner. Eating ripe, large strawberries means that the object of your desire will soon reciprocate.

Man and woman holding strawberries with their teeth in their sleep

It is believed that the larger the berries in the dream, the more weight future events will have. A small strawberry predicts minor changes and sweet but easy flirting. Did you dream about incredibly large, giant berries? A wave of stunning feeling will overwhelm you, but will not drown you, but will lift you to seventh heaven and even higher. Those whose berries in the dream had a clear flaw were less fortunate. Seeing green strawberries is advice not to rush into fulfilling your plans. Either you lack knowledge or preparation, or the time has not yet come to implement bold plans. In a word, be patient and move forward, carefully checking every step.

If the berries don’t taste good - sour, unripe, rotten - think about your personal life. What don't you like about it? Coldness and lack of sincerity in your relationship with your current partner? Or maybe you've been alone for too long? Be that as it may, it’s time to pause your career and put things in order in the sphere of feelings. You need it. Frankly spoiled, dry strawberries are considered a symbol of a “dried up” feeling and a harbinger of betrayal or quarrels, even to the point of breaking up the relationship. Wormy predicts numerous misunderstandings based on jealousy. A worm of doubt has settled in one of the partners, which undermines the trust in the couple. Rotten berries with traces of mold represent sexually transmitted diseases, misfortune and even a threat to life.

Why do you dream about red strawberries in a dream?

A lonely person who dreams of a red strawberry will soon no longer be lonely. And if such a dream was seen by someone who already has an object of desire, then such a lucky person will experience unprecedented passion. Eating red berries in a dream means good news, and picking them means fantastic luck.

Why do you dream about red strawberries?

If in a dream you looked at a plate with a delicious pile of ripe berries, you can rejoice - this is a symbol of joyful changes in your personal life. And one, but beautiful and large strawberry marks a career, slowly but surely moving uphill. Interpreters attach the same meaning to dreams about berries lying in the dreamer’s palm. Strawberries in the refrigerator predict a meeting with a person with whom the relationship has been “frozen” for some time. Whatever the reason, there will be a chance to renew communication, which you will be glad about. And the one who wandered through a berry field in a dream: either will soon learn something pleasant about himself; or will gain family well-being and prosperity; or small joys and pleasures will draw him into their sweet nets, distracting him from important concerns.

Don't give in! Here is a basket of berries, alas, an offensive sign. It is considered the embodiment of unsatisfied desires that your memory diligently accumulates. To prevent the blues from taking over you, make a list of what interests you and try to bring at least a small part of it to life. Moreover, do this if in a dream the basket overturned and its sweet contents rolled across the floor. This is considered a sure sign that you will be able to realize your desires, including erotic ones. For keen gardeners born between September and December, sleep may be at hand. The strawberry harvest on your plot promises to exceed all expectations!

We all love the taste of ripe juicy strawberries - a healthy and appetizing berry. Sometimes the desire to eat sweet fruits turns out to be so strong that people see them in their dreams, and then try to interpret it correctly. Why do you dream about strawberries? Our subconscious works in such an amazing way that sometimes it tries to convey some information to us through dreams. All that remains is to reliably interpret everything you see in order to be prepared for possible changes in your life in the future.

Perhaps such dreams are not just a consequence of a mad love for juicy berries? And the subconscious, using such an image, is trying to warn about something? In this article we will tell you what big red strawberries usually mean in dreams and what life changes you should prepare for.

The art of interpretation

Studying the dream book, you will notice that the same dream can have a dozen different interpretations. How, then, can we find the correct explanation?

In fact, looking for the answer to a dream and re-reading several interpretations of its meanings, each person will only intuitively be able to choose among them the only correct interpretation. The answer will be prompted by the subconscious itself, which will immediately point to the correct solution as soon as the correct answer appears.

It is not difficult to explain this amazing work of the brain. It’s just that different interpretations serve as certain clues that allow us to interpret all the images we see. At the same time, our subconscious knows exactly what this or that dream wanted to tell us. The most difficult task remains for a person - trusting his own feelings, using clues to find and pull out the correct explanation of the pictures he saw.

This amazing ability of a person to decipher his own dreams was noticed by Sigmund Freud. Studying in detail the experiences and mental disorders of his patients, he helped them find the correct interpretation of all dreams. As a result, people themselves began to find suitable values ​​without any difficulty, following the tips of the brilliant psychologist.

Using the same algorithm of actions, you can independently find the solution you are interested in, and the data from the dream book will act as guiding information. The more interpretations are presented there, the more likely it is that you will find the correct solution.

Seductive berries in a dream

Most often, strawberries in a dream symbolize tempting prospects and pleasant pleasures that will accompany you in life.

  • If you dream of bright red ripe strawberries...

    1. This promises you: strong love and happy family ties.
    2. For those who have not yet managed to start a family, such a dream promises a quick meeting with a long-awaited soulmate or significant changes in your relationship with a loved one that will tie you in marriage.
    3. If there are some misunderstandings and conflicts between lovers, such a dream foreshadows a speedy resolution of all troubles and a favorable outcome of the dispute.
  • If you saw in a dream a whole field of ripe berries, it means in reality all sorts of everyday joys and pleasures will distract you from more important serious matters.

  • I dream of a big red strawberry...
  • If in a dream you have to pick strawberries...

Dreams with berry fields

Eating strawberries in a dream, seeing berries of varying quality

Berries in the kitchen

Did you see ripe berries in the house? Such a dream is a favorable symbol of success in any endeavors and affairs.

Some sources help decipher even certain dishes with strawberries:

  1. Strawberry pie - for pleasant events;
  2. Berry jelly - to quick changes in your personal life.
  3. Strawberry drinks are a sign of a fun and positive pastime.
  4. Berry chocolate cake - to fulfill all your cherished desires.
  5. Semolina porridge with pieces of strawberries - for a declaration of love.

Miller's Dream Book and Strawberries

The most famous and popular is Miller’s dream book, in which a separate place is given to deciphering dreams about strawberries. According to Miller, eating tasteless sour strawberries means difficult obstacles on the path of life, and washing the berries in water means strong, strong feelings. Buying a delicacy serves as a harbinger of an escalation of the conflict between two lovers.

In Miller's dream book you can find several more interpretations of such dreams.

We all love the taste of ripe juicy strawberries - a healthy and appetizing berry. Sometimes the desire to eat sweet fruits turns out to be so strong that people see them in their dreams, and then try to interpret it correctly. Why do you dream about strawberries? Our subconscious works in such an amazing way that sometimes it tries to convey some information to us through dreams. All that remains is to reliably interpret everything you see in order to be prepared for possible changes in your life in the future.

Perhaps such dreams are not just a consequence of a mad love for juicy berries? And the subconscious, using such an image, is trying to warn about something? In this article we will tell you what big red strawberries usually mean in dreams and what life changes you should prepare for.

Studying the dream book, you will notice that the same dream can have a dozen different interpretations. How, then, can we find the correct explanation?

In fact, looking for the answer to a dream and re-reading several interpretations of its meanings, each person will only intuitively be able to choose among them the only correct interpretation. The answer will be prompted by the subconscious itself, which will immediately point to the correct solution as soon as the correct answer appears.

It is not difficult to explain this amazing work of the brain. It’s just that different interpretations serve as certain clues that allow us to interpret all the images we see. At the same time, our subconscious knows exactly what this or that dream wanted to tell us. The most difficult task remains for a person - trusting his own feelings, using clues to find and pull out the correct explanation of the pictures he saw.

Using the same algorithm of actions, you can independently find the solution you are interested in, and the data from the dream book will act as guiding information. The more interpretations are presented there, the more likely it is that you will find the correct solution.

Seductive berries in a dream

Most often, strawberries in a dream symbolize tempting prospects and pleasant pleasures that will accompany you in life.

  • If you dream of bright red ripe strawberries...
    1. This promises you: strong love and happy family ties.
    2. For those who have not yet managed to start a family, such a dream promises a quick meeting with a long-awaited soulmate or significant changes in your relationship with a loved one that will tie you in marriage.
    3. If there are some misunderstandings and conflicts between lovers, such a dream foreshadows a speedy resolution of all troubles and a favorable outcome of the dispute.
  • If you saw in a dream a whole field of ripe berries, it means in reality all sorts of everyday joys and pleasures will distract you from more important serious matters.
  • I dream of a big red strawberry...
    1. To unforgettable love pleasures that promise a sea of ​​passion and pleasure.
    2. Large berries also symbolize the ardent passionate feelings of people in love with each other.
    3. However, certain dream books decipher such dreams as a harbinger of the early beginning of a stormy love affair, which will remain in your memories for a long time.
  • If in a dream you have to pick strawberries...
    1. This could mean unrequited love or monotonous routine work that will not bring you any moral pleasure.
    2. If a completely different person picks the berries, then you will be able to avoid doing complex, uninteresting work.
    3. There are interpretations in which picking strawberries is interpreted as non-standard and creative thinking, allowing a person to generate and implement unusual ideas and ideas. Dreams in which you care for strawberries in the garden or water them have the same interpretation.
    4. Such a dream can also mean recently experienced experiences caused by unrequited love feelings.

Dreams with berry fields

  • Dreams in which you see huge fields with a lot of berries foreshadow family well-being and prosperity.
  • If in a dream you deliberately trample and spoil the strawberry beds, in reality you should look around and think: perhaps you do not notice the happiness that is nearby and are led by your own illusions. Perhaps you should take a closer look at the people around you and appreciate those who are sincerely disposed towards you.

Eating strawberries in a dream, seeing berries of varying quality

Berries in the kitchen

Did you see ripe berries in the house? Such a dream is a favorable symbol of success in any endeavors and affairs.

  • If you dreamed of a plate with a lot of strawberries, prepare yourself for a significant event that will change your whole life for the better.
  • If there was only one berry on the plate, then expect a speedy career take-off and great achievements in your professional field.
  • A dream in which you enjoy delicious strawberries and cream or feast on a sweet strawberry dessert means a lack of love in your life.
  • Making strawberry jam is a sign of everyday chores and household chores.
  • Finding ripe berries in the refrigerator is a sign of a long-awaited meeting.
  • Holding strawberries in your hands is a sign of pleasant changes in life.

Some sources help decipher even certain dishes with strawberries:

  1. Strawberry pie - for pleasant events;
  2. Berry jelly - to quick changes in your personal life.
  3. Strawberry drinks are a sign of a fun and positive time.
  4. Berry chocolate cake - to fulfill all your cherished desires.
  5. Semolina porridge with strawberry pieces is a declaration of love.

Miller's Dream Book and Strawberries

In Miller’s dream book you can find several more interpretations of similar dreams:

A sweet, tasty berry in a dream is always a harbinger of good and pleasant events in life. Therefore, such dreams can be interpreted exclusively in a positive context.

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