Home Diseases and pests Phenomenal memory test. Human memory test: based on recommendations. memory for numbers

Phenomenal memory test. Human memory test: based on recommendations. memory for numbers

Memory is a mental form of the nervous and mental activity of a person to retain, accumulate, store and reproduce the information that he passes through his organs of perception.

The process of memory loss is called hypomnesia. Usually the problem occurs with age or as a result of some kind of brain disease (sclerosis of cerebral vessels, epilepsy, etc.).

However, often young people also complain about the weakening of memory. It is important here not to confuse illness with the selectivity of our memory. If you just talked to a person and forgot his name or dictated phone number, this is not a reason to run to the doctor. Often this is the ability of the brain to sort out the more and less important aspects of information for you. But if you, after talking with a person, and after a while cannot remember what was discussed in the conversation, you have a direct road to a specialist.

Causes of memory impairment

There are several reasons for memory impairment, as well as for any physiological process of the body. Here are those well-known external causes that generally have a detrimental effect on human health and, in particular, on the weakening of memory:

Poor ecology, pollution of the air we breathe. Brain cells need oxygen to function, which is becoming more and more problematic in our gassed city.

Poor sleep, frequent manifestations of insomnia, because it is in a dream that all recovery processes take place in the body. Healthy, uninterrupted sleep is especially important, which must necessarily begin before 24:00 and end at 6-8:00 in the morning.

Information overload that we all experience: the Internet, radio, television. A large amount of information unexpectedly falls on the brain, or a person himself clogs it with unnecessary “trash”.

Psychological fatigue, stress, nervous overload also cause memory impairment.
Banal laziness is familiar to many, when a person, the same student, who until recently kept a lot of information in his head, after graduating, stopped reading altogether, counts with a calculator, keeps all records of cases through a notebook. The brain abruptly stopped receiving signals for memorization, it turns off completely, and a person will not remember elementary things tomorrow.

Poor nutrition, lack of vitamins, lack of natural products, which contain a lot of preservatives, food additives that are harmful to the body.

As you can see, all the reasons are external, not a word about genetics, so any person can even improve his memory given by nature.


To get started, take a simple test that will help you find out how efficient your memory is on elementary things.
Answer the following questions (yes / no):

1. Are you able to enter the pin code on your mobile phone or ATM the first time?

2. Do you quickly remember the first name or first name + patronymic of new acquaintances?

3. Do you often lose (forgotten where you put it) little things that are so necessary in life like keys, lipstick, comb, glasses?

4. Do you sometimes forget about an appointment or forget about a call that is expected from you?

5. Do you get enough sleep?

6. Can you focus on the main, important thing at the moment?

7. Do you often ask questions: did you forget to turn off the iron, stove, water, light?

8. Do you remember the birthdays of your family, friends and colleagues well?

nine . How often do you rest and relax?

10. Do you find it difficult to remember what date and day of the week it is today?

11. Do you often hear reproaches about being optional from relatives and colleagues?

12. Do you have to make a grocery list ahead of time so you don't forget to buy what you need?

14. Is it possible to solve crosswords and other puzzles at least 70 percent?

15 Do you write down everything that needs to be done in a day, and then constantly check the list?

17. It happens that they went somewhere and for some reason, when they arrived at the place, they forgot why they came?

18. Does it happen that when you tell another story or anecdote to your friends, they tell you that you have already told it?

19. If you have 3 SIM cards, do you remember all your mobile numbers?

20. You tell - you were interrupted, do you quickly remember what they were talking about?

5 answers "YES" - in our time the norm.
Indeed, memory can sometimes fail. It's quite normal. We are not robots and
computers, so as not to forget and not make mistakes.

6 to 10 "YES" answers - slight memory deficit.
This is also quite acceptable, but under certain conditions: you are overcome by illness, mental stress, stress, depression, overwork, etc. In this case, it is better to contact a psychotherapist, drink herbal sedative teas.

From 11 to 20 answers "YES" - memory deficit, diagnosis!
Here you need to take care of yourself and be sure to take action. Go through a medical examination, find the cause of the problem and undergo treatment, pills and herbal teas will not do here.


This test is considered one of the best in the range of tests for Alzheimer's. It is advisable to carefully read the entire text, to the end. Take your time, find a pattern, and then for the second or third time you will simply swallow the text with your eyes. This is the nature of a healthy brain. So, keep it up!

94NN03 S006SCH3NN3 P0K4ZY8437, K4KN3 U9N8N73LNY3 83SCHN M0ZH37 93L47L N4Sh R4ZUM! 8P3CH47LAYUSCHN3 83SCHN! CH4CH4L4 E70 6YL0 7RU9N0, N0 S3YCH4S N4 E70Y S7R0K3 84SH R4ZOOM CHN7437 E70 4870M47NCH3SKN, N3 Z49UMY84YAS 06 E70M. G0P9NSH! LNSH 0PR393L3NNY3 LU9N M0GU7 PR0CHN747E70.

Did you read it easily? No signs of Alzheimer's.

For reference:

Alois Alzheimer (German: Alois Alzheimer; Alois Alzheimer, June 14, 1864, Marktbreit, Germany - December 19, 1915, Breslau, Germany) - German psychiatrist and neurologist, author of many articles on such issues as alcoholic psychosis, schizophrenia, epilepsy, syphilis of the brain, Huntington's chorea, arteriosclerotic atrophy of the brain (1894), presenile psychosis (1907).

He received his medical education in Würzburg, then lived and worked in Frankfurt. At the age of 31, Alzheimer became the head of a research institute, where he worked for the rest of his life. In 1904-1915 he published a six-volume work "Histological and histopathological studies of the gray matter of the brain."

Alzheimer made a significant contribution to the study of the pathology of the nervous system. The study of senile dementia, known as "Alzheimer's disease", immortalized his name. Based on the results of his own fundamental research, he described the fundamental differences between vascular and neurodegenerative dementia.

Alzheimer's colleague, the German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin, later named a form of senile dementia after Alzheimer's.

How to improve memory and attention at home

We train memory. We begin to train our memory in the same way as we train muscles.

Very often, when meeting people, they immediately forget the named names, this is because at this moment, we read information about the person we see. A stereotype is triggered: almost all names are familiar to us, and the brain turns off in this direction. Learn to focus your attention at the right moments and where it is needed.

When riding in transport, look carefully for 3-5 seconds at two or three people, turn away and ask yourself what you managed to remember: what color is the jacket of the first, the hat of the second, and how long is the hair of the third.

Below is a summary memory improvement technique by I.I. Poloneychik- Head of the Center for Intelligent Technologies, today recognized as the most successful in the post-Soviet space. It's called the accumulation system. The essence of the method is as follows:

Wake up your brains, change your occupation, expand the scope of your hobbies. If you are interested in investing, switch to politics, healthy eating, or the arts.

Read books, learn poetry, memorize passages of prose that are especially difficult to remember, solve crossword puzzles. It is important here that the process brings pleasure, brings joy to you, then there will be success.
And it is especially important that the verses are good, the classics are better, because our brain is very selective, but it is no less important that you like these verses.

The Japanese have proven that mental counting improves memory well, children who count “in their minds” at school are much smarter and have a better memory than their peers with calculators.

Calculate the date by day of the week and vice versa. For example, today is Saturday, March 1, and what date will be on Friday in a week? Or will March 23 be on what day?

Name 100 names of countries, cities, capitals of states, rivers and lakes in 100 seconds. Or think of 100 words in 100 seconds in alphabetical order. Speed ​​is very important here. Let not 100 for a hundred succeed, but the brain will work and this will already give results.

It has been established that it is very important to diversify your occupation, which stimulates the establishment of new connections of nerve cells in the brain, and even causes the growth of these cells, contributing to an increase in the quality of memory.

Our memory is inertial, at first you will forget about these exercises, you will be too lazy to do them, but take it under control and in two, maximum three weeks you will notice the results.

Eat food rich in vitamins E, C, trace elements.

It has been noticed that people who diet, smoke and drink alcohol, as well as those who do not eat breakfast in the morning, suffer from poor memory. So draw your own conclusions!

Be always healthy, with a wonderful memory and a clear mind!

Online and without registration.

Here is a selection of 10 tests to test various different types of memory, reaction speed, concentration, mental flexibility, spatial imagination and abstract thinking. They should be taken from a computer in a relaxed atmosphere.

If some test is too difficult, then you should think about becoming a little more attentive to your health (drink 10 cups of coffee a day instead of 20, start sleeping at least 5 hours, eat at least 2 times a day) and make time to practice this skill.

And if in some test you showed a brilliant result, then this is another reason to be proud of yourself and thank your parents for good heredity. On the passage all tests from the article will take no more than 15-20 minutes.

1. Visual memory

Pictures flash on the screen. The faster you realize that you have already seen some kind of picture and press the space bar, the more points you will get. At the end, get a verdict on whether your visual memory is up to par.

2. Speed ​​of reaction

Click on the test screen as quickly as possible if you see a green color. For men under 35, the normal reaction speed does not exceed 0.2 seconds. But if it is less than 0.4, then you don’t have to worry about your health and everything is OK. It is best to take this test using a mouse.

3. Memory for numbers

Phone numbers consist of seven digits for a reason, as this is the maximum convenient number for most people to remember. If you were able to memorize (in a limited time) a 14-digit number, then you can be proud of yourself. And if you fell on 4-5, then you may have some problems and you should repeat the test at another time.

4. Memory for words

Look at the word that appears on the screen and remember whether it was shown to you or not. The test is very short and at the end you will find out how many percent of those who passed the test memorize words worse than you.

5. Memory for faces

Face recognition test from Cambridge University psychologists. Boring and rather long (several minutes). I thought I didn't recognize people after changing hairstyles/clothes due to bad eyesight, but it turned out that there are indeed some problems with face recognition.

6. Spatial imagination

Look at the picture on the left and see if it matches the picture on the right when you turn it around. If you scored more than 100 points, then everything is fine with you.

7. Abstract thinking

A simplified version of the tags familiar from childhood. Here you need to score at least 20 points.

8. Focus

If you manage to select more than 30 words in 2 minutes, then your result is already above average. The maximum result is 70 words.

9. Flexibility

Look at the text and determine what color it is written in. Press on the keyboard the first letter of the name of this color. Link go to stats you can see the results of other test participants.

10. Speed

In 5 minutes, you need to have time to answer 41 simple questions (multiply two numbers, continue the number series, determine the correspondence of the word to the picture). Scored more than 70% correct answers - you are a normal person.

At the end of many tests there is an opportunity to compare yourself with others. You can also post the results in the comments and discuss them with other iPhones readers.

But don't take the results too seriously. Firstly, even if your visual memory has suddenly deteriorated, for example, it may well not interfere with your ability to cope with your work duties and have no effect on relationships with people.

And secondly, the result is affected by the amount of sleep, mood, day of the cycle, blood alcohol, fatigue and other temporary factors. Tomorrow you can pass the same tests with a completely different result.

    You have a very low memory level. Usually you find it difficult to remember what you did yesterday and where you were, let alone the dates of some events. Although, on the one hand, a bad memory is beneficial for you, because after a short period of time you forget about your mistakes, which is why you do not suffer from feelings of guilt and shame. Yes, and when living the pain of breaking up relationships or other troubles, you are able to quickly recover. But as for work, it is difficult to rely on you, because you may not be prepared for some meeting or forget where you put the necessary document. Yes, and close people can sometimes be offended by you because you lose sight of important dates and events. But there is nothing wrong with this indicator, it is quite possible to train the memory, the main thing is to devote time to classes every day and give all your best. Check out the article.

    This is the average, which means that everything is fine with your memory, but you could be more productive if you increased the indicator. Usually you remember significant events well, up to the date, but as for everything else, you may well lose sight of the fact that, for example, you signed up for a hairdresser in the first half of the day or your boss asked you to come in an hour. Have you noticed that you are going to another room, and suddenly you find that you don’t remember at all why you went there? Most likely, not all information is kept in your head due to the usual absent-mindedness. You do not attach much importance to words, requests and events, which is why you instantly forget about them. Or, conversely, due to excessive concentration on their inner experiences and thoughts. In any case, use the recommendations from the article.

    I congratulate you, your memory is simply phenomenal. Usually you remember everything to the smallest detail, and you can quite tell how much a bus ticket cost 15 years ago, or how much your favorite ice cream was sold in childhood. It will not be difficult for you to name all your previous phone numbers, and also about the year in which which model appeared - too. There may be difficulties in relationships, because not all friends and loved ones are comfortable with the fact that you remember all their missteps perfectly, and you can even point them out on occasion. Yes, and sometimes it’s not easy for yourself because it’s difficult to let go of situations and resentments. But in your work you are an ideal employee, a large amount of information does not scare you at all, you will deal with it and will actively use it in your future activities. I want to suggest learning one way that will only enhance your success, see the article

Determine your visual memory level by answering our free online psychological test. We tested 151,014 people.

Our test will assess the level of your visual memory. Try to focus and not be distracted. The use of paper and pen, phone and camera is prohibited!

The test contains 10 tasks with increasing difficulty!

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