Home Diseases and pests Plant quiz. Quiz “Plant and animal world of the globe. Competition "Mysteries about medicinal plants"

Plant quiz. Quiz “Plant and animal world of the globe. Competition "Mysteries about medicinal plants"

Entertaining questions about plants with answers for elementary school students can be used as a preparation for the Olympiad on the world around, ecology. And also as additional material in the classroom, quiz questions or the release of an educational newspaper with the children.

1. What plants can live without water? (There are no such plants)

2. Is the tree the champion of Siberia in terms of growth rate? (Poplar)

3. What are juniper leaves called? (Needles)

4. What wood are matches made of and why? (Aspen, low resin content)

5. What forests are called taiga? (Coniferous with an admixture of birch and aspen)

6. How do flowering plants reproduce? (Seeds, cuttings, tubers, layering, whiskers, parts of the root or rhizome, bulbs)

7. Plants that make people cry? (Bow, fuck)

8. What features do tundra plants have? (Low growing, short roots, short flowering period, very slow growth)

9. Plants in which the leaf is smooth on one side and rough on the other (Matya's stepmother, various-leaved calf)

10. What plant blooms in spring without leaves? (Mother - and - stepmother, backache or sleep - grass)

11. What color is the trunk of an aspen? (Green)

12. What plants produce sugar? (Sugar beet, sugar cane, sugar dahlias)

13. Which tree in the Kemerovo region blooms last of the year? (Limes in July)

14. What shrub is the most durable? (Juniper, up to 1000 years old)

15. What is the name of the juice of honey plants? (Nectar)

16. What is the name of the peanut (Peanut)

17. What are the names of the leaves of coniferous plants? (Needles)

18. Plants from the seeds of which oils are obtained (Hemp, sunflower, olives, sea buckthorn, soybeans, cotton, rapeseed, etc.)

19. Coniferous plant, the cones of which do not hang from the branches, but are raised up (Fir, larch)

20. The plant that gave the name to the church holiday (Verba - Palm Sunday)

21. Plants bearing female names (Maryin root, rose, veronica, lily, pansies, Victoria, etc.)

22. Plants bearing male names (Ivan-tea, cornflower, vanka-wet, etc.)

23. What color are the flowers of the Ivan da Marya plant? (Maria - yellow, Ivan - blue-violet)

24. Flower pearl? (Daisy)

25. Sun flower in Japan and China? (Chrysanthemum)

26. A flower that, according to legend, grew out of a speck of dust that fell from a star? (Astra is a star in Latin)

27. What plant was first cotton wool, and then became a shirt? (cotton)

28. Which field is covered with “snow” in summer? (cotton, dandelion meadow)

29. How can you write a four-letter word - “fragrant grass”? (Hay, mint)

30. From the seeds of which plant did they learn how to make milk, sausages, sweets, gasoline, etc.? (Soya)

31. What is the largest berry? (pumpkin, watermelon)

32. How can you tell the age of a tree from a stump? (Count the rings on the wood)

33. Why is wood harvested in winter more valued than firewood harvested in summer? (Firewood is dry in winter)

34. Plants whose names contain the note “to” (Water collection, plantain, sweet clover, adonis, water paint, etc.)

35. What is the most common tree in the forests of our country? (Larch. Occupies large areas in Eastern and Western Siberia)

36. What grass of our country grows taller than trees? (hop)

37. What poisonous plant is called the bird's eye? (Crow's eye)

38. Do evergreen conifers change leaves? (Yes. Change over several years depending on the type of plant)

39. What is formed from a bud? (Flower)

40. What is formed from a flower? (Fetus)

41. What adaptations do desert plants have to live in the heat which dry climate? (Leaves modified into spines or absent altogether; leaves may be narrow, heavily hairy; long roots; stems modified to function as water storage and photosynthesis)

42. What plants hibernate with leaves? (Coniferous)

43. Coniferous deciduous tree, sheds leaves for the winter? (Larch)

44. The most frost-resistant plant? (Larch)

45. Which plant has the longest childhood? (At the fir)

46. ​​What herbaceous plant grows the fastest? (Bamboo)

47. The flower of which plant was used by the court ladies of the French queen as an ornament for their hairstyle? (Potato)

48. In which plants does a golden flower give a white fluff? (Dandelion, coltsfoot, sow thistle)

49. The most terrible enemy of the forest? (Fire)

50. Which plant tolerates fires better than others? (Baobab)

51. Plants from which tissue is obtained? (Cotton, linen, hemp)

52. Which tree leaf turns yellow first? (Birch)

53. What flower changes its color four times? (Lungwort. It blooms pink, after a few days it becomes purple, then purple, and when it fades, it turns blue)

54. What are the most widespread crops in the world? (cereals)

55. What plant burns? (Nettle)

56. What nettle does not burn? (Lamb nettle white deaf nettle)

57. The tree of the forests of South America, from the fruits of which oil, milk, sugar, wine and much more are obtained? (Coconut palm)

58. The fruits of which subtropical plant are used for food and for making oil? (olives)

59. Desert tree - sinks in water, breaks like glass on impact (Saksaul)

61. What plant is the most powerful pump? (Eucalyptus)

62. "Queen" of the desert - keeps her head on fire and her feet in the water? (Date palm)

63. What is the name of a plot isolated from the main forest area, consisting of trees of the same age? (Grove)

64. Which plant runs? (Tumbleweed)

65. What is the name of dried grapes? (Raisin)

66. What inflorescences are found in cereals? (Complex ear, panicle, cob)

67. What is the name of the collection of dried plants? (Herbarium)

68. What is the name of the plant - no one scares, but the whole trembles ? ( Aspen)

69. Which forests of the middle belt evaporate the most water? (deciduous forests)

70. Why do seeds germinate faster in loose soil? (It is easier for sprouts to get to the sun, and roots to moisture)

71. Why is the weed plant shepherd's purse so named? (The seeds are like a shepherd's bag)

72. What tree of our forests is called a "breadwinner", a tree - a cow? (Siberian pine)

73. What is the name of the plant - bitter in haymaking, and sweet in frost? (Rowan)

74. What berry is not afraid of snow? (Cranberry, lingonberry, viburnum, mountain ash)

75. What is the name of the most musical tree? (Spruce, as musical instruments are made from it)

76. Which tree leaves its autumn attire for the winter? (Oak)

77. At what time of the year does leaf fall occur - coniferous fall at spruce? (in early spring)

78. When does a birch scatter its seeds? (in winter)

79. Which tree has the smallest nuts? (Alders, lindens)

80. Which tree sinks in water, but does not rot? (Larch)

81. On what coniferous plant do "berries" sing? (Juniper - he has cones, cypress)

82. The roots of what grass is called cat's joy? (Valerian)

83. Why can't people find the legendary fern flower even on the night of Ivan Kupala? (Ferns don't bloom because they reproduce by spores)

84. Does a tree grow in winter? (No, it "sleeps")

85. What plants are called snowdrops? (which appear in early spring from under the snow; they have a short development cycle and it begins under the snow)

86. What flowers appear very first? (Verba, mother - and - stepmother)

87. Where does the "head" of a sunflower face in the afternoon? (Towards the sun, i.e. south)

88. Which leaf of a tree adorns the coat of arms and the flag of Canada? (Maple)

89. A tree that is called the "lungs" of the city? (Poplar)

90. Which plant has the largest:

Leaves (Victoria amazonica, diameter over 2 m)

Flowers (Rafflesia Arnold, diameter 1 m, weight 6 kg)

Fruits (Breadfruit from Southeast Asia, weight 6 kg)

Seeds (Seychelles palm, length 0.5 m, weight 30 kg)

91. Plants predators of our places (Dewdrop, pemphigus)

92. What plants are the most:

High (Eucalyptus - 162 m)

Thick (Baobab - up to 50 m in girth)

Long (Rattan - 440 m)

93. What plants are considered:

The main bread of the world (Wheat)

Breadwinner of the East (Fig)

- the main vegetable of the world (cabbage)

94. What plants are considered a symbol:

Mira (Oliva)

Sun (Lotus)

Inaccessibility (Edelweiss)

Obsessions (burdock)

95. Why oak is more common than other trees exposed to lightning? Oak is called the "Perun tree", why? (The root system of an oak goes deep and reaches groundwater, and water is a good current conductor. Lightning usually hits tall objects, including oak. Perun is the god of thunder).

96. The famous Saxon mixed forest in Germany due to cuttings at the end XVIII century fell into disrepair. We decided to plant only a spruce. So that the needles would not go to waste, they raked and removed them from under the trees. Over time, the spruce not only stopped growing, but also began to die. What is the reason? (After rotting, fallen leaves return to the soil nutrients taken earlier. Removing leaves from under trees means their complete loss and, as a result, a decrease in soil fertility).

97. In central Russia, one deciduous tree is widespread, after which 3 cities on the Eurasian continent are named. Name the tree and cities. (Lipa - Lipetsk, Leipzig, Liepaja)

98. What shrub can drive out rats, mice and cockroaches? (Elder)

99. What trees are the unsurpassed champions in cleaning the air from carbon dioxide? (One poplar tree from May to September binds 44 kg of carbon dioxide; oak - 28 kg)

100. Branches of what trees, delivered water, in a short time clean it from harmful bacteria, and water this lasts a long time and does not deteriorate? (Rowan)

101. What was the name of the goddess of fertility and harvest in ancient Greece? (Demeter)

102. What trees have volatile properties? (Poplar, birch, pine)

103. There is a tree - in color green. There are four lands in this tree: first - sick to health, the second - light from darkness, the third - decrepit swaddling, the fourth is a well for people. What's this? (Birch)

104. What tree is called the "king of the taiga"? (Cedar, Siberian pine or cedar)

105. What plant has the largest fruits in the world? (Pumpkin)

106. What vegetable plant is afraid of heat and wind, cold and rain? This plant saves from seasickness, and in the fire gives a suffocating acrid smoke? (Pepper)

107. What is the smallest flowering plant on Earth? (Wolfia rootless - about 1 mm)

108. What is the smallest flowering plant in Kuzbass? (Duckweed)

Vagina Lyudmila Gennadievna, MBOU "Secondary School No. 92", primary school teacher, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region

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Flower questions for flower quiz.

flower quiz

The one who raises his hand the fastest answers.

What was the name of the person who dreamed of creating a "stone flower"? (Danila)

In which story do the characters fly in a hot air balloon to the City of Flowers? ("Dunno and his friends")

What flower was guarded by the shaggy monster in Aksakov's work of the same name? (Scarlet)

From what flower did the tiger Sherkhan come to horror, and in what work? (Fiery flower, "Mowgli" by R. Kipling)

Botanists call this flower viola, but what is it called in the Russian people? (Pansies)

What is the name of the art of making bouquets? (Ikebana)

What flower grows on the site of forest fires? (Blooming Sally)

For which Andersen heroine was the flower a place of residence? (Thumbelina)

What flower is said to have grown from the blood of chained Prometheus? (Edelweiss)

When is the fern supposed to bloom? (On the night of Ivan Kupala)

What flower is directly related to the king of beasts? (Snapdragon)

What flower is a symbol of narcissism? (Narcissus)

What famous writer made snowdrops bloom in winter? (S. Ya. Marshak)

Which flower suffers from love? (Chamomile)

What flower is called sleepy? (Poppy)

What humble wildflowers are named after the Greek for "royal" or "royal"? (Cornflowers from "basileus" - royal)

What kind of lily blooms white as snow before sunset, turns pink on the second day, and becomes scarlet on the third? (Victoria is a water lily in the tropics of South America)

What plants gave names to the shades of flowers? (Rose - pink, lilac - lilac, cherry - cherry, raspberry - raspberry, pistachio - pistachio, orange (French "orange") - orange, lemon - lemon, peach - peach, olive - olive, mustard - mustard, coffee - coffee, cornflower - cornflower blue, lettuce - light green, carrot - carrot)

What flowers are used to make jam? (Rose, dandelion)

In the leaves of which plant have been trying to find happiness for many centuries? (Clover - look for flowers with four petals instead of three)

Do lilacs bloom in spring or summer? (Spring: summer is counted from the time the lilacs bloom)

Why is the hyacinth called the "rain flower"? (At home, in Southern Europe, it blooms after spring rains)

What garden flowers, called "the last smile of autumn", bloom before the first snow? (Asters)

What flowers were first sung by Persian poets three thousand years ago and were then called turbans, after the shape of the headdress of Muslims? (tulips)

What "flower" name was given to the internecine war in England in 1455-1485? (War of the Scarlet and White Rose)

What plant was called the mermaid flower, as it floated up in the morning, and in the evening mysteriously disappeared under water? (White water lily)

What flower is the name of the tenth anniversary of married life? (Roses, "Rose Day" - the tenth anniversary of family life, on this holiday, red roses are given to spouses)

The court etiquette of feudal China demanded that those who speak with the emperor keep this flower in their mouth. (Carnation, already known as a deodorizer in those days)

Which flower has only one petal? (Calla)

What is the name of the miniature bouquet attached to the dress? (Boutonniere)

Why does dew fall on plants more than on soil?

Because the plants cool down more at night than the soil, and the dew is deposited first on the cold surface. It turns out that plants absorb dew better than rain moisture. Part of the moisture that falls on the plants is immediately absorbed by the leaves, and part is collected in droplets and flows down the stems, moistening the soil.

Why can one see green, gray-brown and blue-black berries on the same juniper bush?

Green berries are only in the first year, in the second they become gray-brown, and in the third black and blue-black. They are tender and pleasant in taste.

Where does the snowdrop have the strength to bloom in early spring?

Early-flowering plants from autumn accumulate nutrient reserves - due to these reserves, they can form a flower without blooming leaves and without waiting for conditions for intensive photosynthesis.

Which trees are not too demanding on the purity of the air and grow quite well even on busy highways, close to factories and plants?

Maple, poplar, birch, linden, elm.

How does dirty air affect coniferous trees?

Air pollution is associated with the formation of acid rain and the accumulation of ozone in the surface layers of the atmosphere. It has been established that acid rain, ozone and heavy metals in the atmosphere form very reactive mixtures that can destroy chlorophyll in needle cells, thereby disrupting photosynthesis and causing almost complete fall of needles. In addition, they contribute to the leaching of mineral components important for plants - magnesium, potassium and calcium from the soil. This further worsens the condition of the weakened tree.

What is this plant? If you rub your hands with the juice of the leaves of this plant, then the bees will not sting your hands.

Why do onion bulb scales not turn blue from the action of iodine?

They do not contain starch, and the available sugar does not turn blue with iodine.

How to detect sweet sugar in a bitter onion?

Scald it with boiling water or boil it.

What "chemical weapon" does an onion bulb have?

Volatile substances that cause burning when in contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth. They are called phytoncides. The bulb needs these substances to protect against bacteria, mold and other enemies.

What plant is semolina obtained from?

Semolina is obtained in mills by grinding wheat grains.

How is oatmeal obtained?

To prepare hercules, steamed oat grains are flattened.

What needs to be grown in the field to cook barley porridge?

To cook porridge from pearl barley, people need to grow barley in the fields.

What is obtained from hevea juice?

Natural rubber is obtained from the sap of the hevea tree.

How rich is garlic?

Garlic is rich in carbohydrates (10.5-21.1%), proteins (36.7%), mineral salts and vitamins. The content of essential oils in it reaches 150 mg%. Of the vitamins, there is especially a lot of ascorbic acid - 70 mg%, and in green leaves - up to 150 mg%. There are also salts of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, molybdenum, manganese, copper, phosphorus, sulfur, arsenic and iodine. Garlic is also rich in microelements such as germanium and selenium, which have antitumor activity.

Is wood lice useful?

Chickweed medium, or, as it is also called, wood lice, is a hard-to-remove weed. Meanwhile, the plant is very useful. It is rich in vitamins C and E, vitamin K, rare for the plant world, which regulates blood clotting. A person who takes woodlice juice becomes less irritable, his heart works better, headaches and other ailments that accompany sclerotic changes in the vessels of the brain “go away”.

Who is "bolidomonad"?

In the Mediterranean Sea, French biologists have found a single-celled algae that moves with extraordinary speed: a cell 1.2 microns long crawls a millimeter per second, which is more than 800 times its length. The algae was given the name "bolymonade".

What is rich in celery?

Celery is one of the oldest types of vegetable plants. Its roots and especially leaves contain essential oils, amino acids, vitamins, mineral salts of potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus. Celery juice promotes digestion, it is used in the treatment of obesity, diabetes, disorders of the cardiovascular system, neuroses, anemia and many other diseases.

Why don't the flower buds of woody plants freeze in winter?

Many flower and leaf buds of woody plants are covered with resin or pubescent, have a dark color that protects from frost; flower buds have an air gap, and air is a poor conductor.

What causes early-flowering plants to bloom only with the advent of spring, sometimes even under snow?

Each plant has a biological clock, the call for the beginning of growth, flowering is the length of the day. An increase in the length of the day to a certain time is a signal to early-flowering plants: start growing.

Why do early flowering plants have thickened roots?

They accumulate nutrients that plants need for rapid growth and development in the spring.

What is the signal for the beginning of flowering plants?

An increase in the length of the day contributes to the production of special substances in plants (gibberellin), which enter the top of the shoot, after which it blooms.

Why are all herbaceous early flowering plants small and stunted?

In a short time of active development, and even at unfavorable spring temperatures, it is impossible to accumulate enough nutrients necessary for the formation of tall, powerful stems and large leaves.

What happens if the bees disappear?

If bees disappeared from the face of the Earth, over 100 thousand species of flowering plants would die.

Where are the banana seeds?

Many plant species produce seeds and fruits only if they have been pollinated and fertilization has occurred. In some fruit crops, such as bananas and pineapples, fruits are formed without fertilization and therefore do not have seeds. These plants reproduce vegetatively.

How many seeds does a poplar have?

Usually plants produce a large number of seeds, which is an adaptation for survival. For example, one plant of white quinoa produces about 100 thousand seeds per year, henbane - about 500 thousand, poplar - 27 million seeds.

How much does a palm fruit weigh?

The seeds of most plants are usually small. Very small seeds have plants from the orchid family. Many legumes, horse chestnuts, some gourds, and a number of palms have large seeds. So, the fruit of the Seychelles palm tree with one seed reaches 50 cm in diameter and weighs 15-20 kg. The seed matures for about 10 years.

How many chloroplasts are in a plant cell?

The number of chloroplasts in plant cells varies from 1 to 40 per cell. The shape, size and number, distribution of chloroplasts are constant for each plant species.

Why is birch called "pioneer"?

Birch is the first of the trees to develop open spaces.

What is the tallest plant in the grass family?

How long does it take for the baobab to bloom?

Just one night, and its flowers are pollinated by lemurs, galago and flying dogs.

Who has the food record?

Microscopic blue-green algae spirulina has a record high nutritional quality. Among the products of animal and vegetable origin, it has no equal in terms of the amount of protein - it is contained in algae cells up to 75-80% (for comparison: in beef 18%). The amount of vitamins and phytohormones in spirulina is greater and their composition is better than in ginseng roots. And what is important - this whole wonderful complex of substances is well absorbed by animals and humans, since the shells of spirulina cells are thin and easily destroyed by the enzymes of the digestive systems.

Why are mushrooms called the orderlies of the forest?

Mushrooms are involved in the processing of plant residues in the forest: they destroy stumps, trunks, fallen branches, dead leaves.

Why do edible mushrooms, growing near industrial enterprises, chemical plants, highways, become hazardous to health?

Edible mushrooms under adverse environmental conditions accumulate toxic substances, especially heavy metals: mercury, lead, cadmium.

What fungi mycorrhizae form mycorrhiza with the roots of birch, pine, larch?

Red fly agaric.

What mushrooms do animals eat?

Wild boars love mushrooms, boletus, mice - russula, boletus, bears - mushrooms, elk, magpies - fly agaric.

Why are mushrooms considered a popular food among the Slavs?

In addition to taste, they are considered fast food, and Orthodoxy requires 200 days of fasting.

Which peoples in Russia did not eat mushrooms at all?

Tatars, Yakuts, Nenets.

By whom and in what year was the symbiosis of mushrooms with trees established?

Russian scientist F.M.Kamensky in 1881.

Which mushroom smells like wheat flour?

Oyster mushroom. Also called a bun.

How to distinguish a satanic mushroom from a mushroom?

In the satanic mushroom, the underside of the cap is pink, while in the boletus it is white or greenish.

When did mushrooms become especially popular in our country?

In the 10th century with the adoption of Christianity in Russia.

Why do most mushrooms grow in the forest?

Because, firstly, for successful development, fungi need a sufficient amount of oxygen in the surface space. And secondly, they also need moisture. Most cap mushrooms live in symbiosis with the roots of higher plants and, first of all, with the roots of trees growing in the forest.

Scenario of the quiz game "Plant and Animal World"

Preparing for the quiz.
On the eve of the quiz, divide the classes into two teams. They were given homework - to choose a captain and the name of their team. For example: "Squirrels" and "Hares".

1 Competition "Warm-up".
Let's remember the riddles about animals.

Above the flower the flower is dancing,
Fans of wings are waving.
He is so beautiful, good
But you won't find it in the flowerbed. (Butterfly.)

We see a fountain in the sea.
Who put him there?
Why does the fountain float?
What is a miracle ship? (Whale.)

Dozing on the pillow
little ears,
soft paws,
Claws-scratches. (Kitty.)

These frisky girlfriends
Jumpers and screamers.
Songs are sung out loud
And swallow mosquitoes. (frogs)

What is a small people?
He won't let the cat sleep
In the pantry snooping,
He collects grain. (Mice.)

That bird is a villager.
Corydalis chicken leader.
Only a worm will find
Gathers his people. (Rooster.)

Who flies over the flowers
Collects flower juice
He carries him to his house,
Does it make honey? (Bee.)

In the water mischievous
Playing, frolicking
Shiny scales:
Swim with me! (Fish.)

He's flying over the river
This amazing plane.
He floats smooth over the water,
On the flower of his planting. (Dragonfly.)

Has horns, but doesn't butt
Has teeth but doesn't bite
The house wears on itself,
And she lives in the water. (Snail.)

There are five riddles for each team.

2 Competition "Questions - answers".
1. What happens to a bee after it stings someone? (dies)
2. What mushrooms does the squirrel eat? Dry or fresh (dry)
4. Where do crayfish hibernate? (in burrows, in silt, along the banks of rivers and lakes)
5. What bird was called the "winged cat"? (owl)
6. Where do little kangaroos live? (in a bag, on mom's stomach)
7. What do you think: do ants swim? (Yes)
8. What is the largest land animal? (elephant)

3 Competition of captains "Remember the fairy tale".
Captains must remember fairy tales in which animals meet. (The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish, Three Little Pigs, Sivka-Burka, By Pike, Golden Hoof, Ugly Duckling, Geese-Swans, Three Bears, Masha and the Bear, Gingerbread Man, etc.)

4 Competition "Finish the definition"
The teams are given envelopes in which the definitions of animals are written. They need to be completed and named three animals of this class.
Animals that have six legs are called …………… .. (insects - fly, bee, butterfly)
Animals whose body is covered with feathers are called …………………… .. (birds - swallow, dove, sparrow)
Aquatic animals whose body is covered with scales are called ……………… .. (perch fish, crucian carp, pike)
Animals whose body is covered with wool are called……………………….(Animal wolf, fox, bear).

5 Competition "Ciphergram".
leading: Each team will receive a piece of paper with the encrypted name of the animal written on it. The team must decipher this recording as soon as possible. The key to deciphering is the alphabet. Children will guess the animal and just remember the alphabet.
1-a, 9-h, 17-p, 25-h,
2b, 10th, 18th, 26th,
3-in, 11th, 19th, 27th,
4-g, 12-k, 20-t, 28-b,
5-d, 13-l, 21-y, 29-s,
6th, 14th, 22nd, 30th,
7th, 15th, 23rd, 31st,
8th, 16th, 24th, 32nd,
Task 1 team:
14- 6- 5- 3- 6- 5- 30

Task 2 for the team:
19- 20- 18- 6- 12- 16- 9- 1

leading- Guys, did you know that some animals can predict the weather?
1. The cuckoo makes sounds similar to croaking (for rain)
2. Birds build their nests on the sunny side in spring (summer will be cold)
3. The fish jumps out of the water, (to the rain)
4. In the evening, grasshoppers chirp strongly, frogs scream, (clear, warm)

6 Competition. Vegetable world.

    Herb from 99 diseases (St. John's wort)

    The sweetest tree in our forests (linden)

    Multi-colored mushrooms (russula)

    What berry is black, red, white (currant)

    Which tree has a white trunk? (Birch tree)

    Which tree in the spring the woodpecker waters (birch)

    Which plant's name tells where it lives? (plantain)

    Which flower summer starts? (bell)

    Tree - a symbol of our Motherland (birch)


    Why, especially in spring and early summer, you can’t make noise in the forest, turn on a tape recorder, kindle fires? (Noise, the smell of smoke frighten forest dwellers, make birds leave their nests, animals look for a secluded place.)

    What are the causes of forest fires? (Unextinguished cigarette butt, fire, lightning.)

    How to light a fire in the forest? (Choose a place away from the trees, remove the sod and put it away from the fire. When the fire is flooded with water, you need to remove the firebrands, put the sod in place and pour it well with water.)

    You are invited to a birthday party, your girlfriend loves lilies of the valley very much. What will you give
    beloved friend?
    a Artfully made plastic or glass bouquet.
    b Several fragrant flowers.
    in a huge bouquet of these delicate flowers.

    Complete the sentence: "When spring comes, I will..."
    Answer options:

    • I will plant a tree;

      I will not pick primroses;

      I will make a birdhouse;

      I will not take the fallen chicks;

      I will not leave a burning fire in the forest ..

    You all went to the forest with the whole class. There you burned a fire, baked potatoes, ate chocolates, drank juices and cooked canned soup. Before you go home, you...
    a Folded papers, bottles and cans neatly under a bush.
    b Everyone was thrown into the fire.
    in. The paper was burned, and the iron cans and glass bottles were taken home.
    a They piled all the remaining wood on the fire so that it would not be wasted, and left.
    b Fill the fire with water or cover it with earth.
    in. Scattered unburned firebrands across the clearing.

Leading: This is the end of our game. I hope that having learned a little more about the complex and diverse life of nature, you will learn to take care of all living things that surround us, to those whose lives directly depend on a person, and therefore on us.

Quiz for schoolchildren with answers on the topic "Plants"

1. What grass fibers are used to make the sails of the first American warship, the first US flag and the first Levis jeans? (From hemp fibers)

2. According to biblical legend, what plant did God grow overnight for the prophet Jonah? (Pumpkin)

3. On what continent was sunflower cultivated? (North America)

4. In which country was flax cultivated? (Egypt)

5. What is another name for a peanut? (Peanut)

6. Which plant is a mixture of fungus and algae? (Lichen)

7. Which plant has the largest fruits? (Pumpkin)

8. On Trinity they used to sing this song:

"I'll go, I'll go, I'll take a walk,

I will break the white birch.

Why did they break birch branches on this day? (They were scattered over the fields so that the soil was fertile and to keep the soil moist)

9. What trees grow in salt water? (These are mangrove trees. They grow in the salt marshes of the Central American coast, Florida and Africa)

10. Which state has a maple leaf on its flag? (Canada)

11. Which island has palm branches on its flag? (Cyprus)

12. The name of this famous plant, which grows in the forest and in gardens, is literally translated from Latin as “brilliant horse”, since it was noticed that if you feed horses with fruits, shoots, leaves of this

plants, then the skin of horses begins to shine. What is this miracle of nature? (Sea buckthorn)

13. What wood were made of:

Mace of Hercules. (Ash)

Scepter of Jupiter. (Cypress)

The mast of the ship of the Argonauts. (Oak)

Trojan horse. (Spruce)

Arrows of Cupid. (Cedar)

14. Which tree in central Russia blooms last of the year? (Linden)

15. Which plant, which provides raw materials for the manufacture of fabrics, blooms only half a day? (Linen)

16. Which edible mushrooms appear first? (morels and lines)

17. What two carnivorous plants grow in our country? (A sundew grows in our moss swamps. It catches and eats mosquitoes, midges, flies and other insects that sit on its round sticky leaves. Pemphigus grows in rivers and lakes; it catches water crustaceans, insects and fry climbing into its bubbles)

18. What mushroom is called "hare potato"? (Mushroom - raincoat)

19. What is "damn tobacco"? (The spores of the raincoat mushroom. A ripe raincoat bursts from a light blow and a cloud of dust escapes from it - “damn tobacco”)

20. What plant is this riddle about: “Annual grass is higher than the yard”? (About hops)

21. Modern medicine considers a poisonous plant with yellow flowers to be the only remedy for warts. Even the newest drugs are based on the substances contained in it. What is this plant? (Celandine)

22. According to Russian folklore, summer begins when a cultivated shrub blooms, and ends when a wild flower fades. Name both a shrub and a flower. (Lilac and Ivan tea)

23. On which plant does the eagle sit on the coat of arms of Mexico? (On the cactus)

24. The Druids believed that this tree, if often embraced, would allow a person to love himself so that fate would love him. What is this tree? (Pine)

25. In Japan, real trees are grown in flower pots, however, of a small height. What is the name of such a tree? (Banzai)

26. What trees are the most in those forests where they build sanatoriums for tuberculosis patients? (Pine trees. They perfectly purify the air from numerous bacteria)

27. When does moss bloom? (Never. Moss is a lower plant, it has no flowers)

28. From which plant did the Swiss Georges de Mostrol borrow the idea of ​​Velcro? (At the burdock)

29. What tree in France is called the "tree of wisdom" and its leaves, juice, buds and root are used for medicinal purposes? (Birch)

30. Seeds of which water flower were used by singers in the old days to strengthen their voices? (Water lily)

31. Why does the coffee tree need caffeine? (To control insects that destroy leaves)

32. Name the plant: the same as belladonna, but in Russian. (Belladonna)

33. What exotic fruit is otherwise called "alligator pear"? (Avocado)

34. What is a watermelon fruit from a botanist's point of view? (Berry)

35. What tree is the most common in Russia? (Larch)

36. According to the legend, the nymph Daphne, who was fleeing from Apollo, turned into what tree? (Laurel)

37. What is another name for the sweet potato plant? (Sweet potato)

38. Are the fruits of Japanese cherry - sakura edible? (Not)

39. What is another name for sesame? (Sesame)

40. What is the name of the science that studies mushrooms? (Mycology)

41. Which tree has the lightest wood? (At the balsa)

42. How do botanists scientifically call the fruit of a pear, quince, mountain ash? (An Apple)

43. What is another name for the burdock plant? (burdock)

44. Its fruits, long, similar to cucumbers, are eaten by people and animals. For monkeys, this is a favorite delicacy. Its wood does not burn, and the leaves fall not in winter, but in summer. What is this tree? (Baobab)

45. Khulsyn - in Kalmyk "reed or reed". Translate from Kalmyk the word "khankhulsyn" ("King of the reeds", Bamboo)

46. ​​Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, having learned that in Astrakhan they know how to grow a “great berry”, ordered the craftsmen to be brought to the court so that they could continue their work in Moscow. What kind of "great berry" did Astrakhan grow for the tsar? (Watermelon)

47. About which representative of the plant kingdom Igor Kochurovsky wrote:

"She is in a green girl's beret,

Where on a hillock of pines is a slender row,

Putting on braids a silver outfit,

The invisible ones spread their nets.

How do you guess, by what sign,

What is it all betrayal and poison?

(About the pale grebe)

48. In the Middle Ages, this plant repeatedly saved many peoples of Europe from starvation. The French called him "the fair maiden" and the British called him "the good Heinrich." Its Russian name comes from the Swan princess. Name this plant. (Quinoa)

49. Translated from Uzbek, this plant is called “mouse” (as it was named after the shape of a flower). Uzbeks call it "horse ear" (according to the shape of the leaf). We name this plant after the place where it grows. What plant are we talking about? (Plantain)

50. In Africa, there is a shrub with a strange name - "wait a bit." Why was it named like that? (It is prickly, its thorns pierce into clothes and do not let go of a person)

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