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Archeage mail. A small selection of guides. Are there nuances in the game

The house in Rust is not just a place to live, it is, first of all, a shelter. Also, the house in the game serves as a warehouse in which the player stores all his property, regardless of whether it is valuable or not. And yet, the house in the game is a kind of workshop in which you can safely do what you need in the gameplay. Each player or user, so to speak, must have his own, high-quality and reliable home. Of course, it is worth noting that the house should be as secretive as possible, only in this case you can safely accumulate everything that is useful in the game, namely resources, which are then easily transformed into the right weapon, the necessary armor and even explosives. Probably, it is not necessary to say that all of the above will help you control the entire service, but only if you use it correctly.

Making a house in RUST

Building a high-quality, safe and reliable house in Rust is quite difficult, but quite doable. The matter of building a house should be approached as seriously as possible, because just one, incorrectly placed, element of the house will lead to the fact that all efforts will be in vain. A completely logical question is asked by players who are just starting to play the game (we advise you to read the article): “How can I remove Pilar?” There is only one answer - absolutely nothing, it is not destroyed, even if you put together all your explosives and activate the charge.

Of course, the best house is a house made of metal, but if you are not so rich in the game, then you will have to make housing from wood. It is worth remembering that it is best to start building a house away from the roads, since in this case the house will be the safest. It is better to build it in general in the foothills or even in the mountains. In these places, there are usually no bandits or other individuals who can even pass through walls using illegal machinations and codes. The most important parameter of the future house is its number of storeys. 5 floors will be enough for it to be considered safe and comfortable. Each floor should be closed only with a metal door in order to protect the house from breaking.

And the last, most important nuance for protecting your home is a special arrangement of the nearby territory. It will protect your home from uninvited guests who will try to use the stairs to get directly to the top floor, bypassing many locked doors. To do this, you need to pour a reliable foundation around the entire perimeter of the house and stick into it the so-called pillars that will not allow robbers to attach stairs to your home. This means that ill-wishers will have to break a lot of locks to get to the last floor. It will take a lot of time and, most likely, thieves will not even get involved with such protection, but will go looking for a house that will be much easier to get into.

How to build a house in RUST

Whatever server you go to, you will always face such a problem as a “raid”. Raid is an inevitable situation that every player in Rust has to deal with. But, if experienced players analyze their mistakes in construction, then newcomers immediately try to leave the server to "start from scratch". Actually this is not the right position and now I will tell you in detail why I think so.

Have you been raided? Did you decide to immediately pour to another server? AND? What's the point, buddy? You will build the “box” again, and you will be raided again! Although you could learn from that raid that was on the last server. Which? Look at your home and answer a few questions:

  • 1. How long did it take the raider to take out your house?
  • 2. Did the person get to the loot?
  • 3. From which side did your house begin to “bang”, and why exactly there?
  • 4. Have you set up the cabinets in and around the house correctly?
  • 5. Have you been raided online or offline?

Now look at your house, and answer the question for yourself - now, if you already knew that they would raid here, then how would you strengthen your house? Oops! And here is the solution - to do this and that ... If you have already burned the entire layout of the house, then I do not advise you to build up the same house. It is better to build another, albeit smaller, but more efficient. You will already know what you were raided with, from which sides they approached, what methods of raid were used. Boy, you'll learn from your own mistakes to build right. In fact, it’s not enough to build a big box in Rust…

Big box or small anti-raid house?

I noticed that on most servers, and most of the players, they build large houses, mostly square boxes. You can get to the loot through 3-4 walls. Such houses are not efficient, but they take a lot of resources from you. Now in the screenshot below I will show you examples of “wrong” and “correct” houses. I strongly advise you to read the material to the end in order to build a good house and not lose it in the first days of the game.

Here's how NOT to build houses! This is the WRONG house in Rust

Did you see? In the screenshot above, we showed you the usual "BOX", which lends itself to raiding for "one or two". Moreover, such houses can be broken both from the sides and from above, adjusting to the house. And now, below, look at an example of a small "anti-raid" house that was built CORRECTLY!

This is how houses should be built. This is the RIGHT house in Rust!

The most necessary and reliable thing in building a house is buffers.. Who is not aware buffers are buffer zones that are most often unused and simply create additional rooms and spaces around the house. One of the most popular ways to set up buffer zones is with a triangular foundation and subsequent wall extensions. That is, you build a certain house, and around it you begin to equip it with triangles, creating additional walls.

Accordingly, you yourself understand that you are creating an additional barrier for a person who is going to raid your house. The more buffer zones you have, the more C4 and missiles the raider will have to spend. Especially for you, we have created a separate section of schemes for the rust game, where you can find just a huge number of schemes of anti-raid houses for all occasions: for solo players, for a couple of players, for a clan. All schemes are opened through the Fortify program, which costs a penny and is tied to the Steam service. Be sure to go to this section and look at the schemes that we offer you.

What kind of house to build on the server in the game Rust?

It all depends on which server you play on. If this is a classic server, then you will not be able to build a big house alone. The maximum that you are capable of is a 4 by 4 house with several floors. And you will spend a lot of time and effort. If you play in a team, then even on the classic Rust server you can build a big house with buffer zones and an anti-raid.

If you play on servers with multiplied resources, for example, x2-x5, or even x10, then you already need to build a big house here. Fortunately, you have everything for this, especially if you play in a clan. But in any case, we strongly recommend that you build anti-raid houses with buffer zones.

How to arrange cabinets in Rust

Building a house is one thing, but arranging all the drawers and cabinets in it is another, and no less important than the construction process itself.

Cupboard- this is an element that blocks the construction for those users who are not authorized in it. That is, only those who are authorized in it will be able to build in its radius of action.

So, how to arrange cabinets? The easiest way - one closet is placed in the middle of the house. If you have just started building a house, then put a closet and build up walls and floors.

As soon as you have 3, 4 or more floors, remove the closet below, and first put the closet at the top, also in the middle of the house, and then put another closet after one floor. Remember that in Rust you can put cabinets through one floor. Even if the raider breaks into the first floor, breaks the walls and logs into your closet, he will not be able to go further, because you have a separate closet on the 3rd floor.

Important! Be sure to close the cabinets with walls! And not doors, but walls! They logged in once, and walled it up tightly.

An example of how to wall cabinets in Rust

Just be sure to enter all your friends and clan members who live with you there. On the classic, walls and any building elements can be removed within a few minutes, if you suddenly need to enter someone or change the location. On modified servers, there is a /remove command, which will allow you to break any objects with a mallet at any time, if you previously placed them.

Proper arrangement of cabinets around the house in the game Rust

Putting cabinets in the house is one thing! But protecting the area around is another matter. You need to take a building sheet and move away from the house at such a distance that the Building privilege from the closet inside the house disappears. As soon as it disappears, you can put a triangular foundation, a wardrobe on it, log in to it and wall everything up. Necessarily All upgrade at least to stone, so that no one breaks.

So you need to do around your entire house. If you have a rectangular one, then usually 4 cabinets are enough around the house in all directions, that is: behind the house, in front of the house, left and right. If the house is round, then you have to put more cabinets. Usually somewhere around 6-8 pieces.

Why put cabinets around the house in Rust? This is done so that other players cannot adapt to you and jump onto the roof from a large tower. Usually it goes like this: the player built a house with buffers around the house, but completely forgot about the roof. The raiders adjust with the tower near the house as close as possible, jump onto the roof of the house and hammer into the middle. A few floors down - and here it is already loot, wardrobes, open rooms and many other interesting rooms! To protect your home, be sure to put cabinets around, and wall them up in much the same way as in the screenshot below.

There are wardrobes in these buffers (triangles). And they are sewn up! No one can adjust to the house

The screenshot above shows an example of cabinets that are placed around the house. All of them are enclosed in metal triangles, which provides protection to your home and blocks "tuning" and raid through the roof. The screenshot below shows the "reinforced" sealed cabinets around the house.

An example of a "reinforced" buffer with cabinets. This can be done when there are extra resources.

How to put up walls in Rust

Another common mistake of users is the wrong installation of walls! The fact is that in the game there are two sides to the wall. One breaks for a long time, the other quickly. If you put the wall on the wrong side, then it can be broken with pickaxes or fired at with explosive cartridges, hollowed out with arrows, spears.

How to put up walls? First, remember that the walls are placed with the inside facing you. That is, you stand with a building sheet and put up a wall. The side that is facing you is the inside, and it breaks faster than the outside.

So when you build a house, stand inside the house and build walls. If you are standing behind the house and putting up walls, then immediately turn them.

How to rotate a wall in Rust? To do this, click on the wall that you want to rotate with a mallet, and select "Rotate".

How to distinguish the side of the wall? The outer side has a rougher surface than the inner side. This is very clearly seen on the example of stone walls. On the outside it is darkish, and on the inside it is light, white. So, the white side breaks faster, and if you put it wrong, then you will quickly gouge the walls and climb into the house.

An example of the outer and inner sides of a stone wall in Rust

Which doors are better to put in a house in Rust

One of the common mistakes players make is front doors! Very often they put wooden or iron.

Wooden doors can be taken out with cartridges, a flamethrower, gouged with picks and axes. And it will take very little time! As soon as the opportunity arises, change the door and put a combination lock! Not a key, but a combination lock.

Why not use keys in Rust? Let's say you went out to take a break near the house. A dude killed you, took the key. He will see houses near him and understand that one of them can be yours. A few minutes of trying, and voila, a person is already robbing your house. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you put a code lock even on a wooden door as soon as possible.

Advice! If you do use keys, always leave one copy at home in a drawer. It may be that you are "eaten" by a bear or killed far from home. You will need to quickly run out, and you will not be able to, since you do not have a key. And there may not be resources to create it. That's the problem, isn't it?

iron doors can be taken out with 4 bean C4 or explosive cartridges. Crafting Explosive Rounds or C4 Beans is no problem!

Therefore, as soon as you collect the gears for armored door put it on right away. Not necessarily throughout the house, but at the entrance for sure. So you will already weed out half of the raiders who, in the first days after the wipe, run around with C4 beans and raid small houses.

How to properly place windows in Rust

Another hot topic for beginners who have just started playing Rust Experimental. Very often you are taken out because you put windows on the 1st and 2nd floors. Any player can enter the first floor through the window, even if there are shutters.

A “friend” can put a raider on the second floor, and he will still get into your house. How to get out - they certainly come up with.
If you have already decided to make windows, then be sure to put bars and shutters on the inside of the house so that they cannot just be opened and "burned" the layout of your house. The best option is to install windows on the upper floors, starting from the third. I recommend that you put walls outside the window so that players from the street cannot see the layout of your house.

Advice! Be sure to make sure that there are no ledges and mountains near your house and windows, otherwise you can jump up from there and climb into the window.

This is not all, but the main tips for beginners who have just started playing Rust Experimental. Read our other guides, stay tuned, and we'll teach you how to play "beautifully" in Rust and make it to the top!

Perhaps the most interesting activity in Rust is building a house. Building a house in Rust is not difficult, but there are a number of difficulties. One of the problems is the raider resistance of the house. There are many different ways to fortify a dwelling, as well as many different options for robbery. There are high, wide houses, labyrinth houses, traps, dummies and others. Many articles can be written on this topic. But today we will show you the main thing - an interactive solution for building a house right on the site! Thanks to him, you will be able to understand how to build a house in Rust.

How to build here? Select an element on the left and click on the image of the foundation. In short, everything is like in the game. Build, experiment and you will learn in practice how to build a house in Rust! Right-click to move around the map, left-click to rotate the camera. Small basics - before you build something, you must install (foundation), then (pillar), then walls, doorways and windows.

Build a house in rast not so difficult. But a strong, reliable and well-hidden structure will still come in handy in this harsh Rasta world. The house is a safe shelter, a warehouse, your workplace, and most importantly, an overnight stay.

First you need to accumulate resources for a simple shelter, but all this is only for the beginning and the first, at the very least the second night, since it is not difficult to break it with just a pickaxe or an ax.

rust building a house (how to build a house)

As for a serious house, you should think carefully about how to place the foundation, because the installed walls or foundation are not removed, and there is no option to cancel. Prepare a plan for this.

Choosing a location is also a very difficult task. It is best to line up away from the roads, somewhere in the mountains. As for the material, a metal house is better protected, but in the first place, wood will do. It is recommended to put a large foundation in order to be able to install double walls in order to protect yourself at night, your fire will not be visible from afar behind such walls. Build 4-5 floors in height, metal doors on each floor. It is also good to put a foundation around the house so that no one builds nearby, also not to allow climbing over the top to you, and also pillars on the foundation so that they don’t even think of walking near the house. The roof, of course, must be covered, and steps are needed to move between floors. Now you can install whatever you want, a bed, a sleeping bag, boxes, a fire, a stove ..

rust how to build a safe house

We will consider a house made of metal to be safe, this is the most durable thing that can be built in a rust. These houses do not take damage from ordinary weapons, you will need explosives or grenades to destroy or hack. During the construction, the goal is to make it difficult to hack, to take away as much c4 as possible in vain, a simple way to close each room with a door and make a kind of spiral labyrinth.

of the advantages is obvious:
. impossible to get to the top
. very good views
. pretty well fortified main room
. ten-story tower is visible from afar
. it takes an unusually long time to farm for the right amount of resources

Surely you have noticed that the metal sheet has two different sides, one with stripes, the other all in plates. It is very bad to put the plate in the yard, since the destruction costs two c4, and to destroy the stripes from the side three charges c4. Wind it up.

how to protect a house in rust

To defend yourself, you should use wooden barriers, spikes and large spikes. The funds are ranked according to need: for a start, a barrier is enough, if you already have resources and something to hide, then it is better to use spikes. Also, some advice was given above in the text.

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