Home fertilizers What to read interesting for development. Books on self-development for modern women. Rami Blekt, "The Self-Teacher's Guide to the Perfect Personality"

What to read interesting for development. Books on self-development for modern women. Rami Blekt, "The Self-Teacher's Guide to the Perfect Personality"

Shy and shy people, in most cases, evoke warm feelings in others. They are always tactful and, as far as possible, try not to offend or offend their interlocutors. To a certain extent, shyness can be perceived as a dignity of a person, as his positive trait. However, there must be limits to everything. If shyness is too high and borders on a phobia, it can become a real problem.

The feeling of shyness is inherent in absolutely all people, but it manifests itself in different ways for everyone. In its most extreme manifestations, shyness can lead to quite serious psychological problems and disorders. Therefore, it is necessary to learn as early as possible how to learn not to be shy.

In order to overcome your shyness, you first need to realize what is its root cause. Tune in the right way and try to get out of your memory the moment when you first had a chance to experience a feeling of embarrassment. You may have to look for the cause in those times when you were still in school: as practice shows, it is during the school years that the largest number of cases of shyness occur.

When you remember the incident that made you shy, think about how long ago it happened. Try to bring to your consciousness the fact that it was many years ago, that you have long been an established person. To make this task easier for yourself, try meditation and auto-training. These methods will help you convince yourself that you are beautiful, lucky, and you have nothing to be ashamed of. When you yourself begin to believe in it, consider that you have managed to overcome half the road to how to learn not to be shy.

Try not to think or worry about what opinion you may have from others. No one says that you should not listen to someone else's opinion, but it is very important to be able not to follow his, this opinion, on occasion.

Set yourself up for kindness! People from whom positive and optimistic airs are much easier to make new acquaintances, as they are more warmly received in society, and quickly adapt to any conditions.

Another necessary skill is skill. If a person has the correct speech, does not make speech errors and his words are clear to the interlocutor, it is much more interesting to communicate with him. If you, unfortunately, do not yet possess such qualities, you have only one way out: urgently start reading as much as possible and do it, if possible, out loud.

In order to overcome shyness, you can use several tricks that can make your task easier. One of these techniques is called "self-talk". In order to master it, you need to stand in front of a mirror and just start telling something to yourself. The topic can be completely arbitrary: from the latest achievements of the American Aerospace Agency, to the benefits of drip irrigation systems. The main thing you should pay attention to is your facial expressions. Try to find the facial expression that you think is the most successful. The same applies to your posture when speaking. Begin a conversation with yourself - say hello, and end it - say goodbye. Another tip for all those who are interested in how to learn not to be shy, is that you learn to love yourself so much that it becomes noticeable to the people around you. Having developed self-love, you will be able to overcome all your complexes much faster, including shyness and shyness.

Try to become an open person, because if you withdraw into yourself - this can lead to the fact that your harmless, at first, shyness, develops into a real phobia ... Learn to be an open person, communicate, laugh and joke if you withdraw into yourself - nothing good will come of it, and shyness will really develop into a phobia. Overcoming step by step your fear of communication, you will gradually come to the conclusion that there will be no trace of your shyness. Just believe in yourself for this.

About the book: diary for creative people. Each page is different - one page for every day. It encourages daily surprises, observations and actions that are different from what you have done before. One day she will ask you to learn how to draw, another day she will ask you to describe a birthday from your childhood, and the next day she will say nothing at all (write whatever). This notebook, diary or self-development book may become your partner or companion for the whole year.

Feature of the book: new idea every day. It broadens your horizons, motivates you to do things that you may not have done before.

Who is it for: for creative, looking for new experiences, who want to diversify their lives.

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2. "Transcend: Nine Steps to Eternal Life"

About the authors: Raymond is an American futurist who develops devices to increase life expectancy and speech recognition. I am convinced that in the near future the human brain will not be able to keep up with the development of computers and science, as a result of which it will no longer understand them. Terry founded a medical center in Colorado. Researches nutritional supplements and anti-aging methods.

About the book: Did you know that you can halve the death rate from heart attacks among men through sex? This is proven by a study conducted by a well-known British medical journal. In the book you will find a lot of interesting studies like this one. Transcend provides proven steps to improve your health. You will learn how sleep affects human brain activity, how to simplify the life of your digestive system, how to establish a healthy diet, how to effectively relax, and many other useful and interesting things.

Feature of the book: step-by-step instructions will improve your well-being and increase the number of active years of life. There are many interesting studies that confirm most of the conclusions of the authors.

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3. Whole Life: Key Skills to Achieve Your Goals

About the authors: Les is a well-known American business coach who has been researching the field of goal setting and achieving goals for over 30 years. Creator of an effective system for concentration and focus on goals. Jack Canfield founded Chicken Soup for the Soul. He is the co-author of the book series of the same name (). Mark is the creator and co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, a well-known coach.

About the book: you will not meet a magic wand with Harry Potter and you are unlikely to learn something new (if you have read a lot of useful information and watched educational videos before). The main advantage of the publication is in the competent and clear structuring of the material, which can be easily used right now. The authors point to the main problem, an obstacle on the path of each person to success - the lack of a constant focus on the important. 10 strategies will inspire you, help you focus on the essentials every day and develop good habits.

Feature of the book: each chapter provides step-by-step instructions for achieving the goal, energizes, inspires and motivates. Use it as a "magic pendal" and a road map on the way to success.

Who is it for: for everyone who wants to reach the top in business and personal life. From the "Must Read" series.

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4. "Be the best version of yourself: how ordinary people become extraordinary"

About the book: Probably one of the best self development books out there. Dan analyzed his life path, thanks to which he deduced 4 qualities inherent in successful people:

  • successful people are ready to take risks, but deliberate and conscious;
  • successful people are always disciplined and stick to it in everything;
  • successful people are generous and do it from the bottom of their hearts, rather than expecting something in return;
  • Successful people get along well with others.

Dan, using examples (his own and others'), shows how ordinary people have achieved and are achieving success. He confirms that success can be achieved through perseverance and perseverance, despite his abstract to the edition: « Everything you know about success is wrong. Set goals. Work hard. Be persistent. You can repeat this recipe for success, even if you wake you up at night and ask. And it doesn't work - not for you, not for anyone else." Maximum effort and constant learning. Read in one breath.

Feature of the book: makes you look at your life, actions, views from the outside (sometimes extremely unpleasant) and start acting, changing, being the best version of yourself. No "water". Use as a "magic pendal".

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5. “Get out of your comfort zone. Change Your Life: 21 Ways to Increase Your Personal Efficiency

About the author: Brian did not study well and did not finish school, he traveled the world for 8 years as part of the crew of a cargo ship. He worked as a sales agent (within a year he became the best in the company), two years later he became a sales manager, and after 3 - vice president (at the age of 25). World renowned consultant, speaker.

About the book: when the question arises “Which books for self-development to choose?”, then this one must be read one of the first. World bestseller. The author puts at the reader's disposal 21 proven efficiency-improvement techniques for getting quick results in your personal and professional life. To implement them in your life, you need to develop the right habits. Brian identified three factors in forming a good habit:

  • hardness;
  • discipline;
  • perseverance.

All these qualities can be developed by anyone, if there is a desire. This publication will help you do it easily and naturally. The roadmap for building the right habits is in your hands. Read in one breath. One of the world's best-selling personal productivity products (circulation over 1.3 million copies, translated into 40 languages).

Feature of the book: simple and effective ways available to everyone will help you set and achieve your goals in the shortest possible time. Motivates and inspires.

Who is it for: for everyone without exception. From the "Must Read" series.

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6. “This year I…: how to change habits, keep promises or do what you have long dreamed of”

About the book: every person at least once said to himself: "Tomorrow I will start doing ..." or "In the new year I will ...". According to statistics, only 8% of people actually do what they planned. Others find plenty of reasons not to. This edition is very similar to the previous edition - to achieve success, you need to develop good habits. Ryan identifies 5 main stages to fulfill their dream (92% of people give up their dreams at one of these points):

  • preliminary reflection - at this stage it is not yet clear what the final goal looks like and we are not able to formulate it precisely;
  • thinking about the task - we think how to do it;
  • preparation - we decide to do it in the near future;
  • action - we begin to act;
  • maintenance of action - we carry out our plan until we do it.

The entire book is built around 5 main steps. This is another roadmap in your hands for the implementation of the plan. Despite the easy presentation, there is a lot of work to be done (6-9 months, according to the author). For some, this will seem like a lot, but for most, it is negligible. The simple truth is that life is a marathon, not a sprint. If you want to achieve results, be ready to work.

Feature of the book: It teaches you how to set goals and achieve them. Lots of examples and practical exercises.

Who is it for: for those who want to change themselves for the better, get rid of bad ones and acquire good habits.

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7. "The Gift of Midas: Why Some Get Rich and Some Don't"

About the authors: Donald Trump is a billionaire, media personality, writer, founder and president of one of the largest construction companies in the world, the Trump Organization. Robert Kiyosaki is a businessman, writer, and investor. Author of several dozen bestsellers on financial literacy, creator of the world-famous CASHFLOW educational game.

About the book: books for self-development are inconceivable without Robert Kiyosaki. Donald and Robert share their experiences in the same book for the first time. The name of the publication "Gift of Midas" can be misleading, because the gift is given from birth. Here, the authors tell on the example of the fingers of one hand what skills and knowledge are needed to achieve success in business:

  • thumb - strength of character;
  • index finger - concentration;
  • middle finger - brand;
  • ring finger - relationships;
  • little finger - little things matter.

After reading the book, you will understand or better understand what skills you need to develop in order to succeed in business. The authors provide a direction rather than a ready-made instruction. All material is presented in an engaging and easy manner. Read in one breath.

Feature of the book: you will learn what needs to be developed to achieve heights in business. Vivid examples from the life of Donald and Robret (both achieved success and lost everything, but then achieved even more) perfectly complement the recommendations of the authors.

Who is it for: for beginners and professional entrepreneurs.

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8. "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Tale of Wish Fulfillment and Destiny"

About the book: a fictional story about a millionaire lawyer who, after a heart attack, decided to change his life. He sold all his possessions, including the plane and the Ferrari, and then left for India in search of answers to numerous questions. After some time, he returned, rejuvenated, finding peace of mind and harmony. What happened to him and how did he turn from a person with a pre-infarction condition into an athletic, healthy, and most importantly peaceful happy man? It reads easily and naturally.

About the authors: Jack is a former FBI special agent who has taught his colleagues methods of influence and persuasion for almost 20 years. Founder of a law enforcement and security training company. He has written a number of books and articles on psychology. Marfin is a psychology bestselling author and has worked for Singapore Airlines for over 20 years.

About the book: in short, the book shows how to make friends with anyone. You will learn how to recognize verbal and non-verbal cues from other people. How to increase your communication skills at times, learn to find a common language with others. Each technique was used in practice by a former intelligence agent whose task was to recruit ambassadors and spies of other states in the interests of the United States. Read in one breath. Entertaining and educational.

Feature of the book: no theory, only practice from a former FBI agent (20 years of practice) on personal examples. Simple tricks will allow everyone to achieve the location of any person.

Who is it for: for sellers, parents and anyone who wants to form friendships with others.

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10. "Speed ​​Reading: How to Memorize More by Reading 8 Times Faster"

About the author: Peter Kamp founded the speed reading company of the same name. Peter himself has trained many employees of large companies, the White House and businessmen. The developer of a unique speed reading system, has been doing this for over 20 years.

About the book: An excellent book for self-development of the skill of speed reading. Peter proved that speed reading is a skill, and any skill can be trained. In just 6 weeks, you will master all the techniques, devoting 20-30 minutes a day to exercises from the author. In a week you will read 30% faster and absorb information more efficiently. The publication has everything you need to prepare: simple exercises, a checklist (for tracking results) and descriptions of each lesson. Thanks to this edition, you can quickly study all the books for self-development.

Feature of the book: simple, effective and interesting exercises.

Today in our article we will try to answer the question of what books to read for self-development. Such publications are now very popular, as they can help a person not only with the definition of a life goal and its achievement, but also improve relations in the family and society, win over others, and achieve inner harmony. But which options should you pay attention to?

What book is worth reading for self-development?

First, let's turn to publications that are suitable for reading by both men and women. Basically, such books are aimed at helping the reader achieve his goal. Moreover, this goal can be in the field of business, love relationships, interaction with society, or personal gaining peace and confidence.

"Rich dad, poor dad"

So, which book should you read for self-development in the first place? It's best to start with this world bestseller by Robert Kiyosaki. The basis of the book was a comparison of the business views of Robert's father, who was a civil servant, and his friend's father, who is engaged in his own business. As a result, the latter became a rich and successful person. It was his path to success that Robert himself chose, who achieved considerable success in business.

"Money Ceiling Quadrant"

This book was also written by Robert Kiyosaki. But this time the work is devoted not so much to business as to the thinking of rich people. The author helps readers understand how rich people think. What helps them work less and earn more, pay low taxes and feel financially independent.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Stephen Covey, the author of this book, offered a completely new look at management systems and the very concept of leadership in a team. This book presents an approach to improving your personal effectiveness. The author calls skills a set of knowledge, skills and desires. And the 7 skills presented in the book are arranged in ascending order depending on the level of maturity of the individual.

"To hell with all of it! Take it and do it!

So, what other book is worth reading for self-development? This is, of course, the work of Branson Richard. The book is a kind of manifesto of the author, it reflects his position in relation to life. Richard suggests taking everything from life, not being afraid to take risks and act. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether there is enough life experience or knowledge to implement the plan. The main thing is not to stand still.

"How to Win Friends and Influence People"

This is the most popular and famous book by Dale Carnegie. It is a collection of practical tips and lessons on how to communicate with people. At first glance, the book may seem a little strange or unusual, but it works. Another reason to read this manual will be the fact that it is still used to teach psychology in universities.

“How to work 4 hours a week, while not hanging around in the office “from call to call”, live anywhere and get rich”

If you want to achieve success, but do not put off all the joys of life until later, and do not know what book to read for self-development, this is the work of Timothy Ferris for you. In the book, the author sets out a philosophy of life, according to which there is no need to put off entertainment and spend all your time on work. A person must see his goal, go towards it, but not deny himself all the joys. The book will teach you how to cope with life situations and achieve success without spending 24 hours a day and 7 days a week on it.

"Psychology of lies"

The author of the book is one of the most famous modern psychologists Paul Ekman. The subject of his study has always been the phenomenon of deception. This popular science publication presents the results of many years of work. The reader will be able to learn how to recognize deception by the behavior, speech, facial expressions and gestures of the interlocutor. This book is a study guide and practical guide.

"How to make anyone fall in love with you"

The author of the book Lail Lowndes tells readers that in order to be attractive to everyone, you need only 6 ingredients. It is 6 components that are necessary for success, about what they are, the reader will learn after reading the book. In addition, Lowndes shares 85 tricks that will help you master love magic and win over any man or woman.

"Your neighbor is a millionaire"

Many people often wonder why I am not as rich as my acquaintance or friend; how others manage to earn so quickly and so much, etc. Stanley Thomas, the author of the book, will provide answers to these and many other questions. In addition, the author will teach you how to become successful and rich. Many useful tips for improving your financial situation can be found in this book.

Spiritual development

  • Particular attention should be paid to Osho, the Indian spiritual teacher. His works help to find harmony and comprehend the world around. First of all, it is recommended to read: "Mustard Seed", "Be Simple", "Keys to a New Life". The writer's books on meditation techniques are especially popular.
  • Books by Louise Hay, based on the personal experience of the writer. Particular attention should be paid to the works "Heal Yourself" and "Woman's Wisdom".
  • The author of many world bestsellers Liz Burbo will be interesting: “Your body says: “Love yourself”, “The Big Encyclopedia of Essence”.
  • Vadim Zeland and Valery Sinelnikov are especially popular among Russian writers.

Books for women

Now we will try to answer the question of what books a woman should read for self-development.

"Man is from Mars, Woman is from Venus" - a bestseller by the famous psychologist D. Gray, published back in 1992. The book is devoted to the relationship of the sexes and will give answers to many questions regarding personal relationships.

"Running with the Wolves" is the famous book by the master of psychoanalysis and the successor of the Jungian tradition, Clarissa Estes. With the help of myths and fairy tales, the author helps women find themselves, find their way and understand their destiny. This book is dedicated to the full disclosure of female nature.

These are the publications that should be read first of all by any woman. But what books are worth reading for self-development if you are already familiar with the above? Pay attention to the following works.

"Never Eat Alone" is a wonderful book by Kate Ferrazzi dedicated to the rules of dating and continuing relationships.

"Blackberry Wine" by J. Harris will help you sort out life if you no longer understand what is happening around you. The publication will help to find the meaning of life and understand what is happening.

"Duel with treason" - a book by N. Tolstoy intended for women who had to deal with treason. How to survive it, what to do and how to treat it - these and many other questions can be answered by this publication.

The Intuition Tutorial is a book by Laura Day that will help you learn to listen to yourself.

Books for men

"An easy way to start a new life" (N. Fiore). If you decide to change your life in a radical way, then you should start by reading this particular book. It will help you go the chosen path to the end and not turn halfway. You will learn not to put things off until later and unnecessarily complicate your life.

"The wisdom of the crowd" (J. Shuroviesky). It is generally accepted that the society, called the "crowd", harms the individual. However, the author proves that society can help the individual in development and formation. How this happens can be read in detail in the book by James Shuroviesky.

"Do it yourself" (T. Seelig). This is a book about how to achieve success and reach your goal. The author assures that anyone can achieve a lot, but it is necessary to start small. The path to a big goal should consist of small tasks, and the implementation of each of them will bring you closer to the final goal. In fact, the author offers a ready-made algorithm of actions that you just need to use.

"The monk who sold his Ferrari" (R. Sharma). This is a book for men who find themselves in a crisis situation. The author tells about a successful lawyer who had everything for happiness, but for some reason there was no happiness. Robin Sharma, who managed to combine Western psychology with ancient Eastern wisdom, will tell about how to get joy and pleasure from life.

What books should a teenager read for self-development?

Children and adolescents, by virtue of their age, develop by reading fiction. It is difficult and uninteresting for them to perceive philosophical or psychological literature, even if it is written simply and accessible. Therefore, we will present a list of fiction books that will help a teenager develop his intellect and enrich the spiritual world.

"Harry Potter" (J. Rowling). Fiction is interesting for children at any age, and books about young wizards also "grow" along with their readers. The heroes are not only involved in incredible adventures, they are also worried about the usual problems for children: the definition of good and evil in ordinary actions, the value of friendship, first love, family ties, etc. In addition, if you are answering the question of what books to read for self-development at 12, then the Harry Potter series is for you.

The Catcher in the Rye (J. Salinger) is a book created for teenagers and describes the life of a teenager. The work is centered around typical teenage problems: misunderstanding of the world and others, an attempt to find the truth, finding oneself, searching for the meaning of life, etc.

"D" Artagnan and the Three Musketeers "(A. Dumas). Adventure literature has always been attractive. In addition, it teaches friendship, devotion, duty, loyalty to one's word, makes it clear the value of moral principles.

In addition, you should pay attention to the following works:

  • The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings (J.R.R. Tolkien);
  • "The Fault in the Stars", "Looking for Alaska" (J. Green);
  • "50 days before suicide" (S. Kramer);
  • "Percy Jackson" (R. Riordan).

Timeless classic

If you want to know what books to read for self-development, the classics are the best answer. In many ways, classical fiction is superior to modern non-fiction psychological and motivational books. Here is a list of works that you should definitely pay attention to:

  • "Idiot", F.M. Dostoevsky;
  • "Dead Souls", N.V. Gogol;
  • "Eugene Onegin", A.S. Pushkin;
  • "Divine Comedy", A. Dante;
  • "Romeo and Juliet", W. Shakespeare;
  • "Madame Bovary", G. Flaubert.

Thus, there are a great many books for self-development. You can choose for yourself publications both among popular science literature and among the classics.

Modern man is in front of the Himalayas of libraries in the position of a gold digger who needs to find grains of gold in a mass of sand.

S.I. Vavilov

Has it ever happened to you that when you were reading a book or an article on a blog, you were suddenly overcome by a wave of indescribable joy, and you internally exclaimed:

"Mine... Mine... Mine!!!"?

These lines convey my feelings... they accurately depict my states... they reflect my experiences, fears and dreams...

They are consonant with my values ​​... and if I could express my thoughts as beautifully and accurately, I would write exactly the way the author did.

If you've experienced similar feelings, then you know what I'm talking about. About the moment when you find "your" author. An author who thinks, feels, empathizes like you.

When we find Him or Her, our lives are transformed. Our spiritual family is enriched with a new soul. We ourselves become bigger, bigger, deeper. We are wiser and older. And sometimes, on the contrary, we become more free and spontaneous, like children.

Sometimes they inspire us to dream big. To win. At risk. The best of them are able to pull us out of a deep depression.

All this is not done by books. Not blogs or articles.

Texts do not carry the power with which we become capable of more. Paragraphs do not turn us to ourselves.

This is done by people who put words together in some incredible way, weave into them a special meaning that changes our lives. This is done by the geniuses of thought, feeling and words.

And today we will remember and celebrate this great miracle. A miracle that happened in the life of each of us when we finally came into contact with our favorite author. In this article, I will list the best self-development books (in my opinion), books that once changed someone's life.

The 3 books that made the most impact on me in 2016

I'll start with the books that influenced me in 2016. This year I was lucky to meet many kindred spirits. Thanks to their books, I discovered whole worlds. Among the 30+ books that I have read over the past year, I want to highlight three that are especially important to me. I think these are self-development books that everyone should read.

In it, Elizabeth spoke about her path of creative realization. About the ups that inspired her. And about the falls that she learned to soften. She shared what works great in her creative process and helps to create masterpieces.

This book is about an Englishwoman named Tenzin Palmo. She spent twelve years in seclusion in a cave in the mountains of Tibet in order to achieve enlightenment in the female body. The strength of spirit and the beauty of this woman's dream inspired me to go on my spiritual retreats. Among the books for self-development and self-improvement “Cave in the snow occupied a special place.

The third book is Zen in Writing by Ray Bradbury.

This book is a special love. When I opened it, I literally started jumping up and down in bed. It was already late, but I could not sleep, reading aloud the words, amazingly beautifully folded into sentences filled with deep meaning.

To discover such a treasure among a huge amount of literature is a separate holiday for me. And although I read Fahrenheit 451 in college (all teenagers read it during a period of self-determination and protest), this outstanding writer has since completely fallen out of my orbit. And how happy I was to rediscover it! But now more like a mentor in writing, igniting my passion to write thinner and deeper.

Chris Hadfield, author of The Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth, made such an impression on me last year. Despite the fact that we are from completely different professional worlds, I learned a lot from this unearthly personality. The Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth is a self-development book worth reading.

Who inspires you to be better, unleash your creativity every day and constantly improve your craft?

That was the question I asked the participants in the Best Year of Your Life program and received an incredible answer, which in seven days transformed into a list of more than 100 books.

The authors of these books inspire us to create our Best versions of ourselves, provoke us to think outside the box, pour fuel into our empty tanks and guide us to bold dreams. And below you'll find a precious list of over 100 of our community's favorite books! I marked my favorites with an E.

100+ best books on self-development according to the System of Spherical Development

Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead

Why is this novel on the list of the best self-development books? The main characters are architect Howard Roark and journalist Dominique Frankow. They defend the freedom of the creative person in the struggle against a society where "equal opportunities for all" are valued. Together and alone, with each other and against each other, but always against the foundations of the crowd. They are individualists, their mission is to create and transform the world. Through the vicissitudes of the fate of the heroes and the fascinating plot, the author carries out the main idea of ​​the book - EGO is the source of human progress.

Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

“I swear on my life and love for it that I will never live for someone else and never ask someone else to live for me.” Ayn Rand.

Socialists come to power in the United States and the government is heading for "equal opportunities", considering it fair to make worthless and untalented rich at the expense of the talented and wealthy. The persecution of business leads to the destruction of the economy, moreover, one by one, under mysterious circumstances, talented people and the best entrepreneurs begin to disappear. The main characters of the novel - King of Steel Hank Rearden and vice president of the railway company Dagny Taggart are trying in vain to resist the tragic events. Instead of general prosperity, society plunges into apathy and chaos. "Atlant" is the most amazing, I'm not afraid of the word, "motivational" book about self-realization. For me today there is no more intriguing literary hero in terms of professionalism and human qualities than Dagny Taggart. In my opinion, Rand's masterpieces are self-development books that anyone who loves their job and strives for professional self-realization should read.

This book lacks a spiritual element for me personally, but the way Rand described her characters' love of craftsmanship made me not only take myself to a new level of attitude to my work, but also create a course on this topic. If all people also wanted to give their talents to the service of others, like Dagny, Hank and John Galt, then we would live in a completely different world.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.

This book is about how you can and should appreciate every moment of life. I read it at the age of 16, in a foreign literature course at an American school, and it made one of the deepest impressions on me. Not a single literary hero for me is such an excellent example of spiritual development, a grateful attitude to life and the ability to enjoy the simplest things as Ivan Denisovich, a prisoner of the Gulag.

Alice Vitti, Woman Code. How hormones affect your life.

Books for self-development and self-improvement are often written by women who have come a long way. The author of this book, Alice Witty, a physician and health consultant, suffered from polycystic ovary syndrome. Today, every ninth woman is diagnosed with this diagnosis, and medicine can only reduce the symptoms. Alice managed to defeat the disease on her own, and now she is ready to help other women. Her method has many advantages: with its help, any woman will improve fertility, increase sexuality, cope with hormonal storms and hot flashes, adjust her cycle, forget about painful menstruation. The book provides a nutrition plan that takes into account the phases of the cycle, gives advice on which workout is more effective and what to do in these phases (from cleaning to asking for a raise at work). You will live and act according to your hormones, you will be able to get pregnant whenever you want. You will finally live life to the fullest.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince.

Many read this book as a child, and therefore perceive it as a children's book. But The Little Prince really deserves to be on the list of self-development books to read. Saint-Exupery liked to repeat that it is in childhood that the basic qualities of a person are formed, and that one is immensely happy who has managed to maintain surprise before the world and a grateful attitude towards all living things for life. “We all come from childhood,” the writer recalls and introduces us to the most mysterious, touching and infinitely fragile creature named the Little Prince. For all his defenselessness, the Little Prince is irreconcilable to greed and ambition. Before the power of his kindness and ingenuous wisdom, even the yellow snake itself recedes - death, until the Little Prince calls her to him in order to save the beloved creature that he has tamed at such a price. Every person, whether an adult or a child, listening to a fairy tale, will think, or, as the Little Prince said, “will see with his heart” this piercingly sad poetic work in which Saint-Exupery expressed his most cherished thoughts. That it is necessary to appreciate a person, his smile. That it is impossible to live without love and friendship. And that people need the beauty of poetry and kindness just like the pure water of a spring.

Angel Coitier, "Little Princess"

The search for the tablets continues! Do we know the truth about ourselves? How long have we looked into our hearts? And are we ready for this audience? And our whole life depends on it. Without it, she doesn't exist. It just can't be. To adapt to the world, to adapt to the world, to put up with the world - this is a temptation that the human soul cannot resist. The history of the search for the fifth Tablet captures and keeps you in suspense from the very first page. Angel and Danila find themselves hostages of a terrible and dangerous game. In a world that lives without truth, everything is unsteady and perishable. Darkness reigns in the souls that have forgotten about the Light. “The eyes are blind. You have to search with your heart,” says Antoine de Saint-Exupery. “The truth is scary. But it’s not scary with her, ”the Little Princess echoes him. The truth is in each of us. But where are we?

“A child once lived in everyone - he could, like an x-ray, enlighten a boa constrictor that had had lunch. Or see a live lamb in a box drawn on a piece of paper. But the main thing - he knew the truth, he knew everything as it is. It didn't have a double bottom. He himself was both a small planet and the space around it. He was everything, life itself. But where is he now? Why did this boy commit suicide? Smart books worth reading for self-development are always filled with meaning. But this book will not leave anyone indifferent.

Angel Coitier, "All my life I've been waiting for him".

When asked “What books should I read for self-development,” the name Angel Couatier always comes to my mind. In “All my life I have been waiting for him,” the story that began in the sensational novel “Schemnik” continues! Why do we love?.. Love and death are two eternal mysteries that are hidden under the covers of fear. We struggle, but we cannot penetrate the essence of these great mysteries. In the new amazing book by Angel de Couatié, the two heroes of "Schemnik" become witnesses of the Fate of a true Woman. They have a dangerous journey ahead of them, where both love and death can meet them with equal probability. And only when Angel and Danila decide to face their fear, Life reveals to them the first Tablet of the Covenant, the first of seven, the first on the path to Salvation. Only the heart knows the truth, only the mind sees the goal, only man... People have forgotten how to love. Behind the love of a modern person there is always a desire for some benefit. We do not love another person, we love our desire in him. We deceive ourselves. Our love is devoid of sincerity, spontaneity. There is nothing real in it, only an allusion, only an image, an imitation ...

Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov), Unholy Saints.

“One ascetic once said that every Orthodox Christian can tell his gospel, his Good News about meeting God. Of course, no one compares such testimonies with the books of the apostles, who saw with their own eyes the Son of God who lived on earth. And yet we, though weak, sinful, are His disciples, and there is nothing more beautiful in the world than contemplation of the amazing actions of the Providence of the Savior in our world. “Good, good book. It is read that it is said "in one breath". In the soul after her peace and tranquility. Seriously - this book is like a psychologist, only cheaper and more effective, it seems to me .... If the author's language is so pure and bright, if the stories themselves are soulful, or maybe both - but I love this book and reread it from any page when it seems that everything goes awry. I won’t say that I’m a fanatically religious person, but I’m not an atheist either. And this book really brings you closer to a state of peace ... or something.

Artur Perez-Reverte, Queen of the South.

The modern Queen of Sheba, the semi-literate Teresa Mendoza, is forced to flee Mexico. She is homeless and outlawed, her lover was killed, and staying in her homeland is tantamount to death for her. Once in Morocco, she gets a job as a cashier in a brothel, meets a handsome smuggler, and from that moment her life turns upside down: the former sheep becomes a fanged wolf ... The combination of a Latin American drug ballad, gangster folklore, meticulous journalistic investigation and a chilling thriller gives the result so explosive that thick, six hundred page novel is read in one breath. And the story, which at first seems like an apology for the thieves' obshchak and banditry "according to concepts", in fact turns out to be one of the best stories about love, betrayal and loneliness in world literature. The perfection of literary technique and emotional intensity make "The Queen of the South" related to the "South", and in general - all the "gangster" stories of Borges. Queen of the South is as moralistic as a candid documentary about a murder can be moralistic. It was the same in Comanche Territory. The writer simply looks into the lens and shows how terrible and absurd human greed, stupidity, cruelty are… Transferred by the author from the distant past, the Queen of Sheba again asks Solomon questions. But no matter how sad it is, no one, even the wisest of kings, can answer them.

Barbara de Angelis, Life Secrets a Woman Should Know.

This is a book for women who understand that in many respects it depends on them what the relationship with their partner will be like. In this book, you will learn the six biggest mistakes women make in relationships with men, the three biggest men's secrets, how to properly communicate with men, why sex is so important for men, and how to get what you want from a man. Self-development books worth reading for a woman are not taken seriously by some. But Barbara de Angelis provides answers to a lot of the questions women really care about.

Barbara Sher, Dreaming.

What book to read for self-development if you don't know what you want from life? A brilliant follow-up to the best-selling book Dreaming Is Good will lead you not to just another boring job, but to a career that reflects your true talents and dreams. You will understand how to re-believe in "long-forgotten" goals, overcome barriers to success and finally decide who you really want to become. After reading this inspiring book, you will learn what to do if you have never explicitly set yourself goals in life, how to get off the beaten path and find your own way, how to overcome chronic self-criticism and negative attitude, how to rebuild when you have lost your big dream, how stop waiting for luck and start creating it.

Brian Tracy, Achieving the Goal.

A simple but very effective methodology for overcoming difficulties in setting goals and on the way to them is offered to a wide range of readers, which has helped more than a million people in different parts of the world rely on the potentials and resources of their personal psyche and quickly achieve success.

Brian Tracy, "Achieving the maximum."

This book is based on 25 years of research and life practice of the author. It opens up to every reasonable person the opportunity to master personal potentials and resources to such an extent that for the rest of your life your inseparable companions will be excellent mood and health, wealth and prosperity, delight and respect of others. Books on self-development and personal growth by Brian Tracy have helped many.


Vadim Zeland, Reality Transurfing.

Transurfing is a powerful reality control technology. It is worth applying it, and life will begin to change. When using Transurfing, the goal is not achieved, but is realized for the most part by itself. It is impossible to believe, but only at first sight. The ideas presented in the book have already found practical confirmation. Those who have tried Transurfing experienced surprise bordering on delight. The surrounding world of the transfer is changing in an incomprehensible way literally before our eyes. A very useful book for self-development that will help change your life.

Vladimir Dovgan, "The Way of the Winner".

After reading this book, you will learn how to become a Winner always and in everything. How to become rich. How to find true happiness in life. How to get rid of depression. How to get out of the shadow of failure. What is the meaning of your life. How to beat alcohol. What are the most effective methods for personal development and how to apply them in practice. How to develop your physical condition and always stay healthy. How to get rid of the delusions that surround you all your conscious life. How to get the most out of self-talk. If you are thinking about what book to read for self-development, so that it will give impetus to new victories, this book is for you.

Viktor Frankl, “Say YES to life! Psychologist in a concentration camp.

This amazing book made its author one of the greatest spiritual teachers of mankind in the 20th century. In it, the philosopher and psychologist Viktor Frankl, who went through the Nazi death camps, opened the way for millions of people around the world to comprehend the meaning of life. In the terrible, murderous conditions of concentration camps, he showed the extraordinary strength of the human spirit. The spirit is stubborn, despite the weakness of the body and the discord of the soul. Man has something to live for! This book is for those who explore themselves and their inner world. Who knows the meaning, and who has lost it. For those who have everything in order, and for those who are tired of life. This great book will teach you the ability to find meaning in any situation.

Geshe Michael Roach, Karma of Love. 100 answers to questions about personal relationships. From ancient Tibetan wisdom.

This book is a unique reference book of answers to the most exciting and pressing questions related to personal relationships. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it relies on the knowledge that came to us from ancient Tibet. At first glance, it seems absurd that ancient Buddhist books can help modern Westerners in their difficult personal relationships. The answers are often unexpected and sometimes absurd as they deal with a very hidden level of reality - the level of karma. Understanding how we can manage this hidden level gives us the key to creating the happiest relationships.

Geshe Michael Roach, Diamond Wisdom. Buddha on how to manage business and personal life.

Is success subject to any laws? Can it be guaranteed to be scheduled? What is this mysterious “emptiness” (or hidden potential of things) that is the key to unlocking the secret of any success in business and personal life? You will find answers to these and many other questions in the book of Michael Roach, an outstanding person of our time - a Buddhist monk, a prominent businessman and a talented writer who publishes wonderful books for personal development. Today this book has been translated into 23 languages. It is read and successfully used by millions of people around the world. You can find their success stories at the end of the book. The book is intended primarily for businessmen and leaders, but it can also be of great benefit to anyone who decides to become the leader of their own lives.

Geshe Michael Roach, Diamond Cutter. Business and life management system.

There are people whose stories change our understanding of human capabilities. Michael Roach spent more than 20 years in a Tibetan monastery, becoming the first Westerner to receive a Geshe, or PhD in Buddhist philosophy. With no experience, no money, no connections, relying only on Buddhist knowledge of how the world works, he founded one of the most successful companies in New York. In this book, Michael Roach details how he achieved this and how, using the principles outlined in the ancient Diamond Cutter Sutra, anyone can replicate his success. This book will make you look at business and your life in a new way. After reading it, you will understand how, by helping other people, you can always achieve your goals, regardless of external circumstances.

Geshe Michael Roach, Dvora Zvieli Spiritual Partnership.

The book is a collection of lectures given by Dr. Dvora Zvieli in Israel in 2008. Lectures are based on the ancient Tibetan teachings of Lo Jong and provide an approach to change the most difficult and stressful situations related to relationships and, first of all, personal relationships. This approach is directly opposite to our natural instinctive reactions. Reading the book, you will learn how to stop being offended, why similar situations are constantly repeated that hurt, why your partner does not do what you ask him to do, how to satisfy both your desire and the desire of your partner at the same time. if they don't match. As well as answers to many other difficult questions. The book "Spiritual Partnership" has already changed the lives of many people for the better. In fact, this is an instruction for creating paradise in your own family.

Geshe Michael Roach, Christy McNally, Michael Gordon, Karmic Management.

This is the long-awaited sequel to the world bestseller "Diamond Wisdom". Karmic Management gives us a completely new way of solving problems and completing projects. It's not something you've heard about before. It works and always works.

Gleb Arkhangelsky, Time Drive.

A useful and entertaining book on time management. The first popular book on time management in the conditions of Russian "off-road and slovenliness". In the simplest form, step by step, using real Russian examples, Time Drive answers the main question: how to do more in less time?

Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People?

My first personal development book. It was given to me by my mother at the age of 12, when I had problems with communication at school. After reading this book and applying the knowledge from it, making friends has become much easier.This is a book for anyone who wants to be ahead of the curve. On every page, the great Dale Carnegie shows you how his original method of getting and keeping the attention of others will help you in every area of ​​your life. Carnegie's book has been included in more than one list of the best books for personal development.

Danny Penman, Mark Williams, Mindfulness. How to find harmony in our crazy world.

What books to read for self-development for those who cannot cope with their bad mood. This is a book about mindfulness meditation, which is based on a really working therapy developed by the author and his colleagues at Oxford University. This technique, recommended by the British Ministry of Health, not only helps to cure and prevent depression, but also helps to cope with the challenges of the modern pace of life. Using the meditation practices suggested in the book for just 10-20 minutes a day, you can reduce stress, anxiety, irritability, and prevent depression. And also, develop memory, creativity, reaction, attention and self-control, train your mental and physical endurance, reduce blood pressure and the risk of hypertension, increase immunity and overall health.

J. Donald Walters, The Way. Autobiography of a Western Yogi.

"The Way" is a fascinating story of the search for Truth. J. Donald Walters (also known as Swami Kriyananda) talks about how, in his younger years, he considered and rejected many of the false opportunities presented by modern society. Gradually, he realized that true human happiness does not come from externalsuccessbut from deepening spiritual awareness. Finally, the search led him to one of the spiritual giants of the 20th century - Paramahamsa Yogananda ("Autobiography of a Yogi"). This was followed by spiritual training under Yogananda. Yogananda showed him a clear path to achieve spiritual ideals through the practice of the science of deep yogic meditation. Inspirational stories and life story with a self-realized master vividly depict the philosophy of yoga and the way of life associated with it. As a close disciple of the Master, living only for God, Donald Walters eventually decided to create a spiritual community and a worldwide church for the sake of better spreading the principles and teachings of Yogananda. The Way is a storehouse of practical and inspired wisdom. Those who seek it will feel in the book the transformative power of a true spiritual classic.

Jason Fried, David Hensson, "Remote: Office is not required."

How to work together, remotely, in any room, in any region, anytime, anywhere. What could be better than getting up at 7 am and heading to work? What could be nicer than killing a couple of hours on the road, standing in endless traffic jams, or on the subway at rush hour, jostling with the same sleepy poor fellows? Or, for example, in the summer... To see a hot sunny day through the windows of your office and catch a cold from the air conditioner. Ideally! If these pictures evoke a feeling of horror, and it seems to you that only a perverted psychopath could write such a thing, then you have the right book. The founders of 37signals (and the authors of the bestselling book Rework) managed to create a company that successfully employs people from all over the world. In order to get into the team, it is enough to have a computer and Internet access. Well, be talented, of course. In their new book, Jason and David show how companies and employees can effectively work remotely.

Jack Canfield, Jacket Switzer, Think and Grow Rich! Rules for Success.

You can find this book in many lists of the top 10 best self-development books. He has had a brilliant career, has a lot of money and a luxurious estate in California, enjoys great fame and popularity, he has excellent family relationships and many friends around the world: how did he manage to do this? Jack Canfield is convinced that you, just like him, can achieve stunning success in life if you follow the simple and understandable rules that are set out in this book. A student of the legendary Napoleon Hill, founder and developer of the famous positive thinking strategy, he will help you articulate exactly what you want from life and tell you how to achieve it.

There are many characteristics that are specific to your profession, your lifestyle, your beliefs, but the basic principles for achieving success in any enterprise are given in this book in full. The author does not promise manna from heaven and a villa in the Canary Islands in addition: you will have to make some efforts, for example, slightly adjust your behavioral tactics and put into practice the special secrets found on the pages of this book. But maybe that's why the "rules of success" work even when many other strategies for achieving the desired are powerless. Because in this case, the game starts to go according to your rules ...

Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.

For more than three decades, the grandiose discovery of Dr. J. Murphy has been helping people get at their disposal an incredible power - the power of the subconscious! In this book, you will find simple, but absolutely amazing techniques that can work wonders! Applying them, you will learn how to quickly find the right solution to any problem, you can get rid ofincurablediseases and bad habits. The power of the subconscious will help you turn on the universal law of attraction of money, select the ideal business partner or life partner. The subconscious recognizes in advance and will take away potential threats from you. Use these techniques - and then health, happiness and prosperity will stay with you forever!

John Arden, The Taming of the Amygdala. And other brain training tools.

Proven and evidence-based recommendations for "programming" the brain to improve almost every aspect of life. Not so long ago, it was believed that the brain you were born with is the same brain you will live with all your life. It is now known that this is not the case. If we draw an analogy with computers: the brain is “software”, not “hardware”, it is reprogrammed and changes throughout life. In this book, neuroscientist John Arden shows you how you can change your brain to feel better, relieve stress, improve memory, improve mood, and achieve other positive changes.

John Gray, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.

What books should a woman read for self-development? John Gray's book is one of the greatest bestsellers of our time. This is a book that has changed the fate of a great many people for the better. Most problems in a relationship between a man and a woman arise because we are really different. And not just different people - we are from different planets. Our approach to most issues differs so much that a special common language is needed for a real understanding. And this book will help each and every one to find and master this language. And when we learn it, most of the reasons for being unhappy in love, in family, in business relationships will disappear.

John Gray, "Children are from heaven."

An amazing gift for all men and women who have children. This book will really help you in raising children. Positive parenting will make your children successful, able to cope with any life difficulties, relieve feelings of guilt and fear. And it will make you truly happy parents, allowing you to solve all the problems associated with raising children in the modern world. And how you will regret that this book did not exist at the time of your parents!

John Kehoe, The Subconscious Can Do Anything.

The author of this book, in the solitude of the forests of the Canadian province of British Columbia, spent three years concentrating on questions relating to the functioning of the human brain. Ways to activate its unlimited resources, developed and combined by John Kehoe into a specific program, can change your life for the better, fill it with success and happiness.

John Fowles, The Magician, or Magus.

John Fowles is one of the most prominent and popular British writers, a modern classic, author of The Collector and The French Lieutenant's Mistress. "The Magus" serves as a kind of visiting card for Fowles. In this novel, on a lost Greek island, a mysterious Magician performs merciless psychological experiments on people, subjecting them to torture by passion and non-existence. The realistic tradition is combined in the book with elements of mysticism and detective story. Erotic scenes are perhaps the best written about carnal love in the second half of the 20th century.

Julie Powell, Julie & Julie. Cooking happiness according to the recipe.

This is a heartbreaking and gastro-tempting story about a young and not very successful New York secretary, Julie Powell, who decided to change her life in a very original way. She sets herself the task of mastering and cooking all 524 recipes in Julia Child's famous cookbook "How to Master the Art of French Cooking" in 365 days. You just have to find out what came out of all this.

Julia Cameron, The Artist's Way and the Goldmine.

This book is a practical course, designed for 12 weeks of daily classes, helping the novice (advanced) creator (any of us) to discern and awaken new, sometimes unexpected talents in themselves. The book "The Way of the Artist and the Goldmine" has changed the lives of millions of people over the 20 years of its existence, namely, their attitude towards their own creative abilities, and helped them realize their dreams of creativity. Julia Cameron, an eminent creative consultant, teaches you to listen to your heart and create, leaving behind all doubts and fears. The best book on self-development for those who have not yet succeeded in realizing themselves in creativity.

Daniel Goleman, Emotional Leadership.

The art of managing people based on emotional intelligence. The book is about how the emotions of leaders are contagious. When a leader radiates energy and enthusiasm, the enterprise thrives; if it sows destruction and disharmony, the business goes to the bottom. Using data from many years of observation of world-class companies, the authors show that "emotional leaders" - whether they are executives, managers or politicians, are distinguished not only by their professional skills and insight, but also by the ability to establish contacts with people: inspire, inspire, arouse excitement, support high motivation and dedication. Emotional Leadership is one of the top 10 self-development books for those who want to build a strong team.

Irving Stone, Lust for Life.

This book is a biography of Vincent van Gogh. But this is only on the surface. In fact - a book-history of an aspiring creator, full of real non-glossy wisdom, tenderness, cruelty, talent

Irina Khakamada, “The Tao of Life. Master class from a convinced individualist».

How to combine career, love, self-realization and personal happiness? Irina Khakamada knows the answer to this question. Like a chef, Irina created her own recipe for life, mixing ingredients as diverse as Eastern philosophy, Western business approaches, and modern and postmodern Russian culture. As a result, she managed to reach a state where nothing prevents her from being happy. Khakamada's books are definitely the best self-development books for women.

Irina Khakamada, “From image to style. Looking forward to myself."

Despite the main message “from image to style”, it is not limited to the topic of creating an external image. Yes, you will learn in it how to dress and behave properly so that you never get into awkward situations. But like other books by Irina Mutsuovna, this work is primarily about self-determination. Only after you understand what you want to say to the outside world, you will be able to correctly use and combine various attributes (clothes, accessories, hairstyles, shoes) . In order to most fully convey your state of mind, to talk about your interests and mood in the most understandable, agreed language. If you are a person who thinks, develops and is ready for experiments, then this book will give you a huge head start. Having studied the principles and technologies proposed by the author, you will receive a direction to reveal your individuality and project it outward. And this, you see, is the most interesting thing that can be in revealing your own style.

Yehuda Berg, Kabbalah. The power to change everything."

Yehuda Berg is a leading Kabbalah expert and author of the world bestseller The Power of Kabbalah. His new book is a call to action, a guide on how to change yourself and the world using the power of the mind. The global crisis creates conditions for us to grow. Economy and politics, environment and health care, education and religion - we can no longer pretend that we are not involved in the world's problems. In his book, Berg proves that the first step towards positive change is the personal responsibility of each of us for our actions and their consequences. Our true nature is divine, the source of our consciousness is God, and God has the power to change everything. We do not even realize how powerful we are and how our smallest actions can affect the world.

Yogi Bhajan, Business and Spirituality.

This book is about business and the possibilities of its development, this book is about a person and his infinite potential. It will be equally interesting for business people and housewives. It tells how to define a problem, how to find the only correct solution to it, how to bring this solution to life and, ultimately, to achieve success, which is an integral natural part of every person's life. The book "Business and Spirituality" will undoubtedly become your "home coach", or coach and consultant in matters of success. In business parlance, the time spent reading this book is an investment in yourself that will return you a thousandfold and will give you strength, wisdom, character, and a rich heritage.

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, The Buddha Brain and the Neurophysiology of Happiness.

How to change life for the better. Practical guide. Master Mingyur Rinpoche combines the ancient wisdom of Buddhism with the latest discoveries of Western science, showing how you can live a healthier and happier life through meditation. Rinpoche's book should definitely be read by everyone. E

Ken Wilber, Grace and Fortitude.

The book describes the life, struggle, spiritual healing and death of Treya Willam Wilber, the wife of philosopher Ken Wilber, who spent five years searching for a cure for cancer. Ken's profound commentary on traditional and alternative approaches to disease and healing, the problems of connecting male and female ways of life, Eastern and Western traditions of knowledge, combined with Treya's diary entries, which tell with the utmost honesty and sincerity about her inner quest, together create this a fascinating picture of a journey together in search of health and healing, wholeness and harmony through suffering, humility and inner transformation.

Karen Fisher Detox Plan.

Developed by American nutritionist and nutritionist Karen Fisher, the detox plan will easily fit into your busy lifestyle. It will help start the cleansing process, and in just 8 weeks you will acquire natural beauty and health. Reduce the first signs of aging, improve the condition of hair and skin, remove poisonous substances from the body, get rid of acne, rashes and other problems. The Detox Plan is a self-development book to read if you care about your health.

Keith Ferrazzi, Tal Raz, "Never Eat Alone and Other Networking Rules."

Connections are everything! For a long time in Europe and America, one of the main skills, in particular for an entrepreneur and manager, is networking - the ability to openly and sincerely communicate with a variety of people, building a network of useful acquaintances. The author of this book, who has collected in his notebook more than five thousand contacts of the powerful of this world, shares the secrets of building a wide network of mutually beneficial relationships in business and beyond. By following his advice, you will not only realize your ambitions and abilities, but you will help someone else to do the same. And, of course, decorate your life with communication with interesting interlocutors. The book is a must for entrepreneurs and executives and highly recommended for everyone else.

Clarissa Pinkola Estes, "Running with the Wolves. The female archetype in myths.

Translated into more than twenty-five languages ​​of the world, the book of Clarissa Estes has been one of the first places in the world book ranking for several years. This book about the female archetype is truly universal. Replace the concept of "Primitive Woman" with "Primordial Man" - and you will see that the benefit that this book will bring to your soul has no gender. Inside every woman lives a primordial, natural being, full of good instincts, compassionate creativity and eternal wisdom. But this creature - Wild Woman is on the verge of extinction. The “civilizing” influence of society, unfortunately, suppresses everything “wild”, that is, natural, in the child. Clarissa Estes, who has been practicing and teaching Jungian psychoanalysis and researching the myths of different cultures for more than twenty years, shows how the primordial Spirit of a woman can be revived through "psychoarchaeological excavations" in the area of ​​the female unconscious. The healthy, instinctive, clairvoyant, healing archetypal Wild Woman lives life to the fullest in ancient myths and tales. But it can reappear in the soul of every woman in the conditions of the modern world.

Claudia Welch, "Hormonal balance - balance in life."

At the heart of many health problems that almost every woman faces is an imbalance of hormones. Doctors rarely explain the reasons to us, and they themselves do not always understand them well. Summarizing a large amount of information, Dr. Claudia Welch explains why and how hormonal imbalances occur and manifest themselves. The problems are considered from the positions of both modern Western and traditional Eastern medicine (Ayurveda and Chinese). Much attention is paid to ways to restore balance and health. The book is intended for a wide range of readers, especially women, and contains many references to modern medical research and other reference material. If we were now compiling a list of self-development books that were intended only for women, Hormonal Balance would take its place in the TOP 10.

Klaus Kobiell, Action Motivation. The excitement is contagious."

The joy of work, partnerships within the company, meticulous planning combined with the freedom to make decisions - these ideas have been proposed by management and marketing theorists for a long time, but it was Klaus Kobiell, a restaurateur and owner of an old hotel, who first put them into practice consistently. The unique innovative method of motivating employees that he uses is universal and can be effectively used in any business area - be it a hotel, a law office, a restaurant or a car service. The book is addressed to managers, executives and owners of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as those who are just planning to start their own business. An excellent book for self-development of managers.

Carlos Castaneda, "The Teachings of Don Juan" and other books.

Carlos Castaneda, the most mysterious and famous author of the second half of the 20th century, who shifted the assemblage point of all mankind.

The first book is not yet the “real” Castaneda, because the young anthropologist cannot yet accept the magical world of his teacher don Juan and is trying to write a “scientific review” of the incredible events taking place around him. But here begins the greatest spiritual odyssey of modern times. But be careful! Even if you read all eleven of Castaneda's books as mere fascinating magical stories, considering them pure fiction, you will never look at the world the same way again. The reality of Native American magicians and their allies is so dangerous to the usual system of perception that Carlos, an anthropologist from Los Angeles, having written his first book, tries to escape from it forever. But the Force decides otherwise: two years later, he returned - and a new cycle of training began.

Klaus Joel, The Messenger.

If you are a person who flips through many books in search of what will allow you to move forward, then in the "Messenger" you will find what you are looking for. The story you are about to read is as true as I was able to retell it. You will discover a little-known, unexpected, incredible secret about Love. For centuries, the word "love" has been used to describe feelings and sensations, but nothing has been said about the incredible source of energy responsible for powering everything that surrounds us. Imagine what you could do if you knew how to access this source! Get ready to embark on a journey that most of us only thought possible in those rare moments when we dared to dream the impossible...

Larisa Parfentyeva, "100 ways to change your life."

A collection of inspiring stories about how to change your life for the better, from a man who managed to turn his own life around 180 degrees. This book includes sections "Purpose", "Motivation", "Movement", "Laws of Life". In it you will find answers to many questions: How to express the strength that I have inside? How to leave unloved work and realize yourself? How to take the first step towards a new life? How to overcome fears and take a "leap of faith"? How to balance work and love? How to find an environment that will support? How to develop personal power and get what you want from the Universe? How to forgive old grievances and "take the knife out of your back"?

Liz Burbo, "5 Injuries That Keep Us From Being Ourselves."

In this book, Liz Burbo talks about the personal responsibility of each person - responsibility not to someone, but to himself, to his soul, to his own health. Any mental trauma inflicted on anyone, you will inevitably inflict on yourself. For a long time. So suffering is passed on from generation to generation. From childhood traumas, from habitual sufferings, mass, general sufferings grow, and take the form of social, state, world crises. Betrayal, injustice, humiliation, the torments of a rejected, abandoned soul - these, as Bourbo shows, are deeply personal traumas; but are they not the basis, if not the essence, of all human suffering? It turns out that there is no need to complain about someone or something, there is no need to catch and punish the villains, since the inveterate villain - he is a martyr - sits in each of us. Is it possible and how to free him from both suffering and villainy? Find the answer in this book and use it!

Liz Burbo, Healing 5 Injuries.

The long-awaited continuation of the bestseller Liz Burbo "Five traumas that prevent you from being yourself", translated into 16 languages ​​​​and withstood dozens of reprints in Russian. In her new book, Liz Bourbeau sums up years of research on five mental traumas and their treatment. Key concepts are being further developed. Simple and effective methods for diagnosing and healing five injuries are given. The role of the ego in the mental life of a person is discussed and non-violent strategies for working with it are proposed. Prior acquaintance with other books by Liz Burbo is not required. Five Trauma Healing is a self-sufficient and powerful tool for those who want to take control of their lives and achieve deep inner harmony.

Liz Burbo, Love, Love, Love.

The beloved author of the Listen to Your Body series by millions has written an unusual book. Her lessons are based on conversations with real people and their stories - sad, funny and tragic. As you watch with passion the development of the characters in this book, you will see the incredible results of true love and acceptance. You will also be able to understand the difference between acceptance, humility and submission, and learn about the different facets of love - parental, friendship, possessive, passionate love and unconditional love ... This unique book will sharpen your sensitivity and guide you through the various situations that you face in your life. life.

Lombardo, Better than perfect.

And what book to read for self-development to someone who does not achieve the ideal? Life on the principle of “either perfect or not at all” can bring you to exhaustion, depriving you and your loved ones of sleep, rest and ordinary human joys. The stress that a perfectionist experiences in striving for perfection most often only harms his professional growth and, worse, his health. At the same time, such a person never feels happy. Elizabeth Lombardo, a well-known psychologist, specializes in the problem of perfectionism. Thanks to her recommendations, collected in this book, the lives of thousands of people who have driven themselves into the trap of the pursuit of perfection have become happier, healthier and more fulfilling.

Lauren Rosenfield, Melva Green, "Breathe Freely: How Clutter at Home Can Help You Understand Yourself."

“A unique combination of scientific and spiritual approaches that will make your home a place of relaxation, restoration and finding harmony. This book will help you take a closer look at the rubbish that has accumulated in the house, and see that under these piles are hidden enlightening spiritual lessons and emotional insights that can free up space not only in the house, but also in the soul - as well as give lightness to your spirit and harmonize your world. The book will show you the right path, clarifying one important truth: your soul is like a house. A house is like a soul. And you can make both of these spaces open, filled with light and joy.”

Louise Hay, Heal Your Life.

Louise Hay is one of the founders of the self-help movement and the author of over 30 popular psychology books. In the book "Heal Your Life" (You Can Heal Your Life), the author offers his own unique methods of curing many diseases with the help of willpower and thought - you just need to change your stereotype of thinking, accept and love yourself and your body. Each chapter opens with an affirmation appropriate for the area you are having problems, and ends with a healing hex. In the three decades since it was written, this book has won the hearts of readers around the world and has already helped millions of people change their lives for the better.

Michael Newton, Destiny of the Soul. Life between lives.

Each of us, somewhere deep in our hearts, asks ourselves questions: “Who am I, why I was born, why I was given this life, what do I need to do in it, where will I go after death?” Each of us deeply feels that we were born for something very important. Only, alas, not all of us manage to live life in such a way as to understand and fulfill our true destiny in this life. The Destiny of the Soul by renowned hypnotherapist Michael Newton is a continuation of the sensational research into life after death published in the worldwide best-selling book Journey of the Soul. The book "The Destiny of the Soul", like the previous book, is based not on theoretical inventions and legends of antiquity, but on real, scientific, practical experience. This book will help each of us find our place in this life and use it to the maximum benefit for the soul, to understand our true purpose not only in a short period of time called life, but in endless eternity.

Mihaly Csikszentmihain, "Flow".

The book "Flow" is a very non-trivial approach to the problems of the emotional life of a person and the regulation of behavior. The joy of flow is the highest reward that nature can bestow on us for striving to solve more and more complex problems. Unlike the standard of living, the quality of experience can be increased by paying with only one currency - the investment of attention and organized effort; the other currency in the flow realm is not quoted. Csikszentmihalyi reminds us: happiness is not something that just happens to us, it is both an art and a science, it is something that requires effort and a kind of qualification. “The key to happiness lies in the ability to control oneself, one’s feelings and impressions, thus finding joy in the everyday life around us.”

Nadya Andreeva, Happy Tummy.

The state of our digestion determines the health of every cell in the body. If it is bad, then we will not have a strong immune system, a well-functioning mechanism for removing toxins, a flat stomach, a good mood and seething energy. Happy Belly talks about how to improve the functioning of the digestive organs, on which mental clarity and a healthy weight depend, without counting calories, doing without diets and additional restrictions. It is filled with practical advice, descriptions of exercises and excerpts from the books of the ancient science of life - Ayurveda. Nadya Andreeva is a certified wellness specialist, a professional in the field of conscious nutrition. She works with hundreds of women, helping them improve their health by improving the process of digestion. Nadia offers to analyze your eating habits that lead to poor health, gives a step-by-step guide to developing new ones that will help you find health and inner harmony.

Nassim Taleb, Black Swan. Under the sign of unpredictability.

In the last decade alone, mankind has experienced a series of severe catastrophes, upheavals and cataclysms that do not fit into the framework of the most fantastic predictions. Nassim Taleb, a 52-year-old Lebanese Sorbonne graduate and New York financial guru, calls these unpredictable events Black Swans. He is convinced that it is they who give impetus to both history as a whole and the existence of each individual person. And to succeed, you have to be ready for them. Immediately after the release of The Black Swan, the author brilliantly demonstrated his "non-theory" in practice: against the backdrop of the financial crisis, Taleb's company earned (not lost!) Half a billion dollars for investors. But his work is not a textbook on economics. These are reflections of a very outstanding person about life and how to find your place in it. Definitely this book on self-development and personal growth for those who want to learn not only to overcome difficulties, but also to benefit from unpleasant situations.

Nina Mel, The Energy of Yoga.

This book on self-development is the only illustrated encyclopedia of its kind, in which the physiological, energy and psycho-mental aspects of the impact of asanas on a person are shown in detail and intelligibly. Nina Mel's author's approach to the energy of yoga offers the reader a deeper understanding of the most ancient technique for developing the body and spirit - hatha yoga. Eighty-seven of the most effective asanas for beginner and intermediate levels, unique ways of energy work in them, techniques for controlling attention and breathing, color visualization, sensory focus, etc. will open up a lot of interesting things not only for beginners taking their first steps in yoga, but also for advanced practitioners .

Noel Hancock, My Year with Eleanor.

Noel is an American writer and blogger who, at the age of 29, suddenly found herself without a job and without a meaning in life. But what at first caused shock and depressive emotions became the beginning of a new stage, much more multifaceted and filled. Noel decided to live the next year the way Eleanor Roosevelt bequeathed, namely, every day to do at least one thing that scares her. And by the age of 30, overcome all your childhood, teenage and adult fears. As a result, Noel wrote a candid memoir about her adventures.

Oksana Zubkova, "Nude beauty".

Must read for all vegans and those who want to become one. The book contains a description of the author's methods of recovery, rejuvenation and weight loss, as well as available recommendations for maintaining women's health and preserving youth in a natural way.

Olga Valyaeva, "The Destiny of Being a Woman".

A book for women of all ages and marital status. Everything you wanted to know about female nature, but did not know where to find it. If you want to become happy, but no matter what you do, you don’t get the desired happiness if you are strong and independent, but at night you cry into your pillow from loneliness, if you can and do everything yourself, but you really want to relax a little - this book is for you. The book is about what we should be taught in schools, but for some reason they are still not taught. It is a pity that such books on self-development for women are not included in school literature programs, because then the fate of many girls would have been different.

Austin Kleon, "Steal Like an Artist: 10 Ideas to Start Creative Fulfillment."

Once I wanted to start creating something of my own through creativity. However, I was stopped by the feeling that I was the so-called "imposter": what new can I create or tell? After all, everything that I already know and learned was said / written before me. Therefore, it will not be something new. This way of thinking stopped me and prevented me from surrendering to the creative flow. Austin Kleon's book "Steal Like an Artist" was a revelation and inspiration to start his creative realization. This is definitely a book worth reading not only for self-development, but also for the development of your talents.

Osho, On Women.

“... I tell you that a woman needs to be loved, not understood. This must be learned first of all. Most of the differences between men and women are due to millennia of conditioning. A woman's psyche is oppressed by a man who lies to her, made her his slave, turned her into a second-rate citizen of the world. He knows that she is beautiful, he knows that her independence is a threat to him. A woman must find her own potential in her soul and develop it, and a wonderful future awaits her. Woman and man are neither equal nor different. They are unique. The meeting of two unique beings brings something wonderful to existence…”

Osho, On Men.

All about the modern man. An unusual, candid portrait of a man in many of his manifestations. With unchanging accuracy, although not always partial, Osho defines the stronger sex in its evolution from Adam - Slave, Son, Homosexual, Husband, Priest, Politician, Robot, Beggar, Lover, Player, etc. - to the pinnacle of consciousness: Rebel, or Zorba Buddha. Osho answers the questions of men of different social status and age, and each answer contains a unique fusion of wisdom, anecdotes, jokes and meditative techniques.

Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist.

The most famous novel by the Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho, the favorite book of millions of people around the world. In youth, people are not afraid to dream, everything seems possible to them. But time passes, and a mysterious force begins to inspire them that their desires are unrealizable. “To achieve the embodiment of one's Destiny is the only true duty of a person ...” - says Paulo Coelho. This cult novel-parable is able to change the lives of its readers.

Paulo Coelho, Zaire.

Zaire is a book-confession of a man whose wife disappears without a trace. He goes over in his mind all the possible options - kidnapping, blackmail - but not that Esther could leave without saying a word, that she could simply break off their relationship. She irritates him like no other, but at the same time causes a feeling of irresistible cravings. What kind of life is she leading now? Will she be happy without him? All his thoughts are occupied with the disappearance of Esther. He knows that he can only overcome his obsession if he manages to find his wife.

Paulo Coelho, The Fifth Mountain.

A masterful and captivating story about the 23-year-old Elijah the prophet, who lived in the 9th century BC. Under the threat of execution, Elijah is forced to leave his native country. He takes refuge in the beautiful ancient city of Akbar, with a young widow and her son. Elijah finds it painfully difficult to maintain his holiness in a world torn by tyranny and wars, and then he still has to choose between love revealed to him for the first time and a deep sense of duty. touching poem about the test of human faith.

Paulo Coelho, Veronica Decides to Die.

Veronica has everything: youth and beauty, fans and decent work. But something is missing in her life. And one November morning, she decides to take such a dose of sleeping pills that she will never wake up again. Veronica wakes up in a psychiatric clinic... The novel, based on the personal experience of Paulo Coelho, makes us think about what madness is, and extols those who have the courage to resist society and its rigid notions of normality. This bold book is a dazzling portrait of a young woman vacillating between despair and freedom, and an enthusiastic, passionate celebration of life.

Pelevin Viktor, "The Overseer".

The caretaker will be understandable to those who are deeply immersed in two versatile topics - the management of reality (through intention and thoughts) and equally in the philosophy of Buddhism, the essence of meditation and their highest goal - enlightenment of consciousness.

Rami Blekt, "The Self-Teacher's Guide to the Perfect Personality."

In any bookstore you will find many self-development books on how to succeed in life, become happy and get rid of diseases. But if you look at the statistics, you will find that the number of happy, successful and healthy people is decreasing. Why? Because without deep changes in the character and worldview of a person, in his subconscious programs that determine fate, without a correct understanding of the basic laws of the Universe, real changes do not occur. Changes only at the external level, in behavior, often lead to the accumulation of aggression, irritability, a person becomes false, and after a while, unhappiness and depression return in even greater proportions. Therefore, this book, along with practical advice and examples, sets out in very simple words philosophical deep thoughts that will help you quickly change your life for the better at all levels. Since the first edition of this book, we have received hundreds of grateful reviews from people whose lives have changed for the better, and they say that this is one of the best books in the field of psychology, personal growth, esotericism and practical philosophy.

Regina Brett, God Never Blinks. 50 lessons that will change your life.

Life has tested this woman for strength since childhood. “I always felt that at the moment of my birth, God must have blinked. He missed this event, never knowing that I was born. Regina was the eleventh child in the family and felt like "a forgotten kitten from a large litter." At the age of 16, she already washed down her problems with alcohol, at 21 she gave birth and raised her daughter alone, and at 41 she was diagnosed with breast cancer, which she cured. Regina's book should be read by every woman who finds herself in a similar situation.

Richard Bach, The One.

“My subconscious at night constantly ruined my sleep. “What if you find a way to these parallel worlds,” it whispered. - What if you can meet Leslie and Richard even before you made your worst mistakes and your best deeds? What if you can warn, thank or ask them about something important? What can they know about life, about youth and old age, about death, about a career, about love for the motherland, about peace and war, about a sense of responsibility, about choices and their consequences, about the world that you consider real? the ghost never sleeps and I hear the rustling of the pages turning in my sleep. Now I woke up, but the questions remained. Is it true that our choices really change our worlds? What if that's really the case?"

Richard Bach, Bridge over Eternity.

The story of the meeting of two kindred souls who found each other through centuries and worlds. This is a story about a knight who was dying, and a princess who saved his life, about beauty and monsters, about fortress walls, about the forces of death that do not exist, and the forces of life that do exist. This is a story about one adventure, which is the most important at any age ...

Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

This is a story for those who follow their hearts and make their own rules... For those who know that there is more to life than our eyes see. You will find inspiration again as you fly higher and faster with Jonathan than in the most my wildest dreams... Every time I had to swim against the current, I thought of Jonathan. This masterpiece of world classics can definitely be attributed to the best books on self-development.

Richard Bach, Illusions.

ILLUSIONS... The most captivating, the most poignant, the deepest and most subtle of Richard Bach's books. Let's take off on old biplanes over the green fields of America together with the author and Donald Shimoda - the messiah involuntarily ... And believe me, very soon you will understand that this book fell into your hands not by chance.

Richard Branson, "To hell with everything! Take it and do it!

This self-development book was written by Richard Branson, the legendary British entrepreneur, one of the richest people on the planet, who founded the Virgin Corporation, which today unites almost 400 companies under its brand in various fields - from publishing and air travel to space and underwater tourism. Branson is a bright, non-standard personality. His credo is to take everything from life. It means not being afraid to do what you want. It does not matter at all whether you have enough knowledge, experience or education. If you have a head on your shoulders and enough enthusiasm in your soul, any goal will be on the shoulder. Life is too short to waste it on things that don't bring you pleasure. If you like something, do it. If you don't like it, drop it without hesitation. In an expanded version of his bestselling book, Branson offers "rules of life" to help everyone on the path to creativity, spiritual growth and self-expression. The book carries a huge charge of optimism, wisdom and faith in human capabilities.

Richard Branson Losing my virginity. How I built a business doing things my way and enjoying life.”

About the entrepreneurial spirit embodied in a person. The creator of the unique Virgin brand, which brings together a huge number of completely diverse, but at the same time successful businesses, continues to delight us with new achievements and even more daring plans. Fascinatingly, extremely frankly and with gentle humor, the author talks about the most significant events in his life: failures and victories, sorrows and achievements. There are self-development books in the world that everyone should read. This includes “Losing my innocence ..”. Whether you're a socially challenged entrepreneur or an ordinary factory worker. This book will change your mind forever.

Robert Kiyosaki, Poor Dad Rich Dad.

The author is convinced that at school children do not receive the necessary knowledge about money and then work all their lives for the sake of money, instead of making money work for themselves. Above, I already complained that the school curriculum does not include books on self-development for women. However, if Robert Kiyosaki were read at school, there would be much more successful people now.

Robert Cialdini, The Psychology of Influence.

What can make a person say yes? What are the principles and most effective methods of influence and persuasion? You will find exhaustive answers to these questions in the new, revised and supplemented edition of the book, which captivates the reader not only with its amazing information content, but also with its light style and effective presentation of the material. The book of Robert Cialdini, a recognized master of influence and persuasion, has gone through five editions in the United States, its circulation has long ago exceeded one and a half million copies. It is addressed to everyone who works with people: politicians and businessmen, doctors and lawyers, psychologists, teachers, managers, those who, by the nature of their work, must convince, influence, influence.

Robin Sharma, Lessons in Leadership.

This is one of the most inspiring, innovative and actionable books on realizing true leadership in business and life. Written by brilliant speaker and business executive Robin Sharma, this book has been enthusiastically received by companies such as Microsoft, FedEx, IBM, and General Motors. With remarkable simplicity and an amazing sense of humor, Sharma has translated the most powerful and effective principles of leadership into eight practical lessons that can be put into practice by entrepreneurs, managers and leaders of all levels. This is a book for those who want to become a true Leader, able to influence people's lives and change the world for the better.

Robin Sharma, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.

What is true success and how to achieve it? Is it possible to find happiness that does not depend on either career growth or global crises? How to get rid of the endless worry about tomorrow and start enjoying every day you live? Are there simple recipes that allow you to receive spiritual gifts without giving up your usual comforts? How to develop superpowers and subjugate fate? And perhaps most importantly: how to find your calling and become yourself? The answer is in this book, which has become a bestseller in many countries of the world. Together with former millionaire Julian Mantle, Robin Sharma invites the reader to take an amazing journey to Sivana - the land where dreams come true!

Robin Sharma, Lessons in Family Wisdom.

Who doesn't dream of a happy marriage? Who doesn't want their children to be happy? But few people know how to make family life truly free, vibrant and rich. In this amazing book, Robin Sharma reveals a very important secret of family happiness: each family member must develop and improve, first of all, himself! The universal principles, exercises, and practices described in this book will help build a truly happy family in which all its members feel good, joyful and comfortable, as well as educate your children in the spirit of freedom, creativity and creativity.

Robin Sharma, Who Will Cry When You Die?

Fuss, greed, empty talk and waste of time - that's what most of us spend our lives on. But all this does not bring happiness. Therefore, many believe that happiness is a myth. But happiness is very close! And each of us can get it. Just start reading this book, do the simple exercises and follow the simple advice it offers. And you "wake up"! You will find true meaning, feel real joy, happiness will enter your life and stay with you until your last breath. Before you is a great book that will change your destiny!

Robin Sharma Find Your Destiny.

After reading this unforgettable story, you will comprehend the true meaning of life, learn how to reach your highest potential, and learn the secret of boundless joy and a direct path to personal freedom. Find Your Destiny is a powerful fusion of deep wisdom and practical life lessons. Robin's best book on self-development will open up the possibilities that life holds and forever transform every aspect of your worldview. Very, very many people have begun to realize that you can choose one of two things: either curse the darkness, or muster up the courage to become a source of light yourself. And this book will help you do just that.

Robin Sharma, "Saint, Surfer and Headmaster".

The book will be useful to anyone who strives for a more perfect and meaningful life. Written in the form of a compelling and touching story, this book is a successful combination of deep wisdom and practical lessons that help you turn fear into freedom and mistakes into wisdom, unleash your true gifts and discover your destiny.

Robin Sharma, Path to Greatness.

Are you tired of making small bets in the game of your own life? Do you feel like you are capable of so much more? Are you ready to achieve impressive success, achieve amazing results and realize your full potential? If so, then this wonderful book is written just for you. Passionate, inspiring, action-packed and full of lofty ideas, this book will help you make your dreams of an ideal life come true in no time. Path to Greatness is one of those rare books that can actually unlock your potential and bring out the best in you. An excellent book on self-development that everyone should read.

Swami Sivananda, Yoga Therapy.

The book offers detailed information about therapeutic practice for specific diseases. Here are simple and effective exercises, principles of nutrition, as well as simple ways to train breathing as a radical means of increasing life expectancy. Methods of treatment of most diseases by methods of Yoga therapy are given. The book is intended not only for those who are interested in yoga. The most ordinary people at any age can take advantage of the incredibly simple and effective methods of self-healing, which she is so rich in.

Sergey Gladkov, Encyclopedia of Smart Raw Food Diet.

This book is a revised and greatly expanded edition of a previous book published under the title The Smart Raw Food Diet. It is useful for anyone who wants to eat healthy and nutritious food. The book will be in demand by both novice raw foodists and experienced raw foodists who have already encountered a number of problems. The author develops the concept of healthy eating, which is based not on faith or rumors, but on an accurate knowledge of human physiology. He debunks myths about the raw food diet and warns against the traditional mistakes of raw foodists. Here you will find many new recipes for delicious living food, including - the author's dietary discovery - a variety of bread-cheeses, including from cereal sprouts, legumes, vegetables, herbs and even leaves. This dish saturates no worse than meat, fish or bread, contains a complete combination of nutrients, but at the same time does not have a devastating effect on the body. Even if you are not a raw foodist, thanks to this book you will be able to learn how to fully eat exclusively plant gifts of nature - forests and meadows, becoming independent of modern civilization.

Sergey Lazarev. All books.

S. N. Lazarev went through an interesting path and developed a system, mastering which, each person can advance in self-knowledge. Lazarev's books are very popular as the best books on self-development for those who want to go beyond the boundaries of knowledge.

Scott Jurek, Eat Right, Run Fast.

Scott Jurek is an ultra-marathoner, meaning he competes over marathon distances up to 200 miles. People do not come to this sport suddenly. This is generally, one might say, not a sport, but a philosophy, the perception of the world and oneself in it. Jurek's philosophy can be summarized as "do not harm nature, live in harmony with it and constantly strive for more." And you will feel it in every line of his autobiography. This book is an extraordinary account of his life, step by step leading Scott to more and more difficult trials - from childhood to the present day. This is a presentation of the mental picture of the world of the ultramarathon runner, for whom running is a way of life. It is impossible to spend so much time in motion without having an inner core - to live that way. These are tips on running technique and organization of training that will be useful for those who run long distances. This is the power system. Surprisingly, Scott, with his huge loads, is a vegan, that is, he eats only natural products of exclusively plant origin. As you can see, his veganism has nothing to do with the simple fashion for vegetarianism: he is a doctor himself and closely monitors his well-being and results, which have improved after eliminating animal products from the diet. This is a very solid and powerful book that goes beyond running. This is a book about the path to yourself.

Slava Kurilov, Alone in the Ocean.

This story is often called one of the most striking and dangerous adventures of the twentieth century. Slava Kurilov, a professional oceanographer, wanted to see the whole world, but his native country did not let him go beyond its borders. Then he jumped off the cruise ship in the middle of the ocean. He floated out. “In a sense, he embodied both the Gumilev reader and his own hero, challenging fate ... The Russian intelligentsia should not forget their heroes: there are not so many of them. Anyone who reads this book will never forget the pages in which Slava Kurilov, covered in three days and three nights of a solitary voyage with luminous microorganisms, glides in the Pacific night, raising heaps of fire with every movement; here it is, the image of the eternal rebel ”(Vasily Aksenov).

Stanislav Grof, Spiritual Crisis. How Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis.

Today, an increasing number of people involved in the process of personal transformation are experiencing episodes of spiritual crisis, when the process of growth and change becomes chaotic and overwhelming. Unfortunately, modern psychiatry confuses such episodes with psychiatric illnesses and uses standard psychiatric procedures and medications to suppress them. However, there is an alternative approach that sees such a crisis as the greatest opportunity for healing. This is the best book on self-knowledge for those who are already facing personal growth crises. Be sure to read it if you are periodically overtaken by a spiritual crisis.

Stanislav Müller, "Unlock Your Memory: Remember Everything!"

Stanislav Muller is a practicing psychologist, doctor of pedagogical sciences, head of the City of Talents center, editor-in-chief of the magazine SUCCESS for everyone. Before you - a fundamentally new technology for the development of memory. The effectiveness of this method is so high that after 30 minutes of learning the initial skills, there is an improvement in the recall of information by one and a half to two times! But the main difference between the method of Stanislav Muller and all currently existing ones is that even with distance learning, you can improve your memory at least twice. Superthinking and supermemory technologies allow not only to improve memory, but also to optimize thinking, to understand the essence of many processes and phenomena that occur to us in life. Do you want to understand what is holding you back from moving forward? Do you want to find optimal algorithms for a successful, happy life? The technologies of the new millennium are at your service!

Steve Harvey, Act Like a Woman, Think Like a Man.

Why even the smartest, most successful and attractive women do not always understand the actions of men and are unhappy in their personal lives? According to the author of this book, who hosts a hugely popular relationship radio show in the US, the problem is that women turn to other women for advice. Although a man knows better how to find and keep a man. In this book, Steve Harvey provides an excellent opportunity to understand the train of thought of the stronger sex, answering many burning questions. For example, such: “What you should and what you cannot demand from your man?”, “How to recognize a sissy and what to do in this case?”, “When to introduce a gentleman to your children?”, “What five questions you need to ask a man to determine the seriousness of his intentions? Funny and sometimes harsh, but always true, this book is a must read if you want to know what men really think about relationships with women. An excellent self-development book for girls.

Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

This book is a worldwide super bestseller, the #1 work on personal growth. She had a major impact on the lives of millions of people around the world, including Bill Clinton, Larry King and Stephen Forbes. Half of the world's largest Fortune 500 corporations have taken it upon themselves to educate their employees on the philosophy of efficiency outlined in the SEVEN SKILLS. Firstly, this book outlines a systematic approach to the definition of life goals, human priorities. These goals are different for everyone, but the book helps to understand yourself and clearly formulate life goals. Secondly, the book shows how to achieve these goals. And thirdly, the book shows how each person can become a better person. And this is not about changing the image, but about real changes, self-improvement. The book does not provide easy solutions or promise instant miracles. Any positive change takes time, work and perseverance. But for people seeking to maximize the potential inherent in them by nature, this book is a road map. If you have been looking for a self-development book that will help you work efficiently and productively, this is for you.

Sandy Hotchkiss, Infernal Web. How to Survive in a World of Narcissism.

This is the first popular book on narcissism. The author describes the signs of narcissistic personality disorder, the causes of its occurrence associated with early childhood trauma, and gives practical recommendations on how to defend yourself psychologically while in the society of a narcissistic personality. Sandy Hotchkis names the "seven deadly sins" of narcissism, as well as the mechanisms for their formation associated with parental upbringing and the surrounding culture. Breaking out of the narcissistic "web" is extremely difficult, since not only our leaders, employees, friends, lovers and neighbors can suffer from narcissistic personality disorder, but also our loved ones - spouses, children and especially elderly parents. To preserve your health, and therefore the health of your children, you need to be able to see the specific signs of narcissism and use specific defenses. The book provides many examples from life and analytical practice.

Theodore Dreiser, "The Financier".

The first part of the famous "Trilogy of Desire" by Theodore Dreiser, which is based on the life story of the American millionaire C. Yerkes, who played a significant role in the development of the public transport system in Chicago and the London Underground. The main character - Frank Cowperwood - was born into the family of a small bank employee, but with his work, intrigues and unscrupulousness he earned a huge fortune. Life is like the embodiment of the notorious American dream, for which you have to pay dearly. And not just money...

Thomas Yarema, Johnny Brannigan and Daniel Rhoda, Ayurveda.

“The limitless intelligence of nature at the quantum level is the basis of our existence. What is the Universe (macrocosm), such is man (microcosm). By understanding this connection, we can find the power of healing within ourselves.” “The word Ayurveda is derived from two Sanskrit words ayus and veda. Ayus means "life" and veda means "knowledge" or "science". Thus, it can be considered that Ayurveda is knowledge or the science of life. Ayus (life) is not only the biological age or physical health of a person. According to Ayurvedic principles, “it is the union of mind, body, senses and soul. It is infinite energy and vitality.” Here I want to say very briefly: this is the best book on Ayurveda that I have ever studied or held in my hands.

Timothy Ferris, How to Work 4 Hours a Week.

The book tells about the secrets of the "new rich" - representatives of a new subculture who abandoned the "delayed life syndrome" and learned to lead a luxurious life "here and now", managing their time and traveling the world for most of their lives. After reading the book, you can increase your income tenfold, abandon the traditional career in favor of short periods of vigorous work, alternating with long holidays, outsource the unpleasant part of life, and in the time saved, do what you want, manage your business from anywhere. peace. Definitely the best book for those who would like to live for today and enjoy it.

Tit Nat Khan. “Peace in every step. The path of mindfulness in everyday life.

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, we have lost the ability to live in the present and enjoy peace and harmony. The world-famous Zen master and spiritual leader, Tit Nath Khan, in his most famous book, talks about how to find happiness and peace even in the most unpleasant and stressful situations. Dirty dishes, red traffic lights, traffic jams, and the ringing phone - all of these and other everyday events can help you walk the path to awareness - an authentic conscious presence in the present moment and reality. Feelings of happiness, harmony and fullness of life are literally at arm's length, they are always with us. The book includes meditations, stories and experience of Tit Nat Khan as a spiritual leader and social activist. They will help you achieve a deep meditative presence, wherever you are - in the kitchen, in the car, office or on a walk. And breathing exercises will help you feel happiness and peace almost instantly. Tit Nath Khan also shares how to consciously build relationships with other people and the outside world with all its beauty and injustice. A book on personal growth that is worth reading if you want to find harmony with yourself.

Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs.

Walter Isaacson's book "Steve Jobs" is based on conversations with Steve Jobs himself, as well as with his relatives, friends, enemies, rivals and colleagues. Jobs had no control over the author. He frankly answered all questions and expected the same honesty from the others. This is a story about a life full of ups and downs, about a strong man and a talented businessman who was one of the first to understand that in order to succeed in the 21st century, you need to combine creativity and technology. The book was released in the US in October 2011.

Fireidon Batmanghelidj. "Your body is asking for water."

Chronic lack of water in the human body leads to many disorders and diseases. Learn to recognize when your body needs drinking water (together with the substances it contains), and do not try to "treat" thirst with medication.

Helen Andelin, The Charm of the Feminine.

There have already been books on self-development for women on this list, but Andelin answers specific questions. How to make a marriage happy? What makes a woman attractive to a man? What is happiness for a married woman? This bestseller has brought happiness and new life to millions of families. Fascinating Femininity offers the wisdom of the ages, practical advice and timeless values ​​to meet the needs and fulfill the needs of today's alluring woman.

Jose Silva, "You are a healer."

Following the instructions and explanations of the famous Jose Silva set out here, each person can become a "wizard" healer for himself, for all his relatives, friends and loved ones.

Jorge Bucay, Loving with Open Eyes.

How to deal with pathological jealousy, how to painlessly break off obsolete relationships, how to get rid of the feeling of dependence and build relationships on an equal footing - these are the questions that this book answers. When searching for the second half, it is still better to look for the “whole” person. This book will help those who have never been able to build a happy relationship in their lives. A useful book for anyone who is ready to despair.

Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club.

This is the most amazing and most scandalous book of the 1990s. The book, in which Chuck Palahniuk spoke not just "Generation X", but - "Generation X" already embittered, already lost their last illusions.

Cheryl Strijd. "Wild".

When life becomes black and white, when there is nothing to lose, there is no goal, no future, no desire to live, people sometimes decide on desperate acts. After losing her mother, destroying her marriage and getting involved with a drug addict, Cheryl reached the point where the abyss gaped. She needed a good reason to start a new life, to stop self-destructing and try to save herself. Thus began her journey. “It was a world that I had never been to before, but I always knew that it was. A world to which I stumbled, in sorrow, confusion, fear and hope. This world, I thought, would make me the woman I could be, and at the same time turn me back into the girl I once was. The world is 60 centimeters wide and 4285 kilometers long. The world that was called the Pacific Ridge Route - MTX." Cheryl's journey was not only difficult, but also dangerous. She had to walk 27 kilometers through the scorching desert with only a small supply of water, make several day trips 30 kilometers long, walk along a narrow path located above 2 thousand meters above sea level, climb a snow-covered mountain with a backpack weighing 36 kilograms. But what was more difficult - to endure the most difficult conditions or to find answers to your questions? An adventure full of dangers allowed Cheryl to radically change her life, to find peace of mind and harmony. The frank and emotional story of a woman who has overcome herself inspires to put things in order in her own life. The best book for the same desperate women.

Eckhart Tolle, The Power of the Present.

All problems, suffering and pain are generated by our selfish mind clinging to its false self. It is possible to escape from its captivity only through the absolute presence in the Present - the only real moment of life. It is in the Present that we find our true essence, as well as the joy and understanding that integrity and perfection is not a goal, but a reality that is available to us now.” These are not even books, these are literary “meditations”. I discovered them at about the same time as my passion for Osho. What is good about modern Tolle is the absence of tomfoolery, for which Osho was deported from the USA. People like Tolle, Osho, Arthur Sita, first of all, help me to come to a state of calm and peace. They, like a tuning fork, tune me to the trust of life.

Eckhart Tolle, New Earth.

The book prepares readers to take the leap to a new level of awareness by showing that freedom from ego-driven thoughts is not only the key to personal happiness, but also the key to ending conflict and suffering throughout the world. The book is based on the ideas of transformation of individual and collective consciousness, leading to a global spiritual awakening. The book is addressed to everyone who is interested in spiritual development and seeks to harmonize their lives.

Eckhart Tolle, Silence Speaks.

The book "Power of Now" ("Live Now!", Or "The Power of the Present") - in just over a year has become a world bestseller. And here is the second book by Eckhart Tolle. Unlike the first, compiled as detailed answers to the questions of seminar participants, this one - with its laconism and abundance of silence between words and thoughts - resurrects today the style of ancient Indian sutras with their minimal appeal to the mind and thinking. “What they point to and what they are silent about,” the author writes, “is more important than what they say.” The message of this book is just as clear and unequivocal: there is a path out of suffering into a world of serenity and peace. If you learn to hear the voice of Silence.

Elizabeth Gilbert, The Origin of All Things.

Time of action: the end of the 18th - the end of the 19th centuries. Location: London and Peru, Philadelphia and Tahiti, Amsterdam and the most remote corners of the Earth. A wise, deep and exciting novel about a time - when botany was a science that required self-sacrifice and passion, courage and willingness to risk life - when a scientist was an adventurer and discoverer, a businessman and a romantic - when people loved no less passionately than now, but restraint was considered good manners." The Origin of All Things is a great novel about a great century.

Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat. Pray. Love."

By the age of thirty, Elizabeth Gilbert had everything a modern, educated, ambitious woman could wish for - a husband, a country house, a successful career, but ... Having survived a divorce, depression and another love failure, she realizes that all her former ideas about herself were erroneous. In order to rediscover herself, Elizabeth decides to take a radical step: she sells everything she owns, breaks up with everyone she loved, and goes on a trip around the world. For a whole year. All alone…". Eat, Pray, Love” is a book about how you can find joy where you don’t expect it, and how you shouldn’t look for happiness where it won’t be. By definition. This is truly the best book on self-development for women, because it has helped many to believe in themselves.

Elif Shafak, The 40 Rules of Love.

Love is the water of life. Lovers are the fire of the soul. The whole universe begins to spin differently when fire falls in love with water. XIII century. In the small town of Konya, in a town where the crusaders did not reach from the west after the sack of Constantinople and where the hordes of Genghis Khan did not reach from the east, "a few true believers" hire an assassin nicknamed Jackal's Head to eliminate Shams Tabrizi, a wandering dervish who preaches "the forty rules of religion love." After all, it is known that the more a person talks about love, the more they hate him ... Our days. USA. Ella Rubinstein, who works for a literary agency, receives a manuscript review of Sweet Blasphemy, set in the 13th century. The novel captures Ella so much that she begins to suspect that the author was inexplicably inspired by the hero of the novel, Shams from Tabriz. And now love for the author of the book breaks into her heart, completely turning her usual and so sweet life ...

Elif Shafak, "Honor".

Turkish writer Elif Shafak has received international recognition for her touching novels of love and misunderstanding, in which the motifs of East and West are intertwined. The two twin sisters were born in a village on the Turkish-Syrian border, where girls are valued for their purity and obedience, where women's inappropriate behavior can be a pretext for honor killings. After all, honor is often the only thing left for a poor man. One of Jamil's sisters becomes a local midwife, and the second, Pimbi, gets married and leaves for London with her husband. But life in England does not add up. Edim, Pimby's husband, leaves her. From loneliness and disorder, Pimby rushes into the arms of another man. And having become the eldest in the family after the departure of his father, the son of the heroine Iskender understands that he must stand up for the honor of the family. But he also understands that he can hurt the person he loves with all his heart...

El Luna, “Between need and want. Find your path and follow it."

A vibrant book that will inspire you to find and follow your true calling. Who among us has not wondered, “How can I find my true calling?” El Luna characterizes it as a crossroads between "must" and "want". “Should” is what we think we should do, or what others expect us to do. “I want” is what we dream about deep down. His own path inspired the author to write a manifesto about the difference between “need” and “want”, which was shared by 5 million Twitter users and read by hundreds of thousands of people. “I wanted to send it to all my employees,” wrote one executive who read the article, “but realized that a third of them would leave if they read it. But you know what? If they don't want to work here, they need to quit - that's why I sent out this article." Now Elle's ideas about the difference between "need" and "want" are presented in this inspiring bright book, which will be useful for both the student and the artist, and any person who is looking for his calling and wants to change his life for the better. An excellent book for those who have not yet found their calling in life.

Andrew Matthews, Live Easy.

The book by Australian psychologist, artist, writer Andrew Matthews is the best cure for stress, depression, just a bad mood. Elegant witty text accompanied by the author's signature drawings will help you succeed in love, friendship, career, study, etc. You will understand that any problem has a solution, and if the solution is late, you can still go through life easily and joyfully. The author's clear and non-standard recommendations are supported by real stories that you can "try on" for yourself and once again see what a cool thing life is!

Eric Byrne, People who play games.

Before you is one of the fundamental cult books on the psychology of human relationships. The system developed by Bern is designed to rid a person of the influence of life scenarios that program his behavior, teach him to “play” less in relations with himself and others, gain true freedom and encourage personal growth. In this book, the reader will find many useful tips that will help to understand the nature of human communication, the motives of one's own and others' actions, and the causes of conflicts. According to the author, the fate of each of us is largely determined in early childhood, but in adulthood it may well be realized and controlled by a person if he wants to. It was with the publication of this international bestseller that a “psychological boom” began in our country, when millions of people suddenly realized that psychology can be incredibly interesting, that with its help you can understand a lot about yourself and others.

Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving.

One of the most famous works of Erich Fromm - THE ART OF LOVE - is devoted to the difficult psychological aspects of the emergence and preservation of such a seemingly simple feeling as love by a person. Is love really an art? If yes, then it requires work and knowledge. Or is it just a pleasant feeling?.. For the majority, the problem of love is primarily a problem of how to be loved, and not how to love yourself...

Erich Maria Remarque, Three Comrades.

The most beautiful love story of the 20th century… The most fascinating romance of the 20th century about friendship… The most tragic and poignant novel about human relations in the entire history of the 20th century.

Esther and Jerry X, A New Beginning.

Many believe that achieving success requires great effort and effort, that the greatest discoveries are made only as a result of hard work and suffering, and that the more time and effort spent fighting against circumstances, the more effective the result will be.

Yana Frank, Diary of a Maniac Designer.

This is a book about designers and for designers - a frank conversation about sore points. At first, it existed in the form of an online diary, which was rewritten and illustrated for publication on paper. Yana Frank shares her thoughts about the profession, offers answers to “eternal questions”: should a designer be able to draw, is there an ideal customer, where to get fresh ideas, what is the difference between plagiarism and working with material. The author's recipes for saving projects from failure can also be used as a guide on how to ruin any good undertaking.

Yana Frank, The Muse and the Beast.

This book is for people of creative work: designers, illustrators, fashion designers, artists, sculptors, journalists, writers, art directors, creative directors. For freelancers of many professions. For those who want to do more without sacrificing free time, and for those who just need to put their affairs in order.

Yana Frank, "Muse, where are your wings?".

If a person is not busy with his own business, he loses the meaning of life. But if this very “own business” implies pure creativity, then often the desire to do it runs into a sharp misunderstanding of others. Life turns into an exhausting struggle, after which there is no strength left to create and enjoy anything. The world around is strewn with fallen feathers from the wings, and many people who have lost access to the source of inspiration are engaged in an unloved business and are angry at everyone and everything. And their ranks are constantly replenished. And if without creativity you feel like a fish in the sand and do not feel support from anyone, arm yourself with this book. This book is for those who are looking for or looking for themselves in creativity. For those who found themselves in it, but are forced to overcome the resistance of loved ones. For those who have overcome everything, but are now tormented by doubts about their creative viability.

Jan Razdoburdin, "Ayurveda: an instruction for the use of life (5 books)".

Applied works on the introduction of Ayurveda into life in the most comfortable way. The information is adapted for residents of Russia and the CIS countries. Just a wonderful book. It should be read by anyone who wants to find a healthy body and a healthy mind.

Eric Weiner, The Geography of Bliss.

The author described this book as "a grumpy American in search of the happiest place on earth." Eric, a former National Public Radio journalist, went on a 1-year journey, choosing 9 of the most subjectively wealthy countries (and 1 of the most miserable) to research what makes people in these countries the happiest. Money? But in Bhutan, the cost of living is a couple of dollars a day. Beaches and sun? But Iceland has a polar winter. Freedom? But she is not in Qatar... The author has lived in: The Netherlands, Switzerland, Bhutan, Qatar, Iceland, Thailand, UK, India and the US and has described his experiences in a fascinating way. Since I have visited every country except Bhutan and Qatar, it was very interesting for me to compare my experience with his investigative journalism. And since I am deeply interested in the scientific approach to the psychology of happiness, and Eric diluted his described experience with numerous scientific studies on this topic, the book became for me not only high-quality entertainment, but also a useful source of information for my work.

Ann Lamott, Bird by bird.

"Bird by Bird" is a mixture of the author's know-how about how to love writing and how to write, if not well, then much better, and Anne's wonderful life stories about her becoming one of the most famous American writers of our time. I re-read some of her stories aloud, because I have to somehow justify my episodic hysterical laughter.

Carmen Simon

A very cool book on how to create content that will be imprinted in memory. Carmen is a PhD in Cognitive Psychology, researching what it is that makes a person or their "message to the world" memorable. She helps major global brands create clear positioning to stay in the minds of their customers. The book gives a lot of evidence-based recommendations. But, like the whole genre in which scientists work, it is a little burdensome. But if you endure and read (I haven't done it yet), you will find a treasure trove of valuable information to grow your brand. After I have applied her methods to my own experience, I will be able to share her technologies in my professional development workshops.

Mason Currey Daily Rituals: how artists work.

The book has not yet been translated into Russian. A unique work on how talented people from different eras organized their day for maximum creative and personal efficiency.

Neil Donald Walsh "Conversations with God"

Walsh helped me deal with fears, resentments and feel unity with the whole world around me. This book helps to become better, to rise above the usual image of yourself. The best book on self-development for anyone who wants to find the path to God.

“To Zen in high heels”

I wrote a book that I once dreamed of reading myself. A book about a woman who created the life of her dreams from scratch. So that it contains an honest story, conclusions and practices that I could apply in my life.

Describing my ups and downs, I thought of a woman who is now at a crossroads. She wants change, but she can't make up her mind. Perhaps she is afraid of the unknown or her relatives do not support her. Perhaps she stepped on the rake so many times that she is afraid of getting another blow.

I know it's hard to change. And I know how important support is.

Therefore, together with the book, I created a marathon in which for 12 days:

  • We will read a book together
  • Every day we will implement 1 practice
  • Every day there will be recordings of broadcasts with answers to questions

It's easy enough to take part in a marathon.

What authors do you like? What books do you think are missing from our list? Share the link to this article with your friends and plant good seeds of inspiration and development. What we give to others always comes back to us.

No wonder they say that the book is the best friend and adviser. Although books today are not the only source and carrier of information, reading psychological literature is a great way not only to be distracted and entertained, but also to find answers to exciting questions. On the shelves of bookstores and libraries, as well as on the Internet, you can find self-development books for women and girls who want to acquire the necessary psychological knowledge and improve their lives.

Reading develops the intellect and imagination, expands vocabulary and gives pleasure from experiencing rich emotions. Self-development books, in addition to all of the above, are also a source of practical advice and life guidelines.

Reading such literature, one can experience catharsis, that is, feel the lightening, ennobling and purifying effect of the author’s words on the soul and consciousness. In psychology, catharsis is understood as the process of releasing mental energy, emotional release, relieving anxiety, fears, and frustration.

Not all people have the opportunity to visit a counseling psychologist in order to solve internal problems, some cannot trust and seek advice from relatives or friends. Often it is the book that becomes the "teacher" to whom you can trust the innermost and get an answer to your questions.

Literature, as a source of knowledge, is more often resorted to by the fair sex. What to read for self-development for a woman and how to choose psychological literature based on an internal request?

First of all, you need to understand and identify for yourself the goal of self-development. Simply put, to answer the question "What do I lack for happiness?".

The most frequent psychological problems of girls and women relate to the following aspects:

  • personal life: how to find a boyfriend, how to understand a man, how to build a happy family, how to save a marriage, how to get rid of feelings of jealousy, and so on;
  • career and success: how to realize your calling, how to find a suitable job, how to develop leadership skills, how to achieve material well-being and other issues;
  • personal development: how to cope with complexes and fears, how to become cheerful, how to develop stress resistance, how to love yourself and change life for the better, and the like.

The best books on self-development are those works of psychologists that can prompt a woman or help her find options for solving her problems. But not always, after reading the title of the book and even the annotation to it, you can understand that it is the right one.

List of literature on self-development

The following will be listed psychological bestsellers, the authors of which are modern psychologists and psychotherapists who have earned respect and recognition.

These books are easy to read, in order to understand their content it is not necessary to know the basics of psychology.

The best books on self-development:

  • N. Butman "How to fall in love with yourself in 90 minutes."

The book describes the author's technique for attracting attention and winning the sympathy of a person of the opposite sex. The reader will learn how to use progressive communicative communication techniques and master the techniques of neurolinguistic programming.

N. Butman developed an express method of seducing not only physical, but also mental, having analyzed and identified the patterns of building happy relationships for many couples.

  • L. Lowndes "How to fall in love with anyone."

Another popular work on how to achieve success in love, written by a woman. The author introduces readers to the "formula of romantic love", tells how to find a life partner, how to build relationships correctly, how to save them.

After reading the book, you can learn a lot about the peculiarities of thinking of men and women, about the psychological aspects of dating, communication and intimate moments. L. Lowndes describes eighty-five tricks that allow you to fall in love with any person, using them you can also find friends, attract customers and business partners.

  • G. Chapman "Five Love Languages".

A book for those who have found their other half and want to understand the psychology of relationships. Love is one, but it is expressed in different ways. After reading the book, you can learn to understand your needs for love and the desires of a partner, resolve conflicts and misunderstandings, and also not allow them at all.

  • J. Gray "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus."

In addition to this main one, J. Gray has many more books on the psychology of sex and family psychology, in which he develops his theory: “Recipes for a happy relationship”, “Mars and Venus in the bedroom”, “Mars and Venus together forever”, “ Children from Heaven" and others.

The works of J. Gray have a lot of practical advice, recommendations and interesting techniques. For example, the “Message of Feelings” technique, which can help solve almost any problem that arises between people who love each other.

Unfortunately, neither at school nor at the university do they teach how to properly build harmonious relationships in a couple, and it is precisely such knowledge that a person needs to be happy. J. Gray's books are what every woman who wants to be a happy wife needs to read for self-development.

  • N. Kozlov "How to treat yourself and people."

N. Kozlov is a well-known domestic psychologist who bases his theory on Russian realities and material, which makes it clearer and closer. The book deals with issues of everyday and, personal and career growth, but to a greater extent it is about love, family and intimate moments.

The book contains interesting tests, psychological tasks, exercises, tips, recommendations and much more. It is useful to read it to young women who want to consciously build harmonious relationships and generally have a positive outlook on life.

  • V. Levy "The Taming of Fear".

The original author, who cannot be confused with any other, the Russian writer, psychologist and doctor V. Levy, wrote many well-known works: “Non-Standard Child”, “The Art of Being Oneself”, “The ABC of Sanity” and many others. But The Taming of Fear will be of particular use to women, as they are generally more likely to be fearful, panicky, and anxious than men.

Taming Fear is a tutorial on fearlessness. A complete and detailed classification of fears, as well as instructions on how to deal with them, will put the problem of fear “on the shelves”.

After reading, self-confidence increases, there is a conviction that any fear can be overcome. It is possible that the reader will be able to get rid of one of the fears simply while reading, realizing the cause of fear and without making any additional efforts.

  • N. Hill "Think and grow rich."

This work is called a classic textbook and guide to gaining wealth, success, developing self-confidence and purposefulness. This and other books by the author helped many people to realize the psychology of wealth and get rid of the psychology of poverty. Girls who want to be financially independent and learn how to handle money properly should read this book.

  • S. Covey "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People".

A book for women striving for, wishing to achieve success in the profession, to find happiness. The author outlines the philosophy of efficiency, which has already been adopted by the world's largest corporations, as well as many well-known politicians and businessmen.

Suffice it to say that The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is one of Time's twenty-five top management books.

  • B. Tracy "Get out of your comfort zone."

This work of the author is called the best book on self-development. It is about how to practically realize your personal potential, discover reserves, set priorities and goals, learn how to plan your daily routine, always work with maximum efficiency and efficiency, solve complex life tasks, leaving your comfort zone.

  • R. Bern "The Secret", J. Murphy "The Power of Your Subconscious", J. Kehoe "The Subconscious Can Do Anything", P. Moransi "Ask and Receive" and other books about conscious and unconscious intentions and goal setting.

While philosophers and laymen continue to argue and discuss the topic of ability, psychologists around the world continue to write about how:

  1. the power of thought can change your life;
  2. it is important to think positively;
  3. manage your thoughts;
  4. control emotions;
  5. set and correctly visualize goals;
  6. take responsibility for everything that happens in life;
  7. believe in yourself.

These works set out not just a theory of correct positive thinking, they contain a philosophy of perception and attitude towards oneself as the creator of one's destiny and life. If a girl does not know what to read for self-development, choosing one of the books on the power of thought, she will definitely not be mistaken.

All these literary works are written in a simple and understandable language, with humor and enthusiasm, the authors often give examples from life and their work with clients, include practical exercises, tasks, tips and recommendations.

Of course, we should not forget that many classic works of outstanding psychologists have been written, which are useful to read in order to better understand and comprehend the science of psychology. These are the works of Z. Freud, K. Jung, E. Bern, F. Perls and other prominent psychologists. It is not always easy and simple to read such works, but they contain many deep thoughts that served the development of psychology.

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